domain quiz - lifespace development

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extra chromosome

Klinefelter syndrome is due to:

from the sixth month to ninth month of prenatal development

Maternal malnutrition has the most severe consequences for the developing brain of the fetus when it occurs:

semiotic function preoperational stage

paiget - ability to use a symbol, object, or word to stand for something, which occurs in the preoperational stage and extends from ages 2 to 7.

contributes to many aspects of development

play in childgood

An individual's phenotype:

us determined by a combination of genetic and environmental factors


who coined the term "identity crisis"?

Initiative vs. guilt

: Raymond is a high-energy four-year-old who is always asking questions and likes to help with everything. He is easily distracted and may start helping one family member, and then engage with someone else. Raymond also likes to pretend that he's one of his favorite characters on TV and can often be seen trying to "arrest" his younger brother or save his friends from an imaginary "bad guy". In terms of Erikson's stages of psychosocial development, Raymond appears to be in which stage of development?

critical prd

A __________ is a restricted interval of time during which a particular kind of learning or experience must occur in order for development to proceed normally.

sep. anx

A child would be most likely to do which of the following first? Pull him/herself to standing by holding onto the furniture Show separation anxiety Pretend that a wood cylinder is a cup Say her first word

symbolic function

A key accomplishment of Piaget's preoperational stage is the emergence of:


A sudden loud noise would elicit which of the following reflexes from a one-month old infant?

D. Rejecting/neglecting

An increased risk for juvenile delinquency is most associated with which of the following parenting styles?

Re-evaluation of the dream

According to Daniel Levinson's (1986) Seasons of a Man's Life model, the mid-life transition is characterized by which of the following?

master social and emotional experiences

According to Erikson, the purpose of play is to:


According to Erikson, the successful outcome of the final stage of psychosocial development is:

innate factors

According to Noam Chomsky's nativist theory, language is largely the result of:

11 yo

According to Piaget, the ability to think abstractly is first evident at about ____ years of age


According to Piaget, the key feature of the _______________ stage is "semiotic function"

10-30 retention function, while greater recall of events that occurred from about 10 to 30 years of age is referred to as the reminiscence bump

Adults aged 70 and older usually report the largest number of memories for events that occurred in the 10- year period prior to being evaluated. The next largest number of memories reported will likely be for events that occurred when they were between the ages of: 1 and 15 10 and 30 25 and 45 30 and 50


Adults who are classified as __________ on the Adult Attachment Interview describe their childhood relationships with parents using positive terms, but their specific childhood memories contradict or do not support these positive descriptions.


As defined by Piaget, a __________ circular reaction occurs when a baby explores the characteristics of familiar objects by deliberately using them in new ways.

Transductive (precausal) reasoning

As defined by Piaget, the ability to engage in deferred imitation depends on the development of:

mental representation

As defined by Piaget, the ability to engage in deferred imitation depends on the development of:

is present to some degree at birth but then seems to disappear between the ages of 2 and 4 months and then reappears

Auditory localization:

are irritable and restless, have an exaggerated startle response and high-pitched cry, and are difficult to soothe

Babies of mothers who frequently used cocaine while pregnant:

less applicable to females than to males

Carol Gilligan (1982) criticized Kohlberg's theory of moral development on the ground that it is:

7yo Piaget stated that children younger than 7 lie spontaneously and unintentionally.

Children begin to intentionally lie (make false statements) at about ___ years of age in Piaget's theory.


Children between the ages of approximately _______ years are in the phallic stage of psychosexual development according to Freud and in the initiative vs. guilt stage of psychosocial development according to Erikson.

D. consider the intentions of the actor

Children in the autonomous stage _______________ when making moral judgements about a behavior, according to Piaget. Select one: A. focus on the consequences of the behavior only B. focus on rules that are relevant to the behavior C. consider their own emotional reactions to the behavior D. consider the intentions of the actor

play activities

Father-child attachment depends most on:

3 mo

Habituation-dishabituation research has demonstrated that infants begin to exhibit recognition memory for a visual stimulus for up to 24 hours following presentation of the stimulus at about ____ months of age.

contact comfort

Harlow and Zimmerman (1959) found that which of the following is most critical for the development of attachment?

easy temperament

In her longitudinal study of high-risk infants, Werner (1993) found that positive outcomes for these infants were most associated with:


In response to questions included in the Adult Attachment Interview, a 34-year old mother describes her childhood relationships with her own parents as very positive, but she is unable to come up with specific examples of pleasant experiences with them. Although she says this inability is due to poor memory, she is able to recall other events that occurred during early childhood. Most likely, this woman's 13-month old baby will exhibit which of the following attachment patterns in the Strange Situation?

refer the family to a physician for an evaluation of Walter

Mr. and Mrs. Wolff bring their 17-month old son, Walter, to you for an evaluation because they are concerned that he has not yet started walking or talking. You should:

of children to seek experiences that are consistent with their genetic predispositions

Niche-picking is the tendency:

A measure of implicit memory

Performance on which of the following is least likely to be adversely affected by increasing age in adulthood? A measure of implicit memory A dichotic listening task A measure of processing speed A test of visual acuity

color vision

Presbyopia refers to loss of:

reduced encoding strategies

Research investigating the deficits in recent long-term memory associated with increasing age indicates that these deficits are most often attributable to:

gender schemas

Sandra Bem's (1984) theory of gender role identity development emphasizes which of the following?

narrow the possible meanings of new words

Syntactic bootstrapping is useful for understanding how children:


T/F Memory span is relatively stable over the lifespan, as shown by data on digit span performance.

boys receive more praise for ability but girls receive more praise for effort

Teachers criticize boys more than girls and:

24 mo

The brain is only about 25% of its adult weight at birth. By about _______ months of age, it has reached 80% of its adult weight.

aggressive children are more likely than nonaggressive children to interpret the ambiguous actions of peers as intentionally hostile

The hostile attribution bias (Crick & Dodge, 1994; Dodge, 1980) states that:

intellectual disabilities and hearing and visual impairments

The most common symptoms of congenital cytomegalovirus (CMV) are:

visual cliff

To study social referencing, a developmental psychologist would most likely use:


Two-word sentences are characteristic of the speech of children at ________ months of age.


Two-year-old Mayen uses the word "juice" to refer to all of the beverages that she drinks. This is an example of:

ID forclosure

When asked if he has thought about college, Hakaru H., age 16, says, "My parents want me to be a lawyer, so I'm planning to go to law school." According to Marcia, Hakaru is exhibiting which of the following?


Which aspect of long-term memory is usually the first to be adversely affected by increasing age?

A baby flings his arms and legs outward and then toward his body in response to a loud noise.

Which of the following describes the Moro reflex?


Which of the following is LEAST likely to be one of a child"s first words? A. Fall B. Bye-bye C. Cold D. Cookie

Males are more vulnerable than females with regard to physical health.

Which of the following statement is most accurate, based on research on gender and biological vulnerability?

mental rules and strategies

information processing theories of cognitive development focus on:

Telegraphic speech

involves stringing two or more words together to make a sentence (e.g., "want milk"). This is referred to as holophrastic speech.

sociodramatic play

is best described as an imitation of adult behavior

children who are actively rejected have worse outcomes

studies comparing children who are actively rejected or neglected by their peers have found that:

recent long term moemory Sensory memory is relatively unaffected by increasing age.

the greatest age-related decline in memory is in:

infantile amnesia refers to:

the inability of adolescents and adults to recall events they experienced prior to 3 or 4 years of age

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