Cultural Psyc Final

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Fundamental Attribution Error

People tend to ignore explicit environmental or contextual constraints on behavior.

Field Independence

People who can separate objects from their background fields have_______________ ex. these people are analytic thinkers.

Field Dependence

People who tend to view objects as bound to their backgrounds have______________________ ex. these people are holistic thinkers.

recommend vitamins and rest

Pierre visited his doctor because he had been feeling sick for some time. Given what we learned about medical practices around the world, we might expect that his French doctor would

Compare herself with the student who got the best grade.

Raquel habitually engages in self-enhancement. She recently did poorly on a sociology exam. Which of the following would you NOT expect her to do?


Just for fun, Mary decided to tape the corners of her mouth so that she would appear to be smiling for the duration of that day. According to the facial feedback hypothesis, which of the following emotions is Mary most likely to experience as a result?

predict the market will change

Ursula, an American real estate agent, and Jing, a Chinese real estate agent, are trying to figure out what to tell their clients about the market's outlook. Compared to Ursula, Jing will...

Compensatory Self-Enhancement

When you acknowledge the poor grade you got in class but instead start to think about your good attributes, like your excellent clarinet-playing skills.

External Attribution

When you attribute the cause of your actions to something outside yourself ex. "The girl next to me kept sneezing. Therefore, I could not focus on my test, which caused me to fail."


Which of the following is NOT one of Ekman's basic emotions?

Japanese people sleep less than European-Canadians

Which of the following statements best reflects research on cultural differences in sleep patterns among European-Canadians, Asian-Canadians, and the Japanese?

People are inherently good

Which of the following was NOT a belief to emerge from the Protestant Reformation?

Haidt's five moral intuitions

- Avoiding Harm - Protecting Fairness - being loyal to ingroups - respect hierarchy - achieving purity

Principle of Equality

A Perception of fairness that dictates that resources should be equally shared among the members of a group.

Principle of Equity

A Perception of fairness that states that resources are distributed based on an individuals contributions.

Principle of Need

A Perception of fairness which dictates that resources are directed towards those who need them most.

Americans will choose minority-colored cars.

A group of East Asians and Americans have won a contest, and each person is allowed to pick a car from a selection of cars. All cars are of the same make, model, and year. The only thing that differs between them is that they can be one of two colors. Furthermore, there is an extremely unequal proportion between the two colors, making the minority color very unique. Given this scenario, which of the following statements is true?

prevention orientation.

A primary concern with not losing something, like face, is known as a

Naive Dialecticism

A relative acceptance for contradictions - based on a view that everything is connected and in constantly in flux (yin and yang). - Universe moves back and forth between opposite poles - What is true today may not be true tomorrow.

Two-Factor Theory of Emotions

A theory that maintains that emotions are primarily our interpretations of physiological responses to stimuli. ex. If a girl's heart is racing, it could mean that she was just running, or that she just had a conversation with her crush. It all depends upon context. emotions vary across cultures too.

James-Lange Theory of Emotions

A theory that maintains that emotions are primarily perceptions of physiological responses to stimuli. ex. emotions should be universal due to physiological similarities of all humans.

Average Faces

A third characteristic on universally attractiveness is ____________________

physiological reaction

According to the James-Lange theory of emotions, an emotion is a...

taxonomic categorization

Analytic thinking is associated with___________________

Bilateral symmetry

Another thing that is universally attractive is_________________


Antisocial punishment is an example of a...

Prevention Orientation

Avoid negative outcomes by focusing on weaknesses to avoid future failure.

Felipe is more likely than Satoru to recognize that Mariana is angry

Because Mariana, a Brazilian woman, had a terrible morning, she was very angry when she got to work at the office. As a result, her facial expression greatly resembled the basic anger expression. She walked by two coworkers on her way to her desk: Felipe (who is Brazilian) and Satoru (who is Japanese). Which of the following is most likely to occur?

Incremental Theory of the World

Belief that the world is changeable. ex. When there is traffic in America, people will complain about it, will try to drive around people, etc. thinking they can change the situation. They do not adjust to the situation.

Entity Theory of the World

Belief that the world is not changeable. ex. When there is traffic in china, people will bring pillows, food, tents, etc. knowing that they cannot change the traffic. They adjust the the situation.

giving her control of visitation hours

Clarice is a patient in a hospital, and the doctors are hoping to give her good health outcomes while she stays in the hospital. Which one of the following options is an example of something that has been shown to lead to positive health outcomes?

Secondary Control

Convince yourself that taking the bus to work is not so bad after all is an example of_____________________

Taijan Kyoufushon

Cultural Bound Syndrome predominant in East Asian cultures that resembles social anxiety. Fear of confronting others, extreme concern that one is making others uncomfortable due to one's gaze, body odor, or sweating.

Weber's Thesis

Cultural Ideas that came with the protestant reformation. - People have an individualized relationship with God. - Each person has a "calling" -Predestination - God would only reward the elect. - Sinful to enjoy the fruits of one's labor. - Foundations for capitalism

Bulimia Nervosa

Culture Bound Syndrome of uncontrollable binge eating with compensatory measures (throwing it up) to prevent weight gain. This disorder is abundant in cultures with great access to food (Western Societies).


Culture Bound Syndrome that is characterized by a belief among young men (from South Asia) that they are leaking semen, which causes then to be morbidly anxious, because semen is largely viewed by them to be a source of vitality.


Culture Bound Syndrome that is mainly segregated to Japan. With this disorder, a patient drops out from the social world, barricading him/ herself up in a room for years. Does not conform to DSM Approximately one child per classroom in Junior High and High School has this disorder. Caused by bullying, Abuse, failure, and other trauma's.


Culture Bound Syndrome that was commonly diagnosed to women in 19th century women. Symptoms were temporary blindness, insomnia, fainting, and loss of appetite for food and sex. Rates dropped dramatically in the early 20th century

Anorexia Nervosa

Culture Bound Syndrome where people eat very small amounts of food and then exercise enormously. This disorder is determined by body weight.


Culture Bound Syndrome with an acute outburst of unrestrained violence and homicidal attacks, preceded by brooding, followed by exhaustion and amnesia. Southeast Asia may be a result of having no acceptable means to express frustration.


Culture Bound Syndrome with morbid anxiety or terror about ones penis shrinking into ones body (or for women, her nipples shrinking into her). Primarily found in Southeast Asia Belief that the disorder is caused by an imbalance of yin and yang.

Low Context Cultures

Cultures in which there is relatively less consensual information shared among individuals, so that people need to rely heavily on explicit communication. In these cultures people need to explain things more in depth, as others may not be able to fill in the gaps of what is not said.

High Context Cultures

Cultures in which there is so much consensual information shared among individuals, so that much can be understood without it needing to be explicitly stated. In these cultures people are deeply involved with each other, which leads to shared information and which guides their behavior.

Western Cultures

Debating, self-expression, talking, arguing, and freedom of speech are associated with (and are signs of intelligence in)...


Different countries vary in how they exercise______________

the ordinary American citizens

Dr. House is a medical doctor in the United States. He is giving a seminar on health-related behaviors both to doctors from other countries and ordinary American citizens. Which group is most likely to agree with Dr. House?

Basking In Reflective Glory

Emphasizing our connection to a popular group, a rich family, a successful sports team, etc. to feel better about ourselves. Ex. My dad is a billionaire, so even if I fail this class I will still have enough money to buy myself any life I want.

Situational Attributions

Explaining people's behavior in terms of contextual variables. ex. The reason why that dude cheated on his girlfriend is because he is afraid of commitment and cannot stay hitched to one person.

Dispositional Attributions

Explaining people's behavior in terms of their inner qualities, such as personality traits. ex. The reason why that dude cheated on his girlfriend is because he is inherently a douche.

Promotion Orientation

Focuses on successes to strive for advancement and secure positive outcomes.


Gregory has been diagnosed with depression by his psychiatrists; however, he does not really report experiencing negative affect. He primarily experiences stomach and sleep problems. Which of the following most accurately characterizes Gregory's experience?

Culture-Gene Co-Evolution

Humans are said to be a product of______________________, as they have both evolved biological predispositions to depend on cultural information, and this cultural information enhances their fitness as it continues to evolve.

Upward Social Comparison

If you did bad on a test, you probably do not want to compare yourself with Ann, who aced her test.

Downward Social Comparison

If you do bad on a test, you might compare your performance with the someone who is doing worse than you. ex. "Well, at least I didn't do as bad as sally"


In Asch's study on conformity, what percent of Americans conformed?


In Sch's studies on conformity______________ were more likely to conform but only under certain conditions.

Eastern Cultures

In these cultures, more speech is associated with knowing less.

Arranged Marriages

In this type of marriage, people usually have less love for each other at the beginning of the marriage, but as the marriage continues, they have more love for each other. more common in cultures with extended family systems.

Love Marriages

In this type of marriage, people usually have more love for each other in the beginning, and then as time goes on they have less love for each other. more common in cultures with nuclear family structures

two-factor theory of emotions

Leslie is going on a date and wants to maximize the likelihood of her date, Jessica, feeling happy about her. Leslie decides to take Jessica to watch a highly rated comedic film. Jessica feels very happy from the film, but attributes her happiness to Leslie. Which of the following explains Jessica's attribution of her happiness to Leslie?

Preconventional Level

Level one of Kohlberg's model of moral reasoning. Calculation of what provides the best overall return. Cross-culturally, only children function at this level.

Postconventional Level

Level three of Kohlberg's model of moral reasoning. People at this level consider abstract, universal ethical principles that emphasize individual rights. No one from traditional tribes/ villages reasons at this level. It is mostly seen in western, urban populations. Education produces this level.

Conventional level

Level two of Kohlberg's model of moral reasoning. People at this level merely follow the rules to maintain and facilitate a social order. Cross-culturally, there are adults that reason at this level.


Losing the connection between ones culture narrative and modern society increases risk of this. Many first nations have a strong sense of cultural continuation due to western colonization, and a lot of youths identify stronger with either their traditional culture or the mainstream culture

Ghanaian's are less likely to choose their relationship partners.

Lumusi is a Ghanaian teenager who reports having more enemies than does her American counterpart, Lisa. According to research discussed in the textbook on Ghana, which of the following explains why Lumusi reports having more enemies than Lisa?

Max Weber

Man who believed motivations for achievement are tied to cultural ideas that come with the protestant reformation.

fundamental attribution error

Mandia met a friend called Martina in university. Martina's boyfriend likes to go to bars to drink, and makes Martina go to bars with him. Mandia knows that Martina's boyfriend makes her go to bars, but still thinks that Martina goes because she likes to go to bars. The term that best describes Mandia's thoughts is

Self Enhancement

Motivation to view one self positively.

light (unless their diet contains a lot of Vitamin D)

On Planet X, some areas receive very little ultraviolet radiation. What skin color would you expect Planet X's people to have if they live in those areas?

the Brackens

One foreign country has four aboriginal tribes. The Kohlrabis live in the rain forest, culturally quite distant from the mainstream culture. The Brackens live along the coast and now have very few connections to their traditional past. The Horabs live in the prairies and have always been culturally very similar to the mainstream culture. The Lithes live in the mountains and have greatly maintained connections to their traditional past. Based on Chandler and colleagues' research on Canadian First Nation youths, which tribe would one expect to be associated with higher youth suicides?

Ethic of Divinity

One of Shweder's codes of ethics. Concerned with sanctity and perceived "natural order" of things. Obligated to preserve the standards mandated by a transcended authority. "Is having sex with a dead chicken moral?" This ethic wants to maintain purity

Ethic of Autonomy

One of Shweder's codes of ethics. Moral is that which protects Justice and individual rights. "I won't steal because its against the law" This ethic aims to avoid harm (and, I argue, to respect hierarchy).

Ethic of Community

One of Shweder's codes of ethics. Morality is tied to interpersonal obligations. "I will steal to help my friend" This their promotes being loyal to in groups (and to respect hierarchy)

Income Inequality

One reason for why the Netherlands has taller people than the U.S is because of__________________ in the U.S.

Low Relational Mobility

People aren't able to choose in group members-- enemies are likely to emerge from within. Interpersonal societies have this. more obligations associated w/ friendships more cautious w/ friends.

High Relational Mobility

People choose who will be ingroup members-- they can opt to avoid people who can be enemies. Individualistic societies have this more emphasis on attractiveness more friends

rough proportions

People from cultures that do not have words for numbers beyond two or three are able to discriminate between________________, but not for precise numbers.


Point of view is coming from outside.


Point of view is from your head

Facial Feedback Hypothesis

Proposes that one source of information we utilize when inferring our feelings is our facial expressions. Think of the pencil in the mouth example (making people happy or sad depending on how the pencil was placed in mouth).

East Asians

When it comes to self-enhancement, these kinds of people view failures as more memorable.

Saami speakers are better at categorizing reindeer than English speakers.

Recent fieldwork suggests that the Saami people (an indigenous people living in parts of northern Europe) have almost 100 words to describe various kinds of reindeer. English, on the other hand, has only a tiny fraction of words used to describe reindeer. According to the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, what cultural difference between English and Saami speakers would result from this disparity in reindeer-related vocabulary size?


Reducing the perceived importance of the domain in which you preformed poorly. ex. who cares about long division anyway? I won't be doing that in real life.

consuming fewer calories

Research reveals that the French paradox (the tendency for French people to have low body fat percentages despite eating a diet high in fat) is due to the French

Individualistic Cultures

Romantic love is more prevalent in...

True (more children from parents who experienced romantic love survived to pass on their genes, compared to parents without romantic love)

Romantic love, discussed within the context of monogamous human relationships in the textbook, exists because it was evolutionary advantageous for our ancestors. True or false?


Sanjay is an Indian male who has been in an arranged marriage for fifteen years. Sana is an Indian female who has been in a love marriage for more than ten years. Based on research by Gupta and Singh, which person is likely to be happier?

Blame the Real Estate Agencies (rather than the individual realiters).

Several real estate agents have been convicted of several counts of real estate fraud. The most plausible reaction from American and Japanese news outlets is that Japanese newspapers are likelier than American ones to...


Social values given by others.


Someone who values simpatico would be more likely to

Self Serving Biases

Tendencies to overstate one's attributes

Euro-North Americans

When it comes to self-enhancement, these kinds of people view success are more memorable.


Stephen is diagnosed with a form of anxiety disorder. Stephen's primary symptoms are feeling anxious, mood fluctuations, and other mental issues. Based off these symptoms, what is Stephen going through?

Whorfian Hypothesis (Strong)

Strong Definition: Language determines thought-- without access to the right words, people cannot have certain kinds of thoughts.

Analytic Process

Talking is a_______________. We specify one idea at a time arranged in a sequence.


The age at which people first develop the disorder has gotten __________________ over recent years for both bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa.

evolution of human biology

The fact that people from some cultures lack an enzyme to allow them to digest milk reflects that cultural practices can affect the


The postconventional level of moral development is most closely associated with what code of ethic?

Similarity-Attraction Effect

Theory that people tend to be attracted to those who are most like themselves. ex. similar in attitudes, economic background, personality, religion, social background, and activities. very common in western cultures

Secularization Theory

Theory that as the world progresses, there is less reliance on religious explanations of the world around us. -- This theory is culturally constrained, as The Middle East has become more religious over time.

Propinquity Effect

Theory that people are more likely to become friends with with whom they frequently interact. "friendships are not so much chosen by us but are chosen by the situational forces" ex. a job.

Mere Exposure

Theory that the more we are exposed to a stimulus the more we are attracted to it.


There is a strong positive correlation between a culture's emphasis on romantic love and the divorce rat, true or false?

East Asians

When it comes to self-enhancement, these kinds of people have more external attributions after successes.

Analytic Thinking

Thinking that is characterized by a focus on objects and their attributes. Popular in western cultures

Holistic Thinking

Thinking that is characterized by an orientation to the context as a whole. Popular in Eastern Cultures

Morita Therapy

Treatment that emphasizes acceptance of symptoms and situations (secondary control)

Naikan Therapy

Treatment where clients reflect on the kindness they have received from others and how little they have offered in return

collectivistic cultures

Trust towards strangers is weaker in_____________________.

Major Depressive Disorder

Universal Syndrome that is diagnosed if patient has 5 of the 9 symptoms: -Inability to feel pleasure - depressed mood - fatigue/ energy loss - sleep problems - change in weight/ appetite - psycho motor change - feeling worthless - poor concentration - suicidality This disorder is less common in China-- one-fifths compared to the west.

Social Anxiety Disorder

Universal Syndrome where a person has a fear of acting in an inept or and or unacceptable manner, leading to negative social consequences. These people are afraid of public speaking, social interactions, failing, poor performance, etc. East Asians exhibit more of this than European Americans (since it is normal to be introverted in Eastern Asia)

Facial Recognition

Verbally determining a face hinders subsequent recognition of the face.

ritualized displays

Voluntary produced emotional expressions such as the tongue bite suggest the existence of cultural display rules that lead people to express idiosyncratic facial expressions, known as_________________, that differ from the ostensibly universal facial expressions identified by Ekman and Colleagues.


Warrin lives in an aboriginal nation comprised of many islands. He is about to travel to another island to meet his girlfriend, but in his haste, he forgot to pray to the local gods. After his trip, he falls terribly ill and feels very tired. These symptoms compel his village doctor to diagnose him with

Whorfian Hypothesis (Weak)

Weak Definition: language influences thought-- having access to certain words the kinds of thoughts that one has.

African Americans.

What ethnicity has the worst health outcomes?


What is an attribute that doesn't yield concrete negative feedback?

Euro-North Americans

When it comes to self-enhancement, these kinds of people discount the importance of a task after failure.

East Asians

When it comes to self-enhancement, these kinds of people emphasize the importance of a task after failure.

Euro-North Americans

When it comes to self-enhancement, these kinds of people have more external attributes after failures.


With this Universal Syndrome, the likelihood of developing increases as the degree of genetic relatedness with someone who has this increases.

explicit communication

With which of the following is a low context culture most closely associated?


With_______________ the more important an action, the more likely they view it as a choice


With____________________ the important an action, the less they view it as a choice.

dispositional attribution

You are walking with your friend when both of you see a person on the street trip and fall. You think that the person is a clumsy person, but your friend thinks the person was distracted by something across the street. In this situation, which of the following more accurately captures what you are engaging in?


Your friend is experiencing stomachaches and goes to see a doctor. The doctor tells your friend that the problem is the result of forces being out of balance in his body, and gives him a remedy that is designed to bring those forces back into balance. What type of doctor is she most likely to be?

Western Cultures

__________________ focus more on their kids self-esteem than other cultures.

Suicide Rates

__________________ increase among the elderly in many cultures.

Romantic Love

___________________ is an evolutionary practice that was selected as the "glue that keeps couples together. Basically those who did participate in this had better chances of producing offspring and keeping their offspring alive and healthy than those who did not partake.

Individualism (Independence)

___________________ is highly related to self-esteem.


_____________________ is a measurement of internal factors. It is focused on how you feel, not how others feel. This is highly related with Individualism/ Independence.

Clear skin complexion

_______________________is one thing that is universally attractive

Epidemiological Paradox

the surprisingly healthy outcomes of Latino's across a variety of conditions has been labeled-- This is because Latino's tend to drink less that Non-Latino's, and

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