Exam 2 Review

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Factoring Attack on RSA-Export Keys (FREAK) is an example of a software vulnerability.


SLS/TLS cannot provide irrefutability


A worm does not need to be activated by a user for it to replicate itself.


Exploit kits are often rented or sold as a commercial product.


Accessing data without authorization on Dropbox is an example of which of the following?

cloud security issue

Which of the following is the most important tool in establishing a relationship with the customer?

company website

Google's AdSense is an example of which of the following?

context advertising

Which dimension(s) of security is spoofing a threat to?

integrity and authenticity

All of the following are "traditional" online marketing tools except:

social marketing.

Which of the following is not a practice that degrades the results and usefulness of search engines?

social search

Shellshock is an example of which of the following?

software vulnerability

All of the following statements about cookies are true except:

the data typically stored in cookies includes a unique ID and e-mail address.

What is the most frequent cause of stolen credit cards and card information today?

the hacking and looting of corporate servers storing credit card information

All of the following are fixed price strategies except:

yield management.

Around ________% of households in the United States have broadband access to the Internet.


Online buyers constitute approximately ________% of the online Internet audience.


In 2016, what was the approximate Internet penetration rate for individuals with less than a high-school education?


Which of the following features of e-commerce technology allows fine-grained, highly detailed information on consumers' real-time behavior to be gathered and analyzed?

information density

Which of the following is not one of the main stages of the online purchasing process?


Which of the following statements about a free pricing strategy is false?

The free pricing strategy was born in the early days of the Web.

Which of the following statements about Canada's anti-spam law is not true?

The law has no impact on companies located within the United States.

Evidence suggests real-time customer chat increases the dollar value of transactions.


In the early years of e-commerce, prior to 2000, single, white, young college-educated males with high income dominated the Internet in terms of percentage of Internet usage.


Lead generation marketing firms specialize in inbound marketing.


There is a finite number of Bitcoins that can be created.


The richness made possible by e-commerce technologies does which of the following?

It allows video, audio, and text to be integrated into a single marketing message and consuming experience.

Which of the following is the most common protocol for securing a digital channel of communication?


Which of the following is not true about search engine advertising?

Search engine advertising is the fastest growing type of online advertising.

Which of the following was designed to cripple Iranian nuclear centrifuges?


CryptoLocker is an example of ransomware.


Bundling is the process of selling two or more products together for a price that is less than the sum of the two product's individual prices.


Consumers tend to look at native ads more frequently than display ads.


A web beacon is:

a tiny graphics file embedded in an e-mail or web page.

Bitcoins are an example of

digital cash.

A ________ is a hardware or software component that acts as a filter to prevent unwanted packets from entering a network.


Ad blockers operate in a manner similar to which of the following?


Which of the following is the leading cause of data breaches?


Which of the following is an automated, auction-based method for matching supply and demand for online display ads?

programmatic advertising

All of the following statements about public key cryptography are true except:

public key cryptography ensures authentication of the sender.

Which of the following industries accounts for the highest percentage of spending on online advertising?


Which of the following forms of online advertising is expected to grow the fastest between 2016 and 2020?

rich media

Symmetric key cryptography is also known as:

secret key cryptography.

Conficker is an example of a:


Which of the following statements is not true?

Apple's Touch ID stores a user's actual fingerprint.

All of the following are prominent hacktivist groups except:

Avid Life.

For a website that has 1 million visitors a month, and where, on average, a visitor makes five page requests per visit, there will be ________ entries in the transaction log each month.

5 million

The percentage of all e-mail that is spam averaged around ________% in 2016.


The Data Encryption Standard uses a(n) ________-bit key


The attack on Dyn, Twitter, Amazon, and other major organizations in October 2016, is an example of which of the following?

DDoS attack

All of the following are methods of securing channels of communication except:


Which of the following would you use as a framework for working with your company's big data sets?


Why is it difficult to accurately estimate the actual amount of cybercrime?

In part, because many companies are hesitant to report it due to the fear of losing customers' trust. & It may be difficult to quantify the actual dollar amount of the loss.

Which of the following is not a major trend in e-commerce payments in 2016-2017?

Mobile retail payment volume decreases.

Which of the following is a set of short-range wireless technologies used to share information among devices within about two inches of each other?


Which of the following statements about native advertising is not true?

Native advertising is a new form of advertising found only online.

Which of the following is not one of the four main methods advertisers use to behaviorally target ads?

Nielsen ratings

________ refers to the ability to ensure that e-commerce participants do not deny their online actions.


All of the following statements about PKI are true except:

PKI guarantees that the verifying computer of the merchant is secure.

Google introduced ________ to its search algorithm to weed out low-quality sites from search results.


What is the first step in developing an e-commerce security plan?

Perform a risk assessment.

Spoofing a website is a threat to the integrity of the website.


The easiest and least expensive way to prevent threats to system integrity is to install anti-virus software.


Typically, the more security measures added to an e-commerce site, the slower and more difficult it becomes to use.


Which of the following statements is not true?

The Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act was strongly supported by most large technology companies and privacy advocates.

Online traffic is driven by offline brands and shopping.


PayPal is the most popular alternative payment method in the United States.


Research has found that most ad impressions served across display advertising platforms are not viewable.


Research shows that the two most important factors shaping the decision to purchase online are utility and trust.


________ is the current standard used to protect Wi-Fi networks.


In 2016, Yahoo revealed that it had experienced which of the following?

a high-profile data breach

Amazon's Associates program is an example of which of the following?

affiliate marketing

To allow lower-level employees access to the corporate network while preventing them from accessing private human resources documents, you would use:

an authorization management system.

Angler is an example of:

an exploit kit.

Which of the following dimensions of e-commerce security does not involve encryption?


A fingerprint scan is an example of which of the following?


An intrusion detection system can perform all of the following functions except:

blocking suspicious activity.

According to Ponemon Institute's 2015 survey, which of the following was not among the causes of the costliest cybercrimes?


All of the following are limitations of the existing online credit card payment system except:

cost to consumers.

The Nike iD program is an example of which of the following marketing techniques?

customer co-production

Which of the following is not an example of an access control?

digital signatures

Malware that comes with a downloaded file requested by a user is called a:

drive-by download.

Which of the following is not an example of a PUP?

drive-by download.

Proxy servers are also known as:

dual home systems.

Which of the following online advertising formats involved the least amount of spending in 2016?


In modeling online consumer behavior, the concept of "consumer skills" refers to the:

knowledge consumers have about how to conduct online transactions.

The overall rate of online credit card fraud is ________ of all online card transactions

less than 1%

The incremental cost of building the next unit of a good is called the:

marginal cost.

In 2015, online bill payment accounted for ________ of all bill payments, while paper checks accounted for ________.

more than 50%; less than 20%

Which of the following is not a primary source of ad fraud?

native advertising that is displayed on a social media site

All of the following are among those most frequently affected by ad-blocking except:

online retailers.

PayPal is an example of a(n):

online stored value payment system.

All of the following are used for authentication except:

packet filters.

Automatically redirecting a web link to a different address is an example of:


Confidentiality is sometimes confused with


Software that is used to obtain private user information such as a user's keystrokes or copies of e-mail is referred to as:


A digital certificate contains all of the following except the:

subject's private key.

All the following statements about symmetric key cryptography are true except:

symmetric key cryptography is computationally slower

Which of the following features of e-commerce technology has reduced the cost of delivering marketing messages and receiving feedback from users?

universal standards

Which of the following involves getting customers to pass along a company's marketing message to friends, family, and colleagues?

viral marketing

Linden Dollars, created for use in Second Life, are an example of:

virtual currency.

All of the following statements about Apple Pay are true except which of the following?

Apple Pay is subject to recent regulations issued by the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection applicable to GPR transactions.

________ refers to the ability to identify the person or entity with whom you are dealing on the Internet.


________ refers to the ability to ensure that an e-commerce site continues to function as intended.


All of the following are examples of social/mobile peer-to- peer payment systems except:

Bill Me Later.

All of the following experienced high-profile data breaches in 2015 except:


Which of the following statements is not true?

A VPN uses a dedicated secure line.

________ is not an example of malicious code.

A sniffer

Which of the following has the Internet Advertising Bureau urged advertisers to abandon?

Adobe Flash

Which of the following statements about CAN-SPAM is not true?

CAN-SPAM prohibits unsolicited e-mail (spam).

________ refers to the ability to ensure that messages and data are only available to those authorized to view them


All of the following are online communications that are used to support the evaluation of alternatives stage of the consumer decision process except:

targeted banner ads.

Which of the following is based on the idea of complete price transparency in a perfect information marketplace?

the Law of One Price

Next generation firewalls provide all of the following except:

the ability to automatically update applications with security patches.

PCI-DSS is a standard established by which of the following?

the credit card industry

Which of the following is an example of an integrity violation of e-commerce security?

An unauthorized person intercepts an online communication and changes its contents.

________ typically attack governments, organizations, and sometimes individuals for political purposes


Which of the following is an example of an online privacy violation?

your online purchasing history being sold to other merchants without your consent

Creating multiple variations of information goods and selling these to different market segments at different prices is called:


Apple Pay uses near field communication (NFC) chips.


Which of the following search engine algorithm updates enables Google's search engine to evaluate an entire sentence rather than just a key word?


A Trojan horse appears to be benign, but then does something other than expected.


Which of the following statements about the Internet's impact on marketing is not true?

The Internet has decreased the impact of brands.

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