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In 2016, the world's online population was estimated to be around:

3.3 billion

The size of the B2B market in 2017 was estimated at:

$6.7 trillion.

In 2016, there were more than ________ Internet hosts.


Which of the following is an example of B2B e-commerce?


Bluetooth is an advanced form of DSL.


Packet switching requires a dedicated circuit.


The Internet is a worldwide network of computer networks.


The overall retail market in the United States in 2016 was estimated at about:

4.8 trillion

In 2016, almost ________ of Americans who access the Internet use a mobile device at least some of the time.


Which of the following is not considered a portal?


Which of the following is not a major technology trend in e-commerce in 2016-2017?

Computing and networking component prices increase dramatically.

Which of the following is not an advantage of client/server computing over centralized mainframe computing?

Each client added to the network increases the network's overall capacity and transmission speeds.

Which of the following statements is not true?

Economists take a purely technical approach to e-commerce.

Which of the following is not one of the basic technological foundations of the Internet?


The Internet has shown similar growth patterns as other electronic technologies of the past.


The fact that e-commerce is conducted on the basis of universal standards increases search costs for consumers.


Tier 3 ISPs provide long-haul fiber-optic networks that comprise the Internet's backbone.


Universal standards make price discovery more costly, slower, and less accurate.


FTP is the protocol that provides the Internet addressing scheme.


Which of the following is not a mobile messaging application?


The layer of Internet architecture that ties the applications to the communications network and includes such services as security and authentication is called the:

Middleware Services layer.

Which of the following occurred during the Commercialization phase of Internet development?

NSF privatized the operation of the Internet's backbone.

An example of a company using the content provider model is:


What country intends to be the first to use Project Loon to provide universal Internet access?

Sri Lanka

Which of the following is not true regarding e-commerce today?

The market middlemen disappeared.

Which of the following best describes the early years of e-commerce?

They were a technological success but a mixed business success.

Which of the following is a utility program that allows you to track the path of a message sent from a client computer to a remote computer on the Internet?


The Internet's universal standards can change industry structure by decreasing barriers to entry and increasing competition within an industry.


The major hubs in the United States where the Internet backbone intersects with regional and local networks are now commonly referred to as Internet Exchange Points (IXPs).


The term e-commerce refers to the digital enabling of transactions and processes involving an exchange of value across organizational boundaries.


Ubiquity lowers the cognitive energy required to transact in a marketspace.


The protocol that enables the transmission of voice and other forms of audio communication over the Internet is called:


Stickiness is an important attribute for which of the following revenue models?

advertising revenue model

Where does TLS operate within TCP/IP?

between the Transport Layer and the Application Layer

Which of the following is a characteristic of the Consolidation phase of e-commerce?

brand extension and strengthening becomes more important than creating new brands

________ is a model of computing in that computer processing, storage, software, and other services are provided as a shared pool of virtualized resources over the Internet.

coud computing

Over the past decade, the number of exchanges has:

diminished sharply

Which of the following is a characteristic of e-commerce during the Invention period?


The ________ allows a natural language expression, such as, to represent a numeric IP address.

domain name system

Which of the following may offer its customers value chain management software?

e-procurement companies

Which of the following is an example of an e-commerce first mover that failed?


If you wished to leverage the ubiquitous nature of the Web to differentiate your product, you would:

enable individual customization of the product by consumers.

All of the following may lead to a competitive advantage except:

fewer products

A strategy designed to compete within a narrow market or product segment is called a ________ strategy.


All of the following statements about mobile apps are true except:

iOS apps are cross-platform, open-source applications.

TheSeam is an example of a(n):

industry consortium

Which of the following refers to any disparity in relevant market information among parties in a transaction?

information asymmetry

Cortana is a type of:

intelligent personal assistant

Which of the following refers to delays in messages caused by the uneven flow of information packets through the network?


Which of the following is a physical place you visit to conduct business?


Which type of e-commerce is distinguished by the type of technology used in the transaction rather than by the nature of the market relationship?

mobile e-commerce

The process of slicing digital messages into parcels, sending them along different communication paths as they become available, and reassembling them at the destination point is called:

packet switching

Which of the following is a set of rules for transferring data?


The Transport Layer of TCP/IP is responsible for which of the following?

providing communication with the application by acknowledging and sequencing the packets to and from the application

A firm's ________ describes how a firm will produce a return on invested capital.

revenue model

Which of the following refers to the complexity and content of a message?


Which of the following are central directories that list all domain names currently in use for specific domains?

root servers

Which of the following are specialized computers that transmit message parcels along available Internet communication paths and on to their destinations?


Which of the following features of e-commerce technology allows users to participate in the creation of online content?

social technology

Which of the following is the best definition of transaction cost?

the cost of participating in a market

Interactivity in the context of e-commerce provides which of the following functionalities?

the enabling of two-way communication between consumer and merchant

Which of the following is not a concern about IoT?

the high cost of sensors

The financial services, travel services, and job placement services industries typically use the ________ business model.

transaction broker

Which of the following features of e-commerce technology is related to the concept of network externalities?

universal standards

Which element of the business model addresses what a firm provides that other firms cannot?

value proposition

The Internet Layer of TCP/IP is responsible for which of the following?

addressing, packaging, and routing messages

E-commerce has decreased price competition in nearly all markets.


Retail e-commerce in the United States is not expected to continue growing at double-digit growth rates in 2016-2017.


Scale economies are efficiencies that result from flattening the hierarchy of an organization.


The concept behind document formatting has its roots in which of the following?


Which of the following organizations involved with Internet governance has the United States recently given up control over?


The ________ is a consortium of corporations, government agencies, and nonprofit organizations that monitors Internet policies and practices.

Internet Security (ISOC)

Which of the following terms is synonymous with e-commerce?

digital commerce

Which of the following is not a characteristic of a perfect competitive market?

It is highly regulated.

Which of the following is not a major business trend in e-commerce in 2016-2017?

Small businesses and entrepreneurs are hampered by the rising cost of market entry caused by increased presence of industry giants.

________ is used to allow remote login on another computer.


Which of the following was the original "killer app" that made the Internet commercially interesting and extraordinarily popular?

The Web

Which of the following is not an element of friction-free commerce?

Transaction costs are high.

A private cloud is operated solely for the benefit of a single tenant.


All firms need an organization to efficiently implement their business plans and strategies.


E-commerce and e-business systems blur together at the business firm boundary, at the point at which internal business systems link up with suppliers or customers.


All of the following are examples of social networks except:

Y Combinator.

Firms that fail to produce returns greater than alternative investments typically go out of business.


HTML is used to format the structure and style of a web page.


HTTP/2 is supported by almost all the leading web browsers.


Personalization involves targeting marketing messages to specific individuals by adjusting the message based upon a consumer's preferences or past purchasing behavior.


Price dispersion remains pervasive online.


The Internet of Things (IoT) is based on sensors that collect data and connect to the Internet.


How long does it take for 300,000 X-rays to be transmitted on a 100-gbps network?

one minute

Which of the following enables Internet users to communicate with each other, although not in real time?

online forum

In general, the key to becoming a successful content provider is to:

own the content being provided.

Which of the following features of e-commerce technology enables merchants to market and sell "complex" goods and services to consumers via marketing messages that can integrate video, audio, and text?


Which type of investor typically becomes interested in a start-up company after it has begun generating revenue?

venture capital investors

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