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a place or scene of activity, debate, or conflict. "he has re-entered the political ---"


a place that is frequented for holidays or recreation or for a particular purpose. "a seaside resort"


a place to which many people go for recreation, rest, etc. a holiday ---.

melting pot

a place where different peoples, styles, theories, etc. are mixed together. "Toronto is a melting pot of different cultures"

must-have product

a product that is very popular that a lot of people want to have

a massive hit

a record that sells lots of copies


a sense of disgust and loathing. "news of the attack will be met with sorrow and ---"

a cold spell

a short period of cold weather

classic style

a simple, traditional style that is always fashionable


a situation or condition in which there is no movement or activity at all. "the traffic came to a standstill"

clear blue skies

a sky without clouds

a pop group

a small group of people who play or sing pop music together


a small, sharp broad headed nail

not much of a social butterfly

a social butterfly is someone who enjoys parties and going out - perhaps too much. He isn't much of a social butterfly.


a social or religious custom prohibiting or restricting a particular practice or forbidding association with a particular person, place, or thing. "many taboos have developed around physical exposure"

pop music

a softer alternative to rock and roll.


a solemn promise or undertaking. "the conference ended with a joint --- to limit pollution"


a solemn promise, often invoking a divine witness, regarding one's future action or behaviour. "they took an --- of allegiance to the king"

a catchy tune

a song that is easy to remember and makes you want to sing it

a slow number

a song with a slow tempo

holiday of a lifetime

a special holiday that you are unlikely to repeat


a spell or sustained period of unrestrained activity of a particular kind. "he went on a six-month crime ---" "shopping ---"


a strong dislike or disinclination. "they made plain their --- to the use of force"

a mature student

a student who is older than average and who has usually returned to education after a period at work

designer label

a well-known company that makes (often expensive) clothing


a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing. "the stereotype of the woman as the carer"


a widespread reaction of interest and excitement. "his arrest for poisoning caused a sensation"


a woman to whom a man is engaged to be married. "he went back to the valley to marry his ---". Fiancé on the other hand is a man to whom a woman is engaged to be married. "my fiancé and I were childhood sweethearts". (note: one less e at the end for man.)


a work of outstanding artistry, skill, or workmanship. "This story is, to my mind, a ---.


a wreath of flowers and leaves, worn on the head or hung as a decoration. (haar). 'Some are holding beautiful flower ---s and decorations they hope to offer the sadhus as they pass." "flower --- = phulo ka haar). "decorated with flower ---s"


able to be attained; achievable. "yields in excess of 6 % are easily attainable"


able to be used or obtained; at someone's disposal. "refreshments will be --- all afternoon"


able to endure hardship or pain. "she was as --- as old boots"

have a good eye for

an idiom for someone who can see what is stylish

smart cookie (I)

an idiom for someone who is clever. My brother's definitely a --- - one of the most intelligent people I know.



public spaces

areas in a town or city that are open to the public


arousing revulsion or strong indignation. "he had the most --- rotten teeth"


as a consequence; for this reason. "many vehicle journeys, and --- a lot of pollution, would be saved"


as a result or consequence of this; therefore. "Burke knocked out Byrne, --- becoming champion"


as a result. "flexible workers find themselves in great demand, and --- gain high salaries"


as an extra factor or circumstance. "brokers finance themselves --- by short-term borrowing"

in addition

as an extra person or thing. "members of the board were paid a small allowance ---- to their normal salary"


as another option or possibility. "-----, you may telephone us direct if you wish"

face-to- face classes

as opposed to distance learning the traditional way of studying in a classroom with colleagues and a teacher


astonishing or awe-inspiring in quality, so as to take one's breath away. "the scene was one of ----- beauty"


at or to the further side of. "he pointed to a spot ---- the concealing trees"

at stake

at risk. "people's lives could be ---". "my reputation is ---"

on the big screen

at the cinema

break the ice

attempt to become friend / make a start. "A nice smile does a lot to ---.""No one wants to ---. I guess I will be first.""Newton's theories ---for modern physics"


attempt to sell (something), typically by a direct or persistent approach. "Sanjay was touting his wares"


attention to or concern for something. "the court must have --- to the principle of welfare"


attractive in a pretty or endearing way. "she had a --- little nose"


average in amount, intensity, quality, or degree. "we walked at a --- pace"

run of the mill

average, ordinary."Apple phones are very --- these days"


avoid or neglect (a duty or responsibility). "I do not shirk any responsibility in this matter".

carrier bag

bags (usually plastic) supplied by shops

lively bars/restaurants

bars or restaurants with a good atmosphere

have good taste

be able to judge what is stylish. Patricia is the most stylish person I know - she just has excellent taste.

keep things in perspective/proportion

be able to see how important things really are - often when there is a problem.

be witty

be clever and funny. A witty remark is clever and funny and timed just right. When you make such a remark, you are also considered to be witty.


be constantly talking or worrying about something. "her husband, who is obsessing about the wrong she has done him"

always get straight to the point

be direct in the way you speak


be dressed in clothes of a specified kind. "Lady Agatha was ---d in an elaborate evening gown"

blow out

be extinguished by an air current. "the candles ---(second form)"

generous to a fault

be extremely generous

get along (with)

be friendly with. "My neighbor and I --- very well. We talk every day."

be a fashionista/fashion victim

be someone who will buy all the latest clothes

outdo (outdone)

be superior to in action or performance. "the men tried to --- each other in their generosity"

brinjal / eggplant


it takes two to tango

both people involved in a bad situation are responsible for it. She blames Tracy for stealing her husband. 'Well, it ---.'


bound together by strong relationships and common interests. "a --- community / family"

likes to be the centre of attention

can be a more negative comment for someone who is self-centred. she has a really wide circle of friends.


can be trusted

multi-story car parks

car parks on several floors

beet root


earthen lamps

diya on balcony ledge. Earthen oil diya used for Diwali.

public schools

exclusive independent schools in the UK


exercise skill in making (an object), typically by hand. "he ---ed the sculpture lovingly"

strenuous exercise

exercise that needs a lot of physical effort


existing or occurring at or on the surface. "the building suffered only --- damage"

upmarket shops

expensive fashionable shops

hit the ceiling / roof

explode in anger. "Dad --- when he didn't get his usual bonus."


exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally. "we were in a --- position." "the scheme will help charities working with --- adults and young people"


genitive masculine plural of sanctus.


give (someone) authority to act in a certain way. "the rightful king was mandated and sanctioned by God"


give one's attention to a sound. "evidently he was not ---ing"


give up (something valued) for the sake of other considerations. "working hard doesn't mean sacrificing your social life"


giving a feeling of comfort, warmth, and relaxation. "the flickering lamp gave the room a --- lived-in air"


giving an appearance or impression different from the true one; misleading. "he put the question with --- casualness"

go bananas

go crazy. "Sorry, I just --- (second form) for a minute.""I thought he was going to ---."


go or move back or further away from a previous position. "the floodwaters had receded"

break a leg

good luck. So you have the IELTS test today? ---.


good-looking man. he can be strong, tall, muscular,etc.


graceful and stylish in appearance or manner. "she will look --- in black"


gradually weaken or destroy (a person's strength or power). "our energy is being ---ped by bureaucrats and politicians"


grant to (someone) the use of (something) on the understanding that it will be returned. "Stewart asked me to --- him my car"


great courage in the face of danger, especially in battle. "the medals are awarded for acts of valour"

once in a blue moon

happening very rarely. "He comes round to see me ---."


hard working


have a strong emotional effect on. "I was ---ed with guilt" "Don't --- him with facts." "They were ---ed with work."

have a small circle of friends

have fewer friends. She prefers to have a smallish circle of friends.


having a great deal of courage or nerve


having or showing a quick-witted intelligence. "if he was that --- he would never have been tricked"


having or showing an ability to accurately assess situations or people and turn this to one's advantage. "an --- businessman"


having or showing an interest in learning things; curious."his poems reveal an intensely inquisitive mind"


having or showing intelligence, especially of a high level. "Anna is --- and hard-working"


having or showing intelligence. "a --- discussion"


having six parts or aspects


having the ability to find quick and clever ways to overcome difficulties. "he maintained her reputation for being a ----- problem-solver"


having two parts or aspects. "a twofold increase in the risk"


he is a typical -----. He hid his money in the house in various places


helping person

hush-hush / covert

highly secret or confidential. "Though these meetings were --- there were sometimes leaks."

poor housing

housing that is not in good condition


however; but. "he says he has the team shirt, ---- I've never seen him wear it"

given the chance

if i were allowed to. "Given the chance, I'd spend all day reading."


ignoring the true complexities of an issue; superficial. "--- generalizations"


imaginative or fanciful; remote from reality. synonymous of unbelievable, unthinkable. "--- hybrid creatures"


imagine as a future possibility; visualize. "she ---ed the admiring glances of guests seeing her home"


immediately or instantly. "the impact killed four horses outright"

at the drop of a hat

immediately; instantly. "If you need help, just call on me. I can come ---."


important; famous. "she was a --- member of the city council"


impossible to believe. "an almost --- tale of triumph and tragedy"


in a hearty manner. "she laughed heartily"


in a way that is appropriate to the particular circumstances. "we have to discover what his plans are and act ---"


in addition; also. "is he coming ---?"


in addition; besides (used to introduce a fresh consideration in an argument). "It was also a highly desirable political end. ----, it gave the English a door into France"


in addition; besides. "no doubt he had many a sin on his soul, ---- murder"


in fashion


in or relating to the central part or main business and commercial area of a town or city. "downtown Chicago"


in other respects; apart from that. "she's exhausted, but ---- she's fine"

even so

in spite of that; nevertheless. "not the most exciting of places, but ---- I was having a good time"


in spite of that; nevertheless. "the rally, which the government had declared illegal, was ---- attended by some 6,000"


incapable of producing any useful result; pointless. "a --- attempt to keep fans from mounting the stage"

immediate family

includes a person's parents, spouses, siblings, children.


inspiring disgust and loathing; repugnant. "racism was --- to us all"


intelligent and well informed. "she is very --- about livestock and pedigrees"


is about gifting friends and families.


is festival of light

bitter gourd





kill (animals) for food. "the animals have been ---ed according to Islamic laws"


know someone slightly. "I am not acquainted with any young lady of that name"


knowledge or experience of something. "the pupils had little acquaintance with the language"

shopping malls

large indoor shopping centres

big brand names

large well-known companies or product names

get out

leave or move. "I don't want you here. --- of my way!"


lines of gunfire from two or more positions or combatants crossing one another, or a single one of such lines. "a photographer was killed in ---"

bottle gourd

loki (ghiya)


long life. "the greater --- of women compared with men"


looking for a property to live in


mainly; for the most part. "it is --- a coastal bird"


make (hair) smooth and glossy. "her black hair was sleeked down"


make (someone or something) look or feel better, younger, or more vital. "a bid to --- the town centre". "relaxation is the best way to--."


make (someone) feel very tired. "her day out had ---d her"


make (something) appear fuller and softer by shaking or brushing it. "I ---ed up the pillows"


make an effort or attempt to achieve. "she's now ---ding to become a top female model"

pave the way for

make it easier for someone to do something. "Scientists hope that data from the probe will --- a more detailed exploration of Mars.


make or represent (a form) by carving, casting, or other shaping techniques. "the choir stalls were each carefully ---d"

social media

media used to interact with other people such as Facebook or Twitter

cuts and bruises

minor injuries

aches and pains

minor pains that continue over a period of time

miss the boat

miss an opportunity. I sent my application in late and I think I ---.


mix or cause to mix together. "the sound of voices ---d with a scraping of chairs"

prescription charges

money the patient pays for medicine authorised by a doctor

above all

more so than anything else. "he was concerned --- to speak the truth"


more than anything else. "he is --- concerned with fiction"


move in a slow, heavy, awkward way. "a truck ----ed past"



high-rise flats

multi-story apartments

a music festival

music performances at a venue often over several days

live music

music that is listened to while it is performed (not recorded)

background music

music that is played while something else is happening

classical music

music that is regarded as part of a long, formal tradition

folk music

music that originates in traditional popular culture or that is written in such a style. --- is typically of unknown authorship and is transmitted orally from generation to generation.


my gran is a bit ......... She's always ordering my poor grandad about.

vicious circle

n. It is a problem or difficult situation that has the effect of creating new problems which then cause the original problem or situation to occur again. e.g. The more pesticides are used, the more resistant the insects become so the more pesticides have to be used. It's a ---.


n. a dirty or untidy state of things or of a place. "she made a --- of the kitchen" (गड़बड़) v. make untidy or dirty. "you've ---ed up my beautiful carpet"


n. a person legally entitled to the property or rank of another on that person's death. (वारिस) "his eldest son and ---"


n. a violent or sudden change or disruption to something. (क्रांति, उथल-पुथल) major ---s in the financial markets. synonyms: disruption, upset, disturbance, trouble, turbulence; Antonyms: stability, tranquillity


needing or ready for sleep. "the wine had made her ---"


never done or known before. "the government took the unprecedented step of releasing confidential correspondence"


nevertheless; all the same. "I'm afraid he's crazy. ----, he's harmless"

safe and sound

no danger or injury."The children were found ---"


not easily affected by criticism

casual clothes

not formal


not guilty of a crime or offence. "the prisoners were later found ---"


not honest or sincere. Will say one thing to someone to their face and another when they are not present.


not honest or sincere. will say one thing to someone to their face and another when they are not present

old fashioned

not in fashion any more


not just a question of age but attitude

outside the purview of the law

not lawful. "we haven't not done anything ---."

at the (very) least

not less than; at the minimum. "stay ten days ---"

be level-headed/not lose your head

not panic if there is a problem or get carried away their emotions. More than that she's very level-headed and never gets carried away.

be a private person

not to go out much. she's just a fairly private person

under the weather

not well / ill / sick."I feel sort of --- today."


noun 1. a person or thing that is likely to cause harm; a threat or danger. "a new initiative aimed at beating the menace of drugs" synonyms: danger, peril, risk, hazard, threat; More verb 1. be a threat or possible danger to. "Africa's elephants are still menaced by poaching" synonyms: threaten, be a danger to, put at risk, jeopardize, imperil, loom over More

local crafts

objects produced locally


observe / to show that you remember an important person or event by having a special ceremony, or by creating a special object. "The statue ---s the discovery of anaesthesia." "The monument ---s a naval victory." "A wreath-laying ceremony to --- the war dead""The victory was ---d in songs"


observe and check the progress or quality of (something) over a period of time; keep under systematic review. "equipment was installed to --- air quality"


of considerable importance, size, or worth. "a substantial amount of cash"


of or like snow, especially in being pure white. "--- hair"

a classic

of the highest quality


of the nature of or resembling vinegar; sour; acid. "a --- taste."


of, in, or characteristic of the residential area of a town or city. "uptown Manhattan"


of, like, or covered with fluff. "a --- kitten" "a --- blanket"


of, typical of, or peculiar to the tropics. "tropical countries". The tropics are regions of the Earth that lie roughly in the middle of the globe. the part of the world that is near the equator where the weather is very warm

buy and sell

often used to refer to the buying and selling of items between individuals


originating in or characteristic of a distant foreign country. "--- birds". or strikingly exciting "--- dish"



out of season

outside of the main holiday period

class apart

outstanding. "They are class apart"


participate or become involved in. "organizations --- in a variety of activities"


pay close attention to; "--- the advice of the old men"

people from different age groups

people of all ages

adoring fans

people who love a particular band or singer


perceive with the ear the sound made by (someone or something). "behind her she could --- men's voices"


performances of a film


permitted by law. "he claimed that it had all been ---"

wet blanket

person who spoils other people's fun. "I don't want to be a ---, but you really must play your music more quietly or you'll disturb the people next door."

loved ones

person(s) that you love, usually a member(s) of your family: People, naturally enough, want to know that their --- are out of danger.

as hard as nails

physical strong / have no feelings or sympathy for other people. "She'll be good in business - she's ---."


physically or mentally demanding. "they find the work too ---"


plural noun of alumnus


prevent (someone) from concentrating on something. "don't allow noise to --- you from your work"


problems that calls for bold, and not --- response.


producing much fruit or foliage or many offspring. "in captivity tigers are --- breeders"


prove more powerful or superior. "it is hard for logic to prevail over emotion"


provide interesting and enjoyable occupation for (someone); entertain. "they amused themselves digging through an old encyclopedia"


ready to conform to the authority or will of others; meekly obedient or passive. "a ---, almost sheeplike people"


ready to hand. "keep credit cards ---"


rearrange (a pack of cards) by sliding them over each other quickly. "he ----d the cards and cut the deck"


regard or consider in a specified way. "the event was deemed a great success" "deemed university" "deemed more intelligent"


regard with disgust and hatred. "he ---red sexism in every form"


regarded by society to be good, proper, or correct. "they thought the stage no life for a --- lady"


relating to or denoting the presence or agency of ice, especially in the form of glaciers. "thick --- deposits"


relating to the North or South Pole. "the --- regions"


relaxed and not easily worried about anything


requiring no physical or mental exertion. "I went up the steps in two --- bounds


requiring or using great effort or exertion. "the government made --- efforts to upgrade the quality of the teaching profession"


resolutely or dutifully firm and unwavering. "--- loyalty


resolutely or dutifully firm and unwavering. "steadfast loyalty"


respect and admiration. "he was held in high --- by colleagues"


respect and admire. "many of these qualities are ---ed by managers"


restrain or keep in check. "she promised she would curb her temper"

tit for tat

retaliation in kind—or more broadly, an equivalent to an action given in return.


revealing a person's capabilities by putting them under strain; challenging. "it's been quite a --- time for all of us"

burn out

ruin one's health or become completely exhausted through overwork. "social pressures that can cause career women to ---"


sail about in an area without a precise destination, especially for pleasure. "they were --- off the California coast"


satisfactory or acceptable in quality or quantity. "this office is perfectly --- for my needs"


satisfying or appealing. "the --- austerity of the surroundings"


science fiction


scribble absent-mindedly. "he was only ---ing in the margin"


secret and illegal. "It was strictly an --- deal."


secretly listen to a conversation. "my father ---ped on my phone calls"

the last/final straw

seemingly minor or routine action which causes an unpredictably large and sudden reaction, because of the cumulative effect of small actions. "he has always been rude to me, but starting insulting my mother was ---."

lead by example

set a good example for others to follow. Although in fact she's fairly quiet and doesn't say much but just --s --.



boarded up shops

shops that are no longer doing business


short for expatriate.(informal)

sunny spells

short periods of sunny weather

forty winks

short sleep, especially during the day."I could do with --- right now"


show or announce publicly for the first time. "the Home Secretary has ---ed plans to crack down on crime"


showing a disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others; unselfish. "it was an entirely altruistic act"


showing careful thought. a) she was unfailingly kind and -----. b) be ------- over your handwriting


shut (a door, window, or lid) forcefully and loudly. "he ---s the door behind him as he leaves". a loud bang caused by the forceful shutting of something such as a door. "the door closed with a ---"




simple or straightforward. "he was an extraordinarily --- man"

places of interest

sites of interest to tourists

musical talent

skilled at music


sleepy and lethargic; half asleep."the wine had made her --"

classified ads

small advertisements often put in a newspaper or magazine by individuals

independent stores

small shops independent of large companies


so foolish, unreasonable, or out of place as to be amusing. "it's --- that I have been fined"

a good team player

somebody who can work well with other people

a techie

somebody who has an interest in technology

a fussy eater

somebody who has their own very high standards about what to eat

first-time buyer

someone buying a property for the first time, especially when taking out a loan (mortgage)

a fly in the ointment

someone or something that spoils a situation which could have been successful or pleasant. "The --- was my mother, who insisted on whispering through the first half of the show." "I'm ​looking ​forward to ​Sunday, the --- being the ​fact that I'll have to ​sit next to my ​mother-in- law."


someone who acts before thinking

a slave to fashion

someone who always feel the need to wear the latest fashions


someone who attracts other people, and who is good at getting people's attention


someone who cheats other people, to get what he wants

a straight A student

someone who did well at school. He wasn't in fact a straight A student at school but he's really sharp.

be a very grounded person/keep both feet on the ground

someone who doesn't get carried away by their emotions

laid back/easy-going

someone who doesn't get easily upset and likes to get on with other people - sometimes a less positive characteristic


someone who has artistic skills


someone who has got a class

a real individual

someone who has their own sense of style and doesn't follow what other people like.


someone who is confident enough to say what they want


someone who is easy to get along with

single -minded

someone who is focused on their goals and doesn't get distracted.


someone who is good at creative things, such as painting and drawing


someone who is honest and clear and does not worry too much about politeness - can be a negative term


someone who is keen to get on at work


someone who is not very intelligent


someone who is not very interesting


someone who is very energetic, determined to be successful, and able to deal with new or difficult situations easily: "We only recruit --- who will be actively involved in the company's development."


someone who is very loving


someone who is very outgoing


someone who is worries a lot


someone who isn't affected too much by others and remains calm and confident


someone who knows the art of dealing with people in a sensitive and tactful way.


someone who knows their duty. Annabelle is the most responsible person I know and is really trustworthy

a football fan

someone who likes football


someone who offers a friendly ear to people with problems

to be a big reader

someone who reads a lot


someone who takes care over work they are given to do

doesn't let the grass grow under her feet

someone who takes immediate action


someone who talks a lot


someone who thinks they are very important than others


someone who tries to control other people

able to see the big picture

someone who understands the complete situation and doesn't get confused by details. Most people I know get confused and but he's always able to see the big picture and he invariably makes the right choices.

be helpful - nothing is ever too much trouble

someone who will do things to help even if it is not convenient

be a good listener

someone who will listen to other people and just let them talk about their problems

always sees both sides of the argument

someone who will look at other points of view


someone who works hard, and pays attention to what they do


someone who works well with other people

always there for you

someone who you can rely on.

someone to look up to

someone you admire. She's always been my role model and -- I've --(second form).

someone you can bank on

someone you can rely on. You can just bank on her.

soul mate

someone you trust very deeply."My husband is not just my lover, he's my ---."

a role model

someone you want to be like. She's always been my ---.


something that doesn't go out of fashion


something that is highly fashionable and therefore in demand

bedtime reading

something to read in bed before you go to sleep

press release

something written by a company for newspapers and magazines and websites to share and publish

far-off destination

somewhere a long way away

tourist trap

somewhere where too many tourists go


special importance, value, or prominence given to something. "they placed great emphasis on the individual's freedom"

put up

stay temporarily in accommodation other than one's own home. "we --- at a hotel in the city centre"


stimulate or give rise to (a reaction or emotion, typically a strong or unwelcome one) in someone. "the decision ---d a storm of protest from civil rights organizations"

get over (something)

stop thinking about something. "I can't --- how hard that test was."

student digs

student accommodation

nothing succeed like success

success leads to opportunities for further and greater successes.


sudden uncontrollable fear or anxiety, often causing wildly unthinking behaviour. "she hit him in ---"

the spur of the moment

suddenly spontaneously, impulsive, without prior preparation."He decided to join a tour to England on ---."


supervise (a person or their work), especially in an official capacity. "the Home Secretary ---s the police service"


synonym of a criminal


synonym of mainly


synonym of modest


synonym of reliable


synonym of resolute


synonym of sentimental


synonym of talkative

for this reason

synonym of therefore


synonym of therefore


synonym of versatile


synonym of very sociable


tending to attract attention because of their exuberance, confidence, and stylishness. "the band's --- lead singer"

good sense of humour

the ability to understand what is funny

pollution levels

the amount of toxic waste

property market

the buying and selling of land or buildings


the distinctive atmosphere or quality that seems to surround and be generated by a person, thing, or place. "the ceremony retains an aura of mystery"

impact on

the effect on

career minded/ put your job first

the job is more important than family or friends. Even at school he was career minded and you could see that he would end up running a big business.

smart clothes

the kind of clothes worn for a formal event


the last part of a piece of music, an entertainment, or a public event, especially when particularly dramatic or exciting. "the festival ends with a grand ---"


the main events in a film or book

the central character

the main person in a film or book

high street

the main street of a town, especially as the traditional site for most shops, banks, and other businesses.

cash flow

the money coming in and going out of a business

tuition fees

the money paid for a course of study

the main meal

the most important meal of the day, usually eaten in the evening

target audience

the people a company want to sell their product or service to

future generations

the people who live after us

shop assistant

the person who serves customers

check-in desk

the place at the airport where you register for your flight and deposit your luggage

natural environment

the place where animals and plants would normally be found in nature

a swimming pool

the place where you swim

life and soul of the party

the sort of person who is lively at parties. While I'm quite quiet she's really outgoing and the life and the soul of the party.


the sound of a bell, especially when rung solemnly for a death or funeral. "would sound the death knell"


the stage of human social development and organization. e.g. Indus Valley --- is a Bronze Age ---


the state of being unaware of what is happening around one. "they drank themselves into ---". "I am not --- of the fact pigging out on pizza will make me fat.


the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc. "the company's --- to quality"

a football pitch

the surface on which you play football (as opposed to a stadium, which is the building)

a squash/tennis/badminton court

the surface where you play these sports


the time at which something is most powerful or successful. "in 1977, punk was at its ---"

prime time

the time during the viewing schedule when most people watch TV or listen to abroadcast

special effects

the visuals or sounds that are added to a film which are difficult to produce naturally

long-range forecast

the weather forecast for several days or weeks ahead

the natural world

the world of nature

home comforts

things that make a home feel comfortable to live in


think about the needs of other people


thinks only of oneself


though. "he was making progress, albeit rather slowly"



product placement

to advertise a product by using it as a prop in a TV show or film

to see eye to eye

to agree on a subject

to make an appointment

to arrange a time to see the doctor

to be engrossed in

to be completely focused on one thing

to be under threat

to be in danger of becoming extinct

to be called for an interview

to be invited to attend an interview

to take after

to be like (often another member of the family)

date backs to

to be made or begun at a particular time in the past. "A large collection of records -ing-- the 1950s"

to be well matched

to be similar to

to be tone deaf

to be unable to distinguish the different notes in music

not take (some) eyes off

to be unable to stop looking at someone or something that is attractive, surprising, or interesting. The first time we met, we could -- our --- each other.

as fit as a fiddle

to be very healthy

have on

to be wearing something."The dancers ---(second form) red shoes." "The snowman --(second form) a scarf --.""what do you --- right now?"

back in business

to be working or operating normally again. The weekly market is --- after its winter break.

to be value for money

to be worth the cost


to become angry quickly

come out of one's shell

to become more comfortable and friendly with people: It took Dan a few weeks to come out of his shell, but he's doing well now.

to take out (a book from the library)

to borrow a book from the library

to take out a mortgage

to borrow a large amount of money, paid back over several years, in order to buy a house

to take out a loan

to borrow money

to get on the property ladder

to buy a property with the aim of buying another bigger or more expensive one later in life

to pick up a bargain

to buy something much cheaper than the normal price

to snap up a bargain

to buy something quickly that is being sold cheaply

to cold call

to call someone with the aim of selling something without them asking you to do so

zip up

to close a garment by zipping."You had better --your jacket --.""---! It's cold!"

to follow a recipe

to cook a meal using instructions

Give the benefit of the doubt

to decide you will believe someone or something. I didn't know whether his story was true or not, but I decided to ---.

to show adverts

to display adverts on TV

to shop until you drop

to do a lot of shopping

to work with your hands

to do manual work

to work up an appetite

to do physical work that leads to you becoming hungry

to do market research

to do research into what potential customers would or wouldn't buy

to be well paid

to earn a good salary

to earn a living

to earn money

to eat like a horse

to eat a lot

a quick snack

to eat a small amount of food between meals

pick at

to eat just a tiny bit."You are just --ing -- your food!""I am sad, so I --- my food."

to grab a bite to eat

to eat something quickly (when you're in a rush)

to bolt something down

to eat something very quickly

to break up

to end a romantic relationship

to get a kick out of (something)

to enjoy doing something very much."Anyone who --s -- horror movies will love this show.""I -- real -- shopping for new shoes."

to wine and dine

to entertain someone by treating them to food and drink

to fall for

to fall in love

to be a bit off colour:

to feel a little ill

to feel poorly

to feel ill

to navigate a website

to find your way around a website

to meet a deadline

to finish a job by an agreed time

to meet a deadline

to finish a job or task in the time allowed or agreed

to catch a cold

to get a cold

to tie the knot

to get married

to get drenched

to get very wet

to settle down

to give up the single life and start a family

to go on tour

to go on a planned series of performances around a region or country

to attend classes

to go to classes

to be on a tight budget

to have a limited amount of money to spend

a heavy workload

to have a lot of work to do

to work your way through university

to have a paid job whilst studying to support yourself financially

to have a tooth out

to have a tooth removed

to have a filling

to have a tooth repaired

to have a web presence

to have a website or social media profile that showcases your business

celebrity endorsement

to have a well-known person promote a product

to own your own home

to have bought the property you live in

to have ups and downs

to have good and bad times

to be over the worst

to have got through the most serious or uncomfortable stage of an illness

order (something) in

to have something, usually food, brought into one's house or place of business."Do you want to -- pizza --?" "Let ---. I am lazy."

to be your own boss

to have your own business

to hide one's light under a bushel

to hide one's talents and skills


to hunt and kill wild animals illegally

put aside

to ignore or forget something. "They decided to --- their differences."

to launch a product

to introduce a new product

to go into business with

to join another person to start or expand a business

to sing along to

to join in singing

to keep in touch with

to keep in contact with

have a good/keen sense of humour

to know when something is funny. Amy ---.

to get on like a house on fire

to like someone's company very much indeed

to enjoy someone's company

to like spending time with someone

to get back to nature

to live a life that is closer to nature

to live on campus

to live on the university or college grounds

to access websites/email

to locate

to go sightseeing

to look around the tourist sites

to surf the web

to look at a series of websites one after the other

to browse websites

to look at websites

to suit someone

to look good on someone

to flick through

to look quickly through a book

lit up

to make (an area or object) bright with or as if with light. "All the markets and homes are --- during the festival"

to back up files

to make a copy of files in case of a computer problem

to cold call

to make a sales call to someone without asking them for permission first

to raise a company profile

to make more people aware of a business

to make your mouth water

to make you feel very hungry for something. "a mouth-watering mixture of French and English cuisine"

to bookmark a webpage

to mark a webpage for future reference

to learn something by heart

to memorize it

to cut and paste

to move text or images from one place in a document to another place

to become extinct

to no longer exist

to go out of fashion

to not be in fashion any more

to be/sing out of tune

to not be in harmony/to sing the wrong notes

to lose touch with

to not see or hear from someone any longer

to balance the books

to not spend more money than you are earning


to not try to get the attention of others (especially in terms of hiding one's skills or abilities)

to upgrade

to obtain a more powerful or feature-rich computer or piece of software

to download tracks

to obtain music from the Internet

to give feedback

to offer guidance on a student's work

to get into debt

to owe money

to run up a credit card bill

to owe money on a credit card

to put down a deposit

to pay an amount of money as the first in a series of future payments

to take pride in one's appearance

to pay attention to how one looks

a pay in cash

to pay for something using coins or paper money

to be on commission

to pay someone in relation to the amount they sell

cough up

to pay unwillingly. "I had to --- $35 for administration fees."

to play by ear

to play without reading the musical notes

to fall behind with your studies

to progress less quickly than others

wildlife conservation

to protect animals and plants and their habitats

to get dressed up

to put on nice clothes, often to go out somewhere special

to give someone the hard sell

to put pressure on someone to buy something

to go viral

to quickly become extremely popular on the Internet through social media

to hit it off

to quickly become good friends with

throw in the towel

to quit."When John could stand no more of Mary's bad temper, he ---(second form) and left." "Don't give up now! It's too soon to --."

to pour down

to rain heavily

to get a good/bad review

to receive positive or negative feedback

to make a speedy recovery

to recover quickly from an illness

put aside

to reserve something for a customer to collect later. Don't worry, we will -- it -- for you until you come back tomorrow.

to take early retirement

to retire early (retire: to reach an age when you are allowed to stop working for a living)

put aside

to save. We have to -- some money -- for our holiday.

to catch the latest movie

to see a film that has just come out

video conferencing

to see and hear people from different locations using the Internet

to try something on

to see if an item of clothing fits or is suitable

to have a lot in common

to share similar interests

to do a job-share

to share the weekly hours of work with another person

to have a great voice

to sing well

to take a year out

to spend a year working or travelling before starting university

to set up a business

to start a business

to boot up

to start a computer

to take up exercise

to start doing exercise

to launch a product

to start selling and promoting a new product

to fall head over heels in love

to start to love someone a lot

to go it alone

to start your own business

to play truant

to stay away from classes without permission

to keep fit

to stay in good physically condition

to get away from it all

to take a holiday to escape a busy or stressful lifestyle

to sit an exam

to take an exam

to put others first

to think of others before yourself

to train hard

to train with a lot of effort

to get around

to travel around

to shop around

to try different shops to find the best deal

to enter a web address

to type the address of a website into the address bar of your browser

to watch a film

to watch a film on TV (see 'to see a film' above)

to look good in

to wear something that suits you

to keep up with the latest fashion

to wear the latest fashions

to dress up warm

to wear warm clothes to protect yourself against wintry conditions

to be self-employed

to work for yourself/to not work for an employer

voluntary work

to work without pay

do up

to wrap up something."I have to -- this present -- before the party guests get here." "--- the presents quickly. They are coming up the walk."

to draw up a business plan

to write a plan for a new business


too attractive and tempting to be resisted. "he found the delicious-looking cakes ---"


try persistently to persuade (someone) to do something. "he ---d her to come and stay with us". a strong desire or impulse. "he felt the --- to giggle"

see eye-to-eye

two (or more people) agree on something. My father and I --- on most things.


uncomfortably or unpleasantly cold. "a chilly February evening"


unduly curious about the affairs of others; prying. "I didn't like to seem inquisitive"


unpleasant to look at; ugly. "an --- rubbish tip"


used for emphasis while not being literally true. "I have received literally thousands of letters"


used to emphasize the basic, fundamental, or intrinsic nature of a person or thing. "---, they are amateurs"


used to express agreement or acceptance. "---, I'll pass on your message"

let alone

used to indicate that something is far less likely or suitable than something else already mentioned. "he was incapable of leading a bowling team, --- a country"

on the one (or the other) hand

used to present factors which are opposed or which support opposing opinions. "a conflict between their rationally held views --- and their emotions and desires on the other"

take a rain check

used to refuse an offer politely, with the implication that one may take it up at a later date. "they wanted me to come along for the ride but I --- (second form)" "Sorry but I think I'll --- on that." "Mind if I --- on that drink? I have to work late tonight."


v. fail to reach the required standard in (an examination, test, or course of study). "I ---ed biology in the tenth grade"


very bad or unpleasant. "plastic bags burn with a ---, acrid smell"

freezing cold

very cold (informal)

bitterly cold

very cold and unpleasant


very cold in temperature. "-- water"


very cold. "it was an --- January morning"

piece of cake

very easy. "I reckon getting a band 7 in IELTS will be a ---! I'm very good at English."

an arm and a leg

very expensive. "It cost me --- to take my trip to Australia."

over the moon

very expensive. It ---- to take trip to australia

the height of fashion

very fashionable


very happy

fit as a fiddle

very healthy. "You may feel sick now, but after a few days of rest and plenty of liquids, you'll be ---."

boiling hot

very hot (informal)


very pleasant or attractive.

in no time

very quickly. "I'll be there ---."


very; extremely. "he was fierce proud"


view or represent as a stereotype. "the city is too easily stereotyped as an industrial wasteland"


walk or move at a slow, relaxed pace. "they ----d along the riverbank"


walk or move unsteadily, as if about to fall


walk or move unsteadily, as if about to fall. "he staggered toward the door." लड़खड़ाहट


walk slowly and with heavy steps, typically because of exhaustion or harsh conditions. "I ----d up the stairs"

dressed to kill

wearing clothes that attract admirers

dress to kill

wearing glamorous clothes intended to create a striking impression


weather that often changes

social media

websites that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking.

to pay rent in advance

weekly or monthly rent paid at the beginning of the week or month

chain stores

well-known brands with shops in multiple cities

high street names

well-known shops

to win a contract

when a business gets legally-binding work with an individual or company

to go bust

when a business is forced to close because it is unsuccessful

to lay someone off

when a company ends an employee's contract of employment

to go on general release

when a film can be seen by the general public

to clear up

when clouds or rain disappear

when least expected

when one does not expect something. An old car is likely to give you trouble ---. My pencil usually breaks ---.

a blocked nose

when the nose has excess fluid due to a cold

departure lounge

where you wait for your flight to be called


wholly and completely. "logging has been banned outright"

man-made disaster

widespread damage or loss of life brought about by the action of humans

(like) to see the funny side

will laugh even when the situation is serious/bad


willing to accept other people's beliefs. One of Peter's best qualities is that he's so open-minded.


with a great deal of effort. "they work --- at school"

on a shoestring

with almost no money."We lived ---for years before I got a good-paying job.""John travelled to Florida ---."


without being affected by; in spite of. "he remains a great leader --- age and infirmity"

bald / moustache

without hairs on head / a strip of hair left to grow above the upper lip.

manual work

work that requires physical activity

works like a dog

work very hard. "He ---(second form) all day to finish the wallpapering.


working less than full-time

It's no use crying over spilt milk

you shouldn't worry about something that has already happened. It is no use being angry over or upset about something that has already happened and/or you cannot change.













all's well that ends well

(अंत भला तो सब भला .) if the outcome of a situation is happy, this compensates for any previous difficulty or unpleasantness.

empty vessels make the most noise

(थोथा चना बाजे घना . / अधजल गगरी छलकत जाय.) something that you say which means that people who talk a lot and frequently express their opinions are often stupid. "David talks as if he's an expert on everything, but ---."





A friend in need is a friend indeed

A friend who helps out when we are in trouble is a true friend — unlike others who disappear when trouble arises.


A ladies man, someone who is easily attached to girls and very noticeable. Look at that dude, he is such a ----, look at all the girls he has with him.

night person

A night owl, evening person or simply owl, is a person who tends to stay up until late at night. The opposite of a night owl is an early bird, a lark as opposed to owl, someone who tends to begin sleeping at a time that is considered early and also wakes early.

a tough/hard nut to crack

A problem that is challenging to solve. (idiomatic, by extension) A situation, person, group, etc. which is difficult to deal with. (idiomatic) A place, opportunity, etc. to which it is difficult to gain entry. An amount that is difficult to finance. "A company whose product has sold well in the States may find the European market --er --."

bear the consequence

A punishment or negative repercussion. "My husband and I deceived one another when we married; we must --- of the deception"


A sensational dramatic piece with exaggerated characters and exciting events intended to appeal to the emotions.'he gloated like a villain in a Victorian ---'

a drop in the ocean

A very small part of something much bigger. The money sent by comic relief to help poverty in Africa is just ---. They need far more than this.


Abdul is a fireman. He is very ------. He rescues people from fire.

Someone who is strongminded

Alice is certainly an assertive character and she almost gets her own her way - there are very few people who are able to stand up to her. I suppose you could almost say she's like a force of nature in this respect. And while I do admire her for strength of mind there are times when she won't take no for an answer and won't compromise at all and this can make her difficult to deal with.

Someone who is funny

Amy has a really good sense of humour - she's not just a great storyteller, she's also able to laugh at herself and make other people see the funny side of serious situations. Lots of times she manages to break the tension by making people smile at what's going on.

sanctum sanctorum

An inviolably private place: The clubhouse was their sanctum sanctorum. a most private place.

Someone who is friendly/optimistic

Andrea is quite different from me - perhaps that's why we get on so well. While I'm quite quiet she's really outgoing and the life and the soul of the party. She's great company and people just love to be around her and she has a really wide circle of friends. Her best quality is that she's so positive and always looks on the bright side of things.

Someone who is mature/reliable

Annabelle is the most responsible person I know and is really trustworthy - if you ask her to do something you can be sure she'll get it done. You can just bank on her. More than that she's very level-headed and never gets carried away but will stay calm in a crisis. She's a great person to have around when things go wrong.

driving me up the wall

Annoying or irritating somebody. "She is ---. She won't stop talking."

flogging a dead horse

Attempting to continue with something that is finished / over. "Why are we bothering? We're ---. Our online business is making no MONEY, so we should move on and do something else." flog means - beat (someone) with a whip or stick as a punishment.

let sleeping dogs lie

Avoid a conflict. "I don't want to argue with him again. It's better to ---."

the last/final straw

Consider something to be not completely true or right ==> I've read the article, which I ---.

Practice makes perfect

Continuously doing something to improve. Let's keep studying for IELTS. ---.

types of museums

Cultural museum, historic museum, science and technology museum, craft museum, fine arts museum, archaeology museum, natural history museum, children's museum, modern art museum, military history museum, aviation museum, universal museum, railway etc.


David is very ..... He is life & soul of the party!

spread like wildfire

Disseminate or circulate very quickly, as in The rumor about their divorce ---.

bent over backwards

Doing all you can (to help someone). "I --- to help him. I hope he appreciates it."

go the extra mile

Doing much more than is required when doing something. "My mother will always --- to help people."

jumping the gun

Doing or starting something too early. "You are taking your IELTS test next week?? Aren't ---. You've only just started studying."

image obsession

Excessive concern about one's appearance.


Feeling or showing sympathy and concern for others. synonym of sympathetic

first, second

Firstly he has done the right thing by going to the court, secondly he has rightly provided all the evidences, and lastly equally important he is ensuring the safety of witnesses.

until the cows come home

For a very long time. "Unfortunately I think he'll be studying for IELTS until ---. His English is very poor."

double edge sword

From the notion that if two sides of the same blade are sharp, it cuts both ways. "Corporate lay-offs are a ---. The company saves money by not having as many salaried people on board, but has to pay more overtime wages to the fewer people that are left so the work can be done by deadline."


General Practitioner (family doctor)

shopping spree

Going to a mall and blowing all your money on everything u can get your hands on... Especially the essentials like clothes, jewelry, and makeup. "Your fridge is full. Yea I just went on a ---." "People go for a --- during Deepawali"


Having or showing an ability to accurately assess situations or people and turn this to one's advantage / astute

stuck / caught between a rock and a hard place

Having two very bad choices. "I hate my job so much I can't bare going to work, but if I quit I don't think I can get another job. I'm really ---."


He is a ---- businessman as he is very cunning .

bite the hand that feeds you

Hurt or upset someone who is helping you. "Don't tell her what you really think of her if she's helping you with your English! Don't ---."

equally important

I agree with you point, but his point is ---.

Someone who is ambitious

I guess he's the most ambitious person I know - he's very driven and has always wanted to make something of himself. Even at school he was career minded and you could see that he would end up running a big business - and it's not really a surprise now that he's married to his job.

Compound sentence

I kicked the ball, and it hit him. Two or more independent clauses. (simple, compound, complex or compound-complex sentence?)

Simple sentence

I kicked the ball. One independent clause. (simple, compound, complex or compound-complex sentence?)

Someone who is quiet

I wouldn't say that she's a wallflower exactly but she does like to keep herself to herself and isn't much of a social butterfly. You rarely see her at parties and I think she's just a fairly private person who prefers to have a smallish circle of friends.


I'm very -----. I a.m very orderly and regular.

stay vs live

If someone lives somewhere they are a permanent resident of that place. One usually stays in a country or locality temporarily, without intending to live there (which is a more permanent arrangement)


If you describe memories and descriptions as ---, you mean that they are very clear and detailed. "People of my generation who lived through World War II have --- memories of confusion and incompetence." "On Wednesday night I had a very --- dream which really upset me." "a --- imagination"

get one's hands on (something)

If you get your hands on something or lay your hands on something, you manage to find it or obtain it. [informal] "Patty began reading everything she could get her hands on." "he will kill them when he get his hands on them."

heap praise

If you heap praise or criticism on someone or something, you give them a lot of praise or criticism. The head of the navy heaped scorn on both the methods and motives of the conspirator

Internet security

Internet safety


Luca can be a bit -------. He doesn't always think before he acts.

be married to your job

Maybe you're a workaholic and spend 80 hours a week at the office. it's not really a surprise now that he's married to his job.

It's a small world

Meeting someone you would not have expected to. "I bumped into Jenny in town the other day. ---."


Mira is quite ------. She doesn't really enjoys parties.


Mona is very ....... She is always coming up with new ideas

able to keep calm in a crisis

More than that she's very level-headed and never gets carried away but will stay calm in a crisis. She's a great person to have around when things go wrong.

Someone who is clever

My brother's definitely a smart cookie - one of the most intelligent people I know. He wasn't in fact a straight A student at school but he's really sharp and always seems to be one step ahead of everyone else. Most people I know get confused and but he's always able to see the big picture and he invariably makes the right choices.

hustle and bustle

Noun. uncountable A large amount of activity and work, usually in a noisy surrounding. "He moved to his parents' farm to have a break from the --- of the big city."

Someone who is stylish/individual

Patricia is the most stylish person I know - she just has excellent taste. I wouldn't say that she is trendy or particularly fashionable but she always seems to wear the right clothes for the occasion - she has great taste.

put all your eggs in one basket

Putting all of ones resources into one possibility. "Are you putting all of your SAVINGS into that company? ---."

kick off

Removing and throwing."She --- (second form) her shoes"


Ruth is very ------. She always keeps her promises.

hit the nail on the head

Say exactly the right thing. "I think you've ---. That's the reason he didn't get the job."


Sergio is very industrious. He works really hard at his job.


She can be bit -------- at times. I would not trust him.

Someone you admire

She's always been my role model and someone I've looked up to. I think it's her ability to inspire people that I admire most as she's a natural leader. Although in fact she's fairly quiet and doesn't say much but just leads by example.


Simon is a bit -----. He tends to look down on people.


Someone who likes to have fun


Something that happens steadily occurs at a predictable, reliable, unchanging pace. If it keeps raining for hours, it's been raining steadily.

traditional music

Songs and tunes which have been performed, by custom, over a long period (usually several generations). "My mother gets engrossed whenever she listens a ----.


Stephen hawking is a very ------ person.


Stephen hawking is a very ------ person.


Synonym of saunter

commercial channel

TV channels that make money from showing advertisements

catch up with

Talk to (someone) whom one has not seen for some time in order to find out what they have been doing. 'it's a chance to --- old friends'.

let the cat out of the bag.

Tell someone something that you were not supposed to. "I told him what gift you have bought him for his birthday. Sorry, I didn't mean to ---."

last straw

The final problem in a series of problems. This is the ---. I'm calling the police.

popular music

The term ---refers to any musical style accessible to the general public and disseminated by the mass media.


The things preserved in --- are generally of scientific, cultural, historic and artistic interests.

water under the bridge

Things from the past that are not important anymore. "We've had some big disagreements over the years, but it's all --- now. We get on fine."

can't stand

Thoroughly dislike; be unable to put up with something or someone. For example, I --- the sight of her; she's obnoxious, or I can't bear to leave the country, or I can't stomach a filthy kitchen.


Tina is very -----. She has lots of friends.

found my feet

To become comfortable in what you are doing. "It was difficult when I moved to another country but I eventually ---."

kick off

To begin something. "The city -- (second form) the centennial celebration -- with a parade.""They ---(second form) the celebration with a parade."

make ends meet

To earn enough income to provide for basic needs: "The workers complained that on their present wages they could hardly ---, let alone enjoy any luxuries."

the spitting image

To look exactly like someone else. "She's --- of her mother."

chalk out

To outline (a plan, scheme, etc), sketch."The coach --(second form) the play -- so the players could understand what they were to do. Our team captain ---(second form) the play."

cut down on

To reduce the amount of something. "The doctor told him to --- his drinking""You will have to --- the time it takes you to get ready in the morning.""I --- food rich in calories"

hang up

To suspend something on a hook or hanger. "Please -- your jacket -- in the closet.""Don't leave your clothes on the floor. -- them --."


To walk in a proud way, trying to look important. "The boys ----ted around trying to get the attention of a group of girls who were nearby."


To walk in a proud way, trying to look important. The boys ----ted around trying to get the attention of a group of girls who were nearby.

Compound-complex sentence

Tom cried because the ball hit him, and i apologized immediately. Two or more independent and one or more dependent clause. (simple, compound, complex or compound-complex sentence?)

Complex sentence

Tom cried because the ball hit him. one independent and one dependent clause. (simple, compound, complex or compound-complex sentence?)

getting the hang of

Verb. To learn to handle something with some skill, through practice or diligence, which can lead to an almost unconscious performance thereof. "Driving feels awkward when you're new to it, but it's easy once you --- it."

bite my tongue

Wanting to say something but stopping yourself. I have to --- so I don't say what I really think of him!"

Keep an eye on him

Watch someone or something carefully. "---. I think he may cheat in the exam."

western music

Western music is a form of country music composed by and about the people who settled and worked throughout the Western United States and Western Canada. "We play --- on Friday for our guests from west."


When I ever reacted or responded to the abuses and attacks my mother would say, why are you so ---tic.


With great appetite or enjoyment. "eat ---"

international music

World music is a musical category encompassing many different styles of music from around the globe. "We plan to entertain our guests with --- and offer them a global feel.

a heavy cold

a bad cold

lifestyle business

a business that is set up to bring in a sufficient income and no more

niche business

a business that serves a small, particular market


a carved or cast figure of a person or animal, especially one that is life-size or larger.

turn of events

a change in what is happening. "in the dramatic ---, an underdog won the game."


a check or restraint on something. "plans to introduce tougher curbs on insider dealing"


a cinema film. "a Hollywood action ---"

sprawling city

a city that has grown over time and which covers a wide area


a class of persons, holding exceptional rank and privileges, especially the hereditary nobility.

mild climate

a climate without extreme weather conditions


a collection of people, countries, or groups that combine for mutual protection or cooperation. "the --- of Nations"

hall of residence

a college or university building where students live

advertising agency

a company that creates adverts for other companies

an intensive course

a course that offers lots of training in order to reach a goal in as short a time as possible

a chicken

a coward. "Come on, let's go. Don't be ---."


a customer of a shop, restaurant, etc., especially a regular one. "we surveyed the plushness of the hotel and its sleek, well-dressed patrons"


a deadlock. a situation in which no progress is possible, especially because of disagreement; "the current political ----"

thick fog

a dense fog that makes visibility very poor


a desirable or useful feature or facility of a building or place. "the property is situated in a convenient location, close to all local amenities"

an e-reader

a device for reading e-books


a feeling of intense dislike or disgust; hatred. "the thought filled him with ---"

a low budget film

a film made with a small amount of money

an away game

a football match played in the opposing teams stadium

a home game

a football match played in the teams own stadium

rock music

a form of popular music which evolved from rock and roll and pop music during the mid and late 1960s. Harsher and often self-consciously more serious than its predecessors, it was initially characterized by musical experimentation and drug-related or anti-establishment lyrics.


a friendliness or goodwill between people or groups. Amiable refers to one person's friendly disposition. "A group might have an amicable meeting, because the people there are amiable."

to be the life and soul of the party

a fun person, someone who is the centre of activity

a football match

a game of football

back garden

a garden at the rear of the house

holiday brochure

a glossy publication with details of holiday packages

all-in package/package holiday

a holiday where you purchase the travel and accommodation together


a holiday where you supply your own food

wildlife safari

a holiday, often in Africa, to observe wild animals

mobile home

a home that can be moved by a vehicle or one that has its own engine

dream home

a home you regard as perfect

a huge following

a large number of fans

spacious room

a large room


a natural consequence or result


a natural liking / bonding for and understanding of someone or something. "he had a special --- with horses". "There's always been an --- between us." "He never felt any --- with the other kids in his neighborhood."


a network of connected computers within an organisation that is not accessible by unauthorised visitors

wireless network

a network where users can access the Internet without the use of fixed cables


a nightclub for dancing to live or recorded music and often featuring sophisticated sound systems

a nine-to- five job

a normal job that consists of an 8-hour day (approximately)

a runny nose

a nose that has liquid coming out of it

sales page

a page specifically used to promote a product or service

a football season

a period in the year when football is played

summer sales

a period in the year when things are sold cheaply

a heatwave

a period of very hot weather

playing devil's advocate

a person who advocates an opposing or unpopular cause for the sake of argument or to expose it to a thorough examination. "Ok, I'm --- here, but if marijuana is legalized, isn't it more likely young people will smoke it?"


a person who behaves in a way that spoils others' pleasure, especially by not joining in an activity. "'Don't be a ---, Sidney.'"


a person who dislikes, despises or is strongly prejudiced against women


a person who displays works of art or other items of interest at an exhibition. "the trade fair attracted 89 ---s and 37,000 visitors"


a person who gives financial or other support to a person, organization, or cause. "a celebrated patron of the arts"


a person who lives outside their native country. "American --- in London"


a person who seeks to promote the welfare of others, especially by the generous donation of money to good causes. "the trust was founded by an American ---"


a person who supports and admires a particular person or set of ideas. "followers of the lord Ram / the PM"


a person who urges others to protest or rebel. "a political ---(s)"


a person who uses strength or influence to harm or intimidate those who are weaker. "he is a ranting, domineering ---"


a person who works very hard


a photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically one taken with a smartphone or webcam and shared via social media. "occasional ---s are acceptable, but posting a new picture of yourself every day isn't necessary"

a check-up

a physical examination by a doctor

tourist attraction

a place of interest to tourists


(especially of a principle, place, or routine) regarded as too important or valuable to be interfered with. "the individual's right to work has been upheld as ---"


inspiring delight, pleasure, or admiration; extremely good; marvellous. "they all think she's -----"


instil (an idea, attitude, or habit) by persistent instruction. "I tried to --- in my pupils an attitude of enquiry"


intense dislike. "feelings of --- and revenge"

heavy rain

intense rainfall

on purpose

intentionally. "The bully stepped on my foot ---."


involving or requiring strenuous effort; difficult and tiring. "an --- journey"


is defined as the act of making contact and exchanging information with other people, groups and institutions to develop mutually beneficial relationship. "After the exhibition for startups, dinner was organized for ---"


knowledge or experience of something. "the pupils had little acquaintance with the language"


lack of good sense; foolishness. "an act of sheer folly"


lacking flavour; weak or tasteless. "mugs of insipid coffee"


lacking good sense or judgement; unwise. "he was --- enough to confide in her"


lacking intelligence or common sense. "I was --- enough to think she was perfect"


lacking interest or excitement; dull. "his ---, humdrum existence"


lacking restraint in spending money or using resources. "it was rather --- to buy both"


lacking vigour or interest. "many artists continued to churn out insipid, shallow works"


language designed to have a persuasive or impressive effect, but which is often regarded as lacking in sincerity or meaningful content. "All we have from the opposition is empty ---"

mass media

large media outlets like TV, newspapers and magazines

out of town shopping centre/retail park

large shopping centres outside of the town or city


lessen the effectiveness, power, or ability of, especially gradually or insidiously. "this could --- years of hard work"

generous person

liberal in giving or sharing; unselfish


living or occurring at the same time. "the event was recorded by a --- historian"

local facilities

local buildings or services serving the public

lose (one's) shirt

losing everything- "John made such a bad investment decision that he --his --"


loyal, reliable, and hard-working. "he remained a --- supporter of the cause"


mainly. "he is remembered --- for his organ sonatas"


maintain (something) in its original or existing state. "all records of the past were zealously ---d" "--- and promote heritage"


make (someone) afraid or anxious. "the savagery of his thoughts ---ed him"


make (something) widely known. "use the magazine to publicize human rights abuses"


make a deep inarticulate sound conveying pain, despair, pleasure, etc. "Marty ---ed and pulled the blanket over his head"


make a groove or grooves in. "deep lines ---d her face"


make a journey, typically of some length. I'm planning to --- to the U.S. next year.


make a series of low, feeble sounds expressive of fear, pain, or unhappiness. "a child in a bed nearby began to ---"


make a solemn statement or promise undertaking to do something or affirming that something is the case. "Maria made me --- I would never tell anyone"

pave the way

make a start."I will --- for her with an introduction." "Her findings --- for developing a new vaccine."


make great efforts to achieve or obtain something. "national movements were striving for independence"

have/get your own way

make other people do what you want. Alice is certainly an assertive character and she almost gets her own her way.


make someone aware of or familiar with. "new staff should be acquainted with fire exit routes"


make someone or something accept (something) as normal or usual. "I ---ed my eyes to the lenses"


making someone think of sexual matters. "a suggestive remark"


malicious talk about someone who is not present. "members have grown tired of the --- in the group"


marked by exactness and accuracy of expression or detail. "--- directions"

name names

mention specific names, especially of people accused of wrongdoing. "if you're convinced my staff are part of this operation, then name names"


move among and engage with others at a social function. "a chance to --- with celebs"


n informal photograph taken quickly, typically with a small handheld camera. "a collection of family ---s"


not pleasant to taste. "The insects store this chemical in their bodies in order to make themselves --- to predators."


of crucial importance in relation to the development or success of something else. "Japan's --- role in the world economy"


of only average quality; not very good. "he is an enthusiastic if --- painter"


of or at a fairly low temperature. "it'll be a --- afternoon"


of or at a low or relatively low temperature, especially when compared with the human body. "a freezing --- day"


of or concerning the use of judgement. "--- decisions about the likelihood of company survival."


offensive to the senses, especially through having a disgusting smell or taste or being dirty. "a --- odour"


offensive to the senses, especially through having a disgusting smell or taste or being dirty. "a foul odour"

run down

old and of a poor standard


one that is gigantic in size or power : one that stands out for greatness of achievement.


open and direct. "an outright refusal"

sneak peek

opportunity to see something before it is officially available. "Film-makers give --- of their upcoming movies during festive seasons."

narrow minded

opposite of 'broad-minded' (see above)

weather forecast

a TV/radio programme or section in a newspaper/magazine which predicts weather conditions


a biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment. "the marine --- of the northern Gulf had suffered irreparable damage"

a page turner

a book that you want to keep reading


a book with a flexible cover (see 'hardback' above)


a book with a rigid cover (see 'paperback' below)


a break in a journey. "a brief stopover at Shannon Airport"

loyalty card

a card issued by a shop to allow customers to save money on the basis of what they spend

youth hostel

a cheap form of accommodation


a cheaper form of flying than a scheduled flight

serious business

a common chant and or saying that implies to promise of absolute focus, determination, and success. "Fashion industry is a --- now."

fashion house

a company that sells (usually expensive) new styles in clothes


a competitor thought to have little chance of winning a fight or contest. "we go into this game as the --s"

a blanket of snow

a complete covering of snow

a desktop PC

a computer that isn't portable and remains in situ on a desk

hot potatoes

a controversial topic."Abortion and capital punishment are --- in my country at the moment."


a conversation between two or more people as a feature of a book, play, or film. "the book consisted of a series of ---s"

a take away

a cooked meal prepared in a restaurant and eaten at home

a chesty cough

a cough caused by congestion around the lungs

nuclear family

a couple and their dependent children, regarded as a basic social unit.


a declaration or assurance that one will do something or that a particular thing will happen. "what happened to all those firm ---s of support?


a device or piece of equipment designed to perform a specific task. "electrical and gas appliances"

an e-book

a digital book


a disagreement or argument. "a territorial --- between the two countries"


a failure of a relationship or system. "a --- in military discipline"

extended family

a family that extends beyond the nuclear family, consisting of parents, aunts, uncles, and cousins, all living nearby or in the same household. An example is a married couple that lives with either the husband or the wife's parents.

a brisk walk

a fast walk


a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements. "the director had a lot of --- for Douglas as an actor"

knows no bounds

a feeling or quality that knows no bounds is very strong and seems to have no limits. Her generosity knew no bounds. His determination to succeed knows no bound. Her loyalty knows no bounds.

a blockbuster

a film that is a big commercial success

an action movie

a film with fast moving scenes, often containing violence

last resort

a final course of action, used only when all else has failed. "asking them to leave the school should be a ---"

a box office hit

a financially successful film

permanent address

a fixed address


a formal discussion on a particular matter in a public meeting or legislative assembly, in which opposing arguments are put forward and which usually ends with a vote. "last night's --- on the Education Bill"

a strong swimmer

a good swimmer

a healthy relationship

a good, positive relationship

a rock band

a group of musicians that play rock music


a group of people sharing a common profession or interests. "members of the --- fraternity"

pressure group

a group of people who try to raise awareness of issues and try to affect the views and actions of people and organisations


a group of sports clubs which play each other over a period for a championship. "the leading goalscorer in the ---"

terraced house

a house connected on both sides by other properties

detached house

a house that is not physically connected to another property

a dead-end job

a job with no promotional opportunities

apartment block

a large building made up of smaller units of apartments

office block

a large building that contains offices

a slap up meal

a large meal


a large meal, typically a celebratory one. "a wedding ---".


a large meal, typically a celebratory one. A feast is a huge, delicious meal that's served at a party or celebration. "a wedding ---" "people would --- after the prayers." "You might have a --- to celebrate the last day of school every year." "A table set for a feast."

mailing list

a list of names and contact details used by a company to send information and advertisements

a drop of rain

a little bit of rain


a long journey involving travel by sea or in space. "his voyage to America"


a long poem, typically one derived from ancient oral tradition, narrating the deeds and adventures of heroic or legendary figures or the past history of a nation. "Ramayana --- or Mahabharta ---"


a long walk or walking tour. "a five-mile ---- across rough terrain"


a long walk or walking tour. "a five-mile ---- across rough terrain"


a long, decisive step. "he crossed the room in a couple of strides"


a long, narrow cut or depression in a hard material.


a loud, sharp cry of pain, surprise, or delight. "her foot slipped and she gave a --- of fear"


a male former pupil or student of a particular school, college, or university. "a Harvard ---"

male chauvinist

a man with a chauvinistic belief in the inferiority of women


a meal consisting of several dishes from which guests serve themselves. "a cold --- lunch"


a meeting at an agreed time and place. "Edward turned up late for their ---" meet at an agreed time and place. "I rendezvoused with Bea as planned"

board member

a member of a governing board. board - a committee having supervisory powers; "the board has seven members


a member of the aristocracy. "a decadent old blue-blooded aristocrat" blue blood means membership in a noble or socially prominent family.

house-warming party

a party to celebrate moving into a new home

ideal home

a perfect home

master's degree

a period of study which often follows the completion of a bachelor's degree or is undertaken by someone regarded as capable of a higher-level academic course


a person attending a party. "I was an avid --. I liked the good life"


a person displaying aggressive or exaggerated patriotism

office bearer

a person holding a position of authority in an organization. "Among those visiting her were three ---s of the student' union."


a person ideally suited to another as a close friend or romantic partner.


a person one knows slightly, but who is not a close friend. "a wide circle of friends and acquaintances"


a person possessing a highly developed intellect. "a prominent political thinker and ------"


a person who has had long experience in a particular field. "a --- of two world wars"


a person who has responsibility for taking care of or protecting something. "the ---s of pension and insurance funds"


a person who holds moderate views, especially in politics. "an unlikely alliance of radicals and moderates"


a person who is enthusiastic about their work

fashion icon

a person who is famous for their sense of fashion


a person who is killed because of their religious or other beliefs. "the first Christian martyr"


a person who is present at an event or incident but does not take part. "water cannons were turned on marchers and innocent ---s alike"


a person whose trade is cutting up and selling meat in a shop.

better half

a person's wife, husband, or partner. "my --- doesn't care much for restaurants"

holiday resort

a place where lots of people go for a holiday


a planned route or journey. "his --- included an official visit to Canada"


a play interspersed with songs and orchestral music accompanying the action.

lame duck

a politician or administration in the final period of office, after the election of a successor. a --- president"


a principle or belief, especially one of the main principles of a religion or philosophy. "the tenets of classical liberalism"

niche product

a product that is aimed at a distinct group of people


a prolonged and bitter quarrel or dispute. "his long-standing --- with Universal Pictures" "alleged family ---"

a sports centre

a public building where people can do various sports

wireless hotspot

a public place where you can access the Internet


a religious or solemn ceremony consisting of a series of actions performed according to a prescribed order. "ancient fertility rituals"


a rented property with all furniture included

sales figures

a report of the income a company generates through sales of products or services

the suburbs

a residential area on the edge of towns or cities


a right or privilege exclusive to a particular individual or class. "in some countries, higher education is predominantly the --- of the rich" "the monarch retained the formal --- power to appoint the Prime Minister"


a right or privilege exclusive to a particular individual or class. "in some countries, higher education is predominantly the prerogative of the rich"

single room

a room for one person


a rousing or uplifting song identified with a particular group, body, or cause. "the song became the --- for hippy activists" "national ---"


a row or disturbance. "a child is raising a --- in class"

an athletics track

a running track


a sacred place, especially a shrine within a temple or church. "an icon installed within the sanctum of the temple"


a scene in a film, novel, etc. set in a time earlier than the main story. "in a series of ---s, we follow the pair through their teenage years". "She's been having flashbacks and nightmares of that dreadful night"

a fitness programme

a schedule of activities to keep fit

state school

a school paid for by public funds and available to the general public

a single-sex school

a school where only boys or girls attend (as opposed to a mixed-sex school)

boarding school

a school where pupils live during term time

advertising campaign

a series of advertisements to persuade people to buy something


a serious condition caused by being too long in hot weather

travel agent

a shop that specialises in booking holidays

short break

a short holiday


a short journey or trip, especially one taken as a leisure activity. "an excursion to London Zoo"


a short, sharp cry, especially of pain or alarm. "she uttered a --- as she bumped into a table"


a situation involving conflicting claims, forces, etc. "a movie on terrorism has been in caught in current / political ---"


a social occasion with special entertainments or performances. "a --- performance by the Royal Ballet"

a personal trainer

a sports coach that helps you on a one-to- one basis


a state formally cooperating with another for a military or other purpose. "debate continued among NATO --ies


a state of confused and noisy disturbance. "she was distracted by a --- across the street"


a statue, building, or other structure erected to commemorate a notable person or event. "a simple stone --- marked the nearby crash site"


a step or stage in progress towards an aim. "great strides have been made towards equality"


a stock or store of money or valued objects, typically one that is secret or carefully guarded. "he came back to rescue his little hoard of gold"

tropical storm

a storm typical of ones that you find in tropical climates

a historical novel

a story set in the past


a stray person or thing, especially a domestic animal. "--- dog/cat"


a style or category of art, music, or literature. "the spy thriller is a very masculine ---"

a flash flood

a sudden and severe flood


a sudden, dramatic, and important discovery or development. "a major --- in the fight against AIDS"


a sudden, violent, irregular movement of the body, caused by involuntary contraction of muscles and associated especially with brain disorders such as epilepsy, the presence of certain toxins or other agents in the blood, or fever in children. "toxic side effects like ---s"


a system of society or government in which the father or eldest male is head of the family and descent is reckoned through the male line. "the thematic relationships of the ballad are worked out according to the conventional archetypes of the ---"

subject specialist

a teacher who has a great deal of knowledge about the subject they teach.

a gadget

a technological tool like a mobile phone or camera


a temporary or minor problem or setback. "just a little --- in our usual wonderful service"


a thing dating from an earlier time. "the museum consists of a fascinating collection of rural bygones"

a season ticket

a ticket that gives you entry to most of a team's home games during the sporting year.


a trustworthy person who won't let you down

rave review

a very enthusiastic review. "Stoppard's new play has received ---." "The play received --- from the critics.

distance learning

a way of studying where tuition is carried out over the Internet or by post


a widely held but irrational belief in supernatural influences, especially as leading to good or bad luck, or a practice based on such a belief. "she touched her locket for luck, a superstition she'd had since childhood"

mild winter

a winter that isn't particularly cold


able to do many things well; capable of many uses


able to withstand wear, pressure, or damage; hard-wearing. "porcelain enamel is strong and ---"


about to happen or appear. "the forthcoming cricket season"


about to happen; forthcoming. "the --- election" "--- reality TV show"


absorb all the attention or interest of. "they seemed to be ---ed in conversation"


acceptable or agreeable to the palate or taste --- "--- food""--- ideas""This third option is the least --- for several reasons.""If that becomes the reality, there is only one --- solution: Get rid of it, because it will no longer be football."


accumulate (money or valued objects) and hide or store away. "thousands of antiques ---ed by a compulsive collector"


action involving deliberate destruction of or damage to public or private property. "an act of mindless ---"

As you sow, so shall you reap

actions or deeds of a person repay him/her in kind

icing on the cake

additional benefit on something which is already good. "His two last-minute goals were ---."


additional to what already exists or has already taken place, been done, or been accounted for. "cook for a ---- ten minutes"


admirably purposeful, determined, and unwavering. "he was ------- in his fight to uphold liberal values"

memorable affair

affair worth remembering. "make this festive season a ---"


after a particular thing has happened; afterwards. "many of the Scots who voted for Union --- changed their minds"


after that; next; afterwards. "she won the first and ---- the second game"

curd cheese

aka paneer in hindi. a mild, soft, smooth cheese made from skimmed milk curd.


although; in spite of the fact that. "---- that the hall was packed with bullies, our champion played on steadily and patiently"

school of thought

particular way of thinking, especially one not followed by the speaker. "there is a --- that says 1960s office blocks should be refurbished as residential accommodation"


past participle: outdone. be superior to in action or performance. "the men tried to outdo each other in their generosity". "he outdone himself this time."


pay attention to; take notice of. "he should have ---ed the warnings"


always; in every case or on every occasion. "ranch meals are invariably big and hearty"




an act of biting something in order to eat it. "Stephen ate a hot dog in three big ---s"


an act of spending money freely or extravagantly. "the annual pre-Christmas ---"


an act of travelling from one place to another. usually a long distance. "an eight-hour train ----"

shopping centre

an area consisting of multiple shops

residential area

an area where people live


an assembly or meeting, especially one held for a specific purpose. "a family ---"


an energetic person who likes the company of others


an event or discovery marking an important stage or turning point in something. "the vaccine is a landmark in the history of preventive medicine"

natural disaster

an event such as an earthquake, flood or hurricane which causes widespread damage or loss of life

a graduation ceremony

an event where a successful student receives his or her academic degree

fashion show

an event where modals show off the latest in fashion designs

an athletics meeting

an event where various athletics sports are held

to be dying of hunger

an exaggerated way of saying you are hungry

to be starving hungry

an exaggerated way of saying you are very hungry, starving means - suffer or die or cause to suffer or die from hunger. "she left her animals to starve"


an exchange of diverging or opposite views, typically a heated or angry one. "I've had an --- with my father"

a computer buff

an expert computer user

long weekend

an extended weekend holiday including Friday or Monday

one of the perks of the job

an extra benefit you get from a job

breathtaking view

an extremely beautiful view

a wall flower

an idiom for someone who doesn't participate in parties much - generally a negative phrase. I wouldn't say that she's a wallflower exactly.

always one step ahead

an idiom for someone who is clever in a more practical way. He always seems to be one step ahead of everyone else.

call a spade a spade

an idiom for someone who is direct. speak plainly without avoiding unpleasant or embarrassing issues. "it is time to name names and call a spade a spade"

have her head screwed on

an idiom for someone who is intelligent in a practical way

a real go-getter

an idiom for someone who is proactive and works for what they want

a high-powered job

an important or powerful job


an improvised barrier erected across a street or other thoroughfare to prevent or delay the movement of opposing forces. "the police action led to riots, with hundreds of demonstrators building ---s and burning vehicles" "broken ---s"


an incident or event. "vandalism used to be a rare occurrence"

private language school

an independent school run as a business concern


an indiscriminate and brutal slaughter of many people. "reports of ---s by government troops"


an indiscriminate and brutal slaughter of many people. "reports of ---s by government troops"

lame duck

an ineffectual or unsuccessful person or thing. "most of her boyfriends have been ---s"


an instance of being summoned to deal with an emergency or do repairs. "a --- charge"

a piece of music

an item of music


an official order or commission to do something. "a mandate to seek the release of political prisoners"

always sees the bright side

an optimist. Her best quality is that she's so positive and always looks on the bright side of things.


an ordained minister of the Catholic, Orthodox, or Anglican Church, authorized to perform certain rites and administer certain sacraments. "the --- celebrated mass at a small altar off the north transept". "Hindu ---s"

guided tour

an organised group shown around a place of interest by an expert


an outlying district of a city, especially a residential one. "a highly respectable --- of Chicago"


an uncontrolled outburst of anger and frustration, typically in a young child. "he has temper ---s if he can't get his own way" "starry ---s"

bachelor's degree

an undergraduate course which usually lasts 3-4 years


an unfilled space; a gap. "the journal has filled a lacuna in Middle Eastern studies"


an unfilled space; a gap. "the journal has filled a lacuna in Middle Eastern studies". "There are lacunae in the child's comprehension of what it perceives."


an unintended but inevitable secondary result. "he saw poverty as the by-product of colonial prosperity"


an unintended consequence of an event or action, especially an unwelcome one. "the move would have grave ---s for the entire region"

once bitten, twice shy

an unpleasant experience induces caution.

hot under the collar

angry. "The boss was really --when you told him you lost the contract."


another clever idiom.


antonym of appreciate. regard or represent as being of little worth. "he never missed an opportunity to --- his competitors"


antonym of broad-minded


antonym of encourage. regard or represent as being of little worth. "he never missed an opportunity to disparage his competitors"


antonym of extroverted

apple of someone's eyes

apple of someone's eye. a person or thing that someone cherishes. "His new baby girl was the -- his --s. "


appropriate or suitable in the circumstances. "the theme could not be more ---"


appropriate to the occasion. "a country which can run the prestigious tournament in a --- manner" "we will give them a --- reply"


argue about (a subject), especially in a formal manner. "MPs ---d the issue in the Commons" "last night's --- on the Education Bill"


as a further matter; besides. "-----, statistics show that competition for places is growing"

instead of

as a substitute or alternative to; in place of. "walk to work ---- going by car"

Up to

as far as. "I could reach just up to his waist"

get on well with people

be good at relationships. Andrea is quite different from me - perhaps that's why we get on so well.

be sensible

be intelligent in a practical way

be all ears

be listening eagerly. "I'm ---, tell me about it"

have an old head on young shoulders

be more mature even if they are young


be of the opinion. "he ---s that the army should pull out entirely"


be or remain hidden so as to wait in ambush for someone or something. "a ruthless killer still lurked in the darkness"


be repulsive or distasteful to. "she was ---led by the permanent smell of drink on his breath"

be an inspiration (to)

be the sort of person other people want to be like. I think it's her ability to inspire people that I admire most.

a trendsetter

be the sort of person who is the first to do something

be a chip of the old block

be very similar to your mother/father


beautiful in a dramatic and eye-catching way. "----- mountain scenery"


beautiful; very attractive. she was looking drop-dead -----.


become aware or conscious of (something); come to realize or understand. "his mouth fell open as he ---ed the truth"

carry away

become overly excited or involved and to take things too far. "was --- (second form) by desire."

get down to

become serious about. "Dinner is finished and now it's time to --- business."


behaving in a way that suggests one has higher standards or more noble beliefs than is the case

environmentally friendly

behaviour and products that do not harm the environment


behaviour involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something. "violence erupted in protest marches" synonyms: brutality, brute force, roughness, ferocity, fierceness, savagery, cruelty, sadism, barbarity, barbarousness, brutishness, murderousness, bloodthirstiness, ruthlessness, inhumanity, heartlessness, pitilessness, mercilessness; More


believes in one's own ability or knowledge


belonging to an earlier time. "relics of a bygone age"


belonging to or occurring in the present. "the tension and complexities of our --- society"


below 0°C. "strong winds and --- temperatures"

to be below freezing

below zero degrees Celsius

eggplant puree

bengan ka bhartha


best wishes (used to express friendliness in greetings). "give her my ---s"

lady finger



bite and work (food) in the mouth with the teeth, especially to make it easier to swallow. "he was ---ing a mouthful of toast"


boring routine. "He was sick of the ---of his fellow prisoners";


boring. "Nothing is as --- as the sea"


bringing or deserving honour. "this is the only --- way"

Describe a wedding you attended You should say when it was who got married what happened at the wedding And explain whether it was a typical wedding ceremony

brother-in-law marriage

places of interest

buildings that have a particular interest for visitors


bury or drown beneath a huge mass of something, especially water. "floodwaters ---ed hundreds of houses"


but at the same time; but nevertheless. "the path was dark, ---- I slowly found my way"

pavement cafe

cafes with tables outside on the pavement

keep your shirt on



capable of attracting and holding interest; charming. "a --- smile". "People eagerly awaits the captivating sounds, sights, and flavours of Diwali"


carried out, occurring, or acting without direct provocation. "an --- attack on an innocent man"


casual or unconstrained conversation or reports about other people, typically involving details which are not confirmed as true. "he became the subject of much local --"

endangered species

categories of animals or plants that are in danger of becoming extinct


cause (someone) to be no longer on friendly terms with someone. "he became ---d from his father." "the ---ed husband"


cause (someone) to find something funny. "he made faces to amuse her"


cause or allow (something, especially food or drink) to pass down the throat. "she ---ed a mouthful slowly"


cause the water or other liquid in (something) to run out, leaving it empty or dry. "we ---ed the swimming pool"


causing excitement and pleasure; exhilarating. "a ---- adventure"


causing great enthusiasm and eagerness. "one of the most ----- matches I've ever seen"


causing great public interest and excitement. "a sensational murder trial"


causing great surprise or wonder; astonishing. "an -- number of people registered"


causing hatred or disgust; repulsive. "this --- little swine"


causing horror or disgust. "the town was shaken by a series of --- crimes"


causing horror. "--- injuries"


causing horror. "a --- nightmare"


causing horror. "horrific injuries"


causing or likely to cause horror; shocking. "a --- massacre


causing or likely to cause horror; shocking. "a --- massacre"


causing repulsion or horror; grisly. "the most --- murder"


characteristic of winter, especially in feeling or looking very cold and bleak. "a --- landscape"


characterized by departure from tradition; innovative or progressive. "the city is known for its --- approach to transport policy"


characterized by malice; intending or intended to do harm. "he was found guilty of --- damage"


characterized by or showing goodwill; friendly; peaceable: an amicable settlement. When you do something amicably, you're doing it politely and nicely. "It's best to deal with traffic cops and waiters amicably."


claim or assert that someone has done something illegal or wrong, typically without proof. "he alleged that he had been assaulted". "---ed fiancee"

as sharp as a tack

clever, very intelligent. "He may be old in years, but he's still ---"

vintage clothes

clothes from an earlier period

hand-me- downs

clothes that are passed down from older brothers or sisters to their younger siblings


clothes, especially fine or formal ones. "the usually sober --- of British security service personnel"

off the peg

clothing that is ready made


coming immediately after the present one in order, rank, or space. "the woman in the --- room"

processed food

commercially prepared food bought for convenience

local shops

community shops


complete disorder and confusion. "snow caused --- in the region"


complying or willing to comply with an order or request; submissive to another's authority. "she was totally --- to him"


complying or willing to comply with an order or request; submissive to another's authority. "she was totally obedient to him"


conducive to or suggestive of good health and physical well-being. "the food is plentiful and very wholesome"


conducive to success; favourable. "it was not the most --- moment to hold an election"

well behaved

conducting oneself in an appropriate manner. "the crowd was very ---"


confidence in one's own worth or abilities; self-respect. "assertiveness training for those with low ---"




consider or think of in a specified way. "she ---ed London as her base"


constitute or make up (a whole, or a specified part of it). "the National Congress is ---d of ten senators"


constituting a major expense. "--- items such as cars, houses, and expensive vacations"

get on with (something)

continue with something. "Listen everyone, it's time to stop talking and --- our class."


contribute or add (a quality) to. "the smile ---(second form) his face a boyish charm"


convenient to handle or use; useful. "a handy desktop encyclopedia"

well done

cooked thoroughly or for long time - well done. "He prefers his steak ---.""Meat is really ---."


courteous, kind, and pleasant, especially towards someone of lower social status. "a gracious hostess"


covered with or consisting of ice. "there were --- patches on the roads"


covered with snow. "--- mountains"


creative; full of new, interesting ideas


cross (an obstacle) with one long step.

hordes of tourists

crowds of tourists


cruel and unrestrained. "--- immorality"


crush (a hard or brittle foodstuff) with the teeth, making a loud but muffled grinding sound. "she paused to --- a ginger biscuit"


cry noisily, making loud, convulsive gasps. "he broke down and ---bed like a child"


cry out to (someone) in order to summon them or attract their attention.


dangerously or extremely fast. "he drove at --- speed"


deep respect for someone or something. "rituals showed honour and --- for the dead" Her poems are treated with --- by other poets.

not at all

definitely not. "'You don't mind?' '---.'"


delightful; entrancing. "she looked ----"


denoting a shop, restaurant, etc. where customers select goods for themselves and pay at a checkout. "a --- cafeteria"


deprive of strength or vitality. "his limbs were ---ed of all energy"


deserving or inviting derision or mockery; absurd. "that --- tartan cap"


developmental/growing. "She spoke them about her -- years in the college"


die from the effect of a disease or injury. "He has become the latest to --- to injuries."

people from all walks of life

different types of jobs and different levels of society:

people from different sections of the society

different types of people

to be heavy-going

difficult to read


diminish in number or quantity. "supplies are ---ing fast"


dislike intensely. "she really did --- his mockery"


dismiss (someone or something) as unimportant. "she ---d Amy's riding skills whenever she could"


dismissal or expulsion from a position. "the cyrus mystery's --- from the tata chairmanship"


disorderly and disruptive and not amenable to discipline or control. "a group of --- children"


display (something) ostentatiously, especially in order to provoke envy or admiration or to show defiance. "newly rich consumers eager to --- their prosperity

not follow the pack/crowd

do or think what most other people think because it is popular

get away with (something)

do something wrong without punishment. "The bank robbers --- (second form) robbing the bank. The police never found them.

have a strong character/be strong-willed

do what you want even when there is opposition.

with flying colours

doing very successfully. "Sylvia had passed her exams with flying colours"


done consciously and intentionally. "a deliberate attempt to provoke conflict"

dress up

dress in smart or fancy clothes."Please ---for the dance.""They -- (second form) themselves -- in their finest." "I have a date! I should --"

dress down

dress informally. "Sue --ed -- in old jeans and a white blouse"


drive or force (an attack or attacker) back or away. "government units sought to --- the rebels"


drive out or expel (someone) from a position or place. "the reformists were ---ed from power"

out of respect

due to respect for". --- for her privacy, her little sister didn't open the older sister's diary.

en route

during the course of a journey; on the way. "he stopped in Turkey en route to Geneva"


easily set on fire. "the use of highly --- materials/substances"


easy to perceive, understand, or interpret. "--- and precise directions"

a breeze / a cakewalk

easy. "Travelling from Delhi to Chandigarh is ---." "Winning the race was --- for her."


eat (food or prey) hungrily or quickly. "he ---ed half of his burger in one bite"


eat (something) hurriedly and noisily. "he ---d up the rest of his sandwich"


eat (something) steadily and often audibly. "Russell ---ed his breakfast toast"


eat, drink, or ingest (food or drink). "people --- a good deal of sugar in drinks"


(of a person or action) showing a lack of experience, wisdom, or judgement. "the rather --- young man had been totally misled"


(of a person or animal) emit a deep loud roar, typically in pain or anger. "he ---ed in agony"


(of a person or animal) give a loud, harsh, piercing cry. "she hit her brother, causing him to --- with pain"


(of a person) appealing to look at; sexually alluring. "a stunningly ---, charismatic man"


(of a person) display (an emotion or quality) strongly and openly. "Sir Thomas ---d goodwill." "---s confidence in his team"


(of a person) full of cheerful high spirits. "a bright and ---- personality"


(of a person) unconscious. "the attack left a policeman beaten ---"


(of a person) utter a loud cry, typically as an expression of a strong emotion. "she ---ed for joy"


(of a place or building) visually attractive, especially in a quaint or charming way. "ruined abbeys and ----- villages


(of a place) able to be reached or entered. "the town is --- by bus


(of a quality, feeling, or possibility) gradually diminish. "the prospects of an early end to the war receded"


(of a story or film) inspiring terror and excitement. "a --- tale"


(of a task) requiring much skill or effort. "she has a busy and --- job"


(of a translation) representing the exact words of the original text. "a literal translation from the Spanish"


(of an amount, rate, or level) relatively moderate, limited, or small. "drink --- amounts of alcohol"


(of clothing, equipment, etc.) strongly made and capable of withstanding rough handling. "the binoculars are compact, lightweight, and ---ged"


(of food) delicious. "--- cream cakes"


(of food, etc.) that smells or looks attractive; making you feel hungry or thirsty. "The meals he cooked were always nourishing but never particularly ---."


(of hair or complexion) light; blonde. "a pretty girl with long --- hair"


(of hair, fur, or skin) smooth and glossy. "he was tall, with sleek, dark hair" "sleek, well-dressed patrons"


(of punishment of a person) strict or harsh. "the charges would have warranted a ---- sentence"


(of something bad or undesirable) very great; intense. "a --- shortage of technicians"


(of something provided or available) lacking in quantity or quality. "they were forced to supplement their --- earnings"


(of the weather) very cold, with frost forming on surfaces. "a cold and --- morning"


(of troops) assemble for a formal inspection or ceremonial occasion."the recruits were due to ---- that day"

Had I known, I would have said something.

(omitting if) If I had known, I would have said something.

Were I you, I wouldn't get involved.

(omitting if) If I were you, I wouldn't get involved.

Had he been here, he could have helped us.

(omitting if) If he had been here, he could have helped us.

If I were you, I would have asked him to pay me back.

(omitting if) Were I you, I would have asked him to pay me back.

to work for yourself

(see 'to be self-employed')

to go under

(see 'to go bust')

live performance:

(see live music)

higher education

education, usually in a college or university, that is followed after high school or secondary school


eject saliva forcibly from one's mouth, sometimes as a gesture of contempt or anger. "Todd spat in Hugh's face" an act of spitting


emit a long, deep audible breath expressing sadness, relief, tiredness, or similar. "Harry sank into a chair and ---ed with relief"


performed or occurring as a result of a sudden impulse or inclination and without premeditation or external stimulus. "the audience broke into spontaneous applause"

working against the clock

Not having enough time to do something. "We're really --- now. We must hurry."

sitting on the fence

Not making a firm decision between different choices. "I'm not sure which party he is going to vote for. He's ---."

independent person

Not relying on others for support, care, or funds; self-supporting

fixed in their ways

Not wanting to change from the normal ways of doing things. "My parents are very ---. They won't start using the internet."

Someone who is caring/tolerant

One of Peter's best qualities is that he's so open-minded - he deals with everyone equally no matter what their background and he'll sit and listen to their problems. His door is always open and nothing is ever too much trouble for him and he's forever helping someone out with something.

two sides of the same coin

If two things are very closely related although they seem different: "Violent behaviour and deep insecurity are often ----."

rule of thumb

Principal that is strictly adhered / kept to. "As a ---, I don't study at weekends. I spend the time with my family."

the heat of the moment

Saying or doing something suddenly without thinking about it. "I just said it in ---. I was angry. I know I shouldn't have."


encourage or stir up (violent or unlawful behaviour). "they conspired to incite riots"

fossil fuels

energy resources like gas and oil that are produced deep below the ground over millions of years


engage in conversation. "she was withdrawn and preoccupied, hardly able to --- with her mother"


engage in long and careful consideration. "she deliberated over the menu"

good company

enjoyable to socialise with


enough or more than enough; plentiful. "there is --- time for discussion"


enough; adequate. "he had a small private income which was --- for her needs"


enter or gain access to (an organization, place, etc.) surreptitiously and gradually, especially in order to acquire secret information. "the organization has been ---d by informers"


enthusiastic and public praise. "she has won acclaim for her commitment to democracy"

in particular

especially (used to show that a statement applies to one person or thing more than any other). "he socialized with the other young people, one boy ---"


especially; in particular. "a diet low in animal fat protects against potentially fatal diseases, --- diabetes"


establish (an attitude, habit, or belief) so firmly that change is very difficult or unlikely. "ageism is ---d in our society" "an entrenched resistance to change"


exceptionally clever or talented. "he was quite --- and was promoted almost at once"

over the top

excessive. "Everything she does is very ---. She can't just have a few drinks - she has to get really drunk."


excessively credulous belief in and reverence for the supernatural. "he dismissed the ghost stories as mere ---"


extend the duration of. "an idea which prolonged the life of the engine by many years"


extraordinary, especially extraordinarily large. "Bernie is a ----- writer I have long admired, a model McGill alumnus, and a new friend."


extreme physical or mental suffering. "he crashed to the ground in ---"


extreme tiredness resulting from mental or physical exertion or illness. "he was nearly dead with ---"


extremely alarming, astonishing, or frightening. "--- adventures"


extremely beautiful and delicate. "---, jewel-like portraits"

stunning landscape

extremely beautiful countryside


extremely beautiful, elaborate, or impressive. "a dramatic landscape of ---- mountains"


extremely distasteful; unacceptable. "cannibalism seems --- to us"

out of the world

extremely enjoyable or impressive. "a herb and lemon dressing that's ---"


extremely impressive or attractive. "she looked ----"


extremely impressive or daunting; inspiring awe. "the ----- power of the atomic bomb"

over the moon

extremely pleased or happy. I was ----- when he asked me to marry him


extremely surprising or impressive; amazing. "an ---- achievement"


extremely unpleasant, horrifying, or terrible. "she suffered --- injuries"


extremely unpleasant. "--- odours"


extremely unpleasant. "he has a --- temper"


fail to resist pressure, temptation, or some other negative force. "we cannot merely give up and --- to despair"

not (so) bad

fairly good. "she discovered he was --- after all"


fall heavily. "the storm clouds gathered and the rain poured down"


fall suddenly, clumsily, or headlong. "she pitched forward, ----ing down the remaining stairs"


falsify (figures, data, or records), typically in order to gain money."Everyone is ---ing their expenses"

fashionable boutiques

fashionable clothes shops


feel contempt or a deep repugnance for. "he ---ed himself for being selfish"


feel or cause to feel in need of rest or sleep. "soon the ascent grew steeper and he began to ---"

take pride

feel proud of; "She took great pride in her sons"

chip on his shoulder

feeling inferior. "He's got a --- about not having been to university."


feeling or expressing resentment, disappointment, or anger. "he gave her a --- look"

in the air

felt by a number of people to be happening or about to happen. "panic was ---."


fill (someone) with wonder and delight, holding their entire attention. "I was ---- by the city's beauty"

flash floods

floods that happen quickly


flow rapidly in a steady stream. "water poured off the roof"

in the wake of

following (someone or something), especially as a consequence. "the committee was set up --- the inquiry". synonym of aftermath (consequence). "food prices soared in the aftermath of the drought".

home-cooked food

food cooked at home from individual ingredients


for that reason; consequently. "he was injured and --- unable to play"


for the most part; chiefly. "he was --- a landscape painter"


for the most part; mainly. "around 80 per cent of personal computers are used --- for word processing"


formal and dignified. "a solemn procession" characterized by deep sincerity. "he swore a solemn oath to keep faith"


forming an essential foundation or starting point; fundamental. "certain --- rules must be obeyed"

also known as

full form of aka


full of life; lively; animated: a --- personality.


fussy about their needs or requirements. "a --- eater"


generous and benevolent. "they receive financial support from --- bodies"


gently bite at (a part of the body), especially amorously or nervously. "Sebastian was ---ing Gloria's ear". amorous means showing, feeling, or relating to sexual desire. "she rejected his amorous advances"


gently calm (a person or their feelings). "a shot of brandy might --- his nerves" "soothing music"

The real McCoy

genuine or not fake. "I don't think her new handbag is ---."

has a wide circle of friends

has a lot of friends. She has a really wide circle of friends.

be a force of nature

have a very strong character and be able to make other people do what you want even against their will. there are very few people who are able to stand up to her. I suppose you could almost say she's like a force of nature in this respect.


have one's meals with a particular person, especially as a member of an armed forces' ---. "I ---ed at first with Harry, who became a lifelong friend" (भोजनालय)

have a sense of style

have your own ideas about what is fashionable and not do/wear what is trendy/popular.


having a sharp, pungent taste or smell; not sweet. "raw berries have an intensely --- flavour"


having an acid taste like lemon or vinegar. "she sampled the wine and found it was ---"


having belief in yourself, and your abilities


having little or no sense, use, or purpose. "speculating like this is a --- exercise"


having many folds. The state's highway expenses have increased -- in the past decade."


having or displaying a violent or ferocious aggressiveness. "fierce fighting continued throughout the day"


having or involving very modern technology or design


having or showing a keen interest in or enthusiasm for something. "an --- reader of science fiction"


having or showing a mild, kind, or tender temperament or character. he is a ------ man.


having or showing behaviour that is respectful and considerate of other people. "they thought she was wrong but were too --- to say so"

well mannered

having or showing good manners; polite. "they were --- and eager to please"

top brass

he people with the highest positions of authority. "The ---turned thumbs down on the proposal." "You'll have to check it out with the ---."


he was an --- person. He is full of life


hear (someone or something) without meaning to or without the knowledge of the speaker. "I couldn't help ---ing your conversation"

traffic congestion

heavy traffic making it difficult to move around a town or city


hide or disguise the presence of (a person, animal, or object) by means of camouflage. "the caravan was camouflaged with netting and branches from trees"


hings that cause sorrow or distress; troubles. "to add to his woes, customers have been spending less"

on the streets

homeless. "the number of people who are out --- is lower than twelve months ago". "He will be --- if his project fails"

brand awareness

how well people know a particular brand


however (indicating that a factor qualifies or imposes restrictions on what was said previously). "I was hunting for work. Jobs were scarce ----"


informal, a word or phrase, often an item of jargon, that is fashionable at a particular time or in a particular context. "the latest --- in international travel is 'ecotourism'"


in spite of that; notwithstanding; all the same. "statements which, although literally true, are ---- misleading"


in the middle between two places or points. "He felt under the weather so left the movie ---."


in the most essential respects; fundamentally. "we started from a --- simple idea"

scantily clad

inadequately clothed. "suggestive adverts with scantily-clad models" meager, sparse refer to insufficiency or deficiency in quantity, number, etc. Scanty denotes smallness or insufficiency of quantity, number, supply, etc.: a scanty supply of food. clad means clothed. "they were clad in T-shirts and shorts"

joint family

includes two or more generations of kindred related through either the paternal or maternal line who maintain a common residence and are subject to common social, economic, and religious regulations. A joint family or undivided family is an extended family arrangement prevalent throughout the Indian subcontinent, particularly in India, consisting of many generations living in the same household, all bound by the common relationship.


indecisive / weak or ineffective."A ---supervisor who can't decide what to do";"A --- response to the criticism."

a sore throat

inflammation that causes pain when swallowing

to make a profit

to earn more money than it costs to run the business

eat (something) out

to eat a meal at a restraint."We -- fish --, but we don't cook it at home or order in.""Let's ---."

to spoil your appetite

to eat something that will stop you feeling hungry when it's meal-time.

to tuck into

to eat something with pleasure

to eat a balanced diet

to eat the correct types and amounts of food

to be full up

to eat to the point that you can no longer eat any more. "want another beer bro?" "nah...i"m full up man."

digital editing

to edit digital materials like audio or video files

to take on employees

to employ people


to enjoy having fun

to have a sweet tooth

to enjoy sugary food. "add more sugar if you have a sweet tooth"

set (someone) on fire

to excite someone; to make someone passionate. "Ted's presentation didn't exactly -- me --, but it was a good summary of the project."

put out

to extinguish. "The firemen managed to --- the fire very quickly." "He --- his cigarette before getting on the bus."

love at first sight

to fall in love immediately you meet someone

do up

to fasten (zip, hook, or button) some items of clothing. "Would you -- my buttons -- in back?" "Please --- my buttons."

button up

to fasten something with buttons. "-- your shirt --, please." "I will --- my shirt.""I should --- my shirt."

to go back years

to have known someone for a long time

to play with your food

to push food around the plate to avoid eating it

to place an advert

to put an advert somewhere

to go online

to start using the Internet

to close down

to stop doing business

put away

to store, to tidy. to put something in a box, drawer etc because you have finished using it. "Please put your toys away now children.""I'm going to -- the car --. (= in the garage)."

to pull a muscle

to strain a muscle

to lose one's temper

to suddenly become angry

to crash

to suddenly stop working


to the exclusion of others; only. "paints produced --- for independent retailers"


to treat people equally

to drum up business

to try to get customers

to work at a relationship

to try to maintain a positive relationship with someone

to bend over backwards

to try very hard to help someone

take (great) pains to (do something)

to try very hard. "We --- insure that no one felt left out."

to read music

to understand and follow written musical notes

to get on well with

to understand someone and enjoy similar interests

to be based on

to use as a modal

window shopping

to visit a store to look at items without the intention of buying anything

to dress for the occasion

to wear clothes suitable for a particular event

to mix and match

to wear different styles or items of clothing that aren't part of a set outfit


too powerful to be defeated or overcome. "an invincible warrior"


traditional Indian decoration and patterns made with different colours in front of homes, particularly during festivals. "they are learning to draw --- patterns at Diwali"

leave no stone unturned

try every possible course of action in order to achieve something


try hard to do or achieve something. "he is ---ing to help the Third World"


uncomplicated and easy to do or understand. "in a --- case no fees will be charged"

its raining cats and dogs

unusually very heavy rain with storm. "--- out there!"

junk mail

unwanted promotional leaflets and letters

spam email

unwanted, promotional email

under the weather

unwell. "She's feeling --- today so she won't be going to work."


upset (someone) greatly. "everyone was ---ed by the news"


urge or persuade (someone) to act in a violent or unlawful way. "he incited loyal subjects to rebellion"


use superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force them to do something. "a local man was ---ied into helping them"

the Honourable

used as a title for certain high officials, the children of certain ranks of the nobility, and MPs. "the --- chief minister of Delhi". "the --- judge" (Note: capital H)


used before a statement that forms an exception to one just made. "I didn't tell him anything, --- that I needed the money"


physically strong, fit, and active.

toxic waste

poisonous, unwanted rubbish often produced by industrial processes


producing powerful feelings or strong, clear images in the mind. "memories of that evening were still ---"

word processing

producing written texts on a computer


prohibited or restricted by social custom. "sex was a taboo subject"

rented accommodation

property owned by someone else and for which a person pays a fixed amount to live in


provide people with food and drink at a social event or other gathering. "my mother helped to --- for the party". gerund or present participle: - catering

light (second form - lit)

provide with light or lighting; illuminate. "the room was --- (second form) by a number of small lamps"

public transport system

public vehicles such as buses and trains that operate at regular times on fixed routes

blow out

puncture while the vehicle is in motion. "the car went into a rubber-shredding skid when the front nearside tyre --- (second form)"


pursue in order to catch or catch up with. "police ---d the stolen car through the city"


quick to understand, learn, and devise or apply ideas; intelligent. "she was an extremely --- and studious young woman"

sweep someone off their feet

quickly and overpoweringly charm someone.

temporary work

work done for a limited time only


work hard over a period of time. "they were ---ging away to meet a deadline"


write (something) in a hurried, careless way. "Charlie ---ed his signature"


write (something) on a typewriter or computer by pressing the keys. "he ---d out the second draft"


write or create (a work of art, especially music or poetry). "he ---d the First Violin Sonata four years earlier"


write or draw (something) carelessly or hurriedly. "he took the clipboard and ---d something illegible"


written or spoken communication or debate. "the language of political ----"

appearances can be deceptive

you should look closely at your surroundings because the truth might not be obvious. You might see a connection between the verb to deceive and the adjective deceptive




































say something again or a number of times, typically for emphasis or clarity. "she ---d that the government would remain steadfast in its support"

Off the top of my head

saying something without thinking first. "---, I'd say about 2 or 3."

not a cloud in the sky

see 'clear blue skies' above


see 'easy-going'

torrential rain

see 'heavy rain' above

a ready meal

see 'processed food'

to be self-employed

see 'to be your own boss'

to run your own business

see 'to be your own boss'

send an attachment

send an email with an accompanying file

classical music

serious music following long-established principles rather than a folk, jazz, or popular tradition.

be able to make people laugh/smile

she's not just a great storyteller, she's also able to laugh at herself and make other people see the funny side of serious situations.


shed tears in distress, pain, or sorrow. "don't ---—it'll be all right"


shed tears. "a grieving mother --- (second form) over the body of her daughter"


shimla mirch

Describe a happy childhood memory. You should say: when and where the incident you remember happened who you were with what happened exactly and explain why it is a happy memory.

sister cycling


so ludicrous as to be amusing. "if it didn't make me so angry it would be ---"


soft fibres from fabrics such as wool or cotton which accumulate in small light clumps. "he brushed his sleeve to remove the ---"


solemnly promise to do a specified thing. "the rebels ---ed to continue fighting"


somebody who gets angry a lot


someone who enjoys mixing with people


someone who expresses love.


someone who has very strong emotion about something


someone who hoards wealth and spends as little money as possible


someone who is always on time

wants to get ahead in life/ wants to make something of themselves

someone who is ambitious. I guess he's the most ambitious person I know - he's very driven and has always wanted to make something of himself.

never takes no for an answer

someone who is not put off by opposition. And while I do admire her for strength of mind there are times when she won't take no for an answer


someone who is physically or verbally threatening towards other people


someone who is prepared to work hard for what they want.


someone who is quite and shy.


someone who is shy


someone who is truthful, and who doesn't lie, cheat or steal


someone who is very attached to the company they work for


someone who is very brave


someone who is very reliable

good company

someone who other people enjoy being around. She's great company and people just love to be around her.

a natural leader

someone who other people will follow. she's ---.

a typical family man

someone who prefers to spend his time at home with his family


someone who tires hard to achieve things. he's very driven and has always wanted to make something of himself.


someone who you can trust


someone with a cheerful, positive attitude to life


someone with a very high opinion of themselves

dream come true

something you have wanted very much for a long time that has now happened: For her, making the Olympic team was a ---.


sternness or severity of manner or attitude. "he was noted for his --- and his authoritarianism"


the ability to live forever; eternal life. "eating the fruit gave the gods ---"


the ability to make good judgements and take quick decisions. "she hides a shrewd business acumen"

to have a sense of style

the ability to wear clothes that look stylish

humanitarian aid

the act of showing support to people struggling to survive


the action of celebrating an important day or event. "the birth of his son was a cause for ---"


the action of pressurizing someone into doing something they are unwilling do do. "a day of --- by government whips" "arm-twisting tactics"

advertising budget

the amount of money a company decides to spend on advertising


the art of making two- or three-dimensional representative or abstract forms, especially by carving stone or wood or by casting metal or plaster. "the boundary between painting and --- is displaced"

energy conservation

the careful management of energy resources to ensure they last as long as possible

in the eye of the storm

the center of a disagreement. "The man --- is accused of selling secrets to the enemy. "movie has been --- for featuring Pakistani actors."


the central part of a city between the downtown and uptown areas. "a huge --- apartment"


the central part of a city where people live and where conditions are often poor

climate change

the change in worldwide weather patterns

air quality

the cleanliness of the air we breathe


the coldest season of the year, in the northern hemisphere from December to February and in the southern hemisphere from June to August. "the tree has a good crop of berries in winter"


the day or period of time immediately before an event or occasion. "on the --- of her departure he gave her a little parcel" "new year ---"

loss of habitat

the decline in areas of land where animals and plants would normally exist

customer service

the degree to which customers are treated well

brand loyality

the degree to which people continue to buy from the same brand or company


the desire to harm someone; ill will. "I bear no --- towards anybody"


the end of a relationship. "a marriage ---"

sports facilities

the equipment and services needed to do a sport

put your family first

the family is more important than career

job satisfaction

the feeling of enjoying a job


the feeling or expression of reverence and adoration for a deity. "--- of the Mother Goddess"


the feeling that a person or a thing is worthless or beneath consideration. "Pam stared at the girl with total ---"


the friendly and generous reception and entertainment of guests, visitors, or strangers. "Scotland is renowned for its hospitality"


the highest class in certain societies, typically comprising people of noble birth holding hereditary titles and offices. "members of the aristocracy"

working conditions

the hours, salary and other entitlements that comes with the job

global warming

the increasing temperature of the world brought about by gases such as carbon dioxide

heavy industry

the manufacture of heavy articles and materials in large numbers


the most important aspects or practical details of a subject or situation. "let's get down to the --- of finding a job"

taste in music

the music someone likes


the music that accompanies a film

holiday entitlement

the number of days' holiday allowed


the number of hours that people usually work in a complete week

in the suburbs

the outer area of large towns and cities where people live


the outer parts of a town or city. "he built a new factory on the outskirts of Birmingham"

passport control

the place where your passport is checked

very maternal

the quality of a mother. be caring and supportive


the quality of being friendly; affability. "I was overwhelmed by the friendliness of the people here"


the scope of the influence or concerns of something. "such a case might be within the --- of the legislation"


the separation or breaking up of something into several pieces or sections. "the --- of the Ottoman Empire"

commercial break

the short period during TV programmes when advertisements are shown


the showing of politeness in one's attitude and behaviour towards others. "he treated the players with --- and good humour"

operating system

the software that tells the computer how to work

on the catwalk

the stage that modals walk along to show off the latest fashions

under house arrest

the state of being kept as a prisoner in one's own house, rather than in a prison. "she was placed ---"


the state of being prosperous. "a long period of peace and ---" "People wish wealth and --- during Deepawali to each other"


the state of being strong and active; energy. "changes that will give renewed --- to our democracy"

exhaust fumes

the toxic gases given off by vehicles powered by petrol

alma meter

the university, school, or college that one formerly attended. "he started teaching at his ---". The term also refers to a school's official song: "The reunion began with everyone singing the ---

over the years

through the years, as the years have passed. "---,several celebrities have flaunted tattos on their bodies."


thrust a knife or other pointed weapon into (someone) so as to wound or kill. "he ---bed her in the stomach". "Stephen was ---bed to death in an unprovoked attack nearly five months ago."

hard time

time actually served in a prison or other penal institution: He had merely been fined before, but now was sentenced to 90 days' --- in the county jail.

sick leave

time allowed off work when sick

maternity leave

time off work given to a woman about to have a baby


to a great extent; very much. "he didn't --- like dancing"

kill two birds with one stone

to accomplish two different things at the same time. I ---(second form) and saw some old friends while I was in Leeds visiting my parents.

a personal best

to achieve the best personal result so far in a sport

to set a record

to achieve the best result in a sport

do up

to arrange, fix, repair, cook, clean, etc., something."I have to -- the kitchen -- before the guests get here." "--- the kitchen now, please."

to pop the question

to ask someone to marry you

to have an eye for (fashion)

to be a good judge of

to be rained off

to be cancelled or postponed due to poor weather


to be dressed attractively

to be/get stuck in a rut

to be in a boring job that is hard to leave

see eye to eye

to be in agreement. "We never ---(second form) on this question."

to get caught in the rain

to be outside when it rains unexpectedly

to come highly recommended

to be praised by another person

to be on the mend

to be recovering after an illness

to be in a relationship

to be romantically involved with someone

to be stuck behind a desk

to be unhappy in an office job

to be on trend

to be very fashionable

to get into shape

to become fit

to go down with a cold

to become ill

to drift apart

to become less close to someone

to strike up a relationship

to begin a friendship

to take up a musical instrument

to begin learning a musical instrument

dig in

to begin to eat heartily."The food is getting cold. ---!" "I stuck the corner of my napkin in my collar and ---(second form).""We ---(second form) the huge pile of fried chicken."


synonym of talk


synonym of while

two sides of the same coin

"Rewards and punishments are --- - both are used to control people, and neither works very well"


"a set of circumstances in which one requirement, etc., is dependent upon another, which is in turn dependent upon the first". "a --- situation". "A catch-22 situation in the show-business, no work unless you have an agent and no agent unless you've worked"


"children ---(second form) candles on their birthdays"

tight schedule

(=many things to do in a short time): We're shooting the film on a very ---.

(all the) mod cons

(Modern Convenience) technology at home that makes jobs easier such as a washing machine, dishwasher etc. "the property has all mod cons"


(a) go through (a place) stealing things and causing damage. "burglars ---ed her home" (लूटना) (b) search (a place or receptacle) thoroughly, especially in such a way as to cause harm. "man has ---ed the planet for fuel"


(especially of a principle, place, or routine) regarded as too important or valuable to be interfered with. "the individual's right to work has been upheld as ---." "It's a bad idea to criticize or change any custom or tradition that people consider sacrosanct."


(especially of a woman) attractively lively and animated. "her vivacious and elegant mother"


(especially of an animal or baby) take food; eat something. "the baby will --- according to her needs"

a la carte

(in a restaurant) referring to food that can be ordered as separate items, rather than part of a set meal. "an --- menu"


(in general use) a complex network or interconnected system. "Silicon Valley's entrepreneurial ---"

to be at death's door

(informal) to be very ill indeed

to be under the weather

(informal) to not feel well

might is right

(jiski laathi ussi ki bhes) the belief that you can do what you want because you are the powerful person or country. "To allow this invasion to happen will give a signal to every petty dictator that ---."

to play tennis/football

(not do or go)

to do judo

(not go or play)

grass is always greener on the other side

(दूर के ढोल सुहावने लगते हैं.) People are never satisfied with their own situation; they always think others have it better.

all that glitters is not gold

(हर चमकने वाली चीज सोना नहीं होती ) he attractive external appearance of something is not a reliable indication of its true nature.


- hit (someone or something) forcefully and typically wildly, especially in boxing or cricket. "batsmen careering down the pitch to --- the ball up in the air"

out of

--- date, -- the box, -- the world, --- the blue (without warning), -- station, --- town, --- the way, --- order (not working), --- reach, --- range, --- control


--- writer, artist, or composer produces a large number of works. She is a --- writer of novels and short stories


---ing is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Both kids who are ---ied and who --- others may have serious, lasting problems.






.a brief record of points or ideas written down as an aid to memory. "I'll make a --- in my diary"

live on

71. To eat a specific thing a lot. "I --- maggy noodles"

business partner

A --- is a commercial entity with which another commercial entity has some form of alliance


A --- is a place where a collection of artefacts and other things are preserved for public exhibition.

election campaign

A Political campaign is an organized effort which seeks to influence the decision making process within a specific group. In democracies, political campaigns often refer to ---s, by which representatives are chosen or referendums are decided.


A beginner

stab in the back

A betrayal of trust. "Voting against our bill at the last minute was a real ---."


Barrack Obama is a very .... politician.

Every cloud has a silver lining

Believing that every bad situation has a positive side / eventually leads to something good. "Try not to worry about it. ---."

Rome wasn't built in a day

Important work takes time

In spite of

In spite of and despite are prepositional expressions. In spite of and despite have a similar meaning to although or even though. They express a contrast between two things. They are both more common in writing than in speaking. Despite is a little more formal than in spite of. "He got the job --- his prison record."

Actions speak louder than words

It's better to actually do something rather than just talking about it. "We have to actually do something about global warming. ---."

pay lip service

Insincere agreement; to "---" is to consent in one's words while dissenting in one's heart: "The boss's support of affirmative action was merely --ing --; he never committed himself to it in any substantial way."


Introducing a statement or idea which reverses one that has just been made or referred to. 'we're not going to have enough onions to last the year, while courgettes, ----, are in a major surplus' "he would have preferred his wife not to work, although ----- he was also proud of what she did"

pulling your leg

Joking around. "Don't get upset about what he said. He's just ---."

in the nick of time

Just in time, at the last possible instant; just before it's too late."The doctor arrived ---. The patient's life was saved." "I reached the airport --very -- and made my flight."


Lacks belief in the existing of god

cut to the chase

Leave out all the unnecessary details and just get to the point. "Come on, ---. We haven't got all day!"

at the same time

Nevertheless, however, "Mary agreed with her mother's criticism, but ---- she wanted to defend her husband's views"

a blessing in disguise

Something positive that isn't recognized until later. "Getting a low score the first time I took IELTS was ---. It forced me to study extremely hard so I got a much better score the next time."


Something said in humour rather than seriously. "It was all ---. He didn't really mean what he said."

resort to

Syn. recourse. the action of resorting to a course of action in a difficult situation. "Germany and Italy tried to resolve their economic and social failures by -- fascism". "Strict action will be taken again who --- violence.

sanctum sanctorum

Synonym of holy of holies, sanctum. The innermost shrine of a tabernacle and temple; the holy of holies.


Synonym of memento. a thing that is kept as a reminder of a person, place, or event. "the recording provides a --- of a great production"


Synonym of mourn. feel intense sorrow. "she ---d for her father"


Synonym of stroll

The ball's in your court

Telling someone it's now their turn to make a decision / take an action. "--- now. What are you going to do?"


The act of going to another place (often for a short period of time) and returning. How was your ----?

You can't judge a BOOK by its cover

The belief that outside appearances do not reveal what someone or something is really like. "---. I need to get to know him before I decide what he is like."

put on

To add some quantity of weight. "You've -- some weight --since I last saw you."

polish (something off)

To eat all of something. "Who --(second form) the cake --?""Who --- (second form) the cake?""John ---(second form) his dinner?"

snack on

To eat something as a snack. "One way to lose weight is to --- carrots instead of junk food.""Tonight I will --- popcorn."

pig out (on something)

To eat too much of something. "I intend to really --- on pizza.""I love to --- on ice cream.""I can't help myself when I see ice cream. I have to ---."

have on

To have something scheduled."We -- a dinner party -- for Friday." "Do you -- anything -- for next weekend?"

throw on

To hurl or fling someone or something on someone or something with great force or speed:"The campers --(seoncd form) some wood -- the bonfire."

to drive (someone) up the wall

To irritate or annoy / make angry / bore someone."Stop whistling that tune. You're ---.""All his talk about moving to California nearly ---(second form) everyone --."

wear in

To loosen or soften some new clothing by wearing it."That sweater will feel better after you -- it --."""My feet hurt. I need to -- my shoes --."

carry on

To maintain/ continue "--- a thriving business." "--- a love affair." "--- in the face of disaster."

make my day

To make someone very happy: "You won first prize? Now that really ---!"

cash in

To obtain a profit or other advantage by timely exploitation. Profiteers --ed -- during the gasoline shortage. --ing in on the buzz around diwali, filmmakers unveiled a new film to be released in a month's time.

throw on

To put on some clothing hastily or carelessly."We --(second form) our shoes -- and ran outside." "She --(second form) -- a raincoat and ran outdoors to get the cat."

try on

To put some garment on in order to determine if it fits."She went to the dressing room to --- the sweater." "He --(second form) the shoes -- and said they were too tight." "Do you want to --- this dress?"

take off

To remove some article of clothing. "She --(second form) her coat --.""I'll --- (second form) my boots.""I ---(second form) my jacket"

smell a rat

To sense that something is not right. "I can ---. He said he has a PhD but he can't even remember which university he studied at."

beating around / about the bush

To speak evasively or misleadingly, or to stall or waste time."Stop --- and answer my question." "Let's stop --- and discuss this matter."

go belly up

When a business fails / bankrupts."Factories and farms --- (second form) because of the debt crisis."

Back to the drawing board

When an attempt to do something fails and it's time to start all over again using different methods. "Oh well, I got 5.5 in IELTS again. ---!"

If it's not one thing, it's the other

When everything seems to be going wrong. "Today's going so badly. ---."

when in rome do as romans do

When visiting a foreign land, follow the customs of those who live in it. It can also mean that when you are in an unfamiliar situation, you should follow the lead of those who know the ropes.

Someone who is realistic/sympathetic

Whenever I have a problem I go to Gina - she's extremely sensible and you can rely on her for some clear and realistic advice. She's always seems to know the right thing to say and she's a great listener too. She just seems to know what's important in life and is very grounded - I've never known her to get carried away.


give (someone or oneself) a different appearance in order to conceal one's identity. "he ---d himself as a girl." a means of altering one's appearance to conceal one's identity. "I put on dark glasses as a ---" छिपाना


give a long, loud, piercing cry or cries expressing extreme emotion or pain. "they could hear him ---ing in pain"


give food to. "did you remember to --- the cat?"

know the right thing to say

give good advice to people with problems


giving or being a sign of future success. "they said it was an --- moon—it was rising"


great smell."Wow, what a great ---; I can't wait to taste it."


great sorrow or distress (often used hyperbolically). "the Everton tale of woe continued"


in a literal manner or sense; exactly. "the driver took it literally when asked to go straight over the roundabout"


in addition; too. "a brilliant linguist, he was ---- interested in botany"


in an atmosphere or against a background of. "talks broke down amid accusations of a hostile takeover bid"


in central or primary respects. "two --- different concepts of democracy"


possession of the qualities traditionally associated with men. "handsome, muscled, and driven, he's a prime example of masculinity" synonyms: virility, manliness, maleness, vigour, strength, muscularity, ruggedness, toughness, robustness

high-spec (laptop)

powerful computer with top quality components


powerful or dynamic. "a high-octane forty-year-old"


praise enthusiastically and publicly. "the conference was acclaimed as a considerable success"


preoccupy or fill the mind of (someone) continually and to a troubling extent. "he was obsessed with the idea of revenge"


prepare a preliminary version of (a document). "I ---ed a letter of resignation"


prepared to accept other views or behaviours


racked or devastated by war. "a --- country"

word of mouth

recommendations made by individuals to other individuals about a product of service

a man / woman of means

rich / wealthy person. "I could tell from her address that she was ---."


stimulate or persuade (someone who is reluctant or slow) to do something. "they attempted to --- the central bank into cutting interest rates". "when ---ded further, she explained the nitty-gritty of the situation"


stress given to a word or words when speaking to indicate particular importance. "inflection and emphasis can change the meaning of what is said"


strikingly bright or intense, as color, light, etc.: a --- green. a --- blue sky. ---ly coloured birds.

stiff competition

strong competition from other companies in the same area of work


struggle or fight vigorously. "scholars must strive against bias"


surprisingly impressive or notable. "the summit offers ----- views"


surrounded by; in the middle of. "our dream home, set amid magnificent rolling countryside"


swallow (drink or food) quickly or in large mouthfuls, often audibly. "he ---ed down the last of his coffee"

to die out

synonym of 'to become extinct'


synonym of advantage


synonym of avid


synonym of beautiful

confer on

synonym of bestow on. grant (a title, degree, benefit, or right). "the Minister may have exceeded the powers --- (second form) him by Parliament"


synonym of brave


synonym of candid


synonym of clever


synonym of condition. a warning or proviso of specific stipulations, conditions, or limitations. "there are a number of ---s which concern the validity of the assessment results"


synonym of confident

as a result

synonym of consequently


synonym of conservative


synonym of courageous


synonym of daring


synonym of diligent


synonym of eager


synonym of easy


synonym of easy-going


synonym of egocentric


synonym of enigmatic


synonym of enthusiastic


synonym of far-sighted


synonym of fearful


synonym of honest


synonym of however


synonym of however


synonym of however


synonym of hypocritical


synonym of inteligent

that's not all

synonym of lastly


synonym of loyal


synonym of modest


synonym of motivated


synonym of muscular


synonym of nonetheless


synonym of open-minded, non-judgmental


synonym of rational


synonym of short tempered


synonym of shy


synonym of sophisticated


take (food, drink, or another substance) into the body by swallowing or absorbing it. "The drug is more easily ---ed in pill form." "A study claims that the average person ---s considerably more calories than is necessary or desirable"


take action in order to prevent (an anticipated event) happening; forestall."the government ---ed a coup attempt"

pay attention

take notice of someone or something. "students used to know how to ---, even when the lecture was boring"


take small bites out of. "he ---d a biscuit"


takes time and trouble to do what they need to do

at the (very) least

taking the most pessimistic or unfavourable view. "a programme which is, ---, excellent PR for the hospital"


taking words in their usual or most basic sense without metaphor or exaggeration. "dreadful in its literal sense, full of dread"


talk casually, especially on unimportant matters; chat. "they ---ed away for hours"


talk in a friendly and informal way. "she ---ted to her mother on the phone every day"


talk rapidly and continuously in a foolish, excited, or incomprehensible way. "they ---d on about their holiday"


temporarily unable or unwilling to speak. "she stood --- while he poured out a stream of abuse"


tending to judge people too quickly and critically. characterized by a tendency to judge harshly. "I don't like to sound ---, but it was a big mistake." "He's --- about everyone except himself." "You should try to avoid being so ---."


tending to suggest an idea. "there were various suggestive pieces of evidence"


testing one's abilities; demanding. "--- and rewarding employment"

to get to know

to begin to know someone

to move into

to begin to live in a property

to phone in sick

to call work to explain you won't be attending work due to illness

have on

to carry something on."Do you -- a toothpick -- ?"

live up (keep) your end of the deal (bargain)

to carry though on a bargain; to do as was promised in a bargain. "You can't quit now. You have to ---." "Bob isn't --ing his --, so I am going to sue him."

sweep someone off their feet

to cause someone to fall suddenly and completely in love with you. "cook an exotic meal for your loved ones and sweep them off their feet.

to go private

to choose to be treated by commercial healthcare rather than by services offered by the state

eat (something) out

to consume the inside of something. "The ants -- (second form) the inside of the pumpkin --."

pay a visit

to go somewhere to spend time with (someone, such as a friend or relative) : to visit "He ---id(second form) to his parents.

to run your own business

to have a business of your own

to fall out with

to have a disagreement and stop being friends

get one's hands dirty

to involve yourself in doing work that is basic to something. "Erin likes to -- her -- by altering the computer code to make it run the way she wants it to." "She'll organize the event, but she doesn't like to -- her -- by selling tickets."

to be out of condition

to not be physically fit

to be just good friends

to not be romantically involved

to be careful with money

to not over-spend

to tell the story of

to outline the details of someone's life or an event

to foot the bill

to pay the bill

to pay the full price

to pay the full amount for something

put on

to place clothing onto one's body."I -- a heavy coat -- to go outside in the cold.""Please --- this one and see if it fits." "Don't forget to --- a warm coat." "I -- my sunglasses -- because the sun was too bright." "I --- my hat."

put off

to postpone. "They --- the meeting until next Friday." "We can't -- his -- until tomorrow. It needs to be ready today." "I really should go to the dentist but I keep --ting it --."

keep yourself to yourself

to prefer to be alone. she does like to keep herself to herself

draw up

to prepare a draft or version of "he --- plans for the project's next phase"

to read something from cover to cover

to read a book from the first page to the last

to slash prices

to reduce prices a great deal

to do up a property

to repair an old building

to run the marathon

to run a distance of 42.195 Kilometres

to go jogging

to run around the streets

download (podcasts)

to save a copy of a file from the internet to your own device

put away

to save money to spend later. "He -- some money -- every month for his retirement."

to see a film

to see a film at the cinema (see 'watch a film' below)

a sing-song

to sing informally, often with other people

believe it or not

used to concede that a statement is surprising. "believe it or not, I was considered quite bright in those days"

on the contrary

used to intensify a denial of what has just been implied or stated by suggesting that the opposite is the case. "there was no malice in her; -----, she was very kind"


used to introduce a phrase or clause contrasting with what has already been mentioned. "he stumbled --- didn't fall"


used to introduce a statement that contrasts with or seems to contradict something that has been said previously. "People tend to put on weight in middle age. ----, gaining weight is not inevitable"


used to introduce an additional idea or explanation. "I had no time to warn you. ----, I wasn't sure"

there the similarity ends

used to say that besides some specified thing or things that two people or things have in common, the two are not alike in other ways "Both women have two children and like sports but ---."


v. make a deep inarticulate sound conveying pain, despair, pleasure, etc. "Marty ---ed and pulled the blanket over his head" (कराह) n. a deep inarticulate sound conveying pain, despair, pleasure, etc. "she lay back with a ---"


v. wrench or twist the ligaments of (an ankle, wrist, or other joint) violently so as to cause pain and swelling but not dislocation. "he left in a wheelchair after ---ing an ankle" n. the result of spraining a joint. "a compress for treating ---s and bruises" (मोच)

bed of roses

very comfortable. "Farming is not ---."

piping/steaming hot

very hot. "Be careful, food is ---."

as plain as day

very obvious / quite clear. The secret to our success is -- - make a good plan and stick to it." "It's plain as the nose on your face that she's lying."

picturesque village

very pretty village

mile a minute

very quickly. "Stop talking --- and calm down" "The two of them were talking ---."

painfully shy

very shy


very socialable


very unpleasant, serious, or shocking. "there's been a most --- accident"

"(With) a grain of salt", (or "a pinch of salt")

view something with skepticism, or to not take it literally. I've read the article, which I take ---.

Hold your horses

wait a moment. "---! Let me explain the whole concept first."


walk by dragging one's feet along or without lifting them fully from the ground. "I stepped into my skis and ----d to the edge of the steep slope"


walk in a leisurely way. "I ----ed around the city"


walk in a military manner with a regular measured tread. "thousands -----ed behind the coffin"


walk in a slow, relaxed manner. "Adam ----ed into the room"


walk with long, decisive steps in a specified direction. "he strode across the road"

couldn't put it down

wasn't able to stop reading a book

oil spill

waste usually deposited in the seas and oceans after an accident at sea

get around

way to go places. "I --- by bicycle, but my brother --- on foot.

Speak of the devil and the devil is here

when an object of discussion unexpectedly becomes present during the conversation.

cut throat competition

when one company lowers its prices, forcing other companies to do the same, sometimes to a point where business becomes unprofitable

to come out (the sun)

when the sun appears out of a cloudy sky

a change in the weather

when weather conditions change


when your attention is caught by something, and you just can't look away, almost as if you were bound by a spell. An exciting movie can leave you ---. A great public speaker can hold the audience ---.


where election is planned in near future. "--- states"

the setting

where the action takes place

holiday destination

where you go for a holiday


wise, or attempting to appear wise. "members of the female quarter were more ---."


with reference to a feeling or emotion, disappear or cause to disappear. "the concern she'd felt for him had wholly -ed"

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