Civil War

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What is the Union's reaction to the Confederates fighting at the Battle of Bull Run?

surprised by their ability

The Anaconda Plan

surround the South and "squeeze the life out of it": -Capture Richmond -Blockade the coastline -Control the MIssissippi River and divide the South


the act or process of surrounding and attacking to isolate it from help or supplies


to dig trenches (on mountains or hills) for defensive purposes

Why does Lincoln send troops to Fort Sumter, SC?

to supply a federal fort

In what battle was McClellan fired? Why?

"Burnside's Bridge" because new General Burnside won against Confederates whereas McClellan kept losing so Burnside is put in charge

Afternoon stage of Battle of Antietam?

"Burnside's" Bridge

Once North refocuses their efforts, South must go on offense and have two more goals...

-Capture Washington DC -Threaten Northern cities

Southern Advantages

-Fighting a defensive war -Better military leaders -Prepared for outdoor living -Believe in "King Cotton" and the European's desire for cotton -Have a clear goal!

Southern Disadvantages

-Less population=fewer free men to fight! -Lack of supplies=few factories and less food production

Northern Disadvantage

-Must invade and try to hold the hostile south-over 750,000 square miles!

South's "fighting a defensive war" plan

-Resist until the North gets tired of fighting

Union Blockade

-Union may be loosing battles in VA but blockade is successful -Reduces southern trade by 2/3

Northern advantages

-larger population -more economic (industries) and financial (gold and banks) resources -more transportation systems -have the Navy

How many Union casualties? Confederate?

13,000 Union, 11,000 Confederate

When is Abraham Lincoln elected?


What time period is "Burnside's" Bridge in the Battle of Antietam?


How many casualties in the Battle of Antietam?

20,000 casualties

Why is the Sunken Road in the Battle of Antietam also known as the "Bloody Lane"?

5,000 soldiers die here

What time period is the Cornfield in the Battle of Antietam?


How many volunteers does Lincoln ask for to join the Union Army?

75,000 volunteers

What time period is the Sunken Road in the Battle of Antietam?


What is established in the Confederate States of America?

A constitution

Which Union general caught New Orleans?

Admiral Farragut

What do the states that need to choose sides once the war begins decide to do?

All four states secede! They refuse attack other southern states

Bloodiest battle in the Civil War?

Battle of Antietam

How did McClellan mess up most? What battle?

Battle of Antietam-McClellan found Lee's plans and still delayed by thinking through and examining and as a result, lost the first two battles in Antietam

First official battle of the Civil War

Battle of Bull Run

Midday stage of Battle of Antietam?

Bloody Lane

Who dies in the Battle of Chancellorsville? Confederate or Union?

Confederate Stonewall Jackson wounded by friendly fire and later dies from his wounds

Who wins Day 1 of the Battle of Gettysburg?


Who won the Battle of Chancellorsville?


Who won the Battle of Fredricksburg? Why?

Confederates because of better battlefield position-entrenched

What does General Burnside do as a result of the Battle of Fredricksburg? Why?

Devastated, Burnside resigns

Who wins Day 2 of the Battle of Gettysburg?


North's second goal?

End slavery

South's strategy

Fight a defensive war-"win by not losing"

What do the states that secede from the Union form?

Form Confederate States of America

South's goal

Gain independence and right to govern themselves

How does Union General Grant win in the Siege of Vicksburg?

Gains control of Vicksburg after 6 week siege-Union control of Mississippi river

Who led Unions to victory in "Burnside's Bridge?"

General Burnside

Who is the Union Army lead by in the Battle of Shiloh?

General Grant

Who leads the Union forces in the Siege of Vicksburg?

General Grant

Who is the new Union general after Burnside resigns?

General Hooker

Who was the Union General in the Battle of Gettysburg?

General Meade

Who do the Rebels rally under?

General Thomas Jackson-Confederate

After loss at Bull Run, who is made the head general of the Union Army?

George McClellan

Why does Lincoln change the goals?

Goals evolve as President Lincoln needs to refocus northerners on the war

Why is "stonewall" General Thomas Jackson's nickname?

Jackson and his men are like a stonewall during the battle-could not be moved

Who becomes the president of the Confederate States of America?

Jefferson Davis

What does Confederate General Lee do in the Battle of Antietam?

Lee moves into MD to take war in to Northern states

What steps does Lincoln take to make sure that the border states do not secede?

Lincoln is careful not to make any decisions that might make these states secede

Emancipation Proclamation

Lincoln uses victory at Antietam to announce this statement that slaves in rebelling states shall be freed!

What are the four border states?

MD, DE, KY, and MO

When was Lincoln's inauguaration?

March 4, 1861

Peninsula Campaign

McClellan to capture Richmond but evaluates and delays-allows the Rebels to preprare! Unsuccessful

Does Abraham Lincoln get the popular vote?

No, he wins without a majority of the popular vote-only 40%

Is the Emancipation Proclamation actually a law?

No-only Abraham Lincoln announced this, Congress did not agree to it (it was not brought to Congress)

What does the Union win in the Battle of Shiloh?

Northern Mississippi River

Day 3 of the Battle of Gettysburg-name?

Pickett's Charge

North's first goal?

Preserve the Union

North's third goal?

Prove that a democracy can work and survive

MD had waited to see what VA would do but Union troops get there first...what does Lincoln do to ensure MD stays in the Union?

Puts MD under martial law

Another name for Confederates


Why is the Emancipation Proclamation important?

Refocuses the Union's purpose for the war-to abolish slavery-keeps northerners involved in the war and gives them something else to fight for

What states secede from the Union after Lincoln's election and before he is even inauguarated?

SC, GA, FL, AL, MS, LA, and TX

What is the start of the Civil War?

Shooting at Fort Sumter

Friendly fire

Shot on own side

What happens when Lincoln's troops come into Fort Sumter to supply a federal fort?

South Carolina's militia fire upon the fort on April 12, 1861

Is the Confederate strong? Do they hold keeping Union from controlling entire Mississippi?

Strong-hold keeping Union from controlling entire Mississippi

North's strategy

The Anaconda Plan

Morning stage of Battle of Antietam?

The Cornfield

Where is the majority of the Battle of Antietam taken place?

The Cornfield

Why do the states secede from the Union?

They feel like they have no voice or representation in government and are afriad of what Lincoln might do

What nickname does Confederate General Thomas Jackson get nicknamed?

Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson-earns his reputation

Why do Union forces win in the Battle of Gettysburg?

Three days of fighting ends with Union victory because of more men and defensive positions on the battlefield

Who wins Day 3 of the Battle of Gettysburg?


Who wins the Battle of Gettysburg?


Who wins the siege of Vicksburg?


Day 2 of the Battle of Gettysburg-name?

Union "fishhook"

Who wins at the Battle of Shiloh?

Union Army defeats the Confederates who withdraw

Day 1 of the Battle of Gettysburg-name?

Union Cavalry

Who retreats in the Battle of Bull Run?

Union retreats back to Washington DC.. Confederates do not follow-fighting a defensive war

Battle of Shiloh- goal for Union

Union wants to control Mississippi and Tennessee Rivers

What states still need to choose sides once the war begins?

VA, NC, AR, and TN

Admiral Farragut continues up Mississippi River capturing all Confederate held cities except for...


War of Attrtion

War of wearing down- The Union has a greater population=more soldiers to replace those killed

Another name for Union


George McClellan

best guy for organizing army-troops will be well trained and drilled -but too cautious!

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