Cognitive Psychology - Chapter 1

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In Donders's experiment on decision making, when participants were asked to press one button if the light on the left was illuminated and another button if the light on the right was illuminated, they were engaged in a

choice reaction time task.

The "Little Albert" experiment involving the rat and the loud noise is an example of which of the following types of experiments?

classical conditioning

The branch of psychology concerned with the scientific study of the mind is called

cognitive psychology

The relationship between the _____ is NOT measured directly by cognitive psychologists.

cognitive task and the mental response

The relationship between the ____________ is NOT measured directly by cognitive psychologists.

cognitive task and the mental response

Endel Tulving, one of the most prominent early memory researchers, proposed that long-term memory is subdivided into all of the following components EXCEPT

short term memory

Who developed the concept of the cognitive map?


Which of the following does NOT characterize the information processing (IP) approach to the study of cognition?

IP emphasizes stimulus-response relationships in cognitive processes.

Donders's main reason for doing his choice reaction time experiment was to study

decision making

How is the term mind used in this statement: "When he talks about his encounter with aliens, it sounds like he is out of his mind"?

The mind as a healthy mind being associated with normal functioning, a nonfunctioning mind with abnormal functioning.

The "cognitive revolution"

was a gradual process that occurred over a few decades

In which year was positron emission tomography (PET) introduced and made it possible to see which areas of the human brain are activated during cognitive activity?


Why can we consider Tolman one of the early cognitive psychologists?

Because he used behavior to infer mental processes

The main point of the Donders's reaction time experiments was to

measure the amount of time it takes to make a decision

John Watson believed that psychology should focus on the study of

observable behavior.

Behaviorists believe that the presentation of ____________ increases the frequency of behavior.

positive reinforcers

Behaviorists believe that the presentation of_______ increases the frequency of behavior.

positive reinforcers

An important contribution to the field of psychology resulting from Wilhelm Wundt founding his laboratory at the University of Leipzig in 1879 was

producing Ph.D.s who later established psychology departments at many U.S. universities.

Donald Broadbent was the first person to develop which of the following?

A flow diagram depicting the mind as processing information in a sequence of stages

Which of the following methods, often associated with structuralism, was used in the psychology laboratory established by Wilhelm Wundt?

Analytic introspection

Which of the following psychologists is known for research on operant conditioning?

B.F. Skinner

Which of the following terms is correct in context with "Pairing one stimulus with another"?

Classical conditioning

Which of the following terms is correct in context with "conception within the rat's mind of the maze's layout"?

Cognitive mapping

Which of the following was considered positive by the behaviorists?

Observable behavior

Colin Cherry's experiment in which participants listen to two messages simultaneously, one in each ear, found all but which of the following?

People who are deaf process auditory information on a nonconscious level

Watson became dissatisfied with the method of analytic introspection in which context?

Results were interpreted in terms of invisible inner mental processes

Which book was written by Thomas Kuhn?

The Structure of Scientific Revolutions

Wundt's approach, which dominated psychology in the late 1800s and early 1900s, was known as


At the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Symposium on Information Theory, George Miller presented a paper suggesting that

there are limits to the human ability to process information

Attention, perception, memory, and decision making are all different types of mental processes in which the mind engages. These are known as different types of


The first experiments in cognitive psychology were based on the idea that mental responses can be

inferred from the participant's behavior

Who proposed that children's language development was caused by imitation and reinforcement?

B.F. Skinner

The use of the term artificial intelligence was coined by

John McCarthy

Regarding children's language development, Noam Chomsky noted that children generate many sentences they have never heard before. From this, he concluded that language development is driven largely by

inborn programming.

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