Criminalistics chapters 1-3 (exam 1)

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To formulate a successful strategy for recovering relevant physical evidence at crime scenes, what must the investigator ultimately rely on?


The exposure compensation settings on a digital camera would be used to capture an image that is:

Extremely bright or dark

Which entity maintains the largest crime laboratory in the world?


Who undertook the first definitive study of fingerprints as a method of personal identification?

Francil Henry Galton

What is included in the work of the biology unit of a crime lab

Identify and perform DNA profiling on bloodstains and dried body fluids, compare hairs and fibers, id and compare botanical materials

An expert witness must be able to demonstrate:

Formal degree in forensic science

Which of the following acts is permissible for officers at the scene?

None of the above: Eat Drink Smoke

Which statement about note taking is not true?

Note taking is done after all crime scene processes have been completed

Where must detailed information about each photograph taken at a crime scene be recorded?

On a photography log

After providing medical assistance for the injured and arresting any suspects on the scene, the first officer should immediately:

Secure the scene

The size and location of the crime scene as well as the events that occurred there will determine:

The kind of search pattern that will be used to locate evidence

The advantages of recording crime-scene notes on an audio-recording device include all of the following except:

The notes can be recorded at the crime scene lab instead of at the crime scene

Who is the final evaluator of forensic evidence?


Forensic science is the application of science to:


Who devised a technique for determining the blood group of a dried bloodstain, which he applied to criminal investigations?

Leone Lattes

Oblique lighting creates a shadowing effect in photographs of three-dimensional objects by placing the flash at what angle to the plane of view?

Less than 45 percent

Which search pattern is most reliant on the boundaries established?


Which crime-scene search pattern does not require more than one investigator?

Line or spiral

What is the name of the search pattern in which one or two investigators start at the boundary at one end of the scene and walk straight across to the other side?

Line/Strip search pattern

What is the oldest forensic laboratory in the United States?

Los Angeles Police Department

Which lens would be best suited to photographing the details of a small but detailed tool mark found at a crime scene?

Macro lens

Who is know as the father of forensic toxicology?

Matheiu Orfila

Videorecordings of the crime scene:

Must be completed by a hard copy of notes and separate still photographs

What kind filter allows a small range of wavelengths of light and blocks all others from reaching the film or microchip?

Barrier filters

Officers should attempt to locate tool marks at the point of entry during the investigation of what type of crime?


When taking overview photographs, the crime-scene photographer should include at least one object in multiple overview photographs to help visually piece the scene together. What is this object called?

A visual tag

Who developed the system known as anthropometry?

Alphons Bertillion

Which one of the following people did not make a contribution to forensic toxicology?

Alphonse Bertillion

Approximately how many crime labs are currently operating in the United States (including federal, state, county, and municipal labs)?


In what situation is the photographic technique of "painting with light" used?

At night

Recording the details of a large outdoor crime scene or the relationship of multiple crime scenes may involve

Aerial photography

Bite marks would be LEAST likely to be found in cases involving?


Who established the first workable crime laboratory?

August Vollmer

Who established the comparison microscope as the indispensable tool of the modern firearms examiner?

Calvin Goddard

Which of the following is a disadvantage of the spiral search pattern?

Difficult to complete perfect spiral and evidence can be missed

Crime-scene photography must produce examination-quality photographs, which are photographs that can be easily interpreted by whom?

Everyone involved in the case

What search pattern employs two people performing line searches that originate from adjacent corners?

Grid search pattern

Who wrote the first treatise describing the application of science to the field of criminal investigation?

Hans Gross

The most common methods of crime-scene recording do not include which one of the following?

Infrared analysis

The purpose of the crime-scene search is to locate what?

Physical evidence

In digital photography, light is recorded as a specific charge on millions of tiny what?


Which of the following may give clues about the timing of an incident?

Position of the days newspaper inside or outside the house

Which search pattern would be best for a crime scene where many investigators are available to search a large area?


The types of evidence commonly found during a vehicle search include all of the following except which?

Questioned documents

The number of pixels contained in a digital camera is directly related to the detail and sharpness of the image, which is called its what?


Close-up crime-scene photographs must be taken both with and without what?


The conditions at a crime scene can be compromised by all of the following actions except:

Taking photographs at the crime scene

Forensic odontology refers to the study of which of the following?


The camera's aperture is commonly adjusted on the SLR and DSLR cameras by adjusting what?

The f-number

Once the lead investigator determines that all pertinent evidence at the crime scene has been located, the investigators must perform what?

The final survey

The "speed" of film is a measurement of what?

The length of time the microchip is exposed to light

What feature of a digital camera's "night mode" allows the camera to gather as much light as possible to create the image?

The slower shutter speed

The concept of "general acceptance" of scientific evidence relates to what?

The standard guideline for determining the judicial admissibility of scientific exams

Which unit is responsible for examining body fluids and organs for the presence of drugs andpoisons?


What feature allows most digital cameras to automatically compensate for color temperatures that deviate from white?

White balance

What is the initial survey of the crime scene that is carried out by the lead investigator called?


Which search pattern employs several people moving from the boundary straight toward the center of the scene (inward) or from the center straight to the boundary (outward)?

Wheel/Ray search pattern

The center of the crime scene, which is always included within the crime scene's boundary, is:

Where the crime occurred

The first responding officer at the crime scene must make attempts to detain and question whom?

Witnesses and suspects

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