CONNET 1, 4-12

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The portion of the sphenoid bone that houses the pituitary gland is the

sella turcica.

The ___________ nervous system transmits information from receptors to the CNS, while the ___________ nervous system transmits information from the CNS to the rest of the body.

sensory; motor

Hyaline cartilage

serves as a precursor for the formation of long bones in the body.

The normal level at which a physiological variable is maintainied is known as its

set point

The part of the hair that extends beyond the skin surface is called the


The bones of the wrist are classified as _____ bones.


The bones of the wrists and ankles are classified as

short bones.

A red blood cell placed in a hypertonic medium will


A _____________ epithelium consists of a single layer of flattened cells attached directly to a basement membrane.

simple squamous

Myelin sheaths mainly consist of which part of the glial cells that form them?

plasma membranes

The fluid-filled area between the pleural layers is the

pleural cavity.

When sodium enters the neuron via chemically gated sodium channels, the membrane will depolarize. Therefore, the membrane potential will become more


An end plate potential is an event that involves a gain of

positive charge along the inside of the cell membrane, as sodium rapidly enters.

The popliteal region is best seen from a(n) ________ view.


The directional term that means "in back of" or "toward the back surface" is


When a blood vessel is damaged, platelets attach and recruit more platelets to the area. These new platelets recruit even more, quickly increasing the number of platelets until the damage is sealed with a blood clot. This amplification is an example of

postive feedback.

The pleural cavity is the

potential space between the two serous membranes surrounding a lung.

The type of epithelium that would best allow rapid diffusion, osmosis, or filtration is ____________ epithelium.

simple squamous

The sodium-potassium ATPase functions by performing

primary active transport.

Severe injuries and burns to the skin result in scars that are

produced by fibroblasts and made mainly of collagen.

Some bone interiors contain hemopoietic tissue, which functions in

producing blood cells.

The function of melanin in the skin is to

protect against UV light.

Flat bones

protect underlying soft tissue and may be slightly curved.

In connective tissue, the extracellular matrix consists of

protein fibers and ground substance.

Because they produce ribosome subunits, one would expect to find large numbers of nucleoli in cells that synthesize


The type of epithelial tissue that is only one cell layer thick is called __________; the type of epithelial tissue that is two or more cell layers thick is called _________.

simple; stratified

The directional term that means "closest to the point of attachment to the trunk" is


The type of muscle that has elongated, multinucleated cells and is under voluntary control is __________ muscle.


The axial skeleton includes the

skull, hyoid bone, thoracic cage, and vertebral column.

The abdominal muscle that extends vertically the entire length of the anteromedial abdominal wall and forms the traditional "six pack" is the

rectus abdominis.

When medical students study all of the structures in a particular area of the body as a unit (for example, all the muscles, blood vessels, and nerves of the leg), that approach is called

regional anatomy.

Calcium ions return to the sarcoplasmic reticulum, detaching the cross-bridges so the sarcomere can lengthen, during the __________ phase.


Exocytosis is a process by which cells

release substances from the cell via vesicles.

The body system that provides support and protection as well as being a site of blood cell production (hemopoiesis) is the ____________ system.


The study of how gases are transferred between the lungs and blood, and between the blood and body tissues, best describes the focus of

respiratory physiology.

The term that refers to the ability of organisms to react to changes in the environment is


The deeper sublayer of the dermis is the ________ layer, and it is the _______ of the two.

reticular, thicker

If the humerus is pivoting on its own longitudinal axis, it is exhibiting


The muscle cell membrane is called the


The distance from one Z disk to the next Z disk is called a(n)


The less movable attachment of a muscle is called its


An action potential causes calcium ions to diffuse from the ________ into the ________.

sarcoplasmic reticulum ; sarcoplasm

As the bone matrix calcifies and the secreting cells become walled in,

osteoblasts become osteocytes.

Bone-forming cells that produce collagen and proteoglycans and release matrix vesicles are


During the healing of a bone fracture, a hard callus is formed by


Bone cells called __________ break down bone by secreting hydrochloric acid and enzymes that dissolve the matrix.


Bone cells that become surrounded by bone matrix and are located in cavities called lacunae are


Myoglobin is a molecule within muscle cells that can bind


The membranous network that wraps around myofibrils and holds relatively high concentrations of calcium is known as the

sarcoplasmic reticulum.

In the appendicular skeleton, the pectoral girdle is made up of the __________ and the __________.

scapula; clavicle

The oily, waxy secretion called sebum is produced by

sebaceous glands.

The outermost layer of the pleural membrane is the

parietal pleura.

The ligament that attaches the patella to the tibia is the

patellar ligament.

The anatomic changes that result from disease are studied under

pathologic anatomy.

The break of a bone that has been weakened by disease is a ________fracture; when a broken end of the bone pierces the skin, the fracture is ________.

pathologic; compound

The ___________ subdivides the pelvis into the "true pelvis" and the "false pelvis".

pelvic brim

The type of muscles in which the fascicles are at an oblique angle to the tendon, and the muscle fibers resemble a large feather is called


The periosteum is anchored to the bone by collagen fibers called _____ fibers.


Nerves and ganglia are structures found in the

peripheral nervous system.

The moist, two-layered serous membrane that lines the abdominopelvic cavity is called the


Certain white blood cells engulf microorganisms and bring them in to digest them. This process is best described as


The word _____ implies an imaginary flat surface passing through the body.


The barrier between the extracellular fluid and the cytosol is called the __________.

plasma membrane

Granulation tissue is

vascular connective tissue.

Fine hair called _________, which is unpigmented or lightly pigmented, is the primary human hair and is found on the upper and lower limbs.


The bones of the vertebral column form a cavity called the

vertebral canal.

The layer of the pleural membrane that is attached to the surface of the lung is the

visceral pleura.

Skin cells play an important role in producing

vitamin D.

Synovial fluid is found

within the synovial cavity.

In the epiphyseal plate, the microscopic zone in which chondrocytes undergo rapid cell division and become aligned into longitudinal columns of flattened lacunae is called the

zone of proliferating cartilage.

The zygomatic arch is composed of processes of the

zygomatic and temporal bones.

An example of a flat bone would be the

sternum (breast bone).

The integument consists of the epidermis, which is composed of _____________, and the dermis, which is composed primarily of ____________ connective tissue.

stratified squamous epithelium, dense irregular

The layer of the epidermis that includes melanocytes and a single row of columnar cells that undergo mitosis is the

stratum basale

Gross anatomy refers to the study of

structures visible to the unaided eye.

The muscle that extends from the clavicle to the first rib, and whose main action is to stabilize and depress the clavicle, is the


Facilitated diffusion is used to transport

sugars and amino acids.

The anatomic term for the calf is


The joints between cranial bones of the skull are called


Which of the following is not considered a weight bearing activity?


A typical synapse in the CNS consists of a presynaptic neuron and a postsynaptic neuron, separated by a narrow space called the

synaptic cleft.

The narrow space that separates the motor neuron and the skeletal muscle fiber in a neuromuscular junction is called the

synaptic cleft.

A gomphosis is functionally classified as a


The type of membrane that lines many of the body's joints is a _________ membrane.


The phase of mitosis that begins with the arrival of a group of single-stranded chromosomes at each pole of the cell is


The zygomatic process of the temporal bone and the _________ process of the zygomatic bone form the zygomatic arch.


The structure responsible for attaching muscle to bone is a


When threshold is reached, depolarization occurs with the same amplitude of potential change. This is known as

the All-or-None principle.

When sugar is mixed with water, equilibrium is reached when

the dissolved sugar molecules are evenly distributed throughout the solution.

While most of the cells in a hair are dead, the living epithelial cells are found in

the hair bulb.

The hip bones include

the ilium, the ischium, and pubis.

The word "biceps" in the name of a muscle refers to the fact that

the muscle has two tendons of origin.

The vertebral column protects

the spinal cord.

The negative value of the resting membrane potential means

there are more negatively charged particles on the inside of the membrane than on the outside.

The potential across a cell membrane has changed drastically, from -90mV to +30mV. In other words,

there is a postive charge on the inside of the cell, relative to the outside.

Acetylcholine is released from a neuron

through exocytosis when a vesicle fuses with the membrane.

Groups of similar cells and extracellular products that carry out a common function are called


The primary function of serous fluid appears to be

to serve as a lubricant.

Tactile (Merkel) cells are sensitive to


Trusses and arches which help form an internal scaffolding network, are found in

trabecular bone.

The type of epithelium that lines the urinary bladder and may include some binucleated cells is called ____________ epithelium.



transmit signals away from the cell body.


transmit signals toward the cell body.

Proteins that assist the movement of a substance across the membrane are called _________ proteins.


A(n) _______ plane separates the body into superior and inferior parts.


All of the following are filamentous proteins except


The calcium ions involved in skeletal muscle contraction bind to a(n)______ subunit.


During contraction of a muscle, calcium ions bind to the

troponin molecule.

Adipose connective tissue is a type of dense connective tissue.


An action potential causes depolarization of the T-tubule membrane.


Myofibrils are composed of protein filaments called actin and myosin


One function of muscle tissue is to provide heat production.


Osteoblasts are bone-forming cells; osteoclasts are bone-dissolving cells.


Perimysium covers a muscle fascicle.


T-tubules are invaginations of the sarcolemma of a muscle cell.


The area between the presynaptic nerve cell and the postsynaptic muscle cell is termed the synaptic cleft.


The sequence of crossbridge formation and myofilament movement will be repeated as long as calcium ions are present.


The skin consists of different tissue types that perform specific activities and therefore is to be considered an organ.


When crossbridges form and the muscle fibers contract, the actin myofilament slides past the myosin myofilament.


Ribs that join the sternum directly by costal cartilages are called

true ribs.

Mitosis results in the formation of __________.

two identical daughter cells

The abdominopelvic quadrants are formed by passing one horizontal and one vertical line through the


Exposure to ultraviolet light darkens skin by stimulating synthesis of


Melanin is produced and stored in


The multiple nuclei in skeletal muscle cells are the result of the

fusion of myoblasts.

What is the product of the reactions of transcription?

messenger RNA

An information-containing segment of DNA that codes for the production of a molecule of RNA, which in most cases goes on to play a role in the synthesis of one or more proteins, is known as a(n)


One feature that helps provide fast energy to a muscle cell is the presence of granules containing the complex carbohydrate


The various chemical reactions that organisms carry out are collectively called


The basin in the floor of the cranium that accommodates the temporal lobe of the brain is the

middle cranial fossa.

The _________ are responsible for synthesizing most of a human body cell's ATP.


The vagus nerve contains afferent and efferent neurons, therefore it is an example of a(n) __________ nerve.


Simple diffusion is defined as the movement of

molecules from areas of higher concentration to areas of lower concentration.

Depolarization occurs because

more Na+ diffuse into the cell than K+ diffuse out of it.

Depolarization is initiated by a stimulus that makes the membrane potential

more positive.

Depolarization of a cell membrane occurs because

more sodium ions diffuse into the cell than potassium ions diffuse out of it.

The neurons that stimulate muscle contraction are called _____ neurons.


The type of membrane that prevents desiccation, provides lubrication, and traps bacteria and foreign particles is


If a joint moves in all three planes of space, it is classified as


The arm can move in the coronal, transverse, and sagittal planes of space. Therefore, the shoulder joint is classified as


The most common type of neuron contains many dendrites and a single axon. Structurally, this is classified as a(n) ______________ neuron.


The thick filaments of the sarcomere are made up mostly of the protein __________.


When blood sugar levels increase after a meal, insulin is released. This lowers sugar levels back toward normal. This is an example of

negative feedback.

Burns can be evaluated by determining the percentage of body surface area affected, which is known as the rule of __________.


A plane that passes through the structure at an angle is called


The absolute refractory period assures that action potential propagation is

only in one direction.

The expanded distal end of the fibula is called the


The part of a rib that articulates with the demifacets on the bodies of vertebrae is the


Bone is ________ and contains mainly ________ nerves.

highly vascularized; sensory

The elbow performs flexion and extension, and is therefore a _________ joint.


The knee joint performs primarily flexion and extension, so it is classified as a __________ joint.


The type of exocrine gland in which the entire cell disintegrates, liberating any accumulated products, is the __________ gland.


Endocrine glands secrete


Endochondral ossification begins with a(n) _________ model.

hyaline cartilage

Articular cartilage, found on the ends of long bones, consists of

hyaline cartilage.

The most common type of cartilage, named for its glassy appearance, is

hyaline cartilage.

When a person blinks, she is using her

orbicularis oculi.

The lysosome contains ________ enzymes.


Which is the "kiss muscle" used for puckering the lips?

orbicularis oculi.

Cell shrinking, also known as crenation, occurs when a cell is placed into a(n) _________ solution.


At what level of organization is a tooth?

organ level

When a cell is placed in a solution with a very low solute concentration, water diffuses into the cell. Such a solution is called a(n) _________ solution.


The hypodermis is rich in adipose, and thus its functions include

organ protection, energy storage, and thermal insulation.

Facilitated diffusion occurs

in either direction depending on the concentration gradient of the molecule.

The serous fluid that helps in cardiac function is located

in the pericardial cavity, between the parietal and visceral pericardial layers.

If neurotransmitter from Neuron A causes Neuron B to hyperpolarize, this is an example of an

inhibitory postsynaptic potential.

Proteins that are embedded within, and extend across, the phospholipid bilayer are called _____ proteins.


The intracellular components that perform specific functions, such as protein and ATP synthesis, are called __________.


The control center of a homeostatic mechanism

integrates sensory input and signals for change as needed.

How many pairs of ribs articulate (directly or indirectly) with the sternum?


When during human development does the process of ossification begin?

12th-13th week of embryonic development

How many facial bones contribute to the skull?


A pollex has ______ phalanges.


How many pairs of ribs are "floating ribs" that do not articulate with the sternum?


What is the correct order for the events of neurotransmitter release from the synaptic terminal? 1 - Extracellular Ca2+ enters terminal and binds to sensor protein in the cytoplasm 2 - Exocytosis of neurotransmitter into synaptic cleft 3 - Action potential reaches axon terminal 4 - Ca2+-protein complex stimulates fusion of the docked synaptic vesicle with the plasma membrane 5 - Voltage-gated Ca2+ channels open

3, 5, 1, 4, 2

Arrange the following in the proper order in which they occur at the postsynaptic side of a neuromuscular junction. 1. Action potential is propagated over the muscle cell membrane 2. Depolarization of the postsynaptic membrane 3. Sodium ions move into muscle cell


How many phases does a muscle twitch have?


How many steps are involved during a muscle contraction?


This sarcomere depicts relaxed muscle. Which number identifies the M line?


At which of the following ages would calcium loss from bone be more than calcium deposits into bone, even when a high calcium diet is eaten?

50 years old

The vertebral column includes ___ cervical, ___ thoracic, and ___ lumbar vertebrae.

7, 12, 5

The skull consists of _____ cranial bones and _____ facial bones.

8, 14

What is the letter associated with the dark bands in a sarcomere?


The area of the muscle fiber where the actin and myosin myofilaments overlap is the

A band

This sarcomere depicts relaxed muscle. What does number 1 refer to?

A band

What is produced when depolarization of a cell membrane reaches threshold?

A new action potential is produced.

Which of the following represents the proper complementary base pairings in DNA?

A-T and C-G

The _________ provide passageways for spinal nerves to exit the vertebral column and travel to other parts of the body.

intervertebral foramina

If the sequence of DNA nucleotides being read is TTACTG, then transcription results in the formation of the sequence


Symphyses can be found in the

intervertebral joints.

Energy is released when

ATP is broken down into ADP and phosphate.

Which of the following is NOT a feature of epithelia?

Abundant extracellular material

Which is the neurotransmitter that causes the release of calcium ions from reservoirs within the muscle cell and thereby initiates the steps of contraction?


Which of the following structures has the active sites to which the heads of the thick filaments will bind?


This figure shows a posterior view of the right thigh. What muscle does number 3 indicate?

Adductor magnus

In this image showing connective tissue components, what structure does number 1 indicate?


Which of the following is NOT a category of connective tissue?

Aerobic connective tissue

Hold your arm out so that it is completely extended. The triceps brachii is causing the extension, so it is acting as what?


_____ synovial joints are diarthroses.


Keratinocytes are

All of the choices are correct.

What type of stimulus is detected by the sensory receptors of the skin?

All of the choices are correct.

Which is not a membrane-bound organelle?

All of the choices are membrane-bound organelles.

Which describes the anatomic position?

All of these apply

The femur

All of these are correct.

Which of the following types of RNA are involved in protein synthesis?

All three types of RNA are involved in protein synthesis.

In which phase of mitosis are the chromatids split from one another?


Which part of a synovial joint may be reinforced by ligaments and tendons?

Articular capsule

Which sequence correctly lists the changes that allow the thick and thin filaments to slide past one another in skeletal muscle contraction?

Attach - pivot - detach - return

Osteoid is the

organic part of the bone matrix that gives it tensile strength.

From deep to superficial, the order of the strata of the epidermis is

Basale - spinosum - granulosum - lucidum - corneum

In order to retain heat, what occurs in the skin on a cold day?

Blood vessels of the dermis constrict.

Which of the following is not a basic tissue type in the body?


Which of the following characteristics is common to oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells?

Both provide myelination.

This figure shows superficial and deep arm muscles. What muscle does number 1 indicate?


This figure shows a lateral view of the muscles of facial expression. What muscle does number 3 indicate?


This figure shows the muscles of facial expression. What muscle does number 5 indicate?


Which cervical vertebra is also known as the vertebra prominens?


Which mineral is most important throughout life to assist in maintaining strong bone?


What type of muscle contains intercalated discs?


How would the genetic inheritance of a gene producing abnormal gap junctions effect muscle tissue?

Cardiac muscle and some smooth muscle would function abnormally. Skeletal muscle would be unaffected.

There are four types of body membranes. Select the exception.


The nucleus and other organelles of a neuron are primarily housed in which part of the cell?

Cell body

Which of the following parts of a neuron receives and processes information?

Cell body

__________ combine to form __________, which combine to form __________.

Cells; tissues; organs

______________ is(are) found in compact bone, but not spongy bone.

Central canals

What is the correct order for the vertebral regions, from superior to inferior?

Cervical - thoracic - lumbar - sacral - coccygeal

What is the name of the three letter sequences being "read" during translation?


What are the matrix rings of compact bone that surround the central canal of each osteon?

Concentric lamellae

A large, smooth, rounded articulating oval structure is called what?


Which primary tissue type would be represented by blood, body fat, ligaments and tendons, dermis of the skin, and the cartilage of some joints?

Connective tissue

Contraction of the diaphragm assists in

Contraction of the diaphragm assists in

This figure shows superficial and deep arm muscles. What muscle does number 2 indicate?


What suture is the articulation between the frontal and parietal bones?


Which features are found only on thoracic vertebrae?

Costal facets and demifacets

Where in the body would you expect to find a perichondrium?

Covering cartilage

What is the anatomic term for the hip region?


Which body membrane protects the body from water loss and harm to internal organs?


Which type of connective tissue predominates in the deep portion of the dermis, where it lends strength to the skin?

Dense irregular

Which of the following is a normal response to excessive loss of body heat in a cold environment?

Dermal blood vessels constrict

These junctions hold adjacent cells together and provide resistance to mechanical stress.


What is the role of nerves that supply a bone?

Detect injuries in the bone

This figure shows the muscles of respiration. What muscle does number 4 indicate?


The visible part of the ear has the ability to stretch significantly, and then recoil back to its original position. Which protein fiber must be present?


Which of the following would not be considered part of the skeletal system?

Elastic cartilage

Which type of connective tissue is abundant in the walls of arteries, and in the airway?

Elastic tissue

Which connective tissue wrapping separates individual muscle fibers?


What is the thin layer of connective tissue that lines the medullary cavity of a long bone?


Which bone marking does not serve as an articulating surface?


Full-thickness burns destroy which layers of skin?

Epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis

Before beginning orthodontic treatment, a patient may have her wrist and hand x-rayed to determine her stage of growth. What feature of the long bones will the orthodontist use to assess this?

Epiphyseal plate

Which tissue type covers body surfaces and lines the inside of organs and body cavities?


In what tissue would you expect to find very little, if any, extracellular matrix?

Epithelial tissue

Which is avascular (lacks blood vessels)?

Epithelial tissue

You would most likely find goblet cells in what type of tissue?

Epithelial tissue

Which of the following is the correct sequence of steps involved in a muscle contraction?

Excitation, coupling, contraction, and relaxation

What is the greatest risk factor for skin cancer?

Exposure to UV light rays

This figure shows the muscles of respiration. What muscle does number 2 indicate?

External intercostal

Which of the following elevates the ribs?

External intercostals

Active transport moves substances from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration of that substance.


One example of a membrane-bound organelle is a ribosome.


Placing a red blood cell in an extremely hypertonic solution leads to hemolysis.


Ribosomes that are attached to the RER are called "free ribosomes".


The sodium potassium exchange pump moves three potassium ions out of the cell and two sodium ions into the cell with each cycle.


Unlike simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion requires energy expenditure by the cell.


Suppose that you were involved in an automobile accident and suffered a back injury. When examined by your physician you are told that you have a slipped disc in the lower back. What type of tissue is involved?


Which type of cartilage is found in the intervertebral discs?


What is the action of the biceps brachii muscle?

Flexion of forearm

What is the action of the gastrocnemius muscle?

Flexion of leg

Which bones articulate with the zygomatic bone?

Frontal, temporal, and maxilla

Which of the following represents the correct order of the phases of the cell cycle?

G1 -> S -> G2 -> M

Lysosomes are membrane-bound vesicles that arise from the

Golgi apparatus.

Which of the following is not part of the ethmoid bone?

Greater wing

An inguinal hernia is in the region of the


During contraction, the actin myofilaments slide toward the

H zone

Which of the following is not found in thick skin?

Hair follicles

Nails are important for most of the following reasons. Which is not a function of the nails?

Help us to walk properly

The joint just Proximal to the knees is which of these


Which branch of microscopic anatomy is the study of tissues?


Which is not a function of bone?

Hormone synthesis

What type of solution contains higher than normal amounts of osmotically active solutes?

Hypertonic solution

The urinary bladder is found in which abdominopelvic region?


Which letter is associated with the light band and contains thin filaments only?


Where are chondrocytes and osteocytes located?

In lacuna

Where does transcription occur?

In the nucleus

This figure shows the muscles of the posterior trunk. What muscle does number 2 indicate?


What helps bone resist compression?

Inorganic salts

Which system is responsible for providing protection, regulating body temperature, and being the site of cutaneous receptors?


This figure shows the muscles of respiration. What muscles are indicated by number 1?

Internal intercostals

Which action describes turning the sole of the foot medially, as in checking the bottom of a shoe for gum?


Which of the following best describes the role of Ca2+ in muscle contraction?

It binds to troponin, moving tropomyosin, so that myosin heads can bind to actin.

Which statement is false regarding the general features of the vertebral column.

It consists of a chain of 30 vertebrae with intervertebral discs of fibrocartilage between most of them.

Which of the following statements about receptor-mediated endocytosis is TRUE?

It involves clathrin-coated pits.

Which statement is true regarding the subcutaneous layer (hypodermis)?

It stabilizes the position of the skin and binds it to underlying structures.

A professional fighter hit in the mental region might have damage to the


Which of the following is not a type of hair?


What type of epithelium is found in the epidermis?

Keratinized stratified squamous

Which is not a part of all synovial joints?


Which feature is found in both cartilage and bone?


A patient complaining of pain o his left side just deep to the ribs would be referring which abdominpelvic quadrant

Left upper

This figure shows the muscles of facial expression. What muscle does number 7 indicate?

Levator labii superioris

Consider the classifications of bone, and examples of each. Which classification comprises bones used primarily for movement rather than protection?

Long bones

Compact bone

is composed of tubular units called osteons.

A resting membrane potential

is due to a charge difference across the cell membrane.

Identify the organelle that provides enzymes for autolysis.


If a cell has a relatively high energy need, you would expect it to have _________ mitochondria than a cell with a lower energy need.


In this image showing connective tissue components, what structure does number 2 indicate?


Which of the following is NOT an examples of homeostasis?

Maintaining body temperature by putting on a hoodie.

Which of the following is not a cranial bone?


What is the superior portion of the sternum called?


3Which muscle is the most powerful muscle of mastication, and functions to elevate and protract the mandible?


This figure shows a lateral view of the muscles of facial expression. What muscle does number 1 indicate?


This figure shows the muscles of facial expression. What muscle does number 4 indicate?


If you palpate the medial side of your ankle, what prominent process of the tibia are you feeling?

Medial malleolus

If a person were unable to form saliva, what type of gland could be missing or malfunctioning?

Merocrine glands

Which region of a growing bone contains the epiphyseal plate?


Which are the smallest components of the cytoskeleton?


Which of the following structures function in holding organelles in place, maintaining cell shape and rigidity, and directing organelle movement?


Which of the following is not an example of connective tissue?


Which protein makes up the thick filaments?


During depolarization, which of the following statements about voltage-gated ion channels is TRUE?

Na+ gates open before K+ gates.

You accidentally cut your fingernail too far, causing a sharp pain and some bleeding. Which part of your nail was injured?

Nail bed

Which is the actively growing part of the nail?

Nail matrix

This figure shows the muscles of facial expression. What muscle does number 2 indicate?


Suppose you cut your finger only slightly in what is known as a "paper cut." You observe that the cut hurts but it doesn't bleed. How would you interpret your observation?

Nerve endings occur in epithelium but blood vessels do not.

Which is not a function of the integument?

No exceptions; all are functions of the integument

Which is not involved in the process of bone repair following a fracture?

No exceptions; all of the choices are involved in the process of bone repair.

Which of the following is not a function of epithelial tissue?

No exceptions; these are all functions of epithelial tissue

What type of cells produce the myelin sheath in the central nervous system (CNS)?


Which best defines "superficial"?

On the outside

When there is a change in the internal body environment, how will the body react if it wants to maintain homeostasis by negative feedback?

Oppose the change

This figure shows the muscles of facial expression. What muscle does number 3 indicate?

Orbicularis oculi

This figure shows the muscles of facial expression. What muscle does number 6 indicate?

Orbicularis oris

Which level of organization in the human body involves two or more tissue types working together to perform specific, complex functions?

Organ level

Which level consists of related organs that work to achieve a common function?

Organ system level

Which of the following statements accurately describes the organization of structures?

Organs are made up of of tissues, which are made up of cells, which are made up of organelles and molecules.

Which of the following statements accurately describes the organization of structures?

Organs are made up of tissues, which are made up of cells, which are made up of organelles and molecules.

The type of passive transport that involves the movement of water across a semipermeable membrane from a region of high water concentration to a region of low water concentration is called what?


Which is a passive transport process?


Which type of cell produces new bone tissue by secreting matrix?


What unit of bone consists of a central canal (containing blood vessels, nerves, and lymph vessels) surrounded by concentric rings of calcified matrix?


During childbirth, the baby pushes on the wall of the uterus. This is detected by pressure receptors that signal the brain to release oxytocin. If this is a positive feedback process, select the likely next step.

Oxytocin causes the uterus to contract, further stimulating the receptors, and releasing more oxytocin from the brain.

A meniscus could be found in which joint?


The outer serous membrane lining the abdominal cavity is called the

Parietal Peritoneum

Which is not a function of the vertebral column?

Passageway for cranial nerves

Endocrine glands

lack ducts and secrete their products into the bloodstream or into interstitial fluid.

The _______ suture is the articulation between the occipital bone and both parietal bones.


Investigating the function of organ systems in a disease state best describes


This figure shows the muscles of the anterior trunk. What muscle does number 1 indicate?

Pectoralis major

This figure shows the muscles of the anterior trunk. What muscle does number 3 indicate?

Pectoralis minor

The axillary region is ______ to the pectoral region.


The directional term that means "away from the midline of the body" is


The head of the fibula articulates with the fibular articular facet on the

lateral condyle of the tibia.

In anatomic position, the radius lies _____ to the ulna.


The sagittal suture joins the

left and right parietal bones.

A patient complaining of pain on his left side just deep to the ribs would be referring to which abdominopelvic quadrant?

left upper

Which of the following cells will be expected to contain the most active lysosomes?

Phagocytosing white blood cell

This figure shows a lateral view of the muscles of facial expression. What muscle does number 4 indicate?


This figure shows the muscles of facial expression. What muscle does number 1 indicate?


Which cranial fossa supports the cerebellum?


Which of the following is not a function of mitosis?

Production of sperm cells

Which of the following represents the correct order of the phases of mitosis?

Prophase -> metaphase -> anaphase -> telophase

Which of the following accurately shows the sequence of the phases of mitosis?

Prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase

What is the process that occurs inside cells that produces long strands of amino acids?

Protein synthesis

Which of the following is not a function of the vertebral column?

Provide support for the muscles of the arm

Which of the following is considered a required enzyme for the process of transcription?

RNA polymerase

Drugs that are administered by skin patches tend to be _______ soluble molecules that are absorbed ________.

lipid; slowly

Which muscle forms the traditional "six-pack" of a well-toned abdominal wall?

Rectus abdominis

Where does hemopoiesis occur?

Red bone marrow

If you are cold, and your body alters the circulation near the skin in order to conserve heat, what characteristics of life is this representing?


The study of how gases are transferred between the lungs and blood, and between the blood and body tissues, best describe the focus of

Respiratory physiology

Which type of connective tissue protein fiber forms a meshlike framework that provides structural support within many organs (within the spleen, for example)?

Reticular fibers

This figure shows the muscles of the posterior trunk. What muscle does number 3 indicate?

Rhomboid major

The cell membrane immediately adjacent to an action potential depolarizes because of

local currents.

The bones of the fingers and toes (phalanges) are categorized as _____ bones.


If you were to rub your finger over the surface of your face, you would notice that the skin is oily. What makes up the oil?

Ruptured cells from sebaceous glands

The replication of a DNA molecule during interphase occurs during the

S phase.

Which bone does not belong to the appendicular skeleton?


Which is not a protein found in thin filaments?


Which of the following muscles is the longest muscle in the body, and is nicknamed the "tailor's muscle" because it flexes and laterally rotates the thigh while also flexing and medially rotating the leg (helping us to sit cross-legged, as tailors used to do)?


This figure shows the muscles of respiration. What muscles are indicated by number 3?


Where on the human body is the hair thick enough to retain heat?


Which bones comprise each pectoral girdle?

Scapula and clavicle

What bone(s) does the clavicle articulate with?

Scapula and sternum

Which bones articulate with the humerus?

Scapula, radius, and ulna

Which feature of a holocrine gland will distinguish it from merocrine and apocrine glands?

Secretions are released by rupture of whole cells

This figure shows a posterior view of the right thigh. What muscle does number 1 indicate?


This figure shows a posterior view of the right thigh. What muscle does number 2 indicate?


An epithelium with a single layer of tall cells would be classified as which type of epithelium?

Simple columnar epithelium

Which type of epithelium is shown in this figure?

Simple epithelium

The lining of the air sacs in the lungs (alveoli) is comprised of what epithelium?

Simple squamous

What type of epithelium would be most suited for high levels of diffusion and filtration?

Simple squamous

Choose the statement that best exemplifies the interrelated nature of anatomy and physiology.

Simple squamous epithelial consists of a single layer of flattened cells, which is appropriate for organs where filtration and diffusion occurs.

What is the function of cartilage located in the epiphyseal plates?

Site of bone elongation and growth

Thermoreceptors detect body temperature and send impulses to the brain for analysis. If body temperature is low, the brain will signal skeletal muscles to perform brief, repeated contractions to help generate heat. In this example, what is the effector?

Skeletal muscles

Which of the following will pass through a cell membrane most easily?

Small nonpolar molecules

Which type of muscle contains fusiform cells that function to propel materials through hollow organs?


Which type of muscle tissue is found in the walls of hollow organs?

Smooth muscle

This figure shows a lateral view of the right leg. What muscle does number 2 indicate?


The sella turcica is part of which bone?


This figure shows a lateral view of the muscles of facial expression. What muscle does number 5 indicate?


Which of the following choices places the components of a homeostatic control system in proper order?

Stimulus, receptor, control center, effector

Which type of epithelium is composed of multiple layers, including an apical layer containing tall, slender cells?

Stratified columnar

Nails are scalelike modifications of which layer of the integument?

Stratum corneum

______ anatomy examines both superficial anatomic markings and internal body structures as they relate to the skin covering them.


Which is not a type of synovial joint?


Which part of a neuron contains calcium pumps and channels?

Synaptic bulbs

Which structures are reservoirs that store acetylcholine?

Synaptic vesicles

Which of the following fibrous joints allows for slight movement, and the articulating bones are joined by long strands of dense regular connective tissue?


Which body membrane would be found lining the inside of the knee joint?

Synovial membrane

Invaginations of the muscle cell membrane that extend deep into the cell are known as the


A 5% urea solution is hypotonic to a 10% urea solution.


A start codon consists of the three-base sequence AUG.


Diffusion is one of the processes whereby materials are exchanged between a cell and its environment.


Facilitated diffusion requires a specific transporter for a specific molecule.


If a cell is placed in an isotonic medium, there will be no net movement of water.


If the material the cell takes in is liquid, the process is termed pinocytosis.


Low-density lipoproteins are brought into the cell by receptor-mediated endocytosis.


Lysosomes function in the destruction and recycling of old organelles.


Mitochondria engage in aerobic cellular respiration to complete the digestion of fuel molecules to allow for transfer of energy for the synthesis of ATP.


Mitosis and cytoplasmic division result in the formation of two genetically identical cells.


Peroxisomes are membrane-bound organelles.


The enzymes found in the lysosomes were formed in the endoplasmic reticulum.


Tight junctions provide direct passageways for substances to travel between neighboring cells.


Which is not a correct pairing of a bone and its common name?

Talus - heel

Select the way in which sweat glands function in homeostasis.

Temperature regulation

The rate of diffusion is affected by which of the following?

Temperature, size of the molecules, and steepness of the concentration gradient

Which bone is not a facial bone?


Which bone is not part of the nasal complex?


This figure shows a lateral view of the muscles of facial expression. What muscle does number 2 indicate?


Which type of hair forms the beard on the faces of males?


How would an anatomist describe the bladder

The bladder wall contains a transitional epithelium and several layers of smooth muscle

If a bone is immersed in a weak acid such as vinegar for several days, its inorganic components will dissolve. What will be the result of such an experiment?

The bone will become soft and bendable.

Which of the following is TRUE of positive feedback

The change is amplified

What feature of your ear accounts for its ability to regain its shape after it has been deformed or compressed?

The elastic fibers present in the ear's cartilage

Which of the following statements about the resting membrane potential is TRUE?

The exterior of the cell has a net positive charge and the interior has a net negative charge.

Which of the following statements is false regarding the sodium-potassium pump?

The ions in the extracellular fluid bind to the carrier protein, and the potassium attached to the carrier protein is released.

Which abdominopelvic regions have both a right and a left side?

The lumbar, iliac, and hypochondriac

Homeostasis is BEST described as

The maintenance of stable internal environment despite a changing external environment.

What would be the effect on bone growth of insufficient dietary calcium?

The matrix would be softer.

Which is the highest of the three arches of the foot?

The medial longitudinal arch

Scorpion agitoxin is a neurotoxin that blocks the activity of voltage-gated potassium channels. In the presence of agitoxin, which will occur during an action potential?

The neuron will remain depolarized and unable to repolarize.

How would a physiologist describe the small intestine

The small intestine has a large surface area for more efficient digestion and absorption

Which serous membrane covers the surface of an organ?

The visceral layer

This figure shows a lateral view of the right leg. What muscle is indicated by the number 1?

Tibialis anterior

What is the term for the process that produces RNA from a DNA template?


Which of the following processes takes place within the nucleus?


Which of the following is a function of the ribosome?

Translation of proteins

Which is not a general function of the nervous system?

Transporting materials throughout the body

This figure shows the muscles of the posterior trunk. What muscle does number 1 indicate?


Which is not among the bones in the proximal row of carpals?


At rest, the active sites on actin molecules care covered by __________ and __________, two contractile proteins that inhibit contraction.

Tropomyosin and troponin

Which statement accurately describes the articulations between ribs and vertebrae?

Twelve thoracic vertebrae articulate with the ribs.

Why might someone pale when they are exposed to a cold temperature?

Vasoconstriction has occurred

If extracellular calcium was absent, which would likely be true?

Vesicles containing neurotransmitter would not merge with the plasma membrane.

Production of this vitamin requires skin exposure to the sun. This vitamin is crucial for regulation of calcium and phosphate.

Vitamin D

Which is not a cranial bone?


Suppose that you had a congenital condition that prevented your body from forming holocrine glands. If that were the case, which statement would be most accurate?

Your skin would become excessively dry for lack of oil from sebaceous glands.

Which letter is associated with the line that is a thin protein structure that serves as an attachment site for thin filament ends?


A sarcomere is defined as the distance from one _____ to the next adjacent ____ . (The same answer fills in both spaces.)

Z disc

The process of bone repair includes these steps: a: Fracture hematoma forms b: Bone is remodeled c: Fibrocartilaginous callus forms d: Bony callus forms The correct chronological order for these steps is

a - c - d - b

The smallest structural unit that exhibits the characteristics of living things is

a cell.

The acetabulum is

a depression in the hip bone that receives the head of the femur.

An exocrine gland has two parts:

a duct and a secretory portion.

Plasma is

a liquid ground substance containing dissolved proteins.

A power stroke involves

a myosin head pulling a thin filament toward the center of the sarcomere.

The most abundant lipid of the membrane consists of a head and two tails. This type of lipid is

a phospholipid.

A skeletal muscle fiber is

a skeletal muscle cell.

The term "codon" refers to

a three-base sequence of mRNA.

Which is a correct listing of the hierarchy of a skeletal muscle's components, beginning with the smallest? a: Myofibrils b: Muscle fiber c: Fascicle d: Skeletal muscle

a, b, c, d

Among the components of the dermis are a: sweat glands b: hair follicles c: collagen fibers d: sensory nerve endings e: arrector pili muscles

a, b, c, d, e

In general, a skeletal muscle is composed of a: connective tissue sheaths b: nerves c: arteries d: veins e: muscle fibers

a, b, c, d, e

Which are possible functions of skeletal muscles? a: Maintenance of posture b: Both highly coordinated and localized simple movements c: Temperature regulation d: Support of certain body organs e: Regulation of the movement of material through certain body tracts

a, b, c, d, e

Which of these are functions of hair? a: Sensory reception b: Heat retention c: Pheromone dispersal d: Protection e: Visual identification

a, b, c, d, e

Normally, skin color results from a combination of a: melanin b: hemoglobin c: bilirubin d: carotene

a, b, d

Which of these comprise the nail plate? a: Free edge b: Nail folds c: Eponchyium d: Nail root e: Nail body

a, d, e

The _______ is a period of time when a membrane cannot respond to another stimulus (no matter how strong).

absolute refractory period

A recently depolarized area of a cell membrane cannot generate an action potential because of the

absolute refractory period.

The primary neurotransmitter at the neuromuscular junction is


To enhance the effect acetylcholine has in a particular synapse, a drug may block acetylcholinesterase (AChE) so that

acetylcholine is not destroyed, and will remain in the synapse longer.

The thin filaments of the sarcomere are made up mostly of the protein __________.


The sodium potassium exchange pump is an example of

active transport.

The presence of mitochondria and myoglobin facilitate _________ respiration in muscle cells.


Pain receptors in the skin send signals to the CNS for processing. These pain receptors are an example of ____________ neurons.


Each auricular surface of the sacrum is located on a(n)


Which describes the anatomic position?

all of the above

Which of the following does not cause burns?

all of the above

The action potential of a muscle fiber occurs

along the sarcolemma and down the T-tubules.

The bond between the actin and myosin head is broken when

an ATP molecule binds to the myosin head.

During transcription

an RNA molecule is formed as a DNA sequence is read.

If carbon dioxide levels rise in the body, negative feedback mechanisms will trigger

an increase in breathing so that carbon dioxide levels decline to the set point.

The phase of mitosis that begins as spindle fibers pull sister chromatids apart at the centromere is


A muscle whose action opposes that of the prime mover is known as a(n)


The type of gland that secretes sweat into a hair follicle that is found in the axillary, anal, and genital regions is the ________ sweat gland.


A flat, thin structure made of dense connective tissue that serves to attach a muscle to a bone (or to another muscle) is a(n)


The limbs of the body are attached to the axis and make up the

appendicular region.

The subcutaneous layer of skin consists of

areolar and adipose tissue.

The structure responsible for pulling on the follicle and causing "goose bumps" is the

arrector pili muscle.

Bones in the legs, arms, spine and pelvis grow

at different rates.

Protection of vital organs and hematopoiesis are two functions commonly named for the __________ skeleton.


The head, neck, and trunk make up the ______ region of the body.


Which is the correct order of the connective tissue layers of a skeletal muscle, beginning with the most superficial? a: Endomysium b: Epimysium c: Perimysium


The multiaxial joint in which the spherical end of one bone fits into the cuplike socket of the other bone is called a ___________ joint.


Contraction of the arrector pili muscles causes the hair follicle to

become perpendicular to the skin, resulting in the hair "standing on end."

For elbow flexion,

biceps brachii is the agonist and triceps brachii is the antagonist.

Acetylcholine exerts its effect by

binding to receptors at the motor end plate.

Which of the following is not a major tissue type?


Sebum is a secretion that

lubricates skin and helps defend against bacteria.

The cranial cavity houses the


The anatomic term for the cheek is


Lateral to the umbilical abdominopelvic region are the _____ regions.


Bone is considered an important storage reservoir for

calcium, phosphate, and lipids.

In compact bone, ___________ connect adjacent lacunae, thereby providing pathways for nutrients and other materials to pass between osteocytes.


If you were examining a microscope slide containing a type of muscle tissue and observed a branching network of striated cells, each with one or two central nuclei, you could conclude that you were looking at _____ muscle.


Which anatomical term describes the wrist region?


Facilitated diffusion requires

carrier proteins.

The category of reactions in which larger molecules are broken down into smaller ones is known as



catalyzes hydrolysis of ACh to remove it from the synaptic cleft.

The best term for referring to the rear or "tail end" is


The nucleus of a neuron is found in its

cell body

Epithelial tissue

cells can be cube or column shaped.

All connective tissues have three features in common. They are

cells, protein fibers, and ground substance.

When a neurotransmitter binds a protein channel, it opens and lets sodium diffuse down its concentration gradient. This is an example of a

chemically gated sodium channel.

In a cell that is not dividing, the unwound, filamented mass of DNA and associated proteins is(are) called


Receptors are parts of the nervous system that allow it to

collect information.

The discipline known as _____________ anatomy examines similarities and differences across species.


Tropomyosin shifts off of the moyosin-binding sites of the actin protein during the __________ phase.


The step in which the action potential depolarizes the T tubules is called __________.


Another name for the skin is the _________ membrane.


The largest of the body membranes, commonly called the skin, is the _______ membrane.


The division of the cytoplasm is called


The two main divisions of microscopic anatomy are

cytology and histology.

One of the main dangers of burns is

dehydration, as water can escape from the body.

The dermis is composed largely of

dense irregular connective tissue.

The reticular layer of the dermis consists primarily of

dense irregular connective tissue.

Blood capillaries that supply nourishment for the epidermis are located in the

dermal papillae.

The shaft of a long bone is called the __________, while the expanded, knobby region at each end is called the __________.

diaphysis; epiphysis.

Reddened skin reflects

dilated blood vessels, sending more blood to the dermis.

The knobby region of a long bone at the end that is farthest from the trunk is the

distal epiphysis.

The sweat glands that produce a watery substance and are associated with exercise and stress are the _________ sweat glands, while glands that produce an organic substance that causes body odor are the __________ sweat glands.

eccrine, apocrine

The part of the homeostatic control mechanism that brings about change is the


When you are exposed to bright light, a reflex is initiated and the muscles of your iris contract to decrease your pupil size. The iris muscles are acting as a(n)


The nervous system controls the activity of muscles and glands. Muscles and glands can generate changes and are therefore called


Neurons that carry signals from the CNS to skeletal muscle for contraction would be classified as _____________ neurons.


Partial-thickness burns are __________.

either superficial or deep

The pericardium is a two-layered serous membrane that

encloses the heart

The formation of bone from a cartilaginous model is termed

endochondral ossification.

When an impulse arrives at the knob of the motor neuron, calcium

enters through voltage-gated channels and triggers the release of transmitter.

Superficial burns affect which layer of skin?


Of the nine abdominopelvic regions, the one that is most superior in the middle column is called the


The secondary ossification center in a long bone is located in the


Fascicles are bundles of muscle fibers made up of all the following except __________.

epithelial tissue

Another name for the cuticle is the


Sweat cools the body by


On a graph of an action potential, the small depolarizations that lead to threshold are from

excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs).

If a gland secretes its products through a duct to the surface of the small intestine epithelium, it must be an

exocrine gland.

When kicking a ball forward, the knee is


The muscle whose name indicates that it extends at an angle to the longitudinal axis of the body is the

external oblique.

Activation gates in the cell membrane for voltage-gated sodium ion channels open into the

extracellular fluid.

The steps in the process of endochondral ossification are a: Ossification center forms in the diaphysis. b: Cartilage calcifies and a bone collar forms. c: Ossification centers form in the epiphyses. d: Bone replaces cartilage. e: Epiphyseal plates ossify. f: Cartilage model develops. The correct chronological order for these steps is

f. - b. - a. - c. - d. - e.

A skeletal muscle fiber (cell) contains a single nucleus.


As the diaphragm contracts, the vertical dimensions of the thoracic cavity are decreased.


Cytology is a subdivision of gross anatomy.


Epithelia are strong membranes that function to bind the body together.


In a relaxed muscle, the ends of the actin filaments overlap.


In fully contracted muscles, the actin filaments lie side-by-side.


Intercellular junctions important in sealing the space between the cells and filling the "gaps" are called gap junctions.


Receptors that bind the neurotransmitter at the postsynaptic cell membrane are voltage-gated.


Schwann cells are glial cells of the central nervous system.


A bundle of muscle fibers is known as a


The skin's response to severe injuries or burns, when functional activities are not restored, is called


Thick skin contains

five epidermal strata and lacks sebaceous glands.

When making a fist, the fingers are


The talus, calcaneus, navicular, cuboid, lateral, intermediate, and cuneiform bones are all part of the


The hard palate is composed of the

maxillary and palatine bones.

The median space in the thoracic cavity is called the


The type of muscle that is found in blood vessel walls is __________ muscle.


The type of muscle fibers that have only a single nucleus, both thick and thin filaments, but no Z discs, are


Immune cells of the epidermis tend to be found in the stratum:


The vertebral processes that are most easily palpated along the midline of the back are the _____ processes.


Synovial membranes are composed of areolar connective tissue covered with _________ epithelial cells.


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