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Why was France unable to manage its debt in the 18th century even though that debt was much smaller, relative, to its population, than the debt of either Great Britain or Holland

France lacked a central bank and paper currency

Who was the most prominent metal smith who helped develop metal movable print

Johann Gutenberg

How did the peace of Utrecht resolve the problem of succession to the Spanish throne

Louis XIV of France's grandson Philip was placed on the French throne with the agreement that the French and Spanish thrones would never be united

What occurred during the Hundred Days in France

Napoleon returned from exile to rule France briefly

The primary cause of the English Glorious Revolution was

a fear of the establishment of Catholic absolutism by James II

The configuration of slave ports in West Africa was most likely a cause of

international wars over trade routes

Dante's Divine Comedy

is considered a synthesis of medieval Christian thought

The enlightened policies of Frederick the Great included

simplifying Prussia's laws

Thinkers such as John Locke and Jean-Jacques Rousseau would have agreed with the ideas discussed in the document above (English Bill of Rights) due to the

stress they put on natural law and natural rights

One change in the slave trade seen after 1750 was

the English took more control over the slave trade as a result of the Colonial Wars

In the Netherlands, tensions were always present between supporters of the staunchly republican Estates and supporters of

the House of Orange

The English political philosopher Thomas Hobbes held that

the power of the ruler was absolute and prevented civil war

According to the text, Thomas Moore's Utopia was remarkable for its time because it asserted that

the problems plaguing society could be solved by a beneficent government

Catherine the Great's goal of domestic reform never came to fruition, owing to

the rebellion led by Emelian Pugachev in 1773

The guiding force behind Cardinal Richelieu's domestic policies was

the subordination of all institutions to the monarchy

What did Klemens von Metternich and Alexander I proclaim at the Troppau Conference in 1820

their support for the principle of active intervention to maintain all autocratic regimes whoever threatened

The aristocracy of the 16th century was

to dominate society as it had done in the Middle Ages

Changed urban attitudes in the fourteenth century included

the regulation and acceptance of prostitution in most communities

The Religious Peace of Augsburg settled the Lutheran problem by adopting the principle that

the ruler of each territory determined the religion there

What was one of Karl Marx's most important criticisms of the French utopian socialists

their utopian schemes were not realistic

What philosophy of government is advocated in the passage (Bossuet)

Divine right

Which of the following characterizes early 19th century British cities

Nearly all land was used for buildings, which meant parks or open areas were almost nonexistent

How did Frederick William I, king of Prussia, sustain agricultural production while dramatically expanding the size of his army

He ordered all Prussian men to undergo military training, after which they could return home and serve as army reservists

Which of the following social transformations was most likely a factor in why this factory issued the rules in the excerpt above (Factory Rules at the Foundry...)

Migration from rural to urban areas in industrialized regions created an inexperienced workforce

The French government and aristocracy responded to the Jacquerie by

massacring the participants

The typical peasant life described in Vauban's book explains one reason for

peasant revolts during the French Revolution and their support of the revolutionary government

According to Machiavelli, government should be judged on whether it

provided order, security, and safety of the populace

Martin Luther writes the importance of

reform that will allow people other than the pope to interpret the Bible

Merchants and manufacturers responded to the economic tribulations of the 14th century by

restricting competition and resisting the demands of the lower classes

Women benefited from the Black Death because

there were new employment opportunities

Which of the following would most directly challenge the ideas of Thomas Hobbes and John Locke

The aristocracy

What place did prostitutes generally hold among the common people in towns

They were accepted members of the community of the laboring poor

In the speech above (Robespierre Speech on the Festival of the Supreme Being) Robespierre advocates

a return to virtue and equality

What was the result of the War of the Austrian succession

an inconclusive standoff that set the stage for further warfare

According to the map above, the West African slave trade was

engaged in many countries in Europe

Which of the following groups would be most supportive of the sentiments expressed in the second passage (Locke Second Treatise on Government)

Indentured servants and slaves

The Italian merchant whose tales of the court of Kublai Khan popularized China in Europe was

Marco Polo

One important mode of influencing public opinion used but eh English and French kings during the Hundred Years' War was

instructing priests to deliver patriotic sermons

"Not only did talking to or being around the sick bring infection and a common death, but also touching of the sick or anything touched or used by them seemed to communicate this very disease to the person involved." In this quote from Giovanni Boccaccio what knowledge of the Black Death is he sharing

any contact with the sickened individual or items the sick had contact with would result in the infection of those initiating the physical contact

The allied powers at the congress of Vienna were determined to

avoid the creation of hostility and resentment in France

One overall result of the Great Schism was to

badly damaged the faith of many Christian believers

During the reign of Edward III of England, the Great Council of the barons

became the house of lords forming a hereditary body of peers in Parliament

Who was the author of on crimes and punishments, a passionate plea for the reform of the penal system

Cesare Beccaria

The document (English Bill of Rights) was written in response to

Charles I's attempts to rule without Parliament

How did the idea of "race" transform Europeans' idea of their superiority over other peoples

European superiority was increasingly defined as biologically superior as well as culturally superior

Which of the following was a consequence of the Columbian exchange referenced by Diamond

European's expansion of the African slave trade

How did Pico della Mirandola understand the uniqueness of humankind

Humans lacking a fixed placed were the one part of the created world that could freely choose to rise to the heavens or sink into the realms of animals

What was the consequence of Prince Francis Rakoczy's rebellion for Habsburg rule

Hungary was never fully integrated into a centralized, absolute Habsburg rule

Which of the following would have been the strongest opponent of a belief as advocated by Bossuet

John Locke

Which of the following correctly characterizes the transformation of the English and Scottish countryside in the enclosure era

The elimination of common rights and access to land turned small peasant farmers into landless wage earners

The spread of Luther's ideas was most aided by

The invention of the printing press

Which of the following describes the enclosure movement of the eighteenth century

The land was divided into plots bounded by fences to farm more effectively

How did the expansion of the Industrial Revolution affect the work life of the middle class

The middle class established a range of new professions which required specialized knowledge and advanced education

Which of the following characterizes the intersection of the hierarchies of wealth and orders in the Renaissance

The nobility retained its status by taking in and integrating the new social elite of wealth

"Everyone gets a fear share, so there are never any poor men or beggars. Nobody owns anything but everyone is rich- for what greater wealth can there be than cheerfulness, peace of mind, and freedom from anxiety? Instead of being worried about his food supply, upset by the plaintive demands of his wife, afraid of poverty for his son" This quote describes the ideal society in what humanist's work

Thomas More

The establishment of new colleges and universities in the years following the Black Death

greatly weakened the international nature of medieval culture

In the 17th and 18th century Europe, guild masters

guarded their guild privileges jealously

In the seventeenth and eighteenth century foundling homes

had extremely high death rates

Which of the following 19th century political responses to industrialization best addresses the concerns of Ann Eggley as expressed in the excerpt above

interventionist social policies

Which of the following least supports the author's view (Rousseau The Social Contract)

the most important function of laws is to protect the private property of individuals

From 1701 to 1763, what was at stake in the wards between Great Britain and France

the position as Europe's leading maritime power, with the ability to claim profits from Europe's overseas expansion

At the center of Adam Smith's arguments in the Wealth of Nations was the belief that

the pursuit of self-interest in competitive markets would improve the living conditions of citizens

Who was the wealthy Florentine responsible for the vast patronage of Renaissance artists

Cosimo de Medici

One major issue behind the Hundred Years' War was a claim to the French throne by the English king

Edward III

Who wrote A Vindication of the Rights of Man and A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, the latter a founding text of the feminist movement

Mary Wollstonecraft

The directives expressed in the excerpt (Factory Rules...) were the primary result of which of the following 19th century developments

Mechanization and the factory system became the predominant modes of production

Which of the following statements best describes marriage in Renaissance Italy

Men and women waited longer to get married than the Middle Ages

What educational book by Baldassare Castiglione provided a treatise on training a young man in the discipline and fashion needed for the courtly ideal of being a gentlemen

The Courtier

The excerpts above (Mr. Payne and Ann Eggley) most directly reflect which of the following developments

The problems of industrialization provoked a wide range of ideological government and collective responses

Which of the following characterizes the English Revolution of 1688

The revolution did not constitute a democratic revolution since sovereignty was placed in the Parliament, which only represented the upper classes

The document above refers to "the asserting of their ancient rights" What is the meaning of this phrase

The rights Parliament has taken upon itself over the many years of its existence

What best explains the patterns of declining industrialization in China and India during the 19th century (Per Capita)

The search for raw materials and markets for manufactured goods drove Europeans to colonize Asia

A key economic consequence of the plague was

a decline in manorialism and weakening of feudalism as noble landlords desperate for cash converted peasant labor service to market rents freeing their serfs

The Reformation affected the development of education in Europe by

expanding public access to primary schooling and improving secondary schooling through gymnasiums and ministerial training

According to the first excerpt (John Locke Essay concerning Human Understanding) the source of human knowledge is

experience and observation

Vauban's description of a peasant who has two or possibly four children is a good example of

the demography changes that were beginning to occur in the period of 1700-1750

Which phrase summarizes what the author of this excerpt (Gouges Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen) considers to be the fundamental reason why women should be treated as equals to men

"...Go back to animals, consult the elements, study plants, ... and search...the sexes...everywhere they cooperate in harmonious togetherness..."

England's break with the Roman church became official with the passage of the

Act of Supremacy

Which of the following quotes would have most likely been said by Charles I of England

All that which resides in England serves the king and is bound to him under God

Which of the following nineteenth century trends thwarted the Italian objectives pursued by Cavour in his negotiations with

Austria foreign policy aimed to suppress nationalist and liberal revolutions in central and Eastern Europe since 1815

Why did Klemens not Metternich, as Austria foreign minister, have to oppose the spread of nationalism in Europe

Austria was a multiethnic empire, and the spread of nationalism among its different ethnic groups threatened to dissolve the empire

The major critic of the Spanish treatment of the American natives was

Bartolome de Las Casas

Which of the following choices best explains the patters shown in the table above (Per Capita)

France moved toward industrialization at a more gradual pace than Greed Britain with government support and less dislocation of traditional methods of production

At the same time that his speech (Speech on the Festival) was being given

France's army was at war with neighboring countries

Martin Luther wished to gain the support of which group of people to further his efforts against the Catholic Church

German nobles and princes

Thomas Hobbes and John Locke would most likely agree on which of the following statements

Governments originate from the consent of the governed

Which of the following identifies the term race in the Renaissance

Groupings of people based on ethnic, national, or religious factors

What was the commercial and military league set up off the north coast of Germany

Hanseatic League

Which of the following characterizes Girolamo Savonarola

He came to power in Florence denouncing vice and corruption, but as people tired of his moral denunciations he lost authority

What was Jethro Tull's contribution to English agriculture in the eighteenth century

He critiqued accepted farming methods and developed better methods through empirical research

How did Cardinal Richelieu increase the power of the centralized French state

He extended the use of intendants, commissioners for each of France's thirty-two districts

Why did Jan Hus gain so many followers

His attack on papal authority and his call for the translation of the Bible into Czech resonated with many people who opposed to the church's wealth and were experiencing an emerging Czech nationalism

In the debate revealed in the above excerpts (Vindications of the Rights of Woman and Emile) which of the following was a major assumption made by most Enlightenment thinkers at the time

If women had equality with men then European society and especially the family would suffer

The ideas expressed in the excerpt (Factory Rules...) contributed to the conditions that fostered what subsequent event

Industrialization in Prussia allowed that state to become the leader of a unified Germany

How did the National Assembly respond to the hopes and expectations of Saint-Domingue's different social groups

It frustrated the hopes of all the different social groups

How did Isaac Newton's law of universal gravitation bring the Scientific Revolution to maturity

It synthesized mathematics with physics and astronomy to demonstrate that the entire universe was unified into one coherent system

Why did a woman's work receive less compensation than a man's work

It was understood that a woman was either married or to be married and therefore not responsible for supporting a family

After the arrest and deportation of Toussaint L'Ouverture, how as the war of Haitian Independence resolved

Jean Jacques Dessalines, L'Ouverture's lieutenant, led the resistance to a crushing victory over the French and later declared Haitian independence

The Spanish conversos were which of the following

Jewish Christians some of whom held prominent positions in the state church and business

How did minority groups suffer during the subsistence crises of the 14th century

Jews and lepers were accused of poisoning wells to kill Christians and as a result many were killed beaten or heavily fined

What Florentine artist was commissioned by Pope Julius II to build his tomb and paint the Sistine Chapel


Which powers participated in the partitioning of Poland in the late eighteenth century

Prussia, Russia, and Austria

The Junkers were

Prussian nobles who reluctantly worked with Frederick William to consolidate the Prussian state

Which of the following individuals would be least supportive of the views expressed in this excerpt (Gouges Declaration of the Rights of Women)

Queen Victoria of England

Which of the following 19th century political responses to the problems of industrialization was the most successful

Radicals and republicans demanded universal male suffrage and full citizenship regardless of wealth and property ownership

Which of the following best reflects the result of the negotiations detailed in the excerpt (Cavour Letter to King Victor)

Realpolitik strategies combined with popular military campaigns led to the unification of Italy

The ideas in the first excerpt (Locke Essay concerning Human Understanding) were a direct challenge to which of the following thinkers of the era

Rene Descartes

One of the largest rebellions in the seventeenth-century Russia was that led by

Stenka Razin (rasin lol)

Which of the following did Francesco Petrarch believe

The recovery of classical texts would bring about a new golden age of intellectual achievement

What best explains the patterns of declining industrialization in China and India during the nineteenth century

The search for raw materials and markets for manufactured goods drove Europeans to colonize Asia

Why did the antifederalists oppose the new American constitution proposed by the Constitutional Convention

They feared for the individual freedoms for which they fought

The treaty that ended the seven years' war in Europe and the colonies in 1763 and ratified British victory on all colonial fronts was the

Treaty of Paris

In the 18th century, many liberal thinkers believed that representative institutions could defend the liberty and interests of the people. What did this mean interns of political practice

Voting for representatives would be restricted to men of property

As opposed to the de-Christianization practiced in the latter stages of the French Revolution the more liberal phase was marked by

a nationalized Catholic Church

The Italian Renaissance was primarily

a recovery or rebirth of antiquity and Greco-Roman culture

What patterns of political leadership did the statesmen in this document exhibit (Cavour letter to king Victor)

aiming to co-opt the agenda of nationalists for the purposes of creating or strengthening the state

Politically, Italy and Germany were similar in the 14th century because

both regions failed to develop a centralized monarchical state

The excerpt above (Leviathan and Vindication for Glorious Revolution by Hobbes and Locke) can best be described as a response to

conflicts between the British monarchy, Parliament, and other elites over their respective roles in the political structure

The marriage of Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile

created a dynastic union but did not unify the separate kingdoms into a single state

In the conduct of the Hundred Years' War, a sure sign of feudalism's decline was the

decisive role of peasant foot soldiers rather than mounted knights

Enlightened absolutists such as Frederick II of Prussia or Joseph II of Austria

did not believe in having legislatures that would infringe on their power

Mercantilist theory postulated that

economic activity should be regulated by and for the state

Francis Bacon formalized the research methods of Tycho Brahe and Galileo into a theory of reasoning known as


Romantics and early nationalists investigated folk songs, fold tales, and proverbs in order to

find the unique greatness of every people in its fold culture

In the 18th century, European public health measures

improved water supply and sewage systems

How did the problem of food shortages change in the 18th century

increased road and canal building permitted food to be more easily transported to regions with local crop failure and famine

How did America's constitutional convention of 1787 deal with the discord between pro and anti slavery delegates

it compromised by stipulating that an enslaved person would count as three fifths of a person for purposes of taxation and proportional representation in the House of Representatives

Why was the declaration of independence so important to the American revolution

it universalized the traditional rights of English people and made them the rights of all mankind

How did the Peace of Westphalia mark a turning point in European history

large-scale armed conflicts over religious faith came to an end

The Italian condottieri were

leaders of mercenary bands, occasionally ruling as military dictators

Which of the following ideologies best reflects the views of Mr. Payne as expressed in the excerpt above


The period of climate change in Europe between 1300 and 1450 is known as the

little ice age

One decisive advantage that England had at the beginning of the Hundred Years' War was

longbow (Mr. Sheridan's story ft. Ms. Moore)

Which of the following represents the author's major view of society (Jean Rousseau The Social Contract)

man is born in a pure state of nature but is corrupted by society

In early Renaissance Italy, art

manifested corporate power

In what way did the life of French peasants change after the French revolution

more peasants owned their own small farms rather than renting their land from nobles

Which of the following beliefs is least supported by the first excerpt (Rousseau Emile)

only if women have the intelligence should they be allowed to pursue higher learning

The convictions expressed in the above Articles (Gouges Rights of Woman) reflect the author's belief in all of the following EXCEPT

only single women had the right to own property

Which of the following are among the chief characteristics of John Calvin's reform movement

predestination and the absolute sovereignty of God

Typically French classicism

presented subject matter associated with classical antiquity

The Tudor Henry VII of England won broad popular support by

promoting peace and social order at the local level

Wet-nursing practices included

rural wet-nursing conducted within the framework of a putting-out system

Italian humanists stressed the

study of the classics for what they could reveal about human nature

When analyzing the speech above (Speech on the Festival) it is important for the historian to take into account

that it is meant to fill the audience with revolutionary fervor

In the 18th century, the biggest increase in British foreign trade was with

the British colonial empire

Some ideas seen in Robespierre's speech above (Speech on the Festival) are a continuation of

the Renaissance ideal of civic humanism

The Catholic Reformation's ultimate refusal to compromise with protestantism was exemplified by

the Roman Inquisition and the creation of the index

According to Diamond's argument, the most important factor for the success of European colonization of the Americas lay in

the biological and environmental advantages held by Europeans

Why did the Directory continue French wars of conquest begun by early revolutionary governments

the directory understood that big, victorious armies kept men employed

What 2 fundamental principles of the French Revolution are incorporated into the Napoleonic Code

the equality of all male citizens before the law and the absolute security of wealth and private property

How did the flagellants respond to the Black Death

they whipped and scourged their bodies as a penance believing that the Black Death was God's punishment for humanity's wickedness

The chief ambition of the Venetian city-state in the 14th century was

to create a maritime commercial empire throughout the Mediterranean and Black seas

Vauban's main reason for writing the description of peasant life above was

to explain the importance of the state of the plight of the peasants

The wealth of the northern Italian cities that funded the Renaissance was gained mostly from


The English Peasants' Revolt of 1381

was caused by the rising economic expectations of ordinary people

Money was made from the slave trade

was invested by the rising middle class in plantations and factories

Joseph II's conversion of peasant labor obligations to cash payments

was opposed by both nobles and peasants

At the Congress of Vienna, the victorious allies

were guided by the principle of the balance of power

The argument made in the second excerpt (Wollstonecraft Vindications of the Rights of Woman) challenged the opinions found in the first excerpt (Rousseau Emile) by suggesting that

women are just as capable as men of rational thought and intellectual pursuit

In terms of gender relations, Renaissance humanists argued that

women's sphere of activity was private and domestic

The description of women's work in the excerpt above (Project of a 10th Royal) shows that

women's work was productive and necessary to family

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