DA Chapter 25 Recall Questions

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how can you reduce eye strain

look up from the task and focus your eyes at a distance for about 20 seconds frequently throughout the day

what types of disorders are considered to be MSDs

neck or back pain and carpal tunnel syndrome

what factors increase the risk of carpal tunnel syndrome CTS

patients who are pregnant taking oral contraceptives for given a diagnosis of premenstrual syndrome or rheumatoid arthritis maybe more prone

what three categories of risk factors contribute to MSDs

posture repetition and force

what is the neutral position

the position when the body is properly aligned and the distribution of weight throughout the spine is equal

what is meant by normal horizontal reach

the reach created by a sweep of your forearm with the upper arm held at your side

what is the goal of ergonomics

to help people stay healthy while performing their work more effectively

what is meant by ergonomics

it's the adaptation of the work environment to the human body

what is one of the most important factors in preventing carpal tunnel syndrome CTS

frequently resting the hands

what exercise relieves neck strain

full-back release and head rotations

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