DIT CH 5 Midterm

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metabolic syndrome

has metabolic syndrome or doesnt? female, waist 36 inch, high BP, normal blood glucose, low fasting HDL, high fasting triglycerides

metabolic syndrome

has metabolic syndrome or doesnt? male, waist 42 inch, high fasting blood glucose, high triglycerides, low fasting HDL, high BP

doesnt have metabolic syndrome

has metabolic syndrome or doesnt? male, waist circumference 36, high fasting HDL, normal BP

stored as glycogen in liver and muscles

if your diet supplies more glucose than you need, the excess can be - metabolized to make ketones - stored as glycogen in liver and muscles - unabsorbed by GI tract - converted to proteins


less than 70 mg/dl

fructose, glucose



126 mg/dl or higher


Betty is constipated; she generally has bowel movements only twice a week. To help relieve her constipation without taking medications, Betty should A - reduce her intake of fruits and vegetables. B - reduce her intake of whole-grain breads and cereals. C - increase her intake of foods that contain insoluble fiber. D -increase her intake of refined carbobydrates.


As a result, your blood _____ drops to your normal post-meal level


100-125 mg/dl

normal fasting blood glucose

70-99 mg/dl


A primary fuel for muscles and other cells is

losing excess body fat

According to scientific evidence, which of the following actions can help reduce a person's risk of type 2 diabetes? - smoking less - drinking alcohol - losing excess body fat - reducling intake of salt


According to the latest version of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, _____ is a "nutrient of public health" concern.


Adam's usual caloric intake is 2200 kcal per day. According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, added sugars should contribute less than 10% of a person's total energy intake. Therefore, he should limit his added sugar intake to less than ____ kcal per day.

rises, pancreas, insulin

After your morning class, you rush to the dining facility and eat a large slice of pizza for lunch. Following the meal, your blood sugar _____ as your _____ releases _____


Alicia has PKU. She would like to sweeten her iced tea with a substance that provides 0 kcal/g. Based on this information, which of the following sweeteners supplies 0 kcal/g and is safe for her to use? sucralose xylitol aspartame sucrose


During Thanksgiving dinner, Harry ate too much bread stuffing, rolls, sweet potatoes, and pie. What happened to the excess glucose in his body? A - Much of the glucose was burned for energy. B - About 40% of the glucose wasn't absorbed by his intestinal tract. C - About 60% of the glucose was converted to protein and stored in his muscles. D - Most of the glucose was converted to fat and stored in his waistline.

tooth decay

Five-year-old Layla consumes a lot of sugary snacks. Based on this information, Layla has a high risk of

raises your blood glucose to a normal level

Glucagon is a hormone that is secreted by your pancreas. Glucagon...

citrus fruit

Hillary would like to add more soluble fiber to her diet. Which of the following foods should she add? white bread margarine eggs citrus fruits

a, b, e, f

Identify risk factors that increase an American's risk for developing type 2 diabetes. (Check all that apply.) a - family history of type 2 b - personal history of gestational diabetes c - frequent physical activity d - high salt consumption e - obesity f - african ancestry


If your diet doesn't provide an adequate amount of carbohydrate, your body alters its metabolism of other nutrients to meet your energy needs. Insufficient dietary carbohydrate can lead to elevated levels of ketone bodies in the bloodstream. Ketone bodies result from the partial breakdown of _____. fat vit d calcium fiber

dont produce insulin

Individuals with type I diabetes...

corn starch

Jacob has a rare medical condition that prevents his body from storing glucose as glycogen. Every four hours, day and night, Jacob has to consume a source of glucose that's slowly digested and absorbed by the intestinal tract. Which of the following foods should Jacob mix with water to form his life-saving solution? stevia sucralose cellulose corn starch

eat small, more frequent meals

Jamie has reactive hypoglycemia. Based on this information, Jamie should: -eat smaller, more frequent meals -take insulin to reduce blood glucose -increase intake of carbs -eliminate fat from diet

d, e

Javier is 5 years of age. Recently, his parents noticed Javier doesn't want to play as much as before. Plus, he has a dry cough, "runny" nose, constant urge to drink fluids, and slight fever. His parents are concerned that he may have type 1 diabetes. Which of Javier's signs and symptoms are associated with type 1 diabetes? (Check all that apply.) a - slight fever b - runny nose c- dry cough d - unusual tiredness e- constant urge to drink fluids

cooked beans

Justin's blood cholesterol level is too high. He'd like to add foods to his diet that can help reduce his blood cholesterol level. Based on this information, which of the following foods should he add? whole eggs cooked beans butter chick liver

A, b, d, e

Lisa is a 19-year-old college student who recently began experiencing symptoms of lactose intolerance. Select all of the dietary practices that may help Lisa meet her calcium needs without aggravating her lactose intolerance symptoms. (Check all that apply.) a - eat yogurt and aged cheese b - drink milk that has been pre-treated with lactase c - drink milk in between meals and snack rather than with them d - drink calcium-fortified soy milk e - try trying small amounts of milk

aspartame, sucralose

Nonnutritive ("artificial") sweeteners are intensely sweet yet supply no energy. Identify which of the following are classified as nonnutritive sweeteners. sucrose aspartame sucralose fructose lactose

nerve damage, kidney failure, heart disease

Over time, untreated or poorly-controlled diabetes mellitus ("diabetes") causes much harm to the body. Which of the following disorders, conditions, or events is a serious health consequence of poorly-controlled diabetes, including gestational diabetes? (Check all that apply.) nerve damage, kidney failure diverticula low birth weight heart disease

metabolic syndrome

Shawn's waist circumference is 42 inches, his blood pressure is consistently high, and his fasting blood glucose level is 110 mg/dl. Based on this information, Shawn has

130, excess ketone formation

The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for carbohydrates is ______ g per day. This amount of carbohydrate is enough to prevent ____.

serving as food

The carbohydrates in your diet can contribute to tooth decay by - increasing the density of your teeth. - coating the teeth with protective dental plaque. - serving as food for the acid-producing bacteria that live on your teeth and gums. - reducing your intake of fiber, which is needed to strengthen your teeth.

type 2 diabetes

The majority of Americans with diabetes have ____

gestational diabetes

The type of diabetes that may occur during pregnancy is called _____. Women who have this condition are at increased risk for developing type 2 diabetes after giving birth.


This morning, you overslept and woke up late for class. In a rush to leave the house, you didn't eat much for breakfast. A few hours later, your stomach is empty and your blood glucose ____

glucagon, glycogen, liver

This situation causes your pancreas to release _____, which stimulates the breakdown of ______ to glucose in the_____.


What is the major difference between soluble and insoluble forms of fiber? A - Soluble fiber provides no health benefits to humans, whereas insoluble fiber reduces the risk of heart disease. B - Soluble fiber dissolves or swells in water, whereas insoluble fiber generally does not change in water. C -Soluble fiber is in animal foods, whereas insoluble fiber is in plant foods. D -Soluble fiber can be digested by humans, whereas insoluble fiber cannot be digested.

baked potato

Which of the following foods has a high glycemic index (70 or more) - banana - cooked spaghetti - baked potato - peanuts

cork flakes cereal

Which of the following foods has a high glycemic index (70 or more)? - corn flakes cereal - raw apple - fat free milk - raw carrots

regular sweetened soft drinks

Which of the following foods is a rich source of high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS)? baked potato regular sweetened soft drinks whole grain bread

honey is source of fructose

Which of the following statements is true? - beans are good source of lactose - honey is source of fructose - sugar-sweetened are lactose - an egg is a carb


Which of the following statements is true? A - The human body stores soluble fiber in muscle tissue. B - A diet that contains whole-grain foods may help relieve constipation. C - the human intestinal tract releases enzymes that breakdown dietary fiber into glucose molecules. D - Insoluble fiber swells in water, which attracts cholesterol molecules to the fiber.


Wyatt is a healthy 23-year-old graduate student. When Wyatt hasn't eaten for a few hours, his blood glucose level ____ and he begins to feel hungry


____ helps glucose enter cells


____ is the carbohydrate that's stored in liver and muscle tissue.

type 1 diabetes

approximately 5% of diabetes cases are ____

sucrose, lactose, maltose


doesnt have metabolic syndrome

female, waist 33 inch, normal BP, normal blood sugar, high fasting HDL

insoluble fiber

fiber type? found in brown rice and wheat bread

insoluble fiber

fiber type? responsible for bowel regularity and preventing constipation

3, 1, 4, 2

greatest fiber to least greatest fiber content: 1. 1 cup bberries 2. 1 cup romaine lettuce 3. 1 cup black beans 4. 4.5 oz apple with skin

no pancreatic insulin

the less common form of diabetes is an autoimmune disease that results in

insulin resistance

the major type of diabetes is characterized by _____

soluble fiber

type fiber? absorbs water

insoluble fiber

type fiber? doesnt dissolve in water

insoluble fiber

type fiber? fibrous non-carb found in whole grain and wheat bran

soluble fiber

type fiber? thought to have cholesterol-lowering properties

soluble fiber

type of fiber? found in apples and oatmeal

soluble fiber

type of fiber? thickening agent used in making jams and jellies


which is true? A - Children who eat large amounts of sugary foods have a higher than average risk of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. B - People who drink sugar-sweetened soft drinks may gain body fat, especially if they don't reduce their intake of energy from solid foods. C - Sugars and other digestible carbohydrates comprise over 80% of the average American's total energy intake. D - A gram of sugar provides about twice the calories as a gram of starch.

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