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For a website, what file name is used (typically) for the homepage, default page, or landing place for the website? a. main.html b. index.html c. home.html d. default.html e. None of the above.


The height and width attributes for an image element represent what units of measure? a. DPI (dots per inch) b. PPI (pixels per inch) c. pixels d. mm (millimeters)


What does a DNS server do?

translates human-readable domain to numeric IP address. ex. www.google.com to

which type of sites were most heavily visited by students with laptops in class?

"Social media sites were the most-frequently visited sites during class, and importantly these sites, along with online video sites, proved to be the most disruptive with respect to academic outcomes."

Give the 2 reasons (as presented in lecture), most people disclose personal information.

- Follow the "nothing to hide, nothing to fear," principle. (G. Marx, 1996; Viseu, Clement, & Aspinall, 2004) - People voluntarily disclose information online to create online presence or persona Defined as information revelation behaviors (Gross & Acquisti, 2005)

Give the personal information definitions for the following four classes of data sharing between and individual, a company, and a third party.

- No Uses. The information ought to be deleted when the store is finished with it (for example, when the payment has cleared), because there is no further need for it. - Approval or Opt-In. The store can use it for other purposes, but only if you approve the use. - Objection or Opt-Out. The store can use it for other purposes, but not if you object to a use. - No Limits. The information can be used any way the store chooses.

What is a backdoor on a computer? What malicious program is known the installation of backdoors. Be brief, but explain clearly and completely.

- The back door gives another user access to a system, and possibly allows confidential or personal information to be compromised. - Trojan horses typically create a backdoor.

List three ways a user can protect themselves from malware, as presented in lecture and the slides.

- anti-virus software - set-up admin password - turn-on automatic updates

List 3 methods for increasing the strength of a password. Clearly number each item.

1. Expand number of possible characters for each position in password. For example passwords composed of {a-z, A-Z, 0-9} are harder to guess than passwords composed of {a-z, A-z}. 2. Increase password length: a longer password is harder to guess. 3. Use two factor authentication, e.g., sends a single use code to phone. This code and individual's password to must be validated to login.

What is Guy Kawasaki's 10-20-30 rule. What main concern does it address, with regards to giving presentations?

10-20-30 Rule (Guy Kawasaki) 10 slides - the optimal number for presentation 20 minutes - longest time you should speak 30 point font - smallest font size use

What is the age at which companies do not need specific consent (opt-in) harvest individual's data, according to the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018? a. 18 b. 19 c. 16 d. 17 e. None of the above


CSS was first introduced as a standard in what year? a. 2001 b. 1999 c. 1996 d. 1990 e. None of the above.


How many unique IP addresses does IPv4 provide for? a. 4 billion (approx) b. 4 trillion (approx) c. 255 * 4 d. 340,282...

4 billion (approx)

Researchers at Michigan St. found that students who participated in the laptop use study spend how much time on non-academic activities? a. 40% b. 40 min out of 90 min class c. 35 min out of 90 min class d. 35%


Which of the following is correct HTML code for a heading with the largest font? a. <h1>TITLE</h1> b. <head>TITLE</head> c. <heading>TITLE d. <h5>TITLE</5> e. None of the above


Give an embedded style sheet rule to make each of the following h2 headings have a color of red. Do not worry about making the text bold. Also, show your style rule for h2 is located in the appropriate HTML element outside of the <body>...<\body>.

<head> h2 { color:red;} </head>

Which block of HTML code below correctly implements an image element that displays happy.png. a. <image src="happy.png" height="420" width="420"> b. <img height="420" width="420">"happy.png"</img> c. <img src="happy.png" height="420" width="420"> d. <img src="happy" height="420" width="420"> e. None of the above.

<img src="happy.png" height="420" width="420">

How is an external style sheet linked to an HTML file? a. <link rel="stylesheet" href="color.css"> b. <style rel="stylesheet" href="color.cc"> c. <link style="color.css"> d. <style>link <href="color.css"> e. None of the above.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="color.css">

Give the HTML code for the bulleted list below with bold course abbreviations and course numbers. - cs006 - econ107 - econ134 - econ135

<ul> <li><b>CS 006:</b></li> <li><b>ECON 107:</b></li> <li><b>ECON 134:</b></li> <li><b>ECON 135:</b></li> </ul>

What does Jaron Lanier describe tribalism as in his book, Ten Arguments for Selecting your Social Media Account Now?

A switch that toggles between solitary wolf and wolf-pack.

Which of the following is NOT provided for by the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018? a. The bill would require a business to make disclosures about the information and the purposes for which it is used. b. The bill would grant a consumer the right to request deletion of personal information. c. The bill would authorize businesses to offer financial incentives for collection of personal information. d. The bill would require a business to provide this information in response to a verifiable consumer request. e. All are provided for in the legislation.

All are provided for in the legislation.

Why would European Union regulation on US companies matter to US consumers? a. Many large US tech companies have international offices. b. Companies tend to meet the most restrictive regulations faced. c. US consumers are likely to demand same protections as European consumers. d. All of the above. e. None of the above.

All of the above.

What is the order of software versions, from least to greatest, for reliability and functionality? a. Alpha, beta, commercial release b. Beta, Alpha, commercial release c. Commercial release, alpha, beta d. Commercial release, beta, alpha e. None of the above.

Alpha, beta, commercial release

When the European Union privacy legislation that was written? a. April, 2016 b. May 25, 2018 c. April 25, 2018 d. May 25, 2016 e. None of the above.

April, 2016


Business to Business ex. staples


Business to Business to Consumer ex. amazon


Business to Consumer ex. target

What does CSS stand for? a. Captcha Style Sheets b. Container Style Sheets c. Concise Style Sheets d. Cascading Style Sheets e. None of the above.

Cascading Style Sheets


Consumer to Consumer ex. ebay, craigslist

If the following style rule declaration resided in and external CSS file that was linked to the current HTML file, how would one "override" the background color to grey, using inline style sheets. Provide only the opening tag for the header. header { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 100%; background-color:#dde4f0; text-align: center; border-bottom: 4mm ridge #1f66ad; box-shadows: 25px -5px #800060; }

Declare style rule at a high precedence level, internal (embedded) CSS or inline CSS.

What does DNS stand for?

Domain Name System (server)

If a user sets up and administrator password, then by default all new security updates will be applied automatically, after password verification. a. TRUE b. FALSE


Microsoft offers only a minimal amount of software support (critical security updates) for Windows 7 in January 2019. a. TRUE b. FALSE


Apple temporarily disabled what class of apps that Facebook used? a. Dining and ride-share apps only. b. FB internal iOS apps that use an enterprise certificate (license) c. All FB internal apps that use an enterprise certificate (license) d. FB internal apps: WhatsApp, FB, Instagram, and Snapchat.

FB internal iOS apps that use an enterprise certificate (license)

What was key violation did Apple used to justify disabling internal Facebook apps? a. Facebook snooped on teenagers b. Facebook violated the enterprise certificate agreement. c. Facebook bad-mouthed Apple in previous press releases. d. None of the above.

Facebook violated the enterprise certificate agreement.

Apple earned parity in market share for operating systems with Microsoft shortly after the two companies came into existence. a. TRUE b. FALSE


Microsoft's first commercial product operating system was Windows 1. a. TRUE b. FALSE


The combined value of the 4 largest companies in the world in May of 2018 was approximately as large as the GDP for China, Brazil, and India. a. TRUE b. FALSE


List three specific non-academic activities students were reported to have participated in on their laptops during class.

From the article, "... Participants spent almost 40 min out of every 100- min class period using the internet for nonacademic purposes, including social media, checking email, shopping, reading the news, chatting, watching videos, and playing games.

What is the European Union privacy legislation that was recently enacted called? a. User Data Protection Act b. General Data Protection Act c. General Data Protection Regulation d. General Protection Data Regulation e. None of the above.

General Data Protection Regulation

By market cap, on May 2018, what were the 4 most valuable companies on the planet earth? a. Google (Alphabet), Apple, Amazon, Microsoft b. Google (Alphabet), Apple, Amazon, Facebook c. Google (Alphabet), Amazon, Microsoft, Samsung d. Google (Alphabet), Amazon, Microsoft, AT&T e. None of the above

Google (Alphabet), Apple, Amazon, Microsoft

Which version of HTML are we using in CS006 this term? a. XML b. XHTML5 c. HTML d. HTML5 e. None of the above.


What does HTML stand for? a. Hypertext Markup Language b. Higher Text Markup Language c. Hyperlink Markup Language d. None of the above.

Hypertext Markup Language

Explain the difference between the World Wide Web and the Internet.

Internet is a collection of connected networks. WWW are the URL-based web resources linked by hypertext (HTTP, HTML) accessible via a browser.

When did Steve Jobs introduce the iPhone? a. Jan 9, 2010 b. Jan 9, 2007 c. June 27, 2004 d. June 27, 2007

Jan 9, 2007

The California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 was signed into law by the Governor of California when? a. Not signed until January 2020 b. June 28, 2018 c. June 28, 2017 d. January 1, 2017 e. None of the above.

June 28, 2018

Which of the following protocols allows for designation of an attachment's file type? a. SMTP b. MIME c. POP d. IMAP


Who co-developed the Mosaic web browser and later went on to co-found Netscape? a. Tim Berners-Lee b. Marc Andreessen c. Bill Gates d. Robert Cailliau

Marc Andreessen

When a program such as McAfee SiteAdvisor marks a particular URL as "safe" with a green check mark, how is this verified? a. The URL is checked against a list of reputable companies. b. McAfee SiteAdvisor previously opens link to check if safe c. McAfee SiteAdvisor keeps a score for each site d. None of the above.

McAfee SiteAdvisor previously opens link to check if safe

If you received an e-mail indicating you needed to update your google password. Which of following links (contained in the body of the e-mail) would you assume navigates to a legitimate update password webpage? a. https://account.google.com b. http://googleaccount.com c. https://googleaccount.com d. https://tinyurl.com/2tx e. None of the above.

None of the above.

Which of the following is NOT true for a computer virus? a. Malicious b. Replicates c. Attaches to a host program d. Can lie dormant e. None of the above.

None of the above.

It was recently revealed that Facebook was using what app to snoop on users? a. Facebook Research VPN b. FB VPN c. Onova Protect app (Also Accepted) d. Onova VPN e. None of the above.

Onova Protect app (Also Accepted)

What does POP stand for? What does IMAP stand for? What do these protocols provide for? What distinguishes them from one another?

POP (post office protocol) current POP3. It receives and downloads message from incoming mail server. IMAP (internet message access protocol). It receives message from incoming mail server. Leaves message on server.

Who was the engineer that conceived one of the Internet's building blocks-- packet switching-- while working at the Rand Corporation in 1960? a. Vint Cerf b. Paul Baran c. Leonard Kleinrock d. Marc Andreessen e. Tim Berner's-Lee

Paul Baran

For the study on Canadian undergrads, what type of information were students more least likely to disclose? a. Age b. Political Views c. First Name d. Last Name

Political Views

How did students, who used laptops in class, perform on exams? a. About the same as students with no laptop use. b. Much better as students with no laptop use. c. Poorer than students with no laptop use. d. None of the Above.

Poorer than students with no laptop use

Give the definition of privacy as presented in the lecture slides.

Privacy: The right of people to choose freely under what circumstances and to what extent they will reveal themselves, their attitude, and their behavior to others.

The first significant internet attack came on November 2, 1988, in the form of the so called Morris Worm, created by a Cornell graduate student named Robert Tappan Morris. What is Robert Tappan doing today? a. 30 years to life b. Works for the IRS c. Author of Sci-Fi novels d. Professor in Computer Science at MIT

Professor in computer science at MIT

What are the two main component of a URL? Give an example domain that uses https. Then able each of the two main components of the URL.

Protocol Identifier: http://example.com (http, Hypertext Transfer Protocol) Resource Name: https://example.com (resource name is example.com)

E-commerce was not practical until what occurred? a. SSL allowed for secure ads b. SSL provided for secure transactions c. Immediate account deductions for purchases using SSL d. Immediate account return payments using SSL

SSL provided for secure transactions

What does SSL stand for? a. Secure Sockets Layer b. Security Servers Layer c. Stable Servers Location d. Stable Sortings Layer

Secure Sockets Layer

What does SMTP stand for? What is it a protocol for?

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, it is a protocol for outgoing email protocol.

What is spyware?

Spyware collects personal information about users. It does so without user consent.

Who was the CEO of America Online? a. Steve Jobs b. Steve Case c. Steve Ballmer d. Jeff Bezos

Steve Case

Both a web browser and web server are programs that run at the application layer of the OSI model. a. TRUE b. FALSE


FB CEO Mark Zuckerberg was asked the following as part of his congressional testimony (in follow-up written testimony) for Senate Committee on the Judiciary, Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation: "Does Facebook offer individuals, whether registered users or not, any opportunity to not be subject to facial-recognition technology or to have data collected using facial-recognition technology deleted?" a. TRUE b. FALSE


In HTML5, a stand-alone, or self-contained element, is referred to as a void element. a. TRUE b. FALSE


SSL provides for encrypted client-server communication. a. TRUE b. FALSE


If a style rule for <h2> is specified in both the <head> of and HTML file, and in the style attribute of an <h2> tag, what will be rendered in a web browser? a. The style declaration specified in the <head>. b. Any style declaration of <h2> defined in an external CSS file linked in <head>. c. The style declaration in the <h2> tag. d. None of the above.

The style declaration in the <h2> tag.

In 1991, CERN, one of the world's largest physics laboratories, based in Geneva, produced the World Wide Web. Who is known as the inventor or the World Wide Web? a. Vint Cerf b. Paul Baran c. Leonard Kleinrock d. Marc Andreessen e. Tim Berners-Lee

Tim Berners-Lee

What is the purpose for a "sandbox" in terms of antivirus malware testing? Choose the best answer. a. To provide an isolated environment to open and investigate suspicious files. b. To provide a development environment to implement malware. c. To provide a development environment search for brand new malware. d. None of the above.

To provide an isolated environment to open and investigate suspicious files.

What does TCP stand for?

Transmission Control Protocol

What two universities connected two of the first IMP ("interface message processors") packet switch machines to a network connection to communicate across becoming the first two "nodes" on ARPANET? a. UCLA, UCSB b. UTAH, STANFORD c. UCLA, STANDFORD d. UCSB, UTAH




What does URL stand for?

Uniform Resource Locator

Who invented the use of the '@' symbol to separate the name of the recipient from the machine and the machine (server) that recipient is on? This is used to this day for email. a. Vint Cerf b. Paul Baran c. Leonard Kleinrock d. Marc Andreessen e. Tim Berner's-Lee

Vint Cerf

What organization sets the standards for HTML and its related languages? a. World Wide Web Consortium b. World Internet Society c. ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) d. ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) e. None of the above.

World Wide Web Consortium

What are two ways you could improve the diagram below, to it more appropriate for a professional setting, with regards to clip art?

a. Do not use cloud image with Zeus b. Do not use server image with cartoon figurines

List three of the categories for the 7 Deadly Sins of PowerPoint Presentation by Joseph Sommerville. Briefly describe what each category warns against.

a. Slide Transitions And Sound Effects - distracts, timing can be off, misaligned b. Standard Clipart - often familiar, miss the point or non-specific to use, appear amateurish, cliché c. Presentation Templates - see standard clipart (more subtle), eventually everyone sees them, overdone d. Text-Heavy Slides - be concise, limit sentence to phrases e. The "Me" Paradigm - Material looks good on laptop, not on big screen, careful for fonts, screen resolution f. Reading - summarize print, talk should support text g. Faith in Technology - have backup plans: connectors, no web, no sound, no projector

Which of the following is NOT true for a computer worm? a. malicious b. replicates c. attaches to a host program d. exploits security vulnerabilities on systems e. None of the above.

attaches to a host program

Which HTML element (section) contains text and elements that display in the web page directly? a. head b. body c. title d. html e. None of the above


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