English 1-2 TKAM Quiz (Adapted) + Literary Devices

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you never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view- climb into his skin and walk around in it.

An important lesson Atticus teaches Scout is:

something located at a time when it could not have existed


comparison of two or more similar objects, suggesting that if they are alike in certain respects, they will probably be alike in other ways as well.


repetition of a word or phrase in consecutive sentences


repetition of middle (usually vowel) sounds in words


Ol' One Shot

Atticus Fince

He felt that it was educational to read to Mrs. Dubose.

Atticus said that if Jem hadn't fallen into Mrs. Dubose's hands, he would have sent Jem there to read to her anyway because:

she was facing death squarely on her own terms.

Atticus thought Mrs. Dubose was the bravest person he knew because:

disapproved of the way Scout was being raised

Aunt Alexandra


Beautiful disaster. Pretty ugly. These are examples of which device?

writes left-handed

Bob Ewell

rumored to be mentally ill

Boo Radley

takes Scout and Jem to her church


boy from Mississippi who ran away and likes to tell tall tales

Charlie Harris

an overused phrase.


light-hearted scene between two intensely tragic dramatic moments

Comic Relief


"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness..." Is known as which device?

pretends to be drunk, but really drinks Coke

Dolphus Raymond


Don't judge a book by its cover. Every cloud has a silver lining. These are both examples of which device?

the reader or the audience sees a character's mistakes, but the character does not (aka when the audience has more information than the character)

Dramatic irony

word or phrase used in place of a person's name; it is characteristic of that person


"appeal to character" or "appeal to credibility" that focuses attention on the writer's or speaker's trustworthiness through tone, taking care to show more than one side of an issue (counterargument), speaker reputation, or experience in a particular field.


substitution of a mild word of phrase for a word that would be considered undesirable because it is too direct, unpleasant, or offensive.


language used to create a special effect or feeling.

Figurative Language

returning to an earlier time in a story for the purpose of making something in the present clearer.


giving hints or clues of what is to come later in a story.



He eats like a pig. This is an example of which device?

Make Boo Radley come out

A major goal the children share during summers is to

Sheriff of Maycomb

Heck Tate


A sword is to a warrior as a pen is to a writer. This device is known as?

an over exaggeration in order to make a point


Verbal Irony

I just love helping you with your assignment that you procrastinated on and should have done two weeks ago. What is this known as?


I mustache you a question. This is an example of which device?


I'm so hungry I could eat a horse. This is known as which device?

Dramatic irony

A woman walks down a dark hallway while a killer waits in the shadows. You the audience are aware of the killer, but the woman is not. What device is this?

use of words to create a certain picture in the reader's mind. It stimulates: visual, auditory, olfactory, tactile, and gustatory imagery.



Abraham Lincoln listening to Lil Dicky on his IPhone is known as?

the ghosts may suck out your breath.

According to Jem, if you go through a 'hot steam':

Boo is forced to against his will.

According to the beginning of the novel, why do the children think Boo Radley stays inside?


All the world is a stage. This is known as which device?

story in which people, things, and actions represent an idea or a generalization about life; allegories often have a strong moral or lesson.


repetition of initial consonant sounds in words


literary reference to a familiar person, place, thing, or event. These references frequently relate to other literary works, history, mythology, religion, or popular culture.


They only make beautiful songs

It is a sin to kill a mockingbird because

he is actually the most courageous person in town

It is ironic that Jem and Scout think that their father cannot do much of anything except read because:

cried over the guilty verdict

Jem Finch

refers to the "timeliness" of an argument



Lightning danced across the sky. This is an example of which device?

words that are slanted for or against the subject.

Loaded language

"logical appeal" or "appeal to reason" that focuses attention on the message and uses frequently uses data to support its claim.


lied about being raped

Mayella Ewell

comparison of two unlike things in which no word of comparison (like or as) is used


lost her home to a fire

Miss Maudie

the general feeling or atmosphere a reader gets from a story


are prejudiced and superstitious

Most of the people in the town of Maycomb

morphine addict

Mrs. Dubose


My favorite activities are swimming, skating, and reading.

Arthur Radley's brother

Nathan Radley

a word that represents a sound (usually spelled phonetically)


phrase that combines two seemingly contradictory elements


situation or statement that seems to contradict itself, but on closer inspection, does not.


repeating similar grammatical structures (words, phrases, or sentences) to give writing rhythm.


appeals to the audience's capacity for empathy, feelings, and imaginations that focuses attention on the values and beliefs of the intended audience.


describes an animal, object, or idea as if it were a person


play on words that capitalizes on a similarity of spelling and/or pronunciation between words that have different meanings. A pun may also employ one word which has multiple meanings.


repeating of a word, a phrase, or an idea for emphasis or for rhythmic effect


question that is asked to emphasize a point, not to get an answer.

Rhetorical question


Saying: "He passed away." instead of saying "He died". This is known as which device?

Jean Louise Finch

Scout Finch

Her criticism of a houseguest's eating habits

Scout is lectured by Calpurnia because of


She sells seashells by the seashore. What device is this?

comparison of two unlike things using the words like or as


when you plan or expect for A but B happens instead

Situational Irony

a person, a place, a thing, or an event used to represent something else: the dove is a symbol of peace.


one of the poorest, least educated families in Maycomb

The Ewell family is


The big, juicy burger with its melted cheese and red tomatoes made my mouth water and my stomach grumble. Which type of device is this?


The movie Avatar is a representation of the systematic murder and colonization of other countries by western powers. What device is this?

First person

The novel is narrated from which point-of-view?


The rain in Spain falls mainly in the plains. This is known as which device?

A rabid dog

Tim Johnson is

Comic Relief

Timon and Pumba's luau in the middle of a tense fight between Simba and Scar is known as which device?

Maycomb, Alabama

To Kill a Mockingbird mainly takes place in

crippled arm from cotton gin accident

Tom Robinson

the author's attitude toward the subject of a work.


punished Scout for cursing

Uncle Jack

when a person says one thing but means the opposite

Verbal Irony

poured syrup all over his food

Walter Cunningham

They sneak into the Radley yard and try to peak into a window

What do Jem, Dill, and Scout do that causes Mr. Radley to shoot at them?


When Genie from Aladdin accidentally pulls Sebastian from The Little Mermaid from his book of rules, this is reference is know as?

are not very impressed with him even though he can read

When Scout and Jem meet Charles Baker Harris, they:


When Thor is referred to as "The God of Thunder", this is known as which device?

Situational Irony

When you expect the princess to marry the prince, but she decides to stay locked in the tower with the dragon instead. What is this known as?


When you use research and statistics to help convince your best friend to buy a new car, this is known as which device?


When you wait until after your parents receive their tax return to ask for an expensive present, this is known as which device?


When your doctor recommends that you take medicine, this is known as which device?

Rhetorical question

When your mother asks: "Who do you think you're talking to?", this is an example of which device?


When your parents guilt trip you into helping out around the house, this is known as which device?

The Radleys

Who was rumored to have poisoned pecans?


Woof! Bang! Muah! These are known as which device?


You must choose between two envelopes. One as X amount of money, and the other has 2X. After you pick, you are allowed to trade for the other envelope. This is an example of which device?

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