EDUC 2301 Chapters 1-5

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The dropout rate for inner-city African American youth is: a. 20 percent b. 50 percent c. 16 percent d. 80 percent

80 percent

The No Child Left Behind Act requires what percent of students with disabilities to participate in statewide assessments used to measure students' yearly progress? a. 25% b. 65% c. 85% d. 95%


As a teacher in an Emotional and Behavior Disorder Classroom, you have found class meetings to be very effective. Which of the following is the correct structure for running a class meeting? a. 10 minutes of compliments and appreciation, future plans, new problems, and follow up on prior solutions. b. Follow up on prior solutions, future plans, new problems, 10 minutes of compliments and appreciations. c. 10 minutes of compliments and appreciations, follow-up on prior solutions, new problems, and future plans. d. Future plans, 10 minutes of compliments and appreciations, follow-up on prior solutions, and new problems.

10 minutes of compliments and appreciations, follow-up on prior solutions, new problems, and future plans.

Approximately what percent of students in the United States receive special education services? a. 6% b. 10% c. 13% d. 22%


Which program can secondary teachers use to assist their students in the acquisition of social skills such as giving positive feedback, resisting peer pressure, negotiation skills, and follow directions? a. ASSET b. FAST c. SLAM d. THINK


The chief responsibilities of classroom teachers are to: a. Adapt curriculum b. Write goals for the IEP c. Determine eligibility of a child d. Decide the appropriate placement for a child with a disability

Adapt curriculum

Common differences between U.S. macroculture and microcultures include: a. Individual versus group and family b. Competitive versus cooperative learning c. Objective knowledge versus personal knowledge d. a and b only e. All of the above

All of the above

What factors are relevant when explaining why students from minority groups have limited school success? a. Limited role models b. Continued discrimination and access c. Curriculum that is not culturally responsive d. a and c only e. All of the above

All of the above

Managing the classroom effectively is something all teachers are continually working to improve. In the culturally diverse classroom, which of the following is a caution you should consider when managing a diverse classroom environment? a. Behaviors allowed in the home are also acceptable at school. b. If one student is demonstrating the behavior so are the other members of the class. c. The inappropriate behavior demonstrated is never related to the student's culture. d. Behaviors that are indicative of problems in one group of students might not be so in another

Behaviors that are indicative of problems in one group of students might not be so in another

According to Ellis, in learning a second language, which of the following is NOT a factor that should be considered? a. Situational factors b. Linguistic input c. Learner characteristics d. Cognitive academic language proficiency e. Learning/developmental process

Cognitive academic language proficiency

Jeff's fourth-grade classroom had students from Mexico, Japan, and other Asian countries. Because several of his students came from fishing communities, Jeff incorporated an extended segment on fishing communities into the unit he was teaching. He checked out books and magazines about fishing and rural life in Mexico and Asian countries. The students also visited the fish market, as well as Asian and Mexican food markets and compared how fish was prepared in these markers. Jeff's teaching is an example of: a. Sheltered English b. Equity pedagogy c. Contributions approach d. Context embedded instruction

Context embedded instruction

When ethnic heroes and cultural artifacts are integrated into the curriculum, the approach to multicultural education is: a. Additive approach b. Transformation approach c. Contributions approach d. Social action approach

Contributions approach

Which provision of IDEA "ensures that everyone with a stake in the student's educational success has a voice and guarantees the right to an impartial hearing if appropriate procedures outlined by IDEA are not being followed?" a. Advocacy b. Due process c. Least restrictive environment d. Parent participation

Due process

Which key feature of IDEA that were developed to shape how the provisions and guidelines are implemented "allows schools to remove students with disabilities for serious bodily injury and adds new authority on a case by case basis?" a. Evidence based practice b. Response to intervention c. Discipline d. Early intervention services


Which teaching strategy does Sheltered English NOT include? a. Increase wait time b. Encourage reluctant learners to speak during class discussions c. Pair or group native speakers d. Use various modalities when presenting a new concept

Encourage reluctant learners to speak during class discussions

A major tenet of The No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) of 2001 is to ensure that: a. Teachers follow a nationally approved curriculum b. Every child can read by third grade c. Every state follow a federally approved budget d. Teacher's salaries are based on state's drop-out rate.

Every child can read by third grade

Mark yells and throws temper tantrums; his classmates and teacher go on with the lesson as if nothing were happening. Which strategy are they using the help Mark improve his behavior? a. Extinction b. Punishment c. Time out d. FAST


Basic interpersonal communication skills: a. Usually develop after cognitive academic language proficiency b. Focus on conversational competencies c. Generally take 5 to 7 years to develop in a second language d. Are important to consider when deciding whether to teach content subjects in a student's second language.

Focus on conversational competencies

James Walker, a third-grade teacher, visits students' homes and talks with parents to learn more about his students and their culture. James is learning about his students': a. Funds of knowledge b. Source of pride c. Funds of communities d. Inner sources

Funds of knowledge

Which of the following is NOT included in the IEP? a. Student's present level of educational performance b. Measurable annual goals and short-term objectives c. General education teachers lesson plans d. How student's progress toward annuals goals are measured

General education teachers lesson plans

This type of classroom placement can occur for a student with disabilities who will receive services from a special education teacher, who will address the goals and objectives from their IEP, in the general education setting with his or her same age peers instead of a separate setting for students with disabilities. a. Mainstreaming setting b. Resource room setting c. Separate facility setting d. Inclusive setting

Inclusive setting

You have a student in your high school Algebra I classroom who has been receiving special education services for several years. The student will be turning 16 years old soon, and his IEP needs to be updated. In the 2004 amendments of IDEA (now IDEIA) what will now need to be included as part of the IEP for this student? a. Individualized Transition Plan b. Individualized Educational Plan c. Vocational Rehabilitation Plan d. Individualized Family Service Plan

Individualized Educational Plan

If you have a child who is under the age of three and needs special education and related services which type of plan or program would be developed for him or her? a. Individualized Educational Plan b. Individualized Family Service Plan c. 504 Plan d. Vocational Rehabilitation Plan

Individualized Family Service Plan

Which of the following is NOT a dimension of multicultural education? a. Content integration b. Equity integration c. Empowering school culture d. Integrating home culture e. Knowledge construction

Integrating home culture

Which strategy can you use to teach students to identify goals and implement alternative solutions? a. Mutual Interest Discovery b. Interpersonal problem solving c. Scaffolding d. Social competence

Interpersonal problem solving

What are the results of the most recent legislation? a. More funding is available for ELL programs b. A greater effort to train teachers nationwide on effective practices for ELL students c. It has moved to restrict the type and length of programs for ELL students d. An emphasis on the maintenance of the first language along with the development of English

It has moved to restrict the type and length of programs for ELL students

Which is the largest disability group in U.S. schools? a. Traumatic brain injuries b. Learning disabilities c. Intellectual disabilities d. Speech or language impairments

Learning disabilities

A transition plan does NOT include: a. A statement of interagency responsibilities and linkages b. Students' needs, preferences and input c. Possible supported employment during high school d. Manifestation determination

Manifestation determination

Victor, a seventh grader from Ecuador, has experienced a dramatic increase in vocabulary recognition, but idioms and more advanced vocabulary remain difficult. He often knows what he wants to say, but struggles for the acceptable words. He frequently makes mistakes in grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. In which of the stages of second language development is Victor functioning? a. Mid-intermediate b. High-advanced c. Mid-beginning d. High-beginning


This team of people who make decisions about eligibility for special education services and includes a local education agency representative, a classroom teacher, a special education teacher, parents or guardians, a person to interpret evaluation results, and the student when appropriate, is the: a. Multidisciplinary team b. Transdisciplinary team c. Interdisciplinary team d. Consultation assistance team

Multidisciplinary team

Matt Onuska has noticed that sefveral of his students with learning and behavior problems are not accepted by the other students in his third-grade class. Which strategy can Matt use to increase peer acceptance in his class? a. ASSET b. Mutual Interest Discovery c. Friend's Club d. THINK

Mutual Interest Discovery

When Mrs. O'Neal wants her second graders to stop talking and look to the front of the room she takes away one minute of recess until the room is quiet. This is an example of: a. Positive reinforcement b. Negative reinforcement c. Encouragement d. Punishment

Negative reinforcement

Gioconda is a six-year-old Portuguese girl who arrived in Miami six months ago. Although she plays with English-speaking friends and attends the first grade, she does not speak English. Which period is Gioconda going through? a. Comprehensible output stage b. Embedded communication period c. Context-receptive state d. Non-verbal period

Non-verbal period

When implementing a social skills training program, teachers should use the principles of effective instruction. Which of the following is one of those principles? a. One of the teacher's roles should be to monitor and evaluate student progress. b. Obtain a student's commitment to learn the targeted social skill. c. The teacher should the Premack principle to decide on appropriate feedback. d. Students should decide on the consequences for peers who are unable to meet the goals of the program.

Obtain a student's commitment to learn the targeted social skill.

Which of the following is true about positive feedback? a. Too much positive feedback can sound phony and lose its effectiveness. b. Teachers tend to provide a lot of repetitive and nonspecific feedback. c. Positive reinforcement is more effective with older students than with younger students. d. Positive feedback needs to be more specific and presented immediately after the target behavior.

Positive feedback needs to be more specific and presented immediately after the target behavior.

Jack, an easily distracted second grader, is continually getting out of his seat. He only remains seated while drawing. Which of the following techniques can Jack's teacher use to increase his in-seat behavior? a. Premack principle b. Time out c. Punishment d. Extinction

Premack principle

The self-concepts of some of your students with disabilities can be very fragile depending on their life situation. Which of the following could you do to enhance your students' self-concepts? a. Force students to stay on difficult tasks until they get the correct answer. b. Ensure students work only with other students with similar academic or social problems. c. Provide opportunities for students who struggle academically to succeed in other ways. d. Allow only those students who succeed academically to work on other tasks they enjoy.

Provide opportunities for students who struggle academically to succeed in other ways.

This controversial concept promotes the placement of students with disabilities in the general education classroom for all or most of the school day with the primary reason being that students with disabilities would benefit from being placed in the general education setting. a. Full inclusion b. Regular education initiative c. Mainstreaming d. Pull-out services

Regular education initiative

Which of the following statements are true about punishment? a. Punishment frequently generalizes across settings. b. Punishment is a behavior modification strategy that provides students with information about how to behave appropriately. c. Punishment tends to be effective over time. d. Punishment is often reinforcing to the person who is doing the punishing.

Punishment is often reinforcing to the person who is doing the punishing.

All of the following are components that appear in most interpersonal problem solving programs EXCEPT: a. evaluate consequences b. Alternative solution implementation c. Question implementation d. Problem identification

Question implementation

Reinforcing students in the classroom may come in the form of tangible or extrinsic to internal or intrinsic. Which of the following would be considered an internal or intrinsic reward? a. Can of pop/soda b. Tickets c. Computer time d. Receiving an "A" on a test

Receiving an "A" on a test

You are designing your classroom to ensure you can monitor students and address behavior quickly while at the same time create a learning community. Which of the following is a guiding principle of a learning community? a. Recognize that students are children or adolescents first. b. Recognize that teacher's needs come first. c. Recognize that parents' interests are most important. d. Recognize that the administration has ultimate control of the classroom.

Recognize that students are children or adolescents first.

Carol often becomes hostile and tries to hurt others by calling them names. Her teacher admits she often feels hurt by Carol's constant insults. What type of mistaken goal does Carol have? a. Attention b. Power c. Revenge d. Exhibition of inadequacy


NCLB has implications for special education because a. Scientifically based reading programs must be implemented before a student gets referred b. Schools can use IDEIA funds for remediation programs c. All teachers must be dually certified in general and special education d. Teachers must complete a transition plan for all students at the school

Scientifically based reading programs must be implemented before a student gets referred

Brenda found out that George, a second grader with behavior problems who often acted out, had earned a black belt in karate. Brenda often asked George about how it was going in his karate classes and asked him to demonstrate some of his moves to the class. What is Brenda helping George with? a. Social perception b. Self-concept c. Social competence d. Aggression


What did the results of a 1994 Harris poll reveal about the status of adults with disabilities? a. Seven of ten adults with disabilities were without work b. Fifty percent of those polled were working at least part-time c. More than fifty percent were still living with their parents d. Those without work indicated they had no desire to find a job

Seven of ten adults with disabilities were without work

The essential element of a successful inclusion program is: a. Shared responsibility of all educators b. Training of special education staff on disabilities c. A paraeducator in every classroom d. Limiting inclusion to the students with mild disabilities

Shared responsibility of all educators

Which approach to multicultural education incorporates problem solving and a cultural critique? a. Additive approach b. Transformation approach c. Contributions approach d. Social action approach

Social action approach

Which is not true of a dialect? a. Dialect refers to a language variation associated with a regional or social group of people b. Regional dialects tend to be distinguished by pronunciation and vocabulary features. c. Social and cultural dialects vary in pronunciation and vocabulary as well as usage patterns d. The most prevalent native English vernacular dialect is African American Vernacular English.

Social and cultural dialects vary in pronunciation and vocabulary as well as usage patterns

Those responses, which within a given situation, prove effective and maximize the probability of producing or enhancing positive effects for the interactor are referred to as: a. Interpersonal problem solving skills b. Social competence c. Self-concept skills d. Social perception

Social competence

Which is not a reliable assessment measurement for students with a wide range of cultural and linguistic differences? a. Learning journals b. Vocabulary maps c. Standardized testing d. Portfolio

Standardized testing

Which of the following is true about teaching self-management skills? a. It allows students to become more aware of their own behaviors while allowing teachers to govern the reinforcers for these behaviors. b. Self-management requires a more active role from the teacher and a more collaborative role from the student. c. The target behavior should begin to change in approximately four weeks. d. Teacher and student identify when and where the target behavior most frequently occurs.

Teacher and student identify when and where the target behavior most frequently occurs.

Which is true about the Vocational Rehabilitation Act (P.L. 93-122)? a. The Vocational Rehabilitation Act prevents any private organization that uses federal funds or any local or state organization from discriminating against persons with disabilities solely on the bases of the person's disability. b. P.L. 93-122 puts the person first and the use of the term "disability" second. c. P.L. 93-122 adds assistive technology as a support service. d. The Vocational Rehabilitation Act requires that transition services be included in the individualized education programs of all students by at least age of 16.

The Vocational Rehabilitation Act prevents any private organization that uses federal funds or any local or state organization from discriminating against persons with disabilities solely on the bases of the person's disability.

Which of the following people is NOT required by law to attend an IEP meeting? a. Representative of the local education agency b. Parents or guardians c. General and/or special education teacher d. The speech pathologist

The speech pathologist

Which programs initially provide content-area instruction in students' native language along with ESL instruction? a. Transitional Bilingual Education b. Two-way sheltered English c. Sheltered English d. English as a Second Language

Transitional Bilingual Education

Ogbu suggests that some cultural groups seem to cross cultural boundaries more easily than other groups. Which group has the least difficulty crossing cultural barriers? a. Involuntary minorities b. Revolutionary minorities c. Voluntary minorities d. Autonomous minorities

Voluntary minorities

That no child with disabilities can be excluded from receiving a free appropriate public education, is one of IDEIA's primary characteristics, and is referred to as: a. Least restrictive environment b. Child find c. Nondiscriminatory inclusion d. Zero reject/free appropriate education

Zero reject/free appropriate education

What are considered the major characteristics of the U.S. macroculture? a. Individualism valued b. Orientation toward materialism c. Emphasis on cooperation and teamwork d. a and b only e. All of the above

a and b only

Cultural characteristics: a. Should serve as a starting point for teachers to build an understanding about individual students b. Should serve as the major means for interpreting the behaviors and actions of students. c. Are generalizations about cultural groups d. a and c e. b and c

a and c

Which of the following is the role the special education teacher plays in the multi-tiered RTI process? Select one: a. Collaborating with the general education teachers and providing consultation services b. Working only with the children who have special needs in a resource room c. Offering intensive interventions to all students d. Helping Tier 3 students with access to special education curriculum

a. Collaborating with the general education teachers and providing consultation services

When using the data collected from the RTI process, the focus should be to: Select one: a. Develop a list of concerns for the special education teacher to correct. b. Develop a profile that includes information about the child's strengths and areas of need. c. Develop a comprehensive list of further evaluations to be conducted on the child. d. Develop a profile to address only the strengths of the child.

a. Develop a profile that includes information about the child's strengths and areas of need.

According to the definition of collaboration provided in the book, what 3 parts describe collaboration? a. Direct interaction between at least two co-equal parties, shared decision making, and common goals. b. Direct interaction between at least two interested professionals, shared decision making, and multiple goal setting. c. Collaboration with special education, goal setting, and interaction with parents. d. Specialized services provided within the classroom, listening effectively, and working with other professionals.

a. Direct interaction between at least two co-equal parties, shared decision making, and common goals.

Which of the following did Salend and colleagues find to be true regarding cooperative teaching? a. Generally, teachers working in co-teaching situations earn higher wages than their counterparts. b. Teachers expressed concerns about the effectiveness of their teaching. c. Cooperative teaching works best in the elementary grades. d. Cooperative teaching works best when at least 25% of the class is composed of students with disabilities.

a. Generally, teachers working in co-teaching situations earn higher wages than their counterparts.

Identify the response that is an example of an open question. a. How do you explain the way your son has improved this year? b. Do you think your son has improved this year? c. Have you asked other family members about your son's behavior when you are not around? d. In what subject area do you think your child has made the most improvement?

a. How do you explain the way your son has improved this year?

According to Heward (2009), what are two forces that have contributed to the increased engagement of parents and other family members of children with disabilities? a. Increased parent advocacy and research indicating family involvement has a positive impact on student academic and social outcomes. b. Increased parent advocacy and the over-representation of minorities in special education classrooms. c. The over-representation of minorities in special education classrooms and research indicating family involvement has a positive impact on student academic and social outcomes. d. Research indicating family involvement has a positive impact on student academic and social outcomes and the lack of parent involvement in high school.

a. Increased parent advocacy and research indicating family involvement has a positive impact on student academic and social outcomes.

What does it mean to listen effectively? a. Listening for the real content and feelings in a person's message and restating the message to assure you understand. b. Listening carefully until the person's finished speaking so that you can build a position that will more effectively communicate to them that you are right. c. Allowing the speaker to talk until they are finished so that they know that you have heard everything they have to say about the issue. d. Waiting politely for the person to finish before you speak.

a. Listening for the real content and feelings in a person's message and restating the message to assure you understand.

This process is essential to effectively implement RTI as it allows stakeholders to determine the rate of growth students are making and determine if additional intervention is needed. Select one: a. Progress monitoring b. Tier 1 intervention c. Tier 2 intervention d. Tier 3 intervention

a. Progress monitoring

What are some of the expectations a teacher might have for parents to assist with homework? a. Providing a space to do homework and monitor homework, write a note to the teacher if confused about homework, and provide consequences if homework is not completed. b. Record the homework on a weekly basis, monitor the homework completion, and check homework and re-teach missed answers. c. Sit with the student until the homework is finished, ask friends for help when there is difficulty with the homework, and provide assistance with difficult homework. d. Assist the child in setting up a homework center, call the school to get homework when it is forgotten, and assure homework is completed correctly.

a. Providing a space to do homework and monitor homework, write a note to the teacher if confused about homework, and provide consequences if homework is not completed.

Vaughn and Klingner (2007) note that over 30 years the field of learning disabilities has had many challenges related to definition and identification. Which of the following is one of those challenges? Select one: a. Questionable procedures for determining learning disabilities which emphasized IQ achievement discrepancy and processing disorders b. Objectivity in student referral with heavy weighting from teachers' and others' perceptions c. An identification process that provides too much information to guide instructional decision making d. There were no real challenges facing children with learning disabilities

a. Questionable procedures for determining learning disabilities which emphasized IQ achievement discrepancy and processing disorders

This model is used for screening and the data source helps facilitate identifying students who need special education service. Select one: a. RTI b. LRE c. IEP d. MFE

a. RTI

Javana, a 12th grade marine biology teacher, believes that making adaptations in homework or tests is providing an unfair advantage for some students. This dilemma is referred to as: a. Real world versus student's world b. Content versus accommodation c. Student ownership d. Individual versus class focus

a. Real world versus student's world

Autumn becomes very agitated and stops working whenever her teacher, classmates, or parents give her negative feedback. Which strategy may help Autumn learn to respond appropriately to negative feedback? a. SLAM b. Social Competence Skills c. Negative reinforcement d. THINK


When implementing interventions in an RTI model, which treatment protocol uses the same empirically validated treatments for all children with similar problems and does not differ from child to child? Select one: a. Standard treatment protocol method b. Problem-solving model c. Tertiary interventions d. Both standard treatment and problem-solving methods

a. Standard treatment protocol method

Jerry Wood, Sylvia Arango, and Lou Brown are middle school teachers who share several students with learning disabilities. As a team, they are taking time to establish patterns of behavior, acknowledging their own feelings about problems, and identifying aspects of classroom and school environments that they can modify. Which step of peer collaboration are Jerry, Sylvia, and Lou working on? a. Summarization b. Clarifying the questions c. Evaluation d. Intervention and predictions

a. Summarization

Which of the RTI tiers of intervention is being utilized if the general education teacher is providing evidence-based instruction to all students in the class? Select one: a. Tier 1 b. Tier 2 c. Tier 3 d. Tier 4

a. Tier 1

What are the reasons for using consultation models for students with disabilities? a. Assessment efficiency b. Coordinated instruction c. Administrative policy d. Parents benefits

b. Coordinated instruction

Working with families and notifying them about their child's progress in the RTI is essential. Which of the following does The Council for Exceptional Children suggest schools do to inform parents of their child's participation in the RTI process? Select one: a. Phone calls to families regarding the intervention plan b. Describing the RTI process c. Obtaining consent after the RTI process is completed with the child d. Providing families with bi-annual updates on their child's progress

b. Describing the RTI process

In many cases students who were assessed as being low in both ability and achievement did not qualify for special education services unless they were cognitively delayed. What are two of the difficulties identified by the authors in this process? Select one: a. Over reliance on teacher recommendation and testing by school psychologist b. Over reliance on IQ measures and the requirement to wait for a discrepancy between IQ and achievement c. Over reliance on parent input into child's and IQ measures d. Over reliance on teacher input and IQ measures

b. Over reliance on IQ measures and the requirement to wait for a discrepancy between IQ and achievement

Which of the following is one of the three initiatives that led to the eventual use of RTI? Select one: a. State and local governments required the use of interventions before identification. b. President's Commission on Excellence in Special Education held public hearings about special education. c. The governors of every state held a national conference on the need for early identification of students with learning disabilities. d. The federal government instituted NCLB to combat over identification of persons with learning disabilities.

b. President's Commission on Excellence in Special Education held public hearings about special education.

With RTI, students are screened early and their progress is being assessed frequently to see they are making adequate progress. In this case, RTI is often referred to as a: Select one: a. Probation model b. Prevention and intervention model c. Adequate yearly progress model d. Multifactored evaluation model

b. Prevention and intervention model

What is the best way to describe co-teaching? a. When general education teachers work with teachers from other grade levels to improve their intrusion. b. When general and special education teachers work cooperatively to teach heterogeneous groups of students in the general education classroom. c. When teachers have time to plan and have the adequate resources to design instruction. d. When teachers who have been extremely successful with students who have special needs are paired with new teachers to facilitate the instructions of the new teachers.

b. When general and special education teachers work cooperatively to teach heterogeneous groups of students in the general education classroom.

Friend and Cook (2007) identify several characteristics of consultation. As a teacher, you will spend many hours consulting with parents, other teachers, and administrators. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic outlined by Friend and Cook in your book? a. Triadic and indirect relationships b. Work with only one group of people c. Expert and directional relationships d. Problem-solving process with steps or stages

b. Work with only one group of people

Which of the following are principles of support that should be considered when working with families of students with disabilities? a. Once a plan has been developed, commit to it and make no changes. b. Identify and work on the family's weaknesses. c. Deliver flexible services. d. Deliver services that are beneficial to the school.

c. Deliver flexible services

In 2004, based on the three initiatives preceding RTI, Congress passed what act? Select one: a. Education of All Handicapped Children Act b. Elementary and Special Education Act c. Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act d. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

c. Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act

The family of a child with disabilities often has to adjust their lives to meet the needs of the child. According to Simpson (1988), the needs of the family fall into five broad categories. What are the five categories of need outlined by Simpson? a. Food, water, clothing, housing, and love b. Information exchange, home-school newsletter, teacher-coordinated activities, physical therapy service, consumer and advocacy information. c. Information exchange, consumer and advocacy information, home/community program implementation, counseling, therapy, and consultation, parent-coordinated service programs. d. Information exchange, teacher-coordinated activities, home/community program implementation, physical therapy services, parent-coordinated service programs.

c. Information exchange, consumer and advocacy information, home/community program implementation, counseling, therapy, and consultation, parent-coordinated service programs.

To prepare for planned conferences with parents, teachers should: a. Go to the meeting with an open mind and without preconceived topics to discuss. b. Suggest to parents that because the teacher know the child best, he or she should become their child's tutor. c. Meet with and learn the perspectives of other professionals who also work with the students. d. Come with a list of the areas the parents need to address in their home to help the child.

c. Meet with and learn the perspectives of other professionals who also work with the students.

Which is true about what students think when teachers make adaptations to meet the needs of students with disabilities? a. Students believe that modifications in testing procedures are fair. b. Middle and high school students prefer teachers who make adaptions in tests and homework assignments. c. On the whole, students believe that all students should have the same test; however, they feel that modifications in testing procedures are acceptable. d. Students t the elementary level have difficulty accepting that there are times when different tests are needed to match different abilities of students.

c. On the whole, students believe that all students should have the same test; however, they feel that modifications in testing procedures are acceptable.

Teachers of English Language Learners (ELL) who are implementing an RTI approach must determine what two things about their ELL students? Select one: a. How well they read in their primary language and in English b. Instructional approaches that work well for the student in their primary language and English c. Students' knowledge and skills in their primary language and understanding their performance in their second language (English) d. Students writing ability in their primary language and in English

c. Students' knowledge and skills in their primary language and understanding their performance in their second language (English)

In this tier, students who are receiving special education services may be provided intervention that can occur individually or in small groups. Select one: a. Tier 1 b. Tier 2 c. Tier 3 d. Tier 4

c. Tier 3

Which of the RTI tiers of intervention is being utilized for those students who continue to experience difficulties and show minimum progress during secondary interventions? Select one: a. Tier 1 b. Tier 2 c. Tier 3 d. Tier 4

c. Tier 3

Mainstream Assistance Teams were designed to fulfill the following purpose: a. To help students who have been mainstreamed improve academic success. b. To help students who have been mainstreamed improve social outcomes. c. To provide opportunities for the special education teacher to implement a problem solving process with the general education teacher to facilitate problem resolution with special education students. d. To develop a team of professionals who meet bi-monthly to coordinate services for students with special needs who have been mainstreamed more than 50% of the time into the general education classroom.

c. To provide opportunities for the special education teacher to implement a problem solving process with the general education teacher to facilitate problem resolution with special education students.

This process involves administering the same test to all students to determine who is likely to be at risk for academic difficulties. Select one: a. RTI b. Universal design c. Universal screening d. Informal assessment

c. Universal screening

As teachers, you may teach in a school where RTI is being utilized. What percentage of the students would typically require Tier 2 or Tier 3 interventions? Select one: a. 10 to 20 percent b. 15 to 20 percent c. 40 to 50 percent d. 20 to 40 percent

d. 20 to 40 percent

After the reauthorization of IDEA in 2004 and with the recommendation to use RTI, determining eligibility for specific learning disabilities the LEA (Local Education Agency): Select one: a. Is required to use the severe discrepancy between achievement and intellectual ability b. Is not required to consider a severe discrepancy between achievement and intellectual ability c. May use a process that determines if a student responds to scientific, research-based intervention as part of the evaluation d. B and C only

d. B and C only

When using the problem-solving method in RTI, what are the steps the teacher would follow? Select one: a. Analyze the problem, define the problem, develop the plan, implement the plan, and evaluate the plan b. Define the problem, analyze the plan, evaluate the plan, develop the plan, and implement the plan c. Analyze the problem, define the problem, implement the plan, develop the plan, and evaluate the plan d. Define the problem, analyze the problem, develop the plan, implement the plan, and evaluate the plan

d. Define the problem, analyze the problem, develop the plan, implement the plan, and evaluate the plan

Even though there are multiple frameworks for the implementation of RTI, what is one of the critical components that all agree are essential for RTI? Select one: a. Only select students should be receiving interventions. b. Every student should meet the same criteria to receive intervention. c. Screening and progress monitoring should only be for those identified with a disability. d. Implementation of effective classroom instructional practices so all students have an opportunity to learn (Tier 1).

d. Implementation of effective classroom instructional practices so all students have an opportunity to learn (Tier 1).

During which of the following do the general and special education teachers decide who will take the lead and will provide individual or small-group instruction? a. Long range co-planning b. Lesson co-teaching c. Co-assessment d. Lesson co-planning

d. Lesson co-planning

The field of teaching has made many gains when it comes to parents' rights. Parents are more involved in the collaboration process where their children's education is concerned. Which of the following is one of the rights parents have in the educational decision-making process? a. Parents have the right to create the lesson plan for their child's teacher. b. Parents must be notified only if their child wants them to know how they are doing in school. c. Parents should only be involved in the IEP or IFSP process if they have a degree in special education. d. Parents may request a due process hearing to resolve differences with the school.

d. Parents may request a due process hearing to resolve differences with the school.

Which are the four common problem-solving steps that Mainstream Assistance Teams follow? a. Goal identification, intervention, recommendations, and implementation. b. Problem identification, intervention, implementation, and recommendations c. Goal identification, implementation, evaluation, and redesigning. d. Problem identification, analysis, implementation, and evaluation.

d. Problem identification, analysis, implementation, and evaluation.

"An interactive process that enables people with diverse expertise to generate creative solutions to mutually defined problems" is Idols' definition of: a. The co-teaching model b. The peer collaboration model c. Cooperative teaching d. The consultation model

d. The consultation model.

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