Darby's DH Simulated Exam #4

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Urine is composed of what percentage of water?


Case C Chronic kidney disease (CKD) can cause clinical manifestations of all of the following conditions EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?


Infectious mononucleosis is caused by

Epstein-Barr virus.

Which of the following clinical findings indicate failure of a dental implant?

Implant mobility

Case B Which of the following is likely to be the BEST motivator to help this patient improve his home self-care?

Improvement of appearance

Functions of saliva that affect the carious process include all of the following EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?

Increase in acidogenic factors

Which of the following wound complications should be given first consideration?


Case H Bone loss evident on the radiographs on the mesial of tooth #30 is indicative of what type of pocket?

Infrabony pocket

A 25-year-old man with a history of gingivitis is assessed at his 6-month recare appointment. Which of the following clinical signs will MOST likely confirm that his condition has progressed to periodontitis?

Loss of clinical attachment

Which of the following types of cells/tissues is MOST radiosensitive?


All of the following lesions are palpable during an intraoral exam EXCEPT one. Which one is this EXCEPTION?


Case D Which description of physical status applies to an ASA Class II patient (American Society of Anesthesiologists)?

Mild systemic disease that does not interfere with day-to-day activity; complete a physician consultation before dental hygiene therapy

Case H This patient has Class II mobility on teeth #6 and #7. Which of the following BEST describes this classification of tooth mobility?

Moderate mobility greater than 1 mm of horizontal displacement

Each of the following are descriptive of bulimia EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?

Most often found in adolescent females who are overweight

Case F The patient's labial mucosa exhibits an irritation fibroma. Each of the following statements accurately describe this lesion EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?

Most often ≤ 5 cm in size

Which of the following is NOT among the three classes of ventilator filters certified by The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Certification (NIOSH)?


The MOST appropriate index to use to measure the plaque rate of these children is


Each of the following radiographic exposures provide images of larger areas of the head or skull and require extraoral film placement EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?


Which of the following P levels associated with a test of significance would BEST indicate that the researcher's results were MOST likely caused by an independent variable rather than by chance occurrence?

P ≥ 0.001

Case J Diabetes mellitus is a disease of which of the following organs?


The periodontal surgery that may be used as a method of surgical curettage is the

Periodontal flap surgery

Which of the following oral tissues receives stimuli from nociceptors, mechanoreceptors, and proprioceptors?


Sealant material is classified by many parameters including filler content. Filler content classification for pit and fissure sealants includes each of the following types EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?


Case I What is the first action the dental hygienist should take if this patient describes that he has chest pain and labored breathing?

Place patient in upright position

Case J What is the purpose of the lead collimator on radiology equipment?

Restricts the size and shape of the x-ray beam

Older adults are at an increased risk for root surface caries (RSC) because this demographic group typically consumes a high protein diet.

The statement is correct, but the reason is NOT.

What bones form the lateral walls of the skull?

The temporal bones

Case D Drug interactions can occur between methotrexate (MTX) and


Case A The incisal edges of the anterior mandibular teeth are characteristic of


The process whereby phagocytic cells are attracted to the vicinity of pathogens is called

chemotaxis .

Case C Radiographically tooth # 29 has

class II dental caries.

Case H The mandibular right first molar exhibits a furcation involvement MOST appropriately classified as

class III or IV.

The knowledge, skills and ability to provide oral health care effectively to people who are culturally different from oneself is known as

cultural competence.

One indication for performing a gingivectomy is a(an)

gingival overgrowth.

Case E The BEST way to describe the patient's overall gingival margin is


Case H When administering local anesthesia for this patient, use of a vasoconstrictor is

is contraindicated due to his blood pressure (140/90 mm Hg).

Cardiac output is determined by the

number of heart beats per minute and stroke volume (SV).

Odontogenic myxoma, an odontogenic neoplasm that originates from mesenchymal tissue of tooth germ

radiographically appear as unilocular or multi-locular radiolucency; may have a "honeycomb" or "soap bubble" appearance.

Reduction in probing depth following periodontal debridement is generally attributed to

reattachment of periodontal ligament fibers.

When mixing alginate material, addition of warm water will

shorten the gelation (setting) time.

Case A During patient preparation for the panoramic radiograph, the thyroid collar

should be removed because it can block part of the beam.

Case B At the end of oral prophylaxis, the dental hygienist applied fluoride varnish to the patient's teeth. The active ingredient in fluoride varnish is

sodium fluoride at 5%.

Case E According to the American Association of Periodontology, this patient's periodontal status in her maxillary right quadrant is classified as

stage III periodontitis.

When a restoration is improperly placed in a patient's mouth, the dentist is not meeting the profession's

standard of care.

When reviewing a dentigerous cyst on a radiograph, the radiolucent area will

surround the crown of an unerupted or impacted tooth.

The surface of the condyle articulates with the

temporal bone.

A chemical, biologic, or physical agent that causes birth defects is known as a


Case A The gingival recession noted on tooth #3 is MOST likely caused by

toothbrushing, smoking and attrition.

Case A The redness on the marginal gingiva of tooth #11 is MOST likely caused by

unknown etiology.

After calculating the results of the correlation test between geographic location and plaque scores, the correlation coefficient (r-value) was 0.26. This relationship between these two variables is


Case J Which one of the following questions is MOST important to ask a patient with type 1 diabetes?

"Did you take your medication and eat?"

Case J Which of the following conditions are present on the dorsal surface of this patient's tongue?

- Benign migratory glossitis - Fissured tongue - Elongated papillae All of the above

Case G The patient's mother reports that they live in the city and that the community water supply is fluoridated. What is the optimal amount of fluoride appropriate for the city water supply?

0.7 ppm

Case F The patient's mucogingival junction is located 3 mm from the center of the gingival margin on the facial surface of tooth #22. On the basis of the pocket measurement at this location, what amount of attached gingiva is present at the center of the facial surface of tooth #22?

1 mm

Case E The dental hygienist has started to debride the lingual aspect of teeth #24 and #25, using a sickle scaler to remove the supragingival calculus. The number of cutting edges per working end of a sickle scaler is _____ . The face and the lateral surface will meet in an angle of ______.

2, 70 to 80 degrees

A setting of 10 milliamperes (mA) with an exposure time of 3 seconds results in 30 mAs (milliamperes per second) of radiation exposure. To maintain the same density of the exposed radiograph when the mA is increased to 15, the time of exposure must be reduced to

2.0 seconds.

Case C Dental treatment should be scheduled within what time period of kidney dialysis treatment.

24 hours after dialysis

Case G During the assessment phase of care, the dental hygienist determined that some of the patient's premolar teeth could benefit from application of for pit-and-fissure sealants. What percentage of phosphoric acid is contained in the various acid conditioning agents available for use during sealant placement?

30% to 50%

Case A Six millimeters of recession is observed on tooth #3. Which of the following accurately reflects the clinical attachment level?

9 mm

Case J The fluticasone/salmeterol inhaler is prescribed for this patient to enhance which one of the following effects?


Which is the correct sequence of stages of tooth development

Bud, cap, bell, dentinogenesis, amelogenesis, appositional dentin and enamel, eruption and root development, functional stage

Each of the following statements accurately describes aspects of the mineralization of plaque biofilm as it transitions to calculus EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?

Calcium and phosphorus come from the blood for mineralization of subgingival calculus

Case J The radiopaque areas on the mesial surface of tooth #18, and the distal surface of tooth #19 are the result of which of the following?


Direct injury to periodontal tissue is caused by each of the following EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?


Case E When comparing the first photo with the second, what can the dental hygienist conclude about the patient's gingival healing?

Calculus and plaque biofilm have been removed in the second photo, the healing process can begin

Each of the following are accurate statements regarding Varenicline (Chantix) prescribed as an aid in smoking cessation therapy?

Can be used in conjunction with other smoking cessation products

Which of the following statements accurately describes gram-positive cell walls?

Cell wall consists of a lipoprotein-lipopolysaccharide-phospholipid outer membrane

All of the following agents can be delivered via a cannula/syringe into periodontal pockets EXCEPT one. Which one is this EXCEPTION?

Chlorhexidine chip

Case A Using G. V. Black's classification of dental caries and restorations, which of the following describes the restoration on tooth #3?

Class I

Case I According to G.V Black's classification of caries and restorations, which of the following describes the restoration on tooth #7?

Class I

Case D According to G. V. Black's classification of restorations, which of the following describes the restoration on tooth #3?

Class II

In assessing the molar relationship of a patient's occlusion you determine that there is a distal relationship of the mesiobucal groove of the mandibular first molar to the mesiobucal cusp of the maxillary first permanent molar. This assessment represents which classification of malocclusion accompanied by which facial profile?

Class II malocclusion with likelihood of a prognathic profile

Case C The classification of dental caries in teeth #29 and #31 can be BEST identified as ________ and ________ respectively as

Class II, Class II

During the patient's periodontal evaluation, the hygienist detects a furcation on tooth #30. She notes that while there is through-and-through involvement with complete loss of bone between roots, the opening is covered by gingiva. This type of furcation involvement is classified as

Class III.

Advantages of silver diamine fluoride (SDF) include each of the following EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?

Clear opaque final color is esthetically pleasing

Case C Initially looking at this patient's gingival tissues you suspect his gingival condition may be stage III gingivitis. Which of the following is not consistent with this assessment?

Clinical signs of gingivitis first appear

Which of the following does NOT describe likely clinical changes during Stage III gingivitis?Which of the following terms BEST describes inflammatory involvement that includes the attached gingiva, the papilla, and the free gingiva?

Color changes begin in the attached gingiva, then spread to the gingival margin and papilla

Case H All of the following are true regarding the stain present on the lingual surfaces of the mandibular anterior teeth EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?

Coloration is due to blood pigments from the diseased pocket tissues.

Functions of the adult liver include all of the following EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?

Concentration of bile

What type of breach occurs if the dental hygienist discusses a patient's dental condition with a friend and the identity of the patient is inadvertently revealed?


Through which of the following routes/mechanisms is tuberculosis not transmitted?


On a health history, a patient indicates that his ankles swell, he experiences shortness of breath after climbing a flight of stairs, and that he sleeps with a minimum of two pillows. Which one of the following diseases should be suspected?

Congestive heart failure

Which of the following types of periodontal therapies heals by repair or "scar"?

Connective tissue graft

All of the following are types of subgingival plaque EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?

Connective tissue-attached plaque

A state-hired full-time public health dentist and dental hygienist are responsible for collecting data on the dental plaque rates of elementary school-aged children. Correlational studies are planned to determine strength of data between genders and among geographical locations of the elementary schools. It was decided to screen children in grades K, 2, 4, and 6 within 25 schools throughout the state. The 25 schools were chosen on the basis of geographic locations and number of students enrolled. All students within each of the chosen grades would be part of the study. Three other public health dental hygienists were hired part time to help in the data collection process. When data collection was completed, analyzed, and interpreted, the public health dentist and the dental hygienist would decide on an oral health program to best meet the needs of the elementary school-aged children of the state. What type of epidemiologic study is exemplified by this research?

Cross sectional

Case G Which of the following is the MOST appropriate dental caries index to use with this patient?


Case F Common signs or symptoms that may occur after tongue piercing include all of the following EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?

Decreased salivary flow

Which one of the following is MOST indicative that an instrument has become dull?

Decreased tactile sensitivity

All of the following conditions are contraindications for dental implant placement EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?

Dental caries

A university dental hygiene school received a state-funded grant to improve the oral health status of senior citizens in a rural area of the United States. The funding was for $50,000 over a 1-year period and covered expenses for salaries, equipment, supplies, and education. It was determined that high rates of root caries, root sensitivity, and gum disease were present in this population. The dental hygiene school decided to address these needs by implementing an oral health program in its clinic and to determine the effectiveness of two different types of desensitizing agents on treating root sensitivity. What is the independent variable in the study on the effectiveness of two different types of desensitizing agents on root sensitivity?

Desensitizing agents

Case J Which one of the following statements correctly describes the role of diabetes in the pathogenesis of periodontitis?

Diabetes can trigger release of pro-inflammatory cytokines

Case F While performing periodontal debridement of tooth #5, the instrument breaks. All of the following are appropriate actions EXCEPT one. Which one is this EXCEPTION?

Drying the area using the air-water syringe

During radiographic exposure, if the vertical angulation of the PID is too little or insufficient, the image on the film becomes distorted. Which of the following terms BEST describes the appearance of the tooth?


Case H Which of the following patient condition factors will present the LEAST difficulty in debriding the mandibular anterior sextant ?

Enlarged gingival margins

When evaluating the results of pit and fissure sealant placement, the dental hygienist should do all of the following EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?

Examine the sealant surface to assure a dull and chalky surface exists

Case F At the patient's evaluation following periodontal debridement, gingival bleeding and edema are charted on the mesial and distal surfaces of tooth #13. Which of the following is the recommended treatment?

Explore for residual calculus and remove any that remains

Case C The mandibular occlusal intraoral photograph of this patient confirms that which of the following treatment needs was performed first?

Extraction of root tip

The abuse of alcohol by a pregnant woman can cause all of the following to the fetus EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?

Flat palate

Case B The dentist has recommended that this patient's parents consult with an orthodontist. After placement of orthodontic appliances, which of the following oral hygiene adjuncts would you NOT recommend?

Floss holder

Short-acting and long- acting β2-adrenergic agonoists (sympathomimetics) prescribed to treat asthma and respiratory conditions include each of the following EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?

Fluticasone (Flovent)

Case B As indicated in the patient's dental history, this patient is a mouthbreather. All of the following are significant oral conditions common in patients who breathe through their mouths EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?

Fordyce granules

Criteria for successful treatment outcomes of dental implants include each of the following aspects of the implant-tissue interface EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?

Formation and attachment of the periodontal ligament

All of the following accurately describe aspects of inflammatory papillary hyperplasia of the palate EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?

Frequently becomes malignant with slight pain

Each of the following is true of verruca vulgaris EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?

Frequently occurs intraorally

Each of the following are effects of dehydration EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?

Geographic tongue

Case E Which one of the following instruments is BEST to remove the subgingival calculus on the mesial surface of tooth #2?

Gracey 11/12 curet

A Mission of Mercy (M.O.M.) event was planned for an urban city in a southern state of the United States. This 2-day event was designed to meet the critical needs of underserved people of all ages by providing free dental care to as many adults and children as time, volunteers, and supplies would allow. Local dentists, dental hygienists, dental assistants, dental students, dental hygiene students, and dental assisting students volunteered for the event. Local politicians and two state representatives were also in attendance. Before receiving dental treatment, informed consent was required of all patients. A 10-question patient survey was distributed, and volunteers reviewed each question with patients while the patients were completing the questionnaire. Confidential questions included information on age, gender, education, family income, address, and past dental experiences. At the end of each patient's treatment and before each volunteer completed his or her shift, the patient was asked to complete an evaluation survey. There was an 88% response rate, and 79% answered that their experience was positive. Which of the following information is provided to the participant before signing the informed consent?

Guarantee of confidentiality to each patient

Which type of surgical intervention uses semi-permeable membranes to prevent rapid downgrowth of tissue from interfering with connective tissue regrowth?

Guided tissue regeneration (GTR)

All of the following are risk factors associated with osteoporosis EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?


All of the following are characteristics of free gingiva EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?

Has a stippled surface

Case A Which of the following is an advantage of the porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns observed in this patient compared with porcelain-only crowns?

Has strength to reduce brittleness

Case C This patient wants to use a mouthrinse because he believes it will make his mouth feel more fresh. You have instructed him to use a fluoridated, essential oil-containing mouthrinse without alcohol that carries the American Dental Association (ADA) Seal of Acceptance. Each of the following represents beneficial aspects of your recommendation EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?

High level of substantivity

Case D What is the LEAST likely cause of midline shift in this patient?

History of gingival grafting

Case D Which pattern of bone destruction is MOST apparent in this patient's panoramic radiograph?

Horizontal bone loss

The administration of oxygen is indicated in most medical emergencies. In which of the following is oxygen NOT indicated?


Case J Some of the radiographic images for this patient appear light (they lack density). What modification in exposure could have prevented this error?

Increase exposure time

Local anesthetic solutions that contain a vasoconstrictor have all of the following properties EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?

Increase risk of systemic toxicity

Adverse reactions to calcium channel blocking agents include all of the following EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?

Increased bleeding

What type of supervision requires that a licensed dentist authorize dental hygiene procedures and remain in the dental facility while those procedures are being performed?


Case G Which of the following BEST describes the gingival marginal tissues on the facial area of teeth #22 through #27?


Case J Although this patient no longer smokes, all of the following conditions EXCEPT one frequently develop in chronic smokers with COPD. Which one is the EXCEPTION?

Intrinsic tooth stains

In a dental radiograph which of the following appears as a radiopaque intersection of the lateral wall of the nasal cavity and the anterior portion of the maxillary sinus?

Inverted Y

Case G Which primary tooth is in the process of root resorption?


Case C This patient was diagnosed with stage 2 chronic kidney disease (CKD). What does stage 2 kidney disease imply?

Kidney damage with a mild decrease in kidney function

Dental health in populations such as the one treated by this project is often neglected because of each of the following reasons EXCEPT one. Which one is this EXCEPTION?

Lack of availability of preventive care

Which of the following permanent teeth occlude with only one tooth in the opposite arch, assuming ideal relations exist?

Mandibular central incisor

Case G Viewing the radiographs, which teeth are expected to exfoliate soon?

Mandibular primary second molars

Case I Which of the following BEST describes the radiopaque areas superimposed on the root surfaces of teeth #20, #21, #22, #27, #28, and #29?

Mandibular tori

Which tooth is known for its bifurcated root?

Maxillary first premolar

Case A Which of the following is the radiolucent area viewed on the apical area of tooth #20?

Mental foramen

Case A Which of the following medications is prescribed for this patient's treatment of high blood pressure?


Case E Which of the following is MOST likely the cause of this patient's halitosis?

Microorganisms that produce foul-smelling compounds

During which stage does a periapical cemento-osseous dysplasia (cementoma) radiographically appear as a mixed a mixed radiolucent/radiopaque lesion?

Middle stage (osteoblastic stage)

On the facial aspect of tooth #6 a patient's probing depths (PPD) are 4, 4, 4. The gingival margin is 2 mm apical to the CEJ. The mucogingival junction is 3 mm apical to the gingival margin. What is the MOST likely periodontal diagnosis of this area?

Mucogingival involvement

Case F To reduce radiation exposure when taking a full mouth series of radiographs the dental hygienist use slow speed film because this strategy will also reduce scattered radiation.

NEITHER the statement NOR the reason is correct.

Which of the following is the primary cell involved in an acute inflammatory reaction?


Transdermal systems for use in nicotine reduction systems include each of the following EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?


Case C All of the following drugs use the kidneys as a major pathway of elimination and must be used with caution for this patient EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?

Nitrous oxide-oxygen

Standard radiographic film size for intraoral dental radiography is

No 3 size film - 27x54 mm.

What type of data is information such as gender and address?


Case I At a subsequent recare visit Stage III gingivitis is noted in maxillary posterior right and left molar areas. What radiographic evidence would confirm this finding?

Normal bone pattern

The hypothesis for this study states, "There is no statistically significant difference between desensitizing agent A and desensitizing agent B in the treatment of root sensitivity." What type of hypothesis does this exemplify?


The area-specific advanced periodontal instruments that feature a working end shaped like a tiny circular disc and designed for easy adaptation to furcations and grooves are the

O'Hehir debridement curets

Case G Which of the following is NOT a contradiction for application of pit-and-fissure sealants?

Occlusal contour of tooth

Case G As the dental hygienist replaces the dental sealant on tooth #14, the sealant dislodges from the tooth when the patient is rinsing. Which of the following factors is MOST likely the cause of the failure of sealant placement?

Operator error

Each of the following is contained within cellular cytoplasm EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?


Case D Which of the following terms BEST describes the radiopaque lesion in the left maxillary sinus?


Case D Which of the following is the BEST term for the sign of the disease or disorder on tooth #14?


Case B Which of the following BEST describes the relationship of the incisal occlusion of anterior teeth?


The American Dental Hygienists' Association (ADHA) and the Canadian Dental Hygienists' Association (CDHA) have established codes of ethics. These codes encourage all of the following EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?

Overseeing the responsibilities of the dentist

Angular cheilosis is an oral manifestation of a deficiency in each of the following nutrients EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?

Panothenic acid

All of the following are reasons for the success of the questionnaire data collection process EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?

Participants were given a deadline to complete the questionnaire.

All of the following can decrease the effectiveness of a topical anesthetic agent EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?

Patient nervousness

Case D Each of the following positioning errors during panoramic radiography will produce a Frankfort plane error EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?

Patient's head is not centered

Case F The full mouth series of radiographs indicate that this patient has experienced all of the following EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?

Periapical pathology

Emergency care of a patient experiencing an epileptic seizure includes all of the following EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?

Placing a bite-block in the mouth to avoid fracturing of teeth

Each of the following are steps indicated when a curet tip breaks during periodontal debridement EXCEPT one. Which one is this EXCEPTION?

Placing the patient in a supine position

A university dental hygiene school received a state-funded grant to improve the oral health status of senior citizens in a rural area of the United States. The funding was for $50,000 over a 1-year period and covered expenses for salaries, equipment, supplies, and education. It was determined that high rates of root caries, root sensitivity, and gum disease were present in this population. The dental hygiene school decided to address these needs by implementing an oral health program in its clinic and to determine the effectiveness of two different types of desensitizing agents on treating root sensitivity. During which of the following public health process stages is the final development of program goals and objectives accomplished?


Case A Aspirin has all of the following pharmacologic effects EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?

Platelet cohesion

Case I Which of the following medications prescribed to this patient is BEST used to reduce formation of blood clots?


Case H All of the following are direct risk factors for this patient's high blood pressure EXCEPT for one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?

Poor oral self-care

Case J Which of the following statements is NOT true for a patient experiencing respiratory difficulties?

Positive pressure oxygen is preferred over rescue breathing

Case A This patient admits that she rarely flosses under her posterior bridge because she finds it frustrating and difficult. Which of the following is the best alternative to flossing under her bridge?

Power-driven irrigating device with an antimicrobial agent

Case G The father of this patient asks what the dental office personnel do to ensure that his son does not contract a disease from other patients. Which of the following explains the concept of "standard precautions"?

Precautions are taken that assume all blood and body fluids are infectious

The local dental hygienists' association is planning to provide educational services for the senior citizens about the prevention and treatment of root caries. Which of the following presentation strategies would MOST effectively foster retention of the information?

Presentation of PowerPoint slides.

Which teeth are MOST affected when a child has ECC?

Primary maxillary anterior

Which form of the x-ray beam is MOST detrimental to the patient and the operator?

Primary radiation

Case H The amide type of local anesthetic agent includes all of the following EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?


Case I Which of the following correctly describe conditions associated with cardiac arrhythmias and dysrhythmias?

Produces aberrant electrical depolarization

A health care providers' code of ethical conduct that focuses on patient needs, encourages informed consent, and provides for quality care is a referred to as the

Professional code of ethics.

Case B During football season, this patient would benefit from an athletic mouthguard (mouth protector) for all the following reasons EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?

Promoting mouth protectors to the other players on the team

Case G When examining this patient's teeth, the dental hygienist notices that the dental sealant on tooth #14 is partially missing. Which is the best course of treatment?

Re-etching tooth surface and reapplying the dental sealant

Each of the following is a reason that periodontal flap procedures are commonly used in surgical procedures EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?

Repositions the soft tissue in a coronal direction

Absolute contraindication for conscious sedation with nitrous oxide - oxygen include all of the following EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?Which one of the following is MOST characteristic of nitrous oxide abuse?

Respiratory infection such as with sinus or tonsils; cold; active allergies; active tuberculosis (TB)

Removal of supragingival or subgingival calculus without intentional removal of tooth surface is referred to as


Which of the following treatment considerations is acceptable for patients with myasthenia gravis?

Scheduling short morning appointments

Which one of the following drugs is NOT a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) prescribed to reduce anxiety?

Secobarbital (Seconal)

Comparing permanent maxillary first and permanent maxillary second molars, each of the following statements is accurate EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?

Second molars have a minor cusp on the mesiolingual cusp, (cusp of Carabelli)

Based upon results of this study, if future services are directed toward treating the initial stages of disease pathogenesis, which stage of disease pathogenesis would these future services provide?


When one drug reduces the absorption of another drug, what is a common strategy to minimize the interaction?

Separating administration of doses by two hours

Pain associated with dentinal hypersensitivity can be described by each of the following EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?

Short duration

Which one of the following patient factors is an indication for a dental implant?

Single missing tooth

Case F In addition to the chipped tooth, which of the following adverse outcomes secondary to tongue piercing is present in this patient?

Soft tissue injury

Case I The gingival tissue around the facial of teeth #23 through #25 is erythematous and bleeds easily on probing. The patient reports that the area has been very tender for the past several months. Which of the following BEST describes what is happening in this area?

Stage III gingivitis

Case H According to the framework established by the 2018 American Association of Periodontology (AAP) guidelines for staging and grading periodontitis, this patient's condition places him in which stage of periodontitis? [Please note: the AAP World Workshop occurred in 2017; guidelines were released in 2018]

Stage IV

Which of the following is characteristic of the type of sampling used to collect these data?


The lingual artery, an anterior branch of the external carotid artery supplies blood to each of the follow areas EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?

Sublingual salivary gland

Case B During treatment, the dental hygienist noticed excessive salivation in the patient. Which of the following salivary glands produce the largest amount of saliva in the mouth?


All of the following are prerequisites for caries development EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?

Susceptible host

Case I During which stage of syncope does the patient exhibit flaccid muscles, impaired consciousness, pallor, shallow breathing and a weak/slow pulse?

Syncope stage

What type of lymphocyte is thymus-derived and participates in a variety of cell-mediated immune reactions?

T lymphocyte

Case F Which of the following vertebrae is affected by the spinal cord injury of this patient with paraplegia?


Case G The term succedaneous applies to which of the following?

Teeth that replace primary teeth

All of the following are contraindications for dental sealant application EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?

Teeth with noncavitated lesions

When taken with antacids, which one of the following can result in a decrease in intestinal absorption of the medication?


A face shield does not replace the need for other forms of protective eyewear.Face shields do not provide the same respiratory protection as provided by facemasks.

The first statement is FALSE, the second is TRUE.

Case H Tobacco use is not considered a strong environmental risk factor for chronic periodontitis. It has been found that smoking impairs revascularization during healing.

The first statement is FALSE, the second is TRUE.

Law is divided into three categories — labor, civil and criminal. Criminal law is law established for preventing harm against society and describes a criminal act and its appropriate punishment.

The first statement is FALSE, the second is TRUE.

The attraction of new bacteria to previously attached bacteria is referred to as colonization. Extracellular polysaccharides provide structural and energy sources for plaque biofilms.

The first statement is FALSE, the second is TRUE.

Case D A total cholesterol level of less than 200 mg/dL is a desirable level that places this patient at lower risk for coronary artery disease. Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) levels decrease the risk of heart disease, and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) levels increase the risk.

The first statement is TRUE, the second is FALSE.

Case E Horizontal bone loss is evident between teeth #20 and #21. The type of pocket formed between teeth #20 and #21 is referred to as an infrabony pocket.

The first statement is TRUE, the second is FALSE.

Case I The pathological lesion evident between the roots of tooth #8 and tooth #9 is referred to as a nasopalatine duct cyst. A globulomaxillary cyst is located between the maxillary central incisors.

The first statement is TRUE, the second is FALSE.

Minimizing the recurrence and progression of periodontal disease is an objective of periodontal maintenance. The recommended frequency of periodontal maintenance care visits decrease when the self-care practices of patients are less than optimal.

The first statement is TRUE, the second is FALSE.

Tachycardia is characterized by an increase in pulse rate. Bradycardia is characterized by premature impulses resulting in premature atrial beats.

The first statement is TRUE, the second is FALSE.

Two types of program evaluation are formative and performance. Formative, or ongoing, evaluation is a continual process throughout the program that can lead to revisions that improve program success.

The first statement is TRUE, the second is FALSE.

Case J When planning an educational session for this patient, which of the following concepts should be included?

The presence of infection may make diabetes more difficult to regulate.

A dental hygienist recognizes all relationships require considering the values and perspectives of others before making decisions or taking actions affecting them. Which fundamental principles of the Code of Ethics for Dental Hygienists is this hygienist MOST embracing?

The principle of complementarity recognizes that in all relationships, it requires considering the values and perspectives of others before making decisions or taking actions affecting them.

Which component of the radiographic developer solutions reduces the exposed silver halide crystals to black metallic silver?

The reducing agent (hydroquinone and elon)

Dysphagia is often associated with chronic alcoholism because xerostomia causes difficulty breathing.

The statement is correct, but the reason is NOT.

Sustained-release, local drug delivery systems used in conjunction with periodontal debridement for pocket reduction is preferred over systemic delivery because local delivery occurs immediately and does not require prolonged time periods.

The statement is correct, but the reason is NOT.

The cheek bone is composed of the

The temporal process of the zygomatic bone and the zygomatic process of the temporal bone

Which of the following does NOT describe the process of energy storage and transfer, as it occurs during microbial metabolism and cell regulation?

The term catabolism describes biosynthetic reactions that use energy.

Each of the following is an accurate statement regarding indirect digital radiographic imaging EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?

The traditional x-ray machine is no longer required

Case E The patient returns 4 weeks after nonsurgical periodontal therapy. Which of the following is the single BEST criterion for evaluating the success of this treatment?

Tissue health

Case F To provide the most optimal treatment to this patient, it is the responsibility of the dental hygienist to make all of the following accommodations EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?

To take the responsibility of transferring the patient from the wheelchair to the dental chair

A patient who decides to sue a dentist for improper placement of an amalgam restoration is engaging in which legal area?

Tort law

Case D The dental hygienist would like to recommend a self-care product that specifically combats gingivitis through antimicrobial action. Which active ingredient in the product would BEST provide this benefit?


Case C Which of the following is the BEST choice to remove subgingival calculus for this patient?

Ultrasonic scaling instrument

The muscles of facial expression and taste within the tongue are controlled by cranial nerve


Case H The ideal probe for detecting and assessing bone loss in a furcation area has all of the following characteristics EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?

Wide toe

Which of the following forms of electromagnetic radiation has the shortest wavelength?

X-rays and gamma rays

The interdental col area is particularly susceptible to destruction because of

absence of keratinization and interproximal location.

A tooth desensitizing agent is applied continually

according to manufacturer's instruction.

The evaluation of a dental health program implemented in these elementary schools should be PRIMARILY concerned with

accuracy of collected data, its analysis, and its interpretation.

For a topical antimicrobial mouthrinse to claim that it has "substantivity" the product must be able to

adhere to soft and hard tissue for a long duration while releasing active ingredient(s).

Pellicle formation involves

adhesion of salivary proteins to the tooth surface.

Agents such as sodium bicarbonate and chlorine dioxide are added to oral self-care products to

alleviate oral malodor.

Case J Gas exchange during respiration takes place in the


Nitroglycerin is used to treat patients experiencing

angina pectoris.

Case H The dark lines evident on the left premolar bitewing and left mandibular molar periapical exposures are MOST likely caused by


Torus palatinus, an inherited, autosomal dominant condition appears

as a variety of shapes - nodular, lobulated, smooth (flat), spindle.

During an oral assessment, both the appearance and the ability of Stensen's ducts to function adequately are examined while palpating the

buccal mucosa.

Case F The radiographic error in the maxillary central incisor can be corrected by

centering the receptor evenly over the central incisors.

Shingles is caused by the same virus that causes


During intraoral examination of the occlusal surface of the mandibular first right premolar, a carious lesion with a mass of reddish tissue protruding from the large cavity is observed. The patient is a 35 year old female and has no symptoms. The mass of tissue is called

chronic hyperplastic pulpitis.

Microscopic functional units that make up the bulk of the kidney are called

cortical nephrons.

Case F On the lingual roots of tooth #23 and tooth #24, a gingival cleft is present, and the marginal alveolar bone is denuded, forming a defect extending apical to the normal level and exposing an abnormal amount of root surface. This is characteristic of


Cell junctions that are attached by cell-to-cell mechanisms are called


The MOST common cause of tooth mobility is

destruction of the periodontium.

Case C The MOST probable cause for the alignment of teeth #8 and #9 is


To safely manage environmental and workplace safety issues related to disposal or storage of extracted teeth with amalgam restorations such teeth should be

disinfected with bleach.

If a dental hygienist's license to practice dental hygiene is in jeopardy, the dental hygienist must first be given notice of the violation, a hearing, and an opportunity to respond before license revocation or suspension. This process exemplifies the principles of

due process.

Case I The patient has 5 mm periodontal pocket depths (PPD) on teeth #2, #3, and #4. This measurement is taken from the

epithelial attachment to the gingival margin.

The most numerous type of red blood cell is/are the


Case B The spacing observed between the anterior maxillary teeth is

excessive and indicates diastemas between the permanent teeth.

Case B The cause of the generalized white and discolored areas observed on most of the teeth is MOST likely caused by


Case J The BEST reason for the presence of this patient's maxillary diastema between teeth # 8 and #9 is

frenal attachment and periodontitis

The part of an instrument's shank that allows the working end to be adapted to the tooth surface is called the

functional shank.

Case E Mushroom-shaped elevations scattered over the anterior third of the dorsum of the tongue are known as

fungiform papillae.

A type of electrochemical corrosion that occurs to due contact of dissimilar metals is known as

galvanic corrosion.

A localized purulent infection involving the marginal gingiva or interdental papilla that does not involve the underlying periodontium is called

gingival abscess.

On x-ray examination, a radiolucent, pear-shaped lesion is found distal to a patient's maxillary right lateral incisor causing divergence of the lateral and canine roots. The lesion is likely a(an)

globulomaxillary cyst.

Case A During endodontic therapy, the material used to seal the root canals of teeth #4, #13, and #19 is MOST likely

gutta percha.

After periodontal surgery, the embedding of new periodontal ligament fibers into new cementum and formation of a new gingival attachment in an area previously degenerated by disease is referred to as

healing by new attachment.

A university dental hygiene school received a state-funded grant to improve the oral health status of senior citizens in a rural area of the United States. The funding was for $50,000 over a 1-year period and covered expenses for salaries, equipment, supplies, and education. It was determined that high rates of root caries, root sensitivity, and gum disease were present in this population. The dental hygiene school decided to address these needs by implementing an oral health program in its clinic and to determine the effectiveness of two different types of desensitizing agents on treating root sensitivity. The local dental hygienists' association offered its services to provide educational sessions to the senior citizens. During these educational sessions, toothbrushes, dental floss, floss threaders, and denture brushes were made available for distribution. The distribution of dental products as part of a dental health program for senior citizens is indicative of

health promotion.

Case B The 15 mg of lansoprazole (Prevacid) taken by this patient is indicated for


Case B The dark brownish coloration of gingival and alveolar mucosa in numerous areas is caused by

hereditary factors.

A patient who tolerates pain well and shows little reaction to pain is said to have a

high pain threshold

A combination of antibody and antigen is a(n)

immune complex.

Case G The pale appearance of this patient's radiographs is caused by

inadequate development time.

Case C Swelling of the parotid glands, an oral manifestation of chronic alcohol use disorder and dependence, most directly causes. Prolonged alcohol use MOST commonly increases the incidence of damage to the.

increased caries incidence.

Case I The technique error in the mandibular right premolar periapical radiograph can be corrected by

increasing the KVP setting.

If a child accidentally ingests a toxic quantity of fluoride, the hygienist should FIRST

induce vomiting by administration of ipecac syrup.

A state-hired full-time public health dentist and dental hygienist are responsible for collecting data on the dental plaque rates of elementary school-aged children. Correlational studies are planned to determine strength of data between genders and among geographical locations of the elementary schools. It was decided to screen children in grades K, 2, 4, and 6 within 25 schools throughout the state. The 25 schools were chosen on the basis of geographic locations and number of students enrolled. All students within each of the chosen grades would be part of the study. Three other public health dental hygienists were hired part time to help in the data collection process. When data collection was completed, analyzed, and interpreted, the public health dentist and the dental hygienist would decide on an oral health program to best meet the needs of the elementary school-aged children of the state. Calculation of the Oral Hygiene Index-Simplified (OHI-S) resulted in an overall mean score of 2.75 on a scale of 0 to 3. The MOST effective approach to improve the plaque scores of elementary students in this state is to

initiate a 2-year plaque control program in elementary schools.

Four dental hygiene clinical instructors will document the patient's response to each desensitizing agent. To ensure consistency of documentation among the four instructors, a calibration session is scheduled. This is an example of

inter-rater reliability.

Case E The radiopaque area on the mesial surface of tooth #2 in the right premolar bitewing is

interproximal subgingival calculus.

Case A The alignment of teeth #24 and 25 in relation to the patient's occlusion are referred to as


The term for written defamation of character is


Case C Alcohol abuse is associated with each of the following oral conditions except


The byproducts from smoking are eliminated from the body by

liver metabolism.

Case F The inverted Y in the maxillary left canine periapical film represents the intersection of the

maxillary sinus and nasal fossa.

A structure in the cell that contains a single, circular DNA, and synthesizes adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is the


Case C The technique error in the upper left molar periapical radiograph can be corrected by

moving the film or receptor more posteriorly.

Case J The dark discoloration on the facial marginal gingiva of tooth #9 is most likely due to

non-vital status of the tooth.

Blood type is determined by the assortment of glycolipids and glycoproteins, called isoantigens, present on the surfaces of red blood cells (RBCs). Surfaces of type A red blood cells display

only antigen A.

Case A The radiopaque line observed on the panoramic radiograph that runs horizontally across the maxilla from molar to molar is caused by the nose.


Case B The BEST rationale for the 5-mm probe reading on the mesiobuccal of tooth #18 is

partially erupted tooth.

Bacterial organisms stain differently on the basis of

permeability of their cell walls.

When treating a patient on an implant maintenance regimen, it is crucial that the dental hygienist select

plastic and/or titanium instruments.

The junction of three surfaces on the crown of a tooth is referred to as a(n)

point angle.

The liquid or matrix components used in both polycarboxylate and traditional glass ionomer cements is

polyacrylic acid in water.

When handling and disinfecting impressions, dentures, and appliances, the primary goal of infection control is to

prevent cross-contamination.

Case E After this patient undergoes nonsurgical periodontal therapy (NSPT), the primary purpose of the maintenance phase of the dental hygiene care process is to

prevent recurrence of the disease.

A Mission of Mercy (M.O.M.) event was planned for an urban city in a southern state of the United States. This 2-day event was designed to meet the critical needs of underserved people of all ages by providing free dental care to as many adults and children as time, volunteers, and supplies would allow. Local dentists, dental hygienists, dental assistants, dental students, dental hygiene students, and dental assisting students volunteered for the event. Local politicians and two state representatives were also in attendance. Before receiving dental treatment, informed consent was required of all patients. A 10-question patient survey was distributed, and volunteers reviewed each question with patients while the patients were completing the questionnaire. Confidential questions included information on age, gender, education, family income, address, and past dental experiences. At the end of each patient's treatment and before each volunteer completed his or her shift, the patient was asked to complete an evaluation survey. There was an 88% response rate, and 79% answered that their experience was positive. The PRIMARY goal of this dental event was to

promote the need to seek future dental care.

People with anorexia nervosa are commonly deficient in


Dental and dental hygiene practice acts are enacted to protect the


For collection and analysis of research data, the measurement scale characterized by equal intervals along the scale that has presence of absolute zero and is utilized in most dental indices is the

ratio scale.

Agreement between states for recognition of dental hygiene licensure to practice in those respective states is referred to as


Case I Which of the following is NOT a "caries disease indicator" in the caries management by risk assessment approach (CAMBRA)?

restorations placed within the past 3 years as a result of caries

The term for verbal defamation of character is


Case D This patient has class I mobility on tooth #2. The BEST description for this classification of mobility is

slight mobility with up to 1 mm of horizontal displacement in a facial-lingual direction.

The self-applied 1.1% (5000 parts per million) fluoride gel that can be applied as a brush-on or tray application contains

sodium fluoride (NaF).

The primitive oral cavity is/are called the


The type of epithelial tissue that lines the oral cavity is called

stratified squamous epithelium.

Case D The bilateral radiolucent area in the molar region inferior to the mylohyoid ridge is known as the

submandibular fossa.

Case C The paired cavities of bone visible as bilateral radiolucencies that originate at the maxillary canine region and extend posteriorly is/are

the maxillary sinus cavities.

Case B Radiographic images will be blurred by

the patient moving.

Case B The type of material used for athletic mouthguards is referred to as

thermoplastic co-polymer.

The data collection instrument selected to measure the effect of the desensitizing agent on root sensitivity has been used successfully in numerous studies with published results appearing in the Journal of Dental Hygiene. This indicates that the instrument is


The attached gingiva is generally

widest in the maxillary facial anterior areas and narrowest in the mandibular facial premolar areas

Sweetened and acidic beverages should be consumed

with meals.

If a negligent act presents a scope-of-practice issue, a dental hygienist's actions should be

within the scope of practice for the particular jurisdiction.

Case H According to the American Society of Anesthesiologists classification, this patient's physical status can be classified as


Case D Which of the following BEST describes the conditions on the cervical areas of mandibular premolar and canine teeth visible in the photographs?


Case J The patient reports that results of a preprandial blood glucose test two weeks earlier were 120 mg/dL. Which of the following BEST describes the interpretation of this test?


Case H During the assessment phase, the patient mentions that periodontal probing hurts and asks the dental hygienist to stop. Which of the following procedures is BEST to follow?

Administer local anesthesia per quadrant/sextant, then probe and debride that area

All of the following are appropriate treatment modifications for an individual with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?

Administering oxygen

Case D The pulp chambers of this patient's maxillary molars are slightly obliterated. What is the MOST likely cause for this occurrence?

Aging process

Which fibers of the principal fiber group extend from the cervical cementum and insert themselves into the alveolar crest?

Alveolar crest

All of the following are contraindicated for cosmetic polishing/selective polishing EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?


Case F It is required by law that health care facilities contain a barrier-free design to accommodate patients who have a physical disability. By which of the following laws that ensure the rights of people with disabilities is this patient who is wheelchair bound most protected?

American with Disabilities Act

Which of the following aspect of metabolism includes de novo synthesis and requires DNA, RNA, mRNA, and rRNA?


Mean scores of the correlations between the following factors were established: - geographic location and plaque rates - gender and plaque rates - geographic location and gender Of the following statistical analytic techniques (methods), which is the most appropriate selection?

Analysis of variance (ANOVA)

All of the following are adverse reactions associated with oral contraceptives EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?


In a panoramic radiograph which of the following is the result a focal trough positioning error?

Anterior teeth appear blurred and magnified in size ANS

During hand-activated instrumentation (scaling), which type of immunity may be immediately conferred to a dental hygienist following an accidental curet laceration of the finger accident?

Artificial passive immunity

Hydrogen peroxide has been used in the oral cavity for a variety of purposes. These include all of the following EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?

As an essential oil

Case G The patient says he is concerned about gagging while the dental hygienist takes alginate impressions. Which of the following will help reduce the patient's gagging sensation?

Asking the patient to concentrate on breathing through his nose

Which of the following is NOT recommended for a patient with asthma?


All of the following are recommended as successful individual-provider interactions to address tobacco cessation with patients EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?


During treatment of a patient with compromised pulmonary function, all of the following must be done EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?

Assure that the patient has been pre-medicated

Common themes to a code of ethics include each of the following EXCEPT one. Which one is the exception?

Assuring fairness in financial arrangements

All of the following are considered common upper respiratory infections EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?


All of the following are risk factors of a cerebrovascular accident (stroke) EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?


Case D All of the following statements are true about atorvastatin calcium (Lipitor) medication EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?

Atorvastatin calcium is a medication used to treat arthritis

Bruxism is associated with which of the following defects that form within tooth structure?


In which type of immunopathologic disease are the cells of the body no longer tolerated and the immune system treats them as antigens?

Autoimmune diseases

Case I During the intraoral assessment, the dental hygienist observes that this patient does not have a midline shift although he is missing tooth #6. What is the rationale for the normal alignment of the anterior teeth?

Balance of the arch was possible due to missing tooth #13

A dental hygienist whose ethical principles include taking only necessary radiographs and maintaining equipment to prevent patient injury, such as replacing worn instruments, is demonstrating what type of ethical principle?


Case H All of the following are true in regards to this patient's antihypertensive medications EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?

Beta-blockers are not effective in treating hypertension.

The pancreas contains enzymes that digest each of the following pancreas EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?


Case D Which of the patient's vital signs needs further assessment?

Blood pressure

Case E Which of the following conditions in this patient needs further assessment?

Blood pressure

Case B Which of the following BEST describes this patient's vital signs?

Blood pressure is considered high

Case G Which of the following BEST describes this patient's vital signs?

Blood pressure rate is considered higher than normal

Which of the following statements correctly describes the vital signs taken on a 25 year old patient? - Blood pressure: 125/78 - Pulse: 86 beats per minute - Respiration: 13 respirations per minute

Blood pressure should be classified as elevated

Case A Which of the following BEST describes the contour of the interdental papilla around teeth #23, #24, #25, and #26?


A state-hired full-time public health dentist and dental hygienist are responsible for collecting data on the dental plaque rates of elementary school-aged children. Correlational studies are planned to determine strength of data between genders and among geographical locations of the elementary schools. It was decided to screen children in grades K, 2, 4, and 6 within 25 schools throughout the state. The 25 schools were chosen on the basis of geographic locations and number of students enrolled. All students within each of the chosen grades would be part of the study. Three other public health dental hygienists were hired part time to help in the data collection process. When data collection was completed, analyzed, and interpreted, the public health dentist and the dental hygienist would decide on an oral health program to best meet the needs of the elementary school-aged children of the state. To gain the support of the principals of all these elementary schools, the dentist and dental hygienist decided to meet with each of the 25 school boards. Who should be invited to attend this board meeting?

Board of education members, the school principals, and the parents

A disadvantage of acidulated phosphate fluoride (APF) for professional use is that it is unstable when stored in a plastic container.Fluoride varnish contains a 2% sodium fluoride solution (NaF).

Both statements are FALSE.

Case F Radiographically the carious lesion on tooth #2 appears to be larger than the carious lesion on tooth #30. The carious lesion on tooth number 20 appears to be in more immediate need of treatment than the carious lesion on tooth #14.

Both statements are FALSE.

Case G Enamel maturation begins once enamel formation is complete. The hydroxyapatite crystals in enamel are one third the size of those in bone, dentin, and cementum.

Both statements are FALSE.

Case I The fold of tissue that attaches the lip to the oral mucosa below the mandibular central incisors is the lingual frenum. The incisive papilla is located on the posterior part of the soft palate.

Both statements are FALSE.

Introduction of solid foods too early is the MOST likely cause of early childhood caries. Early tooth eruption is strongly correlated with early childhood caries (ECC).

Both statements are FALSE.

Case E The major cause for the error on the distal of the maxillary canine films is incorrect angulation of the x-ray beam. As seen in the intra oral photographs, there is not crowding of the anterior teeth.

Both statements are TRUE.

Case I Simvastatin, a lipid lowering drug, belongs to the class of pharmaceuticals called statins.The patient should avoid grapefruit when taking simvastatin due to the risk of toxicity.

Both statements are TRUE.

Dental sealants are indicated in teeth with incipient pit and fissure carious lesions. The presence of caries-free pits and fissures with deep and irregular grooves is an indication for sealant application.

Both statements are TRUE.

In dental radiography, interpretation refers to an explanation of what is viewed on a radiograph. The term diagnosis refers to the identification of a problem, deficiency/excess, or disease by examination or analysis.

Both statements are TRUE.

The prevalence and severity of periodontal diseases increases with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. The presence of uncontrolled diabetes increases dental caries risk as a result of reduced saliva secretion and increased glucose in saliva.

Both statements are TRUE.

Case E The anterior occlusal relationship between this patient's maxillary and mandibular anterior teeth is BEST described as normal overbite because the incisal edges of the maxillary teeth lie within the incisal third of the mandibular teeth.

Both the statement and reason are correct and related.

Open communication between a dental hygienist and patient minimizes misunderstandings and reduces the likelihood of litigation because a patient who senses professionalism and expertise may not be as prone to file a lawsuit in the event of an unsuccessful procedure.

Both the statement and reason are correct and related.

Ensembles d'études connexes

Chapter 47: Caring for Clients with Disorders of the Liver, Gallbladder, or Pancreas

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Pharmacology: Alternative Methods for Drug Administration

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