Chemistry final

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1. Which of the following is the correct value for Avogadro's number? a. 6.022*10^23 b. 6.23*10^22 c. 6.023*10^22 d. 6.22*10^23


10. Which of the following would you expect to have a sharp melting point? a. table salt (NaCl) b. glass c. paraffin wax d. asphalt


14. What is the other common term for a millimeter of mercury (mmHg)? a. torr b. pascal c. atmosphere d. psi


17. A solution that contains the maximum amount of solute at a given temperature is _____________________. a. saturated b. soluble c. supersaturated d. unsaturated


17. What is released when gaseous particles form crystals? a. lattice energy b. heat of fusion c. sensible heat d. latent heat e. temperature


17. Which gas law focuses on the relationship between pressure and volume? a. Boyle's law b. combined gas law c. Charles's law d. ideal gas law


18. Which of the following represents standard temperature and pressure? a. 0 ºC and 1 atm b. 0 K and 760 mm Hg c. 0 ºF and 2 atm d. 273 K and 500 mm Hg


2. The intermolecular forces that exist between only polar molecules are ____________________. a. dipole-dipole forces b. hydrogen bonds c. ionic bonds d. dispersion forces


23. The _____________________ represent the number of moles of each substance in a reaction. a. coefficients b. oxidation numbers c. electronegativity values d. ions e. formulas


23. Which of these is the correct formula to find the pH of a solution? a. pH= -log (H3O+) b. pH= -log (OH-) c. pH= log (H3O+) d. pH= log (OH-)


24. For constant quantity of gas at fixed volume, if you increase the temperature, the pressure will __________________. a. increase b. decrease


25. Does the following chemical equation represent an endothermic or an exothermic reaction? 2H2O (g) + 483.6 kJ → 2H2 (g) + O2 (g) a. endothermic b. exothermic


26. Is the following reakction endothermic or exothermic (△H= 66.4 kJ)? N2 (g) + 2O2 (g) → 2NO2 (g) a. It is endothermic. b. It is exothermic. c. It varies with the pressure. d. None of the above apply.


27. What does the symbol △Hºc represent? a. standard molar enthalpy of combustion b. standard molar enthalpy of specific heat c. standard molar entropy of combustion d. change in specific heat


28. Choose the name for the chemical formula HCl (aq). a. hydrochloric acid b. hydrogen chloride c. hydrogen monochloride d. hydrogen monoclorate


28. Find the (H3O+) in a solution that has (OH-) = 8.8 x 10^-2 M. a. 1.1 x 10^-13 b. 1.1 x 10^-12 c. 1.1 x 10^13 d. 1.1 x 10^12


29. The molarity of a solute in a solution is the number of a. moles of solute per liter of solution. b. grams of solute per liter of solution. c. moles of solute per kilogram of solution. d. moles of solute per kilogram of solvent.


35. Substances whose color is sensitive to changes in pH are known as ____________________. a. indicators b. electrolytes c. strong acids d. strong bases


4. The enthalpy change in a calorimeter is calculated from the temperature change of the ___________________. a. water b. air c. reactants d. products


40. What conditions would most readily cause the liquefaction of a gas? a. high pressures and low temperatures b. low pressures and high temperatures c. low pressures and low temperatures d. high pressures and high temperatures


41. what is the △Sº for the folllowing reaction at 25ºC and 1 atm given the values for △Sº below? C3H8 (g) + 5O2 (g) → 3CO2 (g) + 4H2O (g) △Sº of C3H8 = 270.3 J/(mol * K) △Sº of O2 = 205.2 J/(mol * K) △Sº of CO2 = 213.8 J/(mol * K) △Sº of H2O = 188.8 J/(mol * K) a. -73 J/(mol * K) b. 100 J/(mol * K) c. 258 J/(mol * K) d. -351 J/(mol * K)


43. Which acid is most responsible for the chemical digestion of food in your stomach? a. hydrochloric acid b. hydrosulfuric acid c. chloric acid d. phosphoric acid


44 Which of the following can be used to distinguish colloids from solutions? a. Tyndall effect b. Henry's law c. colligative properties d. effervescence


44. The equation that relates enthalpy, entropy, and free energy is ___________________. a. △G= △H-T△S b. △G = △H+T△S c. △G= △S-T△H d. △G= △S+T△H


46 Using △G, determine wheter the reaction 4Fe (s) + 3O2 (g) → 2Fe2O3 (s) is spontaneous at ºC, given that △H= -1648.4 kJ and △S= -0.55 kJ/(mol*K). a. spontaneous b. nonspontaneous c. both at times d. neither


5. Which branch of science studies the transfer of energy during chemical reactions or phase changes? a. thermochemistry b. thermodynamics c. enthalpy d. enthachemistry


6. One mole of water contains __________________ of hydrogen atoms and _______________________ of oxygen atoms. a. two moles/ one mole b. one mole/ two moles c. one mole/ one mole d. two moles/ two moles


6. Red litmus paper remains red when dipped in a substance. This same substance reacts very strongly with lithium to produce hydrogen gas. The substance is a(n) ___________________. a. acid b. base c. neutral substance d. salt


6. What is the oxidation number of Hg in Hg3(PO4)2? a. +2 b. +3 c. -2 d. -3


7. The amount of heat required to convert 1 mole of liquid at its boiling point to its vapor at the same temperature is called its molar enthalpy of __________________. a. vaporization b. combustion c. fusion d. formation


7. Which of the following properties of solids cannot be explained by the kinetic-molecular theory? a. various colors b. high density c. fixed shape d. impermeability


9. What is the oxidation number of nitrogen in N2 a. 0 b. +1 c. +2 d. +3


9. Which of these types of formulas typically takes the most time and space to draw? a. structural b. molecular c. stoichiometric d. empirical


a 500.0 ml sample of gas at a pressure of .700 atm is transferred t a 1050.0 mL vessel at the ame temperature what will be the pressure of the gas in the larger vessel a. 0.333 atm b. 1.47 atm c. 5.96 atm d. 750,000 atm


calculate the molar mass of 2.50 moles of MgSO4. the molar mass of MgSO4= 120.38 g a. 301 MgSO4 b. 48 g MgSO4 c. 0.0208 MgSO4 d. 597 g MgSO4


in a chemical reaction the __________ is used up before the others, preventing more products from forming a. limiting reactant b. limiting product c. excess product d. excess reactant


in a zinc arbon dry cell Zn is converted to Zn 2+ thereore Zn has been a. oxidized b. reduced c. electroplated d. protonated


the reaction 4Fe +3O3-->2Fe2O3 is a ____ reaction a. synthesis b. decomposition c. single replacement d. double replacement


1. What is the oxidation number of the alkaline-earth metals? a. +1 b. +2 c. -1 d. -2


11. What instrument is used to measure atmospheric pressure? a. thermometer b. barometer c. anemometer d. sphygmomanometer


11. What symbol is used to represent specific heat? a. s b. csp c. Q d. H


12. Why does hot water cool more slowly than metal? a. The metal has more entropy than water. b. Water has a higher specific heat than the metal. c. The metal has more enthalpy than water. d. Water has more enthalpy than the metal.


15. The specific heat of copper is 0.39 J/(g * ºC), and that of silver is 0.23 J/(g * ºC). Which metal would have the higher temperature if the same amount of thermal energy were added to 50.0 g of each metal because silver has a __________________. a. higher specific heat b. lower specific heat c. greater density d. lower density


18. If the solubility of NaCl in water is 35.9 g/100mL (at 25 ºC), how would you describe a 100 mL solution that contains only 30.0 g NaCl? a. saturated b. unsaturated c. subsaturated d. supersaturated


21. Stoichiometric conversions between substances in a reaction must be performed using moles because a. a conversion requires grams, and moles are measured in grams b. the balanced equation is based on moles, not mass. c. a conversion requires a unitless dimension. d. individual atoms should be measured not counted.


22. Celsius temperature that are used in gas law problems must be a. converted to ºF b. converted to K c. corrected for volume d. corrected for pressure


22. In thermodynamics, standard state is defined as ____________________ ºC and 1 atm of pressure. a. 0 b. 25 c. 100 d. 298


22. Liquids are similar to gases in all of the following except ________________________. a. fluidity b. compressibility c. diffusibility d. permeability


23. For a constant quantity of gas at constant pressure, if you decrease the temperature, the volume will __________________. a. increase b. decrease


23. In an endothermic reaction, how does the enthalpy of the reactants compare to the enthalpy of the products? a. The reactants have more enthalpy b. The reactants have less enthalpy c. There is no change in enthalpy d. The enthalpy fluctuates.


25. If (H3O+)= 1.0 x 10^-5 M, then pOH= _____________________. a. 5 b. 9 c. 11 d. 14


26. The escape of a gas from liquid-gas solution is called ___________________. a. osmosis b. effervescence c. ionization d. dissociation


27. The Stock system, a convention for naming ionic compounds that contain a metal with multiple oxidation states, uses _______________. a. arabic numerals b. roman numerals c. coefficient d. none of these


27. Which of the following statements about evaporation is not true? a. It is a cooling process. b. The higher the vapor pressure, the slower the rate of evaporation. c. It can occur at any temperature. d. It is a surface phenomenon.


28. The temperature at which the vapor pressure of a substance equals 760 torr is called ___________________. a. melting point b. normal boiling point c. critical temperature d. critical pressure point


28. What does the degree symbol in △Hº represent? a. standard entropy b. standard state c. Celsius temperature d. Kelvin temperature


3. A solution is a _________________. a. heterogeneous mixture b. homogeneous mixture c. heterogeneous compound d. homogeneous compound


31. If you are collecting a gas by water displacement, you must remember to adjust for _________________ pressure. a. water b. vapor c. atmospheric d, partial


31. The process by which mixtures can be separated using vaporization and condensation is called ___________________. a. boiling b. distillation c. fractionization d. dynamic vaporization


32. Choose the name for the compound Pb(NO3)2 a. lead (I) nitrate b. lead (II) nitrate c. lead (I) nitrite d. lead (II) nitrite


34. An exothermic reaction involves breaking a. weak bonds to form weak bonds. b. weaker bonds to form stronger bonds. c. strong bonds to form strong bonds. d. stronger bonds to form weaker bonds.


35. A positive △H is an indication that chemical bonds in the products are ____________________ those in the reactants. a. stronger than b. weaker than c. equal to


37. How do the boiling points of 3.0 m C8H12O6 and 3.0 m CaCl2 compare? a. The boiling point of 3.0 m C8H12O6 is higher. b. The boiling point of 3.0 m CaCl2 is higher c. They are the same. d. The difference cannot be determined from the information given.


40. What salt forms when sodium hydroxide neutralizes perchloric acid (HClO4)? a. HClO4 b. NaClO4 c. HCl d. NaCl


41. Why would CaCl2 be more effective than NaCl for deicing roads? a. CaCl2 breaks into fewer ions. b. CaCl2 breaks into more ions. c. CaCl2 has less molar mass. d. CaCl2 has more molar mass.


42. In the equation PV=nRT, n represents the number of _________________ of gas(es) in a sample. a. molecules b. moles c. grams d. types


45. In spontaneous natural processes, entropy tends to ______________________ and enthalpy tends to ____________________. a. increase/ increase b. increase/ decrease c. decrease/ increase d. decrease/ decrease


47. IS the reaction 4Fe (s) + 3O2 (g) → 2Fe2O3 (s) more or less spontaneous at 1000 ºC than it is at 25 ºC, assuming that △H and △S remain constant with temperature? (△H= -1648.4 kJ and △S= -0.55 kJ/(mol*K)) a. more spontaneous b. less spontaneous c. same spontaneity d. Neither is spontaneous.


5. If a substance turns red litmus paper blue, it is a. an acid. b. a base. c. a neutral substance. d. impossible to identify from this data.


50. Which of these is the most thermodynamically favorable? a. negative enthalpy and negative entropy b. negative enthalpy and positive entropy c. positive enthalpy and negative entropy d. positive enthalpy and positive entropy


6. Because a gas easily mingles with porous substances, it exhibits ____________________. a. elasticity b. permeability c. compressibility d. effusion


7. An element's atomic mass, expressed in atomic mass units on the periodic table, is equal to its ________________ mass. a. actual b. molar c. theoretical d. empirical


8. Molar mass is typically expressed in which unit? a. u/mol b. g/mol c. kg/mol d. none of these


8. Most bases taste _________________. a. sour b. bitter c. spicy d. None of these apply


8. The heat that produces a phase change is called _________________ heat. a. sensible b. latent c. entropic d. enthalpic


9. Which of these is the formula for sulfuric acid? a. H2S b. H2SO4 c. SO3 d. H2SO3


chlorine gas may be easily prepared in he laboratory according to the reaction below 2KMnO4(s)+16HCl(aq)-->2MnCl2(aq)+5Cl2(g)+8H2O(l)+KCl(aq) what mass of HCl is needed to prepare 1.00 mol of Cl2 gas a. 11.4 gHCl b. 117g HCL c. 179 g HCl d. 57.6 g HCl


how many atoms are in 3,000 g of copper? the molar mass of Cu = 63.55 g a. 2.84 x 10^24 atoms of Cu b. 2.84 x 10^25 atoms of Cu c. 3.54 x 10^24 atoms of Cu d. 3.54 x 10^25 atoms of Cu


identify the limiting reactant in the following situation 72.06 g of water and 60.05 g of carbon react to form methane and carbon dioxide in the reaction 2C+H2O-->CH4+CO2 a. 6g C b. 12g C c. 18g H2O d. 24g H2O


in the following reaction which element is oxidized 2KClO3-->2KCl+3O2 a. K b. Cl c. O d. none


the _______ yield is the maximum amount of product that could be created from a given amount of reactant a. actual b. theorectical c. potential d. emperical


the motion of particles as a result of molecular collions is called a. colloidal movement b. brownian motion c. the tyndall effect d. dispersion


the rate of solution of glucose in water does not increase with_____ a. stirring b. high pressure c. higher temperature d. increased surface area


the reaction 2AlCl3 -->2Al+3Cl2 is a ____ reaction a. synthesis b. decomposition c. single replacement d. double replacement


what is the charge of F in NaF a. 0 b. -1 c. +q d. +2


what is the molar mass of 1.31 x 10^22 molecules of glucose? molar masss of C6H12O6= 180.16 g a. 1.28 g C6H12O6 b. 3.92 g C6H12O6 c. 7.84 g C6H12O6 d. 14.3 g C6H12O6


what is the molar massof a gas that has a density of 1.25 g/L a. 18.0 g/mol b. 28.0 g/mol c. 32.0 g/mol d. 40.0 g/mol


which of the following changes in oxidation number does not represent oxidation a. -2 to +4 b. -1 to -3 c. -1 to +1 d. +2 to +6


a sample of gas has a pressure of 2.00 atm at 20.0 degrees C what pressure will exist if the gas is heated to 150.0 degress C a. 0.267 atm b. 2.89 atm c. 13.9 atm d. 29.0 atm

B make p1v1/t1 = p2v2/t2 into p1t2v2/t1 = p2 2.00*423/20

44. Acid reflux, or heatburn is usually experienced as pain or tissue damage in the ____________________. a. stomach b. esophagus c. colon d. pharynx


10. Which property of gases best explains why spoiled meat in a sealed plastic container eventually makes a refrigerator smell? a. compressibility b. elasticity c. permeability d. expansibility


11. What happens to the temperature of a sample of ice at its melting point as it melts? a. It rises. b. It falls. c. It remains the same. d. It depends on the pressure.


11. When water is the solvent, the process of solvation is called _________________. a. saturation b. aquation c. hydration d. a and c


12. A Bronsted-Lowry acid is defined as one that is a(n) _____________________. a. proton acceptor b. electron donor c. proton donor d. electron pair donor


12. Normal atmospheric pressure at sea level is approximately ____________________. a. 766 mm Hg b. 15.7 psi c. 1 atm d. all of these


13. The Greek prefix penta- means _________________. a. 3 b. 4 c. 5 d. 6


13. What phase change skips the liquid stage? a. condensation b. evaporation c. deposition d. none of these


16. Compounds consisting of one metal and one nonmetal are called ________________________. a. binary covalent compounds b. polyatomic ionic compounds c. binary ionic compounds d. binary acids


16. Upon analysis, 102 g of aluminum oxide are found to contain 54 g of aluminum. What is the empirical formula? a. AlO b. Al2O c. Al2O3 d. AlO3 e. Al3O2


19. For a given solution at 25 ºC, pH+pOH = ____________. a. 0 b. 7.0 c. 14.0 d. an amount that varies according to the solution. e. a number between 0 and 14.0


2. The average kinetic energy in the particles of a sample is that substance's _________________. a. enthalpy b. entropy c. temperature d. heat


22. What is the chemical formula carbon disulfide? a. CaS2 b. CS c. CS2 d. ClS


22. Which of these pH values represents the most acidic solution? a. pH= 3 b. pH= 8 c. pH= 2 d. pH= 12


24. Choose the name for the chemical formula KClO3. a. potassium chloride b. potassium chlorite c. potassium chlorate d. potassium trichloride


25. What is the term for a liquid's resistance to flowing? a. diffusibility b. permeability c. viscosity d. capillary action


26. At 25 ºC, the pH of a solution is 4.0. What is its pOH? a. 2.5 b. 4.5 c. 9.5 d. 11.5


3. Aluminum and chlorine react to form _______________. a. AlCl b. Al3Cl c. AlCl3 d. Al3Cl3


3. The uniform mixing and spreading of gases over time is known as __________________. a. compressibility b. expansibility c. diffusion d. density e. pressure


33. According to __________________________, the enthalpy change of a reaction equals the sum of the enthalpy changes for each step of the reaction. a. the first law of thermodynamics b. the second law of thermodynamics c. Hess's law d. Gibb's free-energy equation


34. The volumes of reacting gases and their gaseous products are expressed in small whole numbers. This is known as __________________. a. Dalton's law of partial pressures b. Avogadro's principle c. the law of combining volumes d. the law of reacting gases


36. What volume does any gas occupy at STP? a. 6.022 L b. 1 L c. 22.4 L d. 0.0224 L


36. Which of the following would have the lowest boiling point? a. 0.08 m C8H12O6 b. 0.10 m C8H12O6 c. 0.05 m C8H12O6 d. 0.15 m C8H12O6


37. Which of these symbols represents the measure of the dispersal of energy in a system? a. E b. △G c. S d. △H


38. Which is the most objective way to measure pH? a. using litmus paper b. using an indicator c. using a pH meter d. using a pH probe


39. Neutralization reactions form a salt and _________________. a. an acid b. a base c. water d. an anhydride


39. What is the term for the measure of the dispersal of energy in a system? a. thermodynamics b. spotaneity c. entropy d. enthalpy


4. What is the oxidation number of H in MgH2? a. +1 b. +2 c. -1 d. -2


41. A gas that behaves according to the kinetic-molecular theory is a(n) ________________ gas. a. torric b. real c. ideal d. complete


42. Which symbol is a measure of the favorability of a reaction, considering both the enthalpy and entropy? a. △Sº b. △H c. G d. T


43. Which temperature scale is used to calculate free-energy change? a. Fahrenheit b. Celsius c. Kelvin d. Any of these scales can be used.


47. Using the ionic equation 2Na+ (aq) + CO32- (aq) + 2H+ (aq) + 2NO3- (aq) → 2Na+ (aq) + H2O (I) + CO2 (g), which of the following is the correct net ionic equation? a. 2Na+ (aq) + CO32- (aq) + 2H+ (aq) + 2NO3- (aq) → 2Na+ (aq) + 2NO3- (aq) + H2O (I) + CO2 (g) b. 2Na+ (aq) + CO32- (aq) + 2H+ (aq) → 2Na+ (aq) + H2O (I) + CO2 (g) c. CO32- (aq) + 2H+ (aq) → H2O (I) + CO2 (g) d. 2Na+ (aq) + 2NO3- (aq) → 2Na+ (aq) + 2NO3- (aq)


48. A reaction that has a +△H and a -△S is a. favorable at all temperatures. b. favorable at high temperatures. c. unfavorable at all temperatures. d. unfavorable at low temperatures.


52. What is the one word that summarizes the second law of thermodynamics? a. action b. reaction c. dispersal d. conservation


6. Enthalpy is a measure of __________________ at a constant pressure. a. length b. area c. thermal energy d. volume


7. Blue litmus paper remains blue when dipped in a substance. This substance is a(n) ___________________. a. acid b. base c. salt


7. The main reason that high pressures can squeeze gases into smaller volumes is that gases are ___________________. a. elastic b. permeable c. compressible d. expansible


8. Ionic compounds and metals usually form _________________ solids. a. liquid crystal b. amorphous c. crystalline d. allotropic


9. Which of the following is an amorphous solid? a. table sugar b. table salt c. glass d. galena(PbS)


a solution that conains more dissolved solute than normally occurs at equilibrium is a. saturated b. unsaturated c. supersaturated d. hypersaturated


choose the correctly balanced equation _NH3 + _O2 ---> _H2O + _NO2 a. 2NH3 + 3O2 --> 2H2O + 2NO2 b. 2NH3 + 4O2 --> 3H2O + 2NO2 c. 4NH3 + 7O2 --> 6H2O + 4NO2 d. 3NH3 + 5O2 --> 4H2O + 3NO2


for the reaction below, how many grams of sodium sulfate will be the product if 48.6 g of sodium chloride reacts with sulfuric acid 2NaCl+H2SO4--> Na2SO4+2HCl a. 24.3 g b. 40.0 g c. 59.1 g d. 118 g


melting occurs when a a. liquid becomes a solid b. gas becomes a liquid c. solid becomes a liquid d. gas becomes a liquid


the most important indicator of efficiency for a chemical manufactoring company is ______ yield a. actual b. percent c. potential d. theorectical


what is the molar mass of Pb(SO4)2, given the molar masses for each statement: Pb, 207.2; S, 32.07; and O, 16.00? a. 504.7 g b. 367.3 g c. 399.3 g d. 414.4 g


what is the ratio of Fe2O3 to CO2 in the following reation? Fe2O3(s)+3CO(g) --> 2Fe(s) + 3CO2(g) a. 1:2 b. 1:1 c. 1:3 D. 3:2


which of these statements is not true of solutions a. they are uniform b. they can vary in concentration c. their solutes will settle out after long periods d. they are mixtures


1. Hydrogen bonds can occur between molecules containing hydrogen and ___________________. a. bromine b. carbon c. sulfur d. oxygen


10. A(n) ____________________ formula tells you what elements are present and gives the simplest whole-number ratio of atoms in the compound. a. structural b. molecular c. mathematical d. empirical


10. Which of these hydrogen-containing compound is not an acid? a. HC2H3O2 b. HCHO2 c. HS d. CH4


13. A student desires to remove the odor of naphthalene, a nonpolar aromatic hydrocarbon, from his laboratory coat. Which solvent would you suggest? a. ethyl alcohol (polar) b. water c. ether (slightly polar) d. toluene (nonpolar)


14. Which of these pairs of words describe changes between the same two states of matter, but in different directions? a. melting and vaporization b. sublimation and condensation c. evaporation and deposition d. deposition and sublimation


20. What is the chemical for aluminum phosphate? a. Al2(PO3)3 b. Al2(PO4)2 c. AlPO3 d. AlPO4


21. NaCl crystals are classified as ________________ crystals. a. atomic b. covalent molecular c. covalent network d. ionic e. metallic


22. Where can you find the information needed to change grams of a substance to moles? a. coefficients b. oxidation numbers c. electronegativity values d. periodic table e. diagonal rule


23. According to Graph 1, which solid's solubility is least affected by an increase in temperature? a. KNOe b. KCl c. KClO3 d. NaCl e. Ce2(SO4)3


23. The most general term for any change from liquid to gas is ____________________. a. boiling b. deposition c. evaporation d. vaporization


24. The formation of a meniscus is the result of ___________________. a. capillary action b. adhension c. cohension d. both b and c


26. Choose the name for the chemical formula N2S5 * 3H2O. a. trinitrogen sulfide hexahydrate b. dinitrogen pentasulfate pentahydrate c. trinitrogen pentasulfide dihydrate d. dinitrogen pentasulfide trihydrate


26. The most practical and common type of conversion done by chemists is to convert _________________ of a reactant to ___________________ of product. a. moles/ moles b. moles/ mass c. mass/ moles d. mass/ mass


26. What is the term for the curved surface of a liquid? a. chromosome b. capillary c. polymer d. meniscus


29. Choose the name for the chemical formula H3PO4. a. trihydrogen phosphorus acid b. hydrolic acid c. trihydrogen monochloride oxide d. phosphoric acid


3. A base usually feels ___________________. a. hot b. cool c. gritty d. slippery


4. Any substance that ionizes to conduct electricity in a solution is called a(n) _________________________. a. conductor b. ionizer c. insulator d. electrolyte


4. The compound NH3 demonstrates which kind of intermolecular forces? a. dipole-dipole forces b. dispersion forces c. hydrogen bonds d. all of these


4. When a gas moves through a tiny opening into an evacuated chamber, ____________________ is occurring. a. elasticity b. permeability c. compressibility d. effusion


42. Why is NaCl normally used for deicing roads rather than CaCl2? a. NaCl has less molar mass. b. NaCl has more molar mass. c. NaCl has more plentiful. d. NaCl is cheaper.


45. Which of the following is not an example of a colloid? a. whipped cream b. cheese c. mayonnaise d. fruit punch


46. Which gas law is represented by the equation PV=nRT? a. combined gas law b. Gay-Lussac's law c. Avogadro's law d. ideal gas law


46. Which of the following is a binary ionic compound? a. H2O (I) b. BaSO4 (s) c. Al (s) d. NaCl (aq)


5. What is the oxidation number of P in Ca3P2? a. +2 b. +3 c. -2 d. -3


6. If one liquid is soluble in another and can form a solution, the two liquids are said to be ________________. a. saturable b. hydrated c. solvable d. miscible


9. What is the solvent in the air that we breathe? a. oxygen b. water vapor c. carbon dioxide d. nitrogen


a compound containing 80.00 % C and 20.00% H has a molar mass of 30.00g what is the emperical formula of this compound a. C2H6 b. C7H20 c. C80H20 d. CH3


acrylic glass is sometimes used as a break resistant glass substitute. a 5.00g sample contains 3.57g of carbon, 0.48g of hydrogen, and 0.95 g of oxygen. what is the percent composition of acrylic glass a. 81.4% C, 9.6% H, 9.0% O b. 77.4% C, 3.6% H, 19.0% O c. 60.4% C, 0.6% H, 39.0% O d. 71.4% C, 9.6% H, 19.0% O e. 50.3% C, 1.9% H, 47.8% O


how many liters of hydrogen at STP can be produced by the reation of 4.15 g of zinc with hydolic acid Zn+2HCl--->ZnCl2+H2 a. 0.715 L b. 5.29 L c. 2.84 L d. 1.42 L


in a reaction between hydrogen and bromine, _______ occurs a. only oxidation b. only reduction c. neither oxidation nor reduction d. both


the change in elthalpy that occcurs when 1 mole of a ompound is produced from its elements is called molar enthalpy of a. vaporization b. combustion c. fusion d. formation


the reaction 2NaCl+H2SO4-->Na2SO4+2HCl is a ____ reaction a. synthesis b. decomposition c. single replacement d. double replacement


which of the following is not a colligative property of a solution a. osmotic pressure b. boiling point c. vapor pressure d. color


what is the expected boiiling point of 3.50 m aq solution of BaCl2 (Kb=0.512 degrees C/m a. 1.79 ' C b. 5.38 ' C c. 101.79 ' C d. 105.38 ' C

D b for BaCl2 bnew=(orig + delta Tb)3 delta T= mKb (3.50* 0.512)3 orig = 100 degrees C 100 + 5.376= 105.38

18. Which is the Kw? a. water constant b. protonation constant c. deprotonation constant for water d. protolysis constant for water e. ionization constant of water


22. According to Graph 1, which solid is an exception to the rule on temperature and solubility? a. KNO3 b. KCl c. KClO3 d. NaCl e. Ce2(SO4)3


51. A negative △G indicates that a reaction is ________________________. a. spontaneous b. not spontaneous c. unfavorable d. favorable e. both spontaneous and favorable f. both nonspontaneous and unfavorable


the process in which a solvent moves through a semipermeable membrane is called a. dispersion b. diffusion c. permeation d. suspension e. osmosis


what does LEO mean

Lose Electrons Oxidation

what is true of a solvation

all aspects of solvation release thermal energy

When a neutral atom loses an electron, it becomes


any substance that when dissolve in water allows the resulting solution to conduct electricity is called an


what does GER mean

gain electrons reduction

the respiration of a fish is dependent on ______ dissovled in a ____

gas; liquid

When sulfur changes from an oxidation state of -2 in sulfides to +6 in the sulfate ion the sulfur must

lose eight electrons

What is an oxidizing agent?

opposite of a oxidizing element- it GER

in a solution of two substances the component in the smaller amount is known as the


in a solution of two substances the component in the larger amount is known as the


what do we call the specific temperature and pressure combination in which water can exist in any of three phases

triple point

oxidation-number method

when an atom loses electrons, its oxidation number increases; when an atom gains electrons, its oxidation number decreases. Therefore, the total increase in oxidation numbers (oxidation) must equal the total decrease in oxidation numbers (reduction) of the atoms involved in the reaction

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