Community Diagnosis

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Health indicators

Variables used for the assessment of community health.

Channels for dissemination

- presentations at meetings of the health boards and committees, or forums organized for voluntary organizations, local community groups and the general public - press release - thematic events (such as health fairs and other health promotion programs)

What should diagnosis of community have

1. health status of the community 2. determinants of health in the community 3. potential for healthy city development


A cluster of people with at least one common characteristic (geographic location, occupation, ethnicity, housing condition......) A group of people with a common characteristic or interest living together within a larger society

Social indicators

Education Housing, Communication, Transportation, Sources of health care and health information Public assistance Leadership pattern.


The target audience for the community diagnosis includes policy-makers, health professionals and the general public in the community.


a dedicated committee or working group should be set up to manage and coordinate the project. The committee should involve relevant parties such as government departments, health professionals and non-governmental organizations. available budget and resources should be written to determine the scope of the diagnosis. Some of the common areas to be studied may include health status, lifestyles, living conditions, socioeconomic conditions, physical and social infrastructure, inequalities, as well as public health services and policies.

Community Diagnosis

a quantitative and qualitative description of the health of citizens and the factors which influence their health. It identifies problems, proposes areas for improvement and stimulates action.

Data collection and analysis

quantitative and qualitative data. Moreover, Population Census and statistical data e.g. population size, sex and age structure, medical services, public health, social services, education, housing, public security and transportation, etc. can provide background of the district.

Environmental indices

◦• Water Supply ◦• Excreta Disposal ◦• Insect Control ◦• Sanitation, ◦• Garbage Collection

Health Resources

• Manpower / Health officer, nutritionist, Nurse, Doctor • Health facilities • Health financing: Public funds versus private funding • Health related legislations: National; Local


• Sources of food: Markets/ Public eating establishments • Prevalence of Malnutrition

Economic status

◦ 3.1 Sources of income ◦3.2 Indications of economic status: Employment; Income per capita; Poverty level; Economic organizations

Health status of the community

◦ • Top Mortality ◦• Top Morbidity

Stages of community diagnosis

◦1. Initiation ◦2. Data collection and analysis ◦3. Diagnosis ◦4. Dissemination

Background/ Setting

◦1.1 Local history ◦1.2 Geography - Part of which Region, Municipality/ City - Boundaries whether land locked, coastal or both - Land area - Subdivisions, political, economic or social ◦1.3 Climate


◦2.1 Geographic distribution Age - sex structure (Population pyramid) ◦2.2 Factors such as: Migration; Age dependency (18-49 yr); Birth/death rate; Ethnic distribution; Density

Requirement for health indicators

◦valid, ◦ reliable, ◦sensitive, specific, ◦ feasible ◦relevant.

Organized community health programs

◦• Expanded program on Immunization ◦• Maternal and Child health ◦• Reproductive health ◦• Nutrition programs

Purpose of community diagnosis

◦•Identification and quantification of health problem ◦ •Identification of those who at risk ◦•Identification of community needs and problems ◦ •Determine available resources ◦ •Set priorities for planning .

Classification of health indicators

◦•Mortality indicators ◦•Morbidity indicators • ◦Disability rates ◦•Nutritional status indicators ◦•Health care delivery indicators ◦•Utilization rates ◦•Indicators of social and mental health ◦•Environmental indicators ◦•Socio-economic indicators

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