Energy in the 21st century Exam 2

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What percentage of U.S. oil refineries was owned by Standard Oil before it was broken up by the Supreme Court in 1911?


Where was the first large-scale natural gas province to be developed in the U.S. using new technology?

Bakken Field

What technology, boosted by development from Tesla, has the potential to make renewable energy more viable?

Battery storage

Which U.S. president saw biofuels as a route to energy independence?

George Bush

What greenhouse gases do airplanes contribute to the atmosphere? Pick all that apply

Ozone Water CO2

Between 1859 and the early 20th century, gas was considered to be a worthless by-product of a more valuable liquid hydrocarbon, used to light lamps. What was this valuable liquid?


Aside from available sunlight, what are the major physical barriers to solar cells and modules? Select all that apply

Lack of electrical storage technology (batteries) Solar panel efficiency Available acreage Power grid infrastructure

What is the equivalent energy cost of flying once a year?

Leaving a 1 kW electric fire on for 8760 hours

When we think about living off of other countries renewable resources, what three things should we look for? (reference MacKay)

Low Population density Large Surface Area Renewable Power Supply with high power density

What are the 4 main natural gases? Select all that apply

Methane Ethane Propane Butane

Which country was the first to nationalize their oil resources in 1938?


Where is the Latigo Wind Park located?


According to Inman, what characterizes unconventional fuel sources? Choose all that apply

They are difficult to access and have a lower EROI They include tar sands, tight gas, and depleted oil reservoirs

What are the primary sources of greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S.? (select all that apply) Source:

Transportation Industry Electricity production

97% of climate scientists around the world recognize anthropogenic global climate change as a fact.


Which country has the highest installed capacity of geothermal generating plants?


Aside from appealing to Utah's fondness for children, what was the other incentive Stafford and his team proposed that made the wind energy movement a success?

More school funding without a tax increase--property taxes from wind farms would fund education

What are the 6 Criteria Pollutants? (hint: read the answer options carefully!)

NOx, SOx, O3, CO, PM 2.5 and 10, and Pb

What are the three greatest advantages to implementing a system like ITER? (Khatchadourian)

No Carbon Minimal Pollution Very Little radioactive Waste

Why doesn't John Watson believe in a carbon tax?

U.S. shouldn't tax it's citizens since it's exporting natural gas Taxing the U.S. is unfair since we've already reduced our GHG emissions

IDEA Objective #4 states: 'Learning to ___ and _____ evaluate ideas,________ , and points of view'

analyze critically arguments

What is the three-step process for evaluating sustainable business opportunities?

recognition of environmental problems and their solutions evaluation of the market feasibility of those environmental solutions actual implementation of the business and environmental solution

Offshore winds are _______ and ___________ than on land, so offshore wind farms can deliver much greater _________ per unit area than onshore wind farms

stronger steadier power

According to MacKay, what is the number one most efficient way to conserve energy and cut electricity use?

switch off gadgets

In Figure 1.4 (below, in .png and .jpeg formats, for optimum viewing), by what amount has CO2 concentration (ppm) increased in the atmosphere since 1769?

~400-280 ppm = 120 ppm in ~200 years

How much tax revenue did Tracy Livingstone suggest would be generated by the Spanish Fork wind farm?

$4 Million

In the 90's and early 2000's, what was Utah's policy on funding renewable energy?

'Markets not mandates'

What's the takeaway from Inman's article? (select all that apply)

'Renewables are competitive with fossil fuels' 'The age of cheap energy is over'

From Magoon and Beaumont: why are sedimentary basins important in the location of petroleum reservoirs?

'The essential elements of a petroleum system are deposited in sedimentary basins'

Linking wind power to water preservation didn't work for Stafford and his team--what was their successful policy pairing?

'Wind Power Can Fund Schools!'

According to MacKay, about how much energy per day is consumed by driving a car?

40 kWh

There are many risks associated with an ITER malfunction; what will happen if all 18 of ITER's magnets get warmer than -267 degrees? (Khatchadourian)

41,000,000,000 joules of energy will be released

According to 'How the Electricity Grid Works', what are the four components of the energy grid in the U.S.?

1. Individual generators 2. Transmission lines 3. Distribution 4. Consumer use or 'load'

Geothermal has several advantages. These are:

1. Zero cost of fuel 2. Steady energy resource 3. Near zero greenhouse gas emissions 4. Very high capacity utilization rates

The three challenges to successful production of biofuel are:

1. break down woody cellulose and lignin polymers into single plant sugars 2. Convert sugars into drop-in fuels for existing vehicles 3. Find out how to do this cheaply and on a large-scale

What percentage of electrical production in Utah comes from wind energy?


According to MacKay, what is the typical efficiency of a photovoltaic solar panel?


How efficient are normal commercial solar cells?


How much solar energy reaches the Earth at a given moment?

173,000 terrawatts

When did the first U.S. oil refinery go online?


In 1919, when did the U.S. Geological Survey estimate that U.S. oil supplies would be exhausted?

1929 (ten years)

What is the power per unit area of a wind farm with a typical windspeed of 6 m/s or 13 miles per hour? (hint: look in MacKay, chapter 4)

2 W/m^2

How much ethanol is produced annually from sugarcane juice by Raizen, a joint-venture between Shell and Cosan?

2,000 ml

In ideal circumstances (i.e. covering the entire country in wind turbines) what is the greatest amount of energy that on-shore wind farms can generate?

200 kWh/d per person

Using 'Oil and Gas Renaissance', when did gas shale production in the U.S. begin to increase dramatically?


______ kWh of energy per day per person could be generated by fast breeder reactors, meaning that uranium may be used ___ times more efficiently. (MacKay)

33kWh 60

As mentioned in Sustainable Energy Without the Hot Air, what is the standard efficiency of a coal power station?


What is the world's current power consumption?

About 15,000 Gigawatts

With current reactor technology, how long is the world's supply of uranium estimated to last? (Khatchadourian)

About a century

From Magoon and Beaumont: what are the three important temporal aspects of petroleum systems?

Age Critical moment Preservation time

How are global CO2 concentrations measured? (select all that apply)

Air trapped in ice cores up to 1977 Directly in Hawaii from 1958 to present

What are potential hazards of an interconnected and complex electrical grid?

Blackouts due to severe weather Blackouts due to cyber attack Blackouts due to human error

Combined heat and power (CHP) dumps heat into ________ instead of ________ (MacKay)

Buildings Sea Water

What other country has a larger shale resource base than the U.S., according to EIA analyses?


What are the biggest limitations to nuclear power?

Cleanup Safety Social Misconceptions

What is the most plentiful of the non-renewable fuels?


As stated by Magoon and Beaumont, what is the first step to identify a petroleum system?

Find some indication of the presence of petroleum

What type of physical process do nuclear reactors exploit?


What has allowed new gas fields discoveries in the U.S. to be economically developed?

Fracking and horizontal drilling

In order to 'sell' wind power to Utahns, Stafford and his fellow researchers had to _________ and to insure that wind would not interfere with _______ and ______

Connect wind to values in the hearts of Utahns Industrial Growth Outdoor Recreation

What message does Stafford emphasize as an important consideration in promoting new energy sources?

Consider unintended audiences

What does the 'Direct Carbon Fuel Cell' do?

Converts air and fuel to electricity and CO2

Two limitations to offshore wind energy are:

Cost of Construction and distance from land

What type of reaction will ITER use? (MacKay)

Deuterium-Tritium (DT)

What are the three main components driving the electric system? Select all that apply

Distribution Transmission Generation

What are the benefits of EROI measurement?

EROI can reveal how much to expect from a given energy source EROI can guide investment in sustainable, effective energy sources EROI can highlight extra costs associated with efforts to curb pollution

What are the limitations of EROI measurement?

EROI does not address environmental issues of supply problems

What is one unfortunate outcome that can arise from EGS activity?


What's the biggest impact of surface mining in the short term?

Ecosystem and stream alteration from large volumes of material being dumped into streams and valleys

What carries the electrical current from solar cells?


What is the name for the alcohol biofuel that is derived from the distillation of sugary or starchy plants?


The fossil fuels that we use today were formed hundreds of years ago


The three largest oil companies in the world (in order) are Saudi Arabian Oil Corp., Qatar General Petroleum Corp., and National Iranian Oil Corp.


True or False: electricity has equal value to heat (MacKay)


Wind farms don't need to cover a large area in order to make a difference


What are the three main costs associated with hydrocarbon use? Select all answers that apply

Global Climate Change Geopolitical dependence pollution

What is John D. Rockefeller's connection to the history of oil discovery in the U.S.?

He cornered the market on oil transportation

What are the biggest limitations to economic development in coal country?

Inaccessibility and lack of education

What are some solutions to climate change and reducing global emissions proposed by John Watson?

Increase natural gas exports and distribution to displace coal Energy efficiency--don't use and consume more energy than we need Have more dialogue with developing countries Stop prematurely shutting down nuclear power plants All of the above

What does ITER stand for? (Khatchadourian)

International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor

What product from the Sun do solar cells require to produce electricity?

Photon particles of sunlight

What is light?


What's one thing that has stayed the same about the oil and gas market? (Watson interview)

Prices go up and down due to geopolitics

Where does geothermal heat come from?

Radioactive decay and heat from Earth's core

What are the benefits to an interconnected and complex electrical grid?

Reliability Flexibility Economic Competion

What are solutions for current issues surrounding energy supply and demand? (select all that apply)

Self-programming thermostats Energy storage technologies Distributed generation

What was the outcome of the 1928 Red Line Agreement?

Seven oil companies gained control of the bulk of Mideast oil production

What are most photovoltaic cells made of?


What's the key point of this course?'s mentioned in 'Learning Outcomes'

There's no free lunch!

Where were the first wind turbines installed in Utah?

Spanish Fork

According to the EIA,what accounts for almost 10% of all residential energy consumption?

Standby power from gadgets

What U.S. state has the largest wind energy capacity?


What creates voltage in a solar cell?

The P-N junction

What is one issue facing the sale of wind power to utility customers?

There aren't enough substations to transmit wind energy

What is the most commonly used fuel in nuclear reactors?


What are the three key ideas for building energy efficiency?

Use copious amounts of insulation in floors, walls, and roofs Ensure that buildings are completely sealed, use heat exchangers to recover heat from removed air Design buildings to exploit solar energy

What is EROI?

energy returned on investment

What thermochemical process is used by one biodiesel company to produce economical drop-in biofuels?

fluid-catalytic cracking

What are the two types of wind turbines?

horizontal and vertical

Microscopic algae in open-air ponds use __________ and ____________ to produce hydrocarbons

natural sunlight carbon dioxide

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