Early Childhood Studies Practice Test

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A creative activity is

a. cooking using a recipe. b. stringing beads. c. using play dough. d. assembling a twenty-piece puzzle.

Guidance/discipline and punishment are

a. different ways of saying the same thing. b. different approaches to helping children become competent. c. neither of the above. d. both a and b.

Classroom rules and rules for outdoor safety should be

a. few in number. b. worded in simple terms, using pictures. c. written in positive terms, saying what the children should be doing. d. all of the above.

Community resource information for the parents should be available

a. from the caregiver. b. from the director. c. both of the above. d. none of the above.

The following materials and activities are appropriate ways to help preschoolers prepare for reading:

a. Flash cards, workbooks, worksheets, and phonics lessons b. Magnetic letters, a well-stocked book corner, and reading to them every day c. Learning "The Alphabet Song" d. None of the above

Why do you give children a warning before activities are about to change?

a. It gives them time to clean up their toys. b. It provides them time to finish an activity. c. It helps quickly get their attention. d. It is a signal to come to the next activity right away.

Choose the most appropriate themes from the following list:

a. Pets, water, trucks, friends b. Famous Americans, first Thanksgiving, Easter c. Both of the above d. None of the above

Choose the most healthy snack for young children:

a. Saltine crackers and milk b. Orange juice and carrot sticks c. Oatmeal cookie and milk d. Apple slices, peanut butter, and milk

When you are preparing an environment for children, what should always be considered first?

a. State licensing regulations b. Center policy c. Safety of the child d. CDA standards

Situations that reflect bias include

a. Thanksgiving stories that depict Indians with war paint and headdresses. b. Halloween stories with pictures where everything black is portrayed as scary. c. block activities that serve to exclude girls and housekeeping activities that are offered first to girls. d. all of the above.

Caregivers should

a. control the conversations that children have with them. b. be good listeners. c. ask a lot of open-ended questions. d. both b and c.

Good practice provides children the opportunity to "live with diversity." Which of the following statements best represents that statement?

a. There are children of mixed heritage in the classroom. b. Pictures, learning materials, and posters depict children and families of diverse backgrounds, ages, abilities, and sexes including, but not limited to, materials that portray the dominant culture of the room. c. The classroom celebrates Black History Month. d. Teachers offer children a pinata and make tacos on Cinco de Mayo.

Which activity is creative?

a. Using a CD that tells children how to move b. Dancing to an instrumental CD with scarves c. Using musical instruments with a CD that tells children when to play them d. Singing "Where is Thumbkin?"

A milestone of development is

a. a definite point in a child's life. b. a part of motor development. c. a functional skill or task that most children can do at a certain age range. d. none of the above.

A balanced schedule would include

a. a good deal of teacher-directed activities. b. outdoor time only when all of the children have brought appropriate clothing. c. long periods of quiet activities. d. none of the above.

A CDA is

a. a licensing agency for early childhood professionals. b. the only nationally recognized early childhood credential. c. an association for early childhood administrators. d. a program offered by certain states.

An example of a positive nonverbal communication is

a. a smile. b. saying, "Good morning:' c. ignoring a child's actions. d. moving away from a child.

A writing center for preschoolers should include

a. a variety of alphabet worksheets with letters to trace. b. pencils, paper, markers, envelopes, an old typewriter, and pieces of old mail. c. both a and b. d. none of the above.

An appropriate mealtime would include

a. a well-balanced meal that meets licensing regulations. b. pleasant conversation at the table. c. encouragement to eat. d. all of the above.

Children learn best when they

a. actively participate. b. follow directions carefully. c. both a and b. d. none of the above.

Coloring books, ABC worksheets, and offering sample artwork are

a. activities that strengthen skills. b. developmentally appropriate. c. not developmentally appropriate. d. activities that should be offered every day.

The best example of an open-ended material would be

a. an alphabet puzzle. b. play dough and cookie cutters. c. a coloring book and crayons. d. unit blocks.

Two boys want the same truck to haul blocks across the room. One boy goes to the housekeeping area and gets a basket. This is

a. an open-ended question. b. an example of problem solving. c. a small-motor exercise. d. guidance.

Some types of observation tools are

a. anecdotal records. b. running records and child interviews. c. developmental checklists. d. all of the above.

Professional relationships with other staff include

a. attending professional development events together, such as conferences and workshops. b. spending time planning cooperatively to meet the needs of the children. c. treating each other with respect. d. all of the above.

Children's artwork should

a. be recognizable so their parents can appreciate it. b. emphasize the process rather than the product. c. both of the above. d. none of the above.

Frequent hand washing is important because

a. children need to keep hands clean. b. it keeps germs from spreading. c. it is a positive social skill. d. it is a law.

Fine-motor skills refer to skills that

a. children need to move to the next developmental level. b. require children to work with their hands and fingers. c. enable children to walk on a balance beam or on a straight line. d. none of the above.

The purpose of observing children is to

a. compare the growth and development among children in the group. b. identify patterns of their growth and development. c. provide the teachers with information so they can plan appropriate activities for the children. d. both b and c.

Appropriate choices for young children include this statement:

a. "Whatever you would like to do today!" b. "You may have ice cream or oranges for snack today.' c. "You may choose from the art area, the housekeeping area, or the puzzle table?' d. None of the above.

CDA stands for

a. Child's Dental Assistant. b. Child Development Associate. c. Child Development Association. d. Child Development Administration.

The following are characteristics of typical three- through five-year-old ranges of development:

a. Children match letters with those in their name. b. Children create make-believe stories. c. Children can recognize a number of different colors. d. All of the above.

Children should be provided with these items for washing their hands:

a. Cold water, bar soap, and paper towels b. Hot water, liquid soap, and a cloth towel c. Warm water, liquid soap, and paper towels d. Water and paper towels

A good early childhood practice is

a. having the children line up to use the restroom. b. having the children sit outside the restroom to wait for their turn. c. having the children all do an art activity together. d. asking the children to pretend to be butterflies as they walk to the playground.

Children's play materials should be kept

a. in closed containers. b. on low, open shelves. c. on shelves out of their reach. d. in a storage cabinet to be taken out by the caregiver.

Fire-exit information should be

a. in written form. b. kept in a file labeled "Emergency Procedures?' c. in both written and pictorial form, posted near the exits. d. in pictorial form.

At mealtime, a caregiver should

a. insist that children finish all food on their plates. b. not offer any dessert until all their food is finished. c. only offer dessert to the children who remained quiet at the table while eating. d. none of the above.

When the caregiver needs a substitute, the most important thing to do is

a. introduce the substitute and the children to each other. b. have written plans for the substitute to follow. c. provide the substitute with a listing of program expectations. d. all of the above.

A good way to get a new child and his or her family off to a positive start is to

a. invite them to visit before the first day. b. provide the family with written information about the program and answer questions they might have. c. none of the above, d. both of the above.

Children need their own spaces in the classroom for their coats and other belongings because

a. it promotes their positive self-concept. b. it helps maintain good health. c. a and b. d. none of the above.

When arranging a classroom, a teacher should

a. keep the quiet and noisy activities together. b. put related activities near each other. c. provide a large, open area in the center of the room. d. arrange the furniture all along the walls.

A developmentally appropriate group time

a. lasts only a short time. b. gets the children actively involved. c. permits children to leave, if they wish. d. all of the above.

An activity that develops small-motor skills would be

a. manipulating play dough. b. walking on a balance beam. c. throwing a ball. d. riding a tricycle.

A creative art project is

a. marble painting on turkey shapes. b. painting at the easel on pumpkin-shaped paper with orange and black paint. c. painting with orange and black paint on white paper. d. sponge painting on a white ghost shape.

A developmentally appropriate schedule is one in which

a. most of the day is spent in small-group activities. b. most of the day is spent in guided free play. c. children spend most of their time sitting at tables. d. children spend most of the day outside on the playground.

A large circle time with all the children involved

a. necessary for good overall development. b. done for very brief periods of time. c. not a good idea for children under age three. d. both band c.

To extend a "teachable moment"

a. observe what is happening. b. describe what is happening and ask open-ended questions. c. let children come up with ideas about what they would like to do. d. all of the above.

5. An open-ended question has

a. one right answer. b. no right or wrong answer. c. two answers. d. a commonly repeated answer.

The first-aid kit should be kept

a. out of the reach of children. b. in an easily accessible location, clearly marked, and out of the reach of children. c. in a restroom. d. in a drawer far from where children will play.

An important part of a quality early childhood program is for caregivers to communicate with parents. Some examples would be

a. parent (or guardian) conferences. b. parent (or guardian) meetings. c. conversations at arrival and departure times. d. all of the above.

When you provide an activity that lets children use their senses of smell, sight, sound, touch, and taste, it promotes

a. physical development. b. social development. c. cognitive development. d. communication development.

Appropriate guidance techniques would include

a. planning to avoid problems with the use of space, placement and number of toys, and careful supervision. b. interacting with children in positive ways. c. redirecting inappropriate behavior. d. all of the above.

Behaviors of the typical three- to four-year-old child include

a. playing alongside other children in small groups. b. increasing small-muscle control. c. not being able to recognize racial differences. d. both a and b.

Parent/teacher conflicts happen. A positive way to resolve them is to

a. practice active listening. b. suggest the parents look over their copy of your pro gram's parent handbook, referring to sections that may clear UP misunderstandings and address the problem. c. both of the above. d. none of the above.

Experience charts, labeling items in the room, and making lots of books available are all examples of

a. practices that support emergent literacy. b. practices children will encounter once they begin elementary school. c. practices that should be provided only to older preschoolers. d. none of the above.

Universal Procedures refers to

a. procedures that are taught in universal preschool programs. b. procedures for containing, disposing, and cleaning up body fluids. c. a checklist used by state licensing inspectors. d. all of the above.

A good technique for dealing with favorite toys is to

a. provide duplicates of them. b. put them away when children squabble over them. c. provide them as rewards for good behavior. d. none of the above.

Teachers can provide support to the three- to four-year-old child by

a. providing verbal reprimands for toileting accidents. b. providing worksheets to reinforce skills. c. using ABC flash cards. d. using letters and numbers as they come up in real situations.

Children's artwork should be

a. put on bulletin boards in the hallways. b. placed high on walls so other children cannot touch them. c. displayed at the children's eye level. d. put immediately into the children's cubbies to be taken home.

Preschoolers will use shocking language. An appropriate response would be

a. putting the child in time-out, isolating him or her from the rest of the children. b. telling the child that such language is not appropriate. c. giving the child a lot of attention each time he or she uses such language. d. all of the above.

Gross-motor skills refer to skills that

a. require children to make large movements with their bodies. b. require children to participate in messy activities. c. require children to use scissors or eyedroppers. d. none of the above.

A positive circle experience includes

a. scheduling and planning beforehand. b. interesting and active activities. c. anticipating problems beforehand. d. all of the above.

Children who are between eighteen months and two years old can typically

a. scribble with markers. b. write their names. c. draw pictures that are recognizable. d. none of the above.

Information that is gathered about the children should be

a. shared with specialists when the parents or guardians refuse to seek help for their child. b. shared with parents. c. discussed only among the caregivers who know the children. d. all of the above.

Scribbling is

a. something that should be discouraged. b. an indication of a developmental delay in preschool children. c. an early stage in the development of children's art and writing skills. d. none of the above.

When talking with a child, the caregiver should

a. speak loudly. b. get down to the child's eye level. c. whisper softly to the child. d. stand and talk with the child.

An activity that develops small-motor skills would be

a. swinging. b. beanbag throwing. c. bead stringing. d. jumping.

The amount of adult supervision that is needed depends on

a. the number of children in the group. b. the activity. c. the developmental needs of children who are present. d. all of these.

Child abuse and neglect reporting is the responsibility of

a. the teacher. b. the person who observed the incident. c. the director. d. the social service or regulatory agency.

A caregiver can encourage a toddler's development by

a. trying to toilet train as soon as possible. b. engaging the child in conversations and repeating some of what he or she says so the child can hear the words. c. waiting to provide eating utensils until the child is at least three years old. d. none of the above.

The typical toddler

a. understands more words than he or she can say. b. is possessive about his or her belongings. c. sits and listens to short stories. d. all of the above.

Children who are three through four years old should be able to

a. wait patiently in line. b. make a choice from two or three that are given. c. follow rules without being supervised. d. understand the consequences of their own behavior.

Positive ways to involve parents in the program include

a. wiping tables. b. reading stories. c. cleaning up the bathroom. d. all of the above.

Playing double Dutch with a jump rope, games with rules, and riding a two-wheeled bicycle

a. would be frustrating for most preschoolers. b. should be offered on a preschool playground. c. are activities for gifted children. d. none of the above.

Teachers can support characteristic development of three through five-year-old children by

a. writing down the children's stories. b. requiring that they sit quietly and complete coloring pages or worksheets. c. both of the above. d. none of the above.

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