Exam 1

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suppose the government has already produced 4 units of the public good. the amount individual B is willing coulentaritly to pay for the fourth unit is


which of the following statements is correct

the parity ratio had generally declined over the past five decades

corss elasticity of demand measures how sensitive purchases of a specific product are to changes in

the price of some other product

a firm's supply curve is upsloping because

the production costs of additional units of output will rise with increase in production, thereby requiring product price to go up

which of the following statements best describes the parity concept that used to justify subsidies in the agricultural sector

the production of a given output entitles the producer to the same real income over time

it takes a considerable amount of time to increase the production of pork. This implies that

the short run supply curve for pork is less elastic than the long run supply curve for pork

important quotas on sugar may cost sugar consumers $2 billion per year. but this quota goes unchallenged because the $10 average annual cost per person is so small that probably not one voter in 200 knows the quota exits. this statement describes

the special interest effect

buyers will opt out of markets in which

there is inadequate information about sellers and their products.

which one of the following expressions best states the idea of opportunity cost

there is no such thing as free lunch

in part as a result of the US government's ethanol program, between 2005 and 2012 the inflation adjusted price of bushel of corn


in a free market economy, a product which entails a positive externality will ten to be


Refer to the diagram where Price of agricultural products is measured along the vertical axis. If farmers produce a normal crop of Qn, their gross income

will be 0PnNQn

if the prices paid by farmers increase and the prices received by farmers decrease then the parity ration

will necessarily decrease

which of the following statements is true

Microeconomics focuses on specific decision-making units of the economy; macroeconomics examines the economy as a whole.

which of the following is a determinant of supply

Product taxes and subsidies

which of the following is the best example of a supply side market failure

a firm keeps its production costs down by dumping its waste in the nearby river, adversely affecting water quality for residents in the area

the main determinant of elasticity of supply is the

amount of time the producer has to adjust inputs in response to a price change

which of the following will cause a decrease in market equilibrium price and an increase in equilibrium quantity

an increase in supply

an economist for a bicycle company predicts that, other things equal, a rise in consumer incomes will increase the demand for bicycles. This prediction assumes that

bicycles are normal goods

farm programs such as those of the united state and the european union

cause a misallocation of agricultural resources internationally

if a firms demand for labor is elastic, a union-negotiated wage will

cause the firms total payroll expenses to decline

which of the following is a labor resource

computer programmer

A shift to the right in the demand curve for product A can be most reasonably explained by saying that

consumer preferences have changed in favor of A so that they now want to buy more at each possible rate

the difference between the maximum price a consumer is willing to pay for a product and the actual price the consumer pays is called

consumer surplus

the demand for a product is inelastic with respect to price if

consumers are largely unresponsive to a per unit price change

when an economist says that the demand for a product has increased, this means that

consumers are now willing to purchase more of this product at each possible price

if the supply of product X is perfectly elastic, an increase in the demand for it will incrase

equilibrium quantity, but equlibrium price will be uncahnged

refer to the diagram for the corn market. What effect will a price support of B have on the gross income of farmers

gross income will increase from 0 AJH to 0 BCG

in the demand curve for what is price inelastic, then total farm income from wheat will be

higher in years of low yields and lower in years of high yields

the price elasticty of demand coefficient measures

how strongly buyers change their consumption of a product due to a change on its price

which of the following illustrates the basic idea of "parity" as a cornerstone of the us agricultural policy

if a bushel of corn exchanged for a pair of pants at a previous time, the dame rate of exchange should prevail today

which of the following is correct

if demand is elastic, a decrease in price will increase total revenue

a market price is referred to as the equilibrium price

if the amount producers want to sell is equal to the amount consumers want to buy at that price

which of the following statements is correct

if the demand for agricultural products is inelastic, a relatively small decrease in supply will increase gross farm incomes

you should decide to go to a movie

if the marginal benefit of the movie exceeds its marginal cost.

the demand for agricultural products rises less rapidly than income. this means that the demand for agricultural products is

income inelastic

since 1950 us farm exports have

increased as a percentage of us farm output

the reason for the long run decline of the agricultural industry is that the

increases in the demand for farm products have been less that the increase in the supply of farm products

where there is asymmetric information between buyers and sellers

markets can produce inefficient outcomes

irving tiller received an insurance payment because his wheat crop sold for a price below an established threshold. Under the agricultural act of 2014, tiller received payment under

price loss coverage

which of the following has been an effect to the US government's ethanol program

prices for beef, pork, and chicken have rise

the market system does not produce public goods because

private firms cannot stop consumers who are unwilling to pay for such goods from benefiting from them

according to the coase theorem

private individuals can often negotiate their own resolution of externality problems, without the need for government intervention

market failure is said to occur whenever

private markets do not allocate resources in the most economically desirable way

the law of supply indicates that, other things equal

producers will offer more of a product at high prices than at low prices

the supply curve shows the relationship between

product price and quantity supplied of the product

the formula for cross elasticity of demand is percentage change in

quantity demanded of X/percentage change in price of Y

the demand schedules for such products as eggs, bread, and electricity tend to be

realitivly price inelastic

the demand for agricultural products is

relatively inelastic with respect to price

The demand for a luxury good whose purchase would exhaust a big portion of one's income is

relatively price elastic

refer to the diagram for the corn market. as the result of a supported corn price of B

a surplus of LG will result

Refer to the diagram, in which S is the market supply curve and S 1 is a supply curve comprising all costs of production, including external costs. Assume that the number of people affected by these external costs is large. Without government interference, this market will reach

an over allocation of resources to this product

refer to the diagram for the corn market. assuming no externalities, a price support of B causes

an over allocation of resources to this product

a cap and trade program

assigns a property right to polluting the atmosphere

professional buyers of antiques often have more information about the value of antique objects than do the sellers. this illustrates

asymmetric information

assume in a competitive market that price is initially above the equilibrium level. We can predict that price will

decrease, quantity demanded will increase, and quantity supplied will decrease

People enjoy outdoor holiday lighting displays and would be willing to pay to see these displays but can't be made to pay. Because those who put up lights are unable to charge others to view them, they don't put up as many lights as people would like. This is an example of a

demand side market failure

in 2015, farmer lactose dairy farm lost money. under the agricultural act of 2014 dairy margin protection program, which of the following events would have triggered payments to farmer lactose

either the price of milk falling too low of the price of feed rising too high

movie theaters charge lower prices to see a movie in the afternoon than in the evening because there is an

elastic demand to see movies in the afternoon

Assume in a competitive market that price is initially below the equilibrium level. We can predict that price will

increase, quantity demanded will decrease, and quantity supplied will increase

if the price elasticity of demand for a product is unity, a decrease in price will

increase the quantity demanded, but total revenue will be unchanged

if the demand for product X is inelastic, a 4 pecent decrease in the price of X will

increase the quantity of X demanded by less than 4 percent

Charlie is willing to pay $10 for a T-shirt that is priced at $9. If Charlie buys the T-shirt, then his consumer surplus is


between 2002 and 2011, US farmers received yearly direct subsidies from the federal government averaging about

$20 billion

for plan D marginal costs and marginal benefits are

$28,000 and $12,000 respectively

refer to the above table. In this market, the equilibrium price and quantity will be

$5 and 7 units

a demand curve

indicates the quantity demanded at each price in a series of prices.

Gigantic State University raises tuition for the purpose of increasing its revenue so that more faculty can be hired. GSU is assuming that the demand for education at GSU is


the parity ratio

is the ratio of prices received by farmers to prices paid by farmers

we would expect the cross elasticity of demand between pepsi and coke to be

positive, indicating subsitute goods

in which of the following instances will the toal revenue of a firm decline

price rises and demand is elastci

which of the following statements about the agriculture price policy is correct

price supports induce an over allocation of resources to farm products

Acreage allotment programs were designed to

reduce the supply of agricultural products

public choice theory would suggest that the lobbing of congress by farm organizations for legislation that would increase the appropriations for the US government fo rargriucultral programs is an example of

rent seeking behavior

farm groups spend considerable amounts of money to maintain an denlarge political support for farm subsidies. this illustrates

rent-seeking activity

the price elasticity of supply measures how

responsive the quantity supplied of X is to changes in the price of X

An effective price ceiling will

result in a product shortage.

An effective price floor on wheat will

result in a surplus of wheat.

market failures

result in overproduction of underproduction of a good

refer to the above table. if demand decreased by 4 units at each price, what would the new equilibrium price and quantity be

$3 and 5 unit

Refer to the table. If the economy is producing at production alternative C, the opportunity cost of producing 3 additional units of consumer goods will be

1 unit of capital goods

Suppose that as the price of Y falls from $2.00 to $1.90 the quantity of Y demanded increases from 110 to 118. Then the price elasticity of demand is


it is estimated that the price elasticity coefficient for farm products is 0.2. therefore, in order for consumers to increase their purchases of farm products by 10 percent, the prices of these products would have to fall

50 percent

if in a certain year the indices of prices received and paid by farmers were 115 and 142 respectively, the parity ratio (in percentage terms) would be


If the demand curve for product B shifts to the right as the price of product A declines, then

A and B are complementary goods

suppose the income elasticity of demand for toys is +2.00. This means that

a 10 percent increase in income will increase the purchase of toys by 20 percent

In the past few years, the demand for donuts has greatly increased. This increase in demand might best be explained by

a change in buyer tastes

the economic perspective entails

a comparison of marginal benefits and marginal costs in decision making

measured in terms of farm employment and the number of farms, agriculture in the US has been

a declinin gindustry

suppose that a firm has pricing "pricing power" and can segregate its market into two distinct groups based on differences in elasticity of demand. The firm might charge

a higher price to the group that has the less elastic demand

a bumper crop (good harvest) of farm products causes

a large decline in the price of farm products because the demand for farm products is price inelastic

an extraordinarily small crop of farm products due to drought causes

a large increase in the price of farm products because the demand for farm products is inelastic

pigovian taxes

are used to correct negative externalities

darcy and rachel live down the hall from each other in the same dorm. darcy likes to play her music loudly down the hall, and rachel finds the music annoying. a coase theorem solution for this problem would be for

darcy and rachel to negotiate a mutually agreeable level of volume and/or selection of music

Kara was out jogging and despite being tired, decided to run one more mile. Based on her actions, economists would conclude that Kara

decided that the marginal benefit of running one more mile would outweigh the cost of the additional mile

over the past several decades, farm employment in the US has

declined both absolutely and as a percentage of total employment

farm sahare of the us national output has

declined fro about 7 percent in 1950 to about 1 percent today

demand side market failures occur when

demand curves don't reflects consumers full willingness to pay for a good or service

a significant reason that increases in demand for agricultural products have been relatively small is because increases in the

incomes of the US consumers result in less than proportionate increases in their spending on agricultural products

In the following question you are asked to determine, other things equal, the effects of a given change in a determinant of demand or supply for product X upon (1) the demand ( D) for, or supply ( S) of, X; (2) the equilibrium price ( P) of X; and (3) the equilibrium quantity ( Q) of X. if X is a normal good, and increase in income will

increase D, increase P, and increase Q

if the goverment tighetns up on drug dealers and raises the costs of delaing iliigal drugs, then the drug addicts dollar expenditures to feed thier addiction will tend to

increase beacuse thier demand is price- inelastic

if the demand for bacon is relatively price elastic, a 10 percent decline in the price of bacon will

increase the amount demanded by more than 10 percent

the food stamp program is designed to

increase the demand for farm products

if the absolute value of price elasticity of demand for a product is 2.5, then a price cut from $2.00 to $1.80 will

increase the quantity demanded by about 25 percent

sellers will opt out of markets in which

information about buyers is inadequate, and some buyers can impose high costs on the sellers

a market

is an institution that brings together buyers and sellers

at the optimal quantity of a public good

marginal benefit equals marginal cost

microsoft charges a substantially lower price for a software upgrade than for the initial purchase of the software. this implies that microsoft views the demand curve for the software upgrade to be

more elastic than the demand for the original software

assume that a 4 percent increase in income across the economy produces an 8 percent increase in the quantity demanded of good X. The coefficient of income elasticity of demand is

postive, and therefore X is a normal good

if a good that generates positive externalities was produced and priced to take into account these spillover benefits then it s

price and output would increase

the demand curve shows the relationship between

price and quantity demanded

the law of demand states that, other things equal

price and quantity demanded are inversely related

In this market, economists would call a government-set maximum price of $40 a

price ceiling

in this market, economists would call a government set minimum price of $50 a

price floor

an improvement in production technology will

shift the supply curve to the right

which of the following is a capital resource

software used by a firm

in 2007, the price of oil increased, which in turn caused the price of natural gas to rise. This can best be explained by saying that oil and natural gas are

substitute goods, and the higher price for oil increased the demand for natural gas

an increase in the excise tax on cigarettes raises the price of cigarettes by shifting

supply curve for the cigarettes leftward

if a firm finds that it can sell $13,000 worht of a product when its price is $5 per unit and $11,000 worth of it when its price is $6, then

the dmand for the prodcuct is elastic in the $6-$5 price rance

because of the free rider problem

the market demand for a public good is nonexistent or understand

the collective willingness of this society to pay for the second unit of this public good is


refer to the above table. if supply decreased by 2 units at each price, what woul dhte new new equilibrium price be

$6 and 6 units

a consumers weekly income is $300, and the consumer buys 5 bars of chocolate per week. When income icreases to $330, the consumer buys 6 bars per week. The income elasticity of demand for chocolate by this consumer is about


if the marginal cost of producing this good at the optimal quantity is $4, the optimal quantity must be

3 units

If this good were a private good instead of a public one, the total quantity demanded at a $3 market price would be

4 units

the supply of product X is elastic if the price of X rises by

5 percent and quantity supplied rises by 7 percent

suppose a firm offers its workers a cafeteria plan in which it allows workers to allocate a set amount of fringe benefit money toward specific insurance. Mary who has five kids needing braces, selects the family dental coverage. this is an example of the

adverse selection problem

the misallocation of resources associated with price supports

affects both domestic and foreign economies

Suppose an economist says that "Other things equal, the lower the price of bananas, the greater the amount of bananas purchased." This statement indicates that

all factors other than the price of bananas (for example, consumer tastes and incomes) are assumed to be constant

which of the following is an example of market failure

all of these

refer to the graph of the market for wheat. the government adopts. price support program for what and supports the wheat price at P2. The area of Q1ABQ2 would measure the

amount government will pay to wheat farmers

a recent study found that an increase in the federal tax on beer (which would increase the price of beer) would reduce the demand for marijuana. based on this information we can conclude that

beer and marijuana are complementary goods

black markets are associated with

ceiling prices and the resulting product shortages.

cost benefit analysis attempts to

compare the benefits and cost associated with any economic project or activity

In the following question you are asked to determine, other things equal, the effects of a given change in a determinant of demand or supply for product X upon (1) the demand ( D) for, or supply ( S) of, X; (2) the equilibrium price ( P) of X; and (3) the equilibrium quantity ( Q) of X. An increase in the prices of resources used to produce X will

decrease S, increase P, and decrease Q

if the parity ratio goes from 0.8 to 0.7, it means that the prices received by farmers had

fallen by 12.5 percent relative to the prices they paid

which of the following is an example of negative externality

falling property values in a neighborhood where a factory is emitting smoke in the atmosphere

refer to the diagram. If output changes fro a poor crop Qp to a bumper crop Qb

farm incomes will decrease

Which type of goods is most adversely affected by recessions?

goods for which the income elasticity coefficient is relatively high and positive

in a cap and trade program

government fixes the maximum amount of pollutant that firms can discharge and issues permits that firms can buy from and sell to each other

a price floor means that

government is imposing a minimum legal price that is typically above the equilibrium price.

If demand for a product is price elastic, the absoulute value of the price elasticity

greater than one

the demand for agricultural products

has a price elasticity coefficient of about 0.20 to 0.25

unlike a private good a public good

has benefits available to all including non payers

because government price supports cause surplus agricultural production, government policies have been designed to

increase demand and decrease supply of farm products

if turnips are an example of an inferior good, then a decrease in the demand for turnips could happen due to

increase in consumer incomes

with a fixed level of farm production, a increase in demand for a corp (shown by rightward shift of the demand curve) will cause a

large drop in price if demand is quite inelastic

suppose that the price of product X rises by 20 percent and the quantity supplied of X increases by 15 percent. The coefficient of price elasticity of supply for good X is

less than 1, and therefore supply is inelastic

farm employment in the united states amount to about what percentage of the total employment in 2015

less than 2 percent

the economizing problem is one of deciding how to make the best use of

limited resources to satisfy virtually unlimited wants

when economists say that people act rationally in their self-interest, they mean that individuals

look for and pursue opportunities to increase their utility

if the demand for an agricultural product is inelastic, a bumper crop will

lower price and decrease total revenues

the equilibrium price and quantity in a market usually produce allocative efficiency because

marginal benefit and marginal cost are equal at that point

one consequence of the long-run problem faced by farms has been a

massive exit of workers from agricultural to other sectors of the economy

if an economy is operating on its production possibilities curve for consumer goods and capital goods, this means that

more consumer goods can only be produced at the cost of fewer capital goods

suppose that a 20 percent increase in the price of good Y causes a 10 percent decline in the quantity demanded of normal good X. The coefficient of cross elasticity of demand is

negative, and therefore these goods are complements

we would epect the cross elasticity of demand between dress shirts and ties to be

negative, indicating complementary goods

if one persons consumption of a good does not preclude others consumption the good is said to be

nonrival in consumption

the two main characteristics of a public good are

nonrivalry and nonexcludability

The demand for most products varies directly with changes in consumer incomes. Such products are known as:

normal goods

Joe sold gold coins for $1,000 that he bought a year ago for $1,000. He says, "At least I didn't lose any money on my financial investment." His economist friend points out that in effect he did lose money because he could have received a 3 percent return on the $1,000 if he had bought a bank certificate of deposit instead of the coins. The economist's analysis in this case incorporates the idea of

opportunity costs

wehn producers do not have to pay the full cost of producing a product, they tend to

overproduce the product because of a supply side market failure

there is an adverse selection problem in the market for used cars because

owners of poor quality cars have a strong incentive to sell their cars, which owners with high high quality used cars have more incentive to keep their cars

refer to the diagram for the corn market. As a consequence of a price support of B, consumers will

pay a higher price, B rather than A, for the product

the basic formula for the price elasticity of demand coefficient is

percentage change in quantity demanded/percentage change in price

a demand curve that is parallel to the horizontal (quantity) axis is

perfectly elastic

a firm can sell as much as it wants at a constantprice. demand is thus

perfectly elastic and and absolute price elasticity will be very large

if quantity demanded is completely unresponsive to price changes (as for gasoline) demand is

perfectly inealstic and absolute price elasticity will equal zero

a straight line demand curve that is completely vertical to the horizontal (quantity) axis is

perfectly inelastic

refer to the table. over the $6-$4 price range, supply is

perfectly inelastic

on the basis of cost benefit analysis government should undertake

plan B

Assume that a 6 percent increase in income in the economy produces a 3 percent increase in the quantity demanded of good X. The coefficient of income elasticity of demand is

positive, and therefore X is a normal good

if the income elastity of demand for store brand macaroni and chees is -3.00, this means that

store brand macaroni and cheese is an inferior good

if some activity (e.g. Research & Development) creates external benefits as well as private benefits, the economic theory suggests that the activity ought to be


supply side market failures occur when

supply curves don't reflect the full cost of producing a good or service

what two conditions must hold for a competitive market to produce efficient outcomes

supply curves must reflect all costs of production and demand curves must reflect consumers full willingness to play

the main reason for the high rice of antiques is taht

supply is realitivly inelastic and demand increases over time

of government set a minimum price of $50 in the market, a

surplus of 21 units would occur

Refer to the diagram, in which S is the market supply curve and S 1 is a supply curve comprising all costs of production, including external costs. Assume that the number of people affected by these external costs is large. If the government wishes to establish an optimal allocation of resources in this market, it should

tax producers so that the market supply curve shifts leftward

If a firm can sell 3,000 units of product A at $10 per unit and 5,000 at $8, then

the absolute price elasticity of demand is 1.15

a positive externality or spillover benefit occurs when

the benefits associated with a product exceed those accruing to people who consume it

suppose that a large tree on betty's property is blocking chucks view of the lake below. betty accepts chucks offer to pay betty $100 for the right to cut down the tree. this situation describes

the coase theorem

we would expect

the demand for Coca-Cola to be more price elastic than the demand for soft drinks in general.

suppose the price of peanuts falls from $3 to $2 per bushel and that, as a result, the total revenue received by peanut farmers goes down from $16 to $14 billion. thus

the demand for peanuts is inelastic

the elasticity of demand for a product is likely to be greater

the greater the amount of time over which buyers adjust to a price change

which statement best characterizes the long run decline the the agricultural industry

the growth in the supply of farm products has exceeded the growth in the demand for such products, causing falling farm product prices and falling farm income

which of the following best describes the short run problem faced by farms

the highly inelastic nature of agricultural demand, together with fluctuation in exports of farm goods, has caused small year-to-year fluctuation in farm output to result in highly unstable farm incomes

an incrase in demand will increase equilibrium price to a greater extent

the less elastic the supply curve

consumer surplus arises in a market because

the market price is below what some consumers are willing to pay for the product

a production possibilities curve shows

the maximum amounts of two goods that can be produced assuming the full use of available resources.

because the federal government typically provides disaster relief to farmers, many farmers do not buy crop insurance even though it is federally subsidized. this illustrates

the moral hazard problem

which of the following best describes the main problem faved by farms in the long run

the supply of farm products has increased relative to the demand for the, and, because demand is inelastic, farm prices and incomes have therefore declined

suppose that mcih and cher are the only two members of society and are willing to pay $10 and $8, respectively, for the third unit of a public good. Also, assume that the marginal cost of the third unit is $17. We can conclude that

the third unit should be produced

a negative or spillover cost occurs when

the total cost of producing a good exceeds the costs borne by the producer

Productive efficiency refers to

the use of the least-cost method of production

as it applies to insurance, the adverse selection problem is the tendency for

those most likely to collect on insurance to buy it

As it applies to insurance, the moral hazard problem is the tendency for

those who buy insurance to take less precaution in avoiding the insured risk

which of the following goods will least likely suffer a decline in demand during a recession


economists consider governments to be wasteful

whenever they over or underallocate resources to a project

suppose the supply of product X is perfectly inelastic. If there is an increase in the demand for this product, equilibrium price

will increase, but equilibrium quantity will be unchanged

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