Engineering Management Combo

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Ethical Expectations for modern businesses

- Integrity and ethical leadership - Social responsibility - Sustainability


- A group of people - A process demands the performance of a specific function - Student: An academic discipline - The coordination of all the resources of an organization through the process of planning, organizing, directing, and controlling in order to attain organizational objectives - The guidance or direction of people towards organization goals or objective - The supervising controlling, and coordinating of activity to attain optimum results with organizational resources


- A set up where two or more parties engage in exchange of goods, services and information - Involved in a transaction are called seller and buyer - Seller sells goods and services to the buyer in exchange of money


- An ongoing process - Continually gather information, make their comparisons, and then try to find new ways of improving production through organizational modification a) Establishing Performance Standards b) Measuring Performance c) Evaluating Performance d) Correcting Performance


- Assigning the task developed under the planning function to various individual or groups within the organization - Creates a mechanism to put plan into action - Tasks are organized so that the output of individuals contributes to the success of departments, which, in turn contribute to the success of divisions, which ultimately contributes to the success of the organization a) Selecting People b) Delegation c) Establishing Working Relationships


- Attempting to predict the future - Qualitative forecasting from expert opinion - Using mathematical models and statistical analysis of historical data and surveys

Ethical Dilemmas in the workplace

- Bribes and kickbacks - Political contributions - Honesty of books or records - Customer/supplier relationships - Confidentiality of corporate information


- Choosing tasks that must be performed to attain organizational goals, outline how the task must be performed and indicating when they should be performed - Focuses on attaining goals - Concerned with organizational success in the near future (long term) - Intended to provide a strong focus for any project or task a) Establishing Objectives b) Establishing Procedures c) Decision Making d) Forecasting e) Scheduling f) Budgeting

Success Criteria

- Clearly states the bottom-line impact - Quantifies outcomes so success can be measured


- Commonly referred to as LEADING, DIRECTING, or ACTUATING - Guiding the activities of organization members in appropriate directions that helps the organization more toward goal attainment - To increase productivity a) Communication b) Motivating People c) Developing People

Levels of Strategies

- Corporate - long-term, for the entire organization - Business - how the business unit will compete in its product or service domain - Functional - guides activities within one specific area of operations

Cultural Issues in ethical behavior

- Cultural relativism: Ethical behavior is determined by cultural context - Moral absolutism: Behavior that is excepted somewhere should not be acceptable anywhere else - Ethical imperialism: imposing one's ethical standards on others The first two are two ends of the spectrum


- Directly supports, activates, and is responsible for the work of others - Help the people who represent the real work of the organization - Should treat people as valuable strategic assets

Scientific Management - Frederick Taylor

- Every job can be broken down into a "science" (e.g rules of motion, standardized work implements, proper working conditions) - Select workers based on abilities for the job - Train workers for the job and give them incentive to cooperate with the "science" - Support workers by planning their work and helping to make their jobs smoother

Disadvantages of bureaucracy

- Excessive paperwork - Slowness of handling problems - Rigidity in facing shifting needs - Resistance to change - Employee apathy


- Expose the misdeeds of others to preserve ethical standards and protect against wasteful, harmful, or illegal acts


- External and internal comparisons to plan for future improvements - Adopting best practices, things that lead to superior performance - Staff planners assist in all steps of the planning process

Scenario planning

- Long-term contingency planning - Identifying future scenarios - Increases organization's flexibility and preparation for future shock

Quality Management

- Managers and workers are quality conscious, where quality and competitiveness are linked - Total Quality Management (TQM) is a comprehensive approach to continuous quality improvement for a total organization - Continuous improvement - ISO Certification - reaches international standards of quality

Contingency Thinking

- Matches managerial responses with problems and opportunities unique to different situations - No "one best way" to manage - Depends on situation

Learning Organizations

- Organizations that continually learn and adapt to new circumstances - Encourage learning, share information, teamwork, empowerment, participation

Hawthorne Studies

- Psychological factors influence results; Concluded social and human concerns are keys to productivity - Hawthorn effect - people who are singled out for special attention perform as expected

Bureaucratic Organization - Max Weber

- Rational, efficient, logical, legitimate authority - Clear division of labor - Clear hierarchy of authority - Formal rules and procedures - Impersonality - Careers based on merit

First-Line Managers

- Responsible for the work of operating employees only and do not supervise other managers, they are "first" or lowest level of managers in the organizational hierarchy - Often called "supervisor"


- Taking personal responsibility to respect and protect the interests of society at large - 3P's: Profit, people, and planet

Types of assumptions and risks

- Technological - Environmental - Interpersonal - Cultural - Political

Evaluating Creativity??

-# of patents? patent applications? -review engineering notebook? -what counts? only idea generation? gatekeepers? managers? -any way to include smaller improvement? process changes? -must it generate $$?

Theory of Constraints (TOC)

--based on systems thinking -- choose six sigma projects that zero in on system's constraints --focuses on "where" to focus efforts


--most basic six sigma certification --understands theory of six sigma but does not have quantitative tools to function in a six sigma group --should be a member of an executive committee --Provides a communication link between project team(s) and top management.

Halo Effect

-Associate "good" with specific person or group -They've always been right -Assume that credibility carries beyond specific area of expertise

The Shape: Wide and Flat

-Each manager has many direct reports -Fewer management levels -Harder to control

Deciding by Intuition

-Essentially a pattern-match with previous situation -More experience = more possibilities for match -More likely to be 'correct' -"Read" the situation correctly -Communicate with the team --What the situation is --What I think we should do --Why --What to watch for --Comments—disagreement—options???

Recency Effect/ Availability Bias

-Greatest weight is for the most recent information -or most easily available in memory -Recent experience seems most relevant -Bigger impact on decision

Effective Committees (and Meetings)

-Have a stated purpose and mission -Effective leader to chair -Limit membership—4 - 8 less is better -Agenda for each meeting - beforehand -Detailed minutes --Accountability for Action Items -Keep to minimum time and focus

Finding the People...Experienced

-National search for managers or engineers with specialized skills -Headhunters -College or employee referrals -"Raid" competition with ads & billboards -Internet job sites -Professional organizations job sites/publications

Production Organization: Organizing by Key Activities

-Recommended by Peter Drucker -Identify areas of required excellence --Key technology? -Identify areas where performance is essential to continued operation of the entity --Manufacturing? -Identify values that are important --Quality, creativity, innovation, honesty

Pros of Committees

-Share expertise -Representation from different areas -Increase "buy in" -Cooperation to implement -Train participants

Fostering the Creative Environment

-define problem clearly -identify parameters -determine what MUST happen in a successful solution -define as little as possible -"unusual" environmental aspects

Concurrent Engineering

-designed to reduce time to market -integrates design of product and production process -reduced development time -reduces necessary changes -increases productivity -some risk involved

Digital Technology and Fair Use

-digital makes good copies, clones -back-up to protect investment -free copy for friends? sales on ebay? -Internet access---available and fast -DVR?

Life Cycle Requirements

-each phase has different requirements -varied actions, costs, tasks -easy to forget some aspects (production by-products and disposal of product and process equipment)

Organization Structures: Project

-each project has its own manager -resources dedicated to the project -common in construction and software -less common in manufacturing

Operations and Support

-ensure usability and maintainability -produce and distribute repair parts -create/update technical manuals -warranty plan development -initiate customer service program -train service technicicans

Configuration Management

-essential to track changes throughout the system -impact of change may be felt through system -avoids wasted effort working to meeting requirements that have been changed -electronic/automated management ideal --reduced cost, time, defects --improves communication and productivity

Launch Production

-final design, specifications for mfg -facility construction or configuration -shake out of production process -continued adjustment to the process --quality improvement --gain efficiency --reduce costs --add features


-finding, attracting, retaining personnel -ID necessary skills -projecting needs for future -projecting competencies and capabilities

Management by Objectives (MBO)

-goals of employee are considered in concert with goals of the organization -Advantages: greater commitment, planning -Disadvantages: time and knowledge required for correct implementation

Technical Professionals

-high need for achievement--generally from work itself -desire autonomy--conditions, pace, content of work -ID with profession first -seek to maintain expertise (continued education, reading literature, professional society, work assignments)

Automated Version Control

-improves communication -protects files during revision -enhance work flow -SAVE TIME -reduces defects introduced and cost to correct -improves productivity of development team --reduced miscommunication and wasted effort --reduced time to track the changes

Defensive Design

-include safety as design requirement -use proven materials and methods -document design review process -culture that encourages safety -clear instructions, labeling, warnings -TEST, TEST, TEST

Negative Reinforcement

-increases probability of behavior by escaping negative consequences (punctual workers pay is not docked)

Positive Reinforcement

-increases probability that desired behavior will recur (reward, praise, promotion for good work)

Other Financial Controls

-inventory control -quality control -configuration control -engineering change controls -effectiveness of R&D

Illusory Correlation

-jump to conclusions -correlation is NOT causation -coincidence can occur -The Black Swan exists but not all swans are black

Disadvantages of Protecting IP

-limits use of invention -restricts access -discourage "add on" innovation

Hindsight Bias

-look at past events -judge as predictable since the outcome is easily visible NOW -problem in safety investigations -woulda, shoulda, coulda

Open Source

-many developers allow free access by posting work on web -feel that it spurs greater innovation and productivity -allows others access -may publish research on website


-maximize possible returns (MaxiMax) -pick alt with largest possible return


-necessary skill -often alumni return to recruit -weed through the fluff, bragging -legal requirements--personal data

Intellectual Property

-newer problem as result of information age -increasingly products are result of intellect rather than muscle


-no discretion -advance decision making -if-then

Criteria for Patentability

-novelty -utility -non-obvious to those knowledgeable in the field

Characteristics of Creative People

-self confident -independent, nonconformist -curious -open-minded -comfortable with ill-defined problems -broad interests -puzzles, jokes, writing -attracted by complexity

Closed Loop (cybernetic)

-self-monitoring feedback to correct -ex: home thermostat (feedback checks temp, turns furnace on or off) -irrigation--with soil moisture test and feedback


-set of steps -specific purpose -perform task

Some Decisions Options

-set up two teams to develop alternatives -teams then evaluate opposition proposal--find flaws -prepare the convincing argument for management and anticipate all questions or weak points


-small number of people with common goal that they are held accountable for reaching -idea is to get groups to work together better -team training -establish an identity


-specifically where the company wants to position itself in the future


-the base for the plan -business and economic trends -predict technology and consumer demand -many methods and models --more variables=more data=higher costs --balance cost vs accuracy

Strategic Plan Components

-values -purpose -mission

Systems Engineering

-virtually all engineering involves systems -system includes various components -product or process too large for one person--even one team -complex interaction of people and resources to accomplish goal


-widely hated in industry and personal life -limit spending -allocate resources in accord with goals --fund projects for present --fund R&D for future products

Cognitive Biases

-you can't avoid what you don't know exists

SECEPP-8 points

1) Engineers shall act consistently with public interest 2) Engineers shall act in the best interest of client and employer 3) Engineers shall ensure products meet highest professional standards 4) Engineers shall maintain integrity and independent professional judgment 5) Engineering managers shall promote and ethical approach to management of all systems 6) Engineers shall advance the integrity of the profession consistent with public good 7) Engineers shall be fair to all colleagues 8) Engineers shall participate in lifelong learning and promote ethical approach

Leadership Grid

1,1 : Impoverished Management (low concern for ppl and production) 1,9: Country Club Management (lower concern for production, high concern for ppl) 5,5 : Middle-of-the-Road Management (middle concern for ppl and production) 9,1 Authority Compliance Management (low concern for ppl, high concern for production) 9,9 Team Management (high concern for ppl and production)

4 C's of Deciding

1. Composition--who should be included in the process? 2. Context--Where does it take place? Neutral? Off-site? 3. Communication--How will discussion occur? Who is there? Verbal or Written? 4. Control--process and final decision components? Leader there all the time?

Systems Design Approach

1. Define the problem and constraints 2. Collect and analyze relevant data 3. Search for all possible solutions 4. Evaluate solutions against constraints 5. Solution selection 6. Implement 7. Evaluate 8. Repeat as necessary

ex of gate review checklists:

1. Define: updated project charter, documentation knowledge of customer, detailed project management plans 2. Measure: detailed value stream maps, quick improvement options 3. Analyze: process analysis, root cause analysis 4. Improve: pilot testing, plan for full-scale implementation 5. Control: full-scale implementation results, documentation & measures to prepare for sustainability

Drucker's Future: Challenges

1. Developing meaningful rewards and career opportunities 2. Finding a unifying vision for 'specialists' 3. Devising management structure for speed of response and unanticipated opportunities 4. Ensuring supply of top management in "flat" organizations of specialists

McClelland's Trio of Needs

1. Drive to excel Accomplish Goal Setters Take Responsibilities 2. Need power control environment Successful if master self control 3. Affiliation need companionship acceptance Approval Coordinator, integrators, sales

Hiring Process

1. Justify the new hire: attrition, new needs 2. Identify skills/experience/education--Essential v. preferred 3. Write position requisition 4. Write Ads—Representative publications 5. Review Resumes 6. Interview—telephone 7. Reference checks—including on-line 8. Plant visit—onsite interview 9. Consensus for hire?—knowledge? Personality? 10. Negotiate and make Offer 11. Pass Drug screening

Drucker's Key Result Areas

1. Market Share -increase or define niche 2. Innovation -new product R and D 3. Productivity -efficiency and quality 4. Resources -wise use and procurement 5. Manager Development -promotion, training 6. Worker Development -retention, respect 7. Profitability -essential to continuation 8. Social Responsibility -"corporate citizenship"

Creative Processes

1. Prepare--gather info, define parameters 2. Frustration and Incubation--stew over the problem 3. Inspiration--the Aha! moment 4. Verification--adjust the inspiration to fit, make it work (Robert Shannon)

What are the DMAIC implementation options & how would you determine which approach to use?

1. Project Team Approach: longer process (1-4 months depending on project scope) 2. Kaizen Approach: rapid process (1 week or less)

Maslow's Hierarchy

1. Self-Actualization 2. Esteem 3. Affiliation 4. Security/Safety 5. Physiological -lower levels first -higher levels later -move between levels over time -approximate order -some persons different priorities (may not care about group)

Cost of quality components

1. prevention costs 2. appraisal costs 3. failure costs 4. internal failure costs 5. external failure costs

Typical Business to Business Relationships

1. transactional -- routine, low value 2. partnerships -- critical, high value 3. alliances -- very critical, high value

Double hearing protection is required at or above which dB level


Which readiness condition is defined as wartime cruising


How many miles is the contiguous zone from the baseline from which the territorial sea is measured


How many minutes of water flow must be provided by eye wash stations at a minimum


How many parts is the COSAL divided into


How many sections does the BIRMIS report contain


Porter's Model of Strategic Forces

5 strategic forces affecting industry competition 1. Industry Competition 2. New entrants 3. Substitute products or services 4. Bargaining power of suppliers 5. Bargaining power of consumers

The Oil Pollution Control Act of 1961 prohibits the discharge of oil or oily mixtures, such as ballast, within prohibited zones established by any nation, and those zones range from how many miles seaward to the nearest land


How many sections is the PHEL curve divided into


All full power trials must be accomplished with what minimum percentage of liquid load onboard


Sole Proprietorship

A business owned by one person


A collection of people working together to achieve a common purpose Provides useful goods and/or services that return value to society and satisfy customer needs

Which of the following firms would likely pose the least competitive threat?

A competitor to your product where a high switching cost exists.


A contract signed by both the parties where one party promises to return money with interest at fixed intervals


A group of interacting, interrelated, or interdependent elements or parts that function together as a whole to accomplish a goal.

Sales force forecast

A survey of a firm's sales force regarding anticipated sales in their territories for a specified period

Design Process

A systematic problem-solving strategy, with criteria and constraints, used to develop many possible solutions to solve a problem or satisfy human needs and wants and to winnow (narrow) down the possible solutions to one final choice.

Quiz 2 Which statement regarding competitive advantages is true? A. If several competitors pursue similar differentiation tactics, they may all be perceived as equals in the mind of the consumer. B. With an overall cost leadership strategy, firms need not be concerned with parity on differentiation. C. In the long run, a business with one or more competitive advantages is probably destined to earn normal profits. D. Attaining multiple types of competitive advantage is a recipe for failure.

A. If several competitors pursue similar differentiation tactics, they may all be perceived as equals in the mind of the consumer.

Quiz 3 A "cash cow," referred to in the Boston Consulting Group Portfolio management technique, refers to a business that has A. low market growth and relatively high market share. B. relatively low market share and low market growth. C. relatively low market share and high market growth. D. high market growth and relatively high market share.

A. low market growth and relatively high market share.

Quiz 3 It may be advantageous to vertically integrate when A. lower transaction costs and improved coordination are vital and achievable through vertical integration. B. the minimum efficient scales of two corporations are different. C. flexibility is reduced, providing a more stationary position in the competitive environment. D. various segregated specializations will be combined.

A. lower transaction costs and improved coordination are vital and achievable through vertical integration.


Acting in ways that support a high quality of life for present and future generations - Alternate energy - Recycling - Waste avoidance

Sole Proprietorship

Advantages: -Owned and operated by one person -Simplest to set up, start, and shut down -Few legal restrictions -Owner makes all decisions -Profit taxed only once on Schedule C with owner's personal income tax Disadvantages: -UNLIMITED liability -dies with the proprietor -difficult to raise capital

Limited Liability Company (LLC)

Advantages: -Owned and operated by small number of "members" -Profit taxed only once on Schedule C with owner's personal income tax -Limits liability -Good for family business Disadvantages: -usually defined by state -difficult to raise capital


Advantages: -earnings distributed to owners Disadvantages: -most common in rural utilities -difficult to get "agreement" to set up

The separation between a firm's owners and managers creates a(n) _____ relationship


Quantitative Analysis and Tools

Analytics: using data and mathematics to solve problems and make informed decisions using systematic analysis. Problems are solved by systematically analyzing and coming up with the best solution based on mathematical models and computations, which results in the optimal solution

50, How often are Quality Assurance (QA) audits conducted by the governing ISIC


How often are routine hearing exams given by medical personnel


Medical Department representatives keep a roster of personnel who routinely work in noise hazardous areas and updates it as necessary but how often at a minimum



Are formal verifications of an organization's financial and operational systems

Research, Design and development, Testing, Manufacturing, Construction, Sales, Consulting, Government, Teaching, Management,

Areas Concerning Functions of Engineer

Quiz 2 The market life cycle should be used as a short-run forecasting device because it provides a conceptual framework for understanding what changes typically occur. A. True B. False

B. False

Quiz 2 To generate above average returns, a firm following an overall cost leadership position should not be concerned with attaining parity or proximity on the basis of differentiation relative to its peers. A. True B. False

B. False

Quiz 3 Portfolio management should be considered as the primary basis for formulating corporate-level strategies. A. True B. False

B. False

Quiz 3 Historical comparisons provide information to managers about changes in a firm's competitive position. Historical comparisons are often misleading A. if the overall strategy of the firm is the same. B. in periods of recession or economic boom. C. if the firm shows constant growth D. if the firm's stock is publicly traded

B. in periods of recession or economic boom.

Quiz 3 A crash R&D program by one firm cannot replicate a successful technology developed by another firm when research findings cumulate. This is an example of A. social complexity B. path dependency C. physical uniqueness D. causal ambiguity

B. path dependency

Quiz 3 Which of the following would be most difficult to assess? A. the liquidity position of a firm. B. the legitimacy and reputation of a firm. C. market share growth. D. the efficiency with which a firm utilizes its assets.

B. the legitimacy and reputation of a firm.

Why did Coor's expand nationally?

Because it had to expand to keep its appropriately big plant

124, Which sheet is used to keep a record of defective tubes and of renewed tubes

Boiler Tube Renewal

The Burner man is required to wear flame retardant coveralls, welder's jacket, face shield, and appropriate leather welding gloves when conducting which operation

Boiler light-off

Quiz 2 A firm can achieve differentiation through all of the following means except A. Improving brand image. B. Better customer service. C. Offering lower prices to frequent customers. D. Adding additional product features.

C. Offering lower prices to frequent customers.

Quiz 3 Although firm infrastructure is often viewed only as overhead expense, it can become a source of competitive advantage. Examples include all of the following except: A. negotiating and maintaining ongoing relations with regulatory bodies. B. effective information systems contributing significantly to a firm's overall cost leadership strategy. C. marketing expertise increasing a firm's revenues and enabling it to enter new markets. D. top management providing a key role in collaborating with important customers.

C. marketing expertise increasing a firm's revenues and enabling it to enter new markets.

Who does the Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command report to

Chief of Naval Material (CNM)


Choosing an option that is acceptable, although not necessarily the best or perfect.

Who authorizes preliminary pen and ink changes to BOSS

Commanding Officer

Who is normally the surveying officer

Commissioned Officer

Intellectual Capital Equation

Commitment * Competency = Intellectual Capital

Control step

Complete all remaining work on project Provide the process owner with a process control plan Training documents (if appropriate) should be provided Methods and metrics for future audits Transition plan to the new process -- might include a validation step

Who is responsible for monitoring watch quarter and station bill effectiveness

Division Officer

Which type of trial is conducted after major repairs to propulsion machinery have been made by a naval shipyard


Configuration Management

Documents and controls network changes for equipment, hardware, and software throughout the network's lifecycle

Who signs the Engineer's Bell Book besides the Throttle operator, before going off watch


Physics Expectancy Example

Effort to performance— --Studying hard (over 10 hours) for the exam will lead to high performance on the exam Performance to outcome— --High score (performance) on the exam will lead to rewards, a scholarship or award


Enabling others to gain power and achieve influence by providing information, responsibility, authority, and trust


Encryption: for every code there is a key Copyproof is impossible -hackers see challenge -record what you can hear -makes it difficult for legit user to access the purchase

13. Who approves operating logs on a daily basis

Engineer Officer

Who are tag-out audit results reported to

Engineer Officer

Who reviews a Departure from Specification (DFS) for technical accuracy and SIGNS

Engineer Officer

Which log contains the number of days out of drydock


Which log must the shifting of main engine lube oil strainers be documented in


Which document explains matters pertaining to organizational management, operation, and readiness within the engineering department

Engineering Department Organization and Regulations Manual (EDORM)

Which EOSS subsystem would be utilized to align the fuel system a boiler

Engineering Operational Procedures (EOP)

Which logs should be used to log hazardous material spills

Engineering and Deck

Other Possibilities

Equally Likely: --Assume that states of nature are equally likely to occur --Simple average gives each one equal weight Hurwicz - --estimate a coefficient of optimism, α --Maximize α(best outcome) + (1-α)worst outcome

State of Engineering Managers (Exceed Expectation vs Failed to Meet Expectation)

Exceed: -health -endurance -scientific approach -vitality -forcefulness Failed: -ability to inspire -tact -persuasiveness -stability -enthusiasm

Supplier power tends to be highest in industries where products are vital to buyers, where switching from one supplier to another is very costly, and where there are many suppliers.


The functional structure is most appropriate for larger firms implementing a strategy that includes high levels of diversification


Coors' position as the most profitable brewer (per barrel) in 1977, was based primarily on its differentiation and mystique.

False. It really competed based on cost leadership

Control Timing

Feedback Concurrent Feedforward

5 Stages of Team Development

Forming - orientation and interpersonal testing Storming - conflicts and working together as a team Norming - conflicts resolved Performing - teamwork and focused task performance Adjourning - task accomplishment

Who is required to certify the area as safe for work prior to entering the boiler steam drum or main condenser for maintenance

Gas Free Engineer

Who conduct subsequent gas free certifications on the main condenser after the first

Gas Free Engineer Assistant

Global Strategies

Globalization - standardized products and advertising (e.g. Gillette razors) Multidomestic - customizing product to local markets (e.g McDonalds) Transnational - customizing advertising to local market but maintaining the same product (e.g. Coca Cola)

Fiedler's Contingency Model

Good leadership depends on a match between leadership and situational demands Task-motivated Leader - good for high and low control situations People-motivated leader - good for moderate control situations

Which readiness condition is defined as peacetime cruising


Roles in the Process

Idea Generator Entrepreneur Gatekeepers Program Managers Sponsor/Champion


Identifies a service.

l. Which EOCC procedures are required to be memorized

Immediate actions

Moral Management - 3 ways

Immoral Manager - chooses to behave unethically Amoral Manager - fails to consider ethics Moral Manager - makes ethical behavior a personal goal

Feedforward Controls

Implemented before work activity begins, ensures that objectives are clear, proper direction is established, right resources are available

4 Views of Ethical Behavior

Individualism view - Does it promote long-term self interests Utilitarian view - Does it do the greatest good for more people? Justice view - Does it show fairness and impartiality? Moral rights view - Does it maintain the fundamental rights of all human beings?

Bathtub Curve

Infant Morality to End of Life Failures are higher at beginning and end of projected product life

Market Control

Influence of market competition onto the products, pricing, and promotion in response to consumer feedback and what competitors are doing

Leadership traits

Innate personal qualities that make for a successful leader


Innovations that involve only a minor change from (or adjustment to) existing practices

Decision support system

Interactive and provides the user with easy access to decision models and data in order to support semi structured and unstructured decision-making tasks.

what are a CIT's strengths?

It allows researchers to gather firsthand information that preserves the richness of detail and authenticity of personal experience. It produces reliable and valid information.

Line vs Staff

Line: the traditional hierarchical chain --president down to lower worker --everyone (almost) has a manager Staff: generally advisory in nature --often IE is advisory --provide input ONLY on request --consultant status --less (zero?) actual authority

Who must all oil spills that produce a visible sheen in the United States navigable waters and the contiguous zone must be immediately reported to

Local Coast Guard district Commander

Social Responsibility

Looks at ethical issues on the organizational level and obligates organizations to act in ways that serve both its own interests and the interests of society at large

What is used to perform the heat stress survey in the absence of the WGBT meter


Which ship's publication is used to combat Class B fires in propulsion spaces

Main Space Fire Doctrine (MSFD)

Evidence-Based Positive Human Resource Management Practices

Making management decisions based on facts about what works - Employment security - Selective hiring - Self-managing teams - High pay based on merit - Training and development - Reduced status distinctions - Shared information

Effective Control

Malcolm Gladwell , The Tipping Point -Optimum size of an organization -About 150 -Much research What happens??

Peter Drucker

Market Share, Innovation, Productivity, resources, manager development, worker development, profitability, social responsibility

Management Science or Operations Research

Math Tools for Decision Making: -linear, nonlinear, integer, multi-objective models -inventory models -forecasting models -transportation models -routing models -economic models -queuing modes

Organizational Performance

Measure between Goal Attainment and Resource Utilization Productivity - quantity and quality of work performance with resource utilization taken into account Performance Effectiveness - Output measure of task or goal accomplishment Performance Efficiency - Input measure of resource costs associated with goal accomplishment

Who approves technical SHTALTS


Which publication specifically deals with sewage discharge procedures for ships in drydock

NSTM 997

Does Coors expend more money on advertising per barrel sold than its competitors in 1977?

No, it does not need to because there is not enough beer in the region to cover demand at a competitive price

2 Main aspects of how teams work

Norms and Cohesiveness Behavior expected of team members and degree that members are motivated to remain a part of the team (desire to conform to norms)


Novelty, utility, "Non-obvious" to those knowledgeable in the field.

Which series contains oil spill reporting procedures


Which series must be consulted prior to offloading contaminated fuel


Which series outlines the provisions of the Federal law that deals with oil pollution


Which series contains information regarding respirator color codes


Which series is used to determine the proper mishap report format when conducting a safety mishap report


It is the responsibility of all hands to conform to hearing hazards IAW which series


Which series established EOSS


Which type of Naval Message must be sent if a hazardous material spill causes fatalities or excessive damage


Feedback Controls

Occur after the work is competed, focuses on the quality of end results, asks "how well did we do"

Who authorizes all rework steps in a Formal Work Package

Officer responsible

Two Types of Control Systems

Open Loop (noncybernetic) Closed Loop (cybernetic)

What does the acronym OPTAR stand for

Operating Target

115. Which type of Unit Bill is the Replenishment at Sea Bill considered being


The nature of a solution to a problem must be defined carefully in terms of consistent with what two factors

Overall objective Strategy of the organization

Limited Liability Company

Owned and operated by small number of members


Owned by a large number of people

Subchapter S

Owned by shareowners

Which order are tests performed when conducting gas free engineer testing

Oxygen, explosive and toxic

An organic vapor respirator can be used as protection for what type of hazard



People and their talents are the ultimate foundation for the performance of an organization. Intellectual capital is the collective brainpower. Talent is a worker's asset

Why was asme established in 1880

People talked about what happens in factors here. Meaning they just needed a place where they could talk basically


Performance Appraisals MBO Coaching Reward Punishment

External Control

Personal supervision and use of formal administrative systems

Leadership Traits

Physical Qualities: -healthy, vitality, endurance Personal Attributes: -ability to persuade and inspire Character: -integrity, self-discipline Intellectual: -capacity -scientific approach

Four Functions of Management

Planning, Organizing, Leading, Controlling 1 - Setting objectives and determining what actions should be taken to accomplish them 2 - Assigning tasks, allocating resources, coordinating work activities 3 - Arousing people's enthusiasm to work hard and direct their efforts to achieve goals. INFLUENCE 4 - Measuring work performance and taking action to ensure desired results

2 Sources of Managerial Power

Position and Personal Power Position - based on official status of hierarchy of authority (Reward, Punishment, legitimacy) Personal - Unique personal qualities that a person brings to the leadership situation (Expertise/respect, reference/identity)

Sources of Authority

Position: -from position in the org Reward: -power to reward others for compliance Coercive: -power to punish for noncompliance Expert: -power from knowledge or reputation Referent: -attraction to or identification with person or program represented (charisma)

Firm size and executive compensation are:

Positively related

Which type Of trial is conducted whenever the machinery of a vessel has undergone extensive overhaul, repair or alteration, which may affect the power or capabilities of the ship or machinery

Post repair

Applied Research

Practical application, look for new knowledge to fill commercial needs, funded by industry

Motivation Theory--Process

Process: -assumes rationality and logical decision making Equity Theory Expectancy Theory Porter-Lawler Extension Behavior Modification


SMART Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant (Challenging), Timely

Which SNSL is used to determine items required to maintain engineering spaces


Who is an opinion of findings sent to after NSURV conducts a survey ordered by the CNO to determine a vessel's fitness for continued duty

Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV)

Methods of Protecting

Selection depends on variables -utility to creator -potential payoff -investment in patent process -cost to defend -expected productive life

Characteristics of creative people

Self confident, independent, nonconformist, curious, open-minded, comfortable with ill-defined problems, Broad interest, attracted by complexity

Social Responsibility Arguments against and for

Social responsibility could be perceived as a burden; reducing business profits, increasing business costs, dilution of business purpose, too much social power for business, and lack of public accountabiity The other side of the spectrum: it adds long-run profits, improved public image, avoids more government regulations, and they have resources and ethical obligation

Equity Theory

Stacey Adams -Simple: people want to be treated fairly relative to others -inputs from individual: time, effort, education, loyalty, ability -outputs: salary, office space, window, parking space, car -Alternatives: quit, transfer, tolerate

Which type of ahead speed does the symbol "I" indicate when logged in the Engineer's Bell Book


Balanced Investment

Staying competitive today vs tomorrow's technology

When preforming a swot analysis, what elements are considered internal to an organization and what elements are external to an organization

Strength and weaknesses Opportunities and threats

SWOT Analysis Planning

Strengths (build on) -market, customer, knowledge, niche, expertise Weaknesses (resolve) -hire, partner, purchase Opportunities (exploit) -new technologies, regulations, competitor weaknesses Threats (avoid) -competition timeline, new to market

SWOT Analysis and TOWS Matrix

Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats Internal assessment of the organization and external assessment of the environment Growth concentration, Growth diversification, Retrenchment-turnaround


Successful managers become possible only if those having the ability and motivation are given the opportunity to manage.

Who awards contracts for repair and alteration of vessels and to issue job orders for those purposes

Superintendent of Shipbuilding (SUPSHIP)

Bureaucratic/Administrative Control

Supervision, authority, procedures, job descriptions based on organizational structure

What support functions were delegated to alexander the great's "staff"

Supply Provost Marshel Engineer

Managerial skill levels

Technical skills Interpersonal skills Conceptual skills

Level One Level Two Level Three

The engineers in various types of organizations

Open System of an Organization

The environment supplies resource inputs (people, money, materials, technology, information) The organization creates value (work activities) The environment consumes (finished goods and services) The organization implements consumer feedback from the third step into the first and second to improve and please customers in the future to continue to buy the product or service

Minimax regret

The fifth decision maker may choose the alternative that has the smallest difference between the best and worst outcomes.

Coors' annual report for 1985 states that: "Rarely in Adolph Coors Company's 113-year history has there been a year with as many success stories as 1985." Which of the following facts would not support that statement?

The price of the stock at the end of 1985 was $21.25


The process of measuring performance and taking action to ensure desired results. Organizational learning of learning from mistakes


The sum of your surroundings


The systematic study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions.


The worldwide interdependence of resource flows, product markets, and business competition that characterize our economy. Job Migration - When firms shift jobs from one country to another

Dale Carnegie

There is only one way under high heaven to get anybody to do anything. And that is by making the other person want to do it.

Why are gate review checklists important for DMAIC?

They organize deliverables for each step.

BCG Matrix

Ties strategy formulation to analysis of business opportunities according to low and high market growth rate and market share Stars (high and high) - growth strategy Cash cows (low growth, high share) - Stability or modest growth Question marks (high growth, low share) - divestiture Dogs (low and low) - retrenchment/divestiture (the reduction of costs or spending in response to economic difficulty)

Management levels

Top manager Middle manager Front line manager

Trade Mark or Servicemark

Trademark--word, symbol, picture, sound, color, smell used to ID goods -branding is critical to competition today -brand cal fall into common use and lose exclusive use -Aspirin, escalator, Kleenex, Bandaid Servicemark IDs service

Internal competition for corporate resources is effective for companies with an unrelated diversification strategy, but dysfunctional for companies with a related strategy


The separation between owners and managers creates the potential for owners and managers to have conflicting interests.


To properly execute strategic controls in firms using related diversification, the executives must have a deep understanding of each unit's business-level strategy


Which corner are the words "DCC Notified" followed by the authorizing officer's initials to show that Damage Control Central (DCC) was notified about in progress tagouts

Upper right


Workforce diversity - Beneficial because it provides challenges and offers opportunities to employers Diversity bias - Prejudice, discrimination, glass ceiling effect


Works from the present


Works tech backward from a future goal to the present

Does Coors expend more money on advertising per barrel sold than its competitors in 1985?

Yes, because it needs to sell it's beer in new regions where it has very little volume and therefore it's advertising is more inefficient.


a body of rules created by the state, binding within the jurisdiction of the state and enforced with the authority of the state

Safety-Critical Software

a computer system that can have a direct life-threatening impact

Bad debt

a debt that is highly unlikely to be ever paid and so it written off immediately


a funding source that agrees to pay the company the value of the invoice less a discount for commission and fees

An industry is defined as:

a group of firms producing products that are close substitutes.

Working capital

a measure of both a company's efficiency and its short term financial health

PESTLE analysis

a mnemonic which stands for political, economic, social, technological, legal, environmental. It gives a birdseye view of the whole environment from any different angles that one wants to check and keep track of while contemplating on a certain idea

Bills of exchange

a non-interest-bearing written order used primarily in international trade that binds one party to pay a fixed sum of money to another party at a predetermined future date


a plan that commits resources to projects or activities


a process consisting of planning, organizing, directing (or leading), and controlling.

SWOT analysis

a process that identifies the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of an organisation

Operating profit

a profit from business operations before deduction of interest and taxes

PERT chart

a project management tool designed to analyse and present the time needed to complete each task, and to identify the minimum time needed to complete the total project

Ratio analysis

a quantitative analysis of information contained in the financial statements of a business and is based on line items in financial statements like the balance sheet, income statement and cash flow statement


a standing plan that communicates broad guidelines for decisions and action

Financial statement

a summary report that shows how a firm has used the funds entrusted to it by its stockholders and lenders and what is its current financial position


a system of computing cost of production or of running a business, by allocating expenditure to various stages of production or to different operations of a firm


a system of recording, reporting, analysing, verifying and summarising business and financial transactions for a business

Semi-variable cost

a type of cost that contains both fixed and variable components and is therefore partly affected by fluctuations in the level of activity

Fixed cost

a type of cost which tends to be unaffected by fluctuations in the level of activity. It will remain unaffected by the activity changes only within a relevant range of activity

Variable cost

a type of cost which varies in line with the level of activity. The higher the level of activity, the higher the cost incurred

Marginal costing

a type of costing described as the extra cost of making an additional unit. It is tied in with the concept of contribution

Activity based costing

a type of costing that analyses all the activities undertaken by an organisation to identify what causes the costs to increase

Absorption costing

a type of costing that attempts to apportion estimated costs to cost centres or products. The estimated costs are overheads or indirect costs, and when added to direct costs, the total unit cost of the product can be achieved

Target costing

a type of costing used during the planning cycle and drives the process of choosing product and process designs that will result in a project that can be produced at a cost that will allow an acceptable level of profit, given its estimated market price, selling volume and target functionality


a type of debt instrument that is not secured by physical assets or collateral. They are backed only by the general creditworthiness and reputation of the issuer

Acid test ratio

a type of ratio refers to whether an organisation can convert its current liabilities without having to sell stocks

Efficiency ratios

a type of ratio that is concerned with monitoring how well the company is utilising its assets

Investment ratios

a type of ratio that is used to assess the companys performance from the point of view of a shareholder or potential investor

Liquidity ratios

a type of ratio which refers to its ability to meet its current liabilities as they fall due. It measures the extent to which assets can be quickly turned into cash

Which statement regarding competitive advantages is true? a. If several competitors pursue similar differentiation tactics, they may all be perceived as equals in the minds of the consumer b. with an overall cost leadership strategy, firms need not be concerned with parity on differentiation c. In the long run, a business with one or more competetive advantages is probably destined to earned normal profits d. Attaining multiple types of competitive advantage is a recipe for failure

a. If several competitors pursue similar differentiation tactics, they may all be perceived as equals in the minds of the consumer

Convincing rivals not to enter a price war, protection from customer pressure to lower prices, and the ability to better withstand cost increases from suppliers characterize which type of competitive strategy? a. Overall cost leadership b. differentiation c. differentiation focus d. cost leadership focus

a. Overall cost leadership

Firms with core competencies that can be exploited across international markets are able to: a. achieve synergies and produce lower costs b. be more responsive to local preferences than local firms in foreign markets. c. enhance their market image and brean loyalty among local consumers d. meet local government requirements more quickly than their international competitors.

a. achieve synergies and produce lower costs

For capability to create a temporary competitive advantage it only needs to: a. be rare and create value b. be difficult to imitate c. lack real substitutes d. be all of these

a. be rare and create value

Recent trends that might lead managers of multi-national corporations (MNCs) NOT to adopt a multi-domestic strategy for their operations would include all of the following EXCEPT? a. customers' needs, interests, and tastes are becoming increasingly homogenized or similar b. consumers around the world are increasingly willing to trade off idiosyncratic preferences in product features for lower prices. c. flexible manufacturing trends have allowed a decline in the minimum volume required to reach acceptable levels of productions efficiency d. the global environment is experiencing fluctuating exchange rates

a. customers' needs, interests, and tastes are becoming increasingly homogenized or similar

A divisional structure: a. is organized around functional area departments b. typically improves the performance of firms pursuing a vertical integration c. is usually more responsive to customer needs and competitors actions d. provides efficiencies in the management of organizational resources

a. is organized around functional area departments

Which of the following would be an entry barrier? a. large economies of scale b. low switching costs c. easy access to raw materials d. low capital requirements

a. large economies of scale

Jim decides that the time is right to start a business that markets products for the Beijing 2008 Olymipics. He plans to sell t-shirts, replica medals, Olympic athlete actions figures, books, and videotapes. The main concern, in Jim's mind, is the managers need to be able to think across all functional lines, know their customers well, and be able to change products rapidly. He does not want his managers to spend much time in meetings, and he is not really concerned with positions redundancy. In this situation, the most appropriate structure for Jim to use in his organization is: a. virtual b. divisional c. functional d. matrix e. virtual or functional

a. matrix

The most intense rivalry results from: a. numerous equally balanced competitors, slow industry growth, high fixed or storage costs. b. few competitors, slow industry growth, lack of differentiation, high fixed or storage costs. c. numerous equally balanced competitors, manufacturing capacity increases only in large segments, low exit barriers d. a high level of differentiation

a. numerous equally balanced competitors, slow industry growth, high fixed or storage costs.

Is it good to have an organization primarily built on intangible assets? a. yes, intangible assets tend to be more costly for competitors to imitate b. no, tangible assets tend to be more costly for competitors to imitate. c. Yes, intangible assets are more stable and long-lasting d. no, tangible assets are more stable and long-lasting

a. yes, intangible assets tend to be more costly for competitors to imitate


allocating and arranging resources to accomplish tasks

If you believed in a pure five forces model of above-average returns, which of the following things is LEAST important?

analysis of resources, capabilities, and core competencies

Objectives (goals)

are specific results that one wishes to achieve

Units coordinate their activities with headquarters and with one another, units adapt to special circumstances only they face, and the entire organization draws upon relevant corporate resources. These are all attributes of which type of strategy? a. A global strategy b. A transnational strategy c. An international strategy d. a multi-domestic strategy

b. A transnational strategy

Firms A and B are both thinking of diversifying because their managers feel that the time is right to think about additional opportunities for revenue generation. One main difference between these two firms in their resource profiles. Firm B has an abundance of intangible resources dealing mostly with process efficiency knowledge, while firm A has highly developed financial capabilities. Based on only this information, you would expect that ______'s diversification efforts are more likely to be more related to their current lines of business than _____'s diversification efforts are. a. Firm A; Firm B b. Firm B; Firm A c. Firm A; Firm A d. Firm B; Firm B e. Firm A; Firm B or Firm A; Firm A

b. Firm B; Firm A

_____ may be time-consuming, and therefore, firms may look for the benefits of speed that growth through _____ and _____ can provide. a. Strategic alliances; joint ventures, internal development b. Internal development; mergers; acquisitions c. Strategic alliances; mergers; joint ventures d. Mergers; internal development; strategic alliances

b. Internal development; mergers; acquisitions

Individual investors are dependent upon the corporation's managers to: a. diversify the stockholder's investments in order to reduce risk b. add value to their investements in a way that the stockholders could not accomplish on their own c. achieve risk reduction at a lower cost than stockholders could not accomplish on their own d. maximize the short term returns in the form of dividends

b. add value to their investements in a way that the stockholders could not accomplish on their own

an executive might be motivated to maximize the firm's stock price in the short-term (i.e. year end) at all costs if his or her compensation package is dominated by: a. salary b. bonus c. stock options d. salary and bonus e. salary and stock options

b. bonus

Upper limits on industry-wide prices for standard products are constrained by: a. expected retaliation from rivals within the industry b. comparative price of substitute products c. switching costs between products of different firms within the industry d. the bargaining power of suppliers to the industry

b. comparative price of substitute products

What are the primary tradeoffs that you need to consider when choosing an entry mode for international expansion? a. Efficiency and local responsiveness b. cost and degree control c. currency fluctuations and political instability d. factor costs and degree of rivalry e. income of population and pricing

b. cost and degree control

Everything else equal, what would commoditization of industry products tend to do to the power of buyers in an industry? a. increase it b. decrease it c. have no effect

b. decrease it

High product differentiation is generally accompanied by: a. higher market share b. decreased emphasis on competition based on price c. higher profit margins and lower costs d. significant economies of scale

b. decreased emphasis on competition based on price

A major reason outsourcing is being used is that: a. it allows top managers to focus on operational details b. few firms possess superior capability in all primary and support activities c. it permits unlimited access to capital resources d. competitors do not have access to the same external sources

b. few firms possess superior capability in all primary and support activities

The disadvantage to a merger or acquisition would include all of the following EXCEPT: a. firms frequently pay too much for the acquisition b. firms often find it difficult to integrate their resources and activities with those of the acquired firm c. firms usually find they cannot move quickly enough into new products and markets through the use of acquisition d. firms typically find that key elements of the culture of the acquired firm clash with key elements of their own culture

b. firms often find it difficult to integrate their resources and activities with those of the acquired firm

Suppliers are more powerful when: a. volume of purchase is low b. threat of backward integration by buyers is low c. cost savings from the supplier's product are minimal d. the buyer's profit margin in low

b. threat of backward integration by buyers is low

Support for R&D

basic technology, key technology, pacing technology

Types of Research

basic, applied, development

Define step

business case opportunity statement goal statement project scope project plan team

metrics are hierarchal

business metrics --> business strategy --> operations strategy --> plan --> source --> make --> deliver --> measure improve balanced scorecard used to tie metrics to business goals

in the _____ stage of the industry life cycle, there are many segments, competition is very intense, and the emphasis on process design is high. a. introduction b. growth c. maturity d. decline

c. Maturity

The differentiation strategy can be effective in controlling the power of rivalry in an industry because: a. customers will seek out the lowest cost products b. customers have no loyalty c. customers are loyal to brands that are differentiated in meaningful ways d. the differentiation strategy benefits from a rivalry e. all of these

c. customers are loyal to brands that are differentiated in meaningful ways

Competetiveness is usually enhanced by the good implementation of diversification based on all of the following reasons except: a. potential to share the inventory delivery system between the old and new business b. potential to reduce the cost of manufacturing in the new business more than other potential acquirers c. potential to overcome uncertainties in the future cash flows of a mature product line with cash flows from a new product to protect value for shareholders d. potential to share managerial competencies in the implementation of a particular technological development across otherwise differect businesses. e. none of the other options in this set of answers

c. potential to overcome uncertainties in the future cash flows of a mature product line with cash flows from a new product to protect value for shareholders

The threat of new entrants is increased if: a. access to distribution channels is hard to gain b. economies of scale in the industry are high c. product differentiation in the industry is low d. capital requirements in the industry are high

c. product differentiation in the industry is low

Excessive focus on reduced risk might occur if an executive has been with the company for a long time and his/her pay package has been dominated by: a. Salary b. bonus c. stock options d. benefits

c. stock options

If your analysis suggests that a global strategy is optimal for firms seeking to expand into foreign markets, which type of value chain activity would you want to be and what business strategy might be appropriate in general? a. sales and marketing to create a strong brand name; differentiate b. technological development to create new products and features; differentiation c. technological development to come up with more efficient processes; cost leadership d. service that is responsive to customer needs; focused differentiation

c. technological development to come up with more efficient processes; cost leadership

The sustainability of a competitive advantage rests primarily on which issue? a. rareness of the capability underlying the advantage b. the value created by the capability c. the imitability of the capability underlying the advantage d. the size of the advantage relative to rival firms

c. the imitability of the capability underlying the advantage

Buyers are more powerful when: a. there is not a threat of backward integration b. they are not a significant purchaser of the supplier's output c. there are no switching costs d. the buyers' industry is fragmented

c. there are no switching costs

Corporate-level strategy is concerned with which of the following two key issues? a. how a firm should compete within a particular business and the specific advantages that it can develop over its key competitors in that business b. how the mission and the goals of the firm are tied to each of the businesses that it is in c. what businesses the firm should be in and how the corporate office should manage its group of businesses d. how the firm should use its technology and its human resources

c. what businesses the firm should be in and how the corporate office should manage its group of businesses

Which of the following represents a related form of diversification? a. When a firm expands into another industry that offers a product that is consumed along with the product that it currently offers b. when a firm expands into another industry that offers a product whose sales are likely to rise when sales of its present products show a decline c. when a firm expands into another industry that offers a product which would share some of the value chain activities that the firm has already developed for its current products d. when a firm expands into another industry that offers a substiture product which addresses a similar need

c. when a firm expands into another industry that offers a product which would share some of the value chain activities that the firm has already developed for its current products

Idea Generator

comes up with creative solutions or inspirations


compelling events to conform to plan

Concurrent control

control that takes place while a work activity is in progress

Life Cycle

customer need fuels research new products fulfill need or solve problems solutions today present the problem tomorrow (limitations, new problems)

Industry A is characterized by high fixed costs while industry B has low fixed costs. Which industry would tend to have a lower threat of new entrants? Higher degree of rivalry? a. Industry A; Industry B b. Industry B; Industry B c. Industry A; Industry B d. Industry A; Industry A

d. Industry A; Industry A

If you believed in a pure five forces model of above-average returns, which of the fallowing things is LEAST important? a. Industry analysis b. competitor analysis c. analysis of general environment d. analysis of resources, capabilities, and core competencies e. all are equally important

d. analysis of resources, capabilities, and core competencies

When selecting activities to outsource, firms should select activities that: a. create value b. neutralize external threats c. are critical to their success d. are not core to their strategy

d. are not core to their strategy

Firms following a global strategy strive to offer _____ products and services as well as locate, R&D, and marketing activities in _____ locations. a. a wide variety of; many decentralized b. a wide variety of; few centralized c. standardized; many decentralized d. standardized; few centralized

d. standardized; few centralized

Capabilities are non-substitutable when: a. there are no direct substitutions in the five forces model b. the firm's products cannot be a substitute for others' products c. the switching costs in the industry are high d. there is no alternative means to achieve the same results

d. there is no alternative means to achieve the same results

Utility Patent Process

data of filing is important cost is steep $20K+ requires disclosure in process for utility

Design Patent Process

date of filing cost is a bit less than utility patent 5K no public disclosure until granted

Human Resource Plans

dealing with and building a talented work force

Financial Plans

dealing with money and capital investestments

Encouraging Innovation

define the problem clearly, identify parameters, determine what must happen in a successful solution define as little as possible.

Capital Expenditure Budget

describe future investment in plant and equipment


description of the relative amount of resources used in obtaining effectiveness

customer segmentation

dividing customers into groups based on certain attributes i.e. age, income, customer ranking (silver, gold, platinum)

Market analysis

establishes the target market so that positioning the business to achieve its share of sales and shows its understanding of environment working in

Measure step

evaluate and determine the present process state Identify key process input/ output variables (KPIV)/(KPOV) Data Histograms/ box plots/ pareto charts / scatter plots

Operating Budget

expense, revenue, profit

Process theories

explain how people select behavioral actions to meet their needs and determine whether their choices were successful

Basic Research

extend knowledge funded largely by government performed often by industry/academic teams

Basic research

extend knowledge, funded largely by government, performed often by industry/academic teams

black belt

full-time change agent and improvement leader -- may not be an expert yet, but maybe an "understudy"

Scenario Planning

identifies alternative future scenarios and make plans to deal with each


innovations build on the firm's existing knowledge base


innovations renders a firm's existing competencies obsolete.


is a convenient way of comparing one figure with another figure

Project management

is the application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to project activities to meet the project requirements

Scope management

is the definition and control of what is and equally important also what is not included in the project. It ensures the project establishes the required work for its successful completion

Margin for safety

is the difference between what we need to achieve to break even and what we believe we can achieve. The larger it is, the more likely it is to achieve some sort of profit


is the process of setting objectives and determining how to accomplish them

Fixed assets

items which remain in the business for several years and are not bought with the intention of resale. E.g. machinery, buildings, land, motor vehicles


know outcome of each alternative

Single-use plans

like budgets that apply to a specific task or time period

Hierarchy of Goals

lower-level goals and objectives support accomplishment of higher-level goals and objectives

Stock turnover period

measures the average number of days stock held on the balance sheet date. Equals stock divided by cost of sales per day

Net Present Value

method of investment appraisal technique that considers the present value of cash received today as is considered in the discounted payback method

the production of more food for a fast growing world population, the elimination of air and water pollution, solid waste disposal and materials recycling, the reduction of noise in various forms, supplying the increasing demand for energy, supplying the increasing demand for mobility, preventing and solving crimes, meeting the increasing demand for communication facilities,

modern problem examples

Business equity

money coming into the business and can be thought of a source of business assets


monitoring task accomplishments and taking corrective action if needed


more immediate than the vision shorter time frame


must seek to find out the objectives of the organization, think of ways how to achieve them, decide on the ways to be adapted and the material resources to be used, determine the human requirements of the total job, assign specific tasks to specific persons, motivate them, and provide means to make sure that the activities are in the right direction.

Executive government

one of the three separation of powers which carries on the administration of the country in accordance with the powers conferred on it by the law

Data collection technique -- surveys

open ended yes/no fill in the blank ranking questions rating questions likert format guttman format -- strengths of attitudes/ opinions

Profit before taxation

operating profit minus interest payable


output measured variance post action repetitive actions


outside specialists produce papers keep aware of future technology and applications

Applied Research

practical application look for new knowledge to fill commercial needs funded by industry


predict performance decision support proactive navigation displays

Key Technology

provides competitive, and allows differentation from competitor products

Financial plan

provides the business goals in specific financial targets. This is essential for the business plan as it shows investors the timeframes scheduled to make profits

Operations and management

provides the outline for the operation of the business

Which of the following statements about strategic groups is false?

strategic groupings are of little help to a firm in assessing mobility barriers that protect a group from attacks by other groups

Management science

stresses the use of rational, science-based techniques and mathematical models to improve decision making and strategic planning

Net profit

the actual profit after working expenses not included in the calculation of gross profit have been paid. Profit before taxation minus taxation

Accounting rate of return

the amount of profit or return an individual can expect based on an investment made. Divides average profit by the initial investment


the amount to be received from customers in return for the provision of goods and services


the engineer assists the company's customers to meet their needs, especially those that require technical expertise.


the engineer gets employment in a school and is assigned as a teacher of engineering courses. Some of them become deans, vice presidents, and presidents.


the engineer is assigned to mange groups of people performing specific tasks.


the engineer is directly in charge of production personnel or assumes responsibility for the product.


the engineer is directly in charge of the construction personnel or may have responsibility for the quality of the construction process.


the engineer is engaged in the process of learning about nature and codifying this knowledge into usable theories.

Level two firms

the engineer may be assigned to head the engineering division. The need for management skills will now be felt by the engineer manager.


the engineer may find employment in the government performing any of the various tasks in regulating, monitoring, and controlling the activities of various institutions, public or private.

Design and development

the engineer undertakes the activity of turning a product concept to a finished physical items. Design for manufacturability and value engineering teams are charged with improvement of designs and specifications at the research, development, design, and production stages of product development.


the engineer works as consultant of any individual or organization requiring his services.


the engineer works in a unit where new products or parts are tested for workability.

Capital expenditure

the expenditure that covers more than one accounting period and is not normally included in the profit and loss account. The amount of money spent on fixed assests

How is VOC converted to "Critical To Quality Characteristics" (CTQC)

the following areas must be considered: 1. What a customer intends to realize ( customers' wants and needs) 2. How to convert customer intentions into product or process-performance targets 3. How precise and accurate product-performance targets will be

Project manager

the glue to a project. This person doesnt have to be an expert in the field as they will be managing a team of experts


the management of a supply of many to provide the money needed for something to happen

What is "interjudge agreement" and why is this important to measure?

the percentage of critical incidents placed in the same category by both groups of judges.

Break even point

the point where total sales line and total line cross. Equals fixed cost divided by contribution

Cost managment

the process ensures the completion of the project within approved budget

Data mining

the process of analyzing data to extract information not offered by the raw data alone

Internal rate of return

this is the discounted rate that, when applied to its future cash flows, it will produce an NPV of precisely zero


this method is an attempt to estimate how long it would take before a project begins to pay for itself

Quality management

this process ensure that the project meets the established requirements

Change control management

this process establishes how changes to the project scope can be executed. Changes require formal approval from established decision makers

Level Three

those with a high degree of engineering jobs like construction firms.

Level Two

those with a moderate degree of engineering jobs like transportation companies

What is VOC Used for?

to figure out who your customers are, and what they want from your business. More specifically, VOC is used to "capture customer expectations, perceptions, loyalties, and purchase plans

A project has one primary goal:

to give purpose and direction - Defines the final deliverable and outcome - States in clear terms what is to be accomplished - Is a reference point for questions about scope and purpose of the project

Pacing Technology

tomorrow's key technology

Private law

type of law that protects the rights and duties of individuals

Gearing ratios

type of ratio that refers to the proportion of a company's funds that are provided by debt on which fixed interest is payable


we do important work perfectly as we can

Prepare proposal

• A formal document containing the scope and plan • may also contain needs assessment, patent search, analysis of existing products, design concepts (project dependent; discuss with instructor)

Assumptions, Risks

• Identify factors that might affect the outcome or completion of the project • Used to alert management to factors that may interfere with project work

cost of quality bases

• Labor • Operating Costs • Sales Value (i.e. finished goods value) • Unit Value (i.e. unit volume)

external failure costs

• Lawsuits • Customer Complaint Tracking • Warranty Claims • Product Returns

Building a Gantt Chart

• List all tasks and milestones from the WBS along the vertical axis • List time frame along the horizontal axis • create a box for the length of the time • create a diamond when milestone is hit


• Prepare final report and poster • Present results to client • Verify that all deliverables were sent and received • Close out expenses • Celebrate success!

internal failure costs

• Rework • Scrap • Retesting • Downgrading

WBS Completeness

• Status/completion are measurable • Clearly defined start/end events • Activity has a deliverable • Time/cost easily estimated • Activity duration within acceptable limits • Work assignments are independent

Gantt Chart

• Visual scheduling tool • Graphical representation of information in WBS • Show dependencies between tasks, personnel, and other resources • Track progress towards completion

House's path-goal leadership theory

Effective leadership deals with the paths through which followers can achieve goals - directive, supportive, achievement-oriented, participative

Decision making under certainty

Simply Select the best and assume we know with Certainty, know inputs required and know profit returned.

Transformational Leaders

Someone who is inspirational and arouses others to seek extraordinary performance accomplishments Vision, Charisma, Aspiration, Empowerment, Integrity, Intellectual stimulation


person responsible for financial accounting, management accounting and treasury

A project

planned set of interrelated tasks to be executed over a fixed period and within certain cost and other limitations

Titular leaders

positions that give them the opportunity to prove themselves effective at leadership.

Financial accounting

type of accounting that tends to be general purpose, with a broad overview and is usually subject to accounting regulation annually or bi-annually

Management accounting

type of accounting which prepares management reports and accounts that provide accurate and timely financial information required by managers to make day to day and short term decisions. It tends to be for a specific purpose, often very detailed and is unregulated.

Short-Term Plans

typically cover one year or less

Long-Term Plans

typically look three or more years into the future

Cash flow forecast

used for planning cash requirements in the future, an internal planning document is used. Shows the cash effect of all decisions taken in the planning process


uses external and internal comparisons to plan for future improvements

Qualitative Forecasting

using expert opinions to predict the future

Quantitative Forecasting

using mathematical models and statistical analysis of historical data and surveys to predict future events


we bend to the strongest pressure


we depersonalize and use you


we love one another

Data collection technique -- operational feedback systems

1. customer complaints -- what % of ppl complain? 2. employee surveys 3. customer, supplier scorecards

Attributes of Good Metrics

1. customer driven 2. measure performance over time 3. easy to interpret 4. Linked to firms goals and strategies 5. Collaboratively Developed

McGregor's Two Factor theory

postulated two contrasting sets of assumptions about the average worker

Return on investment

(ROI) measures the amount of return on an investment relative to the investments cost

Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)

-1st major revision since 1976 -aligned with international agreements -illegal for consumers to make copies of ANY digitally recorded work or ANY purposes -illegal to sell/discuss copy procedures -use of university equipment-UWP liable

Decision Making Under Uncertainty

-Cannot assess probability of any given state of nature occurring -If TOTALLY unsure about what will happen and cannot even predict what MIGHT happen --Does it really matter what is selected?

Good Control Systems

-Effective—measures what is desired -Efficient—cost of operation is not prohibitive -Timely—In time to make a difference -Flexible—works in different circumstances -Understandable—easily explained, intuitive -Highlight Deviations—for correction

3 Types of Controls

-Financial -Human Resource -Social

Organization Structures: Department

-Functional: similar tasks or products -Geographical: located together -Customer type: similar customer characteristics and requirements --Commercial, end-user --Large businesses, small businesses --Dept of Defense contracts: similar security issues -Process or Equipment—shared investment


-Identification and classification of required activities -grouping activities to achieve goals -assignment of groups to "leaders" (defined authority and responsibility) -provide for coordination between groups (both vertically and horizontally)

Maintainability/ Availability Measures

-Mean Time Between Maintenance (MTBM) (average time between maintenance actions whether corrective, preventative or failure related) -Mean Down Time (MDT) (average total time for all maintenance) -Mean Time to Repair (MTTR) (average time to get back in operation)

Analysis Options

-Myers-Briggs Type Indicator -Leadership Grid -Michigan and Ohio State -Life-Cycle Theory -Situational Approach -Leadership Continuum -Servant Leadership -Drucker's Paradigm

Overconfidence Bias

-Systematically overconfident in our own ability and knowledge -Feel confident in ability to control situation -More optimistic about outcome -Underestimate obstacles -Fail to see difference in situations

Sunk-Cost Effect

-Tendency to increase commitment to action where there is a prior investment -Greater investment = greater commitment -Want to succeed, hate failure -Even when earlier investment has NO connection to current situation

Social Controls

-Underlying values of the organization -Values and objectives of the workers -Requires that worker have ability to correct --Information about performance --Motivation to make corrections --Authority to act

Factory Skills of the Future

-Visualization -Conceptual thinking -understanding of the process -statistics and trends -communication -attentiveness -individual responsibility

What Happens?

-communication -relationships between individuals and groups -groups, sub-groups, cliques form -competition not cooperation

Innovation and Invention

-difficult to assure -CAN manage to encourage both...most manage to DISCOURAGE

Design Review Process

1. Concept Design Review--early in the program 2. System Design Review--overall system 3. Software Design Review--prototypes and reliability 4. Critical Design Review--details of the design

How many Engineer's Bell Books are required if a ship has two shafts


How many parts does the SNSL consist of


What reason did mr. Matusushita give for believing that japan would win its manufacturing war with the U.S

All of there workers were apart of the management process

Legal Liability

Applies more to corporations and property owners, compensation may be required

Rank TOC projects against additional parameters:

CTC (Constraint on Cost) CTS (Constraint in Schedule) CTQ (Constraint on Quality)

Which type of report is submitted after the CASREP has been repaired

Casualty Correction (CASCOR)

Level of Uncertainty

Certainty: -know outcome of each alternative (your coin) Risk: -some knowledge and prediction is possible (a fair coin) Uncertainty: -know nothing (very little) (someone else's coin)

Who authorizes underway ballasting

Commanding Officer

Which form is used to record reference hearing tests

DD 2215

Which form is filled out prior to off-loading hazardous material

DD form 1348-1

Who signs and dates the Quality Assurance (QA) controlled material rejection tag


Types of Markets (Financial Market)

Dealing with the exchange of liquid assets (money) is called a financial market

Which department uses the 26MC


How often are NAVSAFECEN safety surveys conducted aboard ships

Every 3 years


KPIV -- process input that provides a significant impact on the output variation of a process or a system or on the key process output variable (KPOV) of a product. KPOV -- determined by the KPIV

43* Who is notified by the craftsman if rework is required


Drucker's "old-fashioned" leadership

Leadership is good old-fashioned hard work, not just charisma

Which type of inspection is required when the propulsion plant has been idle for in excess of 120 days

Light-Off Assessment


Making decisions as a group, which usually results in poor decision making - pressure to conform, illusions of unanimity, belief in group morality, illusions of group invulnerability, mind guarding Avoid by assigning one member to play "devil's advocate", create subteams to work on problems, have external opinions, assign an evaluator, hold extra meetings after a consensus

What is Coor's obvious focus during the period of the case?


Profitability Ratio

Net Income/Net Sales

148. Which series contains all environmental quality issues


Which type of programs are the asbestos program and hearing conservation program classified as

Occupational health

Organizations as Systems

Organizations are treated as a complex network of interacting systems

Classic Management Practices

Planning Organizing Influencing Controlling Staffing Coordinating

Four strategies of corporate social responsibility

Proactive Accommodative Defensive Obstructionist Decreasing commitment to corporate social responsibilities


Problem-solving technique that involves considering all possible solutions without making prior evaluative judgments.

Professional Codes

Rules of conduct for a particular profession

Which series contains shipboard record disposal instructions


Which enlisted committee makes recommendations about the command's safety program to the safety council


Who keeps safety council meeting records

Safety Officer

Leadership behaviors

Task and people concerns


Tech IQ - A person's ability to use technology to stay informed Examples: Checking inventory, sales transactions, telecommuting, virtual teams, effective use of online resources - benefits of virtual communication


The state of being first or most important

Expectancy theory

The theory that people will be motivated to the extent to which they believe that their efforts will lead to good performance, that good performance will be rewarded, and that they will be offered attractive rewards.

Quantity Demanded

The total amount of a good that buyers would choose to purchase under given conditions

Quantity Supplied

The total amount of a good that sellers would choose to produce and sell under given conditions

What are some disadvantages of MBO

Time and paperwork involved Misuse when superiors simply assign objectives The gameship of subordinates who try to negotiate easy goals

Which type of SHIPALTS are defined as Alterations Equivalent to a Repair (AER)

Title D

Which type of SHIPALTS are defined assigned by NAVSEA- as specified under the Fleet Modernization Program

Title K

Organizational Change

Top down - initiatives come from senior management Bottom up - initiatives come from all parts of the organization

The Division Officer responsible for the affected step, LPO, along with who else approves pen and ink changes to a Formal Work Package

Work Center Supervisor (WCS)


achieving the best possible balance among several goals

Resource requirements

• People - number and skills • Facilities • Equipment • Money • Materials

Look Out for the Creepers!

• Scope Creep - Change is constant - must be accommodated (Comes from the client) • Hope Creep - Status reports that reflect expectations, not results • Effort Creep - Status reports record progress, but there is no change in the % completed • Feature Creep - Team loses sight of goals and objectives; adds unneeded complexity.

Estimate duration

• Similarity to other activities • Historical data • Expert advice • Sources of variation: varying skill levels, unexpected events, mistakes, misunderstandings

Maslows's Hierarchy

A 5 level theory that suggests what a person needs at each level.


An organizational or administrative Process; a science, discipline, or art; the group of people running an organization; an occupational career

Fredrick Taylor

Father of scientific management, time and motion studies, "one best way" to do job, selection, training, teaching were key


I call the shorts but we all work together on my team


Manager obtains non-mangers' ideas and uses them in decision making.

S curves

Mostly seen with K strategists; at the start there are limiting factors but then there is exponential growth and fluctuation around the carrying capacity because of negative feedback mechanisms.

Management Skills

Technical, Interpersonal, and conceptual


The pessimist decision maker may choose the alternative whose worst outcome is "least bad"


The third decision maker may choose a position somewhere between optimism and pessimism


Things that are important to you.

Systems engineering

a branch of engineering that applies engineering principles in designing and managing large and complicated projects

Professional societies

a nonprofit organization seeking to further a particular profession, the interests of individuals engaged in that profession and the public interest.


a paid occupation, especially one that involves prolonged training and a formal qualification.

Key Result Areas

a set of objectives that the organization focuses on to ensure that it is improving its operations in a way that will increase business performance in the desired areas

Equity theory

a theory that states that people will be motivated when they perceive that they are being treated fairly

Decision tree

a tree that gives different decisions and the chance of that happening.

Henry Townsend

cited the need for a medium for the interchanged of management experience by the publication of papers and reports, and by meetings for the discussion of papers and interchange of options.

Max Weber

classical organizational theory, emphasized division of labor, hierarchy for authority, employment based on expertise (not relationship), inflexible, rigid rule-based, impersonal and impartial.

Content Theories

emphasize the needs that motivate people


leaders evolve from their expertise or referent power as it is expressed in the process of group activity.

Situational model

links the leader's behavioral style with the readiness level of followers


manager makes decisions without consultation but tries to persuade non-managers to accept them.

Servant leadership

practical philosophy that supports people people who choose to serve first, and then lead as a way of expanding service to individuals and institutions.

Project Management

the application of processes, methods, knowledge, skills and experience to achieve the project objectives.


the branch of science and technology concerned with the design, building, and use of engines, machines, and structures.

Frank Gilbreth

the mechanics of work and movement


the principles or practice of scientific management.


the process of influencing others to achieve group or organizational goals


we do it my way. Only risk-taking achievers neeed apply


we sell the sizzle, not the steak


"just in time management" attacks the problem quickly -- "low hanging fruit"

Acid Test Ratio

(Current Assets-Inventory)/Current Liabilities look for over 1.0

Supply Curve

- A graphical representation of the relationship between price and quantity supplied (ceteris paribus) - The amount of the good sellers would choose to sell at that price

Effective Control

A mix between internal and external control that should be modified based on the timing and situation. In the end, self-control should be encouraged

What is a project?

A sequence of unique, complex, and connected activities having one goal or purpose that must be completed: 1. by a specific time 2. within a certain budget 3. according to specifications


A statement indicating the liability of the manufacturer for product deficiencies.

Quiz 2 Convincing rivals not to enter a price war, protection from customer pressure to lower prices, and the ability to better withstand cost increases from suppliers characterize which type of competitive strategy? A. Overall cost leadership B. Differentiation C. Differentiation focus D. Cost leadership focus

A. Overall cost leadership

Quiz 3 Leverage ratios provide measures of a firm's capacity to meet its long-term financial obligations. A. True B. False

A. True

Quiz 3 Vertical integration is attractive when: A. transaction costs are higher than internal administrative costs. B. internal administrative costs are higher than transaction costs. C. transaction costs and internal administrative costs are equal. D. search costs are higher than monitoring costs.

A. transaction costs are higher than internal administrative costs.


Ability of a test to yield very similar scores for the same individual over repeated testings


Advantages: -Fairly easy to organize -Few legal restriction -Allow more skills -CAN be limited partnership with different liabilities -Does not pay taxes but must file tax return -Partners pay taxes Disadvantages: -divided decision making -potential disagreement -generally unlimited liability for partnership debts

Types of Engineers

Aerospace, Electrical, Mechanical, Electrical

Diversity Leadership

Affirmative action > Valuing differences > Managing diversity

Value Engineering

An approach used to optimize project life cycle costs, save time, increase profits, improve quality, expand market share, solve problems, and/or use resources more effectively.

Component Innovation

An innovation that entails changes to one or more components of a product system without significantly affecting the overall design

Intellectual Property

Any unique product of human intellect that has commercial value.

Quiz 2 All of the following are potential pitfalls of a focus strategy except A. Erosion of cost advantages within the narrow segment. B. All rivals share a common input or raw material. C. Even product and service offerings that are highly focused are subject to competition from new entrants and from imitation. D. Focusers can become too focused to satisfy buyer needs.

B. All rivals share a common input or raw material.

Quiz 2 High product differentiation is generally accompanied by A. Higher market share. B. Decreased emphasis on competition based on price. C. Higher profit margins and lower costs. D. Significant economies of scale.

B. Decreased emphasis on competition based on price

3 Technology Components

Base Key Pacing


Bottom Line Budgets Profit/Loss Accounting

Which CASREP category would prevent a ship from getting underway or accomplishing its mission


Which level is the Ship Characteristics Card classified as for security purposes


Trade Secret

Confidential Information that provides a competitive advantage .

Trade Secret

Confidential info that provides a competitive advantage --Coke formula --do not expire Open to revelation or industrial espionage Reverse engineering Employee defection

Careers - Shamrock Organization

Consist of Permanent full time workers, temporary part-time workers, and freelance or contract workers

List some of the innovative management practices of the arsenal of venice

Cost control Accounting Systematic warehousing Standardization

Copyright Issues

Critical to entertainment industry Education-copy and share with class


Culture Peer Pressure Excellence Honor Honesty Quality

Which form is used to survey a piece of equipment

DD form 2090

How do amos and sarchet define planning

Deciding in advance what to do, how to do it, when to do it and who to do it.

Who is responsible for the maintenance of the Rescue and Assistance Bill

Engineer Officer

Who presents the 8 0'clock reports in the temporary absence of the Engineer Officer in port

Engineering Duty Officer (EDO)

Speed loss, propulsion plant overloading, along with what else could occur to the propulsion plant if the full power trial is conducted in shallow water

Excessive vibration

ERG Theory

Existence Relations Growth


Experts in a field, which provides them an advantage over the lay person and that professional's work has the potential to impact the general public

Contingency - Vroom-Jago

Factors: Decision quality, acceptance, time Choices: Authority-oriented, consultative decision, group-oriented

As a rule, shareholders prefer more diversification than do managers


Scientific management

Finding better, more efficient ways to do things


Freedom from harm or the threat of harm.

Which name is given to a record sheet that has technical bulletins that contain information about material such as composition, chemical characteristics, health and safety hazards and precautions for safe handling and use

Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)

Divergent Thinking

Mental Simulation --Envision potential outcomes --Multiple future scenarios - What if.... Premortem Analysis --Assume failure --Investigate methods/means of fail

What does the acronym MLSTRJP mean

Military Standard Requisitioning and Issue Procedure

Which two categories do SHIPALTS fall under

Military and Technical

Finding the People...New Graduates

New Graduates—Easiest to find but hard to evaluate --Yield may be 1 out of 2 offers --Offer may only go to 1 out of 4 (or 6) applicants --Interview 2- 4 for every offer Varies with the economy and industry

5, Which document contains special evolution and the Engineer's orders for the night

Night orders

Was Coors successful from 1977 to 1985? Why?

No, it's per barrel net income had deteriorated dramatically against that of other industry players

What development of H.L Gantt is ubiquitous in industrial scheduling and planning activities

Progress charts


Projects in controlled environments is a defacto process-based method for effective project management used extensively by the UK government

Team Effectiveness

Quality of input + Process gain - process loss = Team Effectiveness

171. How often does the ship's safety council convene


In contrast to managers, shareholders may prefer that free cash flows be:

Returned to them as dividends


Software Engineering Code of Ethics and Professional Practice

Legal Accountability

Someone or some group is answerable

SMART Objectives

Specific Measurable Agreed upon Realistic Time- related


The degree to which it is new and different from previously existing products and processes is the innovation's

What was the title of lillian gilbreth's 1912 ph.d thesis

The psychology of management

Mission Statement

The reason for the organization's existence How well does it serve the organization's stakeholders Identifies customers, products/services, location, philosophy


The reduction of costs or spending in response to economic difficulty - Liquidation - close business and sell assets - Downsizing - decrease size of operations - Divestiture - sell off parts of the organization to refocus attention on core business areas - Turnaround - Fix specific problems


The study of workplace equipment design or how to arrange and design devices, machines, or workspace so that people and things interact safely and most efficiently.


The wait-time between service


There are many sellers but a single buyer

Drucker's Paradigm

There is no ONE way to manage... must adapt to the situation, task, environment and people involved.

Corporate governance involves oversight in areas where owners, managers, and members of boards of directors may have conflicts of interest.


Data-Driven Management means Choosing Metrics Which Link to the Success of the Firm. T/F


Industries characterized by high economies of scale typically attract fewer new entrants.


Stock options attempt to align managers' and owners' interests by tying managerial pay and firm performance together.


The primary role of the board of directors is to monitor and control top-level executives to protect owners' interests


Cooperative Strategies

Two or more organizations partner to pursue an area of mutual interest. Allying with outsourcing (expertise), suppliers, and distributors

Lewin's 3 phases of organizational change

Unfreezing - a need for change is realized Changing - implement change Refreezing - stabilize change

Which system ensures that material requests are processed according to the military importance and urgency

Uniform Material Movement and Issue Priority System (UMMIPS)

Which readiness condition is set when a ship is in port and the engineering plant is in a cold iron status


29* Which bill lists divisional assignments such as Sea and Anchor Detail, Berthing, Rack assignments

Watch quarter and station (WQS)

Decision making under uncertainty

We are not certain of the future state of nature.


We do things my way, in spite of the organization


We go by the book

Concurrent Control

What happens during work process, monitoring operations to make sure they follow the plan

Law of Demand

When the price of a good rises, and everything else remains the same, the quantity of the good demanded will fall

Law of Supply

When the price of a good rises, and everything else remains the same, the quantity of the good supplied will also rise

Financial Markets (Stock Market)

Where sellers and buyers exchange shares


Word, symbol, picture, sound, color, smell used to identify a brand

What is a likert-type scale ?

a 5 point agree-disagree continuum response format.


a rule describing actions that are to be taken in specific situations

Standard costing

a type of costing where the total budgeted cost is broken down into elements of cost and these are then compared with the actual costs of those elements


ability to produce new and useful ideas, combine known principles and components, playing with imagination and possibilities, finding new connections and combinations


absolute in power or authority


agreement made by owners of company

Dynamic capabilities

are competencies that enable the firm to quickly respond to change.

Product innovations

are embodied in the outputs of an organization - its goods or services.

Process innovations

are innovations in the way an organization conducts its business, such as in techniques of producing or marketing goods or services.

stretch goals

are performance targets that one must work extra hard and stretch to reach

Which of the following is not an entry barrier to an industry?

bargaining power of suppliers.

Development Research

bread and butter of business systematic use of scientific knowledge aim is production of commercially viable--product, process, material, method

Given its 1977 strategy (beginning of the case), it would make sense for Coors beer business to have been organized as a: a. matrix organizational structure b. divisional organizational structure c. functional organizational structure d. global organization structure e. network organizational structure

c. functional organizational structure

Storage, Service, Overflow, and what else comprise the four types of fuel oil TANKS


James Watt

created the steam engine

Assuming you are interested in earning the highest profit, which of the following industry situations would you prefer to be in? a. There are many competitors, few large buyers, and few small suppliers b. There are few competitors, few large buyers, and many small suppliers c. There are few competitors, many small buyers, and few large suppliers d. There are few competitors, many small buyers, and many small suppliers e. There are many competitors, many small buyers, and many large suppliers

d. There are few competitors, many small buyers, and many small suppliers

High pressure for local adaptation combined with low pressure for lower costs would suggest what type of strategy? a. international b. global c. multi-domestic d. transnational

d. transnational

The bargaining power of suppliers is enhanced under the following market condition

dominance by a few suppliers

Base Technology

essential technology


examined the special characteristics of technical professionals.

Dale Carnegie

famous for writing a self-help book about how to win friends and influence people


financial and moral support

Which type of ahead speed does the symbol "Ill" indicate when logged in the Engineer's Bell Book


Which type of ahead speed does the symbol "Il" indicate when logged in the Engineer's Bell Book



going backward; reversion to an earlier state Category: motion n

Firms would be most likely to face intense rivalry with competitors when they

have high fixed costs, in a slow growth industry with high exit barriers

Tactical Plans

helps implement all or parts of the strategic plan

Hawthorne Experiments

intent was to identify optimal lighting, determined that attention to workers during the study motivated better performance.


is a statement of intended means for accomplishing abjectives

Operations research

looks at methods and procedures that will make a business more effective and efficient in distributing its goods and services.

Standing plans

policies and procedures that are used over and over again

Operational plan

provides a basis for projected operating expenses and financial statements


refers to a description of whether objectives are accomplished

2. Which EOCC actions do not required memorization

supplementary actions


the likelihood of an event or hazard impacting the project and should be considered to help avoid unacceptable outcomes

Abilene Paradox

the situations that results when groups take an actions that contradicts what members of the group silently agree they want or need to do.


the willingness to exert effort to reach goals

Communications management

this process is necessary to ensure timely and appropriate generation, collection, dissemination and storage of project information

prevention costs

• Quality Assurance Staff • Process Capability Studies • Six-Sigma Teams • Education/Training

Function of a manager (fayol)

•planning •organizing •command •coordination •control

The Concept of Demand

- Almost any kind of wish or desire or need - Economist: Both willingness and ability to pay

Quality of Work Life (QWL)

- Amount of pay - Working conditions - Career development - Skill development - Individual rights - Pride in work and organization

Contingency Planning

- Identifying courses of actions to take if things go wrong - Anticipating changing conditions

Basic concepts of strategy

- Strategy - a comprehensive plan guiding resource allocation to achieve long-term organizational goals - Competitive advantage - ability to do something better than competitors - Sustainable competitive advantage - when competitors cannot copy what you do

Skinner: Behavior Modification

-Positive Reinforcement -Negative Reinforcement -Punishment -Extinction


-guides for decision -allow for discretion -should reflect the corporate values

Protection Synergy

1. File Design Patent 2. Use design patent to exclude competitors 3. Proactively build recognition for trademark 4. File registration of trademaark 5. Enforcement/protect

The Steps in Control

1. Set Standards 2. Monitor Performance 3. Compare to Standards 4. Corrective Actions

What are the 3 tools used in DMAIC project selection, how would your team use them?

1. Voice of Business : Performing financial analysis (identify gaps in performance) 2. Voice of Customer : Identify gaps in meeting customer needs 3.Voice of Process: Process analysis links business by process

Five Phases of Project Management

1. scoping the project 2. developing the plan 3. launching the plan 4. monitoring/ controlling 5. closing out the project

Scoping the project

1. state the problem/ opportunity 2. establish project goal 3. define project objectives 4. identify success criteria 5. list assumptions, risks, obstacles

Results Tracking of Six Sigma Projects

1. team performance 2. financial results 3. lessons learned

Engineering spaces will have emergency eyewash stations located no more than 1 0 seconds away from any potential hazard or more than how many travel feet from any hazard


Which announcing system maintains communications between vital areas such As, OOD to EOOW, CIC, DCC, etc.


Qualitative forecast methods

"Gut" instinct-decision maker's idea, committee decision.

The Concept of Supply

- A fixed amount - Economist: The willingness and ability of potential sellers to produce and sell it

Methods of team decision making

- lack of response - authority rule - minority rule - majority rule - consensus - unanimity

Evaulating R&D Effectiveness

-Ratio of research cost/profit -% total earnings due to new products -research costs related to increased sales -research cost per employee -ratio of research cost to overhead costs -weighted averages costs and objectives -project profiles--complex weighting


-assigning tasks to others for completion -authority or power -- required


-chance for advancement -continued learning opportunities -performance appraisal --reward effort or results? -keep pay competitive

Closeout and Disposal

-close mfg facility -dispose of materials of production -protect environment -ongoing learning process as new hazards are detected

Cons of Committees

-compromise solutions -less than optimal -no real enthusiasm -decision may be inferior -no ONE accountable -delay often results

Feasibility Stage

-confirm expected performance and assure that it may be accomplished at reasonable cost -testing of concepts -trade-off studies -cost/benefit analysis -estimate total life-cycle costs

Development Stage

-construct and test prototype -ID potential problems -begin redesign process -construct/ test/ redesign of elements may run in parallel


-design for safety and comfort of user -interface design to reduce errors -reduce physical and cognitive requirements -ergonomics/human factors -controls/ displays design and placement


-ignore undesired behavior, withhold positive reinforcement (ignore interruption or anger, listen to polite, calm)

Simple Regression Model--math

-least squares difference -utilized relationship between 2 variables...independent and dependent

Simple Moving Average

-merely the average of the last "n" periods

Product Liability

-mfg is responsible for injury to users -increasing impact from court since 1960's -"design for the jury" --product meet reasonable expectations --risks reduced as much as possible --contains adequate writing --not feasible to reduce injury --benefits outweigh risk in use

Financial Controls

-money is common measure -different financial documents to exist -budget is most obvious to managers -determine if money is well-spent

Income Statements

-most commonly used of the reports -snapshot of money flow through business Revenues-Expenses=Incomes


-much maligned, ridiculed -can be waste of time -found everywhere: --private industry --government --church


-reduce potential losses (MaxiMin) -pick alt with best "worst case" return -even if it means getting lower returns

What is the highest readiness condition


Five Degrees of Initiative

1. Act--routine report 2. Act--but advise 3. Recommend then act 4. Ask what to do 5. Wait to be told

Ways to Encourage Creative Solutions

1. Brainstorming 2. Questioning--forced 3. Tear-Down: next in line must disagree and suggest another 4. Also-And: must suggest an improvement to the previous solution

Product Life Cycle

1. Customer Need 2. Product Planning 3. Research 4. Product Design 5. Production 6. Evaluation 7. Customer Use

Planning Levels

1. First Level Supervisor -day to day -ind. schedules -resources, equipment 2. Middle Managers -1-5 years -department -project selection -assignment 3. Top Management -5 years and ON -strategic -set company goals -R&D planning -company future

Strategic Management process (Strategy formation)

1. Identify and analyze: mission, vision, values, purpose, objectives 2. Analyze organization and environment: strengths and weaknesses, current market, competitors, threats, opportunities, industry attractiveness 3. Create strategies: corporate, business, functional 4. Implement Strategies: management systems, practices, leadership 5. Evaluate results: Control and re-evaluate management process

Scientific Decision Process

1. Recognize problem 2. Compare to objectives 3. ID constraints to define problem 4. Gather info 5. Brainstorm solutions 6. Evaluate solutions 7. Select/Implement 8. Assess performance

At least once every how many minutes must propulsion plant readings be taken during a full power trial


INSURV material inspections are conducted at least once every how many years JAW IDTC reductions


I The maximum amount of flammable materials in flammable cabinets, per space, cannot exceed how many gallons


Personnel stay times are reduced by up to what percent from boiler stack gases


68, Approximately how many weeks prior to the end of a ship's maintenance availability should a EOSS verification be scheduled


Someone who has exceeded his or her heat stress stay time require recovery time equal to twice the exposure time or how many hours


Which PHEL curve is used for personnel conducting heavy repairs or other strenuous work


Which section of part Il of the COSAL contains APL listings



A face-to-face or telephone questioning of a respondent to obtain desired information.

Professional Ethics

A field of applied ethics concerned with moral ethics that affect that particular profession


A financial gain, esp. the difference between the amount earned and the amount spent in buying, operating, or producing something

Maturity theory

A philosophy of management that people develop along a continuum from immaturity to maturity

What is a contingency plan

A plan that can be implemented based on changed in environment conditions

Scientific method

A series of steps followed to solve problems including collecting data, formulating a hypothesis, testing the hypothesis, and stating conclusions.

Types of Markets (Black Market)

A setup where illegal goods like drugs and weapons are sold

Imperfect Competition

A single buyer or seller has the power to influence the price on the market

Quiz 3 Corporations with multiple foreign operations that act very independently of one another are following a multi-domestic strategy. A. True B. False

A. True

Quiz 3 Establishing a customer service hotline to handle customer complaints would be considered a primary activity in value chain analysis. A. True B. False

A. True

Quiz 3 A multi-domestic strategy is the most appropriate strategy for international operations because it drives economies of scale as far as possible and provides a middle of the road product appealing to the largest number of consumers in every market. A. True B. False

B. False

Quiz 3 Real options analysis helps managers make investment decisions involving large irreversible commitments of financial resources. A. True B. False

B. False

Typically, the best method of entry into a foreign market is the establishment of a wholly owned foreign subsidiary so that the parent organization can maintain a high level of control. True or False? a. True b. False

B. False

Which series must all high heat working conditions conform to


Flank 143. Which acronym is used to log the emergency backing bell in the Engineers Bell Book

Back Emergency Speed (BEM)

123. Which report is used to report replaced boiler pressure parts

Boiler Tube Failure

Porter's Competitive Strategies Framework

Broad or narrow market scope vs low price or unique product source of competitive advantage Differentiation Cost Leadership Focused Differentiation Focused Cost Leadership Focus strategy concentrates on a well-defined narrow market

Quiz 2 In a given market, key technology no longer has patent protection, experience is not an advantage, and there is a growing need to compete on price. What stage of its life cycle is the market in? A. Introduction. B. Growth. C. Maturity. D. Decline.

C. Maturity.

Who does the Board of Inspection and Survey report its findings to


Which series is used for all Quality Assurance (QA) matters


Who approves military SHIPlALTS


Who uses the Ship Characteristics Card for planning purposes


System Life Cycle

Concept Prelim design/ feasibility develop and fabricate integration/ validation launch production operation and support closeout and disposal


Define Measure Analyze Design Verify

Administrative Principles - Henri Fayol

Foresight - Complete a plan of action for the future Organization - provide and mobilize resources to implement the plan Command - lead, select, evaluate workers to get the best results Coordination - fit diverse efforts together and ensure information is shared and problems solved Control - make sure things follow plans and take corrective action - A clear unbroken line of communication - A person receives orders from only one boss - One person is in charge of all activities with the same performance objective

Which type of QA package would a motor rewind require

Formal Work Package

What is defined as written instructions prepared IAW JFMM 4790.3 for use in production and repair, delineating all essential elements and guidance necessary to produce acceptable and reliable results

Formal Work Package (FWP)

Managerial roles (mintzberg)

Interpersonal Informational Decisional


Located together

Management Functions

Planning Organizing Leading (Directing, Motivating) Controlling Reality: PLANNING, then rest lead to RESULTS at top

Which Quality Assurance (QA) form is used for testing and inspection

QA Form 17

Which is considered a force in the "Five-Forces" model?

Rivalry among competing firms.

When to use Kaizen:

Sources of waste are pre determined Little risk for implementation When immediate results are needed

Charles Barnard

Systems thinking creator


The ability of a structure to maintain its appearance, durability, comfort for occupants, proper function of equipment, and ease of maintenance.

Types of Markets (Auction Market)

The seller sells his goods to one who is the highest bidder

What are elements of strategic planning

Vision Swot analysis Forecasting Strategic issues Ongoing strategic planning

John Miner

a management researcher, developed a psychometric instrument to measure objectively an individuals motivation to manage,

GANTT chart

a project management tool that allows you to plan for milestones where you list all the tasks and deliverables

Exit barriers arise from

all of these

Zero-Based Budget

allocates resources as if each budget were brand new

Current liabilities

amounts due for settlement in the short term. They are expected to be settled within business normal operating cycle, are held for trading purposes and are due to be settled within a year after date of relevant statement of financial position

Tangible fixed assets

assets that have a physical identity. E.g. buildings, machinery


attempts to predict the future

complacency trap

being carried along by the flow of events


clarifies the purpose of the organization and the expresses what it hopes to be in the future

Leadership continuum

continuum identifies a range of levels of leadership from boss-centered to subordinate-centered leadership

cost of quality

cost of not creating a quality product or service

High pressure for local adaption combined with high pressure for lower costs would suggest what type of strategy? a. international b. global c. mulit-domestic d. transnational

d. transnational

Marketing plan

details the marketing approach to promote the sales of products and or services

Six sigma

disciplined and analytical approach to process and product improvement

Strategic Plans

identifies long-term directions for the organization

Participatory Planning

includes the persons who will be affected by plans and/or those who will implement them

Caveat emptor

let the buyer beware

failure costs

loss of business

Base Technology

must master to stay competitive

Charles Babbage

patron saint of operations research and management science and grandfather of scientific management.


people are our most important resource


prescribed sequences of activities to accomplish a desired purpose.

Issue management

process enables the identification throughout of issues which are logged and tracked until resolution of the issue

Key Technology

provide competitive advantage

Executive summary

provides a business plan in a nutshell and is short and concise whilst highlighting all important information


raw materials, work in progress or finished goods

Business plan

set of documents prepared by a firms management to summarise its operational and financial objectives for the near future

Pacing Technology

set pace for future technology

Balance sheet

shows firms assets, liabilities and net worth at a specific point in time

Increasingly larger numbers of women entering the workforce since the early 1970's is an example of

sociocultural changes

Gross profit

the profit a company makes after deducting the costs associated with making and selling its products, or the costs associated with providing its services. Turnover minus cost of sales

Retained profit

the profit kept in the company rather than paid out to shareholders as a dividend. Net profit minus dividends


the quality of being intricate and compounded


these developments refer to a group of development methodologies based on iterative development, where requirements and solutions evolve through collaboration between self-organising cross-functional teams. This process promotes a disciplined project management process that encourages frequent inspection and adaptation. Doing things by increments

Data collection technique -- market research

this includes: surveys, focus groups, interviews, libraries, gov agencies, trade associations

Criminal law

type of law that regulates anti-social and dangerous behaviour. It provides a mechanism for taking action, generally started by the police

Civil law

type of law where legal rights to govern formal and informal relationships. Action is brought by the aggrieved party and does not need to go to court

Price/earnings ratio

type of ratio that enables a comparison to be made between the earnings per share and the market price. If it is high then the market thinks the company's future is a good one

Customers Often Evaluate Services or Goods Based on a Value Equation

value = (quality + technology + service + cycle time) /price


voluntary release of nonpublic information as protest by member of organization

Demand Curve

- A graphical representation of the relationship between price and quantity demanded (ceteris paribus) - The amount of the good buyers would choose to buy at that price


- Controls all recruitment and personnel needs of the organization - To hire the right people for the right jobs to achieve the objectives of the orgaanization - Encompasses training and development, performance appraisals, promotions and transfers


- Controls all the organizing, planning, and staffing activities of the company and ensures all activities function together for the good of the organization - Ensure all departments are all in the same page in terms of objectives and goals - Involves communication, supervision and direction by management

Foundations for continuing developments in management

- Quantitative analysis and tools - Systems view of organizations - Contingency thinking - Commitment to quality and performance - Knowledge management and learning organizations - Evidence-based management


- Responsible for other managers and sometimes for some operating employees; they also report to more senior managers - Principal responsibilities are to direct the activities that implement their organizations' policies and to balance the demands of their managers with the capacities of their employers

Top Manager

- Responsible for the overall management of the organization; they establish operating policies, and guide the organization's interaction with its environment - "Chief Executive", "President", and "Vice-President"

Qualitative Methods

-"Gut" instinct - decision maker's idea -Committee Decision— --Inexpensive and quick --Hazards of all decisions by committee Delphi - consensus of experts --Anonymous Iterative process avoids --undue influence from one member Sales force—Optimism? Conservatism?

What is a "Critical Incident Technique" (CIT) and how is data collected?

-- a set of specifically defined procedures for collecting observations of human behavior in such a way as to make them useful in addressing practical problems --It uses either direct observations or recalled information collected via interviews

Virtual Teams

-Also "Distributed Teams" Workers at a distance from others—either telecommuting or outsourced jobs -Special challenges --Time differences --Different culture --Different languages --Relationships difficult to build --Team identity harder to build

A Decision Process

-Assemble a team of diverse talents, personalities -Set guidelines for interaction --Hear all sides - even the non-experts --Multiple options must be explored --Disagreement is allowed even encouraged --Status between members is equal --Neutral territory --Autocratic in laying out ground rules for encouraging questions

Decision Making Under Risk

-Assume possible futures or states of nature -Construct Payoff table -Select "best" based on decision criterion --May Maximize potential return-Maximax --Minimize risk—MaxiMin --Best on "average"—Expected Value -May be able to estimate probability of given state of nature

Primary Financial Statements

-Balance Sheet-financial position at given time -Income Statement --Financial performance over period of time -Ratios for comparison --Liquidity ratio --Profitability ratio --Leverage ratio or debt to equity

Avoiding Cognitive Biases

-Be aware of them and watch -Review past work to look for trends—personal issues -Post-mortem -Remember that not everyone has the same biases...Add team members with different experience -Devil's Advocate -Bring in unbiased outsider for information -cannot really avoid's human nature

Drucker's Management in the 21st Century

-Changes from the past -Different skills will be needed—Abstract -Each responsible for their own career -Constant retraining -Recognize the new demographics --Workers—older, more diverse -Economic trends based on demographics

Confirmatory Bias

-Decision is made -"See" only the evidence that supports position -"Miss" contradictory evidence -Easy in an online search as the filters give us information that support one side -Studies show biased groups given same information became more certain of their position after reading

Forecasting Technology

-Difference of opinion -Normative Tech forecasting—future goal is selected, then process worked backward to set schedule -Exploratory tech forecast—essentially Delphi technique, consensus of experts -Impossible to predict Innovation??

The Shape: Taller and Narrow

-Each manager has fewer direct reports -Many management layers - More Expensive -More problems with communication -Micromanagement

Planning is Essential

-Has Primacy (most important) -rest are meaningless or worse without it --What to organize? --What to lead? --What do you control? --What results?

Leader? Facilitator

-More orchestration -Provide resources—people, equipment, time -Assure proper skills—training, hiring -Run interference - advocate for ideas

HR Controls

-Performance and Pay systems -Accountability for aspects of organization --Individual work performance --Assure equity / fairness --Discipline --Training for improvement or remediation

Quantitative Methods

-Simple Moving Average—average of last N periods -Weighted Moving Average- give higher weight to more indicative time periods -Exponential Smoothing—reduces weight of older data, also reduces data that must be retained

Inventory Turnover


specialized roles for people

Champions, Master Black belts, Black Belts, Green Belts

Gambler's Fallacy

-Tendency to think that the next event is affected by previous outcomes -"On a roll" -"Luck is bound to change"


-US Gov issues exclusive rights to particular IP -public document-detailed description on utility patent --Dr. Edwin Land "land" camera --Kodak--925 million

Specialized, Effective and efficient, Not directly trained to deal with people, Weak on people-based skills,

Characteristics of an Engineer


-ability to produce new and useful ideas -combine known principles and components -playing with imagination and possibilities -finding new connections and combinations

Other Possible Sources of Power

-access to powerful people -power from ingratiation or praise --flattery -manipulative power-ability to manipulate people or situations to gain desired ends -persistence-continued until goal is reached -coalitions-gain through negotiation

Engineers and Delegation

-accustomed to individual effort and reward -attention to detail has been necessary for success -insecure with management -dislike taking "initiative" to delegate

Balance Sheet

-allow quick view of financial strength -includes assets, liabilities, and equity -usually issues at end of year --assets--what company owns of value --liabilities--claims of creditors

Decision Making and Planning

-an integral part of planning -planning IS deciding what to do --in advance --with limited knowledge --to obtain best results --given limited resources

What is Intellectual Property?

-any unique product of human intellect that has commercial value distinguish between the IP result and the storage mechanism (book vs paper its on)

Reliability Series-Simple Series

-anything in the series fails, the system fails -one lamp and one switch in series RT=RL*RS=.98*.95=.93 -or 7% probability of failure

Design Release

-assures review of design -sign-off and acceptance of changes or design -involves and informs entire team

Company Goals

-basis for company mission statement -available on company website -states the company's desire and plan for the future -guides decision making

Benefits of Protecting IP

-can improve life -can make money -allows inventor to benefit -encourage innovation

Organization Structure: Matrix

-combination of project and functional -focus on project -allows access to functional support -each worker has both a project AND a technical boss

High Performance Work Groups

-common in later 1990's until about 2005 -no assigned group leader -support and training -specialized projects -work together well, aim is synergy

Exponential Smoothing

-continuously reduces weight of earlier data -minimizes data that must be maintained -each forecast is calculated using only the smoothing factor, alpha, and the previous forecast and actual data point

Finding the People...short timers

-contract --outside agencies --internal "loans" of skilled workers -free lance workers -schedule overtime -borrow from other division

Conceptual Stage

-define parameters for success in writing---cost, schedule, performance Requirements: --'must' or 'will' performances --'must not' system must NOT do --wants, 'should'--not required, ARE desired --'don't wants'--less desirable attributes that reduce value

Anchoring Bias

-initial data point distorts perspective or estimate -difficult to change -even if initial data point is arbitrary -can be useful in negotiations though...

Myers Briggs

-popular employment screening test -determine suitability for position or advancement -may not measure all relevant data (stress, maturity, dedication, intelligence, skill level, career potential)


-process of gaining cooperation from others to accomplish a desire goal -"mixture of persuasion, compulsion, and example that makes men do what you want them to do" -"...can show people that their self interest is different from that which they perceive"

Reliability Model-Simple Parallel

-redundancy --both must fail for system to fail -2 calculators take test, both 93% reliable--7% failure likelihood -probability of failure: 0.07*0.07=0.0049 1-0.0049=.9851 nearly 99% reliable

Expected Value

-requires an estimate of probability of each state of nature -sum (prob*outcome)

Open Look (Noncybernetic)

-requires external monitor -no feedback look -irrigation system--timer

Killing Creativity

-rules -criticism early in the process -imposed schedule for work -external time management -micro-management

Servant Leadership

-supports people who choose to serve first -coined by Robert Greenleaf (ATT) -encourages collaboration, trust, foresight, listening and ETHICAL use of power -may or may not hold formal position

Weighted Moving Average

-tailor with different weights for data -usually newer data gets greater weight

Credibility with Technical Professionals

-technical competence is essential -controlled freedom -challenging work -manage as volunteers -even in bad economy


-undesired behavior incurs penalty, reprimand (harassers receive suspension)

Simple Regression Model

-uses one variable to predict another -simplest regression is linear -complex regression models may use many observable data points to predict -often predict sales or demand based on other factors --ex: popsicle sales and temp

Patent Infringment

-utility patent more difficult to prove --requires knowledgeable persons --may need surveys for basis -design patent a bit easier --ordinary observer test --see as essentially the same in comparison --stop design knock-offs

Assembly and Validation

-validate concept or prototype -system integration=hotspot? -assure performance under necessary conditions--field tests -final system review before production

Responsibility Centers

-vary with company and industry -goals vary with center and organization -cost center--primary goal is cost control -revenue center--goal is meeting revenue target -profit center--manager may have more freedom to assure profit

Implications for Management

-workers activity at work -use of technology to support development process -protection/ recognition of group developments -assure protection of ideas for employees

How many months are ships normally allotted after a shipyard overhaul before conducting full power and economy trials


Steps in the Control process

1. Establish objectives and standards 2. Measure performance 3. Compare results with objectives 4. Take corrective action

Rudy Guiliani

1. Set of Beliefs--stand for something 2. Be Optimistic--appeal to hopes, dreams 3. Understand Courage--overcoming fear 4. Prepare Relentlessly--continue building 5. Create a Strong Team--start with your weaknesses 6. Communicate -- by word, example, and deed

Factors Affecting Span:

1. Training: better training, less supervision 2. Type of Job: simpler=more direct reports 3. Rate of Change: see also training 4. Clarity of Delegation: clear=fewer managers 5. Staff Assistance: good--fewer managements 6. Trend: downsizing, flattening the organization, specialization, centralization, decentralization

How do you define customers?

1. geographic -- country of origin, language, culture 2. economic/ demographic -- income, age, lifestyle, gender, education, social status 3. psychographic -- interests, life goals, media usage 4. segments -- explorers, admirals, marines, drifters, escapers


1. manage the schedule -- update frequently 2. manage the budget -- maintain spreadsheet 3. manage the client -- progress reports/ weekly calls 4. manage the team -- teamwork skills, effective feedback

How many weeks are ships normally allotted after a tender availability before conducting full power and economy trials


How many years must operating logs be maintained


The TYCOM has the authority to extend an availability for periods of less than how many weeks


Gas Free engineering certificates have a maximum time limit of how many hours prior to re certification


pareto principle

80% results, 20% efforts ie 20% of the invested input is responsible for 80% of the results obtained

Effectiveness = doing the _________ thing Efficiency = doing the _________ right

>1 Profit =1 Breakeven <1 Loss

Which group designator listing would a C-4 CASREP have



A brief account of one's work experience and qualifications.


A business in which two or more persons combine their assets and skills

What is project management?

A set of principles and tools for • Defining • Planning • Executing • Controlling . . . and • Completing a project


A set of technical requirements that provide a detailed description of materials and quality of work for a project.

Financial Markets (Predictive Markets)

A set up where exchange of good or service takes place for future

Types of Markets (Knowledge Market)

A set up which deals in the exchange of information and knowledge based products

Katz's Essential Managerial Skills

Conceptual, Human, and Technical Skills Different levels of management

Blake and Mouton's Leadership Grid

Concern for people vs concern for production including classical leadership styles

Which type of availability is scheduled to coincide with a regular shipyard overhaul



Advantages: -Generally owners have no liability -Perpetual lives -Easier to raise money -Can transfer ownership -Manager change easier Disadvantages: -Difficult and expensive -Must file annual report -Income is taxed twice --As corporation --Personal tax with profit -Subject to state and federal regulations -Subject to state and federal regulations

Sub-Chapter "S"

Advantages: -avoids double taxation -helps limit liability -more shareholders=more funding and expertise Disadvantages: -limited in size (35) -shareholders must be US citizens -legal requirements

What are two types of respirators

Air-purifying and Atmosphere-supply

Leadership Grid

An approach to understanding a leader's or manager's concern for results (production) and concern for people

Architectural Innovation

An innovation that entails changing the overall design of the system or the way components interact is an

Technology S-Curves

As time goes on, the performance parameter increases while the technology of a new invention is improving to mature technology

Classical Management

Assumes people are rational Scientific - Frederick Taylor Administrative - Henri Fayol Bureaucratic - Max Weber

Theory Y - McGregor

Assumes workers are good - Willing to work - Self-controlled - Accept responsibility - Imaginative and creative - Capable of self-direction

Theory X - McGregor

Assumes workers are negative: - Dislike work - Lack ambition - Irresponsible - Resist change - Prefer to be led

Which type of respirator is required when working in tanks that are known to Be Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health (IDLH)


Moral Responsibility

Attributes blame or praise to individuals

Quiz 3 Which of the following describes the most typical order of entry into foreign markets? A. Franchising, licensing, exporting, joint venture, and wholly owned subsidiary. B. Exporting, licensing, franchising, joint venture, and wholly owned subsidiary. C. Licensing, exporting, franchising, joint venture, and wholly owned subsidiary. D. Exporting, franchising, licensing, joint venture, and wholly owned subsidiary.

B. Exporting, licensing, franchising, joint venture, and wholly owned subsidiary.

Quiz 2 A disadvantage of firms that successfully integrate overall cost leadership and differentiation strategies is that they are relatively easy for competitors to imitate. A. True B. False

B. False

Quiz 2 The Decline stage of the industry life cycle stage is inevitably followed by death. A. True B. False

B. False

Quiz 3 A newly acquired business must always have products that are similar to the existing businesses' products to benefit from the corporation's core competence. A. True B. False

B. False

Quiz 3 Firms that are successful in creating competitive advantages that are sustainable for a period of time do not have to be concerned about profits being retained (or "appropriated") by employees or managers. A. True B. False

B. False

Quiz 3 Greenmail is an offer by a company, threatened by takeover, to offer its stock at a reduced price to a third party. A. True B. False

B. False

Quiz 2 A manufacturing business pursuing cost leadership will likely A. Focus on a narrow market segment. B. Rely on experience effects to raise efficiency. C. Use advertising to build brand image. D. Put heavy emphasis on product engineering

B. Rely on experience effects to raise efficiency.

Quiz 2 One aspect of using a cost leadership strategy is that experience effects may lead to lower costs. Experience effects are achieved by A. Hiring more experienced personnel. B. Repeating a process until a task becomes easier. C. Spreading out a given expense or investment over a greater volume. D. Competing in an industry a long time.

B. Repeating a process until a task becomes easier.

Quiz 2 All of the following are potential pitfalls of an integrated overall low cost and differentiation strategy except: A. Firms that fail to attain both strategies may end up with neither and become "stuck-in-the-middle." B. Targeting too large a market that causes unit costs to increase. C. Underestimating the challenges and expenses associated with coordinating value-creating activities in the extended value chain. D. Miscalculating sources of revenue and profit pools in the firm's industry.

B. Targeting too large a market that causes unit costs to increase.

Quiz 3 An antitakeover tactic in which existing shareholders have the option to buy additional shares of stock at a discount to the current market price is called ___________ A. greenmail. B. a poison pill. C. a golden parachute. D. scorched earth.

B. a poison pill.

Quiz 2 Which of the following is most often true of mature markets? A. Some competitors enjoy a significant operating advantage due to increasing experience effects. B. The market supports premium pricing, which attracts additional competitors. C. Advantages that cannot be duplicated by other competitors are difficult to achieve. D. The magnitude of pricing differences and product differentiation is larger than in the growth stage.

C. Advantages that cannot be duplicated by other competitors are difficult to achieve.

Quiz 2 Which of these statements regarding the market life cycle is correct? A. Part of the power of the market life cycle is its ability to serve as a short-run forecasting device. B. Trends suggested by the market life cycle model are generally not reversible or repeatable. C. It has important implications for a firm's generic strategies, functional areas, value-creating activities, and overall objectives. D. It points out the need to maintain a differentiation advantage and a low cost advantage simultaneously.

C. It has important implications for a firm's generic strategies, functional areas, value-creating activities, and overall objectives.

Main notion for organizations

"Value Creation" - When an organization's operation adds value to the original cost of resource inputs. When this occurs, the business earns a profit and adds wealth to society

Earnings per share

(EPS) relates to the earnings for the year to the number of ordinary shares in issue

Ability motivation to manage, and opportunity

(Krietner) Three general preconditions for achieving lasting success as a manager.

Return on capital employed

(ROCE) measures the amount of profit earned as a percentage of capital employed

Return on shareholders funds

(ROSF) focusses on the return that ordinary shareholders get from their investment

Motivation Theory--Content

Content: -human needs and efforts to satisfy needs -Maslow's Hierarchy -Herzberg's Two Factor -McClelland's Trio of Needs

What does the acronym, CWP mean when dealing with quality assurance

Controlled Work Package

Product life cycle

Customer need, product planning, research, product design, production, evaluation, customer use

Quiz 2 The most likely time to pursue a harvest strategy is in a situation of A. High growth. B. Strong competitive advantage. C. Mergers and acquisitions. D. Decline in the market life cycle.

D. Decline in the market life cycle.

Quiz 3 Which of the following types of international firms are most likely to benefit from a global strategy as opposed to a multi-domestic strategy? A. Firms that compete in industries in which consumer preferences vary substantially in each country. B. Firms in industries that are expanding very rapidly. C. Firms in industries that have value added by sales and marketing departments. D. Firms in industries that have much value added in research and design or manufacturing.

D. Firms in industries that have much value added in research and design or manufacturing.

Quiz 3 Which of the following is not an advantage of Just-In-Time inventory systems? A. reduced raw material storage costs. B. minimized idle production facilities and workers. C. reduced work-in-process inventories. D. reduced dependence on suppliers.

D. reduced dependence on suppliers

Quiz 3 Firms following a global strategy strive to offer ______________ products and services as well as locate manufacturing, R&D, and marketing activities in _____________ locations. A. a wide variety of; several B. a wide variety of; few C. standardized; several D. standardized; few

D. standardized; few (centralized)

Quiz 3 Which of the following is NOT a disadvantage of licensing? A. little control over the marketing of the products B. licensees may develop a competitive product after the license expires C. decreased potential returns D. the high costs of establishing manufacturing facilities

D. the high costs of establishing manufacturing facilities

Which form are Military Standard Requisitioning and Issue Procedure (MLS TRIP) requisitions generated on

DD 1348

Equally likely

Decision maker may simply assume that all states of nature are possible.

What is defined as a lack of compliance with any authoritative document, plan, procedure, or instruction

Departure from Specifications (DFS)

Suppose that you are an analyst reviewing the Coors business in 1977. Which of the following would you identify as a bigger risk to Coors' performance?

Dependance on insufficient total production capacity by all players in the west region


Disappearance of the conditioned response.

Henri Fayol

Divided managerial activities into five elements: Planning organizing, command, coordination, and control

Which type of Unit Bill is the Man Overboard Bill considered to be


12, Who reviews operating logs at the end of each watch initials them



Economic resources (things of value) owned by a firm.

Which advantage is provided by Military Standard Requisitioning and Issue Procedure (MILSTRIP)

Electronic data processing

A primary objective of corporate governance is to:

Ensure that the interests of top-level managers are aligned with the interests of shareholders

Reliability Measures

Failure Rate= failure/ unit time Inverse of failure rate is mean time between failures (MTBF)

A U.S. manufacturer of pigments for household paint that exports about 40 percent of its products to European markets will find its sales will be harmed by a weak dollar?True or False a. True b. False


Executive compensation, ownership concentration, and the matrix organizational structure are all examples of governance mechanisms.


Organizational goals and objectives should be vague in order to allow changes in strategy.


Research has consistently shown that there is one best way to structure all organizations, regardless of competitive strategy.


Some excellent examples of mission statements are: "To be the happiest place on Earth" (Disney) and "restoring patients to full life" (Medtronic)


The finance and R&D functions are emphasized in the differentiation strategy's functional structure.


Synergy Components

File for Patent--15 years -can also file for separate design aspect patents -slice and dice to extend effective patent -actively build brand recognition through ads (social media) -then file for trademark which is unlimited in terms


Finding, attaching, retaining personnel, identifying necessary skills, projecting needs for future, projecting competencies and capabilities

Management Levels

First-line managers, Middle Managers, Top Managers

Delphi Technique

Forecasting technique that progressively collects information from a group without physically assembling the contributors.

Strategic Planning as the Basis

Foundation for... -evaluation of alternatives -selection criteria -allocation of resources -goal setting

Which report indicates the amount of fuel oil and water onboard as of midnight the previous day

Fuel and Water

Departmentation options

Functional, Geographical, Customer type, Process or equipment

Who conducts the first gas free certification on the main condenser

Gas Free Engineer


Government protects author's rights 5 principal rights reserved for author: 1. Right to reproduce copyrighted work 2. Right to distribute copies in public 3. Right to display copies in public 4. Right to perform in public 5. Right to produce new works based on copyrighted work


Government protects author's rights.

What are some advantages of MBO

Greater commitment and satisfaction from the subordinates Enforced planning and prioritizing of future activities on the part of both superiors and subordinates

Which color is the Quality Assurance (QA) non-nuclear ID/control tag


Data collection technique -- Focus Group

Group size -- 8-12 Group composition -- all the same, respondents prescreened Physical setting -- relaxed, informal setting Time duration -- 1-3 hours Recording -- audio cassettes or video Moderator -- observational, interpersonal, and communication skills

Why was the marriage of frank and lillian gilbreth described by lyndall urwick as "providential"

He was focused on getting things done quickly and her psychology back ground helped them work well together

Name the early management theoretician who developed fourteen "general principles of administration"

Henri fayol

Four Common Organizational Cultures

Hierarchical - tradition and clear roles Dependable - process and slow change Enterprising - creativity and competition Social - collaboration and trust

Which type of Quality Assurance (QA) audit is used to review one specific area or part of an area to ensure compliance with the governing requirements


What important fact did robert owen of scotland recognize

Human machines Invest in people over machines

Herzberg's Two Factors

Hygiene Factors: Dissatisfiers -Maslow's lower 2 levels -must meet expectations -extrinsic to job (company policy, supervision, interpersonal relationship, conditions, salary, status, security) Motivators: Satisfiers -Maslow's upper 3 levels -can motivate -intrinsic to job (achievement, recognition, work itself, responsibility, growth, advancement)

Two-factor Theory - Frederick Herzberg

Hygiene and Motivator factors Improving motivator factors increases job satisfaction Improving hygiene factors decreases job dissatisfaction

What normally conducts the final contract trial of a ship


Who must survey ships whenever the CNO determines a ship to be unfit for further service because of its material condition, obsolescence, or other reasons

INSURV board

What Steps are Used to Capture VOC?

Identifying Customers Gathering Data from Customers Extracting needs from the data Prioritizing needs

Mintzberg's 10 Managerial roles

Interpersonal, Informational, Decisional 1 - Figurehead, Leader, Liaison 2 - Monitor, Disseminator, Spokesperson 3 - Entrepreneur, Disturbance handler, resource allocater, negotiator

According to myron tribus, what are the four key characteristics to enhancing for the competitiveness of an enterprise

Invention Innovation Quality Productivity

Decision Making Under Certainty

KNOW what will happen with each alternative--simply select the best linear programming--assume we know with certainty, know inputs required, profit returned

Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning

Knowledge management: The process of using intellectual capital for competitive advantage - Patents, intellectual property rights, trade secrets, accumulated knowledge of the entire workforce

Who is responsible for directly supervising the preparation of a Formal Work Package for the equipment they are in charge of

Leading Petty Officer (LPO)

How are pen and ink changes made to a Formal Work Package

Line through

Myer's Briggs

Measures personal preferences on four scales, each made up of two opposite preferences.

Which departments should be consulted for evaluating hazards to determine if there is a need to utilize a respirator

Medical or Safety

What is the peak decibel rating used when conducting noise surveys

O140 dB

Objective or Bounded Rationality

Objectively Rational: -FACTS show correct behavior in situation -logical analysis of consequences -decision criterion are clear -optimize or maximize outcome Bounded Rationality: -not all factors included -may satisfice or take good enough -optimal not always possible

Which part of the COSAL contains a summary of effective allowance parts lists

Part I

Financial Markets (Foreign Exchange Market)

Parties are involved in trading of currency.

Executive compensation is a governance mechanism that seeks to align managers' and owners' interests through all of the following EXCEPT:

Penalties for inadequate firm performance

Kohlberg's stages of individual moral development

Preconventional (self centered): Avoid harm or punishment and make deals for personal gain Conventional (Social-centered): Act consistently with peers, follow rules, meet obligations Postconventional (principle-centered): Live up to societal expectations, act according to internal principles


Predicts business and economic trends and technology and consumer demand.

Creative process

Prepare information gather, parameters defined, "stew" over the Problem, Inspiration, Verification

Which type of trials are conducted after dock trials


Types of Markets (Market for Intermediate Goods)

Sell raw materials (goods) required for the final production of other goods

Who must approve major Departure from Specifications (DFS)


Working today

Talent, technology, globalization, ethics, diversity, careers

What are characteristics of KAIZEN approach:

Team works full time All resources dedicated to one project Project well defined at start Implementation immediate Basic data already gathered at start


The assignment of new or additional responsibilities to a subordinate

A certain marble quarry provides a unique type of marble that is richly colored and strikingly veined. It has been used for churches and public buildings throughout the world. The architect of a new headquarters for a prestigious Fortune 500 firm has specified the use of this marble, and this marble only, for this project. Which of the following statement is most likely to be true?

The cost of the marble will be expensive because of the bargaining power of the supplier

Functions of management

The duties of a manager that make them essential to the company.

Obtaining a suitable managerial job, Finding a supportive climate once on the job,

The opportunity for successful management has two requirements


The optimistic decision maker may choose the alternative that offers the highest possible outcome.

Steps of Planning

The process of setting objectives and determining how to accomplish them; Decide where you want to go and what's the best way to get there - Define objectives - Determine where you are at - Determine where you want to be - Analyze alternatives and make a plan - Implement the plan and evaluate results

Human Resource Approach

Theory of Human Needs - Abraham Maslow Hawthorne Studies - Elton Mayo Organizations as communities Mary Parker Follett Theory X and Theory Y - Douglas McGregor Personality and Organization - Chris Argyris


US Government issued and provides exclusive right to particular IP, Public document-detailed description

Quantitative forecast methods

forecasts that employ mathematical modeling to forecast demand


guiding and inspiring others to achieve high levels of task accomplishment

Key technologies

have proved effective, but they also provide a strategic advantage because not everyone uses them


i vault over anyone i can

Contingency Planning

identifies alternative courses of action to take when things go wrong

Operational Plan

identifies short-term activities to implement strategic plans

Because the internet lowers barriers to entry in most industries, it

increases the threat of new entrants.

Functional Plans

indicate how different operations within the organization will help advance the overall strategy


most popular and widely accepted agile method which concentrates particularly on how to manage tasks within a team-based development environment. Focuses on delivering the highest business value in the shortest time

Product differentiation by incumbents act as an entry barrier because

new entrants will have to spend heavily to overcome existing customer loyalties

Level three firms

provide the biggest opportunity for an engineer to become the president or general manager. In this case, the engineer manager cannot function effectively without adequate management skills.

Risk management framework

provides a disciplined and structured process that integrates information security and risk management activities into the system development life cycle

Business concept

provides evidence that a product or service is viable and capable of fulfilling the business objectives

Management structure

provides information related to the business human resources. This includes organizational structure and management team

Strategic analysis

provides the analysis of business considering internal and external factors and provides strategy to deal with inherent risks of the business environment

Engineering Management

refers to the activity combining "technical knowledge with the ability to organize and coordinate worker power, materials, machinery, and money."

Managerial ability

refers to the capacity of an engineer manager to achieve organizational objectives effectively and efficiently.

Ordinary shares

represent the basic voting shares of a corporation and represents equity ownership in a business proportionally with all other ordinary shareholders

Decisions Types

routine vs nonroutine objective vs bounded rationality level of certainty


screening stepwise monitor requires inspection expensive

Current assets

short term revenue-generating items of a business such as stock, debtors, prepayments, cash at bank and cash in hand. They are held for sale or consumption during the business's normal operating cycle

Preference shares

similar to ordinary shares but dividends are paid out to the shareholders before common ordinary share dividends are issued


some knowledge and prediction is possible.


statements about the way objectives are to be achieved.


statistical data relating to the population and particular groups within it.

Social controls

structures, processes, and patterns or relationships that restrict deviance and responses to deviance


study of how people and societies use limited resources to satisfy unlimited wants; the management of scarcity and choice

master black belt

takes on a leadership roles as keeper of the Six Sigma process, advisor to executives or business unit managers, and leverages, his/her skills with projects that are led by black belts and green belts.

Level One

those with minimal engineering jobs like retailing firms

McClelland Trio of needs

three major motives or needs in work situations: need for achievement,need for power, need for affiliation

What are the differences between Project Team Approach and the Kaizen Approach?

time dedicated & project length 1. project team -- Black belts fully dedicated, team members work on project part time, full involvement of all team members in each dmaic step & lasts 1-4 months 2. kaizen -- Preparatory work on Define by subgroup, Rest of work done by full group during several days, Team fully devoted to project & lasts 1 week or less

Objective rationality

to accept something as rational is to accept it as making sense, as appropriate, or required, or in accordance with some acknowledged goal

Financial jargon

type of language that is used in a particular way/context and may not be well understood outside of it


we win together, but i must win more than you

Why is Project Management Important?

• Organize your approach • Generate a credible schedule • Track progress and control your project • Identify where to focus your efforts • Identify problems early - before they are crises and you don't have time to correct • Saves you TIME....MONEY

appraisal costs

• Quality Staff • Audit Staff • Equipment Calibration

reasons for benchmarking failures

•Lack of Sponsorship •Wrong People on Team •Teams Don't Understand Assigned Work •Teams Take on Too Much (i.e. Scope Creep) •Lack of Long Term Management Commitment

Function of manager (kootz)

●Planning ●Organizing ●Leading ●Controlling


(n.) something new, a change; the act of introducing a new method, idea, device, etc.

Strategic Management

- Make a difference, change situations, diverse functions

Sources of competitive advantage

- Technology - Cost and quantity - Knowledge and Speed - Barriers to entry - Financial resources

Financial Markets (Bond Market)

- Where buyers and sellers are engaged in the exchange of debt securities, usually in the form of bonds

What are 5 Crucial Steps to CIT?

1. Establishment of general aim of activity studied 2. Development of a plan for observers or interviewers 3. Collection of data 4. Analysis (classification of data) 5. Interpretation of Data

What are the 2 "ideal" characteristics of CIT?

1. It is specific 2. It describes the service provider in terms of the service product with specific adjectives

Five Project Pitfalls to Avoid

1. Thinking project management is just task management -- stakeholders, value and benefits, risk management, scope 2. Underestimating the importance of organizational change management 3. Believing the rosy estimates provided by your teams 4. Failing to understand complex dependencies 5. Not recognizing the importance of quality assurance

Developing the plan

1. identify project tasks 2. estimate task duration 3. determine resource requirements 4. construct/ analyze Gantt chart 5. prepare project proposal

Various Tools to Collect VOC

1. interviews 2. point of use observation 3. customer satisfaction surveys 4. focus group

Choose Projects by Conducting Feasibility Studies or Analyses:

1. make vs buy 2. estimating net present value 3. breakeven value 4. determining hard savings vs soft savings 5. determining rank of order projects 6. pareto analysis

Resources Deployment

1. organizational roadblocks to change 2. individual roadblocks to change 3. best management strategies

Industrial hygienists will conduct baseline noise measurement and exposure assessments at least once every how many months


SHIPALTS to be accomplished are authorized by a letter issued at least how many days prior to the start of ship's overhaul


163, What is the minimum required oxygen percent by volume in the atmosphere when using air-purifying respirators


122, At least once every how many hours must data be collected on Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment


Which PHEL curve is used during casualty control drills for in space personnel


Core Competencies

A set of integrated and harmonized abilities that distinguish the firm in the marketplace.

Code of Ethics

A formal statement of an organization's values and ethical principles regarding how to behave in situations when ethical dilemmas arise


A full-scale working model used to test a design concept by making actual observations and necessary adjustments.

Lao Tsu -- 600 BCE

A leader is best when people barely know he exists, not so good when people obey and acclaim him, worse when they despise him, but of a good leader, who talks little, when his work is done and his aim fulfilled, they will say "we did it ourselves."

Ethics Self-governance in Leadership Role

A leader's personal ethics will emit to their followers, where the set of standards the leader has would be implemented onto the group in which they are leading. If they have high ethical standards and high social responsibility, performance will be achieved with that


A measurement tool that gathers ratings of a manager's use of skills associated with success in managing.


An event that decreases the behavior that it follows.

Which report is used as an information and management tool during a routine main boiler inspection


Which prefix would boiler discrepancies recorded during INSURV be represented BY


Who maintains the Engineer's Bell Book when throttle control is on the bridge

Bridge personnel

Quiz 3 A resource is valuable and rare but neither difficult to imitate nor without substitutes. This should enable the firm to attain A. no competitive advantage. B. competitive parity. C. a temporary competitive advantage. D. a sustainable competitive advantage.

C. a temporary competitive advantage.

Quiz 3 A domestic corporation considering expanding into international markets for the first time will typically A. start off by implementing a wholly owned foreign subsidiary so it can maintain standards identical to those at home. B. consider licensing or franchising its operations. C. consider implementing a low risk/low control strategy such as exporting. D. form a joint venture with a reputable foreign producer.

C. consider implementing a low risk/low control strategy such as exporting.

Quiz 2 Which of the following is false regarding how a differentiation strategy can help a firm to improve its competitive position vis-à-vis Porter's five forces? A. By increasing a firm's margins, it avoids the need for a low cost position. B. It helps a firm to deal with supplier power and reduces buyer power since buyers lack comparable alternatives. C. Supplier power is increased because suppliers will be able to charge higher prices for their inputs. D. Firms will enjoy high customer loyalty, thus experiencing less threat from substitutes than its competitors.

C. Supplier power is increased because suppliers will be able to charge higher prices for their inputs.

Quiz 2 __________ innovations help incumbents in an industry earn higher margins by selling better products to their best customers. A. Disruptive innovations B. Tactical innovations C. Sustaining innovations D. Competitive innovations

C. Sustaining innovations


Code of moral principles that set standards of conduct of what is "good" and "right" in one's behavior

Quiz 3 The downsides or limitations of mergers and acquisitions include all of the following except: A. expensive premiums that are frequently paid to acquire a business. B. difficulties in integrating the activities and resources of the acquired firm into a corporation's on-going operations. C. it is a slow means to enter new markets and acquire skills and competences. D. there can be many cultural issues that can doom an otherwise promising acquisition.

C. it is a slow means to enter new markets and acquire skills and competences.

Adult Personality - Argyris

Classical management doesn't work on mature, adult workers, psychological success occurs when people define their own goals Managers should recognize a mature adult personality and accommodate such people by - Increasing task responsibility - Increase task variety - Using participating decision making

Perspectives on social responsibility

Classical view: Management's responsibility is to maximize profits Socioeconomic view: Management must be concerned for the broader social welfare, not just profits Shared value view: Economic and social progress are interconnected and a circle-socially responsible behavior improves financial performance which leads to more responsible behavior

voice of the customer (VOC)

Collective insight into customer needs, wants, perceptions, and preferences gained through direct and indirect questioning.

Who approves the Engineering Department Organization Manual (EDORM)

Commanding Officer


Define problems in processes Measure performance Analyze causes of problems Improve processes - remove variations and non-value-added activities Control processes so problems do not recur a problem solving methodology

17, What does the authorizing officer notify about in progress tag-outs to ensure that it is fully cognizant of the extent of the tag-out and the status of the material condition of the unit to be tagged

Damage Control Central (DCC)

What Are The Similarities Between DMAIC and DMADV?

Data intensive solution approaches Use of green belt, black belt, master black belt Ways to help meet the business financial/ bottom line numbers Implemented w support of a champion and process owner

Patent Types

Design Patents: -a fixed design or look of an object -non-functional or ornamental Utility Patents: -composition of matter, process, method, or apparatus Plant Patents: -new variation of vegetation

Determine step

Determine cause-and-effect relationships Sources of variability Tools - control charts, hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, regression models, failure modes and effects analysis

Who verifies the Distilling Plant Operating record checking all entries for accuracy and signing the record

Distilling Plant POIC

Who signs the Automatic Bell Book at the end of each watch


benchmarking components

• Best Practices • Customer Expectations • Partnerships • Process

Which alarm overrides all other shipboard alarms



Goals of employee are considered in concert with goals of the organization

Organizations as Communities - Mary Parker Follett

Groups and human cooperation - Groups allow individuals to combine talents for greater good - Organizations are cooperating "communities" of managers and workers - Manager's job is to help people cooperate and achieve an integration of interests - Forward-looking management insights

Describe the labor force available to english factory managers in the early days of the industrial revolution

Illiterate Lazy Low discipline Saint monday

Who keeps a list of all hazardous material stowage areas, capacity, and type of material stowed

Hazardous material Hazardous waste coordinator

How often are heat stress readings taken at each watch station or work station in an operating engineroom


Who must the senior member of the INSURV Board submit a complete report of findings to

INSURV board President

Which series should ship's force personnel utilize in preparation for INSURV


'Who can approve minor Departure from Specifications (DFS)


Who, besides Afloat Training Group Representatives, normally conducts Light-Off examinations IAW IDTC


Positive reinforcement

Increasing behaviors by presenting positive stimuli, such as food. A positive reinforcer is any stimulus that, when presented after a response, strengthens the response.

Negative reinforcement

Increasing behaviors by stopping or reducing negative stimuli, such as shock. A negative reinforcer is any stimulus that, when removed after a response, strengthens the response. (Note: negative reinforcement is not punishment.)

Hersey-Blanchard Situational Leadership Model

Leaders adjust their styles depending on the readiness of their followers to perform in a given situation Participating - High people, low task (share ideas) Selling - High people, high task (explain decisions) Delegating - Low people, low task (turn over decisions) Telling - Low people, high task (give instructions)

Types of Managers

Line Managers - directly affect organization's outputs Staff Managers - technical expertise to advise and support line Functional Managers - single area of activity General Managers - complex units consisting of many functions Administrators - public and nonprofit organizations

1 00, Which prefix would main engine discrepancies recorded during INSURV be represented by



Manager involves non-managers heavily in the decision.

Manager vs Leader

Manager: -administer -focus on system -do things "right" -maintain -shorter term focus Leader: -innovate -focus on people -do "right" things -originate -longer term focus

Motivation to Manage

Many people have desire to work and finish the task given to them by superiors, but not many are motivated to manage other people so that they may contribute to the realization of the organization's objectives.

1 18. Which publication contains a detailed listing of all Navy stock system forms


Which publication lists items designated as controlled equipage


Where are emergent EOSS feedback reports sent


Which publication contains information pertaining to gas free engineering requirements

NSTM 074 Volume 3

Which publication gives instructions on preparing and use of the Engineering LOG

NSTM 090

Which NSTMs should be referred to for a complete reference of detailed electrical safety precautions

NSTM 300 and 400

Which publication covers pollution abatement

NSTM 593

Which publication contains detailed information on asbestos protective measures

NSTM 635

What assigns numbers to all Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) used by forces afloat

Naval Safety Center

Trio of Needs--cont

Need for Achievement: -only 10% of American population -Achievement need correlates to prosperity Maslow Connection -Affiliation --> love (3) -Power --> Ego / esteem (4) -Achievement --> Self-actualization (5)

Maslow's theory of human needs

Need: A physiological or psychological deficiency a person feels compelled to satisfy Physiological - safety - social - esteem - self-actualization

Infant Mortality

Number of infant deaths per thousand live births.

Which series provides organizational charts and functional guides to ship's personnel in an easily referenced form


Which series contains the specifications that all eye protection equipment must MEET


Which series covers safety precautions for forces afloat


Which series are full power and economy trials conducted IAW


Observable Culture and Core Culture

Observable - visible actions and events Core - Underlying values Iceberg: You'll see observable culture in ceremonies, rites, rituals, stories, metaphors, symbols, but there's always underlying beliefs and values underneath such as the company's ethics, social responsibility, teamwork, performance, innovation, risk-taking

Resources Needed for Creativity and Innovation

TIME, TIME, TIME technician support, shop support technical references--memberships for access publication support-type, edit, graphics responsive system for timely approval computer support commericalization--productization

Perfect Competition

There are so many buyers and sellers that no single buyer or seller can unilaterally affect the price on the market


What the business owes to others (debts)

Profitability ratios

a type of ratio used to assess the ability to generate earnings compared to expenses and other relevant costs incurred in a specific period of time

Current ratio

a type of ratio which assesses whether the current assets of the business are sufficient to meet its current liabilities. Equals current assets divided by current liabilities

Profit and loss statement

an account which shows how the net income of the firm is arrived at over a stated period of time

Trade credit

an agreement where a customer can purchase goods on account, paying the supplier at a later date

Best Practices

are things people and organizations do that lead to superior performance

Intangible fixed assets

assets without a physical identity but important for a business. E.g. patents, copyrights, trademarks


is an amount owing for a service provided during a particular accounting period and is still unpaid for it, at the end of it


is an amount paid in cash during an accounting period for a service that will be provided in a subsequent period

Risk management

is concerned with factors that can negatively impact a project and that cant or wont be identified through standard project management methods


is how much an assets value has been used up


keeps things moving and facilitates the process


know nothing (very little) of outcome

Lillian M. Gilbreth

psychological aspects of work


the creative problem solving process of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling an organization's resources to achieve its mission and objectives.

Customer perceived value (CPV)

the difference between the prospective customer evaluation of all the benefits and all the costs of an offering and the perceived alternatives


this is a critical task to ensure a successful completion within the established targets. Any project requires this to be constantly updated to anticipate problems and handle them in a timely manner

Public law

type of law referring to the relationship between individuals and state


when i bark, they jump

Cash flow statement

which shows the inflows and outflows of cash caused by the firms activities during one accounting period

Program Managers

without getting in the way

Green belt

works on projects part time "work horse" of six sigma project usually managers

Which symbol means "stop" when logged in the Engineer's Bell Book


Strategy Deployment Matrix

§ A Measurement Tool to Capture How Metrics Which Links To What's Important -- often called KPI's -- key performance indicators, scoreboards, or dashboards

Facilities Plans

dealing with physical space and work layouts

Marketing Plans

dealing with selling and distributing goods or services

Logistics Plans

dealing with suppliers and acquiring resource input

Production Plans

dealing with work methods and technologies

Cash Budget

estimate future revenues and costs


estimating the likelihood of events based on their availability in memory; if instances come readily to mind (perhaps because of their vividness), we presume such events are common


Vocation, occupation, honest occupation, special kind of hones occupation


- A condition where there is a single seller and many buyers at the market place - The seller has a monopoly with no competition from others and has complete control over the products and services - The seller decides the price of the product or service and can change it on his own


A model for understanding the determination of the price of quantity of a good sold on the market


A need or desire that energizes and directs behavior


A process of improvement in the material conditions of people through diffusion of knowledge and technology.

Bounded rationality

A process of making decisions by constructing simplified models that extract the essential features from problems without capturing all their complexity.

Types of Markets (Physical Markets)

A set up where buyers can physically meet the sellers and purchase the desired merchandise from them in exchange of money

Quiz 2 Creating a niche by differentiating one's product or service often allows small firms to compete successfully with market leaders. A. True B. False

A. True

Quiz 3 Strategy maps help employees to see how their jobs are related to the overall objectives of the organization, but they do not help in understanding how an organization can convert its assets into tangible outcomes. A. True B. False

A. True

Quiz 2 A narrow market focus is to a differentiation-based strategy as a A. broadly-defined target market is to a cost leadership strategy. B. growth market is to a differentiation-based strategy. C. growth market is to a cost-based strategy. D. technological innovation is to a cost-based strategy.

A. broadly-defined target market is to a cost leadership strategy.

Which type of tables are required to be posted at each main engine throttle station

Acceleration and deceleration

Which series, besides INSURVNST 4730.8, contains acceptance trial details

Acceptance trial details are contained in what instructions?OPNAVINST 5420.7

Acquired Needs Theory

Achievement, Power, Affiliation nAch - prefers work that involves individual responsibility for results nPower - prefer work that involves control over other people and has a large impact nAff - prefer work that involves relationships, companionship, social approval

Internal Control

Allows motivated individuals and groups to exercise self-discipline in fulfilling job expectations

Level one firms

Among the types of organizations, the engineer will have a slim chance of becoming the general manager or president.


An amount owed by a business

Classic Leadership Styles

Autocratic - task over people Human relations - people over task Laissez-faire - little concern for task Democratic - committed to both task and people

Leadership Continuum

Autocratic: -orders or direction, no input Diplomatic: -no consultation, tries to persuade to accept Consultative: -consults non-managers, uses input in decisions Participative: -non-managers heavily involved in decision, delegation of authority

Types of Markets (Non Physical Markets/Virtual markets)

Buyers purchase goods and services through internet

Quiz 3 All of the following are limitations (or downsides) of the BCG (Boston Consulting Group) matrix except A. every business cannot be accurately measured and compared on the two dimensions. B. it views each business as a stand-alone entity and ignores the potential for synergies across businesses. C. it takes a dynamic view of competition which can lead to overly complex analyses. D. while easy to comprehend, the BCG matrix can lead to some troublesome and overly simplistic prescriptions.

C. it takes a dynamic view of competition which can lead to overly complex analyses.

Quiz 3 An important implication of the "balanced scorecard" approach is that: A. managers need to recognize tradeoffs in stakeholder demands and realize that such demands represent a "zero-sum" game in which one stakeholder will gain only at another's loss. B. the key emphasis on customer satisfaction and financial goals are only a means to that end. C. managers should not look at their job as primarily balancing stakeholder demands; increasing satisfaction among multiple stakeholders can be achieved simultaneously. D. gains in financial performance and customer satisfaction must often come at a cost of employee satisfaction.

C. managers should not look at their job as primarily balancing stakeholder demands; increasing satisfaction among multiple stakeholders can be achieved simultaneously.

Upside-down pyramid of an organization

Customers and clients > Frontline operating workers > Team leaders and managers > Top managers 1 - Ultimate beneficiaries of the organization's efforts 2 - Work directly affects customer/client satisfaction 3 - Help operating workers do their jobs and solve problems 4 - Keep organization's mission and strategies clear

Which two groups are Departure from Specifications (DFS) classified into

Minor and Major

What Are The Differences Between DMAIC and DMADV?

DMAIC: Existing Products, Processes, Services; correction; uses more statistical tools; looks at 1 or 2 CTQ; shorter to perform/ smaller scaled DMADV: New (or Changed) Products, Processes, Services; prevention; uses more qualitative tools, looks at all CTQ; longer to perform/ larger scaled

Principles in Maslow's theory

Deficit principle: a satisfied need does not motivate behavior Progression principle: a need becomes the motivator after the preceding lower-level need is satisfied Both are irrelevant once self-actualization is achieved

Fair Use

Limited access to cite short excerpts --research, teaching, criticism, news 4 Considerations 1. Purpose of Use 2. Nature of Work 3. Extend of Use 4. Affect on Market

Personal Time Management Tips

Prioritize, control your own schedule, don't do things that distract you, don't be overwhelmed with details, do filter through requests cuz you can't do everything

Which SHIPALT priority level means it is mandatory for national security

Priority I


Probability that a system will... -perform as expected -for stated period of time -when operated under specified conditions


Probability that failed system can... -be restored to required performance -for stated period of time -when operated under specified conditions

Improve step

Process redesign to reduce bottlenecks Mistake-proofing Statistical tools - particularly designed experiments DOE'S can be applied to either the physical process or a computer model of the process Pilot test the solution to confirm that it will solve the problem

Finding the People...Managers

Promote from Within: -Career ladder for promotion -Skills developed -Personalities known -Familiar with the company Hire from Outside: -Bring in new ideas -Avoid jealousy from rivals -Hire different expertise -Not burdened by 'legacy' ideas

Which Quality Assurance (QA form is used to report a Departure from Specification (DFS)

QA Form 12

Which officer is responsible for coordinating the QA training program

Quality Assurance

Who approves the Quality Assurance (QA) controlled material rejection tag

Quality Assurance Officer (QAO)

Which type of heat comes from hot metal surfaces in the main machinery room


Factory System

Recruit and train workers, supervisors needed training, managers were usually relatives

Which color is the Quality Assurance (QA) controlled material rejection tag


a bachelor's degree ion engineering from a reputable school, a few years experience in pure engineering job, training in supervision, special training in engineering management,

Requirements for the engineer manager job


Responsible -- person working on activity Accountable -- person w decision authority Consult -- key stakeholder who should be included in decision or work activity Inform -- needs to know of decision/ action (customer)

Which type of shipyard availability is for the accomplishment of specific items of work by a repair activity, during which time the ship is rendered incapable of fully performing its assigned mission and tasks due to the nature of the repair work


Expert system

Reviewing step by step with the experts the reasoning methods they use in a particular application and reducing these to an inference engine that , combined with a knowledge base of facts and rules and a user interface, may be consulted by someone newer to the field who wants guidance.

Design Review

Reviewing the security design, including examining the ports and protocols used, the rules, segmentation, and access control.

Routine or Not?

Routine: -can be anticipated -rules formulated -delegated to lower levels -automated Non-Routine: -unstructured, nonrecurring -incomplete knowledge -high uncertainty -can't always see all solutions to evaluate -more common in higher levels -requires tolerance for ambiguity

McGregor's Theory X and Y Combined

Self-fulfilling prophesy A manager's assumption influences their behavior which influences the behavior of the workers which reinforces the initial assumption

Outcome Goals

Set targets for actual performance results

Learning Goals

Set targets to create the knowledge and skills required for performance

Which document is used to provide comprehensive information essential to an understanding of the characteristics and capabilities of surface ships

Ship Characteristics Card

Customer type

Similar Customer Characteristics and requirements


Similar tasks or products

Types of Plans

Strategic Plans - action direction for the entire organization Vision - Purpose of the organization for the future Tactical - Implementing the strategic plan Functional plan - how different operations will accomplish the overall strategy Operational plan - short term activities to implement strategic

Debt to Asset Ratio

Total Debt/Total Asssets

Analogical Decision Making

The Upside: -assess the situation and liken it to similar situation in past -build on past successes -save time -encourage divergent thinking Potential Downside: -may overlook differences -tendency is to focus on similarities and overlook differences -most memorable experiences -assumptions are hidden

Upper limits on the prices a firm can charge are impacted by:

The cost of substitute products


The ease of performing maintenance on a product

Which type of Quality Assurance (QA) audit is used to determine if a specific job or task has been completed in accordance with the required specifications


Expectancy Theory

Victor Vroom (1964) Effort expended involves two things: -Effort to performance Expectancy -->Perception of that effort will lead to high performance -Performance to Outcome Expectancy -->Perception that attaining performance will lead to rewards

The hierarchy of organizational goals is in this order (least specific to most specific):

Vision statement, Mission statement, strategic objectives

Which type of availability is used for repairs while the ship is underway

Voyage repair

Ethical Behavior

What is accepted as good and right in the context of the governing moral code based on personal values

Organizational Culture

What is considered ethical behavior within the organizational context

The most intense rivalry results from

numerous equally balanced competitors, slow industry growth, high fixed or storage costs


one of the three separation of powers


one of the three separation of powers in law which interrupts the laws and sees that they are obeyed

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