Developmental Psychology Midterm Review

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Information Processing

Changes in cognitive abilities through gradual transformations. Growth of meta cognition continues throughout adolescence, using thinking processes and monitor one's cognition. Better, and longer attention. »Meta-memory develops, developing new strategies. Process incoming information quicker, organize thoughts more clearly and distinctly. Metacognition increases.

In girls, what are the developing primary sexual characteristics?

Changes in the vagina and the uterus.

Primary sex characteristics

Characteristics that are associated with the development of the ORGANS and STRUCTURES of the body that directly relate to reproduction

Race Segregation

Continues to appear through schools and colleges. Minorities often associate with similar identities which reinforce differences, some schools have necessary requirements that are not necessarily helping.

Identity Foreclosure

Don't have adequate personal exploration and made commitment EX: "My dad says I'm good with kids and would be a good teacher, so I guess that's what I'll do."

Threats to Well-Being

Drugs and addiction. Binge drinking. Smoking. STI's. »More than 20% of eighth graders and 50% of seniors have used marijuana. More than half have tried illegal drugs in their lives. »Long term effects suggest not knowing how to develop healthy coping methods. »Drugs play on limbic system, the pleasure center. Rewards us and feels good and makes us believe that it's good for us. »Kids try alcohol particularly because it is the adult thing to do. The desire to be grown ups and adults cause interest in drugs.


Eating disorder by binging on large quantities of food, followed by vomiting or the use of laxatives. »May cause the erosion of teeth and heart failure.

How does culture impact development?

It shapes our ideas of right & wrong, what to strive for, and what kind of emotions need to be shown in certain situations

Crisis or Commitment

James Marcia- develops 4 categories which either crisis or commitment take place. Identity achievement, identity foreclosure, identity diffusion, and moratorium.

Relationships with Parents

Listens to friends more than parents, and begin to question their parents views All in quest for autonomy, be in charge and independence, control of their own life. Increase in autonomy occurs gradually throughout adolescence. Changes relationship with parents goes from asymmetrical to balanced during period of adolescence. Conflicts usually involve different definitions and rationales with appropriate and inappropriate New sophisticated reasoning abilities causes desire for parent to be more clear and questioning

The question of whether humans play an active role in shaping their development or are at the mercy of uncontrollable forces is the debate called:

active vs. passive

How does socioeconomic status influence development?

affects our health and life expectancy, influences the degree of control we feel over our lives, and affects the resources available to us and the environment we live in


all of its observable characteristics

Possible effects of exposure to illicit drugs during pregnancy include: premature birth heart defects brain defects

all of the above

The Apgar assessment is used to assess functioning:

at one and five minutes after birth

Nutritional Problems

Poor eating habits, health concerns, and eating disorders. Eating disorders include obesity, anorexia nervosa, and bulimia. Biological and environmental causes disorders.

Brain Development

Prefrontal cortex & amygdala. Risky behavior & impulse control.

In boy's, what are the developing secondary sexual characteristics?

Pubic hair growth, underarm and facial hair.

Anorexia Nervosa

Severe eating disorder where one refuses to eat. Usually denied that it's wrong or out of the ordinary. 15-20% of its victims starve themselves to death. »Primarily afflicts women between the ages 12-40. »Increases in steroid abuse and overexercising.


Sexually transmitted infections. »1 out of 4 contracts a sexually transmitted infections BEFORE graduation high school. HPV is now very common. No symptoms, suspected of leading to cervical cancer. Suggested in a rise to throat cancer. 90% of Americans have had HPV at some point in their lives »Can become formant quickly in people.

When the blastocyst has implanted in the uterine wall at the end of the germinal period, it's now called a(n):


What are the three primary domains in developmental psychology?

-physical -cognitive -psychosocial


1 in 5 adolescents is overweight, and 1 in 20 can be classified as obese. Occurs since teenagers are not as regulated and begin making their own food choices. Usually not the healthiest and rational food decisions. Increases poor self esteem, and health consequences lead to adulthood. There is an 80% chance of being obese in adulthood if they're obese during adolescence.

The increased risk of medical and genetic complications starts when women turn age:


By ________ weeks gestational age, all of the fetus's organ systems are developed enough that it could survive outside the mother's uterus without many of the risks associated with premature birth.


Human cells carry ______ chromosomes in the nucleus of each cell.


monozygotic twins

A fertilized egg splits apart during the first two weeks of development (identical twins)

Sleep Deprivation

Adolescence requires the most sleep in our entire lifespan. Sleeping anymore from 9-10 hours, known to be a time of sleep deprivation. »More freedom, social interactions, homework, extracurricular activities decrease sleep demanded by the body. »Greater difficulty controlling their moods, risks for auto accidents.

Identity Diffusion

Adolescents explore different options but don't commit to one EX: "Frankly, I have no idea what I'm going to do."

Personal Fable

An adolescent is unique, exceptional, and nobody else has this


An identity element that an adolescent chooses during various alternatives

Imaginary audience

Belief one is the center of the universe.

Developmental psychology is also called

Both Human & Lifespan Development

False labor is also known as

Braxton Hicks contractions

Relationships with Peers

Critical during adolescence than anytime in life, reveals comparisons in other persons. If we compare ourselves with other people and helps us in concern what other people are doing and thinking

Social and Personality

Crucial time in figuring out one's identity. Time where adolescents think of how different they are from what their family tells them.

Psychological Difficulties

Depression and suicide.

In girls, what are the developing secondary sexual characteristics?

Development of breasts and pubic hair.

Warning Signs of Suicide

Direct or indirect talk, school difficulties, writing a will, changes in eating habits, general depression, dramatic behavior changes, preoccupation with death.


Explore and do not commit to an option, creates anxiety and conflict. An identity is found after this struggle. EX: "I'm taking a job at my mom's bookstore until I figure out what I really want to do."

Identity Achievement

Exploring different alternatives and certain aspects of a decision EX: "I enjoyed working at an advertising company the last two summers, so I plan on going into advertising."

Religion & Spirituality

FOWLER Adolescents start to ask questions and start to wonder about their religion. Questions about the universe, etc. Offers formal means of satisfied spirituality means. Due to cognitive learning, begin to question religious identity. Understanding there is a purpose for everything helps find identity. »Adolescents views of religion become more abstract, begin to develop a core set of beliefs and values. »Conjunctive Stage


Formal operations such as development of abstract and hypothetical reasoning. Propositional logic.


Fully developed and seen to be overly active in early adolescence. Beginning to think more emotionally rather than rationally.

Self- Esteem

Girls tend to have lower self esteem than boys. Higher socioeconomic status has more self esteem, especially in the later adolescence when one can buy things for oneself.

Dropping out of School

Graduation rate has increased, but SAT scores have not. Teachers are beginning to give more 'inflated' grades for the same amount of work. Academic achievement is correlated with socioeconomic status, parental involvement, nutritional factors Half a million students drop out of high school each year, the number one reason being pregnancy. Problems with english language and not being able to keep up is another factor. »Correlates with poverty »Society has changed so much in last decade in views of college and expectations, long term consequences if kids are dropping out of high school

Reference Groups

Group of people which one person compares him or herself. »Consequences of increasing cognitive sophistication is the ability to group others in more discriminating ways

In boys, what are the developing primary sexual characteristics?

Growth of the penis and scrotum, and the body begins to produce sperm

Cognitive Development

Hypothetical deductive reasoning. In teenage year, able to think beyond what is in front of them. »Can employ prepositional thought. »60% of college students do not think abstractly.


Includes own assessment of self and others views of you. Becomes more organized and more coherent, and can see multiple aspects of themselves.

Peer Pressure

Influence of ones peers to conform to behavior or attitudes. Particularly someone who is popular and socially apt, seems knowledgeable, does well in social settings. Time where one tries to fit in but be themselves, very confusing stage


Many adolescents experience depressed moves, only about 3% experience a major depression. Severe and lingers for long periods of time. Can be an explanation for how it started, but could continue after period ends. ie. mourning. »Girls have higher instances of depression than boys »Hormonal differences are NOT a factor of depression »Adolescents suicide has tripled in the last 30 years. »1 teenage suicide in 90 minutes »more girls attempt suicide, more boys complete it. »INCREASES LIKELIHOOD OF: family conflicts, abuse, neglect, drug and alcohol abuse, and cluster suicide


Not taking other people's perspectives very well (again. Stage of self absorption in adolescents. Choosing not to be interested in it. »Highly critical of authority figures, unwilling to accept criticism, quick to find fault in others.

Conjunctive Stage

Occlusive view of religion and humanity. Work to promote a common good, a unified view across the globe.

Physical Maturation

On set of Menarche, the first menstrual cycle. Girls hips widen and men have broader shoulders. Junior high kids feel very uncomfortable showering and changing in front of others. Girls are often unhappy with their developing bodies, due to societal pressures

Prefrontal Cortex

Part of the brain that allows people to think, evaluate, and made complex judgements. Develops rapidly during adolescence but doesn't fully develop until age 20. Also involved in impulse control.

The researcher who first articulated key underlying principles of lifespan development is

Paul Baltes

Sexual Orientation

Struggling or dealing with. Difficult to exact proportions of homosexuality. not well understood in adolescents. Kids and teens are becoming more able to express themselves in adolescents.


The developmental stage that lies between childhood and adulthood.

Dating & Sexuality

Time to establish intimacy, entertainment, and even identity Most dating in middle and adolescents is superficial and does not help establish intimacy. Late adolescence becomes more of a prelude to marriage EFFECTED BY: Cultural factors, arranged marriages, dating not allowed, etc. Creates a lot of conflict between parents and adolescence. Masturbation is very common.

Secondary sex characteristics

Visible signs of sexual maturity that don't directly involve the sex organs.


When sexual organs develop and mature. Changes in body composition, in circulatory & respiratory systems. Where adolescents experience a growth spirt. Girls tend to hit puberty first.

According to your book, the aging of the ____________ is one reason why developmental psychology has begun to focus more on the study of adult development.

baby boomers

After about five days of mitosis, the zygote contains about 100 cells and is called a(n):


Descriptive records of one or a small group of individuals' experiences and behavior are called:

case studies

The embryo's head is larger than the rest of its body. This is an example of _________ development.


Skinner language development

children learn language through association, imitation, reinforcement; parents should constantly talk to children

Bandura (language development)

children learn language through observation and intimidation.

What are the multiple ways to define age in developmental psychology?

chronological age biological age psychological age social age

Changes in intelligence, wisdom, perception, problem-solving, memory, and language are part of the ________ domain.


a group of people who were bron at roughly the same time in a particular society is called a:


_____________ is a condition that affects breathing and digestion due to thick mucus building up in the body, especially the lungs and digestive system.

cystic fibrosis

T/F: Although there are several different ways to think of age, chronological age is the most accurate and complete way of describing someone's functioning and current state.


T/F: We only learn about our culture from our parents


T/F: our culture only affects us during out childhood


What is the longest stage of labor?

first stage

Sometimes environmental effects on behavior differ based on genotype. For example, stressful environments appear to affect genetically at-risk children more than they affect children not genetically at risk. This is called a(n):

genotype-environment interaction

Regions of the brain that contain the cell bodies are referred to as the:

grey matter

According to your textbook, which part of the brain continues to develop neurons throughout life?


Teen Pregnancy

in 2012 birthrate has been lowest level ever report that the government tracked pregnancies »seems like on the rise but has decreased significantly in last 2 decades »rates of sexual intercourse among teens has declined use of condoms and other forms of contraceptions has increased »may be on the decline, but other forms of sexual acts are on the rise

According to Erikson's theory, we learn to do things well or correctly according to others' standards while resolving which crisis?

industry vs. inferiority

Chomsky on language development

language acquisition device, exposure causes language

The sexual reproduction cells in the body (the sperm and egg) are created by the process of:


explicit memory

memories for facts or events that we can consciously recollect

If a baby's mother used an addictive drug during pregnancy, that baby can get addicted to the drug before birth and go through drug withdrawal after birth. This is called:

neonatal abstinence syndrome

experienced a life event that's not typical for our age group, such as losing a parent during our childhood is an example of a:

non-normative life influence

Beginning kindergarten or going through puberty is an example of a:

normative age-graded influence

What are Piaget's concepts?

object permanence, egocentrism, operational, accommodation, assimilation

Changes in height and weight, sensory capabilities, the nervous system, and the propensity for disease and illness are part of the ___________ domain.


Changes in emotion, self-perception, and interpersonal relationships with families, peers, and friends are part of the __________ domain.


Which of the following is NOT one of the three primary domains in which development occurs?

psychosocial physical cognitive contextual


the set of genes that it carries.

What is culture?

the shared language, knowledge, material objects, and behavior of a group of people

What is egocentrism?

the tendency of young children not to be able to take the perspective of others, and instead the child thinks that everyone sees, thinks, and feels just as they do.

What is object permanence?

the understanding that objects continue to exist even when they cannot be observed

T/F: During pregnancy, most women do not need to double their caloric intake, but simply add a few hundred extra calories to their diet.


dizygotic twins

two eggs are released and fertilized by two separate sperm (fraternal twins)

implicit memory

typically automated skills that do not require conscious recollection

When we say that development is characterized by "plasticity", we mean that:

we are capable of change, and many of our characteristics are malleable


»Identity vs. Role Confusion Adolescents seek to determine what is unique and distinctive about themselves. Start to rely more on friends and peers. Tend to pursue a different path when having difficulty asking the following questions. (How am I unique, special, and different?) If not knowing who you are, how can you know and be with somebody else? This is the cause of a mid- life crisis. »Erikson suggests adolescents have a psychological oratorium, they begin to explore different paths. Critics say that Erikson is gravitating more towards male behaviors.

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