Ethics Evaluative Exam

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Which of the following situations/acts below is grounds for revocation of certificate of registration? A. A radiographer proven by court to have intentionally recorded one's private scandalous activities B. A radiographer who received gifts in a form of food by a well satisfied radiotherapy patient C. A radiographer who disobeyed the policies of the radiology department D. A radiographer proven by court to be innocent of a crime against public moral

A. A radiographer proven by court to have intentionally recorded one's private scandalous activities

In the practice of the profession, a radiographer should exercise own discretion and judgement by __. A. Acting with best interest B. Complicating the procedure C. Giving unprofessional advice D. Exaggerating possible outcome

A. Acting with best interest

To mitigate his liability for inflicting physical injury to another, an accused with a physical defect must prove that such defect restricted his freedom of action and understanding. This proof is NOT required where the physical defect consists of which of the following? A. Complete blindness B. A severed right and left hand C. Being deaf, mute and dumb D. Severed right leg

A. Complete blindness?

What is required before a person shall be deprived of life, liberty or property? A. Due process of law B. Observance of Equal protection of laws C. Non-payment of bail D. All the choices

A. Due process of law

It is defined as the state of stability between the systems and its environment. A. Equilibrium B. Systems analysis C. Open systems D. Behavioral science

A. Equilibrium

What type of authority is being described on the situation below? The implementation of hospital rules has been given as an assignment of the administrators to the department heads to supervisors to staff. A. Line authority B. Staff authority C. Functional Authority D. Job related authority

A. Line authority

In the hiring process, this stage is described as the process of locating and attracting qualified job applicants. A. Recruitment B. Perform job offer C. Selection D. Employment

A. Recruitment

He formed the very first organization of Philippine radiologic technologist in the 1950's A. Sgt. Gilberto Palomique B. Norberto A. Palomo C. Gregorio Gallardo D. Venancio Villanueva

A. Sgt. Gilberto Palomique

Radiographer Sam made a mistake by calling names to a patient whose very hard headed and aggressive while in an examination. This is the first time that Sam was reported to the chief technologist's office for an unaccepted behavior. What kind of action can be employed? A. Suspension B. Written warning C. Dismissal D. Trouble shooting

A. Suspension?

Sanction/injunction by the radiographer can result from which of the following? I. Conviction of a felony II. Failing to shield a patient III. Interpreting images and providing the patient w/ that info

2 and 3 only

Which of the following patient rights is violated by discussing privileged patient information with an individual who is not involved with the patient's care? I. The right to considerate and respectful care II. The right to privacy III. The right to continuity of care

2 only

The Board of Radiologic Technology is composed of which of the following? A. 3 radiologic technologists, 1 medical physicist, 1 radiologist B. 2 radiologic technologists, 1 medical physicist, 2 radiologists C. 2 radiologic technologists, 2 medical physicists, 1 radiologist D. 3 radiologic technologists, 2 radiologists

A. 3 radiologic technologists, 1 medical physicist, 1 radiologist

Based on the situation below, what type of manager is being described in accordance with the managerial grid model? Chief Technologist Matthew was regarded by his subordinates as the perfectionist type of manager, very thorough to work production but has less interaction to his radiographer. He is feared rather than respected by the Radiology department. A. Impoverished manager B. Authoritarian manager C. Status Quo manager D. Accommodating manager

B. Authoritarian manager

If the radiographer performed a lumbar spine examination on a patient who was supposed to have an elbow exam, which of the following charges may be brought against the radiographer? A. Assault B. Battery C. False Imprisonment D. Defamation

B. Battery

Which of the following legal phrases defines a circumstance in which both the health-care provider's and the patient's actions contributed to an injurious outcome? A. Intentional misconduct B. Contributory negligence C. Gross negligence D. None of the above

B. Contributory negligence

If a person was found to be guilty after due process, he/she is termed as a/n __. A. Acquitted B. Convicted C. Respondent D. Defendant

B. Convicted

Alpha, Bravo and Charlie quarreled with Delta while they were at the latter's house for a celebration. Enraged, Alpha repeatedly stabbed Delta while Brave and Charlie pinned down his arms. What aggravating circumstance if any attended the killing of Delta? A. Crime committed with fraud B. Crime committed with abuse of superior strength C. Crime committed with premeditation D. Crime committed with intoxication of the offender

B. Crime committed with abuse of superior strength

A crime resulting from negligence, reckless imprudence, lack of foresight or lack of skill is called as which of the following? A. Dolor B. Culpa C. Mitigating circumstances D. Justifying circumstances

B. Culpa

Which of the following statements below regarding "Management by Objective" is INCORRECT? A. It is a process of agreeing upon objectives within the organization B. Employees need not to be aware of the organization's objectives C. The success or failure of the company will depend upon the employees understanding of the company's mission D. Its principle includes cascading of organizational goals and objectives

B. Employees need not to be aware of the organization's objectives

Which of the following leadership behaviors establishes strong ties with employees and spends more time in actual supervision? A. Production-oriented manager B. Employees-oriented manager C. Initiating structure D. Consideration

B. Employees-oriented manager

The neglect or omission of reasonable care or caution in the context of a professional relationship is termed: A. Malfeasance B. Malpractice C. Misdemeanor D. Malapropism

B. Malpractice

Which of the following statements below regarding management is CORRECT? * 1/1 A. Management comprises of directing and controlling a group of one or more people without a goal. B. Management is working with and through people to accomplish a common mission C. Management is the future you envision to accomplish D. Management will only involve manipulation of human resources

B. Management is working with and through people to accomplish a common mission

RA 7431 is a law which duly certifies an individual for the title of radiologic technologist. RA 7431 is also known as the __. A. Republic Act of 7431 B. Radiologic Technology Act of 1992 C. Radiologic Technology Act of 7431 D. Republic Act of 1992

B. Radiologic Technology Act of 1992

Which term describes a branch of medicine, which deals with diagnostic & therapeutic application of radiant energy by the form of x-ray and gamma rays? A. X-ray technology B. Radiology C. Radiography D. Radiologic technology

B. Radiology

What is the title of Article 4 of the Code of Professional Ethics for Radiologic Technologist and X-ray Technologist? A. Relation with the state and society B. Relation to Agency C. Relationship with Patients/Clients D. Relation with other Allied Profession

B. Relation to Agency

Classification of a medical diagnostic x-ray facility that possess an x-ray machine with a minimum tube current of 100 mA. A. First level B. Second level C. Third level D. Specialized

B. Second level

Performance standards or guidelines used to measure progress toward the goals of the organizations are defined as __. A. employee evaluations B. feedback C. controlling D. the Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations guidelines

B. feedback?

The management function that charts a course of action for the future to enable coordinated and consistent fulfillment of goals and objectives is __. A. coordinating B. planning C. communicating D. setting goals

B. planning

Radiologic Technology Act of 1992 Section 30 effectivity clause states that this act shall take effect after its publication in any newspaper of general circulation in how many months/days? A. 5 days B. 20 days C. 1 month D. 2 months

C. 1 month

What is the minimum age requirement of the member of the Board of Radiologic Technology at the time of his appointment? A. 25 years old B. 35 years old C. 30 years old D. 40 years old

C. 30 years old

What should be the size of the x-ray department when the size and activity of the hospital is catering an average of 50-100 beds? A. 100 sq. meter B. 300 sq. meter C. 400 sq. meter D. 700 sq. meter

C. 400 sq. meter

It is a technique in collecting suggestions wherein the input and opinions of experts are solicited. A. Nominal grouping B. Brainstorming C. Delphi method D. Synectics

C. Delphi method

A limited operator innocently commits an error as a result of following the orders of his or her employer, a physician. The employer may be held responsible according to the __. A. Philippine Association of Radiologic Technologists, Inc. Code of Ethics B. Rule of professional responsibility C. Doctrine of respondeat superior D. Doctrine of non-compos mentis

C. Doctrine of respondeat superior

Which of the following conditions would be deemed MOST important when thinking of management success? A. Authority B. Resources C. Mission/Goal D. Responsibility

C. Mission/Goal

What legal doctrine requires the burden of proof to be on the defendant? A. Malpractice B. Respondeat superior C. Res ipsa loquitor D. Civil tort

C. Res ipsa loquitor

What is a branch or division of law which defines crimes, treats of their nature and provides for their punishments? A. Criminal law B. Medical radiology C. Revised Penal Code D. Radiologic Technology

C. Revised Penal Code

HR Apple was given the task to start aligning the pool of applicants to the qualifications listed by the organization. This hiring process is in what stage? A. Recruitment B. Job offer C. Selection D. Interview

C. Selection

Which of the following is defined as the duties that are necessary because of the nature of the system's products and services? A. Self-regulation B. Equilibrium C. Open systems D. Primary task

D. Primary task

What resolution is known as the Continuing Professional Development Program Guideline or the CPD Guidelines? A. Resolution No. 2013-477 Series of 2013 B. Resolution No. 2013-744 Series of 2013 C. Resolution No. 2013-747 Series of 2013 D. Resolution No. 2013-774 Series of 2013

D. Resolution No. 2013-774 Series of 2013

Which constitutional right protects a person against illegal search against illegal search of his person, house, paper and effects? A. Right to bail B. Right against self-incrimination C. Right against cruel and unusual punishment D. Right against unreasonable searches & seizures

D. Right against unreasonable searches & seizures

Mr. Matthew was arrested and placed under custodial investigation. He was not informed of his right to remain silent and to have competent counsel preferably of his own choice. What constitutional right of Mr. Matthew was violated? A. Political rights B. Civil rights C. Natural rights D. Rights of the Accused

D. Rights of the Accused?

What section of the RT Act provides the required rating to be able to pass the licensure examination? A. Section 19 B. Section 20 C. Section 21 D. Section 22

D. Section 22

Spoken defamation is which of the following? A. Chismiss B. Tabloid C. Libel D. Slander

D. Slander

The board of directors employs ______, who interacts with the medical staff to ensure coordination and quality of patient care and services. A. an insurance agent B. a radiology chairman C. a vice president of nursing D. a president or chief executive officer

D. a president or chief executive officer

Besides acquiring a strong knowledge of technical skills, a radiologic technology student should develop __. A. a broad range of procedural abilities B. referrals of patients from physicians C. skills in MRI, CT, ultrasonography, and nuclear medicine D. superior skills in interactive relationships

D. superior skills in interactive relationships?

Corporate culture is an important factor to consider leadership success. Which of the following below would correctly describe the term above? I. Corporate culture is the way things are being implemented in an organization II. Corporate culture includes the behavior & philosophy of a manager toward the employees III. Corporate Culture establishes an identity to the organization by inclusion of habits, traditions and social mores.

I and III only

Which of the following statements regarding Dangerous Drug Act is considered TRUE? I. Campus activities shall include a program for the prevention of dangerous drugs II. School curricula is will serve as a medium of instruction for the drug abuse prevention and control III. School heads are empowered to apprehend anyone whole violates of the provisions of the Dangerous Drug Act

I, II and III

In paying for the professional privilege, who among the choices below is considered exempted? I. Lawyers employed in the Court of Appeals II. Medical practitioners employed in a gov't hospital III. Police enforcers assigned in Calamba, Laguna

I, II and III only

A radiologic technologist can be found guilty of a tort in which of the following situations? I. Failure to shield a patient of childbearing age from unnecessary radiation II. Performing an examination on a patient who has refused the examination III. Discussing a patient's condition w/ a 3rd party

1, 2 and 3

Healthcare providers may disclose a patient's protected health information without a patient's consent to which of the following? A. Another physician providing care to the patient B. The patient's employer C. The patient's family D. The news media

A. Another physician providing care to the patient

Radiographer Kathlyn told her 6-year-old patient that she must hold still, or the exam will be repeated. This statement may result in which of the following? A. Assault charge B. Battery charge C. Charge of libel D. Charge of slander

A. Assault charge

What is the crime committed by a graduate of Radiologic Technology who practices rendering professional service as a radiologic technologist without having obtained a certificate of registration from the Board of Radiologic Technology? A. Illegal practice B. Maleficence C. Malpractice D. Negligence

A. Illegal practice

Emergency physician, Dr. Javier, requested for an esophagography examination of a patient with lodged medicine foil in his throat. To whom should Dr. Javier ask for a radiographic interpretation of the radiographs? A. Radiologist B. Radiographer C. Chief technologist D. Chief radiologist

A. Radiologist

A physician prescribed medication to a patient in which he is legally aware of the harmful effects. This problem is a violation of which of the following concept? A. Non-maleficence B. Truth telling C. Autonomy D. Conflict of interest

A. Non-maleficence

Considered to be as the Father of Radiologic Technology in the Philippines. A. Norberto Palomo B. Fortunato Gabon C. Gilberto Palomique D. Jose Gaffud

A. Norberto Palomo

What right is involved if an employee is terminated from work without just cause? A. Right to Life B. Right to Travel C. Right to Property D. Right to Liberty

A. Right to Life?

It is a management theory which attempts to apply a systematic or scientific approach to the study of organization. A. Scientific management B. Bureaucracy management C. Behavioral science D. Systems analysis

A. Scientific management

In which section of the Radiologic Technology Act of 1992 does it explain the grounds for removal for a board member? A. Section 11 B. Section 12 C. Section 13 D. Section 14

A. Section 11

The internal hospital committee that ensures safe operations for the facility for both patients and employers is the __. A. safety committee B. certificate of need C. hazardous chemical group D. radiation safety committee

A. safety committee

Which of the following would be a violation of patient confidentiality? A. A radiographer discusses a patient's existing pathology with a radiographer to get assistance in setting his technical factors B. A radiographer talks to his friend during lunch about a patient's imaging procedure C. A radiographer asks if a patient is pregnant before an acute abdominal series D. A transporter tells the radiographer that the patient complained of dizziness while riding in the wheelchair to the x-ray department

B. A radiographer talks to his friend during lunch about a patient's imaging procedure

How many articles are there in the Code of Ethics for Radiologic Technology? A. Four B. Five C. Six D. Seven

B. Five

How much is the maximum penalty imposed on an illegal practitioner of a Radiologic Technology profession as defined in section 26 of Radiologic Technology Act of 1992? A. P 30, 000.00 B. P 40, 000.00 C. P 50, 000.00 D. P 60, 000.00

B. P 40, 000.00

If a radiographer was found guilty of allowing his license to be rented by a clinic or any enterprise wherein, he is not an employee, what punishment can be given towards him/her? A. The radiographer will be fired from his/her currently employed hospital B. Penalty is for revocation of certificate of registration C. He will automatically be removed as a member of the professional organizations he/she is previously affiliated D. He will be sanctioned for moral punishment by the association of radiologic technologists

B. Penalty is for revocation of certificate of registration

Which of the following conditions would be needed to establish malpractice during a radiographic procedure? A. Due to negligence, a patient lost his money and some important belongings during the procedure B. Positioning a trauma patient during a radiographic procedure further dislocated his/her shoulder joint C. Injury to the patient occurred due to his inability to fully cooperate D. All of the above

B. Positioning a trauma patient during a radiographic procedure further dislocated his/her shoulder joint

Who is authorized to remove any member of the board due to dishonorable conduct? A. Secretary of the Professional Regulation Commission B. President of the Philippines C. President of Professional Association D. Commission on Appointment

B. President of the Philippines

It is a written order issued by the court that forces a witness to testify in a trial. A. Summon B. Subpoena C. Search Warrant D. Subpoena Duces Tecum

B. Subpoena

What is the technical and descriptive term for ordinary person to bring with him any books, documents or other things under his control conducted by competent authority for investigation? A. Subpoena ad Testificandum B. Subpoena duces tecum C. Subpoena prim aria D. Subpoena perpetua

B. Subpoena duces tecum

What component of situational favorable ness is being described below? Leader Masajo explains the instructions well to her members on how to follow the school's requirement. She makes sure that all members are knowledgeable that even when she's not around, they can finish their assigned work. A. Leader-Member Relations B. Task Structure C. Leader's Position Power D. All the above

B. Task Structure

The legal doctrine res ipsa locquitur means which of the following? A. Let the master answer. B. The thing speaks for itself. C. A thing or matter settled by justice. D. A matter settled by precedent.

B. The thing speaks for itself.

Which of the following is NOT an example of invasion of privacy? A. Violation of confidentiality, such as discussing the patient's case in public B. Unjustified restraint of the patient C. Improperly exposing the patient's body D. Improperly touching the patient's body

B. Unjustified restraint of the patient

A male teacher assigned his male student to individually report to class the measurement of their penis. This type of harassment falls under __. A. Visual Harassment B. Verbal Harassment C. Physical Harassment D. All the above

B. Verbal Harassment

If a person successfully burned down his own property, will he be charged for arson? A. No, because it is impossible for an individual to burn down his own house to commit a crime B. Yes, if the intention of committing arson was evidently manifested C. Maybe, it depends on the situation reason for committing arson D. No, as long as the committed act did not result to death as a consequence to arson

B. Yes, if the intention of committing arson was evidently manifested

What recruitment approach is being done when the HR personnel announces job vacancies using Facebook and Jobstreet? A. Sign-up bonus B. Employment agency C. Advertising D. Educational institution

C. Advertising

Which article from the Code of Professional Ethics for Radiologic Technologists and X-ray Technologist describes an RT's relationship with other Allied Profession? A. Article 1 B. Article 2 C. Article 3 D. Article 4

C. Article 3

If a radiographer performs an IVU on a patient who was supposed to have had a lumbar spine series, the radiographer may be charged with which of the following? A. Negligence B. Assault C. Battery D. Confidentiality breech

C. Battery

Minority is a privileged mitigating circumstance which operates to reduce the penalty by a degree where the child is __. A. 15 years and below acting without judgement B. Above 15 years but below 18 acting without judgement C. Below 18 years acting with judgement D. 18 years old at the time of the commission of the crime acting with judgement

C. Below 18 years acting with judgement

What is the requirement for the practice of Radiologic Technology as defined in section 15 of Radiologic Technology Act of 1992? A. Professional license issued by the PRC B. Continuing professional education units C. Certificate of registration issued by the BORT D. College diploma and Transcript of Records

C. Certificate of registration issued by the BORT

In the Blanchard and Hersey Model of Leadership, what style is provided when leaders provide information and direction, but there's more communication with followers? * 1/1 A. Delegating B. Supporting C. Coaching D. Directing

C. Coaching

Identify which of the following is an example of a system? * 1/1 A. A single cell B. An employee C. Hospital D. Crowd of people

C. Hospital

While in your care for a radiologic procedure, a patient asks to see his chart. Which of the following is the appropriate response? A. Inform the patient that the chart is for health-care providers to view, not the patient. B. Inform the patient that you do not know where the chart is. C. Inform the patient that he has the right to see his chart, but that he should request to view it with his physician, so that it is properly interpreted. D. Give the patient the chart and leave him alone for a few minutes to review it.

C. Inform the patient that he has the right to see his chart, but that he should request to view it with his physician, so that it is properly interpreted.

A hallucinogen is a substance that produces changes in perception, thought and feeling. Which of the following drugs is classified under hallucinogen? A. Opium B. Morphine C. Marijuana D. Amphetamines

C. Marijuana

Which of the following statement below regarding ethics is INVALID? A. It is the study of ethical principles B. Ethics can be used to determine good or bad conduct C. It is comprised of approved human acts that would permit a non-chaotic environment D. Ethics is a way to make clear why one act is considered better than the other

C. It is comprised of approved human acts that would permit a non-chaotic environment

Violation of a professional organization's formalized code of ethics would result to which of the following? A. It would lead to a prosecution in a court of law B. It will be ignored if one's membership dues in the organization are paid C. It will lead to expulsion from the organization D. None of the above

C. It will lead to expulsion from the organization

What is the minimum penalty for imprisonment from possession of paraphernalia for dangerous drugs? A. Four months and one day B. Five months and one day C. Six months and one day D. Seven months and one day

C. Six months and one day

Why is feedback mechanism important during the planning process? A. To make sure that the goals are being met B. To be able to set objectives C. To be able to better improve the planning process D. To identify the management target

C. To be able to better improve the planning process

The management function that involves the development of a structure or framework that identifies how people do their work is __ A. staffing B. planning C. organizing D. coordinating

C. organizing

It is a specific room in the x-ray department which holds the patients before and after exposure. A. Viewing room B. Exposure room C. Dressing room D. Waiting area

D. Waiting area

Respondeat superior means which of the following? A. "The thing speaks for itself" B. A radiographer has no need to carry malpractice insurance C. The reasonable and prudent person should make the decision D. "Let the master answer"

D. "Let the master answer"

Which of the following are areas of frequent litigation in Radiology? A. Patient Falls and Positioning Injuries B. Pregnancy C. Errors or delays in diagnosis D. All the above

D. All the above

Every CPD Council shall be composed of which of the following? A. Chairperson and 5 members B. Chairperson and 4 members C. Chairperson and 3 members D. Chairperson and 2 members

D. Chairperson and 2 members

A newly hired radiographer performed a Danelius-Miller examination for the first time. He was unsure whether the radiographic image was correct. To whom should s/he ask for verification? A. Radiologist B. Attending physician C. Full time radiographer D. Chief technologist

D. Chief technologist

Standards of correct behavior by professional groups are called __. A. Torts B. Morals C. Regulations D. Codes of ethics

D. Codes of ethics

A doctor refuses to divulge any information regarding his patient even under oath in court can be pointed out to which of the following ethical principle? A. Dignity B. Justice C. Informed consent D. Confidentiality

D. Confidentiality

Which of the following ethical concepts below would mean that even though an inappropriate behavior resulted to great benefits for a patient/group of people, it is still considered as unacceptable? A. Ulitarianism B. Autonomy C. Non-maleficent D. Deontology

D. Deontology

Which of the following statements below regarding leadership is INCORRECT? A. It is a process in which a person influences another to accomplish a common goal B. Leadership is the act of sharing responsibility to your followers C. Leadership as a responsibility is always equated with proper authority towards members D. Leadership does not encompass one's obligation to an individual

D. Leadership does not encompass one's obligation to an individual

A resume is a written compilation of your education, work experience, credentials and accomplishments. What type of resume is most applicable for an applicant with no employment history such as fresh graduates? A. Chronological B. Curriculum vitae C. Combination D. Functional

D. Functional

People of varied backgrounds are brought together as a trouble shooting team. This technique is called as __. A. Nominal grouping B. Brainstorming C. Delphi method D. Synectics

D. Synectics

What type of management theory exist in this situation? ABC Company, a manufacturer of x-ray equipments has been selling analog x-ray machines for over 30 years. Since there is the introduction of digital imaging came into the Philippines, the ABC wanted to adapt to this change. After large investment for upgrading their system and protocols, ABC Company finally adapted and even became one of the leading sellers of digital imaging systems in the Philippines. A. Scientific management B. Bureaucracy management C. Behavioral science D. Systems analysis

D. Systems analysis

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