chem edapt week 5

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Use the base name of the compound along with a prefix in front of the halogen name showing how many halogens you have incorporated.

(Eg. di for 2, tri for 3, etc).

Number of halogens Number prefix Example

1 None Fluoromethane, CH3F

The prefix for

1 carbon is meth-; for 2 is eth-; for 3 is prop-; for 4 is but-; for six is hex-; for eight is oct-.

Number of halogens Number prefix Example

2 Di- Dichloropropane, CHCl2CH2CH3

Number of halogens Number prefix Example

3 Tri-Tribromomethane, CHBr3

Number of halogens Number prefix Example

4 Tetra-Tetrafluoromethane, CF4

Common functional groups in nature include those found in the macromolecules and in the body:

Alcohol groups are found in carbohydrates. This functional group makes carbohydrates polar and oxidized, a good source of energy for cells. Long alkane chains in fatty acids make them nonpolar and unable to dissolve in water. One example is butanoic acid, a component of butter. Lipids are also found in the nonpolar cellular membrane. Amines are found in proteins, an important component of muscles. Cyclic aromatic rings are the basis of steroids such as testosterone and estrogen. These hormones regulate mood and sex characteristics.

When using hand sanitizer, you are likely using which class of organic molecules as a disinfectant?

Alcohols are disinfectants and solvents.

which coumpounds are used for disinfectant?

Alcohols are used for disinfection due to their toxic properties. The alcohols here have -ol endings to the names: ethanol, isopropyl alcohol, and phenol.

Classify the structural formula as a ketone or aldehyde:

Aldehydes are carbonyls on the beginning or end carbon. Ketones are carbonyls on a middle compound. Note, the minimum number of carbons to have a ketone is three because that is the first opportunity to have a middle carbon.

The carbonyls are a carbon double bonded to an oxygen atom. The carbons involved in carbonyls are one step more oxidized than an alcohol, because they have lost a hydrogen and gained an additional bond to oxygen. Review the oxidation lesson for more information. There are two classes of carbonyls, named for where they are located on the carbon chain:

Aldehydes are carbonyls on the first or last carbon in the chain. In condensed structural formulas, this is written as -CHO on the end. Note: this specific order of atoms is to distinguish from the hydroxyl (alcohol) group that is written as -OH. Ketones are carbonyls on a middle carbon. Ketones are only possible if there are three or more carbons in the chain; therefore, the smallest possible ketone is propanone. In condensed structural formulas, ketones are written as -CO- and are always located in the middle of a chain. A common aldehyde you might have heard of is methanal, commonly called formaldehyde, a preservative. When methanol is consumed, the liver oxidizes methanol to form methanal. This is an extremely toxic product, and the reason that consuming methanol causes blindness. A common ketone you might have in your home is propanone, commonly called acetone or nail polish remover. This solvent is also capable of dissolving latex paint.

Which type of organic molecules are relatively stable and unreactive?

Alkanes are relatively stable and unreactive. They make excellent fuels for this reason.

Determine if the hydrocarbon is saturated or unsaturated. Alkene Alkyne Alkane

Alkanes are saturated whereas alkenes and alkynes are unsaturated. The main difference between saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbon is that saturated hydrocarbons contain only single covalent bonds between carbon atoms, whereas unsaturated hydrocarbons contain at least one double or triple covalent bond in the main chain.

Amines play an additional role in cells and nutrition- this functional group is one found on amino acids, the other being the carboxylic acid group. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins that will be discussed in later lessons. Nitrogen is important in nutrition as it is needed to build protein, such as muscle.

Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins that will be discussed in later lessons. Nitrogen is important in nutrition as it is needed to build protein, such as muscle.

What functional group is found in amino acids?

Amino acids have amine functional groups, as well as carboxylic acids.

Cyclic hydrocarbons are saturated and include cyclohexane and cyclopentane.

Aromatic hydrocarbons are unsaturated, and include phenol and benzene.

Do you think that this Lithium atom gained or lost an electron?

As electrons are lost, charge becomes more positive and we call this process oxidation. As electrons are gained, the charge on an atom becomes more negative and is called reduction. Li+ has to gain an electron to become Li (more negative).

The rule for oxidation and reduction, based on the gain or loss of electrons is that:

As the charge of a species increases in the positive direction, the species is oxidized. As the charge of a species decreases, becoming more negative, the species is reduced.

Two carbon atoms are bonded directly together, and each have one single bond to a hydrogen. This will require _________________more bond(s) to meet the bonding requirements of carbon, and will be accomplished by a _________________________ bond.

Because each carbon has one bond, it will need three other bonds to meet the four bond requirement of carbon. This will be accomplished by a triple bond.

Aromatic hydrocarbons are polygonal unsaturated hydrocarbons with special arrangements of double bonds that allow unique functions; often these hydrocarbons have a scent, thus the name "aromatic." Many of these compounds have historical significance, and are referred to by common names.

Benzene is a common laboratory solvent and the basis for many other aromatic structures. This cyclic structure has six carbons arranged in a hexagon, and double bonds located between every other carbon. You will notice it looks similar to cyclohexane, which also forms a hexagon. Cyclohexane is saturated, whereas benzene is unsaturated.

Ethers and Esters are two functional groups that will interrupt, or break, the continuity of carbons in the main chains. This means that the carbons will not all be linked together, and the result is two carbon chains separated by an oxygen atom. These two groups are the most complex for naming because each chain must be recognized in the naming.

Both of these groups form from condensation reactions involving hydroxyl groups: two alcohols condense to form an ether. an alcohol and the -OH of a carboxylic acid form an ester


C to C double bond C=C


C to C triple bond







Which compound was used as a propellant and refrigerant until it was found that it caused a chain reaction in the ozone layer?

CFCs were used as refrigerants and propellants, but have largely been replaced with other halocarbons due to the chain reaction chlorine causes with ozone.

Which is the correct extended structural formula for CH2CH2?

CH2CH2 will have a double bond to fulfill the four bond requirement of carbon.

pentanoic acid

CH3CH2CH2CH2COOH = This compound has five carbons and a carboxylic acid functional group. Its name is pentanoic acid

Name this compound:

CH3CH2CH2OCH3 This is an ether

What is the name of the molecule shown:

CH3CH2CH2OCH3 This is named methyl propyl ether, by putting the two chains in alphabetical order.

ethyl propanoate

CH3CH2COOCH2CH3 = This compound has an ester group; the alcohol (ethanol) is named first, followed by the acid (propanoic acid). The name is ethyl propanoate for the ester.

ethyl propyl ether

CH3CH2OCH2CH2CH3 = This compound has an ether functional group. The chains contain two carbons (eth) and three carbons (prop). Arranging the chains alphabetically, the name will be ethyl propyl ether

Alkenes contain a C-C double bond, and naming uses the suffix -ene.

CH3CHCH2 is an alkene because it contains a C-C double bond. We can name this by considering the correct root and suffix based on the structure: Because it has three carbons total, the root is prop- Because it is an alkene the suffix is -ene The correct name is therefore propene.


CH3CHOHCH2CH2CH3 = This compound contains an alcohol in the middle of a five-carbon chain, and is named isopentanol


CH3COCH2CH2CH3 = This compound is a ketone with 5 carbons, and its name is pentanone.

Trichloromethane (chloroform)



CHO on the end give then name ethanal

What is the function of carbohydrates?

Carbohydrates function primarily as a source of energy as well as energy storage

Carbons can form carbon-carbon links, also known as __________, that can be linear or cyclic.

Carbon has the unique property to bond to itself, resulting in carbon chains.

Based on the number of unpaired valence electrons,

Carbon will require 4 bonds, Oxygen requires 2 bonds, Nitrogen requires 3 bonds, and Hydrogen requires 1 bond.

Have you ever purchased red wine vinegar, or observed this product at the store? Why is this so different than red wine, in terms of smell and taste? We can determine the answer in the functional groups. Red wine contains alcohol functional groups, but when oxidized it becomes an aldehyde, then an acidic functional group called carboxylic acid (-COOH). This is why all wines eventually "spoil" and become sour vinegars- the oxygen in the environment will oxidize the alcohol group to an acid group. In this case, the two-carbon ethanol molecule will be oxidized to ethanoic acid, also known as vinegar or acetic acid. Another carboxylic acid of note is butanoic acid, a component of butter. This contains a four carbon chain with a carboxylic acid functional group on the end carbon: CH3CH2CH2COOH. It is important to notice that the carbon of the carboxylic acid group does count towards the total carbons in the chain. Fatty acids, which comprise cell membranes, fats, and oils, contain a carboxylic acid group on a chain of hydrocarbons. Saturated fats will have saturated hydrocarbon chains attached to a carboxylic acid group; unsaturated fats will have an unsaturated hydrocarbon chain attached to the carboxylic acid group.

Carboxylic acids are always written in condensed structural formulas as "-COOH" and are typically written on the right-hand side; this unique arrangement of a double bonded oxygen and a hydroxyl on the same carbon allows the H+ from the -COOH to leave, causing an increase of H+ in solution and a decrease in pH: the effect of an acid. Carboxylic acids are named by starting with the alkane name, dropping the final letter "e" of the -ane suffix, and replacing with -oic acid. You can observe this in the name of vinegar: ethanoic acid and butanoic acid.

Name this compound: CH3CH2OCH2CH2CH2CH3

Chain = 4 carbons; But- prefix. Group= Ether. Name= Butyl Ethyl Ether

Ethanoic acid=

Characteristic component of vinegar

Butanoic acid=

Component of butter

Extended structural formula

Condensed structural formula CH3CH2CH2OH Molecular formula C3H8O Boiling point97.2 ºC

Extended structural formula

Condensed structural formula CH3CHOHCH3 Molecular formula C3H8O Boiling point 82.2 ºC

Arrange the correct components to build the condensation reaction of an ester. Start by placing the alcohol in the first field (to the left).

Consider the number of carbons in each chain when choosing, and remember that water is a product of this reaction. The resulting ester is from propanoic acid and butanol due to its final structure: the acid chain contains two oxygens, the alcohol chain contains only one oxygen.

The safety of a chemical is closely related to

Dosage is more important to consider than source, as natural water and natural snake venom are both deadly in high enough amounts.

Carbon-carbon bond type Carbon location Number of H attached

Double End Middle 2 1

Which two classes of compounds are commonly consumed by humans?

Esters give flavors to many candies and fruits, and alcohol can be consumed and cause intoxication.

Which compound would be preferred to flavor candy?

Esters such as octyl acetate give flavor to candy. Octyl acetate specifically has an orange flavor.

Alcohols, also known as hydroxyl groups, contain an oxygen bound directly to a hydrogen: -O-H. All alcohols are toxic, though sometimes that toxicity is enjoyed by adults over 21. Ethanol is an alcohol found in alcoholic beverages such as beer, wine, and spirits. Ethanol is similar in boiling point to methanol, because they differ by only one carbon. However, methanol causes blindness! If distilling spirits, a common problem is that the methanol gets distilled with the ethanol. Isopropanol, also known as rubbing alcohol, has a deleterious effect when consumed but does make a wonderful solvent and component of hand sanitizer. This compound has the prefix "iso-" which signifies it is an isomer of propanol. Can you identify the hydroxyl group in each of the structures? As long as the OH group is present, it does not matter where it is located on the compound: first carbon, middle carbon, or end carbon, -OH group makes it an alcohol. Can you identify the root for the number of carbons in each name? Can you match the carbons in the extended structure to those in the condensed structure? In condensed structural formulas, the alcohol group is always written as "-OH" where the dash represents the carbon chain it is attached to. This can be in the middle, or at the end of the condensed structure, so be sure to look for this group. Can you see what each of the names has in common? All the names have an -ol ending, and the familiar roots for the number of carbons learned in the previous lesson. We name organic compounds containing alcohol functional group by starting with the hydrocarbon alkane name such as ethane, drop the final -e, and add the suffix -ol to signify that this compound contains an alcohol.

Ethane → ethanolCH3CH3 → CH3CH2OH Propane → isopropanolCH3CH2CH3 → CH3CHOHCH3 Methane → methanolCH4 → CH3OH

The structures of organic compounds can be shown in either extended or structural formulas.

Extended structural formulas show every atom and each bond is represented by line(s) Condensed structural formulas show all atoms, but few or no bonds.

Cyclic hydrocarbons are saturated hydrocarbons with polygon structures: there are no carbons on the end, rather each carbon is connected to another carbon. These structures are named by the prefix "cyclo-" followed by the root and suffix.

For example, cyclohexane is a six carbon alkane, arranged in a hexagon shape rather than a line.


Four carbons and -CO- in the middle give the name butanone


Four carbons and -OH in the middle (shown as CHOH in the structural formula) give the name butanol

Methyl butanoate=

Fruity flavoring agent

Name this compound: CH3CH2CH2CHO

Group = aldehyde. Chain = 4 carbons. Name = butanal

Name this compound:

Group = amine. Chain = 2 carbons. Name = ethyl amine.

Name this compound: CH3COCH2CH2CH3

Group = ketone. Chain = 5 carbons. Name = pentanone

Choose the correct condensed structure from the name: hexene.

Hexene will have six carbons and a double bond, from the "hex" root meaning six and the -ene suffix. The double bond in a condensed structure has one less H on each of the involved carbons.

Which of the following contains triple bonds?

Hydrocarbons containing triple bonds are called alkynes, and will have the suffix '-yne' in the name.

Diethyl ether=

Important organic solvent, formerly used as an anesthetic

If iron reacts with oxygen gas in the reaction 2 Fe(s) + O2(g) → 2 FeO(s), what is oxidized in this reaction?

In a redox reaction, the atom being oxidized often accepts an oxygen atom. Iron is oxidized in this reaction as the Fe is joined to an oxygen.

We also see the reverse of this reaction in cellular respiration: C6H12O6 + 6 O2 → 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + energy(ATP)

In cellular respiration, the carbon in glucose is oxidized to form CO2 and the oxygen is reduced to form H2O. Cellular respiration is the reaction organisms of all types use to break down glucose for energy in the form of ATP, the chemical energy used by cells.

To name an amine, use the chain root with a -yl ending, followed by the word "amine."

In condensed structural formulas, this functional group is denoted as -NH2. Methylamine, for example, is CH3NH2.

Natural chemicals are safer than synthesized chemicals.

It is a common misconception that natural compounds are inherently safe. Plants are known to make toxic chemicals, and industrial chemicals are not necessarily harmful. Dosage is the most important consideration in determining safe or unsafe, rather than natural and unnatural.


Lighter and torch fuel

LEO the lion goes GER:

Loss of Electrons is Oxidation and Gain of Electrons is Reduction

Which metal is being oxidized based on the reaction? Cu(s) + Ag+(aq) → Cu+(aq) + Ag(s)

Loss of electrons is oxidation. Since electrons have a -1 charge, losing electrons leads to more positive charges while gaining electrons leads to more negative charges. In this case, Cu loses an electrons (becomes more positive) and so is the one being oxidized.

Examples of steroids include

Many of the hormones in the human body are steroids including estrogen and testosterone.

The carbonyls are excellent organic solvents, as are the alcohols. Alcohols have the additional property of being toxic, making them excellent disinfectants and antiseptics.

Methanal, also known as formaldehyde, is used to preserve tissues. Propanone, also known as acetone or nail polish remover, dissolves nonpolar substances. Isopropanol, also known as rubbing alcohol, is a nonpolar solvent used in wound care and dissolving nonpolar substances as well as some hand sanitizers. Ethanol is a common disinfectant found in hand sanitizers, and additionally consumed by humans. This can be made industrially through fermentation of grains such as corn, wheat, or grapes. Ethanol can be consumed and cause intoxication. Phenol was the first antiseptic, a strong disinfectant, pioneered by Joseph Lister and used to sterilize the environment prior to surgery.

Let's review the names and structural formulas of the examples provided above: Aldehydes have the suffix -al following the alkane name, and ketones have the suffix -one following the alkane name.

Methane → methan + al → methanalCH4 → CH3OH → CH3CHO Propane → propan + one → propanoneCH3CH2CH3 → CH3CHOHCH3 → CH3COCH3

We can tell if electrons were lost or gained based on the change of charge.

Mg2+ becomes Mg = Reduced O becomes O2- = Reduced Fe2+ becomes Fe3+ = Oxidized F becomes F- = Reduced Cu becomes Cu+ = Oxidized H becomes H+ = Oxidized

Another important part of cellular energy is nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, abbreviated as NAD, found in all cells. This important molecule is key to metabolism and carries electrons around the cell to facilitate metabolism.

NAD+ + 2H → NADH + H+ As we can see, NAD+ is reduced to form NADH.


Nail polish remover

Organic compounds are characterized by their functional groups. Functional groups are the atom or group of atoms that characterizes a class of chemical compound. For example, all organic compounds classified as carboxylic acids have COOH. During this section, we will examine common functional groups in terms of structure, function, and name.

Name simple organic compounds containing functional groups such as alcohol, ether, ester, aldehyde, ketone, carboxylic acid, amines and halogens. Identify and draw condensed and extended structural formulas of simple organic compounds containing functional groups such as alcohol, ether, ester, aldehyde, ketone, carboxylic acid, amines, amides and halogens.

Hydrocarbons (compounds made only of carbon and hydrogen), are the backbone of organic chemistry and are key to the naming rules for organic compounds in general

Naming hydrocarbon chains is simple if we follow the naming rules below. The key term here is carbon chain. We determine the length of the carbon chain by counting the number of carbons linked together in a line (if there is a break in the chain, each chain is counted separately).

Natural compounds found in the human body include:

Natural compounds in the human body include the macromolecules and steroids. Macromolecules include carbohydrates and proteins here, as well as fatty acids.


No C to C double or triple bonds

Select the alcohol (hydroxyl) functional group on the extended structural formula.

OH is the hydroxyl functional group.

Amines are the final class of organic functional groups we will discuss. These functional groups are derivatives of ammonia, NH3, a base. Recall that nitrogen requires three bonds based on its configuration of valence electrons.

One amine you might be familiar with by smell is methylamine, which smells strongly of fish. To counteract the smell of fish, caused by basic ammonia and amines, you can use acidic lemon juice or vinegar to clean your hands, counters, and cutting boards as the acid will neutralize the basic amines.

What atom do all organic molecules have in common?

Organic molecules contain hydrocarbons as their base, and always contain carbon atoms.

An important reaction in metabolism involves NAD+. In the reaction, what compound would be considered the oxidizing agent: NAD+ + 2 H → NADH + H+

Oxidizing agents accept electrons, which in this case is NAD+

What would be the oxidizing agent in the reaction 2 Ag(s) + O2(g) → Ag2O(s)

Oxygen is often an oxidizing agent.


Preservative for biological tissue

Which compound(s) is often used as a solvent?

Propanone, isopropyl alcohol, and ethanol are all used as solvents.

Atom Carbon (C) Nitrogen (N) Oxygen (O) Hydrogen (H)

Required number of bonds (C)4 (N)3 (O)2 (H)1

One class of halocarbons is the chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) that were used as refrigerants and, prior to 1978, as propellants in aerosol cans.

Since the discovery that the chlorine in these volatile compounds cause a chain reaction in the ozone layer that destroys ozone (O3) these compounds have been largely replaced by HFCs that do not contain the chlorine that causes the chain reaction. Halocarbons are made synthetically and do not have a natural occurrence.

Carbon-carbon bond type Carbon location Number of H attached

Single End Middle 3 2

The golden rule of organic chemistry is that C is expected to make 4 bonds. When drawn, each bond is represented by a line between two atoms. Carbon is able to form single, double, or triple bonds due to its four unpaired valence electrons.

Single bonds are represented by one line between two atoms and are one bond Double bonds are represented by two lines between two atoms Triple bonds are represented by three lines between two atoms


Sterilization, also consumed as an intoxicant, commonly found in hand sanitizer

Steroids found in the human body are best classified as

Steroids are considered cyclic aromatic hydrocarbons because they contain three six-member rings fused with a five-member ring.

What functional group is shown here: CH3CH2CHO

The -CHO in CH3CH2CHO shows this is an aldehyde.

What functional group is shown here: CH3COCH3

The -CO- in CH3COCH3 shows this is a ketone.

What functional group is shown here: CH3CH2COOH

The -COOH in CH3CH2COOH shows this is a carboxylic acid.

What functional group is shown here: CH3CHOHCH3

The -OH in CH3CHOHCH3 shows this is an alcohol

Which compound is used for fuel?

The alkanes are often used for fuels, such as propane and butane.

Which of the following is a carboxylic acid?

The carboxylic acid is identified by -COOH in the condensed structural formula. CH3CH2COOH has this group.

condensed structural formula

The extended structural formula can be considered to determine the condensed formula. Looking at the image, each carbon and its attachments are written in order.

Which is the correct condensed formula for difluoropropane?

The formula CH3CH2CHF2 matches the name difluoropropane.

The compound with a condensed structure of CH3CCCH2CH3 has 5 carbons and has a Triple bond.

The name will be pent yne.

Which of the following molecules are nonpolar?

The nonpolar fats will not dissolve in water, such as butter and cell membranes.

Mg(s) + O2(g) → MgO Select the oxidizing agent

The oxidizing agent is O2(g)

2 Na(s) + Cl2(g) → NaCl(s) Select the reducing agent:

The reducing agent is 2 Na(s)

CuO(s) + H2(g) → Cu(s) + H2O(g) Select the reducing agent:

The reducing agent is H2(g)

How many carbons are in methane, a common greenhouse gas expelled from cattle?

The root "meth" tell us there is only one carbon in this carbon chain.

Which of the following is an unsaturated hydrocarbon containing seven carbons?

The root for seven is "hept-" and the unsaturated hydrocarbon will be an alkene or alkyne. The name heptene shows it is an unsaturated chain of seven carbons.

Which of the following will show the difference in structure between isopropanol (rubbing alcohol) and propanol? Select all that apply.

The way to determine a difference in structure is through a structural formula such as the extended structural formula, or the condensed structural formula. Molecular formula or molecular mass will be identical for isomers, which have different structures but identical formulas.

Alkanes such as propane and butane are relatively stable and frequently used for fuels.

These are combustible only in the presence of oxygen and a spark, causing oxidation of the carbon chain to produce carbon dioxide and water.

Esters are a favorite industrial chemical, often added to foods and beverages.

These compounds are flavorings and scents, and though they are often synthetic as additives the same compounds are made naturally. Many of your favorite snacks and beverages have added flavors such as wintergreen (methyl salicylate), pear (benzyl acetate), pineapple (butyl butyrate), or orange (octyl acetate).

Ether such as diethyl ether were previously used as anesthetics.

These compounds are highly flammable gasses, making the environment potentially hazardous in surgeries requiring use of equipment that can spark.

Recall that the group 7 elements are the halogens.

These include fluorine, chlorine, and bromine. When one or more of these atoms is attached to a hydrocarbon, the result is a halocarbon. Halocarbons have a wide range of applications as solvents, propellants, pesticides, fire-resistant oils, adhesives, and plastics, to name a few.

Alkynes contain a C-C triple bond, and the naming uses the suffix -yne.

This compound, CHCCH2CH3, is an alkyne because it contains a C-C triple bond. We can name this, as done for alkanes and alkenes, by considering the correct root and suffix based on the structure: Because it has four carbons total, the root is but- Because it is an alkyne the suffix is -yne The correct name is therefore butyne

The following molecule has multiple functional groups attached to the carbon chain. Click on the carboxylic acid group in the following structure.

This is a -COOH group, a carboxylic acid group.

One important redox reaction that we all depend on is photosynthesis: 6 CO2 + 12 H2O + light → C6H12O6 + 6 H2O + 6 O2

This is the reaction that produces the oxygen gas we breathe as well as glucose (C6H12O6), the simple sugar that fuels life on this planet. The carbon in CO2 is reduced and the oxygen in water is oxidized.

Choose the name and condensed formula to match the extended structure.

This molecule contains four carbons and one double bond. It's name is butene, and its condensed structural formula will follow the extended structural formula: CH3CHCHCH3

What is the name for this molecule: CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2CH2NH2

This structure has six carbons and an amine group. The name is hexyl amine.

What is the name for this molecule: CH3CH2CH2NH2

This structure has three carbons and an amine group. The name is propyl amine.

Which of the following is the correct name for this halocarbon: CH3CH2F

This structure has two carbons and one fluorine, so the name is fluoroethane.


Three carbons and -CHO give the name propanal


Three carbons and -CO- in the middle give the name propanone

When all single bonds are present, the hydrocarbon is known as an alkane. The alkanes are named by first identifying the correct root and adding the suffix -ane. The carbon compound in the image would properly be named propane:

Three carbons in the carbon chain gives the prop- root Only carbon-carbon single bonds in the carbon chain means this is an alkane, and the name will have the -ane ending These types of hydrocarbons are not reactive on their own but can store tremendous energy in their carbon-carbon bonds and are often used as fuel sources. You might burn propane, shown in the image, in your gas grill, or butane on your camp stove. Your car might even have a high-octane engine

Carbon-carbon bond type Carbon location Number of H attached

Triple End Middle 1 0


Two carbons and -OH on the end give the name ethanol

Saturated hydrocarbons include the alkanes. These have names that end in the -ane suffix.

Unsaturated hydrocarbons include alkenes and alkynes. These have names that end in the -ene or -yne suffixes, respectively.

If a species accepts electrons from another reactant in a chemical reaction, this species is: (select all that apply)

We use the transfer of electrons to determine the redox character of the reactants. Remember, LEO goes GER. Also note, reducing agents reduce another species in a chemical reaction, while oxidizing agents oxidize another species in a chemical reaction. In this case, if a species accepts electrons from another it is being reduced.

In this way, if you can determine whether a species is gaining or losing electrons, you can determine if the species is oxidized or reduced and thus the reducing agent or oxidizing agent. Consider the reaction between solid zinc and a solution containing copper ions:

Zn(s) + Cu2+(aq) → Zn2+(aq) + Cu(s) Zn0->Zn2+ oxidized Cu2+ -> Cu reduced

Oxidizing agents are reduced in a chemical reaction (because oxidizing agents accept electrons) Reducing agents are oxidized in a chemical reaction (because reducing agents donate electrons)

a+b-> a+ + b-

Isopropyl alcohol,

also known as rubbing alcohol, is used as a household disinfectant.

The root "but" tells us there are four carbons,

and the suffix "-ane" tells us this carbon chain contains only carbon-carbon single bonds.


another derivative of benzene, is an aromatic compound found in disinfecting sprays. The structure is benzene with an additional group called a hydroxyl group, -OH, attached to a carbon.

Benzene and cyclohexane both are hexagons;

benzene will have double bonds every other carbon, whereas cyclohexane will have only single bonds. Cyclopentane is a pentagon with carbon-carbon single bonds. Naphthalene is a bi-cyclic structure that looks like two benzene rings fused together.

Due to its electron configuration and valence shell electrons,

carbon can form 4 bonds, nitrogen can form 3 bonds, and oxygen can form 2 bonds.

The carbon is typed first and its attached atoms are typed immediately following. We know in organic chemistry each carbon will have four total bonds and will bond in carbon chains. When there are carbon-carbon single bonds, there will be three hydrogens attached to carbons on the end and two on carbons in the middle of molecules. For double or triple bonds, there will be fewer than three hydrogens on the end and fewer than two hydrogens attached to middle carbons. Each additional bond will remove two H: one from each carbon where the double bond is found.


Drag the compound to its correct classification:

cyclic hydrocarbon: are named with the prefix "cylco-" such as cycloheptane or cyclopentane. aromatic hydrocarbon: Aromatic compounds include benzene, phenol, and naphthalene.

Redox reactions involve a transfer of:




The toxicity of alcohols causes intoxication. Which alcohol is produced through fermentation and consumed?

ethanol is the alcohol that is produced in fermentation and is the component of beer, wine, and spirits that causes intoxication.


gain of electrons

Not all chemical reactions involve reduction and oxidation;

however, the reactions that involve reduction and oxidation are called Redox reactions

For naming, remember to first name the hydrocarbon as

if it were an alkane, drop the -e, and then add an -ol ending. Isomers have a different arrangement, so Isopropanol will have the -OH located in the middle rather than on the end carbon. In propanol, the -OH group is located on the end carbon.


is an aromatic compound found in moth balls. This is a bi-cyclic structure containing two carbon rings. Notice the structure looks like two benzene rings joined together.

Octyl ethanoate

is an ester that smells nice and is used for perfumes.

Ethanoic acid

is another name for vinegar.


is saturated hydrocarbon used as a fuel.




loss of electrons

A condensation reaction will produce water (H2O) as a by-product. The -OH functionalities will combine to form H2O:

one group donates a complete -OH, and the second group will donate an H, leaving an O atom. As a result a new bond is formed between the unpaired carbon (donor of the -OH) and the unpaired O (donor of the H) and joins the two separate carbon chains. However, the carbons on these two chains are not continuous, as the carbons are separated by an oxygen atom.

Alkanes are considered ____________ because they contain only single bonds, and thus have the maximum number of hydrogen atoms bound. This is considered fully saturated with hydrogen.

saturated hydrocarbons

Hydrocarbons containing double bonds will have the suffix -ene in the name, and will have one fewer hydrogen in the condensed structural formula compared to an alkane:

the alkenes will have CH2 on end carbons and/or CH on middle carbons.

Reduction and oxidation involves

the transfer of electrons between two species within a chemical reaction.

The alkenes and alkynes have double and triple bonds, respectively, and thus are _____________________________. When the double or triple bond is added, there is a subsequent loss of hydrogen in the structure to maintain four total bonds on each carbon atom. There is a lower number of hydrogens in the unsaturated structures.

unsaturated hydrocarbons

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Implement & Support Servers - Chp5 (742)

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Foundations of Nursing Chapter 29 Infection Prevention and Control

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Tissue Integrity, Perfusion, Mobility

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Foundations for Living Unit 4(parts of)

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ch 1 - Health and Accident Insurance

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