Docker Containers Flashcards Questions Mamun 1-217 set 1
how to enable ubuntu to tab complete docker commands:
when did docker 1.5 come out?
How many docker images are there on docker hub?
14000 and growing
minimum kernel version needed for docker
How to make a new docker image?
Ans: 1. write a Dockerfile 2. Now, inside our "Dockerfile" dir, create a. a new config file for the virtual host named default b. a supervisord configuaruon file supervisord.conf c. a service configuration script 3. docker build -t nginx_image . (in this case, we are making a new nginx image) 4. confirm by running: docker images (new one should now show up)
what happens to the the top most layer (RW) when container stops.
What is -d in docker run?
NOT interactive
How to set up k8s
Per Nanit, how to set up k8s: ans: K8s: The first step is to create a Replication Controller which states the Docker image we want to run and how many of it to run simultaneously. After we set it up, we need to create a Service object. This will set up an ELB for us and route traffic from that ELB to the corresponding containers. Bottom line: K8s felt a little bit more comfortable here. The procedure is slightly shorter, and you don't have to manually setup or manage the ELB at all. It is all managed for you by K8s: when you create a service, an ELB is created for you, and when you delete a service, it is automatically deleted from AWS.
Service discovery and docker:
Per Nanit: Service discovery and docker: ans: Service Discovery When you use micro-services architecture in general, and Docker specifically, a good service discovery solution is extremely crucial. Docker containers shift between different VMs all the time and you must have a solid way to reach services both inside your cluster, and outside of it.
T/F: client and daemon does not have to run on the same VM.
True/false: amazon ec2 now supports windows containers.
Its semi-crazy, but can you do docker on docker?
a scheduler like k8s
A list of Dockerfile commands (11)
Why are the containers so light?
all the layers except the top most one in read-only and shared (e.g. ubuntu)
Most popular docker images on docker hub
ans: ubuntu centos nginx redis node postgress mysql mongo debian jenkins
namespace: example:
ans: Namespaces allow you to group services under a logical name. Let's assume we have a production and a staging namespace, both having a redis service in them.
docker command to run ubuntu container and then in it, run a while loop on bash.
ans: $ docker run -d ubuntu /bin/sh -c "while true; do echo hello world; sleep 1; done" 1e5535038e285177d5214659a068137486f96ee5c2e85a4ac52dc83f2ebe4147
Command to run an ubuntu container :
ans: $ docker run -t -i ubuntu /bin/bash root@af8bae53bdd3:/#
where does DOCKER_OPTS= go?
ans: /etc/default/docker on the vm
Internal structure of docker is made of 3 components:
ans: 1. docker image 2. docker registry 3. docker container
port range for docker (.e.g. to open in aws security group)
ans: 49000-50000 49k-50k
ans: Btrfs is a next generation copy-on-write filesystem that supports many advanced storage technologies that make it a good fit for Docker. Btrfs is included in the mainline Linux kernel and its on-disk-format is now considered stable
Dockerfile: ENTRYPOINT
ans: Define the default command that will be executed when the container is running.
Amazon's version of k8s:
ans: Docker orchestration frameworks out there: ECS (Elastic Container Service) by AWS,
All the doocker run commands has folder like so: docker run -d ubuntu user/xyz OR docker run -d ubuntu test/database why?
ans: I dont know. Gussing that dockers containers are organized into folders
docker server ??
ans: I think its the VM that has docker installed
ECS vs k8s:
ans: We were glad to discover that Kubernetes is far more comprehensive and had almost all the features we required. For us, Kubernetes won ECS on ECS's home court, which is AWS of course. (Nanit)
Dockerfile: FROM:
ans: base image from which this nw image will be built
What if you wanted the very latest version of docker , not what apt-get has to offer?
ans: curl -sSL | sudo sh
to enter a running container, attach a new shell:
ans: docker exec -it container1 /bin/bash
which command to get IP address of a container?
ans: docker inspect (more than IP addresses, but...)
How to totally do away with container my_db_1 ?
ans: docker kill my_db_1
command to get logs from containers:
ans: docker logs ( i guess opions will dictate logs from which container etc.)
magic of docker commands combined with good old unix:
ans: docker ps --filter "status=exited" | grep 'weeks ago' | awk '{print $1}' | xargs WHATEVER
from the vm, command to downlooad a docker image:
ans: docker pull ubuntu
How to restart a container named my_db_1 ?
ans: docker restart my_db_1
If you are deleting a container and you want to also delete the volume associated with it, you must provide what option?
ans: docker rm -v
example docker run command to create a container and then run a command ON THAT newly created container:
ans: docker run -d ubuntu /bin/sh -c "while true; do echo hello world; sleep 1; done"
You dont like that fact docker assign randon ids to your containers which is hard to remember. Fix?
ans: docker run -name my_web_server_1 ........ now that container will be named my_web_server_1
how to limit a container to 0.5 CPU core?
ans: docker run -ti --c 512 mamun/container1 (1024 = 1 cpu core)
You can go crazy and give particulat cores...
ans: docker run -ti --cpuset-cpus=0,4,6 mamun/db1
option with docker run command to set memory usage to 300M:
ans: docker run -ti -m 300M ubuntu:14.04 /bin/bash
95. difference bw docker ps -a and docker stats -all ?
ans: ps -a: running and stopped stats -all: running only
once installed, how to run hello world on the vm?
ans: sudo docker run hello-world (here hello-world is a test image!)
How to restart docker server?
ans: sudo service docker restart
can you pull hadoop images from docker hub?
ans: then pulled down hadoop images from docker hub. that worked too! yarn and everything ran MR job, that of course pegged the CPU. terminated instance. Is this thing real??? wow i can't believe it!
What is docker's native solution to persistent storage problem?
ans: you have configure that the docker image does NOT move from that VM (bc the VM has the persistent storage volume)
How to install docker on mac?
ans: you have to install Boot2Docker : which is a VM with docker installed and runs as a daemon. docker client on mac communicates with that daemon via Docker Remote API.
what (package name)
because ubuntu already had a package called docker
to install docker on windows or mac, you have to use:
Dockerfile: ADD:
copy a file from host to docker image
what does docker run command do?
creates container
command to attach to a container
docker attach
command to make several docker instances and make them work together:
docker compose
command to cp files between a container and local FS of host VM: (like hdaoop)
docker cp
which command creates container but does not start it?
docker create
command to see what files have changed on a container:
docker diff
command to get events form containers:
docker events
How to execute a command in a container?
docker exec
can you free a container in its place?
docker freeze
command list all the images "locally" available
docker images
Which command to see the public facing port of container:
docker port
command to lists all running containers:
docker ps
command to delete a container
docker rm
command to start a container
docker run
How to start a transient container? (i.e. it will be autimatically removed when it stops)?
docker run --rm
How to map a dir on host vm to a dir on a container:
docker run -v $HOSTDIR:$DOCKERDIR
command to get resource usage metrics from containers:
docker stats
command to stop a container
docker stop
which command shows running processes on a container?
docker top
How to modify a container's resource limits?
docker update
Name of the bridge interface that docker installs on the host VM
Dockerfile: CMD:
execute a commands
first column in the output of docker ps?
id of the container
its like k8s (orchestration, scheduling and more)
Short form of Kubernetes?
How does k8s provide a better solution to this problem (than ECS)
k8s allows you to mount an EBS volume which WILL MOVE when the docker image moves from VM to VM. (ECS , which just provides docker's native solution) does not provide this. Another win for k8s.
Startup speed comparison between docker container and a VM
milliseconds vs minutes
example of when you will need persistence storage
Docker file really is just a _____
service oriented architecture = N microservices
docker client talks to docker daemon via:
What is micro-services?
software is devided ibto many small services. each service is then serviced from multiple (10,100,1000) servers. each micro service wil have its API This is conttrast to frontend-middle-db model which is too complex to release and troubleshoot.
29. How to build a docker image:
source: STEP A: dockerfile FROM fedora-httpd MAINTAINER A D Ministator email: [email protected] # Add the tar file of the web site ADD mysite.tar /tmp/ # Docker automatically extracted. So move files to web directory RUN mv /tmp/mysite/* /var/www/html EXPOSE 80 ENTRYPOINT [ "/usr/sbin/httpd" ] CMD [ "-D", "FOREGROUND" ] STEP 2: build # docker build -rm -t mysite . STEP 3: run # docker run -d -P mysite
How to install docker on a ubuntu VM?
sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install
what does it mean to attach to a container?
to see its console
on internet docker seems to be on ubuntu/centos?
how to get kernel version ?
uname -r
How does docker container communicate with the host VM?
via a bridge
command to download and install docker on the vm:
wget -q0- | sh
Can Rancher do LB
Is Rancher Stateful
T/F: docker images are read-only
does Kubernetes have UI?
does Rancher have UI?
can you send SIGKILL to a container
yes. docker kill
can you rename a container?
yes. docker rename
Can you use docker and jenkins in combination ?
yes. for example, Jenkins can build bunch of containers (and more)
connection bw docker and microservices?
you can have N docker container provide each microservice. THATS THE WHOLE IDEA.