E115 Ch 3, 4
Andrew File System
File extensions are always an accurate representation of the file type. (T/F)
In the AFS File Tree, the topmost node is known as the home directory. (T/F)
A relative path in the AFS file tree can start from... (Choose all that apply)
My home directory, My current working directory
Putty host name
absolute pathname of E115 course locker
absolute pathname of home directory
The cd command is used to
change from one directory to another
cd ~/
change to home directory
copy an entire directory option
cp [-option] [oldlocation/]filename newlocation
copying files syntax
Assuming you are in your home directory, what is the correct syntax to copy the file e115_text.txt, located in the E 115 course locker, to a subdirectory inside your home directory named e115?
cp /afs/eos.ncsu.edu/courses/e/e115/e115_text.txt ~/e115
The mkdir command is used to
create a directory
script [-option] [location/]logfilename.txt
create a log syntax
script -f homework2b.txt
create log file named homework2b.txt
end log
ls -a ~/
list all files in home directory
ls [-option] [location, if not current]
listing contents of a directory syntax
Which command would only list all of the files in your current directory?
ls -a
mkdir ~/MyE115
make MyE115 directory in home directory while NOT in home directory
mkdir MyE115
make MyE115 directory in home directory while in home directory
mkdir [location/]directoryname
making a directory syntax
man command(name)
more information about commands syntax
cd location
moving to a directory syntax
relative pathname of home directory
The mv command can be used to
rename a file
The proper (full) syntax for the script command is
script -options filename.extension
where am I?