CJS 102 Final Exam

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What is the difference between a felony and a misdemeanor?

Felony >1 and Misdemeanor <1

Nancy Reagan, was involved in what social issue?

"Just Say No" campaign

Structural Perspective

- Ecological forces. crime rates are a function of neighborhood conditions, cultural forces, and norm conflict. - Started in the University of Chicago

Biological/Psychological Perspective

- Internal forces, positivism, crime is a function of chemical, neurological, genetic, personality, intelligence, or mental traits. - Why people commit crime

Where does crime data come from?

- UCR - NIBRS - SHR - NCVS - Self Report

What is happening to female incarceration rates in the United States?

- approx. 250k women incarcerated - rates growing faster than men.

Approximately how many people are incarcerated in the US today?

2.3 million

Approximately what percentage of people that get out of prison, go home?


What is indentured servitude?

A contract for a fee for a certain period of time - could be sold to another, free labor to pay for services, debts, transportation - often the terms are subjective.

What type of sentencing takes discretion away from judges?

A mandatory sentence

Criminal Justice vs Criminology

Criminal justice focuses primarily on the justice process, criminology focuses primarily on crime and criminals

Popular Culture

America's fascination with crime - Examples: TV, books, movies, news, etc.


Behaviors that are now considered criminal that and will become less illegal.

Where is sex slavery growing the fastest in?

Central and Eastern Europe, former Soviet Union and throughout Southeast Asia

What is the difference between crime and deviance?

Crime is behavior that breaks the law, and deviance is behavior that differs from the socially accepted norm. When a deviance breaks a law, it becomes a crime.

Labeling Theory

Depending on how people look at you, you internalize it, and it shapes how you are.

Conflict Perspective

Economic and political forces. Crime is a function of competition for limited resources and power. Class conflict produces crime.

Why do we care about sex ratio imbalances? What does it matter?

Extremely unequal sex ratios make the criminal justice system appear biased and inhumane. It also increases their risk of disease contraction and transmission through risky behavior.

True or False, we know exactly how many slaves there are today?


Are profits from slavery greater today or greater back in early slavery days?

Greater back in early slavery days.

Comparing national incarceration to Illinois incarceration, how does it compare? More people, less people, or the same as compared to the national average?

Illinois' incarceration rate has mirrored the national rate, increasing approx. 500% since the 1970s. Illinois consistently ranks in the top 10 states for incarceration rates in the U.S.

Who is the author of Blood and Earth?

Kevin Bales

What is domestic servitude?

Labor trafficking. Slaves work in the house of the master/owner tending to all household activities

How are most slaves today acquired?

Most victims are kidnapped from their poor families whom they will never see again.

Developmental Perspective

Multiple forces. Biological, social-psychological, economic, and political forces may combine to produce crime.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn, who was he and what did he do?

Nobel Prize Winner - The Gulag Archipelago (1974 officially published 1989) - critically acclaimed book about the slave labor system in Russia under Lenin and Stalin - a prisoner himself. He tells of the 66 million+ men, women, and children secretly trafficked into slave labor at camps throughout Russia (1918-1956).

How many countries still have legal slavery?

None. Slavery is illegal in every country in the world but many forms still practiced regularly around the globe.

Thinking about disease transmission, what does the term "bridging" mean and what does the term "partner concurrency" mean?

Partner concurrency is associated with higher prevalence of STDs.

What is forced migration?

Permanent movement, usually compelled by cultural factors

Recent research on incarceration has focused on which two areas?

Population remaining in the community and receiving community

What is recurring trouble called? (keep getting locked up)


What is the technical term for getting out of prison?


Which type of slavery today is the fastest growing?

Sexual Slavery

Classical/Choice Perspective

Situational forces, people have free will, cost vs. benefit analysis, deterrents

Process Perspective

Socialization forces. Crime is a function of upbringing, learning, and control. Peers, parents, and teachers influence behavior.

How does sex tourism impact the spread of disease?

Some tourists are pedophiles and others are "situational abusers."Some tourists rationalize their behavior by thinking that they are helping the children financially better themselves and their families.

What war revolved around the issue of slavery?

The Civil War

What has happened to the US prison population over the last several decades? Has it increased, decreased, or stayed the same?

The past several decades have undergone an alarming increase in incarceration rates - up 500%+ since the 1970s. (drugs, gangs, guns).

What are mandatory minimum sentences?

This is a law that was passed (most aggressive in 1986) that limited judicial discretion. Instead of judges hearing a case and determining a sentence or term based on the totality of the facts they followed a chart that looked at very few variables. Mandatory sentences take other alternatives off the table.


To make something illegal

What is chattel slavery known as?

Traditional slavery

Which country has the highest incarceration rates in the world?

United States

Which first world country has STD rates similar to developing countries?

United States

What was the first colony in North America that acquired slaves?


What were the criminology perspectives?

What causes crime.

Chivalry hypothesis

Women get off easier, less likely to get charges pressed, less likely to convict

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