Comm 131 Final
What are 3 ways you can enhance your credibility during your speeches?
1) Explain competence 2) Establish common ground with the audience 3) Deliver speech fluently/expressively and with conviction
If you are preparing a visual aid what steps should you take to make sure the aid will be easy for all of your audience to see?
1) Prepare in advance, allow no mistakes and be creative 2) keep it simple 3) make sure aid is large enough, keep in mind size of the room/audience 4) limited amount of text
Identify 3 Methods you can use to generate emotional appeal
1) Use of emotional language 2) Develop vivid images 3) speak sincerely and with great conviction
What are the major responsibilities of every participant in a small group?
1) commits self to goals of group 2) fulfill individual assignment 3) avoid interpersonal conflict 4) encourage full participation 5) keep discussion on track
Connotative Meaning
A more variable, figurative or subjective meaning. gives words intensity and emotional power, The ideas or concepts a word suggests in addition to its literal definition
Describe a commemorative speech
A speech that pays tribute to a person, group of people, organization, or idea
Explain the following statement: A persuasive speaker should think of her or his speech as a kind of mental dialogue with the audience
Everything you say something, the audience will respond in their head, so think about what they will think and use that to write your speech
Advantages and disadvantages of speaking extemporaneously compared with reading from a manuscript
Extemporaneous is more control and leeway with thoughts, while manuscript is more boring and monotone
How can a small group function effectively without a specific leader, but never without leadership?
Having one designated leader is not necessary if the entire group fulfills its purpose
Compare and Contrast Informative vs. Persuasive speeches in terms of content and presentation
Informative: designed to convey knowledge and understanding Persuasive: designed to change opinions
Why is speaking to persuade more challenging than speaking to inform?
It is a more ambitious objective, informing is facts, while persuading is opinion based and trying to change the minds of others
Are there kinds of speeches in which emotional appeals are inappropriate?
It is unethical to add emotion to facts
Why is sexist language a problem for public speakers?
It offends a specific portion of the audience, and is also not acceptable
How does language help shape our sense of reality?
Language does not mirror reality, however it helps us create a sense of reality by giving meaning to events. The words we use to label an event determine how we respond to it.
What does it mean to say that you should use language appropriately in your speeches?
Language needs to be appropriate to the speaker's topic, as well as to the audience. For example, a speech on zip lining would use more action-oriented words than would a speech about the theories of psychology
Why is nonverbal communication important as a public speaker?
Nonverbal communication helps to convey a speaker's ideas clearly without distracting audience through voice and body language
What is the role of emotional appeal in persuasive speaking?
Speaker tries to get the audience to feel something
Denotative Meaning
The literal or dictionary meaning of a word or phrase, precise, literal, and objective.
What are the major advantages of using visual aids in your speech?
This makes the message more interesting, enhances aspects of the speech, combats stage fright, boosts confidence, and helps the audience grasp the idea easier
Extemporaneous Speech
a carefully prepared and rehearsed speech with brief notes
a phrase or opinion that is overused and betrays a lack of original thought
Describe an after dinner speech
a public speech spoken after a dinner and meant to take an important topic and use humor relevant to the topic
all members of a group agree
an explicit comparison with the words like and as
an implicit comparison without the use of words like and as
audience perception of whether the speaker is qualified, based off of competence and character
Explain the importance to effective public speaking with nonverbal communication: gestures
avoid flailing hands, arms, and be natural
Describe a speech of introduction
builds enthusiasm for the upcoming speaker builds enthusiasm for speaker's topic establishes a welcoming climate that will boost the speaker's credibility
Explain the importance to effective public speaking with nonverbal communication: bodily action
calm, poised, confident, no rush
Small Group
collection of 3-12 people who assemble for a specific purpose
Explain how a public speaker's language should be appropriate to the audience
different people respond to different vocal and tones. Use professional terms with professionals, such as doctors, and use more laid back terms with teens. Avoid language that may offend any member of the audience
Explain the importance to effective public speaking with nonverbal communication: personal appearance
dress and groom properly, make good first impression
Explain how a public speaker's language should be appropriate to the speaker
every public speaker develops his or her own language style. however, the speaker must remain appropriate and language conscious
fallacy that assumes because something is popular it is good, correct, or desirable
Describe an acceptance speech
gives thanks for a gift, award, or public recognition. Customary to thank people who gave you the award, as well as the people who helped you achieve the award
What is anological reasoning? How can you judge the validity of an analogy?
it compares 2 similar cases and infers what is true for the first and is true for the second, judge validity if it shows a truly parallel situation
In what circumstances is it ethical for public speakers to use emotional appeals when speaking to persuade?
it is appropriate to use emotional appeals when your want to move and inspire listeners, and appeal to their hearts and minds
Describe a speech of presentation
it is similar to a casual speech, but requires more preparation, uses of formal language, there is a time restraint and a different method of delivery
Explain the importance to effective public speaking with nonverbal communication: eye contact
keep direct visual contact with those in the audience
Explain how a public speaker's language should be appropriate to the occasion
locker room pep-talk speech would use a phrase like "you guys" when referring to the audience, as a formal speech in a professional setting may refer to the audience as "distinguished guests"
What kinds of visual aids might you want to use in a speech
objects models photos drawings graphs charts videos bodily demonstrations
Target Audience
portion of whole audience speaker most wants to persuade
supporting material used to prove/disprove something
Burden of Proof
the obligation facing a persuasive speaker to prove that a change from current policy is necessary
variety of language distinguished by variations of grammar, accents, and vocab
If a picture is worth a thousand words why should a speaker worry about explaining visual aids in a speech
visual aids need to be translated/related to the audience because they do not explain themselves, explaining can be a big benefit, and an aid is only as useful as its explanation
Vocalized Pauses
vocal filters such as ah and um
Explain how a public speaker's language should be appropriate to the topic
you would not use a metaphor or an alliteration in a speech about how to change a bicycle tire, however you may use these in a speech honoring or admiring someone such as a fallen soldier