english 1010 week 1 lecture

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Examples: happy, more, these, and that.

Use adjectives to add a few more details to these sentences

Example 4

What do you think are the infinitives in these sentences?

The subject in this sentence is in bold and italics: World War II ended in 1945.

What do you think are the subjects in these examples?

When in Australia, Trevor saw the Uluru rock. He also visited the Great Barrier Reef.

When in Australia, not only did Trevor see the Uluru rock, but he also visited the Great Barrier Reef.

Parts of Speech

Words are the building blocks of sentences. Words are classified into parts of speech according to their functions in sentences. Nouns

We finally finished packing those thousand boxes.

Whew! We finally finished packing those thousand boxes.

Harry did not buy a laptop. He did not buy a phone.

Neither did Harry buy a laptop nor did he buy a phone.


Recognize the importance of writing in the workplace, writing in public forums, making presentations, and writing résumés. Apply the basic rules of grammar. Identify the parts of speech.

The children felt elated when their father returned.



girl person, Pennsylvania place, pencil thing, and liberty idea.

The sun sets in the west.


The box of sweets was on the table.


He sat on the chair and relaxed.

on: Preposition

There are three types of conjunctions.

1. Correlative conjunctions are pairs of conjunctions that join words or word groups used in the same way. They are always used in pairs.

Both Roger and Nancy are looking for new jobs.

2. Coordinating conjunctions join two independent clauses. The coordinating conjunctions are for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so. An acronym for remembering the coordinating conjunctions is FANBOYS.

Example: I plan to purchase a new computer, but I have to wait till I get paid.

3. A subordinating conjunction begins a subordinate, or dependent, clause and connects it to an independent clause.


A noun is the name of a person, place, thing, or idea.


A preposition shows the relationship between a noun or pronoun and another word in the sentence.

Examples: I, you, me, we, mine, his, they

A pronoun must agree in number with its antecedent or the noun that it replaces.


A pronoun takes the place of a noun in a sentence.

Basic Sentence Structure

A sentence is a word group that contains a subject and a verb and expresses a complete thought. When a clause expresses a complete thought and can stand alone and make sense, it is an independent clause.


A verb tells what action someone or something is doing or expresses a state of being.


An adjective modifies, or describes, a noun or a pronoun. It describes what kind, how many, or which one.


An adverb modifies a verb, adjective, or adverb. It tells how, where, when, or to what extent. Words that end in ly are often adverbs.


An interjection is a word or a phrase that expresses strong feeling or emotion.

We are running to the park.

Are helps the main verb running to express action.

The spacecraft was not able to stabilize itself. The engineers repaired it.

Because the spacecraft was not able to stabilize itself, the engineers repaired it.

Before I go to bed, I drink milk.

Before: Subordinating conjunction

Della sent an e-mail to her grandma. Her brother also sent an e-email to her.

Both Della and her brother send an e-mail to their grandma.

Example 2

Can you identify the action verbs in these sentences?

Here are a few examples of articles with nouns: a house the elephant a ring

Can you identify the missing articles in these sentences?

Example 2

Can you join these sentences with coordinating conjunctions?

Example 3

Can you point out the linking verbs in these sentences?

Relevance of Writing

Charles Smith is an undergraduate student looking for a job. He has created a short résumé and has requested his English instructor, Mr. Jonathan McGregor, to review it.

Mr. McGregor: Not only do workplace professionals value good writing, Charles, but in this era of technological innovation, writing is everywhere text messages, Facebook, and e-mails.What you write and how you write can greatly impact your future!

Charles: So, good writing skills will help me in my professional, personal, and social life. Thanks, Mr. McGregor! I'll review the concepts taught in the English class and then work on my résumé.

Mr. McGregor: Your résumé has a few grammatical errors, which do not leave a good impression on a prospective employer.

Charles: That means good writing is essential to find a job and is also important in the workplace.

Bachelor of Arts, Business Administration (Expected completeness: 2014)

Computer: Proficiency in Microsoft Word and Excel Changes:

Bachelor of Arts, Business Administration Expected completion 2014

Computer: Proficient in Microsoft Word and Excel

Danny wanted to buy the colored jacket that he had seen last week.

Danny wanted to buy the brightly colored jacket that he had seen last week.

Examples: either/or and both/and.

Either I will study for the grammar test, or I will prepare for the Math test.

Example: Before I go to bed, I try to brush my teeth.

Example 1 Can you use correlative conjunctions in these sentences?

A helping verb helps the main verb express action or a state of being.


A conjunction joins words or phrases in a sentence

Example: Carrie and I will attend a concert.

Examples of action verbs: jump, eat, fly, and go.

Examples of state of being verbs: being, is, and am.

A linking verb connects, or links, the subject of a sentence to a word or word group that identifies or describes the subject.

Examples: am, are, was, stay, turn, and prove.

An infinitive is the basic form of a verb before it is conjugated.

Examples: to go, to eat, to play, to stay, to learn, and to determine.

Here are a few things you will be required to do:

Format your writing assignments in APA style

You've done a good job.

Great! You've done a good job.

Growing into adulthood poses many obstacles.

Growing into adulthood

He came to the meeting.

He came late to the meeting.

The student studied for her exam.

Help Charles fix these errors in his résumé:

Hunters and gatherers were present in prehistoric times.

Hunters and gatherers

Examples: from, until, after, over, and with.

I received word from the student. The preposition from shows the relationship of the noun word to the noun student.

Can you identify the pronouns in these examples?

I went to her game. The necklace was mine. They came to our play.


I went to her game. The necklace was mine. They came to our play.

Examples of prepositional phrases: from the student with gusto of the best in the east until dark

Identify the prepositions in the following sentences:

The ice continues to melt at an alarming speed. The risk of flooding increases.

If the ice continues to melt at an alarming speed, the risk of flooding increases.

If you notice, you will see a few animals camouflaged in the bushes.

If you notice carefully, you will see a few animals camouflaged in the bushes.

Check Your Knowledge

In this exercise, you are presented with a few sentences. In each sentence, one word is underlined. Identify the part of speech the underlined word belongs to:

Use proper grammar, punctuation, spelling, and formatting

In this lesson, you will develop effective study and reading comprehension skills to hone your writing abilities.

The food is salty.

Is is the linking verb linking the subject, food, to the adjective that describes it, salty.

It rained heavily this year. The lakes are full.

It rained heavily this year, so the lakes are full.

Example 3

Join these sentences using subordinating conjunctions.

After exercising, Kerry heads home.


Note: Refer to Doc sharing to access Charles's reviewed résumé.

Mr. McGregor: You need to work on your writing to make your résumé more effective. Charles: How does my writing affect my résumé?

Raymond graduated with top grades. He had worked very hard.

Raymond graduated with top grades, for he had worked very hard.


She is simply stunning. The adverb simply modifies the adjective stunning, telling how she is stunning.

The bear protected her cubs from the hunters. Taking advantage of a stranger is unkind.


Example 1 What are the states of being verbs in these sentences? The girl is a genius. We are on Mount Everest.

Solution: The girl is a genius......is We are on Mount Everest. ......are

The brown bear protected her two cubs from the ferocious hunters.

Taking gross advantage of a stranger is unkind.


The house was blown over by the tornado.


The lesson for this week emphasizes the importance of good writing. You will explore the parts of speech, basic grammar, and common errors in sentences. Begin this week by reviewing the objectives and topics.

The movie did not represent the novel well. It won an award.

The movie did not represent the novel well, yet it won an award.

Example: The cheerleaders brought their props to the game.

The noun cheerleaders is plural, so the pronoun their must be plural.


The relevance of writing Overview of parts of speech Verb tense Basic sentence structure: Simple and compound sentences

Scientist discovered new molecule to prevent infection.

The scientist discovered a new molecule to prevent infection.

Statue of liberty is in New York.

The statue of liberty is in New York.


The subject of the sentence is the one completing the action.


The words a, an, and the are special adjectives called articles. An article is used before a noun.

They played tennis throughout the day.

They: Pronoun

Examples: Ouch! Look out! Help!

Think of appropriate interjections for these examples.

No matter which program you choose in Virginia College, be it business, paralegal, or health management, you will complete writing assignments.

You will be graded on not only the research you conduct but also on how well you write and communicate the concepts you research.

Joe gave a diamond ring to Jane.

a: Article

The accountant created a presentation.

accountant: Noun

There are two types of verbs

action verbs and state of being verbs.

The boy ran along the muddy path to reach home soon.


She cooked bad food today.

bad: Adjective

The water turned murky after it rained.


She wore a stunningly beautiful gown to the party.

stunningly: Adverb

To go to the store, Sally must ride her bike.

to go

The teacher wanted to know why Rita did not complete her assignment.

to know

Rick likes to read when he travels for his sales meetings.

to read

They walk to the office everyday.


He walked up the road.

walked: Verb

The day was sunny, and the girls rode their bikes.


René washes her car every Saturday.


The young man works hard.


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