Educational Psych Exam 2 (Chapters 4 & 5)

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Socioeconomic status exerts the most powerful influence on learning and achievement at which level?

Lower Class

Pedro is a boy living in a small Mexican village. Every day he rises early, for he must walk the 2 miles to his school. He has breakfast of beans and bread made from ground corn, leaves the house, and begins his trek. He likes the walk, for he can wave to his papa toiling daily in the cornfields that provide the food and income for the family. When Pedro comes home from school, he often plays soccer with his friends in the village, and after dinner his mother usually plays songs on a guitar while papa sings. The activities Pedro is involved in, such as playing soccer and listening to his mother and father play and sing, best illustrate which of the following?

His culture

Kelli and John are pre-kindergartners. If the children are consistent with patterns of development identified by research, which of the following would be the most valid prediction?

Kelli's verbal ability will be superior to John's.

Consider the effects on students of being labeled "intellectually slow" or "academically weak," compared to students with similar characteristics who are not labeled.. Which of the following is the most accurate statement according to research?

Labeled students achieve lower than comparable peers who have not been labeled..

The group and individual differences we see in our students is best described as:

Learner diversity

A student who needs support consistently over time would relate to which level of intellectual disability?


Estella, a native Spanish speaker who is in the first grade, is learning to read in both Spanish and English. Her teacher also teaches science in Spanish part of the time and in English at other times. The EL program she is in is best described as:

A maintenance EL program.

David Nalbandian, a third grader, has recently come to the United States from ArmeniA. He is quickly learning English on his own, since all of his instruction is in English and his school provides him with no extra support with learning English. The EL program he is in is best described as:

An immersion program.

How many years does it take for students in a language-rich environment to develop basic interpersonal communication skills?

Approximately 2 years.

If they fit general patterns identified by research, which of the following is not a background factor for students placed at risk?

Being female

A variation of standard English that is distinct in vocabulary, grammar, or pronunciation refers to:


Tommy, one of your students, stutters. His exceptionality has been identified, and he works with a speech therapist twice a week. Which of the following is the most important responsibility you have in working with Tommy?

Display behaviors indicating that Tommy is an integral part of the class and should be accepted as such.

Which of the following school characteristics is not related to student resiliency?

Emphasis on authoritarian discipline

Of the following, which best describes the difference between fluid intelligence and crystallized intelligence?

Fluid intelligence is culture independent, whereas crystallized intelligence is culture dependent.

Which theorist suggests that intelligence consists of eight relatively independent factors?


Of the following, which is the primary criticism of Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences?

Gardner's theory fails to consider the role of a centralized working memory.

We have all met people who seem to be very adept at getting along with other people, even though our perception is that they are only modestly "bright." Which of the following provides the most valid explanation for this phenomenon?

Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences suggests that the eight different intelligences are relatively independent.

Which of the following is the most accurate description of a gender-related difference in achievement?

Girls score higher on measures of reading and writing ability than do boys.

The practice of moving students with exceptionalities into regular education classrooms for selected activities was referred to as:


Kyra, one of your students, seems to be attentive in class, but she continues to ask about the directions you've given, even when you have written them on the boarD. You also notice that she tends to be less attentive when you work problems or exercises on the chalkboarD. Based on this information, which of the following is the best possible explanation for Kyra's behavior?

She has a visual impairment.

Salvador is tenth-grade student who is gifted and talented in a small rural school. The school doesn't have a comprehensive gifted program, so his teacher, Ms. Dixon, provides Salvador some enrichment opportunities. Which of the following is an enrichment option she might provide to Salvador?

She works with Salvador on two independent study projects in science.

According to the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, which of the following is the best description of intellectual disabilities?

Subaverage general intellectual functioning and impairment in ability to adapt to the requirements of the everyday world.

One type of EL program is called immersion. When using immersion:

Teachers instruct learners only in English.

Of the following, which school practice is most likely to promote resilience?

Uncompromising academic standards

Based on research, which of the following is the most valid implication of learning style research for the way we teach?

We should be aware that students are different and vary the way we teach.

When Mrs. Delgado's adaptations weren't successful, she concluded that he might have a learning problem and referred him for possible special services. They saw that his intelligence test scores and classroom achievement were inconsistent, as were his intelligence test scores and achievement test scores. Which of the following was the team using in attempting to determine if Adam had a learning problem?

A discrepancy model

Michael, a high-achieving African American student, is being ostracized by the students from his neighborhood who he used to hang around with. "Whitey with a dark skin," they periodically taunt as they see him in the hallway at school. Michael is experiencing the effects of which of the following?

A resistance culture

Of the following, the best definition of a dialect is:

A variation in English usage that is distinct in vocabulary, grammar, or punctuation.

Although estimates vary, which of the following is the best estimate of the percentage of students who have behavior disorders?

About 1 percent of the total school population and less than 10 percent of the special education population.

A level of proficiency in English that allows students to handle demanding learning tasks with abstract concepts is best described as:

Academic language proficiency.

Programs for the gifted usually either focus on acceleration or enrichment. Which of the following is the best example of an acceleration program?

Advanced placement courses in high school

Which of the following teacher characteristics is related to student resiliency?

An authoritative style

A condition characterized by alternative episodes of depressive and manic states is best described as:

Bipolar disorder

With respect to gender, research suggests that three of the following are characteristic of the school curriculum and boys' experiences. Which one is not a characteristic of the school curriculum and boys' experiences?

Boys are portrayed in stories as warm and sensitive.

A new teacher was hired to teach in an urban school and wanted to know what adjustments she needed to make to work with students placed at risk. Which of the following is the most important adjustment?

Carry the content to the students personally through interactive teaching.

From the perspective of learning styles, which of the following approaches is best described as viewing information being studied or the problems being solved as a means to understanding the content?

Deep approaches to processing information

Rodney, a new student in your school, is described as being mildly intellectually handicapped.. and he is mainstreamed into your class. If he fits the characteristics for this description, which of the following is the most accurate statement?

His intellectual functioning will be significantly limited, and his IEP will focus both on basic academic skills—reading, writing, and math—as well as the skills needed to function in society.

Three of the following choices are involved in the process of identifying students who may have exceptionalities. Which one is not part of that process?

Implementing classroom management plans for students with behavior disorders.

Which of the following is the most accurate illustration of curriculum-based assessment?

In an effort to assess Ron's reading comprehension, he is given a test that consists of a series of paragraphs in which he is asked to find the main ideA.

The comprehensive approach to educating students with disabilities that advocates a total, systematic, and coordinated web of services is referred to as:


Which of the following is not an instructional adaptation that researchers suggest for students with hearing disabilities?

Increased self-regulatory journaling

In terms of genetic differences between boys and girls that could impact their learning in various subjects, which of the following is most accurate according to research?

Innate differences between boys and girls are very small.

The statement "the ability to acquire and use knowledge, solve problems and reason in the abstract, and adapt to new situations in the environment" most closely relates to a description of:


A student who needs support only occasionally would relate to which level of intellectual disability?


Which of the following is the most accurate description of maintenance bilingual programs?

It builds on language skills that children already bring with them to class through their native language.

Of the following, what is the most likely cause of gender-role identity?

It is a combination of genetics and environment, with both contributing in varying degrees.

Which of the following is not true of research on gender differences?

Males score lower on tests such as the SAT and ACT.

Gender differences in the behavior of boys and girls in school are most pronounced in:

Math and science

Students with exceptionalities sometimes lack the social skills needed to interact effectively with their classmates. Which of the following is likely to be the most effective way to help them initially acquire these skills?

Model social skills for students, and coach them as they practice the skills.

Of the following, which is an accurate summary regarding teachers' beliefs about ability grouping?

Most elementary teachers endorse the practice of ability grouping.

Which of the following best describes the percentage of families below the poverty line in the United States compared to other industrialized nations?

Much greater in the United States than in other industrialized nations

Three of the following are included in the definition of socioeconomic status (SES). Which of the following is not included within the definition?

Parents' intelligence

Janet and Peter are in the second grade. If their reading achievement fits typical patterns for boys and girls, which of the following is most likely?

Peter is much more likely to have problems with reading than is Janet.

Which of the following is not a behavior management strategy that is often suggested for working with students having behavior disorders?

Physical restraint

You have six students with exceptionalities in your class of 24. You are designing a cooperative learning activity, and you want to break your class into groups of four. Of the following, which is the most desirable way to place your students with exceptionalities in the groups?

Place one student with an exceptionality into each of the six groups.

Which of the following is not a provision under IDEA?

Provide extra before- and after-school assistance for all special needs learners.

Sandra and Robert are both fourth graders. If their math achievement fits typical patterns for boys and girls, which of the following is most likely?

Sandra's achievement will be slightly higher now, but she will fall behind when they are in high school, particularly on tasks that require abstract reasoning.

You notice that Krista, one of your students, rarely finishes her homework. In class, you notice that she is often squirming in her seat and looking around the room while you're talking, and she sometimes "drifts off" even when you're speaking directly to her. Concerned, you check her records and talk to her previous teachers. You see that she was given the WISC-III (an individualized intelligence test), and her score was slightly above average. Her other teachers comment that the patterns you've observed existed in their classes as well. Based on this information, which of the following most accurately describes the patterns you've observed in Krista's behavior?

She has an attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

Which of the following is not a component of ethnicity?

Socioeconomic status

General education classroom teachers have three important responsibilities in working with students who have exceptionalities. Which of the following is not one of those responsibilities?

Specifying the number of learners with exceptionalities who will be in their classes.

Kirsten is experiencing a great deal of anxiety about her first Algebra II test. "I know that Mr. Dade has a reputation for being tough, and everyone thinks that girls are no good in math. I'll do terrible, and he'll think, 'Sure, she's a girl; she can't do math.' I can hardly breathe." Kirsten is experiencing:

Stereotype threat.

Intelligent behavior has two important characteristics—the ability to cope effectively with novel experiences and the ability to solve problems efficiently and automatically. This best describes the views of which of the following people?


Of the following, which is the best description of English Learners (ELs)?

Students whose first or home language is not English.

Which of the following is the most accurate description of Public Law 94-142?

Students with exceptionalities should be taught in as normal a school setting as possible that still meets the students' special academic, social, and physical needs.

Which of the following is a provision of inclusion?

Students with special needs will be placed on a regular school campus.

Which of the following is not a concern or criticism of inclusion?

Students worry whether they will be happy in general education classrooms.

Which of the following is the most accurate statement of Sternberg's view of intelligence?

The ability to function in the real world is an indicator of intelligent behavior.

Which of the following best describes color blindness?

The belief that students' ethnicity or culture should not be a consideration in teaching

Consider the development and implementation of Hector's IEP. Based on IDEA, which of the following is the most accurate statement?

The development and implementation of the IEP were against the law, since Hector's mother didn't participate in its development.

Louis Terman and his colleagues found several characteristics of people who were gifted.. Which of the following is not one of those characteristics?

The gifted people were more likely to be loners than were their peers.

Of the following, which is the best definition of culture?

The knowledge, attitudes, values, and customs that characterize a social group

Consider the school officials' offering of an independent evaluator to diagnose Hector's possible exceptionality. Based on IDEA, which of the following is the most accurate statement?

The offer was within the law.

According to research, what is the most common characteristic of parents of high-achieving students?

The parents talk to their children about their expectations for achievement.

Which of the following best explains why educators prefer the term at risk to the term underachiever?

The term at risk more nearly describes the long-term consequences of school failure.

Consider the school officials' use of an intelligence test as a basis for making their assessment of Hector. Based on IDEA, which of the following is the most accurate statement about using intelligence tests for placement in special programs?

The use of intelligence tests is within the law if they are supplemented by other measures, such as classroom performance.

Research indicates which of the following is the most likely cause of girls' gender-stereotyped belief that girls aren't supposed to excel in math?

Their mothers' gender-stereotyped attitudes

Research indicates which of the following is the most likely cause of girls' gender-stereotyped belief that girls aren't supposed to excel in math?

Their mothers' gender-stereotyped attitudes.

According to research, which of the following is the best explanation for the high academic achievement of Vietnamese and Laotian refugees when they settle in the United States?

Their parents communicate values that emphasize achievement.

Which of the following statements most accurately describes teachers' interaction patterns with boys and girls?

They ask boys more questions than girls.

According to research, which of the following is the most likely perception of cultural minorities who are alienated from school?

They feel like they are not welcome and do not belong in school.

Which tends to be true of students from lower socioeconomic status homes?

They have fewer school-related background experiences than students from higher SES backgrounds.

Which of the following would be Gardner's primary criticism of existing intelligence tests?

They ignore certain important dimensions.

Which of the following would be Sternberg's primary criticism of existing intelligence tests?

They ignore strategies for adapting to the environment.

Which of the following best describes the primary disadvantage of maintenance bilingual programs?

They require teachers who speak two languages.

Because of his uneven academic performance in your class, you suspect that Justin, one of your students, has a learning disability. Of the following, which is the first step you should take in attempting to get additional help for him?

You must first describe the problem including how it is affecting Justin's academic performance, strategies you've tried to solve it and how well the strategies have worked.

In his more recent work, Robert Sternberg emphasizes three distinct types of intelligence. These types include:

analytic, creative, and practical.

Although in transition, the older system for categorizing people with intellectual disability, based upon IQ test scores, would have categorized a student with an IQ of 70 as having:

mild intellectual disability.

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