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Approximately _____ of students with intellectual disability fall into the mild category.

89 percent

Which of the following is an example of quid pro quo sexual harassment?

A teacher gives a student an F because the student refused sexual advances.

Which of the following is the best example of a student with a growth mindset?

After she lost a wrestling match, Miranda resolved herself to train hard and focus on the next match.

Which of the following assignments is the best example of "free-writing"?

After students are presented with an idea on a topic, they are asked to write whatever they want about it.

Compared with their economically more-advantaged counterparts, children from impoverished communities:

All of the answers are correct.

Research shows that individuals with world-class status in a particular field exhibit which of the following characteristics?

All of the answers are correct.

Which of the following is an example of self-handicapping strategies?

All of the answers are correct.

Which of the following is a written statement that spells out a program specifically tailored for a student with a disability.

An individualized education plan (IEP)

Which of the following strategies would best help students become better problem solvers?

Asking students to solve a real-world problem

Brain-imaging techniques show that peak thickness of the cerebral cortex occurred three years later in children with ADHD than in children without ADHD. The delay was more prominent in the prefrontal regions of the brain that play an important role in which of the following?

Attention and planning

Abraham finds it difficult in school when asked to sit for long periods of time. He frequently gets up and walks around the classroom, often inadvertently causing a disruption. He does poorly on repetitive tasks and rarely completes his homework. Abraham most likely has which of the following conditions?

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Which of the following is not an effective strategy for incorporating writing into the curriculum?

Avoiding formal writing assignments.

As Mr. Donahue finishes teaching the day's topic, he realizes that many of his students have quizzical looks that reflect confusion. After a question-and-answer period, Mr. Donahue is still not satisfied that his class fully understands the lesson. He then proceeds to ask students to reflect on their lesson from the first semester that related to the topic at hand. After carefully explaining the connection between the two subject matters, he notices that students show evident relief for finally grasping the new concept. What type of transfer has Mr. Donahue led students to engage in?

Backward-reaching transfer

Renaldo refuses any suggestion that girls are just as good as boys at athletics. Even as some of the girls in class provide examples of famous female athletes, he refuses to listen or acknowledge their evidence. What type of thinking is Renaldo engaging in?

Belief perseverance

Which of the following statements is a difference between boys and girls?

Boys are more likely than girls to value self-assertion in their interactions with friends.

The _____ culture would most likely be described as individualistic.


Who among the following is most likely to be suffering from dyscalculia?

Carlos, who struggles to solve a math problem

Which approach to writing emphasizes planning, problem solving, revising, and metacognitive strategies?

Cognitive approach

Mr. Matthews plans his lesson on amphibians for the next day. He plans on first identifying the key features of amphibians, answering all student questions on key terms, providing examples of amphibians that might be common to students, and then asking students to provide examples of their own. Which of the following is Mr. Matthews trying to encourage among his students?

Concept formation

Visual presentations of a concept's links and hierarchical organization refer to which of the following?

Concept maps

Mrs. Schiller teaches science. This year, her students created models of the solar system, wired a dollhouse, and built racing cars. Which of the following terms best describes this teacher's approach to teaching science?

Constructivist instruction

Of the following conditions, which is more common in girls than in boys?


Dysgraphia is a learning disability that involves which of the following?

Difficulty in handwriting

Mrs. Diaz has introduced the problem of school vandalism in a faculty meeting. She understands that there are multiple ways to address this problem and asks the faculty to consider the different possibilities for a discussion at the next meeting. What thinking task has Mrs. Diaz set before the faculty?

Divergent thinking

he most commonly identified form of intellectual disability is:

Down syndrome.

Inductive reasoning is best described as which of the following?

Drawing general conclusions based on specific observations

Marcus has an above-average IQ, speaks clearly, and has many good ideas. However, he also has poor penmanship, struggles to spell out words, and writes very slowly. He frequently cannot complete in-class assignments during the time allotted. Marcus most likely has which of the following conditions?


Identify the step in the creative process in which an individual usually decides whether an idea is important and worth pursuing.


Compare expert knowledge with pedagogical content knowledge.

Expert knowledge means having a complete and excellent knowledge about a particular discipline where as pedagogical content knowledge is not only having that expert knowledge, but knowing how to teach it.

Hallie finds it difficult to converse with her peers and her teacher. She effortlessly understands what they are saying to her, but she finds it very hard to communicate and express her thoughts. Hallie is most likely to have which of the following?

Expressive language disorder

A student is most likely to feel angry when he or she perceives that his or her poor performance was because of which of the following?

External factors that another person controls

The behavioral perspective emphasizes which of the following as a key in determining a student's motivation?

External rewards and punishments

Jenny failed a recent biology exam, but has no idea why this happened. After all, she spent hours and hours studying and thought she knew the material well. Jenny decided that it simply must have been bad luck. Jenny's view is best described as a combination of which of the following causal attributions?


An individual's success is determined by his or her cultural background rather than a positive sense of self and connectedness to others.


As long as a teacher possesses expert knowledge in a particular subject area, she will be an effective teacher in transferring content information.


In students with disabilities, the most common disability is serious emotional disturbance.


In the context of motivation and mindset, mastery and performance goals are always mutually exclusive.


Low-road transfer occurs most often with novel skills.


Most learning disabilities are temporary.


Students typically enjoy an activity the most when it provides little challenge.


Teachers can safely assume that students who show creative thinking skills in mathematics will also exhibit these skills in language and art.


The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics' (NCTM's) Curriculum and Evaluation Standards recommends that calculators be avoided at all levels of mathematics instruction.


Describe the concept of far transfer.

Far transfer is using applying a solution to a problem that is very different from the problem. For example using solutions from one class to apply to a totally different class.

At what age can children usually reproduce letters and copy several short words?

Five years

Stuttering is an example of a(n):

Fluency disorder.

Which of the following scenarios depicts a negative effect of using extrinsic rewards to motivate students?

Fran loved to work on science projects until she entered the science fair and became more concerned about winning than enjoying the challenge.

_____ are sets of expectations that prescribe how males or females should think, act, and feel.

Gender roles

Explore the ways that classrooms are biased against both boys and girls.

Girls are expected to be feminine and gentle, whereas boys are expected to be masculine and tough. Girls are allowed to be more expressive with their feelings while boys are told to suck it up. Girls are expected to be more neat and cleaner than boys.

Sam is a student who engages in numerous behaviors in order to protect how others rate his ability. Which of the following would not be an appropriate strategy to help Sam?

Give Sam very easy work; this will boost his confidence.

Give examples of metacognitive strategies that you can use to improve your reading.

Good metacognitive strategies that can improve reading include: knowing about the reading you're about to do, look for important topics while you are reading, and re-reading as you need to.

Of the following criteria, which is not a characteristic associated with gifted children?

Having an IQ between 100 and 125

Which of the following scenarios provides the best example of an articulation disorder?

Helen cannot pronounce the "r" sound at the beginning of words.

_____ is a response to challenges and difficulties in which an individual feels trapped by the difficulty and attributes the difficulty to a lack of ability.

Helpless orientation

Current research shows intrinsic motivation is positively linked to which of the following?

Higher grades and standardized test scores

Using one of your personal experiences, share an example of a mental set.

I typically use the same way to study. I have found that quizlet helps me the best with studying. Also writing down in repetition is also very helpful.

In the interest of enhancing student motivation, it is important for teachers to show students that they care about them. How would you go about demonstrating a caring attitude in a classroom?

I would make sure when I ask a student a personal question about their family/life, that I remember the answer and check up on them with specific questions relating to their life. I would also foster an environment where students feel comfortable coming and talking to me about their performance in class. I would be approachable and ready to be personable.

What is the primary emphasis of efficacy training?

Improving students' academic confidence

Educating a child with special educational needs full time in the regular classroom is called which of the following?


Early mathematics assessments should be focused on what goal?

Informing teaching practices

In the context of children's effective development of autonomy, which of the following values reflects parents' beliefs in individualistic cultures?

Intrinsic motivation

Which of the following statements is true about autistic disorder?

It has its onset during the first three years of an individual's life.

Which of the following statements is true about low-road transfer?

It occurs when there is little need for reflective thinking.

Deductive reasoning is best described as which of the following?

Making specific predictions based on general conclusions

Implementing critical thinking in the classroom can be difficult for teachers because of which of the following?

Many students come into class with a history of passive and rote learning.

In her third-period calculus course, Ms. Littleton notices that Rhianna seems excited by challenging concepts and problems, while other students often feel threatened and give up. She uses effective learning strategies and focuses "on the process, not the product." Which of the following best describes Rhianna's mindset?

Mastery motivation

Which of the following statements about the placement of children with disabilities is true?

Nearly 61 percent of U.S. students with disabilities spend 80 percent of the school day in regular classrooms.

_____ is defined as the motive to be securely connected with other people.

Need for affiliation

Students in which of the following ethnic groups are least likely to be involved in family obligations, such as assisting parents in their occupations or helping to raise siblings?

Non-Latino Whites

Of the following strategies, which is least likely to foster a sense of self-determination and choice?

Offer praise to students for following directions in the book.

_____ is defined as knowledge about how to effectively teach a particular discipline.

Pedagogical content knowledge

The Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for school mathematics emphasizes the importance of all of the following, except which one?

Practicing computations repeatedly

Finding appropriate strategies to reaching one's goal is best referred to as which of the following?

Problem solving

If a teacher assigned a means-end analysis, what would the objectives of the activity include?

Proceeding with identifying a goal, evaluating the status of the problem, and determining the next step

Some students purposely put off making the best possible effort in order to use that as an explanation for poor performance. What is the name of this protective strategy?


Distinguish between quid pro quo sexual harassment and hostile environment sexual harassment.

Quid pro quo relates to doing a sexual favor in return for an advantage. For example a boss wanting their employee to sleep with them for an employment advancement. where as a hostile environment suggests a continued and reoccurring sexual harassment. For example sexual jokes or inappropriate touching.

Which of the following is not a type of intrinsic motivation?

Reward system

Rose, a 16-year-old, is often described as being powerful and strong. She is also seen as being nurturing and caring toward people. Which of the following statements is most likely true about Rose?

Rose has an androgynous personality.

What is specific language impairment?

SLI is when a person has trouble understanding and using words in a sentence.

In which grade are students most likely to be more influenced by parental approval than peer approval?

Second Grade

According to Abraham Maslow, which of the following attributes is considered the highest?


A student with cerebral palsy will most likely display which of the following behaviors?

Shaking of limbs

When teaching a student whose hearing is impaired, all of the following strategies are recommended except which one?

Shout when speaking to the student.

The belief that writing is culturally embedded and socially constructed is emphasized in which approach to writing?

Social constructivist approach

_____ is defined as the field that seeks to promote civic competence with the goal to help students make informed and reasoned decisions for the public good as citizens of a culturally diverse, democratic society in an interdependent world.

Social studies

Researchers have found that self-efficacy and achievement are most likely to improve when students set goals that are which of the following?

Specific and challenging

Which of the following statements about motivation is not true?

Students who are intrinsically motivated typically do better academically than those who are extrinsically motivated.

Which of the following most accurately describes hindsight bias?

Tendency to incorrectly state, after the fact, that we correctly predicted the outcome

Which of the following statements is true about the presence of gender bias in classrooms?

The behavior of being neat and orderly is associated with girls rather than boys.

Teachers are attending the first faculty meeting of the school year in order to discuss strategies to enhance student motivation. Ms. O'Hanlon states that there should be a school-wide management approach using token economies. Students can earn tokens for good behavior and trade those tokens in for prizes. What motivational perspective does Ms. O'Hanlon subscribe to?

The behavioral perspective

Mr. Leeland, a school principal, is sitting down with the school's new third-grade teacher. The two are discussing the best way to motivate students in today's classrooms. Mr. Leeland stresses getting students inherently interested in the content matter and giving them the confidence to succeed. What motivational perspective does Mr. Leeland subscribe to?

The cognitive perspective

Describe the current controversy in math education.

The controversy relating to math education is to move toward technology, or remain teaching math with memorization and problem solving. People argue over wether speed or complete understanding is more important.

Give an example of a problem-based learning activity in a mathematics course.

The foil method for multiplying two binomials.

From the perspective of a performance-oriented type of person, what is the most important aspect of a challenge?

The goal of winning

Teachers are attending the first faculty meeting of the school year in order to discuss strategies to enhance student motivation. Mr. Daniel states that there should be a way to build students' needs into the curriculum. What motivational perspective does Mr. Daniel subscribe to?

The humanistic perspective

_____ is a setting that is as similar as possible to the one in which children who do not have a disability are educated.

The least restrictive environment (LRE)

Legislatures, federal courts, and the U.S. Congress laid down special educational rights for children with disabilities during which of the following periods of time?

The mid-1960s to mid-1970s

Prototype matching is best described as which of the following?

The process of individuals deciding if an item is a member of a category by comparing it to established category elements

Describe what is meant by attribution theory.

This is when a student actively asks question about their performance. They want to figure out why they are doing well/bad. They want to know why they passed/failed an assignment. They are constantly looking at their performance and fixing what doesn't work well.

Identify three ways to incorporate writing into the curriculum.

Three ways to incorporate writing into the curriculum are: using writing as a warm up after the weekend to discuss the events of the weekend, use writing as a reflection and summary of a lesson that just ended, and writing more formally to gain knowledge on a particular topic.

Which of the following is not a constructivist approach to teaching social studies?

Traditional manner of using a single textbook and complementing lectures with question-and-answer discussions

Which of the following situations best describes the conditions under which near transfer takes place?

Transfer occurs between two situations that are very similar to one another.

A principle involved in cognitive approaches to reading is that students' prior knowledge about a topic is related to what they remember from reading about the topic and their ability to make correct inferences about the material they read.


Adults tend to learn a second language faster than children, but their level of second-language mastery is not as high as children's.


Children with disabilities must be educated in a setting that is as similar as possible to the one in which children who do not have such disabilities are educated.


Confirmation bias is the tendency to search for and use information that supports our ideas rather than refutes them.


Subgoaling, a strategy used in problem solving, involves setting intermediate goals that put a student in a better position of attaining the desired goal.


Teachers with high self-efficacy tend to view difficult students as reachable and teachable, whereas teachers with low self-efficacy are inclined to say that students who are not learning are unable to do so because of low ability.


The humanistic perspective emphasizes an individual's capacity for personal growth.


Underchallenged children who are gifted can become disruptive, skip classes, and lose interest in achieving.


When they are not having a seizure, children with epilepsy exhibit normal behavior.


The influence of peer pressure decreases and students become somewhat autonomous when they reach which of the following grades?

Twelfth Grade

Of the following advice for teaching children with disabilities, which is not recommended?

Use teaching strategies that are quite different from those that benefit children without disabilities.

Scientists and educators argue that schools need to guide students in learning how to use science skills, which include all of the following except which one?

Using misconceptions as a centerpiece for scientific inquiry and fact

Which of the following best describes algorithms?

Utilizing strategies guaranteed to provide a solution

Which of the following is an example of relational aggression?

Vincent spreads false stories about his friend.

Children's ability to pronounce words with a native-like accent in a second language typically decreases with age, with an especially sharp drop occurring after the age of about:

10 to 12.

Approximately what percentage of all children from 3 to 21 years of age in the United States receive special education or related services?

13 percent

In the _____, multicultural education in the United States was concerned with empowering students and better representing minority and cultural groups in curricula and textbooks.

1960s to 1980s

Of all children in U.S. public schools, approximately what percentage have speech or language impediments?

3 percent

Which of the following questions could be best answered by conducting a cross-cultural study?

What are the differences in study habits between European and Asian elementary school children?

Which of the following statements best describes the attribution of "locus"?

Whether the cause is internal or external

The current consensus on autism is that it is caused by:

abnormalities in brain structure and neurotransmitters.

Rudolph needs to calculate the volume of water in his fish tank. He remembers that there is a specific formula that can easily help him determine the volume of water. In this case, Rudolph is most likely using a(n) _____ to arrive at the right answer.


In the context of optimal experiences and flow, when students face a challenging task that they don't believe they have adequate skills to master, they experience _____.


Research by psychologist Donald Campbell and his colleagues suggests that people in all cultures have a tendency to:

believe that what happens in their own culture is "natural" and "correct."

In the context of optimal experiences and flow, when students' skills are high but an activity provides little challenge, the result is _____.


Multicultural education has its roots in the:

civil rights movement.

An educational strategy in which people with diverse expertise interact to establish competent services for children, increasingly used in the education of children with disabilities, is called:

collaborative teaming.

Sophia and Mark try to solve a math problem. Sophia tells Mark that there is only one method to solve the math problem. Mark disagrees and says that there are multiple ways to solve it. Sophia selects specific Internet group discussions and blogs that highlight the importance of the formula. She uses these websites to prove and support her point, but she completely disregards Mark's claim. This is an example of:

confirmation bias.

To better meet the needs of her ethnically diverse class, Mrs. Williams often gives her students opportunities to learn more about one another by conducting group activities. Her activities are infused with references to current events as well as historical and cultural information. In this case, Mrs. Williams is using _____ in her instructional approach.

culturally relevant teaching

The current controversy in math involves whether math should be taught using a cognitive approach or a computational approach. The cognitive approach emphasizes _____, whereas the computational approach emphasizes _____.

developing concepts; speed and automaticity

Apart from the economic characteristics, the _____ of an individual determine his or her socioeconomic status.

educational characteristics and occupational characteristics

Violet displays severe and constant problems with regard to the way she relates to other students. She is often aggressive and out of control. Violet also exhibits signs of depression that can last several weeks. Violet is most likely suffering from:

emotional and behavioral disorders.

Rodriquez tries to solve a math problem. He uses a formula that had worked for him in his previous math problems. He refuses to try out different methods or formulas to solve the problem and struggles to complete the math problem. This is an example of:


All of the following strategies reduce bias in classrooms except:

forbidding students from discussing their biases and prejudices.

Culture includes all of the following except:

intelligence quotients

John feels guilty because he didn't bother to study for a science test, and as a result, he did very poorly. In this example, John's poor performance was because of:

internal factors that John could have controlled.

The most common cause of cerebral palsy is:

lack of oxygen at birth.

In the context of receiving information and expressing thoughts, when a child has difficulty constructing a sentence and struggles to understand words correctly in a sentence, the child is most likely suffering from a(n):

language disorder.

Teachers can help students develop good metacognitive strategies for reading by encouraging them to:

overview text before reading.

Individualistic cultures value:

personal distinction.

Regular classroom teachers who work with children with disabilities should:

seek out training, support, and information about different types of disabilities.

Compared with schools in higher-income areas, schools in low-income areas are more likely to have:

smaller percentages of students attending college.

Heuristics are best described as strategies that:

suggest a solution to a problem but do not guarantee it.

Recent studies about adolescents' time use show all of the following except that:

the largest amount of U.S. adolescents' free time is spent in structured activities, like sports.

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