Cog Psych Chap 8

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The repeated reproduction technique used in memory studies involves

the same participants remembering some information at longer and longer intervals after learning the information.

Jacoby's experiment, in which participants made judgments about whether they had previously seen the names of famous and non-famous people, found that inaccurate memories based on source misattributions occurred after a delay of

24 hours.

Which statement below is NOT true, based on the results of memory research?

Although eyewitness testimony is often faulty, people who have just viewed a videotape of a crime are quite accurate at picking the "perpetrator" from a lineup.

A script is a type of schema that also includes knowledge of

a sequence of actions.

For most adults over age 40, the reminiscence bump describes enhanced memory for

adolescence and young adulthood.

In Lindsay's "misinformation effect" experiment, participants saw a sequence of slides showing a maintenance man stealing money and a computer. This slide presentation included narration by a female speaker who described what was happening in the slides as they were shown. Results showed that the misinformation effect was greatest when MPI presentation was

auditory from a female speaker.

Schrauf and Rubin's "two groups of immigrants" study found that the reminiscence bump coincided with periods of rapid change, occurring at a normal age for people emigrating early in life but shifting to 15 years later for those who emigrated later. These results support the

cognitive hypothesis.

According to the _____ approach to memory, what people report as memories is based on what actually happened plus additional factors such as other knowledge, experiences, and expectations.


In the "word list" false memory experiment where several students incorrectly remembered hearing the word sleep, false memory occurs because of

constructive memory processes.

Unconscious plagiarism of the work of others is known as


The experiment in which participants first read sentences about a baseball game and were then asked to identify sentences they had seen before, illustrated that memory

involves making inferences.

The observation that older adults often become nostalgic for the "good old days" reflects the self-image hypothesis, which states that

memory for life events is enhanced during the time we assume our life identities.

Research on eyewitness testimony reveals that

when viewing a lineup, an eyewitness's confidence in her choice of the suspect can be increased by an authority's confirmation of her choice, even when the choice is wrong.

Loftus and Palmer's "car-crash films" experiment described in the text shows how a seemingly minor word change can produce a change in a person's memory report. In this study, the MPI was (were) the word(s)


Jackie went to the grocery store to pick up yogurt, bread, and apples. First, she picked up a hand basket for carrying her groceries, and then she searched the store. After finding what she needed, she stood in a check-out line. Then, the cashier put her items in a plastic bag, and soon after, Jackie left the store. As readers of this event, we understand that Jackie paid for the groceries, even though it wasn't mentioned, because we are relying on a grocery store _____.

a. misattribution b. schema c. script d. narrative

In the word list experiment that was based on work by Deese (1959) and Roediger & McDermott (1995), many students incorrectly remembered hearing the word ________ as part of the list of presented stimuli. This highlights a disadvantage of memory's constructive nature.

a. tired c. blanket d. drowsy

The misinformation effect can be explained by

retroactive interference.

Asking people to recall the most influential events that happened during their college careers shows that ____ in people's lives appear to be particularly memorable.

transition points

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