Cybercrime Final

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Domain Name System (DNS)

A hierarchical system for naming resources on the Internet. -translates URLs or domain names into an IP address -big telephone book

Most commonly used IP addressing version


Online Resources for tracing IP addresses

-Internet Assigned Number Authority (IANA_ -Regional Internet Registries (RIR)

Protocols for accessing the user's mail transfer severs

-Post Office Protocol (POP) -Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP)

ESI collection steps

-data collected -data hashed -date and time reported -collection of log files -defensible evidence item

MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions)

-protocol that help send larger messages and attachments

Where is the evidence?

-the senders device -the senders email server -the recipients mail server -the recipients device

Top level domains

.com .org .mil .edu

Hexadecimal digits can include only the numbers ____and letters____

0-9 A-F

RIR five regions

1. African Network Information Centre- Africa 2. American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)- USA, Canada, Antartica 3. Asia Pacific Network Information Centre- Asia, Australia, New Zealand 4. Latin America and Caribbean Network Info Centre 5. Reseaux IP Europeens Network Coordination Centre- Europe & Russia

How a web browser actually gets a webpage to display

1. URL entered 2. Resolve URL 3. Domain Name System 4. GET Command 5. Web server sends page to browser 6. Browser displays webpage

5 Header sections

1. the servers the email passed through 2. encrypted email header 3. traditional to, from, subject and date lines 4. mail transfer program information 5. nonstandard information added by servers and email programs

FTP port number


Most common Mail port:


SMTP port number


ECPA is referring to two laws. There are __provisions of EPCA


MAC address is ___pairs of hexadecimal numbers separated by colons, broken into __sections

6; 2

The MAC Address is_____pairs of hexadecimal numbers separated by colons, broken into____sections

6; 2

HTTP port number


The author states, Shoemaker and Kennedy (2009) observed that cybercrime profiling investigations involve ___processes, which are extremely helpful in developing a useful profile that identifies the Internet criminal.



A canonical name record is an alias of an existing record, thus allowing multiple DNS records to map to the same IP address.



Message ID

Can identify the originating SMTP server

Zimbra Desktop

Email program from VMWare (the makers of virtual machine technology) is one of the RIR sites that allows investigators to identify IP registration information (true or false


The DNS is responsible for MAC addresses and their corresponding URL address


Basics of tracing an IP address is to find the Domain


Not a common tool for conducting website collection


According to the author, there have been numerous cybercrime profiles developed over the years, mostly focused on

Hacking offenses Computer intrusions


Internet Assigned Numbers Authority -responsible for the global coordination of DNS root, IP addressing and other internet protocol resources

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)

Internet protocol used to route emails


Internet service provider I.e: spectrum

The __ algorithm tool will produce a numerical value such as numerical value


The _____algorithm tool will produce a numerical value such as 60e46aeaed758964902dd7ae99858f03



Mail Exchanger


Mail user agent What program you use to send your email

According to the author, what type of data is information that describes the data?


To find IP address for, you would use



Name Server

Documenting ESI involved understanding the various ___



Provides free service to geolocate an IP address to a state or city

Which is NOT a separate category based on the type of communication protocol methods defined by the author?



Start of Authority

Not included in the email header



To find IP address for

X Originating IP

Used by SMTP to store the originating IP address of the emails sender

______is done by comparing a tool's output against a known data set


Whois Function

allows investigator to identify IP registration info

Internet Protocol Address (IP)

basis for online communication -allow devices to communicate with each other while connected to the internet

Communication protocol for usenet

bulletin boards

Communication protocol for bit torrent networks

client server

Request for Comments (RFC)

documents are how standards and protocols are defined and published for all to see on the IETF website.

Read received lines

from the bottom up

Protocol that allows the user's email client to manipulate emails stored on the server without transferring the messages between computer.


According to the author, the last stop on the investigative journey to identifying the user of an IP address is the ______

last router in the chain

Communication protocol for instant messaging


A utility to identify if an IP address is accessible is_____


Website collection can easily be done by the investigator who has access to the _____ containing the data


Another method that can be used to track users by IP address is through the review of _____________ from websites

server logs

According to the author, USENET has been increasing in use since the mid-1990s (true or false)


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