Emile Durkheim

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What is a relig?

is a unified sys of beliefs and pracs relative to sacred things, that is to say, things set apart and forbidden - beliefs and pracs which unite into one single moral community called a Church, all thos who adhere to them.

Why is there no "church" of magic?

magic does not result in binding together those who adhere to it, nor in uniting them into a group leading a common life. there are no lasting bonds. the magician has a clientele and not a Church. he has no need of uniting himself to his fellows.

Society is a reality: "Sui generis" what does this mean?

religion expresses social facts not reducible to individuals.

What are rituals?

rules of conduct in the face of the sacred.

What are religious representations?

Are collective representations which express collective realities.

What is anomie and what does Emile Durkheim think of it?

Anomie is "normlessness", rootlessness. state where norms (expectations on behaviors) are confused, unclear, or not present. In this society people are no longer tied to one another, and social bonds are impersonal. Anomie thus refers to a breakdown of social norms and its a condition where norms no longer control the activities of members in society. Individuals cannot find their place in society without clear rules to help guide them. Changing conditions as well as adjustment of life leads to dissatisfaction, conflict, and deviance. Result: loneliness

What is the difference between the sacred and the profane?

So profoundly differentiated. Sacred: important, collective representations set apart from society. anything can be sacred, offerings and sacrifices of the sacred are necessary. Profane: all mundane things that are not considered sacred, ordinary. they do not exist in the same realm, completely separate.

What is metaphoric parallelism?

Social norms projected "sacralized" out onto the universe, reflecting social arrangements on earth.

Which two fundamental categories is religious phenomena arranged in?

beliefs and rites. Beliefs are states of opinion, while Rites are manners of acting and modes of action. should be studied to learn about the function of religion.

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