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A coroner determines the cause of death to be strangulation because this delicate bone is fractured. Which bone is this?

reduce or inhibit transmission across the synapse.

A decrease in the number of voltage-gated Ca2+ ion channels in the presynaptic terminal would...

block sensory input into the CNS

A local anesthetic such as Novocaine decreases membrane permeability to Na+. The use of this anesthetic will

stimulus strength

A local potential increases or decreases in proportion to


A major source of sensory input into the limbic system is the sense of __________.

frequency of occurrence of action potentials increases.

A neuron is receiving a stimulus which gets stronger and stronger. The result is...


A patient in a skiing accident is told that the lateral side of the ankle joint has been crushed. The bone that has been injured is the __________.


A patient with a traumatic head injury may exhibit vomiting as a result of irritation of nuclei in the ____


A person who has cerebrospinal fluid draining from the ear probably has a fracture of the __________ bone

coordinate movement

A primary function of the cerebellum is to ____ interpret sound coordinate movement control body temperature regulate consciousness regulate sleep patterns


A small lesion in the brainstem which resulted in a rapid heart rate, intense vasoconstriction, and elevated blood pressure would probably be located in the ____


Acetylcholine binds to a membrane bound receptor and causes ligand-gated sodium channels to open and results in

do not

Actin and myosin ____ shorten during contraction


Adrenergic receptors can be activated by


All of the following nerve endings are found in the skin EXCEPT __________. Pacinian corpuscles proprioceptors Ruffini end organs Merkel disks Meissner corpuscles


An investigator who conducts an experiment to determine how changes in pH affect the function of enzymes on digestion is most likely to be a/an _________blank.


Anna has an eating disorder along with intense thirst and wildly varying body temperatures, which means she may have a dysfunction of the ____


Arrange the following in correct sequence: (1) Autonomic ganglia and ganglionic synapse (2) Synapse with target tissues (3) Preganglionic neuron (4) Postganglionic neuron

Sarcolemma, T tubules, sarcoplasmic reticulum, Ca2+

Arrange these structures as they participate in excitation-contraction. T tubules, sarcolemma, Ca2+, sarcoplasmic reticulum


Ascending or descending: Spinoreticular tract


Ascending or descending: Spinothalamic tract


Ascending or descending: Tectospinal tract


Ascending or descending: corticospinal tract


Ascending or descending: fasciculus gracilis


Ascending or descending: rubrospinal tract


Cell bodies of the peripheral nervous system are located in

ventricles of the brain

Cerebrospinal fluid is formed by tissue in the walls and roofs of the ________

sympathetic branch of ANS

Chain ganglia are part of the ____

two motor neurons plus cardiac and smooth muscle and glands as effectors

Compared to a somatic reflex, an autonomic reflex utilizes... (what neurons and effectors)

a splanchnic nerve

Consider the following situation: Sympathetic preganglionic axons enter a sympathetic chain ganglia. In order for these axons to reach collateral ganglia, they must now travel through...

inability of the muscle fiber to respond to nervous stimulation

Curare blocks acetylcholine receptors at the motor end plate. This would result in...

Phrenic nerves

Damage to which of these nerves would be most life-threatening? Median nerves Phrenic nerves Lumbar nerves Sciatic nerves Radial nerves

voltage gated sodium ion channels

Depolarization causes _________ to open

upper and lower motor neurons

Descending pathways consist of ____

Both activation and inactivation gates are open

Each voltage-gated Na+ channel has two voltage sensitive gates: an activation gate and an inactivation gate. Which of the following would occur during depolarization?

muscarinic receptors

Effector cells that respond to acetylcholine released from postganglionic neurons have...

two neurons in series to connect the CNS to the effector.

Efferent neurons of the ANS utilize...

each muscle fiber

Endomysium is a delicate network of loose connective tissue that surrounds...

a branch of an axon from the nerve

Every muscle fiber receives...

production of an action potential in the sarcolemma

Excitation-contraction coupling begins with...


Fibers connecting areas of the cerebral cortex within the same hemisphere are __________ fibers


Frank has a microbial infection attacking his brain. Which cell type would you expect to proliferate and be most active during this time?

size of muscle fibers

Hypertrophy of skeletal muscles from weight lifting is caused by an increase in the


I band and H zones become ____ during contraction

premotor area

If a person decided to jump over a chair, which of the following areas organizes the motor functions needed to carry out this action?


If the ventral root of a spinal nerve were cut, the regions innervated by that spinal nerve would experience complete loss of ______


If you cut bundles of axons and their myelin sheaths in the PNS, you cut _____

prefrontal area

Impulses that initiate motivation and forethought originate in the ________

spinal cord through the brainstem to the thalamus

In an ascending pathway, axons of the secondary neuron travel from the...

elevated permeability to K+ during repolarization

In some cells, an afterpotential occurs because there is prolonged...


In the CNS, clusters of gray matter containing cell bodies are called ____

columns, horns

In the spinal cord, white matter is organized into ___ and gray matter into ____

continuous stimulation of the postsynaptic membrane

Lack of acetylcholinesterase in the synaptic cleft would result in

a slight shaking of the hands or head

Lesions of the basal nuclei could cause...

maximal contraction

Optimal actin and myosin overlap will produce...

pelvic; lower colon and reproductive glands

Parasympathetic preganglionic axons from the sacral region of the spinal cord course through _________blank nerves that innervate the _________blank.


Preganglionic fibers from the thoracic and lumbar segments of the spinal cord are part of the _________blank division of the ANS.

cell body

Protein synthesis in neurons occurs in ____

A band

Remains constant in length in a sarcomere during contraction

golgi tendon reflex

Sam is curling very heavy weights and suddenly drops them. Which reflex forced this action by Sam to prevent tendon damage?


Spinal nerves C5-T1 make up the __________ plexus.


Spinal nerves exiting the spinal cord from the level of L4 to S4 form the __________ plexus.

inhibitory, alpha motor neurons

Stimulation of the Golgi tendon organs result in which of the following changes in the reflex arc? stimulation of an ____ neuron and decreased action potentials in __ ____ ___

The number of EPSPs in relation to the number of IPSPs

Suppose both excitatory and inhibitory neurons synapse with a single postsynaptic neuron. What determines if an action potential is initiated in the postsynaptic neuron?

chain or collateral ganglia

Sympathetic preganglionic axons can synapse where?

epinephrine and norepinephrine

Sympathetic stimulation of the postganglionic cells of the adrenal medulla causes the release of ___

cutaneous sensations on the opposite side of his body below the level of injury

Terrance is told by his physician that he has lesions on one side of his spinal cord, which cut the lateral spinothalamic tract. Therefore, Terrance will have an inability to perceive...

completion of repolarization before another action potential

The absolute refractory period assures

prevent the person from falling

The adaptive significance of the crossed extensor reflex when a person steps on a tack is to


The anatomical crossing over of neurons from left to right


The anterior boundary of the "rib cage" is/are the ____

temporal lobe

The auditory cortex is located in the

frontal and parietal lobes

The central sulcus separates the _____

intended movements with actual movements

The cerebellum functions as a comparator. This means that the cerebellum compares

nerve tracts of white matter beneath the cerebral cortex

The cerebral medulla consists of many

hydroxyapatite crystals

The compression (weight-bearing) strength of bone matrix is due to the presence of ____

unconscious movements

The extrapyramidal system maintains control of...

Decussation of the pyramids into two hemispheres

The fact that the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body is explained by the


The first cervical vertebrae is the ___

the cerebrum and diencephalon

The limbic system involves various neural connections between ______

nicotinic receptors

The membranes of all postganglionic neurons in autonomic ganglia have...


The motor neurons responsible for making a fist are _____


The muscles of the back contract to straighten so that you sit at a more erect posture and subsequently the muscles are suddenly stretched as you nod off. Which of the following best represents the sequence of events when you start to nod off? (1) Muscles of the back are stretched.(2) The muscle spindle is stretched.(3) Action potentials in sensory neurons of the muscle spindles increase.(4) Action potentials in alpha motor neurons of skeletal muscle fibers increase.(5) Skeletal muscle of the back contract


The pain a person experiences with acute appendicitis results from stimulating nerve endings called ________

postganglionic axons near the organs they innervate

The parasympathetic nervous system is characterized by short...

there are more leak ion channels for K+ than Na+

The plasma membrane of a neuron is more permeable to K+ because...

fasiculus gracilis

The portion of the dorsal column/medial lemniscal tract that carries proprioceptive sensations from nerve endings in the feet and legs is the __________.


The primary motor area contains a ___ area for control of the hands and fingers than control of the arm and elbow


The primary somatosensory cortex is located in the _________blank lobe.

descending motor

The pyramids of the medulla contain ____ tracts

muscarinic, nicotinic, or adrenergic.

The receptor molecules of the ANS may be....


The ribs articulate with the __________ vertebrae


The sensory (afferent) division of the peripheral nervous system conveys action potentials to the

white ramus communicans

The short connection between a spinal nerve and a sympathetic chain ganglion through which preganglionic neurons pass is called the _________blank.

intervertebral foramen

The site where spinal nerves exit the vertebral column is the _____

number of sensory receptors

The size of various regions of the primary somatic sensory cortex is proportional to the __________ in that area of the body.

only motor fibers

The ventral root of a spinal nerve contains ____


Thirteen year-old Austin exhibits retarded growth, reduced metabolism, lack of normal reproductive gland development, inability to regulate water intake or water elimination from the body, and an uncontrolled appetite. Which part of Austin's brain is most likely involved?

long and thin

Thoracic vertebrae have ... spinous processes.

Spinocerebellar tract

Tract carrying proprioception and a comparator function

Fasciculus cuneatus

Tract carrying vibration from upper limbs

meissner corpuscles

What detects two point discrimination

cell bodies of autonomic motor neurons

What is found in the lateral gray horns of the spinal cord?

epidural space

What space, found between the vertebral wall and the dura mater, is the area for injecting anesthesia for childbirth?


When a neurotransmitter binds to its receptor and increases the permeability of the postsynaptic membrane to Na+ an _____ postsynaptic potential will result

calcium ions diffuse into the presynaptic terminal through voltage-gated ion channels.

When an action potential reaches the presynaptic terminal,


When people smoke cigarettes, they damage some of their taste buds. Which type of sense has been damaged by the smoking?


When someone taps you on your shoulder, they stimulate the __________ nerve

spatial summation occurs

When two action potentials arrive simultaneously at two different presynaptic terminals that synapse with the same postsynaptic neuron,

organ physiology

Which branch of physiology would study the effects of sunbathing on the skin?


Which nerve has branches that extend to the thoracic and abdominal viscera?

controlling the ANS

Which of the following activities is NOT associated with the cerebrum? Interpreting smell and taste Controlling the autonomic nervous system Initiating voluntary movements Making moral judgments Writing poetry

a clock radio coming on in the morning

Which of the following activities would stimulate the reticular formation?

vomer and ethmoid

Which of the following bones form the nasal septum?

inferior nasal conchae

Which of the following bones forms part of the lateral wall of the nasal cavity?


Which of the following brain areas serves as the major control center of the autonomic nervous system and endocrine system?


Which of the following cranial nerves is exclusively sensory? Vestibulocochlear (VIII) Hypoglossal (XII) Trochlear (IV) Facial (VI) Trigeminal (V)

the action potential is propagated from presynaptic to postsynaptic membrane

Which of the following events occurs during the lag phase of a muscle twitch? Muscle fibers shorten. Cross-bridges form, move, release, and reform many times. The action potential is propagated from presynaptic to postsynaptic membrane. Ca2+ are pumped back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum. All of these events occur in the lag phase.

Increased concentration of Ca2+ around the myofibrils

Which of the following helps explain the increased tension seen in multiple wave summation? Increased motor unit recruitment Increased concentration of Ca2+ around the myofibrils Exposure of more active sites on myosin myofilaments The breakdown of elastic elements in the cell Decreased stimulus frequency

provides oxygen to CNS

Which of the following is NOT a function of cerebrospinal fluid? Provides oxygen to CNS tissue Provides nutrients to CNS tissue Provides a protective cushion around the CNS Protects the brain from rapid, jarring head movements

control the heart rate

Which of the following is NOT a function of the cerebellum? Coordinate control of voluntary movements Help in the maintenance of muscle tone Control the heart rate Control skeletal muscles to maintain balance Control of posture, locomotion, and fine motor coordination

dilation of the bronchioles in the lungs

Which of the following is NOT a parasympathetic effect? Constriction of the pupils of the eye Contraction of the urinary bladder Decreased heart rate Dilation of the bronchioles in the lungs Increased gastric secretions

they bind to troponin

Which of the following is NOT a property of the myosin head? They form cross-bridges with the active sites of actin. They have a hinge region to bend and straighten. They bind to troponin. They have ATPase activity. They bind to ATP.

enteric bipolar neuron

Which of the following is NOT a type of enteric neuron? Enteric interneuron Enteric sensory neuron Enteric bipolar neuron Enteric motor neuron

corticospinal tract

Which of the following is a descending pathway in the spinal cord? Fasciculus gracilis Corticospinal tract Spinothalamic tract Spinoreticular tract

lateral spinothalamic tract

Which of the following is an ascending pathway in the spinal cord? Lateral spinothalamic tract Rubrospinal tract Lateral corticospinal tract Tectospinal tract Anterior corticospinal tract

central nervous system

Which of the following is responsible for problem-solving skills?

postganglionic sympathetic

Which of the following neurons is most likely to be adrenergic? -Preganglionic sympathetic -Preganglionic parasympathetic -Postganglionic sympathetic -Postganglionic parasympathetic -Postganglionic somatic motor

Increased motility of the digestive tract

Which of the following occurs when the parasympathetic system is stimulated? Increased blood pressure Increased motility of the digestive tract Increased metabolism Increased heart rate Decreased motility of the digestive tract

Ruffini end organs

Which of the following receptor type is mismatched with its sensation? Merkel disks - light touch Pacinian corpuscles - vibration Meissner corpuscles - two-point discrimination Ruffini end organs - temperature Hair follicle receptors - slight bending of the hair

Depolarization causes voltage-gated Na+ channels to open

Which of the following situations occurs in electrically excitable cells? When Na+ channels open, K+ channels close. The sodium-potassium pump moves Na+ into the cell. Depolarization causes voltage-gated Na+ channels to open. Ligand-gated Na+ channels are opened by high extracellular Ca2+ levels. Proteins tend to diffuse out of the cell.


Which of the following statements is true? 1. The sympathetic division diverges more than the parasympathetic division. 2. Increased parasympathetic activity is consistent with increased physical activity. 3. One division of the ANS is always stimulatory, and the other is always inhibitory. 4. Structures receiving both dual autonomic innervation are regulated equally by both divisions. 5. There is dual innervation of all organs.

Glial cells produce action potentials for skeletal muscles.

Which of the following statements regarding glial cells is false? Glial cells serve as the major supporting tissue in the CNS. Glial cells form part of the blood-brain barrier. Glial cells produce action potentials for skeletal muscles. Glial cells form myelin sheaths around some axons. Glial cells produce cerebrospinal fluid.


Which of the following systems carries necessary compounds like oxygen and nutrients throughout the body?

spinoreticular tract

Which of the following tract is mismatched with its description? Spinotectal tract - visual reflexes Fasciculus cuneatus - vibration from upper body half Spinoreticular tract - light touch Spinocerebellar tract - proprioception Spinocerebellar tract - comparator function

balance impairment

Which of the following would you observe in a patient with a tumor of the cerebellum? Loss of general sensation Balance impairment No heartbeat Increased sex drive No conscious thought

pectoralis major

Which of the organs listed below is not directly innervated by the autonomic nervous system? -heart -sweat gland -arrector pili of hair follicle -pectoralis major


Which portion of a reflex arc is most likely to be located entirely within the central nervous system?


Which portion of the brainstem is continuous with the spinal cord?

filum terminale

Which structure anchors the thecal sac and conus medullaris to the coccyx?

pons, medulla

Which two portions of the brain are involved in controlling respiration?


Which type of nerve would cause a blood vessel to constrict?

corpus callosum

a band of commissural fibers that connects the right cerebral hemisphere to the left cerebral hemisphere.


a hole for a blood vessel


a protein strand composed of actin or myosin.


a structure composed of several tissue types

T tubules

conduct action potentials deep into the muscle fiber


contains chondrocytes located in lacunae

I band

contains only actin

merkel disks

detects light touch

Pacinian corpuscles

detects vibration


is a substance released from neurons that influences the sensitivity of neurons to neurotransmitters.

M line

middle of the H zone

isotonic contraction

muscle produces constant tension during contraction

appositional growth

new chondrocytes and new matrix are added on the outside of the tissue.


responds to compression of the receptor

Spinotectal tract

sensory tract providing visual reflexes

skeletal and cardiac

striated muscle fibers are

Z disk

structure between adjacent sarcomeres


surrounds individual axons and their Schwann cells

conus medullaris

tapered, cone like region immediately inferior to the lumbar enlargement

sympathetic, parasympathetic

the ____ division diverges more than the ____ division of the ANS

complete tetanus

the condition in which stimuli occur so rapidly that there are no intervening relaxations.


the shoulder is ___ to the elbow


thick filament


thin myofilament


what division of the ANS has the preganglionic cell body located in the lateral horn of the spinal cord.


Most sensory input that ascends through the spinal cord and brainstem projects to the ___


Mr. Miller has been hospitalized for the flu. The flu virus increases membrane permeability to K+. You would expect his cells to _______


Multiple sclerosis is a neurological disorder in which myelin sheaths in the CNS are destroyed. Which of the following neuroglial cells is being damaged in multiple sclerosis?

postsynaptic membrane

NT cause the production of action potentials in the ______

medulla, spinal cord, hypothalamus

Name three places that autonomic reflexes might be integrated in...


Nerve cells generate electrical signals in response to changes in the environment. This is an example of _________blank.

inhibitory postsynaptic potential

Local hyperpolarization in a synapse is called a/an ___


Maggie has her wisdom teeth removed, and later has difficulty with chewing and cannot feel sensations to the side of her face. This is likely caused by the numbing of the __________ nerve.

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