E-Commerce Ch 7 & 8

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Estimates user's location within a radius of a known Wi-Fi access point.


Content generated by visitors or responders; reviews; posts; positive comments generated.

Create theme-based boards to reflect your brand messaging

Pinterest recommends that business boards not be strictly sales-oriented, but lifestyleoriented instead.

Multimedia capable: video, audio, text

Fully capable of displaying all common media from video to text and sound.

Message (DM)

A direct private message (DM) is like an e-mail that only you and the recipient can read.


A real-time digital dashboard connecting television commercials and tweet activity.


A history of your actions on Facebook, including photos, history of posts, and comments to your News Feed, as well as life events that you post and want others to see as a part of your profile. Additions you make to your Timeline may appear on your friends' News Feed. Creates additional links with friends.

Brand page

A new Pinterest feature that allows companies to create a corporate brand page. In the past, Pinterest did not distinguish between a personal page and a corporate brand page.

Retail brand Pins (Product Pin; Enhanced Pin)

A new kind of pin for food, retail, and movies. Click on a Retail Pin and you will see the price and where to buy it. Food Pins reveal recipes.


A public Tweet that includes another user's name "@username." You can click on mentions and link back to that person's profile. As a public tweet, your followers will be alerted as well.


A public response to a tweet using the Reply button. Replies show up on your timeline and that of the person you are responding to.

Status update

A way to post your comments, observations, and location to all your friends.

Promoted Pins

A way to promote pins to a targeted audience, and pay for click through to your Web site.

Image Hover

A widget you can add to your browser. When your mouse hovers over an online image, the Pin It button pops up and you can pin the photo automatically to your Pinterest boards.

Cell tower

AT&T, Verizon, and other carriers are in constant contact with their devices, which allows approximation of location by triangulation and refinement of the unit's GPS location. Wireless carriers use a cell phone's MAC address to identify the phone and the location.

News Feed

The center of the action on Facebook Home pages, News Feed is a continuously updated list of stories from friends and Pages that you have liked on Facebook. Ads running in the News Feed are the major ad revenue producer for Facebook. News Feed stories include status updates, photos, videos, links, app activity, and Likes. Provides a continual stream of messages from friends and advertisers.


The user's device downloads GPS data from a GPS satellite. First introduced with the Apple 3G iPhone in 2008. Today, cellphones are required to broadcast their GPS location for emergency assistance purposes.

Friend search

Helps you find friends who are already using Facebook, as well as friends who are not, typically by searching your e-mail contact list. Creates your baseline social network based on prior contacts.

Price display

Hover over a product and a display pops up with the price and model information.


Over a million specialized applications running in native code and extending the functionality of mobile devices.

fan acquisition

attracting people to your marketing messages


The ability to pin the photos of other users to your own boards, and to share with your friends.

Facebook Exchange (FBX)

a real-time bidding system that allows advertisers to target their ads based on personal information provided by Facebook


a stable group of fans engaged and communicating with one another over a substantial period of time about your brand

Web browser

Standard browsers will operate all Web sites and applications.


encouraging visitors to interact with your content and brand


140-character text message. Messages can be private (to a single person or one to one), public (to everyone, one to many), or to a group of followers.

Promoted Video

Advertisers can use distribute videos on the Twitter platform and use Promoted Videos to link directly to app installlations.

Number of Pins and Followers

A count of the number of pins and the number of followers visible at the top of the brand page.

Sign in/registration

Estimates users' location when they self-identify their location using sign-in services or social network posts.


Ability to tag photos, status updates, check-ins, or comments with the names of friends. Tagging links to that person's Timeline and News Feed. Your friends are notified they have been tagged, and you are linked to their Timeline. Friends of your friends may also be notified. Whenever Facebook detects the person in a new image, it notifies all those who have tagged the photo that this friend appears in a new photo that you can link to. The tagging tool is designed to create additional connections among users.

Promoted Accounts

Advertisers pay to have their branded account suggested to users likely to be interested in the account in the"Who to Follow" list, Twitter's account recommendation engine, available on the Twitter home page. Promoted Accounts can be specifically targeted and are priced on a cost-per-follower basis.

Promoted Tweets

Advertisers pay to have their tweets appear in users' search results and timelines. The tweets appear as "promoted," and the pricing is on a per-click basis, based on an auction run on the Twitter ad platform. Promoted Tweets can be both keyword- and geo-targeted. An "ad carousel" allows up to 12 ads to be shown in a single space, enabling users to swipe through the Promoted Tweets. Buy buttons embedded within Promoted Tweets enable users to purchase without leaving Twitter.

Promoted Trends

Advertisers pay to move their hashtags (#symbol used to mark keywords in a tweet) to the top of Twitter's Trends List. Otherwise, hashtags are found by the Twitter search engine, and only those that are organically popular make it to the Trends List.

Mobile Ads

All of the above formats delivered on mobile devices, as well as mobile app install and app engagement ads.

Me+ Contributors

Allows others to contribute to your boards (only if they are already a follower of yours).


Allows you to send along a tweet to all of your followers.

Location-based app messaging

American Express My Offers app presents cardholders with personalized deals based on their location.

Like Button

Amplification. A feature that allows users to express support for content on social sites to their friends, and friends of friends. The one tool that marketers cannot control. Currently free.


An online scrapbook where photos are organized by the user.


As part of account creation, you create a profile that includes certain personal information. The profile may also include photos and other media. Establishes baseline information that will be shared with friends.

Network with users, followers, and others

As with Facebook and Twitter, comment, mention, and communicate with others using Pinterest. Participate in the community and you will become better known, and learn more about potential customers and what they believe and to what they aspire.

Integration with other social sites

Ask your Facebook fans and Twitter followers to pin photos of your products and tag you. Repin these photos to your brand page on Pinterest. Give a shout-out to your loyal users and fans to show potential customers how much current users like using your product.

Pin It browser button (bookmarklet)

Browsers' red Pin It button. Users drag the button onto their browser screen, allowing them to instantly pin photos they see on the Web.

Buyable Pins/Shop Our Picks

Buyable Pins allow users to purchase product featured in pin without leaving Pinterest. Shop our Picks feature highlights hand-picked items for users to consider purchasing.

Link to URL; Link to pinner

Click on the URL of the company who pinned a photo; click on a link to the person who pinned a photo.


Code that allows you to embed your pinned photos into your blog automatically.

Enhanced Profile Pages

Companies can get their own banner to display images and the ability to pin a tweet to the top of the company's timeline.


Company-wide mobile strategy using mobile applications, mobile Web, augmented reality, mobile advertising, mobile bar codes, social media, location-based services, and push notifications.

Moments tab

Curated highlights of what is happening on Twitter at that moment.


Early adopter of mobile marketing, now using a number of apps (company app, augmented reality app, and the Square Wallet mobile payment app) along with SMS and QR code campaigns to reach out to customers.

Brand Pages

Engagement and community building. Similar to a business Web page, but much more social by encouraging user interaction and response; ongoing discussions among the community of fans. Brand pages are currently free. Shop/Services tabs for brand pages allow companies to feature products and services for sale.

Mobile-local social network marketing based on users' location

Facebook expands local offerings of deals by local firms, display ads using News Feed. Discount offers from a Gap store when claimed are broadcast to friends. Google+ Local. Connecting users with local businesses. Users can conduct searches within a local area and get Zagat reviews. Upgraded Foursquare app focuses on social updates but also recommendations and deals. Social network monitoring: sends messages within an app based on mentions of interest in products in Facebook and Twitter posts. Used by H&M. Intent marketing: scanning social networks for indications of real-time consumer interest in specific products. H&M partnered with LocalResponse to promote clothing inspired by the movie "Girl With the Dragon Tattoo."

Facebook Exchange (FBX)

Facebook's real-time ad exchange, which sells ads and retargets ads through online bidding. Advertisers place cookies on user browsers when they visit a site, and when they return to Facebook, they are shown ads on the right side from the site they visited. Requires payment.


Facebook's version of trending topics; appears at top of right-hand column next to News Feed

Mobile Ads

Fan acquisition and engagement. Mobile News Feed Page Post Ads are delivered to smartphones and tablets. Requires payment.

Right-Hand Sidebar Ads

Fan acquisition. Display ads in the right-hand column (sidebar) similar to display ads elsewhere on the Web. Requires payment.

News Feed Page Post Ads

Fan acquisition. Paid brand messages can be inserted into the News Feed. Requires payment. Buy button that can be embedded in News Feed Page Post Ads currently being tested.

Ultraportable and personal

Fits into a pocket, or a briefcase for tablets, able to be used anywhere and on the go.

Rue La La

Flash sales site for luxury clothing using SMS and Facebook mobile ads saw mobile sales increase to 40% of all online sales.


Impressions; click-through; unique visitors to a mobile or desktop Web site; pages viewed; time on site.


Inquire; reserve; visit a physical store; click-to-call; check maps for directions; register; request more information; posts and comments; responders to offers; Likes generated per visitor; click-to-call rate.

Hashtag #<word>

Like a Twitter search engine, #<word> organizes the conversations on Twitter around a specific topic. Click on a hashtag and you are taken to the search results for that term.

Integration with Facebook and Twitter

Login from Facebook,Twitter, and other social sites. Your personal profile (but not your photo) information from Facebook comes over to Pinterest; your pins go onto your Facebook Timeline. Twitter and Pinterest profile pages are also integrated.

URL Link to stores

Makes it easier for consumers to click through links on brand pages and product pins so they can reliably purchase what they see. The goal is to integrate photos of inventory with Pinterest to make items more easily tracked. What this means is retailers can see a definite link between a sale and a photo they pinned. Currently, after thousands of repins, clicking on the URL sometimes leads to a broken link.

Add Pin It or Follow button to your Web site (Pinterest widget)

Makes it easy for visitors to pin photos from your Web site, and be notified when you post new photos to your site.

In-store messaging

Messaging consumers while entering or browsing in a store. Retailers collect, analyze, and respond to customers' real-time shopping behavior.


Multiple apps for deals, clothing, and flagship brand app eBay Mobile.

Pinterest widget

Pin It button on your brand page that makes it easy for people to pin images from your site.

Lead Generation Card

Promotional offers that appear in users' Twitter timeline of messages with a coupon or other offer. Used for lead generation.

Location-based services marketing

Provides services to consumers looking for local services and products.


Purchases; percentage increase in sales due to local mobile campaign; percentage of customers from local mobile.

Screen size and resolution

Resolution of both tablets and phones is high enough to support vibrant graphics and video.


SMS to friends; notify friends of location; share location or offers with friends.

GPS location

Self-locating GPS capability.

Proximity marketing

Send messages to consumers in the area of a store or outlet to generate sales using a virtual fence around a retail location (could also be an airport, train station, or arena). Generally opt in. Miller Coors created a geo-fence around 28 U.S. airports to alert Blue Moon beer fans on where it could be purchased.


Sharing your pinned photos with friends. Options: Twitter, Facebook, e-mail, embed.


Smartphone and tablet apps that allow users to pin photos, browse pins and boards, get ideas while shopping, and display pins.

Personal communicator and organizer

Telephone plus calendars and clocks to coordinate life on a personal scale.

Pin as display ad

The Pinned photo acts as a display ad by directing users back to a firm's Web site.

TV Ad Retargeting

Tweeting viewers of TV shows with the same ads targeted at them on a show they are watching.


Twitter has a link-shortening feature that allows you to paste in a URL of any link and it will be automatically shortened.

Hashtags and keywords

Use <#hashtags> in the description of your pins, e.g., #style, #cars, #sports cars. Use keywords people are likely to use when searching for specific content.

Bluetooth low energy (BLE)

Used by Apple in iBeacon. Uses less battery power than traditional Bluetooth or GPS and more accurate than targeting through Wi-Fi triangulation.


Used to post a photo to a Pinterest board.


Users can choose to follow other pinners and boards and receive e-mail updates.

Geo-social-based services marketing

Users share their location with friends. Can be used for check-in services like Foursquare; friend finders; transportation services.


Uses iPhone and Android platforms for loyalty marketing and daily deals.


Uses location information based on the user's search queries.


Uses the Apple iAd platform to display banner ads promoting the Ikea catalog.


You can follow someone's tweets and receive them as soon as they are made. Others can follow your tweets.


Your timeline is your home page on Twitter listing the tweets you have received in chronological order, the most recent first. Click on a tweet in the timeline and it expands to reveal videos, and photos. Place your mouse over a tweet to reply, retweet, or make it a favorite (which is passed to your followers).


encouraging visitors to share their Likes and comments with their friends

Like button

gives users a chance to share their feelings about content and other objects they are viewing

location-based services

involve providing services to users based on their location

social density

refers to the number of interactions among members of a group and reflects the "connectedness" of a group, even if these connections are forced on users

location-based marketing

targets marketing messages to users based on their location

proximity marketing

techniques that identify a perimeter around a physical location, and then target ads to users within that perimeter, recommending actions possible within the fenced-in area


techniques that identify the location of a user's device and then target marketing to the device

dark social

those forms of social sharing that occur off the major social networks, through alternative communication tools such as e-mail, instant messages, texts, and mobile messaging apps

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