China Dynasties

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Development of writing

One character=one syllable. People could learn writing despite not speaking the language. Helped unify people across a very diverse county. 1500 characters to be considered barely literate: 10,000 to be a time scholar.

China's outside influence

Out of pride for their Chinese looked down on all foreign: self-sufficient-didn't need outsiders, however, Qing emperor agreed to host an ambassador from England. Brought along Western technology. China not happy-wanted to resist the English. Believed they had everything they needed. Rice, mining, tin, silks, porcelain, cotton. Due to self-sufficiency would only let foreigners do trade in the South.


Prided themselves on horseback, discipline, courage in battle, lived on the Asian Steppe (dry grasslands).

Legalist ideas

Shi Huangdi, the leader of Qin Dynasty believed all people were bad and imposed punishments over rewards. Also forced them to work on the Great Wall.


Shortest dynasty in history lasted from 221-206. Shortest dynasty in history. The Great Wall of China grew under this dynasty.

Chinese religion

Spirits believed to bring fortune or disaster-spirits helpful or troublesome not as gods. Oracle bones.


Straw houses.

Tang and Song Social Order

Strict-gentry-wealthy landowners, civil servants-peasants-farmers-Merchants.

Three principles of people

Sun's ideas:"Three Principles of People". Nationalism-no more foreign control. Democracy-give people rights. Economic security. Sun only lasted for 6 weeks as the president. Locked power.

Chinese Trade

The Chinese product most in demand by other people was silk. The trade route from china to Arabia and Europe was called the silk road. they returned with lumber, horses, and other products the Chinese people needed. Map of Silk Road.

Father-child. Ruler-subject. Husband-wife. Elder brother-younger brother. Friend-friend.

The Five Relationships developed by Confucius


The Han probably made paper for the first time in 100 BC. The emperor found out about paper about 200 years later in 100 AD.

Han contributions

The Han were great inventors. They invented many new technologies. In 132 AD, an inventor invented the world's first seismograph, an instrument that measures earthquakes.

Open Door Policy

The United States proposal that China be open to merchants of all nations. US worried other countries would colonize China and shut us out. 1899-proposed-China's "doors" be open to all nations: Europe agreed


The complete opposite of Confucius and Laozi. Hanfeizi and Li Si-founders-believed in strong government!Powerful! Wanted order and stability. Punishment stressed more than reward. Ex: No travel permit.

Mandate of Heaven

The divine approval that comes from the heavens above. Used to get rid of bad rulers, when disasters were blamed on rulers. Zhou said Shang had been poor rulers. Royal authority from Heaven. Bad rulers could lose the right to rule. This became central to Chinese civilization. When disasters happened, it was seen that the ruler violated this and it was time for him to go. Called the Dynastic Cycle. The idea that there could be only one legitimate ruler of China at a time, and that this ruler had the blessing of the gods.

Sun Yixian

The first great leader of the Kuomintana- brought the dynastic cycle to an end. Founder of Nationalist Party. Kuomintana-nationalist party-pushed for nationalism and modernization. Qing dynasty finally overthrown.

Yin and Yang

The idea that life needs balance, hot and cold, light and dark is an example of...Two powers that represent natural rhythms of life. Yin-all that is cold, dark, soft and mysterious. Yang-all that is warm, bright, hard and clear. Circle represents harmony. Compliment each other.


The last of the dynasty's to hold power in China

Dynastic Cycle

The pattern of the rise, decline, and replacement of dynasties. When dynasties rise and fall over and over...important political theory in Chinese history. According to this theory, every dynasty goes through a culture cycle. 1. A new ruler unites China, founds a new dynasty, and gains the Mandate of Heaven.


The philosophy that was most concerned with restoring social stability, peace and kindness. Concerned primarily with restoring social stability and order, believed in morality, could work if organized around five basic relationships.


The political system in which land is granted to nobles in exchange for protection. A political system in which nobles or lords are granted use of the land belonged to Kings in exchange for military service. The dominant social system in medieval Europe, in which the nobility held lands from the Crown in exchange for military service, and vassals were in turn tenants of the nobles, while the peasants (villeins or serfs) were obliged to live on their lord's land and give him homage, labor, and a share of the produce, notionally in exchange for military protection.


The principles and practices of a school of political theorists advocating strict legal control over all activities, a system of rewards and punishments uniform for all classes, and an absolute monarchy.

Huang He(Yellow river) and Chang Jiang(Yangtze)

The two main river systems in China are the...Two major rivers that flow through China


The very first people (dynasty)to settle in China ever, however, we know little because there were no written records

Dao means what

The way. The absolute principle underlying the universe, combining within itself the principles of yin and yang and signifying the way, or code of behavior, that is in harmony with the natural order. The interpretation of Tao in the Tao-te-Ching developed into the philosophical religion of Taoism.


This country was desperate to find something China would trade with them- it was opium. What country created a huge addiction problem for the people of China.


This dynasty connected the Great Wall of China into one massive wall


This dynasty is given credit for building the Grand Canal- the connection for trade between the Huang He and Chang Jiang rivers

I Ching

Those not interested in philosophies- practiced-"I Ching"- a book that helps solve ethical and practical problems. Throw coins to solve problems- read the book to interpret.

Control through feudalism

Towns grew into cities. Many became accepting.

Silk Road

Trade route from China to Arabia

River Systems

Two major rivers systems-Huang He(Yellow River) and Chang Jiang(Yangtze). The Yellow River deposits yellow silt-loess(soil). Challenges? Huang He's floods were horrible. Nickname "China's Sorrow". Trade was next to impossible.


Very little rainfall, dry plains.-60 in winter. Pastoralists-nomadic people. Herded animals, on the move. Constant battles. Lived in yurts. Traveled in clans-kinship groups. Nomads prided themselves, often hard to get along with settled people, took what they wanted by force.

Sharply between Nobles and Peasants

What did social classes divide


What is the most central thing to Chinese society


What percent do the mountain ranges make up

May 4th Movement

When 3,000 students and workers get together to protest the fact that they were in dire need of modernization and nationalism. The rebellion of Chinese workers- wanted a strong, modern nation! Many thought Communism(Lenin) was the way to make it work!

Yuan shikai

When Sun Yixian was ousted he assumed role and threw China into Civil War. The leader of the Nationalist Party in 1900 was...Betrayed democratic ideals China falls into civil war.

Along the Huang He(Yellow river)

Where cities first developed in China


Who developed the idea of the Mandate of Heaven

Status of Women Under the Tang and Song

Women inferior to men, foot binding-goal was to create small feet("lotus") by restricting the growth-done between ages 3-11.

China before Confucius

Xia and Shang dynasties-2070 BC-1027 BC. Zhou dynasty- 1027 BC-256 BC- constant conflict- "warring period". Under Zhou, China moved away from social order and harmony. Others wanted to restore peace to China.


Xia dynasty (c. 2070 - c. 1600 BC) Shang Dynasty (c. 1600-1046 BCE) Zhou Dynasty (1046-226 BCE) Qin Dynasty (221-206 BCE) Han Dynasty (206 BCE-220 CE) Sui Dynasty (581-618 CE ) Tang Dynasty (618-906 CE) Song Dynasty (960-1279) Yuan Dynasty (1279-1368) Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) Qing (Ch'ing) Dynasty (1644-1912) Republic Period (1912-1949) People's Republic of China (1949-present)


Yellowish silt found in the Huang He that make very fertile soil.


families that pass down through generations and generations.

Tang and Song Achievements

improvements in farming- new methods of farming, population and trade increased.

Zhou bonuses

improvements in tech and trade- roads and canals for agriculture and trade. Coined money introduced. Blast furnaces for cast iron-created weapons and agricultural tools.

Han religions

made Confucianism the official religion of China. Rulers also supported Daoism which teaches the key to happiness is accepting life as it is.

1027 BC

the Zhou overthrow the Shang, no change, Zhou adapted many aspects of Shang culture.


% of arable land in China. Approximately how much of the land in China is suitable for farming?

Zhou dynasty

(1046-256 BC) 1027 BC-256 BC- constant conflict- "warring period". Under this, China moved away from social order and harmony. Mostly Peaceful. Eventually attacked by nomads. Heart of Chinese civilization-love or order, harmony and respect. Turned to chaos, arrogance, and defiance. Others wanted to restore peace to China. overthrow the Shang, no change, adapted many aspects of Shang culture. 1046-226 BC- built a city in an area named Plain of Zhou, king Wen is described as a living standard of benevolence and wisdom.

Han dynasty

(206 BC-220 AD) 202 B.C -A.D 220- Had ruled China from 206BC-220AD. Dynasty collapsed and military leaders divided China into rival kingdom. contact with the West through the Silk Road. Chinese borders were expanded to include Vietnam and North Korea, making the Han dynasty the largest empire to date. Lasted over 400 years from 206 BC to 220 AD. Were great inventors. They invented many new technologies. In 132 AD, an inventor invented the world's first seismograph, an instrument that measures earthquakes.

Qin dynasty

(221-206 BCE) 221-206 BCE- unified China, creation of the Great Wall and large army of Terracotta Warriors. Replaces the Zhou Dynasty, founder employed legalist ideas. Shi Huangdi- 2nd ruler-doubled China's size. Wanted to unify China! Wanted control. Murdered hundreds of Confucian scholars-burned his books. Established an autocracy-government that has unlimited power!-4,000 miles of highway. Same standards of measure throughout China-law, currency, the length of cart axles. Major change in trade, taxed people heavily, unified China at the expense of humans.

Sui dynasty

(581-618 CE) 589-618 AD- built granaries which provided them with a stable source of cheap food during famine years. Stable economy, militaristic, and legalists. Built the Grand Canal-Connected the north and south-increased trade, allowed food from farms in the south to be sent north. millions of peasants forced to work on canal-many workers died.

Tang dynasty

(618-907 CE) 618-907 AD- Confucianism return to the Chinese government, Buddhism became a force and cities grows. Inventions introduce. Ruled China from 618-907 AD. Contact with Japan foreign trade and economic prosperity.

Shang dynasty

(c. 1600- 1046 BCE) C. 1600-1046 BCE, cultural advances such as industrialized bronze casting, the calendar, religious rituals, and writing. The first king began to work for his people instead of for his own pleasure and luxury. they lasted from 1700-1027 BC and left written records. First to do this. Built huge palaces and tombs. Anyang-capital city. Built of wood. The cities had extremely high walls, constantly waging war, Chariots.

Xia dynasty

(c. 2070-c. 1600 BC) First dynasty-Yu. Great flood control ideas. helped civilization to flourish. 2070-1600 BC, first government to emerge in ancient China and became the first to adhere to the policy of dynastic succession.

China's Heartland

10% of the land is suitable for farming. Lies between the Huang He and the Chang Jiang in Eastern China.

Yuan dynasty

1271-1368 AD- development of foreign trades(Italy-Marco Polo- promoted the cultural and economic exchanges between China and other countries). Poetry and songs turns to dramas and scripts. A scientist compiled a book called Shoushi Calendar that is similar to the Gregorian calendar.

Ming dynasty

1368-1644- completion of the Great Wall. Seven epic voyages were led by the great Chinese admiral Zheng He.

Qing dynasty

1644-1912- encyclopedias and compilations of literatures introduced to China. Art of novels making progress.

Civilization emerges

2000 BC-China's first cities arose along the Huang He river (Yellow).

Song dynasty

960-1279 AD- invents gunpowder, the compass, movable type printing. Abacus introduced. The collapse of the Tang=major disaster- lasted for 53 years, "The Period of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms". Song Dynasty reunited China in 960 AD- ruled for 300 years.

Boxer rebellion

A pro-nationalist movement opposing foreigners, Christianity, Opium in the country and starvation. This rebellion called upon the Chinese to expel all foreigners. People in China very frustrated with the Qing dynasty, resented foreigners, resented Christians, vowed to fight back, 1900-surrounded European part of city, Boxers(poor people) lost. Knew they had to modernize now. Kuomintana -nationalist party- pushed for nationalism and modernization. Sun Yixian-founder. Qing dynasty finally overthrown.

Jiang Jieshi

AKA Chiangmai Kai-Shek) took over the kuamintang when Sun died. Afraid of Communist control-promised democracy. Peasants didn't believe he was trying his hardest.


AKA Nationalist Party. The group in China that helped push for democracy.

Early Cities

Anyang-capital of the Shang. Built of wood. The Shang cities had extremely high walls, constantly waging war, Chariots.

Rise of the Mongols

Approximately 1220-Genghis Khan (Temujin) sought to unify all Mongols. Defeated rivals one by one. 21 years united almost all of Asia. Invaded China first, then Mongolia. Led a campaign of terror. Destroyed city after city slaughtering anyone in sight.-1225-almost all of China.

Great Wall

Began with other dynasties(Zhou), Shi Huangdi linked them, forced hundreds of thousands of peasants to work on it! no wages-work the wall or die, Han came in and overthrew, fell in 202 BC.

Filial Piety

Believed all children should practice this. Respect for parents and ancestors. Devoting yourself to parents during a lifetime as well as honoring memory after death. a virtue of respect for one's parents, elders, and ancestors. The Confucian classic Xiao Jing or Classic of Xiào, thought to be written around the Qin-Han period, has historically been the authoritative source on the Confucian tenet of xiào


Believed strongly in social order. Created the 5 relationships. Filial piety, respect for elders was created by...China's most influential scholar, born in 551 BC, died in 479 BC. Wanted to show rulers how to govern wisely. Analects-book his students created of his words. Bureaucracy-trained civil service- people who run the government. Bottom line-ethical system! spread. Developed the Five Relationships.

Had to legalize the Opium Trade, open commerce to outsiders and allow Christian missionaries

Besides having to give Hong Kong to the British after losing the Opium Wars, what elsewhere the Chinese subjected

Opium War

Britain refused to stop trading-Qing emperor was mad. 1939-War mostly at sea. Britain much more advanced. Chinese lost-humiliated. Treaty of Nanjing(1842). Gave Hong Kong to Britain.

Tang and Song Golden Age

China entered a golden age during both the Tang and Song dynasties. Technological Innovations- Moveable type and block printing, paper money, porcelain, gunpowder, magnetic compass.

Beginning of reform

China's revolutions-Qing knew changes needed to be made, took an ideals of Japan-lots of issues still.

Grand Canal

Connection for trade between the Huang He and Chang Jiang rivers. The best achievement of the Tang Dynasty connected the northern part of China to the South. in the Sui Dynasty. Known as Sui-Tang Great Canal in the Sui Dynasty (581-618), this was expanded under Emperor Yang's (569-618) order to exert more control over the Yangtze River Delta.

Taiping Rebellion

Created a peasant army in 1830-million. Wanted all of China to share the vast wealth. Took over most of South China. Eventually lost control.

Han Art

Developed the arts. Authors also wrote history, which is why we know about them.


Dynasty credited for creating paper.

Fall of Han

Economy fell, Han fell into three rival kingdoms-period of disunity. Wei-north. Shu Han-southwest. Wu-Southeast. Lasted less than 100 years.

Tang government

Established a strong central government- government-required to pass civil service exams-schools were built to prepare civil service workers-ideals of confucianism.


Europe needed a product Chinese would buy in large quantities-habit forming narcotic. By 1835-12 million people addicted.


Family of rulers whose right to rule is hereditary

Development of Chinese Culture

Family-central to Chinese society~Respect for one's parents and ancestors was vital. The men controlled the family, and the woman was seen as inferior. Between the ages of 13 and 16, her marriage was arranged and she moved in with her husband. Social classes-sharply divided between nobility and peasants.

Five Relationships

Father-child. Ruler-subject. Husband-wife. Elder brother-younger brother. Friend-friend. Ex: Rulers should practice kindness in return for loyalty.


First dynasty to leave written records

Extraterritorial rights

Foreigners not subject to Chinese law in 4 ports they were trading from.

Internal issues

Foreigners. 1850-430 million people now. Food increase did not keep up-hunger widespread. People began to rebel against Qing.

Genghis Khan

Greatest leader of the Mongols. Brilliant warrior, organized armies in groups of 10,000. Loyal men put in charge to lead, gifted strategist! Used lots of tricks! if a city refused to open up would kill the entire population. Everyone in fear.


In ancient China, people need to know approximately........characters to be barely literate...How many characters must one know in Chinese to be "barely" literate

Sphere of influence

Japan and European countries gaining control of trade in China.


Khan dies from illness. Empire enlarged even more now, sons and grandsons continued his reign, destroyed irrigations systems, eventually, peace happened around 1250.


Laozi credit for philosophy, focused primarily on the natural order. Really stressed nature. Universal force-"Dao"-meaning "The Way"-guides all things. Of all nature, only humans fail to follow.

Mao Zedong

Leader of the Communist during the civil war. Founder of the Chinese Communist Party. developed his own brand of Communism! Lenin(Russia) based his idea on Marxism. Zedong believed he could have peasants revolt.


Mao Zedong-developed his own brand of Communism! Lenin(Russia) based his idea on Marxism. Zedong believed he could have peasants revolt. Sun yixian(Nationalism) vs. Mao Zedong(Communist)

Pax Mongolica

Mongolian peace, trade expanded-new inventions etc. Bubonic plague as well.

Geography of China

Natural barriers isolated ancient China Mountains and deserts make up 2/3rds of the land mass.

317-589 AD

North and South, another period of disunity- 2 dynasties formed with many leaders.

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