Cultural Anthropology - Final Exam

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Compared to those of other species, the physical differences between human males and females are quite large.


Cross-cultural research indicates that men are generally sexually stimulated visually and women by words or affection.


Sex is a social category that is unrelated to issues of equality.


What is the distinction between "front spaces" and "back spaces" in terms of social impressions?

Front spaces are designed to control others' impressions, while back spaces are private zones where social actors can do away with pretense.

____________ is a set of expectations regarding proper behavior and appearance for a particular gender.

Gender Role

____________ is a position a person can occupy in the social order that is directly related to maleness or femaleness.

Gender Status

______________ power refers to the dominance of ideas or culture, such that the status quo is maintained.


____________ refers to people whose bodies have variations of sex characteristics, around 1 percent of most populations.


______________ power involves the use of words, relationships, and actions that influence others.


Rites of affliction are:

Rituals directed at alleviating suffering or resolving a problem

____________ is a cultural category that refers to genitial, genetic, and/or reproductive functions of the body.


What theory would be best applied to the study of how social media posts affect our sense of self?

Social comparison theory

Which of the following is a summary of traditional Navajo cosmology?

The world has fourteen levels, or "platters," that were created from the lowest level to the top, where humans emerged.

Why doesn't class stratification develop in foraging societies?

There is no advantage to hoarding food or having too much personal property.

From an anthropological perspective, what does it mean when someone uses the term to "throw like a girl?"

To throw in a way that evokes gender stereotypes based on patterned cultural conceptions of behavior

Anthropologists draw important distinctions between terms such as "sex" and "gender."


Culture plays a powerful role in determining whether sexual or gender differences are perceived as good, bad, important, or irrelevant.


When evaluating the behavior of others, when do we conclude that someone is unsuccessful or a "fake?"

When there is a mismatch between our expectation and the person's execution of the role

_________ is a mystical evil done by a person without her or his awareness.


A ritual moving a person from one social role to another and carried out in three phases - separation, liminality, and incorporation - is known as

a rite of passage.

Which of the following statements acts as a linguistic framing device?

"A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away..."

The Western idealized notion that indigenous people are simple and ecologically-minded stewards of their natural environment is the idea of the

"noble savage."

How do anthropologists understand the difference between cultural performance and performing culture?

A cultural performance is a bounded performance (such as a concert or ritual), while performing culture refers to ways our everyday practices can be studied as performances.

Which of the following sentences are performative, and not only descriptive?

A police officer says, "You are under arrest."

According to our text, what is the correct relationship between a state and a nation?

A state is a coercive political institution; a nation is an ethnic population.

How might performance produce social reality?

All of the answer choices are correct

According to the Perspectives textbook, which of the following is true about an "audience?"

All of the answer choices are correct.

How do foraging societies accommodate any potential conflict between women's work and their pregnancies/childbirth?

All of the answer choices are correct.

Why is the study of religious beliefs challenging for anthropologists?

All of the answer choices are correct.

The study of the human power dynamics within ecosystems, such as how governments and corporations establish systems that constrain local behavior, is referred to as

Answer: Political Ecology.

When researching the American lawn, Julie Sharp found that the strongest indicator of whether a household's lawn was intensively managed with toxic chemicals was

Answer: how well the household members knew the names of their neighbors.

The 2014 AAA Global Climate Change Task Force concluded that many of the most innovative and creative approaches to addressing and mitigating the effects of climate change are

Answer: occurring at the local and regional levels.

An example of a successful extractive reserve in the rainforest is

Answer: tapping rubber from trees in protected areas.

The period (epoch) in geological time in which the effects of human activities have altered the fundamental geochemical cycles of the earth is referred to the


Which of the following best describes the idea of "gender performativity?"

As people do things in patterned ways over time that are understood to signify "male" or "female," a larger social construct of gender is created.

Why did cultural anthropologists after WWI avoid the study of media?

Both answer choices are correct.

Which type of property exchange demonstrates a higher value placed on women and their ability to work and produce children?


______________ power refers to the use or threat of force to make people or groups do things because they feel they have no choice.


Marriages integrate family groups in tribal societies by

all of the answer choices are correct.

In the study of religion, a cosmology may be defined as

an explanation for the origin or history of the world.

The ability to induce or cause the behavior of others to change due to a social or political position is called


A society that is nomadic and small in size, lacks formal leadership, and generally forages for their living is likely a

band society.

The four levels of socio-cultural integration characterized by Elman Service are

band, tribe, chiefdom, and state.

Requiring students to say the "Pledge of Allegiance" in United States classrooms illustrates how civil rituals can

become part of the way a government asserts power over its citizens.

Relationships formed through blood connections are called __________, while those formed through marriage are called __________.

consanguineal, affinal.

The values and beliefs of communities, states, and/or societies that make the imagining of a particular type of network possible is referred to in the text as

cultural infrastructure.

A gift given by a bride's family to either the bride or to the groom's family at the time of the marriage is referred to as


The cultural rule which emphasizes the need to marry within a cultural group is called


The study of traditional uses of plants for food, construction, dyes, crafts, and medicine is called


The study of the use and knowledge of plants, animals, and ecosystems by traditional societies is called


A family of at least three generations sharing a household is referred to as a/an

extended family.

Anthropologists use the term domestic group to refer to a

group of people who live together and share activities such as cooking, childcare, and economic support.

The breach phase of a social drama occurs when

individual(s) break a norm or rule that is important to the social group.

The material technological networks that allow for the exchange of goods, ideas, waste, people, power, and finance over space is called


The word used to describe culturally-recognized ties between members of a family is


The perception that an individual has a valid right to leadership is called


In anthropology, descent from a common ancestor is referred to as


Bilateral cross-cousin marriage refers to marriage of a

man to the daughter of his father's sister and his mother's brother.

The residence pattern in which a couple resides with the wife's mother's family after marriage is called


Any set of technologies that connect multiple people at one time to shared content is called


The term used to refer to the study of how images, speech, people, and things become socially significant as they are communicated, especially focusing on the physical human senses, is the anthropology of


Which of the following modes of production is based on farmers or herders producing for themselves and their families, but also giving a portion of their goods or labor to their leaders?

a. Tributary production b. None of the answer choices is correct c. Capitalist production d. Domestic production Answer: a. Tributary production

The series of steps a food product takes from the field to the store is called

a. a globalized link. b. stages of production. c. a commodity chain. d. value-added distribution. Answer: c. a commodity chain.

In a patrilineal system,

not the asnwer: your father's brothers are part of your lineage.

In traditional Chinese society, which kinds of terms did siblings use to refer to one another?

not the correct answer:In traditional Chinese society, which kinds of terms did siblings use to refer to one another? The terms identified whether siblings were older or younger, but did not distinguish gender.

The term shaman is used to refer specifically to a/an _____________ who carries out religious rituals to communicate with the supernatural realm.

part-time religious practitioner.

Rituals are inherently performative because

participating in a ritual makes and marks a social change.

The method that puts cameras into the hands of local participants so they can make their own representations of their lives is called


The study of the means of control in societies is the subject of

political anthropology.

The term anthropologists use for a marriage between one woman and multiple husbands is


The term anthropologists use for a marriage between one man and multiple wives is


Anthropologists refer to full-time religious practitioners as


Short-term uses of physical force that are organized to achieve a limited objective such as the acquisition of cattle, wealth, or abduction of women are called


Societies that have greater differentiation between individuals and their kin groups, resulting in sumptuary rules that permit higher-status individuals to wear distinctive clothing or other decorations, are called

ranked societies.

William Balee's work in the Amazonian rainforest revealed that

rather than being constrained by the environment, Indigenous peoples had adapted the environment to their needs, modifying an estimated 12 percent of the Amazon.

The work of both Turner (among the Kayapo) and Ginsburg (in Australia) can be seen as an argument to

reject the view that using new technologies to capture indigenous stories or concerns is a form of Western-based imperialism.

Informal disputes in band societies may involve

ridicule and mediation.

Individuals who seek to use magic for their own purposes are referred to generally by anthropologists as


A society characterized by a centralized government that has a monopoly over the legitimate use of force, a large diverse population, social stratification, and complex economies is called a


All of the following are true about matrilineages, EXCEPT

they are also matriarchal, that is, women have more power than men.

In Slavonia, where the Perspectives author conducted research, agricultural households were

very large, up to 100 members who had specializations such as sewing or caring for horses.

In calling religion "the opium of the people," Karl Marx meant that religion

was an ideology that dulls people into accepting their low economic and social status by promising acceptance into Heaven through obedience.

The process of buying, eating, or using a resource, food, commodity, or service is called

a. commodification. b. consumption. c. redistribution. d. capitalism. Answer: b. consumption.

A form of violence in which a social structure or institution harms people by preventing them from meeting their basic needs is called

a. economic violence. b. structural politics. c. structural violence. d. institutional prevention. Answer: c. structural violence.

The four modes of subsistence recognized by anthropologists are

a. foraging, horticulture, hunting, gathering. b.foraging, horticulture, agriculture, genetic modification. c. foraging, pastoralism, horticulture, agriculture. d. foraging, pastoralism, horticulture, urbanism. Answer: c. foraging, pastoralism, horticulture, agriculture.

The accumulation of goods and services by a person or institution for the purpose of dispersal at a later date is

a. negative reciprocity. b. redistribution. c. market exchange. d. generalized reciprocity. Answer: b. redistribution.

People whose gardens supply the majority of their food are called

a. pastoralists. b. horticulturalists. c. gardeners. d. foragers. Answer: b. horticulturalists.

A person's attempt to take advantage of another person economically is called

a. selfish reciprocity. b. immoral reciprocity. c. balanced reciprocity. d. negative reciprocity. Answer: d. negative reciprocity.

The mode of exchange that is characterized by regulation by supply and demand and transactions that are often impersonal (with strangers) but may be personal (with acquaintances or family members) is

a. foraging economy. b. redistribution. c. market exchange. d. balanced reciprocity Answer: c. market exchange.

The collection of taxes by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in the United States, with the objective to disburse tax refunds and invest into infrastructure and federal services can best be seen as a form of

a. global systems. b. commodification. c. balanced reciprocity. d. redistribution. Answer: d. redistribution.

The cultivation of domesticated plants and animals using technologies such as irrigation, draft animals, mechanization, and chemical inputs such as fertilizers is known as

a. horticulture. b. mono-cropping. c. agriculture. d. factory farming. Answer: c. agriculture.

A mode of subsistence defined by it reliance on wild plant and animal food resources already available in the environment is called

a. horticulture. b. pastoralism. c. foraging. d. transhumance. Answer: c. foraging.

Media practices are

the habits or behaviors of the people who produce, interact with, and consume media.

What is a fetish?

An object that has mysterious power

_________ is the idea that souls or spirits exist not only in humans but also in plants, animals, elements of nature, or even all of creation.


Marvin Harris argues that Hindu religious taboos against eating beef developed due to

Answer: the economic and ecological importance of cows to subsistence in India.

Which type of property exchange demonstrates the higher status of the groom's family and its ability to demand a payment for taking on the economic responsibility of a young wife?


____________ describes what it means to live as a person with a sex identity in a particular culture.


What is purdah?

The seclusion of women from public view in some Islamic countries

Adoption in some Pacific Island societies is

a way to honor relatives and create two nurturing sets of parents

The practice of moving gardens to new areas, cutting down fast-growing trees, burning the undergrowth, and planting crops is called

a. "slash and burn." b. "clear and grow." c. "burn and eat." d. "slap and plant." Answer: a. "slash and burn."

Which of the three modes of production is the most recent?

a. Capitalist production b. Tributary production c. Political production d. Domestic production Answer: a. Capitalist production

A woman who wears a dress, makeup, and high-heeled shoes to work in North America is

enacting a performance of culture.

Clifford Geertz emphasized studying the _________ dimensions of religion.


The most common form of descent pattern practiced in the United States is referred to as


A society characterized by a permanent political office that belongs to the leader, a redistributive economy, social and political bonds made through marriages and secret societies is most likely a


A society in which few differences exist between members in terms of wealth, status, and power is referred to as a

egalitarian system.

The cultural rule that emphasizes the need to marry outside of one's own cultural group is called


A __________ derives their authority from the scripture and occupational position in a formally organized religious institution, while a __________ derives their authority from their direct connection to the divine and ability to convince others through charisma.

priest, prophet

The term indigenous media refers to media

produced by and for indigenous communities often outside of the mainstream commercial market.

A person who claims to have direct communication with the supernatural realm and who can communicate supernatural messages to others is called a


According to Clifford Geertz, ___________ is "a system of symbols which acts to establish powerful, pervasive and long-lasting moods and motivations in men [and women] by formulated conceptions of a general order of existence and clothing these conceptions with such an aura of factuality that the moods and motivations seem uniquely realistic."


The Nagol land diving ceremony is a dangerous ritual that is meant to create a sense of communitas or unity. Therefore, it can be described as a

rite of intensification.

One drawback of studying sensory approaches to ethnography is that

the gap can be great between what people experience and what they can describe in language.

Societies that are characterized by groups of people linked by age, gift exchanges, or marriage, a lack of central government, leadership roles that are open to everyone, and an egalitarian set of values are


Gerald Murray's Haitian reforestation project succeeded because his project gave Haitian farmers control of when to sell their fast growing trees as a cash crop for charcoal, lumber, and firewood.


All of the following were used as evidence for what the authors of the Perspectives textbook call the "creation story" of universal male dominance in our human ancestors, EXCEPT

women were able to join men on the hunt when necessary.

The ideal of the ecologically noble savage puts the success of Indigenous conservation projects in jeopardy because

Answer: there is a potential for backlash by the Western media if Indigenous communities lose their symbolic purity.

Sustainable development can be defined as

Answer: ways that environmental resources can be preserved while utilizing those resources for industry.

A set of behaviors expected of an individual who occupies a particular status is called a/an


Marriage to a succession of spouses one after the other is called

serial monogamy.

The term that anthropologists use to quantify the number of calories that can be extracted from a particular unit of land to support a human population is

a. carrying capacity. b. social density. c. subsistence number. d. land mass. Answer: a. carrying capacity.

The ideas or values that accompany the exchange of information is how media anthropologists define


The apparatuses that bring networks of technology into existence is a type of media infrastructure referred to in the text as

mechanical infrastructure.

Legitimacy to rule may be reinforced in which of the following ways?

All of the answer choices are correct

What are the characteristics of a bounded "performance," such as a play or concert?

All of the answer choices are correct

Bruno Latour made the argument that the discipline of anthropology is uniquely qualified to provide insight into key components of current environmental crises by

Answer: all of the answer choices are correct.

What are the four distinct phases of a social drama, and in what order do they occur?

Breach, crisis, redress, and reintegration or schism

The notion that women are more emotional and, thus less likely to use reason in decision-making is a cultural notion that has not historically impacted the ability of women to serve freely in the political and economic spheres of U. S. society.


____________ is the process of learning how to act according to the gender norms of a society.

Gender Socialization

_________ refers to ritual practices that are believed to have effects on particular situations.


Who wrote the 1949 book Male and Female: A Study of the Sexes in a Changing World?

Margaret Mead

Which of the following practices would be considered a ritual, as the chapter in Perspectives defines it?

Praying towards Mecca five times a day

According to Durkheim, __________ objects or ideas are set apart from the ordinary, while __________ objects or ideas are ordinary and may be treated with disregard or contempt.

Sacred, profane

__________ refers to the biological binary of male and female as physical conditions.

Sexual Dimorphism

A ballet folklorico show in Mxico, performed for an audience, is an example of

a cultural performance.

An event that has a limited time span, and organized program of activity, a performer (or set of performers), an audience, and a place and occasion may be defined as

a cultural performance.

In Hawaiian kinship terminology, there are

a smaller number of kinship terms, grouping you (Ego), your brothers and sisters, and your cousins together under the term "child."

The cultural norms and attitudes surrounding food and eating are known as

a. foodways. b. food forms. c. food norms. d. subsistence values and practices. Answer: a. foodways.

In a pastoralist society, wealth and status are measured by the

a. number of children a person has. b. size of one's house structure. c. amount of money a person has. d. number of animals a person owns. Answer: d. number of animals a person owns.

A subsistence system that relies on herds of domesticated livestock is called

a. pastoralism. b. industrialism. c. agriculture. d. horticulture. Answer: a. pastoralism.

Media anthropologists study media by

all of the answer choices are correct.

The main objective(s) of the Kayapo leaders who produced media through the Kayapo Video Project was to

all of the answer choices are correct.

The Nura Gili Indigenous Programs Unit at the University of New South Wales has designed software that

allows aboriginal and indigenous communities to share their vast cultural knowledge about astronomy.

After marriage in Dobu, Papua New Guinea, couples would practice bilocal residence, meaning they would

alternate years living in the husband's village and in the wife's village.

In the anthropological study of religion, a revitalization ritual is

an attempt to resolve serious problems, such as war, famine, or poverty, through a supernatural intervention.

The concept of mana, an impersonal supernatural force containing power, is an example of


The old stereotypes of primates as living in male-centered, male-dominated groups came from 1960's research on

baboon groups led by males, established by force, who provided internal and external defense of the "troop."

At the level of the state, the law becomes increasingly


All of the following describe the Big Man of New Guinea, EXCEPT

he has the power to coerce others.

Religious beliefs are an important element of social control because they

help to define acceptable behaviors as well as punishments for misbehavior.

Doing digital ethnography with online communities in which participants are protected by anonymity raises the question of

how to balance the participants' need for anonymity while doing research with integrity.

Religions that worship a single supreme God are called __________, while those that worship multiple gods are called __________.

monotheistic, polytheistic

Communication that is sent from one person to many people, that privileges the sender and/or owner of the technology that transmits the media is referred to as

mass communication.

The concept that emphasizes the ways in which human social and cultural practices are influenced by basic subsistence needs is referred to as


Anthropologists have shown that when creators share a piece of media, the way that consumers receive that piece of media

may be interpreted in different ways than the creators intended.

A family of parents in a culturally-recognized relationship, such as marriage, and their minor or dependent children is called a/an

nuclear family.

The family in which a person is raised is their family of __________, while the family they may create by marrying and raising children is their family of __________.

orientation, procreation

Some cultures recognize descent in a family lineage only on the father's side. This form of descent is referred to as


The residence pattern in which a couple resides with their husband's father's family after marriage is called


Any culturally-designated position a person occupies in a particular setting is called a/an


A society in which elites, who are a numerical minority, control the strategic resources that sustain life is referred to as a

stratified society.

Matrilineal descent refers to the recognition of descent through

the mother's line only.

Of the following, social scientists interested in eco-justice might choose to focus on

Answer: the dangerous and unhealthy conditions in which electronics recyclers work in West Africa.

The 2014 AAA Global Climate Change Task Force report highlighted

Answer: all of the answer choices are correct.

The production of maps by Indigenous communities has served to

Answer: all of the answer choices are correct.

Environmental anthropologists today argue that the concept of "wilderness" - excluding humans and human activities from nature - is problematic because

Answer: conservation efforts should accept that human activities are a part of the natural world, and provide guidelines for how to best engage with nature.

When archaeologists explored the collapse of the Maya city of Copan from an environmental perspective, they found

Answer: evidence that deforestation coupled with an expanding population led to the city's decline.

The Perspectives textbook author argues that it's important to take the local beliefs and practices of people into consideration when engaging in conservation projects because

Answer: ideas about environmentalism and conservation are views developed in Western nations that need to be adapted to a local context.

Roy Rappaport's research among the Tsembaga of Highland New Guinea focused on the relationship between the numbers of pigs in a village and the timing of pig-slaughter rituals in order to show

Answer: that slaughtering the pigs was a way to keep the available resources in equilibrium.

___________ refers to the biological binary of male and female as physical conditions.

Sexual Dimorphism

__________ is the intentional sense of having a sexual desire around which social identity is built.

Sexual Identity

____________ refers to the erotic domain of life: sexual thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.


_________ is mystical evil done by a person who intended for it to happen.


What does the Perspectives textbook argue about the stability of states?

States tend toward instability, evidenced by the fact that very few states in history have lasted up to 1,000 years.

According to Malinowski's functional approach to religion, which of the following acts would likely require supernatural rituals or ceremonies?

Taking a difficult exam for graduate school

Societies with tributary production generally share which of the following features?

a. Communities of kin work on land owned by the ruling class; all of the products of their labor must be given to the rulers. b. Communities of kin own and work the land; tribute collected is exchanged with the producers and reinvested into other kin-based communities. c. Communities of unrelated laborers are enslaved from distant locations to work the land; all of the products of their labor must be given to the working class. d. Communities of kin own and work the land; tribute collected is used by the ruling class. Answer: d. Communities of kin own and work the land; tribute collected is used by the ruling class.

Which of the following modes of production is characterized by subsistence food-getting, egalitarianism, and labor organized on the basis of kinship relations?

a. Domestic production b. Commodity production c. Tributary production d. Capitalist production Answer: a. Domestic production

Which mode of production has these three central features: private property is owned by a business class; workers sell their labor power to survive; and surpluses of wealth are produced?

a. Domestic production b. Subsistence production c. Tributary production d. Capitalist production Answer: d. Capitalist production

All of the following statements are correct about subsistence types, EXCEPT

a. Due to culture, different societies can adapt to similar environments in different ways. b. Members of every society use different subsistence strategies in order to meet their needs. c. Subsistence types are a set of survival strategies developed to suit a particular environment. d. Each society practices only one of the four subsistence types. Answer: d. Each society practices only one of the four subsistence types.

People who are disconnected from the production of their food (that is, who do not know where their daily food comes from or how it was produced) are most likely to be in which kind of society?

a. Foraging b. Agricultural c. Pastoral d. Horticultural Answer: b. Agricultural

Which of the following subsistence activities is an example of an immediate return system?

a. Herding animals in a pasture b. Foraging for plant foods in a forest c. Planting seeds in a field d. Planting tubers in a garden Answer: b. Foraging for plant foods in a forest

Which statement best represents the practice of horticulture?

a. Horticulturalists exploit food that already exists in the environment, and do not plant crops or raise animals. b. Horticulture requires irrigation in order to grow a surplus of food and support a large population. c. Horticulturalists move their gardens periodically, use simple tools, and largely consume their own crops. d. Horticulturalists have larger gardens than agriculturalists, who generally plant one crop in a small area. Answer: c. Horticulturalists move their gardens periodically, use simple tools, and largely consume their own crops.

Which of the following subsistence activities is an example of a delayed return system?

a. Planting seeds b. Salmon fishing c. Gathering insects d. Hunting rabbits Answer: a. Planting seeds

What is the most accurate relationship between subsistence activities and other aspects of society?

a. Subsistence activities are linked to kinship, because family members play an essential role in providing food for the household. b. Subsistence activities play a role in religious belief systems, such as what rituals are performed to ensure a steady food supply. c. Subsistence activities and economics are tightly interwoven through production and exchange of food items. d. All of the answer choices are correct. Answer: d. All of the answer choices are correct.

Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between agricultural food production and feeding the world's population?

a. There is enough food produced to feed everyone on the planet, and this food reaches all necessary regions to feed hungry people through food aid. b. There is not enough food produced through agriculture, therefore the future population on our planet will eat food derived from cells and made in a laboratory. c. There is not enough food produced to feed all of the hungry people on the planet, and agriculture is not a viable solution for the future. d. There is enough food produced to feed everyone on the planet, only it is unevenly distributed, and some regions face shortages and hunger. Answer: d. There is enough food produced to feed everyone on the planet, only it is unevenly distributed, and some regions face shortages and hunger.

General purpose money is

a. a medium of exchange for all kinds of goods and services. b. a tool for storing wealth. c. a way to assign interchangeable values. d. all of the answer choices are correct. Answer: d. all of the answer choices are correct.

All of the following are hallmarks of agriculture EXCEPT

a. a rapid increase in human population density. b. a division of labor, resulting in slavery and indentured labor in some cases. c. reliance on a few staple crops. d. a food system geared toward producing subsistence for families rather than for surplus. Answer: possible c or d

The mode of exchange that is characterized by regulation by supply and demand and transactions that are often impersonal (with strangers) but may be personal (with acquaintances or family members) is

a. balanced reciprocity. b. redistribution. c. foraging economy. d. market exchange. Answer: d. market exchange.

The fact that small-scale, semi-subsistence farmers - such as the indigenous coffee farmers of Central America and Mexico - own their own land, organize along a kin-based system, and also produce a commodity for the global market demonstrates that

a. capitalism is slowly replacing the traditional ways of life of indigenous farmers around the world, who now can no longer rely on kin-based methods. b. their economic activity is uniquely adapted to the contemporary global economy by utilizing several modes of production simultaneously. c. they are relics of a pre-capitalist system. d. it is difficult to manage coffee orchards and corn fields during the same seasons. Answer: b. their economic activity is uniquely adapted to the contemporary global economy by utilizing several modes of production simultaneously.

Foragers have a broad spectrum diet, that is, they

a. ensure good nutrition by eating all of the colors of the rainbow daily. b. eat at all hours of the day. c. eat all types of animals, from small to large game. d. have a diet based on a wide range of food resources. Answer: d. have a diet based on a wide range of food resources.

Sharing of food and other resources among members of foraging groups

a. is a way to demonstrate to their gods that they are worthy people. b. is a survival strategy that reinforces social equality and helps the group get through times of scarcity. c. shows that foragers are kind and selfless individuals who enjoy sharing just for the sake of it. d. leads to a hierarchical separation of individuals with status and those without it. Answer: b. is a survival strategy that reinforces social equality and helps the group get through times of scarcity.

Economic anthropologists have studied the results of Westernization around the world, and found that increasing numbers of McDonalds (or other Western commodities) have

a. not Westernized people in the ways originally feared, and in some cases have caused a resurgence of local identities. b. caused imitations of Western corporations, such as McDonalds, to sprout up in regions around the world. c. failed to generate income in regions that do not already value Western food. d. caused a massive shift in local values around the world toward a more capitalistic model. Answer: a. not Westernized people in the ways originally feared, and in some cases have caused a resurgence of local identities.

Foraging societies are characterized by

a. private ownership of the primary means of production and lower rates of social domination. b. private ownership of the primary means of production and higher rates of social domination. c. collective ownership of the primary means of production and lower rates of social domination. d. collective ownership of the primary means of production and higher rates of social domination. Answer: c. collective ownership of the primary means of production and lower rates of social domination.

Anthropologists focus on three phases of economic production, which are

a. production, exchange, and consumption. b. production, exchange, and acquisition. c. production, consumption, and disposal. d. exchange, preparation, and disposal. Answer: a. production, exchange, and consumption.

Gifts that are given without agreeing upon the exact value of the gift, nor the time frame within which it should be returned, demonstrates

a. redistribution. b. balanced reciprocity. c. commodification. d. generalized reciprocity. Answer: d. generalized reciprocity.

When something is given or traded with the expectation that something of equal value will be returned within a specified time period, it shows

a. redistribution. b. balanced reciprocity. c. generalized reciprocity. d. negative reciprocity. Answer: b. balanced reciprocity.

The best horticultural crops are

a. starches and grains, such as corn and wheat. b. those which can feed the most people and gain the most profit. c. those which require a high investment of labor in order to grow. d. easy to grow, store, and distribute. Answer: d. easy to grow, store, and distribute.

The anthropological approach that contextualizes economic relations within state structures, political processes, social structures, and cultural values is called

a. structural inequality. b. institutional politics. c. political economy. d. political ecology. Answer: c. political economy.

In subsistence studies, the term domestic economy refers to

a. the division of labor between the sexes in a set of economic practices. b. the work associated with obtaining food for a family or household. c. how a nation-state regulates its economy in terms of production and distribution of food. d. the work of household servants and how they are compensated. Answer: b. the work associated with obtaining food for a family or household.

A subsistence system is

a. the set of practices used by members of a society to acquire food. b. the ways that members of a household unit share to ensure that no member goes hungry. c. the processes that factory farms use to process animals for food. d. the set of practices used in agriculture to produce crops using digital technology. Answer: a. the set of practices used by members of a society to acquire food.

The fact that small-scale, semi-subsistence farmers - such as the indigenous coffee farmers of Central America and Mexico - own their own land, organize along a kin-based system, and also produce a commodity for the global market demonstrates that

a. they are relics of a pre-capitalist system. b. it is difficult to manage coffee orchards and corn fields during the same seasons. c. their economic activity is uniquely adapted to the contemporary global economy by utilizing several modes of production simultaneously. d. capitalism is slowly replacing the traditional ways of life of indigenous farmers around the world, who now can no longer rely on kin-based methods. Answer: c. their economic activity is uniquely adapted to the contemporary global economy by utilizing several modes of production simultaneously.

Pastoralists raise animals in order to

a. use animal dung for fuel for their cooking fires. b. use the fur and wool of animals for warmth and clothing. c. utilize the food products of the animal. d. all of the answer choices are correct. Answer: d. all of the answer choices are correct.

In the United States, the fact that most divorced parents share time and financial responsibilities somewhat equally for their children reflects the practice of

bilateral descent.

Participant-driven research

enables individuals to actively shape the direction of the research through the conscious creation of media.

Media anthropologists working in collaborative and participatory media methods have contributed to the development of new approaches to ethnography due to their focus on

ethics, power, and fairness of the process and product.

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