Chpt 3

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Understand various motivations for using mobile applications.

spreading as well. Although there are well over a mil- lion apps, they meet seven basic customer motiva- tions: for "me time" and to socialize, shop. accomplish, prepare, discover, and self-express. By can attract large numbers of customers. When meeting a multiple of these motivations, companies choosing how to charge for apps, firms have four op- tions: ad-supported, freemium, paid apps, and paid apps with in-app purchases. As mobile users increase in number and diversity, the applications developed to appeal to them are • paid apps

Bounce rate

the percentage of times a visitor leaves the site almost immediately.

Conversion rates-

what percentage of visitors act as the marketer hopes.

Thought-Sharing Sites

with the products and services being discussed. personal, and micro. In terms of the 4E framework, blogs are particularly effective at educating and engaging users, and in many cases enhance their experience Thought-sharing sites consist of different types of blogs: corporate, professional, companies to educate their customers by providing corporate and product information, As the name implies, a microblog differs from a traditional blog in sizeshort sentences, short videos, or individual and to engage them by providing a platform for two-way communications. images. Twitter provides another option

2. What are the four options to price mobile apps?

Add supported apps freemium apps paid apps and paid apps with in app purchases

3. What are some of the most popular mobile applications?

Navigation productivity books education news entertainment music knew Stan social networking games

What are the seven types of customer motivations for using mobile apps?

Need for me time, need to socialize, need to shop, need to accomplish, need to prepare, need to discover, and need to self-express

Examine the seven critical elements of online marketing.

Online marketing now has a long history and is fairly established with marketing activities in various elec- tronic channels, such as websites and blogs. There are numerous types of blogs, ranging from corpo- rate, professional, personal, and micro.

The Network Effect

Outcome in which every post is spread instantaneously across social media

The Information Effect

Outcome in which relevant information is spread by firms or individuals to other members of the social network

The Connected Effect

Outcome that satisfies humans' innate need to connect with other people

There are three main categories of analysis used for understanding data collected from social media:

determine the amount of traffic using their sites, visiting blogs or tweeting, (2) learn who the visitors are, what they are doing, and what engages and excites them, and (3) analyze data that ocomes from other sites.

4E framework

excite customers with relevant offers; educate them about the offering; help them experience products, whether directly or indirectly; and give them an opportunity to engage.

Social media

media refers to content distributed through online and mobile technologies to facilitate interpersonal interactions.

Click paths -

paths how users proceed through the information.

1. What are the 4 Es?

1. Excite the Customer, Educate the Customer, Experience the Product or Service, Engage the Customer

How to Do a Social Media Marketing Campaign

1. Identify strategy goals 2. Target audience 3. Campaign: experiment and engage 4. Budget 5. Monitor and change

Social Network Sites

Excellent way for marketers to create excitement Facebook Linkedin Google+

Recognize and understand the components of a digital marketing strategy.

Firms engage with customers through social mobile media using a three-step process. First, they listen to the customer using techniques like senti- ment analysis. Second, they analyze the data col- lected in the first step using metrics like the bounce tate. rate, click paths, and conversion rates. Finally, they use this information develop tactics to engage their customers in a way very similar to the process described in Chapter 18.

The Timeliness Effect

Firms must engage with the customer at the right place and time

Media-Sharing Sites

Highlight how consumers can experience Enclurage cnsumers to engage

The Dynamic Effect

Information is exchanged to network participants through back-and-forth communications. Examines how people flow in and out of networked communities as their interests change.

Categories of aocial media

Social nwtworking site Media sharing sitws Thoughts sharing sites

Understand the drivers of social media engagement.

The Wheel of Social Media Engagement highlights five factors that focus on the uniqueness of social media in driving engagement. The five spokes of the wheel are the information effect, connected effect, network effect, dynamic effect, and timeliness effect.

1. What are the five drivers of social media engagement described in the Wheel of Social Media Engagement?

The information effect, the connected effect, the network effect, the dynamic effect, and the timeliness effect

2. What social media elements work best for each of the 4 Es?

a) Excite the Customer-social networks like Facebookand Google+ b) Educate the Customer-blogs and blogging tools (e.g. WordPress and Twitter), HubSpot (all-in-one marketing software), YouTube and c) Experience the Product or Service-YouTube, blogs, and retailer's website d). Engage the Customer-blogging and micro-blogging

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