CMP 104 Chapter 4
The _____ at the end of a for statement tells Python to interpret the next line as the start of a loop.
You cannot ever modify or assign a new value to a variable that holds a tuple.
When the syntax is valid Python code, but the code does not produce the desired result, it is called a _______. Selected Answ
Logical error
A tuple looks just like a list except you use ______ instead of square brackets.
The ______ function causes Python to start counting at the first value you give it, and it stops when it reaches the second value.
Range ()
A list comprehension combines the for loop and the creation of new elements into one line, and automatically appends each new element.
Always indent the line after the for statement in a loop.
Python refers to values that cannot change as immutable, and an immutable list is called a ____.
When you want to do the same action with every item in a list, you can use Python's ____loop.
You can loop all over the values in a tuple using a _____ loop, just as you did with a list.