Digital marketing exam

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11. Challenges of search advertising?

- Click fraud: When non legitimate customers click on you ad - Bidding wars and climbing CPCs: High traffic keywords are expensive making the CPCs more expensive - Search advertising campaign require a lot of monitoring and the bigger the campaign, the more time it takes

12. Appart from the above ad servers can help advertisers with different forms of targeting. Which are these?

- Geo-targeting/ IP targeting - Day and time: when should the ad be shown - Social servings: does the customer characteristic fit with what we offer - Audience targeting: what pages has the customer previously visited . Under this falls re-marketing - Contextual advertising: ads that match what the customer is looking at

11. What are the broad targeting options?

- Keywords and match types - Language and Location targeting - Behavioural and demographic targeting

11.Which are the manual ad extensions?

- Location extension (you can add in location/map information) - Call extension (ad in a number, good for mobile as the searcher can call directly) - App extension (allows users to download or access an app) - Review extensions (third party) - Sitelink extension ( extra urls to guide the searcher) - Callout extension (extra information)

11. General guidelines when for writing an add

- No repeated exclamation marks - No words in capitals only - No nonsense words - No claims of "best, number one" or other superlatives that can't be verified by a third party - Product numbers can be used - No phone numbers in the copy

11. What are the advantages of search ads?

- No to low cost barrier: you only pay for traffic - Tracking every cent: you know exactly how much you spend - Targeted advert placement: through filters you can make the advert relevant - Giving customers what they want: the user is already looking for it

11. How to write an effective copy

- Remember copy often only tool to convey message and attract attention . - Remember users that search often have a specific intent - Use compelling CTAs - If you have many ads use dynamic key word insertion - Use long tail of search (if it fits well with the strategy) - Remember that users might be in various stages of the buying cycle

11. What does ad extension mean?

Google offers several ways to add value to search ads. Called ad extensions. This offer the advertiser the possibility to get more information in to the add without exceeding copy limits.

9. What are HTML formatting and what is it used for (when implementing digital copy)?

HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language and it's the foundation of documents on the web. HTML tags tell browsers how to present content. HTML tags are written in brackets that look like arrows < >.

11.How can search advertising also be classified? (Hint in how it operates)

PPC or Pay-per click advertising. It is marketing direct on the search page (SERPs) and only pay when a customer clicks on their ad.

12. What are the benefits of ad servers?

Rather than distribute copies of each piece of creative advertising to each publisher or media buyer, you can send out a line of code that calls up an advertisement directly from the ad server each time an advert is scheduled to run. This is called third - party ad serving They have a lot of information making it easy for the advertiser to measure how they are doing.

12. When can you expect what payment model?

The advertiser rarely has a say over the payment model used. CPM favours the publisher, while CPA favours the advertiser. High-traffic, broad-audience websites, often referred to as 'premium' or booked media, will typically offer CPM advertising. Niche websites with a targeted audience are more likely to offer CPC or CPA advertising to advertisers with an appropriate product.

9. Describe the term "above the fold"

The content that appears on a screen without a user having to scroll.

11.How is the amount you pay for a click on a search advert determined?

The cost is determined by a variety of factors and based on a bidding system (called Vickery auction). You bid for a placement on a SERP and you can tailor your bid to fit your approach.

11. What is a Display URL

The display URL is the URL that sends the user to the landing page. This means that the display url sends the user to the destination url. It can also be called vanity url. The display URL should be short, clear and meaningful to the viewer. It should indicate what type of page the user will be taken to when they click.

12. Why is it relevant to build brand awareness?

The more frequent a brand message is seen - the higher the recall, and this facilities business. Since digital marketing is vary visual it is an ideal place to advertise brand imagery. NOTE even though CTRs can be low online advertising still contributes to brand awareness.

9. What challenges do you see with digital copywriting?

The primary challenge with digital copywriting is: 1. Learning what, exactly, good copy is. 2. Meeting SEO requirements without being spammy can be tricky and you need a clear set of writing guidelines for your organisation to follow.

9. Describe the meaning of "keyword stuffing"

The process of intentionally putting too many keywords into the metadata of the website or using many irrelevant keywords. Search engines can penalise websites using this practice.

9. What is important to have in mind regarding Information hierarcy when creating good copy online?

The structure of online copy can be compared closely to the structure of a newspaper article. The headline, usually containing the most important bit of information in a story, comes first. Start with the summary or conclusion which is the main idea of the article.

12. The ability to track is what makes digital advertising superior to traditional. Here third- party ad servers can be of assistance. Why?

Third-party ad servers can track not only the post click data, but also the post view data; when a user sees an advert, does not click on it, but goes to the website after viewing the advert either by typing in the URL, or by searching for the site. They can can tack wha happens indirectly, called view-through conversion

12. What is a floating advert?

This advert appears in a layer over the content, but is not in a separate window. Usually, the user can close this advert. In fact, best practice dictates that a prominent close button should be included on the advert, usually in the top right hand corner.

12. What are wallpaper adverts?

This advert changes the background of the web page being viewed. It is sometimes possible to click on an advert of this type, but not always. The effect of these adverts is difficult to measure as there is often no clickthrough and its chief purpose is branding.

12. What is map adverts?

This is advertising placed on an online map, such as Google Maps. This type of advert is ideal for local businesses and is usually based on keyword searches for the brand's offering.

9. There are different kinds of web copy (long, short etc.). However, to communicate a message effectiveley, the content always need to be the following 4 things:

To communicate the intended message effectively, content needs to be: •Clear and concise •Easy to read •Well-written •Well-structured

9. Conceptual copywriting is of great importance. But what does it really mean?

Writing conceptually means conveying a brand message in a creative way to make an emotive connection with a specific audience. It's all about bringing a big idea or concept to life.

11. What are the keyword/ match type options and why is it relevant?

You need to know how how the search engine interprets and matches your keywords - Broad match (includes searches with your keyword + variations of key words such as misspellings and synonyms) - Broad match modifier ( excludes synonyms but includes plurals. Implemented with a + keyword) - Phrase match ( "" around the phrase, add will show only for the phrase) - Exakt match (denoted by square brackets, add will only show for the exact match) - Negative match (- keyword means that ad will not show for searches with that word)

11. For search advertising the search platform does...

• Checks the advert for compliance with editorial guidelines. • Displays the advert for relevant search queries or other criteria. • Determines the rank of the advert based on the advertiser's maximum bid and the relevance of the advert (which includes factors such as clickthrough rate, ad copy, keyword and landing page relevance).

11. For search advertising the advertiser does...

• Creates the copy for an advertisement. • Determines the landing page for the advert. • Selects the keywords or criteria for which that advertisement should appear. • Chooses the maximum amount, the cost per click (CPC), that they arewilling to pay for a click on the advert.

12. What can the ad servers offer advertisers?

• Frequency capping: This limits the number of times a specific user sees the same advert in a set time period. • Sequencing: This ensures that a user sees adverts in a particular order. • Exclusivity: This ensures that adverts from direct competitors are not shown on the same page. • Roadblocks: This allows an advertiser to own 100% of the advertising inventory on a page.

8. What are the 3 steps of a keyword search?

Step 1: Brainstorm Step 2: Gather data Step 3: Use keyword research tool

13. What can social media advertising be used to?

• Draw attention to products and drive sales • Drive traffic to websites and other online properties • Encourage foot traffic • Encourage other activities offline.

13. What are some (3) advantages with social media challenges?

• Increase brand recognition • Improve brand loyalty. • Allows for real-time analysis of your campaigns and audience.

5. Implementing UX design: Search involve:

- positioning - accuracy - results

8. What is an XML sitemap?

A guide that search engines use to help them index a website, which indicates how many pages there are, how often they are updated and how important they are.

10. What is an offsite payment gateway?

An offsite payment gateway means the potential buyer is transferred over to the payment gateway's website. The user completes the payment and then is returned to the online store. PayFast and PayGate are examples.

10. What is an onsite payment gateway?

An onsite payment gateway means the gateway is integrated into your site and users do not need to leave your site to complete their transaction. Iveri and Stripe are examples. Note that to receive online payments you will need an SSL certificate and a merchant account.

10. What is social commerce?

Social commerce is a subset of eCommerce that involves social media, or other online media that supports social interaction and user contributions, to assist users with the online buying and selling of products and services.

7. What is a NFC?

'Near-field communication'. A set of communication protocols that enable two devices, one of which is usually a mobile device, to communicate when they are within four cm of each other.

12. What are the different payment models for display advertising?

CMP: Cost per thousand impressions CPC: Cost per click CPA: Cost per acquisition Flat rate sponsorships: fixed cost per month CPE: Cost per engagement

11. What are the implementation steps for a search advert campaign?

- Do your homework:who are you targeting and what is relevant to them - Define your goals: (branding, awareness, sales) what should the user do when they click on you add? - Set a budget, cost per action (CPA) and targets - Keyword research: what are people searching for, misspellings, look at expected volumes so you know how to place a bid - Write the advert: one keyword or grouped keywords -Place your bid: remember you can tweak it along the way - Tracking - Measure, analyse, test, optimise

6. What are the 4 steps in the web development process? (building a website)

1. Discovery and planning 2. Design 3. Development 4. Testing and launch

10. M-commerce has a range of benefits over traditional eCommerce. What benefits can you think of?

1. Access to internet is easier and more affordable than desktop option 2. Convenience since mobile is always with us 3. Lower costs for devices 4. Ease of use 5.Mobile payments 6. Rich content (GIFs and Videos)

10. What benefits do you see with s-commerce over traditional eCommerce?

1. Audience growth 2. Higher search engine rankning 3. Authentic engagement and traffic 4. Customer loyalty 5. Analytics

5. Implementing UX design: Which are some of the extra elements a website will need?

1. Calls to action. 2. Forms 3. Search

7. There is a lot to consider before and if creating an app. Before you decide to make one, what should you consider?

1. Can you define in one sentence what you want your app to accomplish? 2. What problem does your app solve? 3. How can your app make things better for your user? 4. What can you give your consumer that they can't get from another app? 5. Does your target market download and use apps? 6. Do you have enough engaging content to keep them coming back? 7. Will it help you sell a lot more products/services? 8. How much are you willing to invest?

10. To make sales, you need users to visit your online store. Driving traffic to your store is a prominent marketing - and advertising - specific objective. You can drive traffic to your store by using the following techniques:

1. Content marketing strategy 2. Product videos 3. Alias domains 4. Social media campaigns 5. Customer reviews 6. Product merchandising and SEO 7. Landing page 8. Search 9. Site speed and performance 10. Registration and checkout.

9. There are a few considerations to keep in mind when creating content for social media. Name 5 crucial "to does" before publish social media content.

1. Do your research (Understand what type of content community members want.) 2. Remember that it is a conversation (Your content must be personable and appealing) 3. Write shareable content. 4. Avoid overly promotional content 5. Have a solid communications protocol

9. The book talks about "best practices" to apply whenever you are writing copy for publication on the web. What 6 different aspects is important to ask yourself when creating copy for the web?

1. Does your copy convey a creative idea? 2. Does the layout of your copy make it easier to read? 3. Is your meaning clear and direct? 4. Does the copy convey the features and benefits necessary to make your point (if applicable)? 5. Will your readers clearly understand the content of your writing? 6. Is the content of your message structured in a logical manner for desktop and/or mobile reading?

10. What advantages do you see with using eCommerce?

1. Easily tracked 2. Easily monitored 3. More variety and options 4. Easier to gain and keep attention of customers

10. A payment gateway is a service that processes credit card payments for online and brick-and-mortar stores. The gateway transfers key information between eCommerce sites and the bank and authorises such payments. There are three steps the payment gateway performs to finalise the transaction:

1. Encryption 2. Authorisation request 3. Filling the order

5. Conduct Testing: What process does testing follow?

1. Formulate a question to test 2. Choose a test and prepare 3. Find subjects 4. Test 5. Analyse 6. Report 7. Implement 8. Start again

5. Implementing UX design: create the layout - which are the four main zones of a web page?

1. Header 2. Central content area 3. The sidebars 4. The footer

10. When choosing a good domain name, there are a few tips to follow. What "do´s" should you do before choosing your domain name?

1. Make it easy to type 2. Keep it short 3. Use keywords 4. Target your area 4. Avoid numbers and hyphens 5. Be memorable 6. Research the name 7. Use an appropriate domain name extension 8. Protect and build your brand 9. Act fast

6. Best practices of development?

1. Meta and title tag customisation - own meta/title tags for each page 2. URLs - clean URL. E.g and not 3. Customisable navigation

7. Certain features are specific to certain mobile phones and don't apply to desktop or notebook computers or any other mobile devices. These features highlight the importance of mobile to marketers as a whole and affect the ways both consumers and marketers create and share content. What 9 features?

1. Mobile phones are very personal devices 2. Mobile phones are always carried 3. Mobile phones are always on 4. They have built in payment systems 5. Available at the point of creative inspiration 6. Accurate audience measurement 7. Mobile can capture 'the social context of our consumption' 8. Augmented reality 9. Digital interface

7. Front-end development (the way an app looks like) involves:

1. Mock ups and wireframing 2.Prototyping 3. Designing and developing the user interface 4. Remote data access 5. Data caching (storing data locally) 6. App data synchronisation so that the app can be accessed offline 7. Testing 8. Deployment.

8. What are the two main strategies for SEO?

1. On-page optimization: making changes to the HTML code, content and structure of a website -> More accessible to search engines 2. Off-page optimization: building links to the website and convers activities like social media and digital PR

6. What are the 3 key processes when creating online assets?

1. Planning & design 2. Layout & style 3. Development

10. What key factors should you consider when choosing an industry and product? (5 st)

1. Price 2. Margin 3. Shipping costs 4. Competition 5. Passion

6. What should be done in Step 1: Discovery and planning? (Web development)

1. Research of market, users, competitors 2. Key questions to ask - Business (what are the objectives?) - Users (Who are the users/potential customers?) 3. Reach an understanding of what tasks or actions users need to do on your website AND - Choosing a domain name (easy to remember) - UX & content strategy (what content is needed on the website) - Search engine visibility (search engines can see the entire publicly visible website)

8. What are 4 things to consider when choosing a keyword?

1. Search volume 2. Competition 3. Propensity to convert 4. Value per lead

10. There is a vast range of eCommerce platforms that you can use. These various options can be classified under four main types of platforms:

1. Software as a service (SaaS) storefronts 2. Open source 3. Licensed and hosted by the retailer 4. Platform as a service (PaaS)

10. What challenges do you see with using eCommerce?

1. Stiff competition 2. Fast changing 3. Many factors operated by other service providers, or that are simply beyond your control (Crashing servers or slow data)

5. Implementing UX design: The principles of building content:

1. Structure. how the text is structured 2. Hierarchy. Use an inverted pyramid style or F-structure for the copy 3. Relevance. The content must be relevant for the user and the purpose of the page

10. As with all digital interaction, eCommerce activities can be easily tracked. There are certain key pieces of information that you need to be aware of and should be tracking. These include:

1. Supply-chain management 2. Product analytics 3. Online marketing analytics 4. Tracking the eCommerce funnel

8. Which 2 challenges do Search engines encounter?

1. Technical Challenges 2. Competitive market environment

7. Apps have many advantages over browsers. What advantages do you see?

1. The easy access button on a home screen 2. Integration with the device's operating system and the speed that comes with that and being locally installed 3. Access to native functions.

6. What are the three main components of visual identity?

1. The logo (most prominent) 2. The font 3. Menu & button style

10. M - commerce is the use of wireless handheld devices such as cellular/mobile phones to conduct commercial transactions online. What are the main reasons for the growth in m-commerce?

1. The number of global mobile users is increasing 2. Rapid adoption of eCommerce 3. Improved technology 4. Broadband technology and lowering data costs 5. Instant gratification

8. What are the 3 ways that search engines consider context in ?

1. User intention 2. Your content 3. Relating concepts

10. When choosing the right hosting package for your website, what three different aspects do you need to have in mind?

1. Website speed 2. Uptime and performance 3. Cloud hosting

5. Implementing UX design: Build the navigation - navigation should help a user to answer four basic questions:

1. Where am I? 2. How did I get here? 3. Where can I go next? 4. How do I get home?

9. Describe the meaning of creating persona profiles

A persona helps to embody the characteristics of the target audience for whom he or she is writing.

9. Describe the meaning of call to action (CTA)

A phrase written to motivate the reader to take action, such as sign up for our newsletter or book car hire today.

5. Implementing UX design: What is a sitemap?

A sitemap is the visualised structural plan for how the website's pages will be laid out and organised.

12. What are ad servers and why are they used?

Ad servers are servers that store advertisements and serve them to web pages. Ad servers facilitate advert trafficking and provide reports on advert performance. They have two functions: to help publishers manage their ad inventory and to help advertisers monitor and optimise their campaigns

12. What is video adverts?

This is a video advert in one of the formats of other adverts. It starts to play on mouse over, or on arriving at a site.

12. What are pop-ups and pop-unders? Why are they rarely used now?

Adverts that pop up, or under the webpage being viewed. Customers are very annoyed by them and they are rarely used - apart from on shady sides. Some sites use them to show additional info, which is difficult due to pop-up blockers on web browsers

12. How does an advertising network work?

An advertising network is a group of websites on which adverts can be purchased through a single sales entity. The advertising network acts as an intermediary between advertisers and publishers and provides a technology solution to both. Advertising networks can categorise the sites by factors such as demographics, topic, or area of interest. Audience targeting is a particularly useful option, in which an ad can be targeted according to remarketing lists, custom lists, or interest categories.

6. Development options: What is a bespoke development?

Built specifically for a certain website: + created specifically for the business' needs, tailored and unique, customized to work with already used software, more flexible (can be modified and changed as required) - Expensive, requires experience developers to maintain, less future proof as tied to specific agency to maintain, takes longer to implement, difficult to get support if developer does not provide it

6. Benefits of content management system (CMS)

CMS = System for managing any forms of content - Not much knowledge of web-programming to create and manage website content - Cheaper and easier to update, manage and create new content as web developers are not required to the same extent - Can be updated from any location in the world

12. What is the difference between CPM, CPC and CPA

CPM: You pay for every 1000 times the adverts loads on the publishers side. Often used when brand awareness is the goal. Often more expensive for rich media CPC: you only pay when the ad is clicked on. Often associated with search adverts CPA: Using this model means that the advertiser pays only when an advert delivers an acquisition after the user clicks on the advert. Often the best option since you only pay when the goal has been met. Often associated with affiliate marketing - looks at the conversion rate

5. Core principles of UX: Usability and conventions - what are conventions?

Common rules or ways of displaying or structuring things on the web.

5. Core principles of UX: Credibility - What does credibility mean?

Credibility refers to how trustworthy and legitimate something looks and is a big consideration for web users when deciding to use your website or not.

11. What is dynamic key word insertion?

Dynamic keyword insertion takes the keyword in your campaign that matches with the user search query and inserts it into the ad automatically. Downside is that you have less control over when an add is shown

13. Give two examples of Ad types

Facebook sponsored post, snapchat geofilters

5. Which six qualities make up a good UX?

Findability, Accessability, Desirability, Usability, Credibility, Usefulness

5. Which are the two broad categories of online UX?

Functional UX and creative UX

11. Which is the biggest search engine today? Do the search engines differ in how they show ads/searches?

Google is the biggest, and it has the best geolocation right now. Yes they have different algorithms that they use to show ads.

13. What are some (3) challenges with social media advertising?

Hard work with promoted posts in order to make an authentic connection with the audience. Constantly promote good content. No guarantee that the audience always responds positively, there is always the chance that your audience will respond negatively to a post, which can escalate quickly

8. What does Canonical mean?

In SEO, canonical refers to a definitive URL. The canonical version is the definitive version.

12. What are the 3 steps in creating customer demand?

Inform, persuade and remind

12. What is an Interstitial banner?

Interstitial banners are banners shown between pages on a website or, more often, between screens on an app.

6. Development options: What is an off-the-shelf solution?

Is bought from an external company or developer, like any other software. + cheaper, easy to find support, easy to share files as software widely used and available, no company time needed for testing, available sooner - Complex with features you won't use, generic features (not customized), long time to learn, featured you might want is not available

11. What does search marketing entail and why is it important?

It consist of Search Engine optimisation and search advertising. It is powerful as it is closely linked to a customer intent in the form of a search query.

9. One of the core principles of digital copywriting is to know your audience. Why is this of great importance?

It will guide you in developing your content strategy, determining the topics they are interested in and help you organise information in a way that makes sense to them. One way of getting to know your audience is to ask yourself who you are writing for, what is the message, where does it take action, when is ett relevant and why is it important.

7. What two contributions are the most important contributions of mobile to the marketing world?

Location and convenience

7. What is LTF?

Long term evolution. A fourth-generation mobile communications standard and a name given to technology used in pursuit of faster data communication

13. What can marketers use ROI for instead of just sales?

Look at encouraging behaviours that lead to sales, such as convincing users to sign up for a test drive rather than attempting to sell a car.

12. How does native advertising work?

Native advertising is presenting advertising in a way that matches the platform on which it is presented and that meets audience expectations for that platform. It is an indirect promotion of the brand or product in that it is primarily focused on providing value to a specific readership, but it differs from content marketing in that it is paid.

12. When is flat rate or sponsorship payment models used?

Often on lower traffic sites. This would appeal to a media buyer who may be testing an online campaign that targets niche markets. A popular way that this is employed is via a homepage or section takeover. Sponsorships are often difficult to measure and are mostly used to raise brand awareness. These can be very effective when launching a new brand

6. What should be done in Step 3: Development? (Web development)

Once the design is finished. Creating low-fidelity prototypes, using the design templates to code the actual website, using front-end language.

12. What are the advantages of online advertising?

Online advertising can take advantage of the emotive qualities of images, videos and animations. Since banners can contain rich media, they offer levels of interactivity that other forms of advertising cannot achieve. Interaction helps customers remember your brand It is trackable all the way through

9. Describe online copy and its main objectives

Online copy should be informative, engaging, convincing and convey brand ethos.

12. What differentiates online marketing from traditional marketing with regards to sales

Online marketing can tur potential customer to actual customers immediately

8. What is SEO?

Optimizing websites to achieve high rankings on search engines for certain selected keywords

12. How does Premium booked media work?

Premium booked media works very much in the traditional way of booking advertising; the advertiser contacts the premium media provider (usually a single group that oversees a key, high-profile online space) and discusses options for placing an advert.

12. How does programmatic buying work?

Programmatic buying is the automated purchasing of digital advertising space using software. Programmatic is exciting because it makes targeting much easier. It uses small predictive analysis to present your ads to the most likely optimal target market and then evolves from there based on what is working best.

8. What is a search engine spider?

Programs that travel the web, following links and building up indexes of search engines.

7. What is push notifications?

Push notifications let your app send messages to the user even when your app is not active.

11. Bidding is not the only thing that matters to rank high, you also need at good quality score. What is quality score and how is it determined?

Quality Score is applied on keyword, ad group and account level. It is important that your entire account has a good Quality Score, as it affects ranking and the cost per click. Factors: • The relevance of the keyword to the search term • The relevance of the advert copy to the search term • The relevance of the landing page to the search term • The historic CTR of that advert.

6. Final step in software development cycle before a website goes live?

Quality assurance (in 2 ways) - Functional testing (testing features so they function correctly) - User interface testing (so users can engage with the site but also testing manus, dropdowns, buttons, icons, toolbars

5. What does functional UX means?

Refer to the elements of the user experience that relate to actually using the tool, such as working technical elements, navigation, search and links.

12. Once demand has been created customer wants to satisfy this demand - what is often the best online marketing strategy for this?

Search advertisement (from chapter 11)

11.What forms the basis of search advertising? And why is it useful

Search advertising is keywords based, and the add is triggered by the keyword in a search - this means that the company can target customers that are already in the buying phase.

8. What does SERP stand for ?

Search engine result page

12. What is sponsored content?

Sponsored content advertising exists at the bottom of articles you read online. This is where the 'suggested articles' posts appear and in most cases, this is paid-for promotion. Advertisers pay to have their content promoted under certain categories of sites or articles.

6. What is Cascading Style Sheet (CSS)?

Style sheet language deciding how objects will appear (like a plain text). E.g size, color, sparing around the text, placement of images etc.

How do you measure success in search advertising?

Success depends on your goals. Maybe you don't want to bid to much and get a lower rank if your budget is limited. What is important to know is what the consumer does on your webpage once they have clicked through

8. What are Meta tags?

Tags that tell search engine spiders exactly what a web page is about. It's important that your meta tags are optimized for the targeted keywords. Meta tags are made up of meta titles, descriptions and keywords.

8. What is Alt text?

The 'alt' attribute for the IMG HTML tag. It is used in HTML to attribute a text field to an image on a web page, normally with a descriptive function, telling a search engine or user what an image is about and displaying the text in instances where the image is unable to load. Also called alt tag. Anchor text is the visible, clickable text in a link.

11.What does behavioural and demographic targeting imply?

The add is targeted towards personal behaviour. For example you can re-target / re-marketing to users that have been to your webpage but did not complete a purchase. It keeps your company top of mind.

9. What advantages do you see with digital copywriting?

The advantages of good digital copywriting are simple: 1. Your content will work better 2. Your SEO will benefit and your customers will find it easier to absorb your material. 3. Clear call to actions can also help to increase response rates.

11.How does the bidding process work?

The advertiser chose the maximum they are willing to pay per click. However this is not always what they actually need to pay. The search engine runs an action called generalised second price (GSP) and the advertiser ends up paying the price of the bid blew him + a standard increment

12. What is important for the future of online advertising?

The key word here is 'engagement' and technology and data analysis is working towards being able to determine how websites can quantify the level of engagement with a viewer. Consumer are wary of advertising and the CTRs are low You can not view or work with one channel in isolation but look at the whole picture

9. When integrate SEO in the copywriting, key phrases etc is used to improve SEO of the copy. Explain the difference between meta description and meta keywords?

The meta description is a short paragraph describing the page content. Meta keywords are the list of the words and phrases that are important on a web page.

10. When talking in eCommerce terms. What does total retail means?

Total retail is a more customer-centric approach than omni-channel Total retail means two things: 1. A unified brand story across all channels that promises a consistently superior customer experience. 2. An integrated back office operating model with agile and innovative technology.

5. What is user experience?

User experience (UX) can be defined as all the experiences - physical, sensory, emotional and mental - that a person has when interacting with a digital tool.

8. What does Link authority mean and why is it important?

Value of the links - The more relevant a site, the more value is transferred by the link

13. Why is vanity metrics not useful?

Vanity metrics could be the amount of followers on facebook but It doesn't mean much on its own. Instead, you would want to look at percentage increase in number of fans, or the engagement rate of the fans that you have, to see whether you are doing well.

13. What is objective defined as in the marketing world?

What you want to achieve from a marketing effort.

8. What is meant by a "Referrer"?

When a user clicks on a link from one site to another, the site the user has left is the referrer. Most browsers log the referrer's URL in referrer strings. This information is vital in determining which queries are being used to find specific sites.

11. What are pros and cons of long tail?

While long-tail phrases are generally cheaper and lead to a higher rate of conversions, you will need to use a much larger number of them to make up for the lower traffic volume that they generate.

9. What does "the audience of one" refer to?

While your audience is not literally one person it is not a vast, vaguely defined crowd either. Instead, the web has many niche audiences who are used to being addressed as individuals. This individual is called Persona.

12. How does the CPE payment model work

With the cost per engagement (CPE) model, advertisers pay for interactions with adverts, normally placed in videos or applications, such as Facebook applications. The ad doesn't take the user away from the web page and marketers pay only when a user completes an action.

8. What is White Hat SEO

Working with parameters set by search engines to optimize a website for better user experience

11. What is the implication of targeting options?

You know that the traffic you are getting is relevant to your products/ services

11. What does language and location targeting imply?

You limit your add to a specific location and/ or language. This means that you won't pay for traffic that can't convert. This is also called geo-targeting

13. What is one of the core principals when it comes to choose social media platform?

You need to go where your audience is. Pick a platform that fits your needs and the businesses.

12. What are the options to get your ad online? Remember these options are also available on mobile.

• Premium booked media • Advertising networks • Advertising exchanges and programmatic buying • Social media advertising placement • Native advertising • Mobile advertising • Ad servers.

7. Back-end development (what kind of information you need from your users) involves:

• Secure data access over network. • Database management (including user data and other types of data), user accounts and authentication. • Scaling your database to handle increasing numbers of users and avoid crashing from overload. • Customising the user experience and how the user goes through the application (relevant to UX design). • Data integration, how users share information with third-party websites. • Sending data to front-end devices (push notifications).

11.Search engines want to show relevant ads so that people click on them (so they earn money) and it can be expensive and difficult to be at the top, which has the highest CTR. What does top ads have in common?

• They are very relevant to a user's search query. • They consistently perform well, with high CTRs over time. • The CPC bid is competitive and outbids other ads of the same quality.

6. Development options: What is a proprietary?

+ predictability, many options, robust and filled with features, cost-effective - licensing fees, supported only by the company that sells it, lack of customization and flexibility

12. What is a banner and what are key characteristics to know?

- A banner advert is a graphic image or animation displayed on a website for advertising purposes. - There are standard sizes (measured in pixels) for static, animated and rich media banner adverts. Creating banners in these sizes means the ads can be placed on many websites; advertisers sell space in these sizes as well. - All adverts need to be supplied with a destination URL.

6. What is an adaptive website?

- A site that is designed specifically tailored for the a certain device. - Requires multiple fixed layout sizes - More labour intensive - More expensive than responsive

8. What is a Backlink?

- All the links from pages on external domains pointing to pages on your own domain. - Each link from an external domain to a specific page is known as an inbound/backlink. - The number of backlinks influences your ranking, so the more backlinks the better

12. What types display adverts exist?

- Banner adverts - Interstitial Banners - Pop- ups and Pop- unders - Floating adverts - Wallpaper adverts - Map adverts - Video adverts - Native content - Sponsored content

6. Brand assets that a designer must work on when implementing a site

- Brand guidelines - Logo & other key brand elements - Image libraries - Fonts folder - Brand colours

5. Implementing UX design: An UX designer should know the following principles of visual design:

- Colour. Has a great psychological effect on people. - Imagery. Could have a massive effect on how users behave and interact on a page.

11.Which are the automated extensions?

- Consumer ratings - Previous visits - Dynamic structured snippets ( show additional landing page details) - Seller ratings (shows reputation) - Message extension

6. When choosing a client-side/front-end language (e.g. HTML, JavaScript, CSS), what needs to be considered?

- Cost - Features - Scalability - Browser and OS support - Open source or proprietary software

6. When choosing a server-side/back-end language( e.g. Java, Django, Ruby on Rails) what needs to be considered?

- Cost - Scalability

8. What is important when optimizing content for keywords?

- Ensure the site contains content that targets the keywords - Content needs to be structured and send relevant signals - Recognize context and implied meaning (synonyms)

9. Because of the number of people who use the internet via mobile phones, content is usually written for mobile first these days. How can you, in the best way, create digital copy for all screen sizes that encourages interaction and achieves marketing and business goals? (5 st).

- Get to the point - Put the important bits up front - Condense information to its simplest form - Use CTA upfront - Use headings and subheadings for scanning

5. The core principles of UX: Mobile users are:

- Goal oriented - Time conscious - Search dominant - Locally focused

5. Advantages of UX design

- Good UX means that users will have a pleasurable experience - more likely to return and recommend the site

8. What does HTML stand for and what does it entail?

- HyperText Markup Language (HTML). - Certain HTML tags are used to structure the information and features within a web page.

5. Disadvantages of UX design

- It is costly and time consuming - Testing each development or aspect van be very drawn out - Poor UX means a negative and disappointing experience, users may not return or recommend the site.

5. Core principles of UX: Usability and conventions - popular conventions include:

- Links that are blue and underlined - Navigations menus at the top of the web page - The logo in the top left hand corner which is linked to take the user back to the home page - Search boxes placed at the top of the page

5. Core principles of UX: Credibility - Some cues to determine the credibility of a website are:

- Looks - Prominent phone numbers and addresses are easy to locate - Informative and personal "about us" - Genuine testimonials - e-commerce - social media - Logos of associations and awards - Links to credible third-party references or endorsements - Fresh, up-to-date content - No errors

5. Core principles of UX: Simplicity - Simplicity can mean four things:

- Lots of empty space - Fewer options - Plain language - Sticking to conventions

6. What does a visual designer need to consider in order to create a good interface design?

- Navigation: the signage of the site, indicating to users where they are and where they can go. - Layout: how content is structured and displayed. - Headers: the element with a fixed position at the top of every page. They usually includes all primary navigation items which need to be presented on every page such as main menu, login and search. - Footers: the usually consistent bottom part of the page. - Credibility: telling users that you are who you say you are.

5. Core principles of UX: Usability and conventions - some don'ts when it comes to building a user-friendly website:

- Never resize windows or launch the site in a pop-up - Do not use entry or splash pages - Don't use Flash sites - Don't distract the user with blinking images, flashing lights or automatic sounds

8. What are advantages of SEO?

- Optimizing websites for users - Results in better user experience - Ensures that search engines index and rank the website well

6. What should be done in Step 4: Testing and launch? (Web development)

- Should take place throughout the whole web development process. - Subjects should be real potential users - Needs to be tested in all browsers and devices but also test all links. - Validate HTML

6. Limitations of developing on mobile devices

- Smaller screens - Navigation limits - Different operating systems - File formats - Bandwidth restrictions

5. Implementing UX design: the UX practitioner need to get involved in a few key roles, which are:

- What the site should achieve - What the user wants and needs - What makes the content unique, valuable or different - The tone and language used

5. The core principles of UX: which questions should be considered regarding User-centric design?

- Who is the user? - What are the user's wants and needs from your platform? - Why is the user really coming to your website? - Where is the user most likely to be in their customer journey when they visit your site? - What are the user's capabilities, web skills and available technology? - How can the site facilitate the customer journey to conversion and purchase? - What features would make the user's experience easier and better?

5. Implementing UX design: Calls to action involve:

- positioning - prioritisation - clickability - quantity

5. Implementing UX design: Forms involve:

- steps and sections - relevance - assistance - validation - reCAPTCHA

7. What advantages of mobile apps do you see?

1) Most mobile marketing mediums don't require you to educate the audience. 2) Mobile is location-specific, offering opportunities to localise marketing and sharpen targeting efforts. 3) Mobiles are very immediate devices, with messages delivered instantly and very often acted on quickly. 4) Campaigns delivered via mobile can be very cost-effective. 5) Mobiles give you the opportunity to reach a target audience that may not have access to desktop computers. 6) Mobiles are ideal devices for well-optimised content delivery.

7. What challenges of mobile apps do you see?

1) Privacy is paramount because the mobile phone is personal, so campaigns need to ask users' permission and assure them of privacy. 2) Mobiles vary widely in screen size, operating systems and browsers, so standardising websites and campaigns can be a challenge. 3) The small screen size associated with mobile limits options for browsing and inputting information. 4) Ensuring that brands provide value to users over mobile can take some careful thought. 5) Smartphone penetration is far from 100% in developing areas and data costs can impact user access as well.

5. Implementing UX design: creation of a sitemap involve the following process:

1. Define the home page. Should be the top item in the hierarchy 2. Place the main navigation items below the home page 3. Arrange the pages of content below the main navigational items 4. Add pages below this until you have placed all content 5. Define any other static navigation elements

10. Fulfilment is a big part of running a successful eCommerce store and can have a huge impact on your customer experience. The fulfilment process starts when the order is placed and ends when the customer receives the product successfully. There are six stages to the fulfilment process:

1. Inventory management 2. Warehouse management 3. Order management 4. Destination 5. Returns 6. Order tracking

7. There are some methods of communication that are only accessible via a mobile device. What methods?

1. SMS/MMS 2. USSD 3. Bluetooth beacons 4. AR/VR 5. Apps

7. Once you've decided that you really do need an app, it's time to get into the process of planning it. What do you need to consider during the planning phase?

1. What platform should i use 2. User stories (a one-sentence description of what you want your app to accomplish.) 3. Timing (since developing an app can take time) 4. Think about the front-end and back-end

10. When setting up an eCommerce site, there are 5 main considerations: This considerations are...

1. Which industry will you operate in and what products will you sell? 2. How will you build your website? 3. How will you physically ship your product and fulfil orders? 4. How will you drive traffic to your site? 5.What metrics will you measure to determine success and which tools will you use?

13. On which device is social media mostly seen on? And what are some guidelines marketers needs to think of?

80% is on the mobile, general guidelines is: * Images should be clear and convey meaning even when small. • Text should be brief enough to minimise the need for scrolling. • The point of the ad should come across immediately with a clear CTA. • Any links in the ad should lead to mobile-optimised landing pages.

6. What is a brochure site?

A brochure of a company's offering. The site doesn't "do" anything. The user can't interact with the site in any way - can't place orders, make payments or engage with the site

6. What is a responsive site?

A website that changes its layout depending on the device it is displayed on so it looks one way on a desktop computer, but then adapts to the smaller screen size and layout on a tablet or mobile phone. In this way, a single development project can cater for multiple device form factors.

12. How does advertising exchanges work?

Advertising exchange is where unsold advertising space (called inventory) is placed by publishers for bidding. Giving advertisers far more control, this type of advertising mimics the PPC model of search advertising (GSP auction) but bids are for audience profiles and space rather than for keywords.

9. What is important to have in mind regarding Language/Tone of voice when creating good copy online?

Always keep it simple and tailor your language to your audience.

6. Development options: What is an open source?

Anyone can see the code that the CMS in built with and can manipulate or improve it and share with anyone else using the CMS. + customization, flexibility, supported by an online community and not a company, existing frameworks to work from, you're the owner of the customized versions - costs can be high if customized, less "out of the box" features and features you might need may be expensive to create, less predictable

8. What does ASO mean and what is it about?

App Store Optimization - The process of optimizing mobile and web applications for the specific web stores in which they are distributed.

11. What is conversion tracking and why is it relevant?

Conversion tracking allows you to track your campaign all the way to a conversion (customer doing what you want). A small conversion pixel is often placed on the conversion confirmation page.

12. Google has termed "attribution modelling", what does this mean?

It is based on the premise that a certain digital channel might be better at assisting in purchase than another, at a certain time, in a certain chain of interactions with the brand (remember that the customer might not follow the traditional sales funnel online)

13. What is important when it comes to measure your KPI's?

It is important to choose KPI's that will depend on the goals of any campaign you run.

10. Theres are 5 important steps to follow when setting up your eCommerce site. Those are...

Step 1. Choosing your domain name Step 2. Obtaining a secure (SSL) certificate Step 3. Choosing the right hosting package Step 4. Choosing an eCommerce platform Step 5. Selecting your payment gateway.

11. What is the aim of display URL?

The aim should be to send users to a web page that is as specific to their search and the PPC advert, as possible. This is known as deep-linking.

6. What is web development?

The process of taking finished web designs and transform them into fully functioning and interactive websites

8. What is an Anchor Text ?

The visible text that forms the link. This is the text that should contain the keyword you are targeting

5. What does creative UX mean?

This is known as the 'wow' factor that covers visual and creative elements.

6. What is the fundamental principle of good development and design?

To understand your users

13. What should you measure when it comes to your posts?

Tracking which posts are being liked, shared, or commented on, those should be your first choice for paid promotion. The feedback you get on posts is often near-instantaneous, so this will allow you to respond quickly to whichever posts are doing well and which are doing badly

6. What should be done in Step 2: Design? (Web development)

Transform the wireframes and basic planning materials inte beautiful designed layouts

8. What is Black Hat SEO?

Trying to game the search engines with dubious means to get higher rankings

12. What can digital marketing consist of?

images, texts, videos, interactive elements and games

8. What are the 5 main areas to keep in mind for a good, SEO optimized webpage?

o A search engine friendly website structure o A well-researched list of keywords o Content optimized to target those keywords o Link popularity o User insights

8. What are the 5 fundamental elements of mobile SEO?

o A usable, crawl-able site o Content is important and should be formatted for mobile usage. o Links are important. o Submit a mobile XML sitemap. o Use the word 'mobile' on the mobile website, or use mobile top- level domains.

8. What should you not do when making trying to SEO optimize?

o Avoid hidden text or hidden links. o Don't use cloaking or sneaky redirects. o Don't send automated queries to Google. o Don't load pages with irrelevant keywords. o Don't create multiple pages, subdomains, or domains with substantially duplicated content. o Don't create pages that include malicious behaviors such as phishing or installing viruses, trojans or other malware. o Avoid 'doorway' pages created just for search engines or other 'cookie cutter' approaches, such as affiliate programs with little or no original content. o Avoid link farms and focus on attracting quality, valuable links. o No Black Hat SEO

8. How to get more links?

o Create excellent, valuable content that others want to read o Create tools and documents that others want to use o Create games o Capitalize on software and widgets

8. What are important usability and SEO implications for a search engine friendly webpage?

o Information architecture o How content is planned and laid out o Content relevance o User engagement o User experience

8. When listing best results first SEO looks for signals of?

o Popularity o Authority o Relevance o Trust o Importance

8. What are the 3 content roles?

o Provide information o Engage o Persuade

8. Why are there differences in the approach for mobile SEO to web SEO?

o Search engines have the ability to deliver precise location- based results to mobile users. o Usability is critical in sites for mobile devices. o Search engines have less data to work with compared to traditional web in terms of site history, traffic and inbound links.

8. What are the guidelines for optimizing images with keywords for SEO?

o Use descriptive, keyword-filled filenames. o Use specific alt tags and title attributes. o Add meta information to the image. o Use descriptive captions and keep relevant copy close to the corresponding media o Make sure that the header tags and images are relevant to each other. o Think about what other digital assets you have and whether these can be optimized in line with your keyword strategy.

8. What should you consider when it comes to Social media and Searches?

o Use social media properties to dominate brand SERPs o Social links are used as signals of relevance o Personalized results are influenced by your online social network o Optimize for social search engines

What are the three steps in Social media advertising?

objectives, ad types and targeting options.

13. what are some common payment models on social media?

• CPC (Cost per click, pay only when the ad is clicked on) • CPE (Cost per engagement, pay only for demonstrated engagement with the ad) • CPM (Cost per thousand impressions)

12. On mobile you have additional advertising options, which are these?

-Blind networks: These networks target a large number of independent mobile publishers and generally allow you to target by country or type of content, but not by specific websites. -Premium blind networks: Advertising on premium blind networks tends to be more expensive but allow the advertiser to target better-known brands and high-traffic sites. -Premium networks: These networks often offer sales as a direct extension of the big brands that they offer. - Gaming console advertisement

11. How do you calculate CTR? How do you calculate conversion rate? How do you calculate the cost per action/ cost per conversion? How do you calculate average cost per click?

-CTR of an advert is the number of clicks out of the total impressions (showings). -The conversion rate of an advert is conversions divided by clicks. -The cost per action is the total cost of the campaign divided by conversions -The average cost per click is the total cost of the campaign divided by the number of clicks.

9. What is the advantages of Long copy (over Short copy)?

-It allows you to provide more information and encourage the reader to convert -You can foster a relationship with a reader -With more words and space available, you are able to build a voice and a personality into your writing.

9. Give 6 examples of Long copy

1 News releases 2. Articles 3. Emails 4. Blog posts 5. Advertorials 6. Website copy

9. Give 4 examples of short copy

1. CTA (Call to actions) 2. Titles and subject lines 3. Search adverts 4. Social copy (Social media copy)

12. What are the steps to follow to make sure that you run effective averts?

1. Determine the goal of the campaign 2. identify your KPIs 3. Investigate your target audience. 4. Research potential publishers to host the adverts 5. Set a budget 6. Create the adverts (attract attention, convey a message, entice action) 7. choose or create a landing page 8. Run the adverts 9. Track, measure, optimise

11.What is a landing page?

A landing page is a page on your website, and it is not necessarily the home page. The point of a PPC campaign is to send the user to a page that fits with the search they have made. Landing pages indicate relevance to the search engine, which can increase the Quality score and therefor lower the CPC (cost per click)

11. How should you structure your ads? (In Google ads)

Account --> Campaign --> Ad groups. The ads that are running should reflect you business and marketing strategy. Organise the search adverts in groupings called campaigns. With each campaign you should have ad groups - a set of ads that have common characteristics and focus.

9. Why is writing for digital more different from writing in traditional media?

Because of the sheer volume of information on the Internet. Quality content is king when it comes to digital media.

11.How do you run search advertising campaigns profitably?

By knowing the value of each conversion. If the cost of achieving a conversion is lower than the value it adds you are losing money with each conversion

12. What are the challenges of online advertising?

Consumer use pop-up blockers as they consider it an annoyance Consumers are increasingly ignoring adverts

11.What does dynamic landing pages mean?

Creating dynamic landing pages means that with a simple script, unique keyword-rich landing pages can be created for every search. The script will take the keyword that the searcher has used and insert it in predefined places on the landing page. The user will then be landing on a page that is highly relevant to their search.

9. Website copy is a type of long copy. In what ways can website copy be formed in order to make the content more user friendly?

Examples: - Text should be easily scanned - Meaningful headings and subheadings - Highlight and bold key phrases - Use bullet lists Cut the fluff and bullshit - Remove redundancies - Include multimedia where relevant

11. What format does googles expanded ads have?

Heading 1- Heading 2 + Ad extension. The three main components are: - Keywords optimised ad text (main component of a search ad) - A link to your owned property (website, social media platform, content) - Ad extension

12. What are the main objectives of online advertising?

Increase sales, improve brand awareness, engage customers and raise share of voice in the market place Advertisers aim to stimulate a customer need (demand) and then satisfy that need (supply)

12. What is native content?

Native content advertising is the online version of Advertorials. This is where the advertiser produces content that is in line with the editorial style of the site, but is sponsored or in some way product endorsed by the brand;

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