English: Vocabulary 2/3

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adj. animated; vivacious; effervescent S: brilliant, dazzling, exciting, lively, sparkling A: dull blah Ex. As we watched the [scintillating] fireworks, we we (dazzled) by the (brilliant) flashes.


adj. being more than is sufficient or required; excessive. S:excessive, expendable, gratuitous, unneeded A: useful, reasonable, important Ex. On top of the outside reading book, vocabulary quizzes, and essay writing, the students thought the (busy-work) crossword was [superfluous.]


adj. given to, characterized by, intended for, or suited to joking or jesting; waggish; facetious: S:cheerful, joking, humorous, teasing A: depressed, gloomy, sad, serious Ex. He is the great sportsman, the incomparable archer, the (lover) of the greenwood and of a free life, brave, (adventurous), [jocular], open-handed, a protector of women.


adj. having a kindly disposition; gracious; favorable; propitious. S: good, kindly, benignant, benevolent, tender, humane, gentle, compassionate. A: sinister, harmful, harsh, unfriendly Ex: EuSacµovia, literally the state of being under the (protection) of a [benign] spirit, a "(good) genius", in ethics, the name applied to theories of morality which find the chief (good of man) in some form of happiness.


adj. having an extremely bad reputation S: disgraceful, egregious, hateful A: friendly, gentle, good, kind Ex. In colonial times, wearing a scarlet letter "A" deemed you [infamous]; and many stayed away from them for their (bad reputation).


adj. incapable of being disentangled, undone, loosed, or solved: S: complex, intricate, involved A: untangled, simple Ex. This zoological group includes Gordian worms which are found swimming in an undulatory manner or (coiling round water-weeds) in ponds and puddles, or (knotted together) in an apparently [inextricable] coil.


adj. incapable of being tired out; not yielding to fatigue; untiring. S:tireless, inexhaustible, persevering. A: changing, idle, inactive Ex. With [indefatigable] (energy) he at once attempted to grapple with the difficulties of the situation, and (refused to settle) until her found a solution.


adj. lacking in vigor or vitality; slack or slow; lacking in spirit or interest; listless S: inactive, inert, sluggish, torpid, spirtless A: active, energetic, vigorous Ex. A slow, [languid] smile crossed his face as he was trying to polite although was (uninterested).


adj. not harmonious in character; inconsonant; lacking harmony of parts S: contrary, contradictory A: consistent Ex. After learning the piece from two very (different) dancers, I quickly saw the [incongruity] in how each portrayed the movement.


adj. of great weight; heavy; massive. S: bulky, clumsy, weighty, burdensome A: clever, dexterous, graceful, small Ex. It may be mentioned that the Bactrian camel, which is a shorter-legged and more [ponderous] animal than the Arabian species, grows an (enormously long) and (thick) winter coat, which is shed in blanket-like masses in spring.


adj. portending evil or harm; foreboding; threatening; inauspicious S: apocalyptic, prophetic, dangerous, sinister A: pleasant, encouraging, cheerful, auspicious Ex. Thunder tumbled down the San Juan Mountains, heralding the arrival of pelting rain that turned the Jeep road into a (surging stream) and the sky to an [ominous] shade of raven (black).


adj. prohibiting violation; secure from destruction, violence, infringement, or desecration S: sacrosanct, holy, sacred A: profane, violable Ex. The contract was sacred and [inviolable], undertaken in the name of Jupiter Hospitalis, and could (only be dissolved by a formal act.)


n. a deep, immeasurable space, gulf, or cavity; vast chasm. S: void, depth, hole A: apex, bliss, close Ex. thoughts of a person trapped in the twisted wreckage, prompted him to strain his eyes in the gathering (darkness) and search the [abyss] below.


n. great significance; importance. S: importance, significance, consequence, momentousness, magnitude A: insignificance Ex. The full [import] of his actions hit her, bringing a flood of warmth to her face as she realized his (intentions.)


n. reverence for God or devout fulfillment of religious obligations: S: respect, veneration, awe. A: apathy, atheism, disbelief Ex. But later times nearly strangled Zoroastrian [piety], not only by laws of ritual purity but also by newly evolved secondary (deities) - personified attributes, and the like.


v. to atone for; make amends or reparation for: S: remedy, forgive, rectify A: harm, injure, worsen Ex. From that time Conselheiro was a victim of remorse, and to [expiate] his (sin) became a missionary in the sertao or interior of Brazil among the wild Jagunco people and constantly (asked for forgiveness.)


v. to comfort, console, or cheer (a person, oneself, the heart, etc.). S: pity, condolence, relief A: discord, disharmony Ex. When she found out her dad had died, her friends ran to [solace] her; she felt relief as the (comforted) her with warm hugs and kind words.


v. to reduce in amount, degree, intensity, etc.; lessen; diminish: S: slow, slacken, wane, dwindle A: increase, grow, enlarge Ex. Once the package of cupcakes was opened, they [abated] (one by one) until they were (gone.)


v. to remove to or keep at a distance; alienate the affections of. S: alienate, divorce, disunify, separate A: combine, connect, join Ex: When CPS [estranged] the children from their abusive mother, they were told they would (never be with her again.)


v.to make wrinkles in (the face) S: hollow, gutter, ridge A: smooth, even, flat Ex. The man stepped out and those piercing blue eyes questioned her silently from under [furrowed] brows causing (wrinkles) to form on his forehead.

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