Cross-Cultural Psychology Moodle quizzes

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Women's participation as leaders in a society

is related to the degree of gender equality in a culture

As the incoming CEO of a company where people of different ethnicities work in the same workspace, you have been given the task of creating a positive and friendly work environment. This means that people of different ethnicities should have trust in the company and have positive emotions toward each other. To do so, you plan to give a speech. According to the textbook, which of the following is the ideal approach to take in that speech?

"Every race/ethnicity brings a different piece of the puzzle that, together, will help us accomplish great things."

Which of the following is an example of ethnocentrism?

"Those people from Culture X are weird. Rather than using forks to eat like we do, like people are supposed to, they pick up their food with sticks."

When considering how categories of privilege and subordination affect our lived experiences, which of the following examples is MOST likely?

A man who does not think much about how being male affects him.

Which of the following statements about the relationship between language and thinking is FALSE? Select one:

All cultures have words for numbers up to 5, the number of fingers on a hand

Which of the following is an example of a proximal cause?

An Egyptian pharaoh brought in horse-drawn chariots, which allowed his army to out-maneuver and defeat his enemy in battle.

Research on the immigrant experience (Verkuyten et al., 2019) suggests all of the following EXCEPT

An integration acculturation strategy is easier in nonsettler societies, like Germany, than in settler societies, like the U.S.

Based on the study of "Tiger Moms" by Fu and Markus (2014), which of the following statements is TRUE?

Asian American adolescents perceive their mother's involvement in their academic work as supportive only if they feel interdependent with her

Which one of the following people is LEAST likely to experience depression?

Asian-Americans in the U.S.

Which one of the following statements about the relationship between parenting styles and child outcomes is FALSE, at least according to research?

Authoritarian parenting is associated with poor child outcomes in all populations studied

With respect to the concept of "aversion to happiness," which one of the following statements is FALSE?

Aversion to happiness is rarely found among people in the U.S.

Which one of the following groups would be LEAST likely to hold collectivist attitudes/values?

Caucasian man from Australia

When comparing collectivist and individualist cultures, which one of the following statements is FALSE?

Collectivist cultures are composed only of people with an interdependent view of self

Which of the following statements is FALSE about animals and culture?

Culture is found in several species of primates, but not in any other animals

Which of the following does NOT explain why children at East Asian schools tend to do better at math than children at American schools?

East Asian mothers are more likely than American mothers to believe that math is an ability that a child either has or not

The Department of Chemistry is trying to understand how people solve problems in organic chemistry classes. Students are given a series of complex organic chemistry problems to solve. Which of the following will characterize the students' performance?

East Asian students will perform worse on the problems if they are asked to verbally articulate their thinking process

During a professional ice hockey game, fans from around the world saw Tony Bertram, a professional hockey player, punch an unsuspecting player in the face and throw him onto the ice. Based on what you know about analytic and holistic thinking styles, which of the following do you think is most likely to happen?

East Asians will blame Tony's family problems, and Westerners will blame Tony's nasty personality.

Which explanation for cultural change best reflects Modernization Theory?

Economic development drives cultures to become more individualistic

Someone who loves to engage in activities like sky-diving and roller-coaster rides is likely to score high on which of the Big Five factors?


Lumusi is a Ghanaian teenager who reports having more enemies than does her American counterpart, Lisa. According to research discussed in the text on Ghana, which of the following explains why Lumusi reports having more enemies than Lisa?

Ghanaians are less likely to choose their relationship partners

Claudia and Hideki are math students. Claudia has a promotion orientation, whereas Hideki has a prevention orientation. What is the best way to make them both continue to put in effort to learn math?

Give Claudia a very easy math test so she's rigged to do well, but give Hideki a very difficult math test so he's rigged to do poorly

Ambrose has an independent self, and Hayden has an interdependent self. Which of the following is TRUE about Hayden?

He activates the same brain regions when thinking about himself and his mother, whereas Ambrose doesn't.

Which one of the following would indicate an individualistic response on the Twenty-Statement Test?

I am very sociable.

In comparison to collectivist cultures, which one of the following is MORE common in individualistic cultures?

Insisting on paying someone who goes out of their way to drive you to the airport

Based on Ma and Schoeneman's study with Americans and Kenyans, which of the following would be expected on the Twenty Statements Test?

Kenyan undergrad: "I am a resourceful person." Kenyan tribesman (e.g., the Samburu): "I am a member of an association."

Research evidence supports which one of the following statements?

Language and its structures shape but don't determine human knowledge or thought

Which one of the following is TRUE about psychology?

Less than 5% of psychological research is done with participants from non-Western non-industrialized countries

Which of the following persons should experience the LEAST amount of acculturation stress?

Ming, in the U.S. 5 years, who celebrates her Chinese heritage and also actively engages in life in the U.S.

Which of the following statements about subjective well being (SWB) has research shown to be FALSE?

Moderate levels of extraversion are most associated with high SWB in individuals

Which one of the following statements about culture and gender is FALSE?

Mothers with less education tend to have sons and daughters who have egalitarian attitudes toward gender

Which of the following statements about "culture" is TRUE?

People have multiple cultural identities

Which one of the following statements is an example of universality?

People tend to smile when they are happy

Which one of the following statements is FALSE regarding acculturation?

People who integrate themselves into U.S. culture typically improve their physical health compared to those who retain the ways of their heritage culture.

Which of the following is an example of pluralistic ignorance?

Police officers in one region continue to use confrontational interview techniques even though they do not personally like the technique, because they believe that the practice is widely approved of by others.

Which one of the following is MOST likely to occur in a culture with low relational mobility?

Relationships tend to be very stable over time

An American student, Ronald, and his Chinese friend, Rui, are looking up at the clear blue sky, where just a few clouds are visible. Coincidentally, the clouds are all grouped into one cluster just above Ronald and Rui. The two start naming shapes that they see in the clouds. Which of the following is most likely to happen in this scenario?

Rui will give answers that are based more on the cluster of clouds than Ronald, who will base his answers more on a single cloud.

Which of the following is an example of someone defining emotions using the James- Lange theory of emotions?

Ryan thinks he feels excitement because his heart was racing after having held his breath for a minute while under water in the pool

Which of the following people is the best example of blending?

Sarah gained a much more interdependent self-construal after spending the last ten years in China, albeit less than that shown by Chinese

Which one of the following statements is FALSE?

Sex trafficking and forced prostitution occur only in poor countries

The example of the Sambia people leads to which of the following conclusions?

Sexual practices can change over the lifespan

When it comes to emotions, which of the following statement is TRUE?

Some cultures have a word for an emotion not present in the English language

Based on research on levels of the Big 5 Factors in the U.S., which one of the following patterns is most typical?

Someone from New York City with high O scores

Jordan received a botox injection for the area around her eyes, meaning that the muscles around her eyes would be paralyzed and look emotionless for a period of time, while the rest of her face can still move. Before the paralyzing effect of the botox has worn off, she has dinner with an American friend and a Japanese friend. Jordan smiled throughout the night, indicating that she had a good time. Will Jordan's friends believe her smile? Select one:

The American friend likely will believe Jordan's smile, but the Japanese friend likely will not.

Based on Hofstede's 6 main dimensions of culture, which one of the following statements is TRUE?

The U.S. scores extremely high in short-term orientation

When considering all we've discussed about multicultural people and experiences, which one of the following statements is FALSE?

The acculturation process is similar regardless of the type of host culture one is in

Based on Cheung et al.'s (2011) research, which one of the following statements is MOST ACCURATE?

The factor of Interpersonal Relatedness is a new factor not tapped by the Big 5 tests (NEO, IPIP)

Based on Imada & Yussen's (2012) research, what is the most likely outcome of the following scenario? Our class reads a story about a chorus competition in which there are an equal number of collectivistic and individualistic ideas. Each of us tells the story to another American student at Lafayette who in turn conveys the story to yet another American Lafayette student. This happens two more times so that there will be a total of 4 re-tellings. When comparing the story heard by the last group to the initial story, what would you expect?

The final stories will have lost most of the collectivistic ideas

Army recruits are assigned randomly into specific sleeping quarters, where they do a lot of socializing during break time and at night. The political and religious attitudes of the recruits were surveyed before they were assigned sleeping quarters, and then again after several weeks of training. According to dynamic social impact theory (which describes how ideas spread), what should the results of the follow-up survey be?

The recruits' political and religious ideas tended to form clusters based on sleeping quarters.

You've saved up a lot of money over the last few years and have decided to travel the world. In interacting with people from different cultures all over the world, which of the following are you most likely to find?

The same trait level may predict different behaviors in different cultures.

Which of the following therapists is most accurately being described as demonstrating cultural competence?

Therapist D is familiar with her own cultural background's effect on her perspectives and strives to understand the cultural perspective of her clients.

Which one of the following statements about mental disorders is FALSE?

There are universally agreed-upon symptoms of each mental disorder

Lee Hom and Eason are 25-year-old Hong Kong natives who have recently moved to Canada after having lived in Hong Kong all their lives. According to Cheung, Chudek, and Heine, which of the following best characterizes their adjustment to Canada?

There is no relationship between how long they stay in Canada and how much they identify with being Canadian

A group of participants is given a hammer. They are asked to collectively strike the hammer onto a pad as hard as possible. Under which of the following circumstances would people try less hard on this group task than if they performed it individually?

They do not have relationships with the other group members

What theory is best supported for why primates evolved such large brains?

They tend to live in large social groups, which requires intelligence to function effectively.

When looking at a video like "Monkey Business," which one of the following predictions is MOST likely to be supported?

Westerners will have particular difficulty spotting changes in the background compared to East Asians

A Chinese art critic, Weiwei, and his American counterpart, William, are both looking at a painting of a group of people standing behind a vase in the middle foreground. If you were to compare the eye gaze of Weiwei and William, what would you find?

William spends more time gazing at the vase than does Weiwei

Your roommate is from a high context culture. As a result, which of the following is most likely to be an exchange between the two of you?

You ask your roommate if you can use her hairdryer, and she responds with an uneasy expression and says, "I guess so."

You are from a collectivistic culture. You usually order the standard #1 (Coke/hamburger/fries combo) at the local eating place but today, Coke is unavailable. Are you most likely to get your second favorite combo (tea/noodles/spiced pickles), or do you get the hamburger/fries with tea?

You get the second favorite combo (tea/noodles/spiced pickles)

Your friend immigrated more than a decade ago. While walking on the streets with your friend, he suddenly encounters a store that reminds him of his heritage culture. Which of the following is likeliest to result from that?

Your friend is more likely to think in ways consistent with his heritage culture, at least temporarily (frame-switching)

Wan-Ying wants to use the jiào xun type of parenting on her child. What is she NOT likely to do?

allow her child to play games while watching the child like a hawk

Your friend Petra is planning to immigrate somewhere and wants to go to a place where she'll have the best chance of adjusting to the new culture. Which of the following should you recommend as being the best place for her?

a society that espouses values that match Petra's personality

After examining surveys you handed out in a given culture, you find that many people in the culture tend to agree with both the positively worded item "I strongly support the prime minister's policies," and the negatively worded item "I disagree with the prime minister's policies." What is this an example of?

acquiescence biases

Our class decides to study the "Mexican personality." We collect all the ways that natives describe a person and we comb the Spanish dictionary for adjectives related to individual differences. Then we condense the combined list based on synonyms, create questions asking people to rate themselves and others in their social/family networks on all these traits, and then statistically look for patterns among the ratings. What research approach describes our method?

an emic approach

A human, a giraffe, and a car. Which one doesn't belong?

analytic thinker: car; holistic thinker: giraffe

Which one of the following conditions is LEAST likely to be considered a culture-bound syndrome?


With respect to spatial perception, which one of the following statements is TRUE?

b. Most pre-modern cultures represent space using absolute terms, like "river-side" and "mountain-side".

Arranged marriages have been found to

be higher in levels of romantic love than love-based marriages after 15 years

The documentary "Half the Sky" provides evidence of all the following EXCEPT

collectivist communities put pressure on the police to punish perpetrators of violence against women

Sandra habitually engages in self-enhancement. She recently did badly on a sociology exam. Which of the following would you NOT expect her to do?

compare herself with how the best student in her class did

Which one of the following patterns is MOST associated with people in collectivist cultures?

concern with self improvement

Psychologists who came from Western countries to help victims of the 2004 tsunami in Sri Lanka did all of the following EXCEPT _____________, according to Christopher et al. (2014).

consulted with members of the community who were knowledgeable about cultural norms

Contrasting the attributions made by Indians and Americans in research by Joan Miller reveals all of the following EXCEPT

cultural differences in attributions are evident in young children as well as in adults

A key difference between "cultural" psychologists and "general" psychologists is that

cultural psychologists believe that the mind is interdependent with context and content, whereas general psychologists believe that the mind is independent from context and content

Park and Huang (2010) show evidence for all the following:

culture can encourage us to behave in some ways more than others, and different behaviors can affect neural processing; Westerners tend to focus their eyes on only parts of a complex picture compared to people from East Asia; culture can encourage us to focus our attention on some aspects of the environment more than others, and differential attention can affect neural processing

According to the theory that suggests that gender inequality is a product of a culture's division of labor in a particular economic system, which of the following cultures should have the greatest gender inequality?

cultures that employ ploughs in agricultural work

The relation between money and happiness is that

money is related to happiness only to the extent it raises you from poverty to middle class

A key difference between evoked culture and transmitted culture is that

evoked culture is more likely found in nonliterate societies, whereas transmitted culture is more common in literate societies

Based on attribution research, people in the U.S. would likely make which one of the following attributions re immigrants from Mexico

explain the poverty of so many Mexicans as a result of their poor work ethic

According to research (Yakunina et al., 2012), which one of the following personality variables does NOT directly predict level of adjustment to a new culture?


John is from an individualistic culture. When he succeeds, he is most likely to attribute the outcome to

his own efforts

Just for fun, Mary decided to tape the corners of her mouth so that she will appear to be smiling for the duration of that day. According to the facial feedback hypothesis, which of the following emotions is Mary most likely to experience as a result?


Which one of Hofstede's cultural dimensions is most predictive of nation-wide levels of subjective well being?

high individualism

You visit a country where you observe a great emphasis on competition and achievement. Which one of Hofstede's dimensions of culture would accurately describe this culture?

high masculinity

Your sister just got a new job. Her role is to be a surrogate sister for a teenage boy who has not unlocked himself from his room for a year. Ultimately, her job is to try to get the boy to get out of the house. What condition does this boy have?


Your friend would like to become more creative. Which one of the following would you recommend for them?

imagine adjusting to a culture very different from their own

Studies of rates of schizophrenia across nations find that:

incidence rates of schizophrenia do not vary much from country to country

Based on research findings about what variables were MOST important in the sociocultural adjustment of U.S. students studying abroad in Costa Rica, which of the following should you implement if you want to improve your adjustment if you were studying abroad?

increase your social interactions with locals

A person is building a road to connect two towns, but the road is stopped by a mountain. The person can either build the road so that it follows the side of the mountain and continues on from the other side, or the person can just tunnel through the mountain. This person decides that people shouldn't get pushed around by nature, so decides to tunnel through the mountain. Which of the following terms best describes this way of thinking?

incremental theory of the world

The concept of cultural humility

involves having a growth mindset re cultural knowledge

Adolescent rebellion

is more pronounced in societies with more individual opportunities

International students at Lafayette find all of the following challenging in adjusting to the U.S. EXCEPT

lack of social and institutional support

Wendy, an American patient with depression, reports feeling suicidal, with depressed mood and trouble sleeping. Weiwei, a Chinese patient with depression, is:

less likely to report depressed mood

Two families are claiming to be the family of a lost mystery child. You are a judge who uses holistic reasoning, and must determine which family is the correct one. This is before the days of DNA analysis, so you must use family resemblance as your guide. Based on research about reasoning styles, what do you do to establish a familial relationship?

look at which family has approximately the same constellation of features as the child

Applying your understanding of the Big Five factors, which one of the following associations is MOST likely? The most ardent supporters of "building a wall" between the U.S. and Mexico to keep out immigrants are likely to be_______

low in Openness to Experience

Diagnoses of social anxiety disorders are:

lower among East Asians than among North Americans

Attitudes toward same-sex relationships

map directly onto attitudes toward women within a culture

Stereotype threat is

measured using dependent variables such as task performance and physiological signs

Genes and memes differ in that

memes are more likely to be replicated exactly than are genes

Research on gender supports all of the following EXCEPT:

men and women have innately different personality traits

Mike is an Asian-American who just got shoved in the mall by another person. Compared to a European-American who experiences the same thing, Mike is Select one:

more likely to dampen his physiological response to this event

Which one of the following groups/cultures should have more positive attitudes toward gender equality?

more urbanized than rural cultures

Which one of the following statements about people with more than one cultural identity is TRUE?

multicultural people have unique self concepts that are different from monoculturals

The use of "no" around age 2 is a developmental stage that

occurs in nearly all cultures but is interpreted differently by different cultures

The findings from acculturation research are less coherent than many other topics largely because

people's circumstances vary so much it makes it difficult to identify common patterns

Which of the following products or services does NOT capitalize on universal bases of attraction?

photo editing software that can mix different body shapes together

Analytic thinking is best characterized by

predicting an object's behavior based on some rule

What type of research design did Imada and Yussen use in their examination of how story narratives change when transmitted (Study 2)?

quasi-experiment (culture was a quasi variable)

Homer sharpens a rock and uses it to shave. Schick adds a handle to the rock for better grip. Gillette then changes the rock to a titanium blade for durability. The progression of improvements made to the shaving utensil is an example of...

ratchet effect

Jeeyoung is an East Asian student who is going through a tough time. Given her emotional situation, which of the following is she most likely to do to make herself feel better?

remind herself of her connections with others

Romantic love is

something that appears to exist in all cultures

If a Japanese and an American were each contacted by a stranger for help, we would expect that

the Japanese would trust the stranger less than the American

Which one of the following is NOT an effect of formal education?

the emphasis on practical relationships among objects

According to research, which person should be happiest/highest in subjective well being?

the person living in a culture where most people's basic needs are met compared to those living in a culture with more variability in basic need fulfillment

Imagine that you have just taught yourself a new skill, such as juggling. You would perform your best at it if you

were part of a group that was rewarded for their team efforts

In the Grabe et al. (2015) study of women's land ownership, which of the following statements is FALSE?

when women own land, they are more likely to engage in physical and emotional violence against their husbands than when they do not own land

As a Moritist practitioner, you want to raise the popularity of your therapeutic approach by teaching others about it. In your lectures to others, you are most likely to say, Select one:

"It is important that clients see their symptoms as an important part of their own existence."

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