Exam 2: Ch 13/14 Zoology

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"Glue" cells in ctenophores are function in catching small animals are called _______

Eating insufficiently cooked pork

. How could you become infected with adult tapeworms? a. Eating insufficiently cooked pork b. Being bitten by a mosquito c. Ingesting eggs in contaminated water d. Eating freshly peeled fruit e. All of these are correct

small trigger on cell stimulated --> rapid increase in osmotic pressure --> nematocyst discharges violently, exploding out of cell & releases long, hollow, threadlike filament, driving its barbs and poison into flesh of victim

Explain the mechanism of nematocyst discharge.

It is an advantage for them because they approach their environment from all sides equally.

Explain the utility of radial symmetry for sessile and free-floating animals.

Flagella drive fluid through tubules

In flame cells, a. Flagella drive fluid through tubules b. Digestion of proteins takes place c. Excretion of proteins is one important function d. The heat is intense e. None of the choices are correct

endoparaiste & Digenean

The blood fluke Schistosoma is an a. endoparasite & a Monogenean b. endoparasite & a Digenean c. ectoparasite & a Digenean d. ectoparasite & a Monogenean e. None of the choices are correct


The body wall of hydra consists of an outer epidermis & inner gastrodermis with _______ between them.


The class of radial animals containing freshwater species in ________


The morphological type of cnidarian adapted to a sedentary or sessile life is the polyp, and the type best adapted for floating or free-swimming existence is the _______

Attach the cnidarian to the substrate

Throughout most cnidarian groups, the basal or pedal disc serves to a. Be the base of the tentacles b. Attach the cnidarian to the substrate c. Generate buds d. Perform extracellular digestion e. Harbor sensory cells


What are two cestodes for which humans can serve as intermediate hosts?


Which of the following is NOT a class of the Phylum Platyhelminthes? a. Cestoda b. Trematoda c. Nemertea d. Turbellaria e. Monogenea


Which of the following is NOT a cnidarian? a. Corals b. Planaria c. Sea anemones d. Hydrozoa e. Portuguese man-o-war


a small organ of balance and orientation in some aquatic invertebrates, consisting of a sensory vesicle or cell containing statoliths.


reproductive polyp


shelflike extension of the subumbrellar edge in cubozoans


side where the mouth is


(root-like) base that attaches the colonial polyp to a substrate


A distinguishing characteristic of cubozoan medusae is the presence of flattened blades called ______ at the base of the tentacles

Swimming or wading in infected water, where the cercariae enter the skin

A farmer in a rice paddy in Asia becomes infected with the liver fluke by a. Eating infected snails b. Drinking water contaminated with eggs c. Eating infected undercooked or uncooked fish d. None of the choices are correct e. Swimming or wading in infected water, where the cercariae enter the skin

Epitheliomuscular cells in the epidermis

A hydra moves by a. Nematocysts b. Expelling water from the gastrovascular cavity c. Contraction of the nerve net d. Epitheliomuscular cells in the epidermis e. Epitheliomuscular fibers in the mesoglea

Both; it has a feeding response to certain chemicals such as glutathione & asparagine, & they respond to vibrations that match the frequency of prey

A living anemone must detect non-living debris that floats by from potential food that also move past it. How does it detect the difference? a. It responds to anything with DNA as living b. They respond to vibrations that match the frequency of prey. c. It has a feeding response to certain chemicals such as glutathione and asparagine d. Both: it has a feeding response to certain chemicals such as glutathione & asparagine, & they respond to vibrations that match the frequency of prey. e. They merely sample everything that moves & discard the inorganic debris

Scraping&sucking food particles via a proboscis

A planarian feeds by a. Attaching with a sucker & extracting blood b. Scraping & sucking food particles via a proboscis c. Engulfing food particles through an anterior mouth & excreting waste via an anus d. Soaking all nutrients from the environment through its thin epidermal surface e. Sucking nutrients in from the environment through its flame cell system


A unit containing statocysts for balance, ocelli for light sensitivity, and simple eyes with lenses in certain jellyfish.

Aceolomate & tripoblastic

Animals with three well-defined germ layers & that have one solid mass of tissue rather than tissues & organs nestled inside a fluid filled body cavity are a. Acoelomate & triploblastic b. Eucoelomate & diploblastic c. Pseudocoelomate & triploblastic d. Quasicoelomate & diploblastic e. Coelomate & triploblastic

Clonorchis: Eating metacercariae in raw fish, Eastern Asia, cirrhosis of the liver and death. Schistosomiasis: Cercariae in water penetrate skin, mainly Africa, severe dysentery, anemia, liver enlargement, bladder inflammation, and brain damage

Answer the following questions with respect to both Clonorchis and Schistosoma: (a) how do humans become infected

The turbellarian nervous system includes a primitive brainlike structure in the head region, called a ganglion. This ganglion is formed by the thickening of the anterior part of the ventral nerve cords. The head region also has specialized sensory organs, which are more complex in turbellarians than in other flatworms. Trematodes: Have a more simplistic system without specialized cells, since most of the work is done by simple sensory organs. Cestodes: The majority of the nerves are in the cerebral ganglion inside its scolex, and all movement and sensory actions depend on the number of nerves in scolex.

Briefly describe the osmoregulatory system, the nervous system, and the sense organs of turbellarians, trematodes, and cestodes.


Cnidaria; Hydrazoa- Obelia The hollow living tubes of the upright branching individuals of a colony.

Shallow marine

Cnidarians are found most abundantly in which of the following habitats? a. Shallow marine b. Freshwater c. Deep ocean d. Estuary e. None of these are correct

The Life cycle of monogeneans is direct, with a single host. The eggs hatch to produce a ciliated larva, called an oncomiracidium bears hooks on its posterior by which it attaches to its host. These hooks later become the hooks on the large posterior attachment organ (opisthaptor) of the adult. Digeneans, on the other hand have a complex life cycle with two host. The first (Intermediate) host is a mollusc and the definitive host ( the host in which sexual reproduction occurs; also called final host) is a vertebrate.

Contrast a typical life cycle of a monogenean with that of a digenetic trematode.

Triclad: Tail and head end seperate into two different organisms. can regenerate into different parts Trematodes: Asexual reproduction occurs in the intermediate host which is usually a snail. Cestodes: Asexual reproduction in cestodes is rare but will generally happen in the larval stage.

Contrast asexual reproduction in triclad turbellarians, Trematoda, and Cestoda.

Hex- can secrete a calcite skeleton can also have hydro static skeleton Alcyonarian(oct)- have an internal skeleton secreted by mesoglea and polyps with eight tentacles and eight mesentaries

Contrast the skeletons of hexacorallian and alcyonarian corals

Corals require warmth, light, and the salinity of undiluted seawater. They have mutualistic dinoflaettes living in their tissues, through photosynthesis, provide food for the coral.

Coral reefs generally are limited in geographic distribution to shallow marine waters. How do you explain this observation?


Ctenophores are propelled by eight plates bearing long, fused ________


Ctenophores capture food by a. Nematocysts b. Collenchyme. c. Colloblasts d. Comb plates e. Statocysts

Turbellarians do not have a tegument but have a cellular, ciliated epidermis resting on a basement membrane In contrast to the cellular epidermis of most Turbellarians, adult members of Cestoda, Trematoda nad Monogenea have a nonciliated body covering called a Syncytial tegument.

Describe and contrast the tegument of most turbellarians and the other classes of platyhelminths.

the have bilateral symmetry with cephalization. They have a pharynx that extends posteriorly and eye spots at the anterior end beside the auricles

Describe the body plan of a typical turbellarian.

Both extracellular and intracellular

Digestion in hydra is a. Intracellular only b. Extracellular only. c. Both extracellular & intracellular d. Neither extracellular nor intracellular e. None of the choices are correct

Polyp attached to something; sessile; asexual repro Medusa is free swimming; actually looks like jelly fish; sexual repro

Distinguish between polyp and medusa forms.

Portuguese man-of-war

Give an example of a highly polymorphic, floating, colonial hydrozoan.

They have separate male & female individuals, the male is larger

How are schistosomes unique, compared to other trematodes? a. At no stage in their life cycle do they leave the body of the host b. Infections are easy to cure by drugs & surgery c. They strike the rich & the poor, educated & ignorant, alike d. All species must cycle through humans to survive e. They have separate male & female individuals, the male is larger

they use their ciliated comb plates to propel themselves forward and they obtain food by using their tentacles

How do ctenophores swim, and how do they obtain food?

The polyp body wall can produce ovaries & testes that make sperm and eggs

How does Hydra reproduce sexually? a. Separate male polyps & female polyps produce sperm & eggs, respectively, that fuse & grow into a medusa b. The medusa stages are male & female & the fertilized eggs develop into planula larvae that become Hydra polyps. c. The polyp body wall can produce both ovaries & testes that make sperm and eggs d. Hydra sperm fertilize an egg in the body wall & this starts the growth of a bud e. Hydra do not reproduce sexually since they lost the sexual medusa stage

poorly cooked beef

Humans become infected with Taenia saginatus when they eat a. poorly cooked fish b. poorly cooked pork c. poorly cooked beef d. unwashed salads e. All of these are correct

Eating infected crabs of crayfish

Humans become infected with lung flukes by a. Eating infected fish b. Eating infected crabs or crayfish c. Drinking water contaminated with eggs d. Wading in infected waters e. Eating undercooked pork


Hydra reproduces asexually by a. Buds b. Nematocysts c. Gland cells d. Gametes e. Gastrozooids


If an individual turbellarian contains organs of both sexes, it is termed _____________ or hermaphroditic.

Cysticercosis may occur with resulting blindness or death

If eggs or proglottids of the pork tapeworm are ingested, a. A hydatid cyst may form b. Cysticercosis may occur with resulting blindness or death c. Nothing will form since we have to contract pork tapeworm from eating undercooked pork d. We may contract more pork tapeworms hanging in our intestine e. None of these are correct

Disorientation or swimming in a haphazard manner

If you removed the statocyst from a ctenophore, the most likely symptom would be a. They would sting other ctenophores b. Disorientation or swimming in a haphazard manner c. Inability to expel wastes d. Prevention of respiration e. Lack of reproduction

Cilia drive fluids through

In flame cells, a. Light is detected b. Ciliated sperm are stored c. Undigested food is expelled d. Slow fires actually burn food for energy e. Cilia drive fluids through tubules for excretion

b. free living c. ectoparasitic a. endoparasitic a. endoparasitic

Match the terms in the right column with the classes in the left column: a. Endoparasitic b. Free-living and commensal c. Ectoparasitic _____ Turbellaria _____ Monogenea _____ Trematoda _____ Cestoda

Scyphomedusae vs Hydromedysae

Medusae of class Scyphozoa are often called scyphomedusae, whereas those of class Hydrozoa are hydromedusae. Hydromedusae differ from scyphomedusae by the presence of a velum, a shelflike fold of tissue from the bottom of the bell that extends into the bell


Most monogeneans are external parasites of ____________.

*Class Hydrozoa Genus: Hydra, Obelia, and Gonionemus, and Physalia - Colonial jellies; velum in medusa; medusae produced by lateral budding * ClassScyphozoa Genus: Aurelia - Bell/cup jellies; strobilation - asexual reproduction via division of the body into segments * Class Cubozoa Genus: Chironex - Box jellies; boxlike medusa; four evenly spaced tentacle clusters; complex, well developed eyes * Class Anthozoa Genus: Metridium - Flower animals; no medusa stage; reproduce by budding; hexaradia

Name and distinguish the taxonomic classes in phylum Cnidaria.

Formed and used only by Cnidaria although a few other organisms may "steal" them

Nematocysts are a. Widespread among the animal kingdom but first developed by Cnidaria b. None of these are correct c. First found in sponges, most highly developed in cnidarians, but still found as remnants in some higher groups d. Actually free-living symbionts that are most usually taken up by cnidarians, as are many green algae e. Formed and used only by Cnidaria although a few other organisms may "steal" them

Internal hydrostatic pressure increases when water enters due to osmotic pressure inside

Nematocysts are expelled when the a. Osmotic pressure reaches 140 atmospheres b. Hydrostatic pressure exceeds the osmotic pressure. c. Internal hydrostatic pressure increases when water enters due to osmotic pressure inside d. Cnidocil stimulates the cnidocyte to decrease hydrostatic pressure & increase osmotic pressure e. None of the choices are correct


Nematocysts are stinging organells contained inside cells called _________

medusa stage

Sea anemones and corals lack a(n) a. sexual stage b. asexual stage c. polyp stage d. medusa stage e. None of these are correct

Perisarc (Obelia)

Sheath covering the stalk and branches of a hydroid


Since flatworms lack a coelom or a pseudocoel, they are termed __________ animals.

(reef building corals) and coralline algae.

Specifically, what kinds of organisms are most important in deposition of calcium carbonate on coral reefs?


Taenia solium is a dangerous tapeworm because humans can serve as its ______________ host.

Polyp, medusa

The ___ stage is best adapted for cnidarians living in colonies while the __ stage helps in dispersal & survival in open oceans. a. gastrozooid, dactylozooid b. Lappet, rhopalium c. Medusa, polyp d. Polyp, medusa e. Dactylozooid, gastrozooid

The Portuguese man-of-war

The class Hydrozoa contains Hydra, Obelia, and a. The Portuguese man-of-war b. Aurelia c. The sea anemones d. Most of the corals e. None of the choices are correct


The class of radiate animals with the most conspicuous medusa stage is a. Hydrozoa. b. Scyphozoa c. Anthozoa d. Ctenophora e. Cubozoa

planula, scyphistoma, ephyra

The correct sequence in the life cycle of the jellyfish Aurelia is a. planula, ephyra, scyphistoma b. scyphistoma, planula, ephyra c. planula, scyphistoma, ephyra d. ephyra, planula, scyphistoma e. None of these are correct

Egg, miracidium, sporocyst, cercaria

The correct sequence of development in a typical fluke life cycle is a. Egg, miracidium, cercaria, sporocyst b. Egg, miracidium, sporocyst, cercaria c. Egg, sporocyst, cercaria, miracidium d. Egg, cercaria, miracidium, sporocyst e. Egg, sporocyst, miracidium, cercaria

One of the longest records, with fossils going back over 700 million years

The fossil record of Cnidaria is a. About the same as for other primitive animals, beginning in the Cambrian b. Relatively sparse since their bodies are so soft that they leave no skeleton to fossilize. c. One of the longest records, with fossils going back over 700 million years d. Sporadic since the marine environment is not a good substrate to preserve fossils e. Very recent since most of them have symbiotic relationships with advanced animals such as clown fish


The free-swimming, ciliated stage that hatches from a digenetic trematode egg is the _____________.


The function of the rhopalium is a. Digestive b. Respiratory c. Food capture d. Sensory e. Reproductive

to form water currents into the gastrovascular cavity

The function of the siphonoglyph is a. To form water currents into the gastrovascular cavity b. To sting the prey c. To aid in swimming d. Maintain balance or orientation e. Reproduction


The holdfast of a tapeworm is its _______________.


The intermediate host of the blood fluke is a a. Crayfish b. Human c. Snail d. Dog e. None of the choices are correct


The long chain of bags of eggs, which hang behind the head of a tapeworm, is called a a. Strobila b. Cercariae c. Sporocysts d. Scolex e. Hydatid

Acontia thre

The long thread-like structures that to help overcome prey & provide defense in sea anemones are called __________


The main reproductive body "segment" of the cestode is called the ____________.

Are mostly ectoparasites

The monogenetic flukes a. Are mostly ectoparasites b. Are usually found in rabbits c. Require an intermediate and a definitive host d. All of these are correct e. None of these are correct


The name of the free-swimming, ciliated stage that hatches from a trematode egg is the a. Miracidium b. Sporocyst c. Cercaria d. Scolex e. Proglottid

a simple brain of ganglion cells leading to a ladder-type nerve network

The nervous system of a freshwater planarian consists of a. A diffuse subepidermal nerve plexus underneath the ventral skin b. The first complex central nervous system c. Only sensory & motor neurons, but no association neurons d. A simple brain of ganglion cells leading to a ladder-type nerve network e. No cells since they were lost along with other unnecessary systems in parasites


The presence of ameboid cells and fibers in the mesoglea, as well as lack of a velum, would indicate that a medusa was in the class a. Hydrozoa b. Scyphozoa c. Anthozoa d. Ctenophora e. Cubozoa

Germinative zone

The region just behind the scolex where new proglottids are differentiated is the a. Vitellaria b. Pilidium c. Strobila d. Hydatid e. Germinative zone


The region used for attachment of a tapeworm is called the a. Proglottid b. Cercaria c. Sporocyst d. Scolex e. Hydatid


The small organs of equilibrium in scyphozoan jellyfishes are called ______, these are found in more complex sense organs called rhopalium

Like nettles

The term "cnidaria" is based on the root words meaning a. Stuck in one place b. Middle glue c. Little spear d. Thread bladder e. Like nettles

2 germ layers (ectoderm and endoderm)

The traditional view of cnidarians relative to germ layers is that cnidaria possess a. Only 1 germ layer, the ectoderm, that differentiates into 2 tissue layers b. 2 germ layers, ectoderm & mesoderm c. 2 germ layers, endoderm & mesoderm d. 2 germ layers, ectoderm & endoderm e. Definitely all three germ layers including the mesoglea as it is derived from ectoderm

All of these are correct

The unique feature(s) of a cnidarian nervous system is/are a. Vesicles with neurotransmitters are located on both sides of the synapse b. Nerve impulses are transmitted in both directions across a network of nerves c. Cnidarian nerves lack any myelin sheath on the axons d. All of these are correct e. None of these are correct


Tissues that seem to violate cell theory because the nuclei are NOT separated by cell membranes are a. Parenchymal b. Syncytial c. Tegumental d. Rhabdites e. Vitellaria

Acontia threads

To help overcome prey, some sea anemones have ____________ with nematocysts and gland cells that protrude through the mouth or pores. a. Acontia threads b. Siphonoglyphs c. Pedal lacerations d. Strobila e. Pneumatophores


Trematodes have a body covering known as a ______________.


Turbellarians have light sensitive organs called _______________ or eyespots.

Secreting a slime track of mucus & pushing against it with epidermal cilia & muscular waves

Turbellarians, such as the planaria, move by a. Flame cells b. Small pseudopodia c. Lateral undulation of muscles d. Expulsion of fluids as seen in squid e. Secreting a slime track of mucus & pushing against it with epidermal cilia & muscular waves


Water in the gastrovascular cavity serves as a _______ skeleton

eight rows of comb-like plates of cilia used for locomotion, have epidermal glue cells on ends of tentacles called colloblasts

What characteristics of Ctenophora are most important in distinguishing it from other phyla?

They are sessile, radial symmetry, production of nematocysts Cnidocytes - Modified interstitial cells that hold the nematocysts (stinger) Radial polyp form.

What characteristics of phylum Cnidaria are most important in distinguishing it from other phyla?

The cnidarian nerve nets are peculiar in that many of the synapses have vesicles of neurotransmitters on both sides, allowing transmission across the synapse in either direction. Another peculiarity of cnidarian nerves is the absence of any sheathing material (myelin) on the axons

What is an unusual feature of the nervous network of cnidarians?

hydrostatic skeleton- hard coral skeleton

Which association of anthozoan traits is NOT correct? a. Hexamerous—parts in multiples of six b. Octomerous—parts in multiples of eight c. Coupled—septa matched across gastrovascular cavity d. Hydrostatic skeleton—hard coral secretions e. Pedal laceration—small pieces break off and regenerate new anemones

Schistosoma japonicum—mild infections, never fatal

Which is NOT a correct association of blood flukes? a. Schistosoma mansoni—veins of large intestine b. Schistosoma japonicum—veins of small intestine c. Schistosoma haematobium—veins of urinary bladder d. Schistosoma haematobium—least serious e. Schistosoma japonicum—mild infections, never fatal

Ephyrae- a major stage of cubozoans between polyps and medusa

Which of the following associations of cubozoan traits is NOT correct? a. Velarium—the subumbrellar edge turns inward b. Pedalium—a flat, tough blade at the base of each tentacle c. Ephyrae—a major stage of cubozoans between polyps & medusa d. Medusae—in cross section, almost square e. None of the choices are correct

Cnidocil- poison gland

Which of the following is NOT a correct association? a. Nematocyst—stinging organelle b. Operculum—lid covering the capsule containing the coiled thread c. Cnidoblast—a developing cnidocyte d. Cnidocil—poison gland e. Hydrostatic pressure—pressure inside capsule that forces the nematocyst out

Cnidaria are the first animals to develop a cental nervous system

Which of the following is NOT a correct description of cnidarian nervous tissues? a. Hydrozoan medusae have ring nerves b. Scyphozoan medusae have marginal sense organs c. The nerve net synapses with both the nematocysts & the epitheliomuscular cells d. Scyphozoa have both a fast conducting & a slow conducting system to coordinate movements e. Cnidaria are the first animals to develop a central nervous system

The rudimentary circulatory system has a small central heart

Which of the following statements about planaria is NOT true? a. The rudimentary circulatory system has a small central heart b. Planaria cut in half regenerate to form two complete worms c. Movement occurs through ciliary cells & muscle movement d. Cephalization consists of a brain & sense organs in a head region e. Tissue levels include endoderm (inner), mesoderm (middle), & ectoderm (outer)

Planaria ingest food through a mouth located in the anterior region

Which of the following statements is NOT correct? a. Planaria lack a unique larval stage b. Planaria ingest food through a mouth located in the anterior region c. Flukes have two suckers by which they attach to host tissues d. Tapeworms have a scolex with hooks and suckers, by which they attach to the host's intestinal tissues e. Tapeworms enter the human body through undercooked meat, especially pork, which contains encysted larva

The body plan is tube-within-a-tube, with a distinct mouth & anus

Which statement about Cnidaria is NOT true? a. Reproduction is both sexual & asexual b. Some forms are sessile & others are motile c. They live in either marine or freshwater environments d. Tentacles are used to capture prey & put it into the mouth e. The body plan is tube-within-a-tube, with a distinct mouth & anus

Because the cysticerci may encyst in the central nervous system, where great damage may result. Intermediate is where eggs are eaten and larva hatches. Because humans can act as a host for these cysts.

Why is Taenia solium a more dangerous infection than Taenia saginata?

They have the ability to grow and reproduce and to move freely.

Why is bilateral symmetry of adaptive value for actively motile animals?


a membrane or membranous structure, typically covering another structure or partly obscuring an opening, in particular.


feeding polyp


flattened blade at the base of the tentacles in cubozoan medusae


saucer like buds


saucerlike buds on the scyphistoma which develop into jellyfish


sea anemones, hard corals, hexamerous symmetry, tentacles in several rows around oral disc


soft / horny corals, sea fans, sea pens, octomerous symmetry, tentacles in 1 row around oral disc


stalks or stems of a hydroid colony, the parts between the hydrorhiza and the hydranths.


the polyp form of a scyphozoan

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