Exam 1

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Which of the following is NOT a method to reduce your public speaking anxiety?

compare your speech with your fellow students

Communication apprehension (CA) refers to:

fear or anxiety experienced by a person due to real or imagined communication with another person or persons

Cultures that place great value on family, duty, order, and hierarchy are considered ____________.


Marcus shows great respect and devotion to his extended family. He feels that it is his duty to take care of them and make sure that they have security as they get older. It is likely that Marcus comes from a(n) __________.

collectivistic culture

When communicators adapt their speech to fit in with others they are adopting the strategy of ____________.


Instead of focusing on the speaker in positive ways, ____________ focus on themselves and their interests.

conversational narcissists

Speakers who wear businesslike attire are perceived as being more ____________.


Communication competence refers to the knowledge of ___________ patterns.

effective and appropriate

____________ evidence is supporting material that evokes fear, anger, pride, sympathy, or reverence in the audience.


Which of the following options is considered to be the ideal number of main points in a formal outline?


According to the Science of Persuasion video, which is an example of consensus?

A hotel leaving a sign to reuse towels in the bathroom

Based on the idea of reciprocity in persuasion, which is an example of this?

A pharmaceutical rep giving gifts to doctors before pitching a new drug.

Which of the following speech subjects would be best organized in a topic pattern?

A plan with different consequences for each of several well-known groups

Which of the following speech subjects would be best organized in a spatial pattern?

A report on events that affected specific geographical areas

Which of the following is an example of privilege?


Levels of communication competence include:

All of these

The NCA notes that developing communication competence in speaking and listening will help college students in what areas?

All of these

According to the Science of Persuasion video, which is not a shortcut of persuasion?


According to the Cults video, which type of leadership do the leaders in the video represent?


According to the article, What Great Listeners Actually Do, which of the following is NOT an example of the difference between an average listener and a great listener?

Being able to repeat what others have said, word-for-word

The quote, "In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends" by MLK Jr. embodies which approach?


According to the Passive-Aggressive article, all but which of the following are tactics to dealing with a passive-aggressive person?

Call them out in front of other people where they can't lie

According to the Persuasive Speaking Organization video, a major difference in your persuasive speech from your informative speech is what?

Call to action

According to most structured problem-solving approaches developed in the last century, which of the following steps should be the first task of a problem-solving group?

Determine the group's goals

Carlos usually spends a lot of time surfing. He values the time he has in the ocean alone with his thoughts and the waves. It's something he really feels like he needs. He recently met a very exciting woman named Amy. He is thrilled by the time they spend together, but he feels surfing, a significant part of his identity, is now being neglected. What type of tension is he most likely feeling?

Connection vs. Autonomy

_________ refers to the believability of a speaker.


Which of the following strategies is least likely to discourage the effects of groupthink?

Discouraging all forms of conflict between group members

According to the article, "Our Evolving Multi-Gender Society,' which of the following is NOT a country that allows a category of indeterminate sex for birth certificates?


Which of the statements below best encapsulates self-fulfilling prophecy?

Expecting a positive outcome causes you to engage in actions, behavior, or thoughts that influence a positive outcome.

Which major historical event occurred and opened Rick Steve's eyes to ethnocentrism?

First moon landing

According to the Win-Win podcast, a great strategy for starting a hard conversation is which of the following?

Frame it in a positive way

According to the reading, which men's movement is characterized by seeking to restore the macho and independent image of men in culture?

Free men

According to the Empathy article, which of the following is something you should say to a grieving person?

I am thinking of you and wishing you strength through this difficult time

According to the NYT Listening article, which listening technique is defined by pretending you're doing improv, and that you can only react in the moment to what the other person is saying, rather than planning out the next three steps in the conversation.

Improv approach

According to the Win-Win podcast, what is the difference between arguing and conflict resolution?

In arguing, it's all about winning

Which of the following best describes a characteristic of effective self-disclosure?

In most cases it is not a good idea to disclose your deepest secrets to new contacts.

Which is not an area of study in Communication Studies?


According to the Conflict with Friends article, it is wise to choose a more public place, like a park or restaurant or coffee shop because:

It is likely to keep the conversation more genial and less likely to result in strong emotional responses, whether it would be raised voices or tearful outbursts.

According to the article, "Ethos, Pathos and Logos,' how can you improve your pathos

Match what you're saying with your body language, face and eyes. People often mirror emotions so by matching your body language with your words you increase the chances of triggering the desired emotions.

Luis' speech is about methods of stress reduction. He's a little nervous. So, right before giving his speech, Luis says to himself, "I'm glad I have a chance to educate my audience about stress reduction. I am really knowledgeable about this topic, and I hope my audience will use these methods to reduce their own stress." Luis is trying to manage his communication apprehension by ____________.

Keeping a positive attitude

According to the reading, ' Women smile more often than men and Caucasian women do this more than African-American women. This is an example of which nonverbal code?


Which of the following is NOT a way to reduce Public Speaking Anxiety?

Look at your note card and read off of it

According to the Passive-Aggressive article, which of the following does passive-aggressive behavior NOT look like?

Lying often

According to the Passive-Aggressive article, passive aggression can lead to more conflict and intimacy (Links to an external site.) issues, because:

Many people struggle to have a direct and honest conversation about the problem at hand.

Communicators who want to set themselves apart from others adopt the strategy of ____________


According to the NYT Listening article, one way to clear your mind and practice being a better listener is to think of listening as what?


According to the reading, numerous studies have shown that there are many more sexual terms used for women than men. For example, one study found that there were 220 terms for sexually promiscuous women and 22 similar terms for men. This is an example of which aspect of the negative bias towards women?

Naming Men and Women

Which cultural group is mentioned in this chapter as an example of monochronic use of time?

North American

According to the reading which of the following is not a key difference in the terms 'sex' and 'gender?'

One has to do with intercourse between people

How do online support groups differ from face-to-face supportive encounters?

Online support groups allow anonymous self-disclosure.

According to the reading, 'women tend to use more listening noises or back-channeling. Such noises are "mmm," "ah," and "oh" and are often accompanied by nodding the head. Often they mean, "I am listening and following what you are saying. Keep going." This is an example of which nonverbal code?


The video called, 'What does love sound like?' discusses which of the nonverbal codes?


According to the reading, 'males typically have access to greater space. In the homes of many heterosexual couples, the father has a den and a garage that was for his use only. Mothers are often limited to shared space such as the kitchen and living areas. Not only is there a lack of private space, but also the tasks associated with each (cooking in the kitchen) are work as opposed to the hobbies that take place in the garage (rebuilding cars). This is an example of which nonverbal code?


According to the lecture, which concept is also known as The Looking Glass Self?

Reflected Appraisal

The podcast, "Often It's Not What You Say But How You Say It,' discusses an example of accent changing over time through which prominent person in history?

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Which of the following is true about the self?

Self is a social product arising out of experiences with people and our perceptions about others' behavior.

Individualistic cultures value __________.


Which statement best captures the connection between self-concept and communication?

Self-concept shapes communication and is affected by one's response to communication.

According to the Working in Group video, you should assign tasks in a group according to what?


According to the Win-Win podcast, a good technique to defuse a charged argument is to:

Take a time-out and come back when you are calm

For which of the following situations would empathetic listening be the most effective listening strategy?

Talking with a parent about their health issues

According to the Ethos, Pathos and Logos article, how can you improve your ethos during the speech?

Tell personal stories that show the audience that you follow your own recommendations because they are more likely to believe you on other points that cannot easily be confirmed.

Which is the most true of love languages?

The best way to express a love language to a partner is in the love language he or she prefers.

According to the article, which of the following is NOT a way in which the English language demonstrates a positive bias toward the masculine and a negative bias toward the feminine?

The gender pay gap

According to the NPR podcast on nonverbals, what does it indicate when an individual raises their shoulder when answering a question?

They are not confident

The video in your reading explains privilege by using what analogy?

Throwing trash in a basket

According to the Conflict Article, which of the following is NOT a ground rule for fighting fair?

Use YOU instead of I language

According to the lecture, Direct Definitions have an impact on us because:

We are too young to think critically for ourselves

According to the reading, feminism is a socio-political and philosophical position about the relationships between all of the following except what?


According to the NYT Listening article, when you do talk, you should be honest with yourself about what's really motivating you to say what you're about to say. There is a useful acronym to keep in mind when you're talking to someone: W.A.I.T. It stands for what?

Why Am I Talking?

According to the reading, what is a basic belief in Liberal Feminism?

Women and men are alike in important ways and should receive equal treatment.

It is likely to keep the conversation more genial and less likely to result in strong emotional responses, whether it would be raised voices or tearful outbursts.

Yelling and arguing often

According to the reading, 'Abstract vs. Concrete Language' People who experience power due to their role in social hierarchies speak more ______ than those who lack power in their everyday experiences


According to the Violence and Language video, 'gender issues' are issues which should effect whom?

all people

In the Ramy clip, Ramy references bias in the media and says even the common expression _______ is tied to vicious things, meaning hurtful stereotypes.

allah 'akbar

A democratic leader ___________

allows members to be involved in determining the direction of various projects

Which leadership style relies on legitimate, coercive, and reward power to influence others?


According to the Violence and Language video, which approach should we utilize to change the way others communicate in a hurtful or negative way?


The study of how humans use and structure time is called __________.


Rebecca arrives at a local dealership to buy a new car. Right away, the salesperson takes her around the lot and shows her several new models. Rebecca listens intently to the salesperson's pitch for each car. However, she questions whether the salesperson really knows what he's talking about and if he is sincerely interested in helping her. In this instance, Rebecca is engaged in _______

critical listening

According to research, satisfaction is high in teams led by which kind of leader?


Communicators seek important but inherently incompatible goals throughout virtually all of their relationships. The conflicts that arise when two opposing or incompatible forces exist simultaneously are called ____________.

dialectical tensions

Michael and Brooke are visiting France for the first time. While they enjoy visiting the museums and historical sites, they can't help but criticize the people and their culture. They specifically wished that more people would speak English and were troubled by the strangeness of French cuisine. Michael and Brooke's behavior best exemplifies __________.


According to the ! video, 73% of all exclamation points were made by ____ and only 27% were made by ____.

females, males

Using the term firefighter rather than fireman is an example of ____________ language.

gender neutral

The collection of rules, roles, and attitudes endorsed by overall society is defined as ________

generalized other

A group's collective striving for unanimity that discourages realistic appraisals of alternatives to its chosen decision is called __________


The study of touch is called ________


Leticia asks Lourdes for her help with a case she is working on. Lourdes does not have the time to help Leticia but does not want to offend her by saying no. Instead, she suggests that her coworker, Belinda, may be interested in learning more about the case Leticia is working on. Based on her response, Lourdes most likely comes from a _________.

high-context culture

A diverse group of children happily play together in the park. They all recognize that they speak different languages and come from different ethnic backgrounds. This interaction is an example of __________.

intercultural communication

Based on the NPR podcast, retired FBI Special Agent Joe Navarro is an expert in which nonverbal code?


Samantha is the project manager. However, she has decided to allow her team members to work under their own direction without interference. Which leadership style is Samantha using?


The style in which the leader gives up the power to dictate, transforming the group into a leaderless collection of equals, is called __________.

laissez-faire leadership

Competent intercultural interaction will be difficult if the communicator is not __________.


____________ is the process of motivating someone, through communication, to change a particular belief, attitude, or behavior


Graduate, lead, and produce are all words whose meaning may vary as a result of inconsistent ____________ rules.


____________ govern how words sound when pronounced.

phonological rules

Cultures that allow for flexible schedules in which multiple tasks are pursued at the same time are said to be __________.


Which of the following characteristics is a quality of nonvocal nonverbal communication?


The study of the way people and animals use space is called ____________.


The first panelist speaks so slowly that the audience's attention begins to wander. The second panelist speaks so quickly that people can't understand all of her points. The issue with both speakers is one of ____________.


A critical listener should ____________.

recognize the difference between fact and opintion

Developing an image of ourselves from the way we think others view us is known as __________.

reflected appraisal

A person's self-concept is a set of ________

relatively stable perceptions of ourselves

____________ is the process of deliberately revealing information about oneself that is significant and that would not normally be known by others.


Math is your weakest subject. On the first day of college algebra, you tell the student next to you, "I bet I'll get a D in this course." At the end of the semester you get a D. This result could be an example of __________.

self-fulfilling prophecy

When a person's expectations of an outcome, and subsequent behavior, cause the outcome to occur, it is called __________.

self-fulfilling prophecy

James is great at talking to his peers but is not so skillful when communicating with authority figures. This illustrates how communication competence is ____________.


A ____________ pattern organizes a speech by arranging points according to their physical location.


___________ govern the arrangement or sequence of language.

syntactic rules

Reflective thinking" refers to __________

systematic and structured problem solving

____________ credibility is acquired after a speaker has finished a speech.


According to the lecture, an example of the Generalized Other might be:

the sissy boy experiment

Which of the following provides the central idea of the speech?

thesis statement

Which of the following characteristics is a quality of vocal nonverbal communication?

tone of voice

The first language we learn as infants is ________


Men and women who do not feel that their biological sex adequately describes them would most likely identify as ____________.


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