Construction Management Exam 1

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7. What are the five steps necessary to set up a Partnering workshop?

!) Creation of a Partnering charter 2) Development of an issue-resolution process 3) Development of a joint evaluation process 4) Discussion of individual roles and concerns 5) Presentation of facilitated workshop

4. Give three examples of unenforceable phrases if used in specifications.

"In the judgement of the engineer" "As determined by the engineer" "Accurate worksmanship"

1. What are the three principal "parts" of the contract specifications document (or CSI "Project Manual" or "Contract Book" as some public agencies call the document)?

(1) Bidding and contractual documents and forms (2) Conditions of the contract (3) Technical Specifications

3. Can the Supplementary General Conditions be used to modify the Agreement form?


6. Describe the function of the Special Provisions or Supplemental Specifications as used in a DOT project as opposed to the CSI Format.


15) Deficiencies in work done by contractor are compiled on what type of formal document at end of job?

***** shop drawings?

3) What is principal barrier to use of design build contracts on public works projects?

***** Laws?

2. What happens when the terms of the Supplementary General Conditions are in conflict with the General Conditions?


14) What is the name for approach to construction cited in text which evolved from car manufacturing industry?


6. How long should project records be saved by the owner?


3. Give an example of a process to demonstrate how workflow could be used for contract administration.


8. What type of information is recommended to be documented in the Daily Construction Report and in the diary?


8. Which of the following is an acceptable practice by the engineer, the Resident Project Representative, or the inspector?

*********no answer yet a. To control the work b. To supervise the work c. To have the right to stop the work

2. What are the three parts of a technical section under the CSI Format?

1) General (2) products (3) execution

19) In CSI Format, what division number would cover concrete work?


20) In CSI Format, what division number would cover masonry work?


For a project that will be staffed by a Resident Project Representative, two inspectors, and a field clerk, what is the minimum size recommended for the field office Trailer?

420 sq ft

21) In CSI Format, what division number would cover structural steel work?


11. What are the three types of authority exercised in a construction contract?

ACTUAL Authority APPARENT Authority LIMITED Authority

10. What is the five-step process of initiating a project? Name each of the steps in proper order.

Advertise for bids Open Bids Award Contract Sign Contract Notice to proceed

9. Why use an agenda planning feature for a meeting?

Allows user to set a specific meeting for specific time and people.

3. Who should keep a construction diary?

Anyone regularly on the construction site

12. What differentiates BIM from 3-D modeling?

BIM incorporates different models together to identify clashes

10. If the Daily Construction Report is electronically stored in a computer, what must be done to protect the integrity of the document?

Backup and encrypt???

7. What value is there in having project communications in a database as opposed to individual e-mail accounts?

Better collaborative ability and captures all communications in one location

2. Define BIM.

Building information model

10. Levels of LEED?

Certified Silver Gold Platinum

6. Should an existing soils report be included as part of the contract documents?

Chegg says yes but idk???

1. Evaluation of the contractor's schedule submittal should be limited to what three principal concerns?

Construction Planning Scheduling

10. Why bother creating a punch list on an extranet?

Continuously updated punchlist where multiple viewers can check

What are some concerns of a Resident Project Representative or an inspector with respect to his or her project during the construction phase?

Contract administration Job cost control Contract time & delays Quality assurance Test records & reports Acceptance of work Verify payments due Process Change Orders Contractor submittals Field engineering Documentation Safe job conditions Coordination of work Project closeout

8. What is the value of having project drawings associated with the extranet?

Creates a network where people can access the construction drawings

2. What type of organizational structure is best suited for fast-track construction?

Design Build

3. Under a construction management (CM) contract, should the CM firm's responsibilities normally begin at the construction phase, the design phase, the planning phase, or the conceptual phase?

Design phase chegg says planning?

7. Name the international (FIDIC) equivalent to the following terms commonly used in U.S. construction contracts:

Differing Site Conditions Bid or Proposal Changes in the Work Date of Notice to Proceed Addenda Guarantee Period Bid Schedule (unit-price projects) Schedule Supplementary General Conditions

5. True or false? Changes on shop drawings are meant to supersede the original contract drawings.


1. True or false? An inspector's diary may be in loose-leaf form as long as the pages are numbered.

False ?

9. True or false? It is better to specify absolute dimensions than to indicate allowable tolerances in construction.

False, always tolerances exist absolute is impossible

9. True or false? If requested by the contractor, the Resident Project Representative or inspector may offer suggestions as to how to do the work.

False, owners rep or inspectors can not direct how to do work or else they may be held responsible for the work.

10. True or false? If an inspector discovers that the work of a subcontractor is deficient, he or she should direct the subcontractor to make the necessary corrections, then tell the General Contractor what was done.

False, suggestions or instructions should be given to the contractor foreman or superintendent.

3. What basic equipment (not furnishings) should be required in a construction field office?

Fax, copiers, computers

5. What types of transactions between the contractor and the owner or engineer/architect should be documented?

Fund transfers Log of submittals Payment estimates Payment requests Material deliveries

7. Under CSI Format, explain the difference between the documents referred to as "General Conditions" and "General Requirements."

General Conditions of the Contract refer to legal and contractual relationships, whereas the General Requirements Section of Part III, Technical Provisions, relates to construction details, project features, procedural requirements for handling the work, and similar project-related functions.

9. What are the six principal concerns in the format of a construction diary?

Hardcover, stitched binding fieldbook Consecutive page numbers, written in ink, no numbers skipped No erasures - cross out and revise if error No pages should be torn out - to void a page place a large X and write "void" Every day should be reported. Days with no work: write date, then "no work" - sometimes write why All entries must be made on the same date that they occur.

4. Why are workflow processes beneficial?

Helps route invoices through approval and review steps

5. You have been asked to plan the staffing of the Resident Project Representative's field office for a wastewater treatment plant that is going to be constructed. The estimated construction cost is $36,000,000.00 for the project to be constructed over a two-year period.What is the probable total number of field personnel recommended? Based upon the chart in Figure 3.7, list their classifications and the number of personnel in each field classification recommended for the project.

I doubt this will be a question

3. What are the dangers of allowing the inspector to supervise the work?

If an inspector supervises the work, it suggests that the owner is overseeing the project and therefore might share responsibility when work is defective

11. What is the role of a gateway person in contract administration?

Issuing directions to contractor Evaluating work done and recommending payments Continuous monitoring reporting and recording Agent to principal Assessing claims

8. Is Partnering a totally informal process, or should it be addressed in the specifications?

It should be addressed in the specifications: "The objectives are effective and efficient contract performance, intended to achieve completion within budget, on schedule, and in accordance with plans and specifications" Chegg says informal? -> Pretty sure there's no way that's right, there is Fig 1.10 - Example of Specifications Provision for Partnering from a DOT Specification (pg 19)

5. How much authority should be allowed the Resident Project Representative or inspector—should he or she be permitted to approve Change Orders affecting time or cost?

Limits should be put in place so that the rep can not change contract time or cost.

8. May changes to the documents be done by Addenda after opening bids, but prior to Award?

NO, addenda only before bid submission

6. Is it permissible for the owner's representative to issue instructions or orders to a subcontractor as long as they are directed to a management representative of that subcontractor?

No, the inspector should not direct work

4. Which of the following listed documents is the preferred location for specifying the amount of liquidated damages? Which document normally is used to specify the terms and conditions of the liquidated damages?

Notice Inviting Bids Instructions to Bidders Bid or Proposal Agreement General Conditions of the Contract Supplementary General Conditions Division 01 General Requirements

2. List at least four types of information that should be documented in the Daily Construction Report.

Progress of work Telephone calls Test of materials Log of submittals

9. Who should be the only party with the authority to "stop the work"?

Project Owner

1. What type of information identifies an action item?

Project, due date, person responsible

10. Which is more desirable in a specification: to require literal compliance with an absolute dimension or to specify a tolerance range for the inspector to work with?

Provide tolerance range

7. Name the four principal applications of photography to construction documentation.

Public relations Progress documentation Time-lapse Claim support

7. What is the correct terminology for the final set of project drawings that have had all of the latest changes and field conditions marked on the drawing set?

Record drawings

13. Give three examples of benefits that may be achieved by implementing BIM on a construction project.

Reduced project costs Safer projects Better coordinated construction documents

14. What are the three principles of lean construction?

Reducing inventory and rolling costs to maximize productivity

8. What is an RFI and how is it used?

Request For Information Contractor is looking for clarification from the designer

5. What is the value of having a project extranet track outstanding issues?

Shows someone has read the document and also ensures people are aware of important issues

2. Why is it desirable to prepare an inspection plan prior to construction?

Summarizes the specs being verified to ensure compliance. Gives specific testing details needed for coordination.

9. 5 Areas in construction where LEED can be earned?

Sustainable sites Water efficiency Energy and atmosphere Materials and resources Environmental quality

12. It is a well-known principle that the engineer should not tell the contractor how to do the work; but, if the engineer observes that the contractor's construction methods appear to be unable to meet the specifications, what should the engineer do?

Tell the contractor ?

7. Who should have the sole authority to stop the work?

The engineer architect or project manager NOT the inspector or project representative

11. Explain the one-to-one concept.

The owner, architect/engineer, or CM designates a single individual, preferably located at the project site, to be the sole spokesperson representing the owner's interests. This person should be the Resident Project Representative. All orders issued to the contractor must be issued through the Resident Project Representative, and no one in either the owner's or the architect/engineer's or construction manager's office should be permitted to make any commitments to or issue orders or instructions directly to the contractor or any of its subcontractors, except by communicating such orders to the Resident Project Representative for issuing to the contractor.

12. What is the principal barrier to the use of design-build contracts on public works projects?

The procurement law governing the selection process for architects/engineers vs. that for construction contractors

4. What is the purpose of preparing a "feedback" report?

To establish communication feedback systems and prevent miscommunication errors

6. What purpose does an audit trail of documents or transactions provide?

To specify when a document is created and edited and read

5. True or false? Under the Partnering concept, all differences are intended to be resolved at the lowest management level—preferably at the project site.


4. When should materials be checked by the inspector?

Upon arriving to site

1. What is apparent authority?

When an A/E firm or owner allows another party to operate with the appearance of owner

2. Give an example of delegated authority.

When an agent delegates their authority to another agent to act as their designated representative

8. Under the CSI Format, the definition of Contract Documents does not include the Notice Inviting Bids, Instructions to Bidders, or the Bid itself. Name the principal exception to this rule, wherein the term Contract Documents may include the Notice Inviting Bids, Instructions to Bidders, and the Bid itself.

When notice for inviting bids and instructions to bidders when standard specification

6. What types of relationships are intended to be established under a Partnering agreement?

Working relationships (as opposed to legal relationships under contracts), through a formal strategy of commitment and communication.

4. A design-build firm may be (check all that apply):

X (a) a single firm with both design and construction capability; x (b) a joint venture contract between a contractor and a design firm; x (c) a design firm that subcontracts the construction portion to a construction contractor; x (d) a construction contracting firm that subcontracts the design work to an architect or eng firm.

5. If you were working with a set of project specifications prepared in CSI Format, under what division numbers would you find the following subjects?

_22 00 00______ Plumbing _05 50 00______ Sheet metal fabrications _00 31 19______ Project meetings _01 32 19______ Contractor submittals _07 60 00______ Roof flashing and sheet metal _30 34 19______ Butler buildings _28 10 00______ Alarm systems

16) What module in BIM software system would show steel column and mechanical duct trying to occupy same location in space during design?

a. "Clash between" Overall system would show non-conformity when trying to analyze

10) According to authors, what type of person should be second staff member on jobsite after the Resident Project Representative?

a. Clerk to deal with heavy document load

5) When should materials be checked by an inspector?

a. Continuously, as they are delivered/built/used.

22) Info in General Conditions of Project Manual for a building project would be located in section called by what name in standard spec book for DOT

a. General Provisions [Boilerplace?]

What is issued as important fifth step to initiate a project?

a. Notice to Proceed

23) Actual dollar amount required for bonds and insurance would appear in what location of the Manual?

a. Supplemental ___??? Conditions *****

4. A project has field trailers for the Resident Project Representative at the construction site and an off-site home office for the project manager. It is a traditional contract with an outside engineer/architect and a general contractor with three subcontractors constructing the work. From the following list, specify, in numerical order, the routing of submittals from a subcontractor to the engineer/architect.

a. ___4____ A/E project manager b. ___5____ Design reviewers c. ___2____ General contractor d. ___3____ Resident Project Representative e. ___1____ Subcontractors

4) Who should be responsible to control/direct/supervise the construction work?


7) Other than actual and apparent authority, what third type of authority could exist in a construction contract?


9. True or false? Under the CQC process, inspection is provided by the contractor.


1. Is it still possible, under contracts involving separate inspections by other agencies having jurisdiction, to maintain the one-to-one relationship with the contractor?

yes ********

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