Code Academy Data Science
Supervised Learning
Category of data-mining techniques in which an algorithm learns how to predict or classify an outcome variable of interest.
CSV file
Comma separated values file; a text file with one record per line, and the field of each record separated by commas
Machine Learning
Machine Learning is the science of getting computers to learn and act like humans do, and improve their learning over time in autonomous fashion, by feeding them data and information in the form of observations and real-world interactions
Set of data stored in a computer structured into tables. May have rows and columns.
Structured Query Language. handles HOW you get the data.
a general-purpose programming language
a python module
Retention Rate Formula
whole minus part
defines subset of data you are looking for
lets us analyze spreadsheet data
Churn Rate Formula
part divided by whole
Unsupervised Learning
the data is unlabeled and the program learns to recognize the inherent structure of the input data.
retention rate
the fraction of a firm's current earnings that the firm retains
churn rate
the rate at which customers leave a product or service