D072: Module 9, D072: Module 8, D072: Module 4, D072: Module 5, D072: Module 1, D072: Module 2, D072: Module 7, D072: Module 3, D072 Key Concepts

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According to the Leadership Grid, the name for leaders with low concern for people but a high concern for production are ____________.


According to the Leadership Grid, the name for leaders with low concern for people but with a low concern for production are __________.

Status Quo

According to the Leadership Grid, the name for leaders with medium concern for people but a medium concern for production are ___________.


According to the Situational Theory of Leadership model, what leadership approach should a manager use with followers who have high competence and high commitment and confidence?


According to the Situational Theory of Leadership model, what leadership approach should a manager use with followers who have high competence, but low commitment and confidence?


According to the Situational Theory of Leadership model, what leadership approach should a manager use with followers who have low competence and low commitment?


According to the Situational Theory of Leadership model, what leadership approach should a manager use with followers who have low competence, but high commitment?

Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale

An IQ test designed to measure intelligence and cognitive ability in adults and older adolescents


An act that is allowed or is in conformity with the law of the land

Individual contributori

An individual contributor is someone uses their personal skills to contributes to a team


An individual who oversees a certain group of tasks, or a certain subset of a company and often has a staff of people who report to them

McKinsey 7-S

An organizational model developed in the 1980s by Tom Peters and Robert Waterman (the authors of In Search of Excellence) that analyzes seven key internal aspects of an organization that need to be aligned if it is too achieve its objectives and improve performance

Employee-member-centered behaviors

Behaviors that focus on supporting employees


Being attuned and sensitive to the emotional states of others


Body language, tone of voice, facial expressions, and silence are all examples of what type of communication?

to corporations and their stakeholders.

CSR, when conducted in good faith, is beneficial to _______ and __________

Personal ethics

Codes, principles, and values that shape our interactions with others

Coordination, transmission of information, and sharing of emotions and feelings

Communication fulfils what three main functions within an organization?


Consciousness of the present moment


Controlling your thoughts and impulses in order to manage your internal state


Cunning, scheming, and unscrupulous

Ethics are the principles that guide a person's behavior (what they do)

Define "ethics".

An act that is permissible or in conformity with the law of the land

Define "legal".

Morals are sets of rules that individuals develop based on cultural norms and beliefs

Define "morals".

Organizational ethics is a branch of applied ethics that focuses on rules, principles, and standards in the context of business activities.

Define "organizational ethics".

Values are the stable, enduring goals that one has for life. They are the things that are counted as most important to the individual.

Define "values".

The degree to which a person's skill, knowledge, abilities, and other characteristics match the job requirements

Define the term "person-job" fit.

The degree to which a person's values, personality, goals, and other characteristics match those of the organization

Define the term "person-organization" fit.

People who believe they control their life

Define the term Internal locus of control.

Active listening means giving full attention to the speaker, with the intention of understanding the speaker's idea, asking questions if needed, and clarifying understanding

Define the term active listening.

A formal power that comes from a person's ability to take something away from or punish someone for noncompliance, such as firing an employee

Define the term coercive power.

Consideration behaviors are about building relationships. For example, communication and respect

Define the term consideration behaviors.

A company voluntarily engages in actions that benefit society, be it economically, socially, politically, or environmentally

Define the term corporate social responsibility (CSR).

A standard on which a judgment or decision may be based.

Define the term criterion.

This is a nonlinear (doesn't progress smoothly from one stage), iterative (series of steps that you repeat, tweaking and improving your product with each cycle) problem-solving strategy

Define the term design thinking.

The ability to see things from more than one perspective and appreciate that not everyone will have the same opinion or reaction

Define the term empathy.

Behaviors that focus on supporting employees

Define the term employee-member-centered behaviors.

Enlightened self-interest is an idea that states that persons who act to further the interests of others, ultimately serve their own self-interest

Define the term enlightened self-interest.

A personal power based on knowledge and special skill or experience

Define the term expert power.

People who attribute their success or failure to outside influences (such as luck, timing, or other people)

Define the term external locus of control.

Greenwashing occurs when a company conveys a false impression or providing misleading information about how their products are environmentally friendly

Define the term greenwashing.

Influence tactics refer to the way individuals attempt to sway the options of others

Define the term influence.

A personal power that stems from when a leader possesses knowledge that others need or want

Define the term information power.

Initiating behaviors are about completing tasks

Define the term initiating behaviors.

Inspirational appeals engage values, emotions, and beliefs to gain support for course of action

Define the term inspirational appeals.

Internal transparency is the perceived quality of intentionally shared information

Define the term internal transparency.

Behaviors that focus on supervisory functions. For example, planning, scheduling, and coordinating work activities.

Define the term job-centered behaviors.

Leadership usually involves establishing and sharing a clear vision that others will follow and providing them with tools to realize that vision

Define the term leadership.

A formal power that comes from a person's position.

Define the term legitimate power.

The extent to which individuals believe circumstances and responses are within their control

Define the term locus of control.

A manager is an individual who is in a position of power and oversees a group of people or tasks

Define the term manager.

This type of organizational structure uses a utilize traditional top-down hierarchy

Define the term mechanistic.

Setting a time for undisturbed reflection

Define the term meditation.

A state of consciousness in which you are aware of the present moment

Define the term mindfulness.

This type of organizational structure is characterized by fluidity and a wider span of control

Define the term organic.

A system used to define the hierarchy of a company. It includes the organizational chart, hierarchy structures, and formal system of roles and authority in a business.

Define the term organizational structure.

Personal ethics refers to the principles that guide a person's behavior in everyday life

Define the term personal ethics.

Power is the ability to influence the behavior of others to get what you want

Define the term power.

Process management is management's initiative to design work processes so that they align with the organization's strategic goals

Define the term process management, or business process management (BPM).

A personal power that comes from being trusted and respected

Define the term referent power.

Relationship management involves strategies that govern how an organization maintains relationships with an audience

Define the term relationship management.

A formal power that comes from a person's ability to grant a reward to an employee in exchange for job performance.

Define the term reward power.

Looking at what you've done in the past— then using this information to move closer to where you really want to be

Define the term self-reflection.

The ability to manage your internal state

Define the term self-regulation.

The ability to navigate complex situations in a caring way, considering the concerns of others, and establishing positive relationships

Define the term social skills.

A strategy said to preserve a positive relationship between communicators while still addressing the problem at hand

Define the term supportive communication.

Supportive communications is a method of preserving a positive relationship between both communicators when addressing a problem.

Define the term supportive communication?

Transactional leadership is a style of leadership in which the manager promotes compliance through both rewards and punishments

Define the term transactional leadership.

Transformational leadership is a style of leadership in which the leader works with teams to identify needed change, creates a vision to guide the change through inspiration, and executes the change working with team members

Define the term transformational leadership.

A person who informs on a person or organization engaged in an illegal activity.

Define the term whistleblower.

Internal transparency

Degree to which an organization operates with openness, communication, and accountability


Dilemma in which established laws are not in accordance or do not uphold the ethical choice


Dilemma in which the ethical choice would be in violation of established laws

Communication style

Dominant way in which an individual interacts and exchanges information with others

Social competencies

Emotional intelligence competencies related to empathy and social skills

Personal competencies

Emotional intelligence competencies related to self-awareness, self-regulation, and motivation


Emotional tendencies that impact your ability to reach personal goals

inspirational appeals

Engage values, emotions, and beliefs to gain support for course of action

Professional communication

Information that is exchanged in a business context for the commercial benefit of an organization

World Trade Organization (WTO)

International organization tasked with promoting global trade, enforcing common trade regulations, and helping promote ethical behavior among members


Knowing your inner preferences, beliefs, and resources in order to recognize patterns in your behavior and thoughts

Internal policy issues.

Lack of fairness in pay is an example of what level of ethical issue

Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX)

Law aimed at improving corporate transparency by requiring clear reporting practices

Transactional leadership

Leadership style that assumes employees have their own desires and will not be motivated without extrinsic rewards from leadership

Transformational leadership

Leadership style that assumes it is possible to intrinsically motivate employees so that their desires match those of leadership

Task-oriented style

Leadership style that is primarily concerned job tasks

People-oriented style

Leadership style that is primarily concerned with interpersonal relations in the workplace

Autocratic style

Leadership style that keeps close control over subordinates and does not seek much input from others

Participative style

Leadership style that seeks input from subordinates

Situational Theories of Leadership

Leadership theory that suggests that to be effective, leaders must adapt their style based on the circumstances

Cultural alignment

Linking of organizational goals with the employees' personal goals

Cost, resource acquisition, system flexibility, marketing, problem solving and creativity

List the competitive advantages to global organizations of cultural diversity.

Leadership style

Manner and approach of providing direction, implementing plans, and motivating people


Means of passing information from sender to recipient, such as via face-to-face meeting or telephone call

Words and nonverbal communications

Oral communication is often a combination of what two types of communication?


Organizational structure characterized by (1) flatness: communications and interactions are horizontal, (2) low specialization: knowledge resides wherever it is most useful, and (3) decentralization: great deal of formal and informal participation in decision-making

Relationship management

Part of a strategy to engage existing customers in order to retain them and understand their evolving needs or demands. It is a business paradigm where a business views the association with its patrons as an ongoing relationship rather than a mere transaction

Simulation Feedback

Participation in challenging emotional intelligence simulations in order to receive feedback on EQ competencies

Corporate social responsibility (CSR)

Philosophy in which a company voluntarily engages in actions that benefit society, be it economically, socially, politically, or environmentally


Possession of the means or skill to do something

Expert power

Power based on knowledge and special skill or experience

Legitimate power

Power that comes from one's organizational role or position

Information power

Power that stems from when a leader possesses knowledge that others need or want


Principles that serve as a guide about how to behave

Assertive communicator

Productive communication style used by those who express their ideas while listening attentively to others


Questionnaires that track preferred actions in specific emotional intelligence situations

Job-centered behaviors

Refers to supervisory functions, such as planning, scheduling, coordinating work activities, and providing resources


Rules people develop as a result of cultural norms and values and are, traditionally passed down through generations and characterize a cultural group

Organizational ethics

Rules, principles, and standards for deciding what is morally right or wrong when doing business


SOX also grants protection to ___________.


Self-reflective process of recording thoughts and emotions from day to day, in order to identify patterns

Self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy and social skills.

Sellie-Dosunmu outline five key tools for developming EI. They are ___________:


Sharing understanding and meaning via oral, nonverbal, and written forms


Stable life goals that people have, reflecting what is most important to them

Passive communicator

Tentative communication style used by those who are hesitant to speak up


The ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills


The ability to influence the behavior of others to get what you want


The activity of leading a group of people or an organization or the ability to do this

Corporate culture

The attitudes, values, and standards of behavior that distinguishes one organization from another

Emotional intelligence

The capacity to be aware of, control, and express one's emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically

Person-job fit

The degree to which a person's skill, knowledge, abilities, and other characteristics match the job demands

Person-organization fit

The degree to which a person's values, personality, goals, and other characteristics match those of the organization

Cultural diversity

The existence of a variety of cultural or ethnic groups within a workplace


The level of a person's emotional intelligence, often as represented by a score in a standardized test

Emotional quotient

The level of a person's emotional intelligence, often as represented by a score in a standardized test

Process management

The management initiative to design work processes so that they align with the organization's strategic goals

WGU Code of Student Conduct

The organizational code of ethics that governs responsible and respectful behavior at WGU


The relationship-oriented behaviors of a leader


The relatively stable feelings, thoughts, and behavioral patterns a person has

Organizational culture

The shared values, beliefs, and norms of an organization that affect the strategies and operating procedures of the business


The task-related behaviors of a leader


The unpredictable and uncontrollable but normal reduction of work force due to resignations, retirement, sickness, or death

Influence tactics

The way individuals attempt to influence one another in organizations

Participative style

This management style can help employees feel more invested in decisions, outcomes, or the choices they have made because they have a say in them.


Those who have a stake in the performance and output of an organization, such as employees, unions, investors, suppliers, consumers, local and national governments, and communities


Those who tell the public or the authorities about alleged misconduct occurring in a government department, private company, or organization


Under this management style decision-making power is concentrated in the manager.

Participative style

Under this style of management, the manager shares the decision-making authority with group members.

Supportive communication

Used to preserve a positive relationship between communicators while still addressing the problem at hand

Rational persuasion

Using facts, data, and logical arguments to try to convince others that your point of view is the best alternative

International business culture

Variations in attitudes, values, goals, and practices shared by individuals, organizations, or societies based on geography

These are guided interview questions where individuals use their own words to describe their thoughts and feelings during a specific situation

What are behavioral event Interviews?

Idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation and individualized consideration

What are four main categories of tools used by a transformational leader?

Written (emails, text, letter, reports, etc.)

What are the "leanest" communication type?

(1) It is congruent, (2) uses descriptive, not evaluative, language, (3) problem-oriented, not person-oriented, (4) uses statements that are validating, (5) be specific, not global, (6) communicate in a conjunctive, not disjunctive, style, (7) make sure your statements are owned, and (8) listen actively

What are the 8 Forms of Supportive Communication?

A stronger organizational reputation, higher employee satisfaction, higher-quality product or service, clearer focus, better long-term outlook, better company culture, and stronger sales

What are the benefits of leadership integrity?

Accommodating, sound, status quo, indifferent and controlling

What are the five behaviors outlined by Blake and Mouton's Leadership Grid?

Listen for message content, listen for feelings, respond to feelings, note all cues and paraphrase and restate

What are the five rules for active listening?

Societal issues, stakeholder issues, internal policy issues and personal issues.

What are the four main levels of ethical issues?

Tolerant, sensitive, trusting, and kind

What are the key characteristics of the Big 5 personality Agreeableness trait?

Anxious, irritable, and moody

What are the key characteristics of the Big 5 personality Neuroticism trait?

Conscientious employees are organized, punctual, and dependable

What are the key characteristics of the Big 5 personality conscientiousness trait?

Outgoing, talkative, and sociable

What are the key characteristics of the Big 5 personality extraversion trait?

Curious, original, creative, and open to new ideas

What are the key characteristics of the Big 5 personality openness trait?

Intelligence, extraversion, conscientious, open to experience, self-esteem and integrity

What are the key traits associated with leadership?

Voice message, recorded video and teleconference/phone call.

What are the three "lean" communication types?

Mechanistic or organic

What are the two ways organizational structures are defined?

The 80/20 rule and ask open-ended and follow-up questions

What are two way to improve your active listening skills?

Lower productivity than those under autocratic leadership, but higher levels of work quality and satisfaction

What can be a negative outcome from using a participative leadership style?

It can result in a lack of productivity, cohesion, and satisfaction

What can happen if the laissez-faire manager withdraws too much?

The seven shared values of organizational culture. The model is based on the theory that, for an organization to perform well, these seven elements need to be aligned and mutually reinforcing.

What does the McKinsey 7-S model define?

What does the attraction-selection-attrition model explain

What does the attraction-selection-attrition model explain? Why employees join and leave organizations

Family, community, personal beliefs, experiences, and culture

What factors influence someone's personal code of ethics?

Accounts payable, account receivable and revenue tracking, payroll and taxes, financial reporting, and financial controls

What functions is the accounting and finance department responsible for?

Labor law compliance, recruitment and onboarding, payroll compensation and benefits

What functions is the human resources department responsible for?

Oversight, infrastructure, and functionality

What functions is the information technology department responsible for?

Customer and market research, target market identification, branding, and advertising

What functions is the marketing department responsible for?

Product improvisation and new product development

What functions is the research and development department responsible for?

World Trade Organization (WTO)

What institution functions as an international instrument to support ethical trade on a global scale?

The degree of formality.

What is a major difference between personal and professional communications?

To increase profits and shareholder trust through positive public relations and high ethical standards and to reduce business and legal risks by taking responsibility for corporate actions

What is aim of CSR?

Individuals role-play challenging EI simulations and are provided within feedback based on their behavioral choices

What is behavioral simulation feedback?

Analyzing, optimizing, and monitoring business processes to improve business performance

What is involved in BPM?

Organizational culture

What is one of the most important measures of the effectiveness of an organization?

That the message transmitted is interpreted by the receiver in the way it was intended by the sender

What is required for effective communication?

Questionnaires that ask learners to describe their preferred actions in specific situations.

What is survey feedback?

Face to face meeting

What is the "richest" communication type?

SOX makes it both unethical and illegal to deceive shareholders, creditors, and the public at large.

What is the primary purpose of Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX).

It establishes the organization's key values and describes the company's obligation to its stakeholders

What is the purpose of a code of ethics?

It can be a more objective way to view trends in your thoughts and emotions so you are not simply relying on your memory of past events, which can be inaccurate

What is the purpose of journaling?

The WTO oversee the implementation of trade agreements between nations

What is the purpose of the World Trade Organization (WTO)?

State your users' needs and problems

What occurs during the Define stage in design thinking?

Research your users' needs

What occurs during the Empathize stage in design thinking?

Challenge assumptions and create ideas

What occurs during the Ideate stage in design thinking?

Introduce your idea to markets

What occurs during the Implement stage in design thinking?

Start to create solutions

What occurs during the Prototype stage in design thinking?

Try your solutions out

What occurs during the Test stage in design thinking?

Transparency, whistleblower programs, ethics training, and modeling of appropriate behavior

What steps can upper management take to create the conditions for employees to act ethically?

A passive communicator tends to be overly soft or shy and often look away

What type of nonverbal body language does a passive communicator have?

An aggressive communicator tends to point fingers while talking and have clenched fists, a rigid posture, and hard stares

What type of nonverbal body language does an aggressive communicator have?

An assertive communicator has a relaxed posture and smooth and relaxed movements.

What type of nonverbal body language does an assertive communicator have?

Conflicts of interest can occur when individuals must choose between taking actions that promote their personal interests over the interests of the organization and its stakeholders or vice versa.

When can conflicts of interest occur?

Effective communication

When information transmitted is interpreted by the receiver in the way it was intended by the sender


When organizations carry about CSR missions in an inauthentic way, using them to increase publicity rather than to spur real change

When employees are independent, highly skilled, and motivated

When should a Laissez-Faire leadership style be used?


When the law and personal or organizational ethics are in accordance with each other


When the receiver is preparing what to say in response instead of actively listening to sender's message

Assertive communicator

Which communication style stands up for his/her own rights but ensures the rights of others are not affected?

Aggressive communicator

Which communication style tends to be dismissive and suggests to others that their feelings do not matter?

Passive communicator

Which communication style tends to be hesitant to speak up about their thoughts, beliefs, and opinions?

Passive-aggressive communicator

Which communication style tends to express negative feelings in an indirect way?

Autocratic style

Which leadership style does not successful in fostering employee engagement or maintaining worker satisfaction?


Which of the Big 5 personality traits is best aligned to the clan quadrant?


Which of the Big 5 personality traits is best aligned to the hierarchy quadrant?


Which of the Big 5 personality traits is best aligned to the market quadrant?


Which type of organizational structure is best suited to stable environments that contain low uncertainty?


Which type of organizational structure works best in unstable, complex, changing environments?

Power is given to leaders by their followers due to their perceived knowledge, personality, and attractiveness

Who gives leaders their power?

Unions, the company's employees, investors, suppliers, consumers, local and national governments, and communities that may be affected by corporate activities such as construction, manufacturing, and pollution

Who is considered a stakeholder?

They are often directly translated into the values of the organization

Why are leaders' values important?

People are attracted to organizations which are like themselves in terms of personality and values. If employees join organizations out of attraction to their cultures, they are more likely to perform well.

Why are people attracted to work for an organization?

Feedback is important in helping you understand how your behavior is perceived by others.

Why is feedback important?

Laissez-faire style

With this management style the manager delegates the tasks to the followers while providing little or no direction.

Words and nonverbal. The words you choose are the verbal dimension. How you portray or display them is the nonverbal dimension, which can include the medium (email or a printed document), the typeface or font, or the appearance of your signature on a letter

Written communication is often a combination of what dimensions?


_________ culture is focused on competition and profits and less flexible.


__________ culture is characterized as a dynamic, entrepreneurial, and creative workplace.


___________ culture tends to be internally focused on internal processes and procedures and less flexible.

code of ethics

_______________leads to greater ethical awareness, consistency in application, and the avoidance of ethical disasters


_____________is being attuned to your inner preferences, values, beliefs, and resources.


____________is the ability to understand the emotional tendencies that impact your capacity to reach personal goals.


__________culture tends to be more family oriented and flexible.

Enlightened self-interest

_________often plays a part in the corporate adoption of CSR

Personal Communication

Information that is exchanged between sender and recipient for personal purposes


According to the Leadership Grid, the name for leaders with high concern for people and a high concern for production are ____________.


According to the Leadership Grid, the name for leaders with high concern for people but a low concern for production are______.

Social skills

A broad range of behaviors related to managing relationships with others

Laissez-faire style

A largely "hands-off" leadership style that provides considerable freedom to subordinates

Inspirational motivation

A leader who inspires a passionate vision among subordinates or in the organization itself is using which transformational leader tool?

Idealized influence

A leader who models behaviors and attitudes that subordinates choose to emulate is using which transformational leader tool?

Intellectual stimulation

A leader who recognizes the intellect of subordinates and empowers them to contribute toward the success or vision of the organization is using which transformational leader tool?

Individualized consideration

A leader who takes the time to learn about the talents of each individual and puts them to good use is using which transformational leader tool?

workplace relationships. The leader emphasizes interpersonal relations and employee cooperation

A leader with a people-oriented style will focus on ____________.

technical aspects of the job

A leader with a task-oriented style will focus on ____________.

Design thinking

A method of problem-solving strategy wherein the data collected are expressed visually in order to create new strategies, ways, and methods to solve problems, create opportunities or strengthen weaknesses

intelligence quotient

A number representing a person's reasoning ability as compared to the statistical norm or average for their age


A person who holds a dominant position within a field and can exercise a high degree of control or influence over others

Informal leaders

A person who is not officially appointed as the head of a group

Formal leaders

A person who is officially designated as the leader of a group

Organizational structure

A system used to define a hierarchy within an organization

Attraction-selection-attrition (A-S-A)

A theory holding that (1) individuals are attracted to organizations whose members are similar to themselves in terms of personality, values, interests, and other attributes; (2) organizations are more likely to select those who possess knowledge, skills, and abilities similar to the ones their existing members possess; and (3) over time, those who do not fit in well are more likely to leave

Referent power

Ability of the leader to influence people because of their attraction and respect to the leader

Reward power

Ability to grant a reward to an employee in exchange for job performance

Coercive power

Ability to take something away or punish someone for noncompliance

legitimate, reward, and coercive (which are formal powers); and expert, information, and referent (which are personal powers)

According to French and Raven, what are the six sources of power used by leaders?

Legitimate, reward, and coercive

According to French and Raven, what are the sources of FORMAL power used by leaders?

Expert, information, and referent.

According to French and Raven, what are the sources of PERSONAL power used by leaders?


Experience and behaviors associated with the application of knowledge

Written communication

Expressing information in the form of written words

Oral communication

Expressing information or ideas through spoken words

Nonverbal communication

Expressing information without the use of spoken or written words, such as using body language, tone of voice, facial expressions, and even silence

Locus of control

Extent to which an entity believes the current and anticipated circumstances, and its response to them are within its control

Barrier to effective communication

Factor that prevents the receiver from receiving and understanding the message accurately


Facts, information, and skills acquired by a person through experience or education


Focusing all of your energy and attention on one specific area of the present moment

Power and influence

For leaders to lead, they need _____ and ______ over their followers.

Aggressive communicaton

Forceful communication style often carried out in a loud and hostile manner

Inspirational motivation

Form of transformational leadership in which a leader inspires a passionate vision among subordinates or the organization itself

Idealized influence

Form of transformational leadership in which a leader models behaviors and attitude that subordinates choose to emulate

Intellectual stimulation

Form of transformational leadership in which a leader recognizes the intellect of subordinates and empowers them to contribute towards the success or vision of the organization

Individualized consideration

Form of transformational leadership in which a leader takes the time to learn about the talents of each individual and puts them to good use

CVF model

Framework for assessing organizational culture and organizational dynamics

Active listening

Giving the sender full, undisturbed attention with the intention of fully receiving his or her message

Personal issue

Gossiping is an example of what level of ethical issue

Code of ethics

Guide that publicly sets out an organization's key values and ethical obligations

Behavioral Event Interviews

Guided interview questions where individuals describe their thoughts and feelings during specific situations and a coach helps establish a development plan,


Hierarchical, bureaucratic, organizational structure characterized by (1) centralization of authority, (2) formalization of procedures and practices, and (3) specialization of functions

By nodding your head and keeping your attention focused on the speaker. You can also do it verbally by saying things that affirm the speaker (for example, "Yes" or "That's interesting")

How do you show the speaker that you are listening?

Ethical companies are better at attracting and keeping customers, talented employees, and capital

How does a company's ethical behavior impact organizational outcomes?

These organizations suffer from dwindling customer bases, employee turnover, and investor mistrust

How does a company's unethical behavior impact organizational outcomes?

Pentagon Papers

Illegal-ethical conflict in which U.S. government officials leaked top secret papers to inform the public about government actions during the Vietnam War

When employees have high role ambiguity/vagueness, or low abilities, or low intrinsic motivation, or when there is little time for group decision making

In what situations should an autocratic leadership style be used?

Passive-aggressive communication style

Indirect communication style that uses hidden messages to express needs and ideas

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