Driver's Ed - Unit #11

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Some studies show that for each additional passenger in the vehicle, a new driver is __?__% more likely to be in a crash


Our youngest and most inexperienced drivers are most at risk, with __?__% of all distracted driving crashes involving drivers under 20


The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety suggests that when a driver's eyes are drown away from the driving scene ahead for more than __?__ seconds, the odds of being in a crash or near-crash DOUBLE!


Texting while driving increases your chances of an accident by __?__%


Research indicates that the burden of talking on a cell phone - even if it's hands-free - saps the brain of __?__% of the energy it would ordinarily devote to safe driving


Driver distractions or inattentive driving are estimated to play a part in 1 out of every __?__ vehicle crashes


Drivers who use a hand-held device are __?__ times more likely to get into a crash serious enough to cause injury


Sending or receiving texts takes a driver's eyes off the road for an average of __?__ seconds


Risk of collision increases by up to __?__% when talking on a cell phone while driving (Insurance Institute for Highway Safety)


Securing commitments from other occupants to behave responsibly and to support the driver in ________ distractions is one way to prevent distractions ahead of time, before driving


when a person continuously looks all around the scene


What are the following? -adjusting all vehicle controls to the driver's preferences -determining exact travel routes or programming the GPS before you drive -adjusting to any personal conditions that could become distracting

ways to prevent distractions prior to driving

Can inattention to the roadway can cause a serious crash for you and others? Yes or no?


If an animal runs out in front of you, should you try to slow, honk your horn, and alert it to move out of the roadway quickly? Yes or no?


Nearly ____ _ _______ people are injured each year due to distracted driving

half a million

NOT ALL or ALL potentially distracting events occur within the vehicle?


What is the #1 killer of teens in America?

reckless and distracted driving

A driver's goal should be to eliminate ALL or SOME vehicle distractions before driving begins?


It is BETTER or WORSE to not deal with distractions at all than to have to address distractions in a moving vehicle?


Evidence shows that drivers whose attention is diverted away from the driving task are at INCREASED or DECREASED risk of being in a crash?


Any non-driving activity you engage in IS or ISN'T a potential danger, and INCREASES or DECREASES your risk of crashing?


Drivers whose attention becomes diverted from the driving task are MORE or LESS likely to experience a crash?


Texting drivers are 23 times MORE or LESS likely to get involved in a crash?


Texting may be even SAFER or MORE DANGEROUS than talking on a cell phone since the driver must often take his/her eyes off the roadway to look at the small screen on the phone?


You SHOULD or SHOULDN'T swerve left (into oncoming traffic) to avoid hitting an animal?


Swatting at an insect or taking your eyes off the road due to distractions caused by insects is PERFECTLY SAFE or VERY DANGEROUS?


The following are factors that contribute to what? -speeding -texting -distractions within the car while driving

distracted driving

involves anything that will take your full attention away from the driving task

distracted driving

Slowed __________ may cause drivers to be delayed in perceiving or completely fail to perceive an important traffic event


Properly buckling children and giving them books, toys, or games to occupy them can help _______ distractions prior to driving


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